.1 , 'Ji.','V 'i:'"!r: 1 , mm ..r.;r-- m l r .- ... Mr ' V r; r : ;r- 7 MA sv . .a-M- ' - .1 - - -I i mm m for Infants M Oaatoria Isso well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any proscription known xo. me. '' H. a.' Anonin, M IL, , -m So. OxfordSt. , Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria Is so Universal and its merits so veil known tliat it somis a work of niplrerogatioa to endorse it. Few aro tho Intelligent famiUea m Uo do not Uoup CasUinu within easy reach.1 . " Carlos UrTvs, P. !., Now York Cny. " The Or.sTAi n ' IJKFOLK, HEWBERH WASHINGTON , BISECT LIE. Four Trips Each Week, 'f'v,;' In order to make mto convenient and 'V' Mo&omtoal use or lue vhssuis now bni ployed :V ':'-' in Um North O&roliaa srvlod, and thus to j'lfv-Better Seive the Interests of SLippirs, I V?V' " tha Clyde Line nod Old Damlalon Miom ; ' I''''"'; lilp Company have fionclujail 1. 1 mere ''$,lf' IbBlr r6sp60tlvs Hqos beiweuu KewlMMn. N. tif ' O.. nd Wotfolk. Va,. lnlo one lino, iiiuk !lv 'C 1 m paHseugera and.trucli NlitppttrB our ttipn : "--ir.- : acn Detweon nvDoin ana aujioik dlreot. jU ;. i. NO ADVANCK IN HATES. ( " . On and ajrtar MONOA Y. MAY ..i li. l 2. ! ' '" "5 ontU farther notloH, tu .' ite&sn HBWBBftSE. Rapt 5oel!ig.ig, . -.. . AM. limit E30L4, Gi.pt Brys. j - f Will iall from Norrolfe, f.,r Ni w n.-n. dlraot, avery Monday, Tiiislii?. 'murt iy J ano vriaay. a..ai , uibkiik onnci-iittn wiin . ibe Atlautlo and Norih :nr"ilnn i:i:!rm), aud tlia water line, uu ellbL nv,t 'lit'nl rivera. Keturnlog, will sail HIO M.v;iiKlt WOH NORFOLK, Va Tuesdayr.Yi I'.ii.-uj" aod Friday at P.M., and ou t'atntdaj ff i,t T f.ld making connection at Koi: wltu The Old bay bine, for Ililtluioro. 'I'tie Clyde Line, for Philadelphia, The o;d Dominion Hleam.hlp Co., for Mew York. '1'iie Mer Wiante' and Miners' Line f.)i- I'r.r.iii.-noc uad Boston, and The Water Lines far Wusriiiik:- oa, D. o.. ana uioumomi, vn., uuis giving ' an all water route for Truck to nil Mirthcrn and Baatern polite. Alia oonneollon mode with t Uf I', a O. B. H , and M, A W. It K for ilia V i. IhB Steamer STOUT, Gift-tin i'mi, Will tall from Norfolk. Va.1 every Tha.6iliy A.M. for Boanoke Is and. Wtsnlntin.a ai.d Bearberu. ffaaengera w-11 find a Knotl thle, comfort able roouis. aud ererv courtesy and alien tlou wll.1 he paid them ly i.liu i ili i rs Order All goort, oait! of M. N.A V. Ii'.iect Llue. I-orf ilk, Va. 4. H. JHA V. At. nt TBI. O, 331 " Eastern Carolina Dispatch. ' Katt Fauenger and rteght Line between iCatlern North Carolina Points, and all con neetloi s o: tho F X?IN8VLVAHIA RAILKOAO,' IHCLCDINO New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, llal llntore and Boston. n OMLY Trl-Weekly Line Out of Hew Berne. THK NKW AND RLKUANTLY HllUll'l'ED BTKAMEtt Halls from New Heruo HON DAYS, WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS. at i.ao r.ivr., . Stopping at HoaaoKe Island caoli way sad forming elose eonaeotlon with the ' .-- Norfolk foatliero ltailroad. " The Kastern Dispatch Line, consisting of , the Wilmington H. tt. Oo., Norfolk Southern ! it. B New York, Till la. and Norfolk It. K.. . and Pennsylvania K. H., form a reliable and ' . (scalar line, offering superior facilities for : f uiok passenger ana ireignt iransiioriaiion, . No transfer exeept at Kllzahelu City, at whleh point freight will be loaded on cars to : go through to destination, . xfireei ail goous o oe snippea yia eastern - , ' Oarollva Ulspath daily as follows: - From New York, by Penna, K. It., rior 27, - North Hirer. -; ' ' From Philadelphia, by Phlla., W.'.and Baito. " R. B., UockHt.Htatlon. From Baltimore, by Phlla., Wllnd Balto. :v, B. R., President Ht. Blallon. . 'Prom Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R. R. ; From Boston, by Merchants 4 Miners Trars . portatlon Co.; New York aud New KngUnd 6 " AK. 1 4 ; ., - -Rtetaslow.andtime quloksr lhanby : i lf Brother line. For further Information apply to P, K. K.) eenetal Trattio Agent, ' Oao. 'BTKPnaNS, Division freight Agent, ' P. W,sB R.B., Philadelphia. B. B, Cookb, Oen'l Freight Agent., N. Y. , P. AN. B. B., Norfolk; Va. , ' B. C. HcixiiNS. General Frelght'Agent N,'a' . a, Norfolk. Va. : - KO. HBSDERflON, Agent. ..i ,. . ' h , New berne, N. C. rlm TUC AMCDirAM nib mukiu win RAMBLER Is the BKHT WU1EKL OX TH8 MABKBT IhU year. tbs eomtdnstion of UMoflebratedO. J. PneiunaUo Tin and ' . a m , m h . ftprliur Frame mams rMing on It slaxmy. , TUT IT ANO B OONVINOKO. 0ni for lllustratud Cltalogua, OORBULLV . . a iEFFCRT wrt co., Waifelagtoa, 0. 0, )-- Cru nd lTri-Marksobtidnd,eiadall feS lOum o-nrr is o-poarrt ej. 8. Patent OrncKf and we n ur patent la lsM Una (MO liltfM S 5rrmrK Jfom W aahlngtoiw S isrud tnocMT, drawing pnwo., witn aetvmfVf noa. - w aoTMs. 11 picnimD. or not, ireo 01 I duBrtrA. Our Im not dua till imtent is lamrad. A pAMHtrT, How to Obtain rHtoots," withf com 01 muno in ins u b. uu hiwd wubuim acui lioo, AddreML, . C.A.GrJOVV&CO. ciw. lTrNT Omct, Wasmihoton, o. 0. i If DKe-iarri p.1 i-ivt a ( Minaj t (' t)i,: i lii rtwrttffc, i b.V t'T anj Wi'h '--rC"" no lnnoa ' -k1. ' ii- ii mm '. and Children. Castoria euros Colic, Constipation, Bour Stomach, DiarrhcBO, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For anveral yoors I liavo recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always enntiaup to do no us it bus invariably produced beneficial results. M Kdwik P. Pardee, M, P., U'.ih Sirm uhd 7lh Ave, Now York City. Oomi'avy, '7 Mikhay STHKitr, NkW Yont CnT. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF arbleWorks NEW BERNE, N. C. RalUn tmi AsnnUan itarkb ttnd afi Ordvi eoUclted and (Itcs prompt at tention, fcitl tatisfmcUoa gaara&teed. Tsrra Ttaer r tain sac nvvsn lv-ulted al Us very lei. tat rates. HUMPHREYS' This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and HEALIN'G APPLICATION. IthasbeCn used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Tiles External or Internal, Ulind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Weeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certaiq. For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nippies. It is invaluable. 1'iicc, 50 Ccnti. Trial 25 fYnts. 8ill by nruff-ll., or ..nt po.t-p.ld on reclpi of prlr., in siuiKif.' sin. (ti., 1 iis 1 is mitua si., irtw Tom. WITCH HAZEL OIL Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles o( Uoota and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing a Specialty. N. AEPEN, Craven stiest. opposite Journal office. GEO. HENDERSON. ItsnnsshHns Tumm.u nm...rfnf4 Apertcsv af ladelpUa. 7 v Uoma Iareraoee Company, af tt YornV 8a!fIJ.B,S.'5DO. 00,11 p'i EriaA : IlMtfoi Iuaranoe CompM, a. skai(KtUu MM IuvUM Cm?.1 Oresowlta .ZinruM CmpuTt bnraaee Compaay, ef BreeUym, UBlonrrltri lasara&ce Cotmpan, Boitaa Ktrla Iarwranoe OeaasaT, UBS. J. M. HIKES' Boarding House -REOPEN ED. - Uu J. II. JUNES ha wopae4 Fint-Chui Boardlnf Hoots) la the city, ppoiito Baptilt Church, , ' TIlq Flancer liHoiliiiMi, . J. M. HINE3. Agent 1,000 Cenutn Tyler Curtain Desks t nn 14 Net Spot Cash. ' ' Wo. AntKii0k Kwnanrd Tyler Sfvein. lulls by UI1. Via. kl.h. Hire st,(l llnsl I'riKtf.Klne Mottniii snder drftwxrat pntrnlt Rrsw llnwl ( aitelni I'ollnhiMl Unk! ViniM n thtei STiira blvr lKki nnehmk ewnrtrif sll dreweTsi I hesv CHntfMMira Piling uolflSl CMplxxtnl In end r.n.led r'tiit.fivd Dnoki Kxtenslua Arm ptlifyn; XVrlirhl SOU Ike. l"rlx P. O. It. at Faetory, - Also I.OOO Antlaua Ash Desks. Ke. 4oa, fairness siHTe,o.copt ninit ot nntlo AntKluo Axb. ffuod M Oiik. WeticM JU4K IbS' Price F.U.U.aSFaetnrr, tai Nrt. bhlppuc from our InlhiniiMllii fnotrr direct. Made and Hols Siil.lr brtli. TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, Mo, .l"Oa,.0.t.lo.u,.rn.k Count.r., DmI .MiMOwlua Hnvvr vilni4, bo... I. poat.., Umim, EES j I r, Is24. THE JOUKKAL. A S0S6 OF COURAUK. F. h STANTON Brt bravo, my soul ! ThruKb. (ii arouid tlieu (iul.tiUK faut Wi uld dr.vo Iheo from the liald at limt, B : trave I the struggle soon is past, And then the promised goal ! My soul, be strong 1 Though great temptation hover ne r And hard may seem tho cio to bear, There ia a jewel in each tear, In every sigh a Bong ! My ecu', be true ! Though o tbs sbfine of truth the bluze Sheds in the dark its dying rays. Keep thou tby vigil ! in the wuya The angel walks with you. My soul, atsnd fast ! A little while with haltiDg f,et To tread '.he thorn paths sootohed with heat, Whoie trsaipli d hearts must bleed and -eat! A little whik- nd then the sweet Rest of thy Lord at last '. The Jieed of Faith. As much .as wo may talk about doctrine, doctrinal sermons, formulated statements of belief and work for Christ, tho erreat need of this age, both in tho church aud out of the church, is faith in Christ as a personal Savior and helper of man. There is more lnlluelity in the churches than the most of us are aware of, for all profes sed Christians aro not ncn in faith. If faith were in the hearts of all those who profess tolovo tho Christ there would not bo so much ungodliness and indifference among church members as now exist. Iho faithless ones are burdens which tho church is carrying at a great disadvantage. How does it hannen that some members of churches in good standing, so far as the world can see. when vexed by small matters manifest their indigna tion by storms of profanity wholly unbecoming those who wear the Holv name of the Redeemer? What is the cause of this satanic outburst, this poisonous breathing from the Dit? Not faith, but the lack of faith. When one has a living faith in his heart tho effect is seon in his words, in his actions, in his whole life, for tho whole person is under tho influence of Christ, and such a resu'tas men tioned abovo is absolutely impossible Bad peoplo with faith in Christ do not exist, Bad people are those without ft genuino faitli which works ly love, whithout Christ without happiness that is real, whithout hopo concerning tho life to come whoso leader and deceiver is tho god of this world, who blinds their eyes and leads them in tho way of darkness, wretchedness and death. How can any one beliovo on the Savior and at the same time follow another master? If we believe on Christ wo will follow him; and if wo do not follow him it is because we have no faith in him. Tho faith in Christ which some profess, who walk in darkness, is a dead faith, a faith without works, and can not profit them cither in this life or the life to come. Can you, doar rcador, believe on Christ and do that which you know wounds tho causo of Christ, grieves tho Master and jeopardizes your eternal salva tion? 1 he end ot siu is deatn, aud no one can escape this inovitable nonalty who walks continually in tho way of the ungodly. All such aro deceiving them selves if they think they aro the children of God, for they are out of tho reach of heaven, and tho atoning blood of tho Lamb of God can do them no good. Thero is absolutely no hopo for any human being who knows ot Christ, of tho oxceeding sinful ness of sin, of eternal punish ment, and then deliberately and willingly -walks in tuo way ot death. Such.an one is faithless reckless, hopolesasraDXi blnd to his own happjfiesB and eternal Interests. . There is much of what may be denominated parrot religion in tho world to-day. ,. It is seen in tnd-regalia, the genuflections, the"- soulless senseless xnouth ings and mumblings of that which the would-bo worshiper does not understand, and the bowing to images in which there is no life and no help. How much faith in Christ has all this army of sycophant worshipers? They have not learned the first principles of the doctrine of Christ, and they beloncr rather to some popular church, priest or preacher than to Christ. They have no intelli gent life-giving faith in Christ, and it is nob possible that they should bring any fruit to perfec tion A. i Eaith In Christ of the genuine mould always results in convic- tion-and v produces men and women of principle and makes heroes in the struggles of life. such as will always overcome in the. name of Christ. A true faith bogotteaby the Gospel of Christ moves men and women to noble" action and inspires them with courage to do the right ' under all circumstances and conditions, of life. It has caused Christians to burn &t the stake rather , than , , deny their Lord and Master. -On account of their' faith In Christ many 'Christians have been thrown : to wild beasts for the amusement of a wicked populace, to be imprisoued and . to suffer violent deaths in mauv : ways. All these have enjoyed the victory of faith in death, and it has given them the crown of life. The crown of eternal rejoicing will be given to nil, those who believo on Christ and, live for him even to the end of! the ages when sin shall he over- j thrown and Christ shall he all i in all. Ex. The need of a parfeotly safe and al- j ways reliable reuiddy for tho peculiar! diatnaea of summer n univAreal. Asa, remedy for the household, olliae, on the farm, on shipboard and for fr vol-1 era by Imd am. eea, Winkvltnaon'e , Diarrhoea and f'bolera Remedy hn proved ii inestimable worth in the' prompt reliof er.d i i:io of al! diao.'tiers : originating in t'.e .tomach and di.ea-1 live atfm, m.ch ta Lholera. CboierB ! Morbus, Diarrhoea, CretEpa etc. S-V-. vioonbln under all conditions. :w-vs ready for u?e, acd perfectly aif Prioe 53. nt all drugsitn. juut4d&w1y. You can't tell how big u iu.ui is until you find nt vbxre hn In llaence is going to s?o;. Shiloli's Consumption l'i;;c. This ia beyond iiuo.-titn the must aucoesaful Cough Medicine wu have ever aold, a few do.-ns invariably cure tho woml c of Ccngh.f'rOttp 'nd i IJrobohilis, .'di!t' ita '.vi.ae:Ia; euueas in the cure of t-'oneumnion is without a parallel in the hintory of medioine. I Sinos its first discovery it hns been aold on a guarantee, a test which no other ; medicine can utand If you hav a cough we Ofirnoiitly n. It you 10 try it. Price 10c , TiOe, sod fl. If your lungs are sore, chest , or bi'k lame, uio Hhi loh's Poroua Plaster. 8o!d by Now ! Berne Drug Co As our moans increase, so do our desires, and we over stand mill way betw eon the two The Flint Step. Perhaps yon arn run down, lau't t-iit ; can't aleop, eun't think, can't do anyihiu to your BatiRlticliori. ;md o:i wonder v. hut . ailgyou. You s'imuM Ip-nd the warning you are tailing the lirm into Nervo-is Prostration. -m need c iwrve tnnio ami in Electric Bitters j ju m !! ''m ' ibe esuct ' remedy for restoring y.t'ir in rvus tyKteiu to its normal, healiiiv condition. Sir-1 prising results follow the use of this reut Nerve Touic and Altcrttivn. Your appe tite returns, good digestion is restored, and the Liver and rCidw-ys roHuuic heultiiy action. Try a bottle. Price f(Jc. at 1'. h. Duffy's drug store. A thankful man owes a courtesy ever; tho unthankful but when he needs it. KurOvtr Kilty lea.s Mrs. WiN3Low 's Soothing Svhci' has been uted for children teething. It aoothos the child, softens the gums, illaje all pain, curea wind colio, and ii the best remedy for IMnrrl. ua. Twenty 'ivd cents a bottle. Bold by all drug gists throughout the world. jsnOd&wlv SfilSON & SATURDAY NICHT TICKETS ROUND TRIP A. A X, C. STATIONS TO M0REHEA1) CITY.) Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad.! Passes iicu I)F.r.iiTMi;NT, 1 Nkw IIkkx, N. C, Msiy 30th, 1 '., To Auitts A. A: N. C. II. Ii. Hpeclul rulM of fare i Hason of Jio.ir tl Trip, from Hlutlm. unuu-il ht ltw id Mure head City, lu tifiecl Juim lat, I mo. Htntloni. Spbhoti. !oliih4)i( ; i i ii MesL'a :i lot lirurgo ;i KallliiK Ch k i KillHUfi .hi Oiifiwpll : 1-l-VvT j 7 Core Creek J 7u TuRcarora New Bern Klvenlnlu i ; , Croat an 1.7 llavelock .ih Newport i Wlldwood s. 1.. S. l. STI i t-i i -. I Ml I I' I.J Generar FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Ao-ent, NEW BERNE. N. C. THK BEST THING IN THE UNITED STATES for One Cent 18 TUB PHILADELPHIA RECORD ! $4 per year, Daily. $3 per year, omitting Sundays ro THE FARMER AUD TBI BUSINESS MAN. RECORD HAS' I'',. gt'NQ EQUAL. Atlantic and jN. G. Sailroad. rAsssaaicn Dei-art .:cm, Kw llem, N.C.. ly :o- ' i-: 'i(. etnll A. 4 N. C K It : I'ur.'Utt met of fnra, Ropi- ' rai, Mi. isb"n of IKKii from i:.i;i.-.n a-..---in .'. in t'Olnlb iisnii'L! on uv. a iv '..).. Tick -ts on sale Jnne 1st, lh-r!. to HeH die IK1--, luetnsive. Uood tor return .:.is.in(i u or li;. -re Oct. 'list 181)2. 1 - o s Oll.-Ji l.r. !! i '1. ID To Hickory. N. (.'. Moriianton, N. (!. Old Kort Black M m n ; ' AshnvlUe Hoi Kpiings " vj ; r li. in iT l'i IUi.- lt all oiher iehri in Wmtnrn .'i.- f Cnrollna or Virginia in hs furnlsin-d upon iii'liat;on. fJhUdri-n wnd. r iivo i -i'-,m r.e, froe. cltlliiitii i'v. . ni.c lwt.lv,, (12) yrore or u;c-, oiie-ua.. in -blu.ve aunied tales. H. I.. 'IM I., ii I .i Atlantic and N. 0. Railroad, PIMKKNUKK UKI'. ''.'I'M KV: . Ni;W Meru. .'J.t;-. .Vfiv :n I,. CIIlt'l'l.AH li: .-iI!S A A N . C. 11. I.'. -i.t-cln: rati- of l-'i.r,-, 'A.,n ' rrif . ;. ll.ctl.JirJK one tik-ji.I.l; .'.iiiimhi. ; . . .K:inra to Hi, mt-eilii,; .11 , n- (vni 1 ll;i;i Ve'tolierH ssinnly ;i inrr!ii-i.: " In ,:lofi June iMli, I'll i;i V on saiii J u j,j Ii 1.1 tnij:'.!li s!ve. UmlliHl loa eontlninMih 1 i.h.Mii.-i ':i -ik-I ii:ri:Ot;on, will, lliuil Mro:L .0 rw.c-' j.i.y 1' M ti.e lubi vn. Koui'-.l 1'T'p. lnoin Jr-- I1. Lbrslllfi iImIIb; (jo.i:ai)(.ro U'?StS i.tt trTHrlge Jv uu Um . . CumwoII U)vr ('ofe(!reoh Si 1 ! . TuJOHr.. I 10 1 t'n-iitu:. !! j Nt-w V"i I ... . ;J I V 1)-,: No tlcfettw to bn u stul uu th in (tccrtyM? tll-Hl MlHHCIiHrri' A"Miltl; 'I'U'.'Lb. . S-I, 1J1,L,(3. f CommisBioricrs' (Sale ill. I r l!y vlriur of u juiltnont vt 'hi- Sj,-i"mii . lloiti t for t In- county ol Ui hvi ii, ruiuir-iuU j.f 1 Hi" May Term, lh'Jj, 1 hliKli is C;mn:)'t..'r I iiiTmt for sa!o at 1'vtMle nilu', m ih Omri ; lituioo iu Uu? oily ot Ni'v ii iin , t i t ... it,. n ; M , "ii TLc.i.luy tho ah .,f July, i -ii. u.o 1 toll'. w hit,; dencillmd House unci !.cl in i . -tiily of New Burni', on ".ivoiM Ltitt i, h"', K pM I l ' t WO l.)tb hllOWU 1M lll) II 7t ; '.).. ell y uf Ni w hi-i nt)Hf .Noh, ( th and 0, ori;.-:-nliiu ut Cit - fiiier i:- Jubt ij(-nt'o.i ; -..i ' itiiii tut No. ( lin Ni':v io;i I'lioet, r-i.i'.Mip lluwii'i' uloi.i; buli: nivn. imrtuwrl , . .---, Il.i'ui'r wi.it li tHiiu t . illiti I'n'r n . I 1 utii:i t lnl.-r, -rir l! ' Lu.- el .v , iiii'iiiie aloiit.; Hit- :inr rf ; hut .o: : norinv vni i i iu j i.i No. i " . ilie Ullt f( Bald lol to l!n !'0.;!iiiili -(.;. t. .h-'.i lllfi OliU- ItMll I ll ill ft'l (; -1 iiilll-.'.if :irj. T' rtro-'d hIh. f.: .i . !'. i il.x KA, J UliC 1, H2. , . 1 1( ' Ii'" Judicial 8a ie. I'niUir a decree ot Nai.l, i:.-.i m -' f. rend.rdd at Spring Icrin..- . in -.i, , i' acllou piilllied . 1 . liu-; iu .r . .. Inn, I. Klllibreu- anil .il,if, i!: B'L'l'i'd will Hull fur ohf I., iu 1; I'.i. '.i. ri', ii, al Ilie Court ll'inse i'oi-i in , l,. , m . on Monday, Aug. 1st. IX" i i .vti, ( If.ntl lylliK lu Hie .-intnly of (. I i.vi i.. n,! ... ,, 1 1UK (,t- lands of Tdiu. li. M:ilii..i, ....l oliiitrN, conlftlnlnu 1 2 a'-r. ji iii-uw r im, kliov.n a O.u I.ouIb Moyi- .. I . convened hy Ino :. K-::! r-v :,:n! v ',. ; lnls Moye. by dend rfcoriii d ii. i in . .-n. 'n ' Bool! M . kl paire U "i. I)nt..d ie -a, IStlX J..'. .IAOOB BATTl.t. I' mo:ii!i..m. r. (iREATMAi,.rO.- The Century's I'l'Oifraiiiiiu in 1 a Now "Life of Coliimhus"- Artirl' lot Funnrrs. !c. THAT great Amorican ;-iiiw!u-i. The Century, is going to o'.i.-io 1 own unrivaled reuord m itr, programme for 1 s!2, a;nl as ipiinj ' of its nev features ben;;'! wi'.Si the November nuner, tew r.'.uli-rt should commence with ili.it iisui In this number lire th.' ojn-nuig chapters of 'The :;aulaLb:i. ' a uovel be Uudyard Jvipiiuj; tl.: famous author of 'I'lain Talt:, Iron; the Hills," written in collaboiution i with an American writer, W'oloottl UaU-ritier. It ia the story of a yurii;;' man and a youn' woinun Irm: u "btioming" Uolorailo towij. v i ;. to India, he in Search 0 a v, oinU 1f.11 ' jeweled necklace, called "thuj Naalalika" (from which (he htoij ' takes its name), and hhe a.i a, physician to women. Thy novo)! describes their remarkable adven-l tures at the court of an Indian j maharajah. liesides th;, The! ( 'entury will print three other novela . during the year, and a great unmier j of short stories by the LlyI Atneri 1 can story -writers. The well-known humorist IMar ' W.Nye ("Bill Nye") is to write a1 series of amusing skerehes whii.li! he calls his "autobiographies," tliei lirHt one of which, "The Autolnog raphy of a Justice of tho Peace," is I in November. This number aluo! contains a valuaple and suggestive article on "The Food-Supply o( the ! Future,'' w hich every farmer should read, to be followed ly a number i of others (if oreat rraotical Value! to Farmers, treating especially ol the relations of the Government toj the farmer, what it is doing ami what it should do. This series will! include contributions from ofiireitl of tho Department of Agriculture,! and other well known men wiil din j cuhs "The Farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation," etc., etc. A celebrated Spanish writer is to : furnish a "Life of Columbus,"; which will he brilliantly illustrated, ' nd the publishers of The Century I have arranged with the managers' of the World's Fair to print articles j on tho buildings, etc, j One ol the novels to appear in 18!2 ia A story of New vorit Life by the author of "The Anglomac iaes," and the magazine will contain a great deal about the metropolis during the year, among other things a series of illustrated articles on "The Jews in New York." In November is an illustrated doscrip tion of "The Players, Club," found ed by Edwin Booth, and oneof the features ot the splendidly illustrated Christmas (Deoembor) number is an artiole on "The Bowery.". To got The Century send the yearly subscription price (94.00) to The Century Go,, Union Square, New York N. T. J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. On.' dentist, ' XPsrmanenUy locsuo. I J SBWBXBN, M.O. a vm wonniimva ror Vil 11 C tisJ the animation ol teelh wltboat osln. wu 80 dwlf . Offlr la Hotel Albert. . I'. U i;-.l'i fair J!ii:..i.' i-. ! '!') '.'or, .citei ou col.'j-wiHin ol uVj.;u:ui li. I' .(.' J...,.l.'i..l !u:ei'''',!inii.jai . .-. ia it d: li aud .:" :i. iiiih jj, k u a,.-,, ; ,. . :;, 1.. :,; (.1 V,i ill's ; , . ' .a.-iil:;-j. ! .:(.. ;i:r.. .-.v.. ' . ,e OOUlSIHti.. ' :Ui Willou-. i' :, V'.'ilsol,, " 1 : .:, ,1.: . ,, llilrl CiiJr,'!.' lllB Jl'p'irti!U ! t .;i Kicll Hflil I .- ht.; .(;: . 1 ; :u t::...(i;i- . . .',; ,;, 4. r. : fil'llt. . ( l.;!i ':i: Jf':. . ;.. ' : ... , i,i.L, Cov.i'r ,.; ,.: . r i 1 ;:,ii'j',; 1. ! I. ; ... 1 , .,1 . . '.i.c: ii. 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U4 1! :1 rslllUK Crrek .'i '.il 5 ;(0 KiHHton 4 :fi ft ( 0 l.'asHrll 4 CO ;lii a in . f,7 7 SO 7 48 5 11 6 b0 ti 1 l'i 7 a 1 7 Ml M 0 H Ml S 18 10 O'J Lioi-er 8 ?3 8 4(i 10 81 lUiiS Core C reeM 2 :4 B 1)0 11 00 111 Tuorora a 'M 8 1J0 11 17 11 41 Oiaik s 3 113 19 ID 15 H 00 NewtK-m 10 i)3 1110 8 87 8 42 Kivvrdaie 0 41 tt 46 8 50 Oroatan V 28 9 VIS 4 lit Ilovulock 8 tiV 9 04 4 i'i Newport 17 8 27 4 t)5 Wild wood BOO 8 0(5 6 01 Atlsntio 7 47 7 f2 5 21 Morehoad City 7 17 7 27 6 38 Atlantic Hotel 7 06 7 10 pin Mnrihad Depot am 7 00 8 48 4 08 4 37 4 61 6 01 5 Id 6 28 6 81 Mouilay, Wednesday and Friday, tl'uesdar, TUuisilar au.i Saturday. Train Meonnseu with Wilmington a Wei don. Train brand .North, ieavinn Oolilmwio 11:60 . m., a.id with Hlnhmnnii it l.iivlUs Train West, leaving Ooldsbore i:W p. nt. Train tt soaseeu with Rlctamoca & Duvllls Trals,rrlvln( stfold.bero3:fie p.m .and with Wllmlnston ana WslAua Train from ths Borth at il.m. Train I eonneota with Wllmlnsior and Wsldon Tbroagn Krelsbt Train, Korth nonnl; leaving Goldsboro at 8: p.m. 8. L. Dill Trie mmmm house. 0 v 0 . N : ' :.t'KOPKAN j . , ' I Per Vny ! '.'iWArtb. I o 1 ' ii'r::'i x c noi'SE ' tt 1 1 . c: t : near all ele ri 1 '. "r :e:(-p. prl nclplo places .1..1 .tii';.- rcu.ll ktores. 'r I. Home with ttie addl- ; . 0 r. . . ii : - f' -i of tho TiAtro;ollB - .-. VI' liOVeK. . .?. 1. ,v itilh St... r. v v, V fk, .M. V v -ivii 1'OWEK. 7rar. :-m . i.a 'ii. iiviiu-, X. N. 0. '.'.1 .) ridiwr. Cililo i liiniy ('jiKT, i-ieals of The . . .t .o.- j '-jZ, which , in to touch ' .;:vs. i in liction "-' ,tnal, sen, i , ,;..- uteri es. :: k Win e. iary Catherine t'..: I.Htiaui.ibed '' ' a wide t .'.ii, i.u.ilut'KH, '1; .. 1 , ' '). Write, Ivailniiy Lite, vV..ii-.s Pair, :.:i, 1.1 Kee ... A.-..ie, are ' ' . r. 011 ' - Vamli ' ' '". i a. UI -- -I..".- !. ' '. I . ''. ' fl'illfoi'l . .: -. . - , u i.( me ii ii,' ii-(..ie ! e i-,:r a,;e - - . ' . ; i .- ..!...u I ;: .N o -li. tfii ii in mi- " '' 'I SI'' '- '! .. iht -." , n H !.. t-.l THJ ' . Ai'V I.Pue . I t p. . t 1 , 'I i t I 1 I a . .r : k ! I.t -M 1 1 1 Ml - - I ' " - .r.-Kl 1 1 '.'Hi I H. i 1 ' I ..-.ft ; I. 1. t-i 1;... i- " -1 i t. i n -ii rsnl, tilsi.sj HOP. I-- t ttyiA Baft .'.''.THE. - - '- 1 ' 1 ! 1 ! rnn , j 1 Hfl 1 i ' ' i.'i.lMiH'cr ii 1 1 lie r- ' I ". 1 ' - r. 1 y k1 b ' . 1 ' ' : : . pit-Main luivlDK ' 1 1 . ' 1 '.. t-ulii b;di;ar ' ' ' 'r- I ' 1 ' "I,, Hi,- ftUlJ Hll- ! ' n'titud, lor jay- ' ' 1 ilny uf J nut-, '. . : Of 1 ;'Uiltd in .-'.rs'-c must jiay '.- ;.K31H(N1 .) (liiilotrrttnr Sale, '.JAIV.I.II .-I'l'tr. 1m,(,-i1 tn 1 mi. t r ('m:t i uf t'tHVfii J I'll t IlTlUf.l k. j ' Kf. din. 1 ttlhll, ' . ' : . nt ir (Tourt Moiike . . .h: n ,'irCit. M , sell to '.: !.t ' I'U'.ii.; Auction. nil Iho " i : (; t -o xttlU Mariin Jack- i ". " k roitl Htuu, In ui r.. .if Ui. ! ntr t'oro (Tet'lt . .ii, uuty. on ihe Atlimiln :-., t..! iC.l.lDK ll6 luUil Of T.J i V" H. i.h.-n toundeiI on i .iiia mi. ilrt, "JuitftluluK cr I -lu. A N ' I'" . ' T' rn . ..H i. . IV.'.' . I-.- t-i urty .: ' M,. .. V M . II. LANK. Hlierltl of Cruveii oounty. Tha WorM'sFalrr iii.t.r ;.i.u .iiiiid t viHtt the World's t.. : ti 1m i ir not you Wit) wunt k i of II fio.ii liio iJuKliilllhg, Huoh ft iiu,t. i v in I. i ti .n uiKKUi Jceutly prvMuled by The Exposition GrapMc, rrl.nii.l lu lnsilli. Ii.rman, French and riianlsti. T.i I'mt nnmbor or thlsgreat qnarterly e.litl.iii nf Tne 14 riii.h tn , 1 uat Issued, contains VI, wu of All the 1'riiiuiuul huildlngs Irom 'illli 'ii. iltli(n ;tlm Administration, Fine Aits, MainitHotun(i, Msherles, Mlnsa and Mining AKiiouUnriil KulldlnsS and every, iliinx .'Isp. to dat), I'oriralta of i lie Principal Ollliwis of li," Commission and lllreetory. Views ot the 1'rlnelpal Ultles of America, fiill-panii HottraiU of l'rosldent H.rrlson antl Mnoretsry Ulalue. aud a superb triple. ibk Blrd's-ICye View of the Hxpositlon iiroiinds aud Hulldlnsa fiom designs by Vba llui-eau ,f tonslruotlon. You will want a oopy for yourself and Is Y ' eral for your friends. v . 62 I'ait.s, with Hu prle men t. Tbs fines puDlloatlon In America. . Oo not fall to send for a oopy br ask von Newsdealer for It. Prtoe okcia, (with order k Sulwnrlptlon one year, J, ' ' , THK ullAP)ll(j-"Tha phenomenal mn. , coss of lllust auxt weeklies la th world's ' fair out." All the principal surrsuteTsnu Onely lllmtrnted. Tha Buoet domplsta. I he miist popnlar.and SIKveiher lae most val uable llluslrstad weekl. Ask yonr news dealer for It. or sddreee th pnbUsnara Bah. sotipiloo, one year, f 1.00. . ' r . . . , jrtfxisg. - a" - An .ai wanted In srery town nt . :3'v; '"V ' i. 'v i 1 it V r 'i I