r Daily HE OL. XL-NO. 84 NEW BERNE, N. C Fill DAY, JULY 8, 189: FKICE 5 CENTS. J OURN -BUSINESS LOCALS. WAVERt,Yand OOOPBR'M Woiks (or Sale sc a Bargain. Eiht sod Tea Volumes each. Nc , hhidaomely bound, and large clear print. j83i SEWING neatly di.iu, by Mm. S H. Coward Uuderwaro and child ren' dot h en a specialty. Cor. Pollot k and Eden streets. juni-Stf. HTJNYADI Jnoe Midi ml Wstor, the best Natural njierii.rii.. Tor ib1h by Jab. Usdmond. RD. V. JONES, Intu in r.D.irne cf the prescription dpitrlmont of Pelham's Pharmacy, A hitiMe, N 11 , has opened a Preccrip.ion l'.'u X:..ro next to custom houM. hUi.,.i:i o.ir m given to the selection of ;t-i.ml.u !, for prescription use only. 'i nc patron age of the pnblio is solicited. m) 29 J JURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by Jab Redmond. DUFF Oordon Imported Sherry, for sale by J as Redmond. DO you need a Crush Hat. Good 0NB8, LATE 8I1ADES at rn20 Baurinqton & Baxteb'b. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke's Baas' Ale and Burke's Guinneea' Stoat, for eale by Jas Redmond. FOR SALE Colea' box or ward robe lounge ia a perfect lounge by day and perfect bed by night, and you can put away as much oiotbing or otner articles as in the average wardrobe. You oan get three articles for llio price of one. No extra chargo for packing or shipping Mrs. Dr. Talmige. wife of tlio cele brated preaoher, says these loumtes ar very, very nioe. Prioe InOreton, $10, $12, Raima $18. 14, Raw Bilk, $20, $25. Silk Brooatello, 825. 830. Terms 10 per cent, discount cash with order or half with order balance CO days. ALFRED COLEi. Qraod and Myrtle Avenims, Brooklyn, N. Y. AAA CIGARS at very low I OeUUU figures to wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jab. Richmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY used very much in the nick room. For sale by Jas Hkdmosd. tjMVE Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoes for children, 10, 121 and 15 cools per pair. BIO IKE, MI8U, 8ACRAMESTAL, PORT and SCUPPERNONO WISES for salo by Jas. Reimond. DUFFY 8 MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal use. for sale by jan26 Jas. Redmond. I CALVIN SCIIAFFER'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for throat and lung dis ease, for sale by Jas. Redmond. The Homeateail lockout threat ena to lock out tbo man in the White House. Frinck Bismarck einpbatiually denies that he has attacked Em peror William- Tnx weather is hotter, every body feels better bu'. there in no better on Harrison. AN effort is being made to form a fusion between the Democrats and Third party in losvu. Mr, Campbell, of Chicago, de clines the chairmanship of the Ite . pnblioan National committee. The Volks Zeitnng says the German Government was abound ing revelations about Bismarck. Six thousand Sioux Indiana aie holding a Oatholic congress at the Obey enne ageucy in S mth Da kota.. MiTK boxes are to be put in every Alliance hall in the country for contributions to the Polk me morial fnnd. , 7 French Anarchists at a meeting Sunday passed a resolntiou to blow op the Mount Brison prison and resona Ravachol; WKAVER the candidate of the People's party for IVnsiJeut is the boss South hater lie nayt-: A Southern reb 1 aiui-lla wort-e than a pole oat. Tax person in the Government servioe who can handle money with the greatest rapidity is a woman. Many husband will readily believe this. Courier Journal. Thkrb Is groat diversity of opin Ion among Kansas Democrats rs k wnat course to pursue as to a State ticket. All agree in support ing the reoples' party electoral ticket. MB BtkVBNSON, Democratic Candidate for Vice President was the Fourth of July orator at Peoria, III. The World publishes the ora tion. It Is an excellent patriotic address with no politic in it. Col. Pkck, the leader, of the -Third party In QeorgiaTniTlfs probable candidate for Governor, is dying. lie wa oat riding Tues day wa thrown from his buggy, bis spine injured and oomulete- pa ralysis , followed. Doctor have given up j ll hope." Peck U a wealthy farmer. Ue was selected by the Czar of Russia to luRf rnct several Government ofuceM in the cultivation of cotton. ? It in significant of the wisdom of the Chicago Convention and of the emptineNM ot the gloomy prognosti cations of the anti Cleveland crowd that New York hhould be the first point which the Republicans are inclined to concede to the Demo crats. The bodt posted llepabli cans and Democrats declare now that Mr. Cleveland is the stron ger man in New York that could have beon selected. Mr. Harrison and hitt friends aro in despair over tho prospects in that State. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEllTIStiMK NTS Watjoi & Daniels Ice. R. Birrj Tburmo Ozone Battiry. Waveily and Cooper's Works for sale. The Directors of the A. & N. C. R. R. went down to Morthcad last night to hold u meating. Ice cream and other refreshments will be served again this evening by the King's Daughters in the building op posite tho postofBos. Weather today, Kuir in the northern pouijii, local shwerH in the Southern portion Blihtly warmer in the in terior. S;ill olbtis went ilow n to the Metho dist dix'.rict conference at Morehead last i iht. From the indie itions it Is being protty well attended. Ail who drsire to bejome m?mbere of tho Cleveland and Crr Club are re- (iutit.'d to leave their names with the Seorn'.ary, Mr. A. H. Powell at the Furraom and Merohants Bank. Third will ba an interesting game cf iiusj litl! between two picked nines of the oily at the Fair graunds this after noon iK 3 SO o'clock. Ltdies will be admitted free, others charged 10 cents. The money raisod will be applied to fixing up the Fair base ball grounds. Too election of Hon. F. M. Simmons to the chairmanship of the Democratic Ex. Committee Wednesday is one on which the Democracy of the State may be congratulated Mr. Simmons is possessed of uncommon onorgy and is ever watchful of every interest com mitted to his charge and is withal one of the ablest and most patriotic men of the Stale. The rain interfered to some extent with tho great Fourth of July celebra tion iu 'Washington, but an enjiyable timo was had, nevertheless. The parade wa a iood one and Col. Elias Carr. our next Governor, Hon. Don. Gilliam and cx-Uov. Jaivib made One speeohes. Tae Washington boys oloaned up the New Borne club in tbo b ise ball game; but tha Id w Borne bojs returned in jolly humor nevertheless acd express hearty appreciation of many courtesiea extendod during the vinit whic'i was mado very pleasant. They desire the Washington club t) return tho visit in the near future Coming and (ioinj,'. Messrs. E. L. Lockett, Sterling Smith, and Robert G jrrell, of Winston ; Mrs. A. W. Hughes, of Tarboro, and Mrs. I. Reese of Nashvilto, Tenn., passed through on route to their homoB yes terday morning. Maj. D. T. Oarraway and tho family of Mr. John R. B. Oarraway left to spend the summer at Blaok Mountain. Mrs. J. L. Cooper of the oity and Mrs. Goo. Howard of Baltimore, who has been visiting her, left for Henderson to visit their brother, Mr. Louis Uirloh. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Follett who have been visiting friends in the city re turned to their home in Durham. Mr. Geo. B. Ujrdner who has been visiting his father left, returning to Aberdeen. Miss Mainio Djwdoo who has been telosraph operator at Newport, passed through to take chargo of the oflloe at Cove. S J . Pa rb. m of the Henderson bracoh of American Tobacoo Co., spent yesterday in the city. Miss Nullis Smith, of Vanoeboro, who has been t isiting at Mr. L. S. Wood's left for her homo accompaniod by Miss Sadie Wood for visit. Misses Carrie Miyhev, May Hen dron and Etta Nunn went down to spend somo time at Morehead. Another Adlal Stevenson. A correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger says: Apropos of the North Carolina desoent of General Adlal B. Stevenson I am surprised that no paper that I have seen has commented on the faot that there la an Adlai Stevenson living in BtatesvUle. N. O , who. while unknown to popular fame, has a reputa tion that reaohed farther than thai of his Illinois namesake Tbls Mr. Stevenson Is known to bot anists, and srchsologlata the world ovsr as one of the most acoorate authorities on those subjects, and as possessed of on of the finest private collections of Indian rtlios in this country. He hat been for years in oorrespondeno with the leading soieLt.fla men In tkess 4- putixen's bah In th's country and la Europe; and olatsIStd collections have been made by Mm for temporary loan o European untvorsiti. : Mr. Stsvenson la a gentleman of Ingularty modes! beat lag with lone silver hair falling to his shoulders and face of sweet gentleness and dignity. He looks as if be had name out of an Old- World plotore. and the writer on coming out of hit museum remarked that tha eolteotor waa even mora interesting than the oolleoUon. , Fine Musical Instrument:) ami (Jreat Success. Mr. Willie Stallings, representing Mr. A. Conn, went down to tho Moth odiit cenforence at Beaufort yesterday with ono of Newman Bros, patent air circulating rend cell organs. This dis tinctive feature in these organs ir a comparatively recont invention which gives an improved tone as to expression and volumo to the instruments contain ing it, causing the music produced to vary closely resemble that produced by the large pipe organs, thus giving churches of limited means the oppor tunity of haying superior music at a very moderate cost. Mr. "ohn hns the right of the entiro Stnto in culling thorn. Yesterday Mr. Cobn figured up his sales for tho Unit nix months of the year and found that he had sold 86,400 worth of pianos and S3, 400 of organs. His patroncgn comes from over twenty oounties of tho State and he made two sales la Virginia and one in Missouri though be did not canvass in any way beyond the State. Suoh remarkable auocess could not come except from square dealing and having instruments of deoided merit to clTer his many cus tomers. Mr. Cohn is energetiu and deserves the success he is meeting with. Rul ideal ion Meeting. A large number of tho Ddiuucretio voters of Craven county met in the court houeo at New Berne on the nibt of the 4ih of July for the purpose of ratifying the uction of the Democratic State and National conventions. Jamea W. Biddlo was ohoien ohairmin and C. A. llattlo Secretary. On motion the chair appointed Matt Manly, C. A. Bsttle, 8. R. Streot.S. W. Smallwood, R. D. Hancock, F. M. Simmone and W. D. Molver, a committee on resolu tions. The committoe retired, but re turned in a short while and asked for further timo, whereupon tbo meeting djourned to Wodnocday night July 6th. At the appointed hour the meeting reassembled. Chairman Biddle took the ohair, called the mooting to order, and announced that the report of the committee on resolutions was in order. Gen. Battle, in behalf of the commit tee, presented the following report which was unanimously a! opted: Whereas, we the Democrats of Craven oounty, State of North Carolina, bava assembled in mass meeting for the purpose of ratifying the proceedings of the late State and National conventions of the Demooratio party, and whereas the nomination by the State convention of Elias Carr for Governor, R. A. Daughton for Lieutenant Governor, Ootavious Coko for Secretary of State, R. M. Furman for Auditor, D. W. Batne for Treasurer. J O. Soarboro for Superintendent of Public Instruction, and F. 1. Oaborne for Attorney General, meets our hear y concurrence; and whereas, the nomination, by the National Democratic convention, of Grover Cleveland for President and Adlai E. Siovoneon for Vioe President ohallinges cur rntbukiastio approval, therefore Resolved, that the Demooratio party of Craven county heartily indorsee the National and State platforms, and ratifies the nominations of the National and 3 .a to conventions, and plodges it self to work during tho coming cam paign for the success of the Democratic National and State tiokets. After the adoption of the report loud calls were made for Mr. Simmons. That gentleman, once the faithful and distinguished Representative of this district in Coarces, took the stand and for three quarters of an hour rivitcd the attention and olioited the applause of the largn and enthusiastic meeting. Judge Henry R Bryan was then oalled on to epoak. Tho Judge grace fully declined to make a political speech, but cordially endorsed the aotlon cf the State and National con ventions. Then oame loud and repeated calls for Stevenson. Ia response, Mr. M. D. W. Stevenson nude a felicitous and stiring speecf "general Battle followed Mr. Stevonson and the speech making of the evening was olosed by O, B. Thomas, Esq., in an e fleet i to and timsly address. At 11 o'clock the con vention adjourned with everybody hsppy and confident. J. W. Biddlk, Pres. C. A. Battle, Seo. Advantages or Manufacturing in the South. The Trademan says the reason why the iron Industry of Naw England has played out oan be tald In a few words and proceeds to tell it as follows: "New England, with none of the raw materials for Iron making under her toil could only carry on the trade to long at other sections that had these materials in abundanoe failed to oom peta with her. So soon as competition by Pennsylvania, the West and South showed strength the trade- dissppearsd from the East." Manifestly, the tame oonditioct that govtrned the iron industry will pre vail ia cotton manufacturing. In faot tha tame results are being worked out and northern mill owners are Aadiog that they are working under a great dltadvantagea in competing with Sonth ern ones. Now U tha opportune time for embark ing in tuoh .enterprises, that they may grow op with the expansion of the industry . in tha South. We nrge a earafut inveetijatlon of tha tubjsot upon ihot of our oltlun who have tha means that will enable them to estab lish a factory. Money In such an enterprise rightly equipped and properly eondnoted in a plaoe to favorably located for it at New Berae will be a good Investment. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 5'RO CEE1USUS. Action on Licenses, Taxes, and New Road County Bonds Camvllrd mill liestroyeil WIN Allowed. Monday July, 1, ; JJ2 The BoTd mot at 11 o'clo-ik. Present, CommUiio.-.-ia, Jas. A. an, Ohairmac, L'. Vv. dai'.wnvd j.d Wm. Olpve. Ordered, That u;c:i ri.yiin ut i f th.i proper tax to tho ahoriif, Jr-h:. II. C'ir.rfc, be granted iijoaso to pedUlc rii y fcco-la on foot for cue yww Ir 'u v'lia daln. Ordered, That ujmu iMiymc-a' of ;ho pooplo tax to tho oVjiiillicaiJi U tj.c ted. Outhrie oi Morton to rcsaii li.juora for six months ouJux L-jo. Jl jtii', ut their place cf busmen ou ul'jrton's millpond on Clubfoot Crecfr. Ordered, That an order tor SI .03 per month bo uuued to J. II. Hiiutcr for support of Ham I.ockey, pauper blind and hsvinf; b-it f'-ae!oj. Ordered, That tho voj:bcr i.arctof on issued to Macun Brya.-i Tji Eiyan Laughinghouee bo it-mied now to said Latighinghoueo. Ordered that SOO aorc: ot !a:.J listed t) Dr. J. B. Hughes, Rgt., No. tl Town ship, outside city for 1VJ1 and valued at SI 250 be reducod in acreage to 250 acres and valuo reduced to S5O0 on ao count of error. Tho board took u recess to lOo'olock Tuesday mording. Jli.y 5th, 1892. Tho Boa.d met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, Commiscioners, Jas. A. Bry an, Chairman, E. W. Smallwood. Dan 'I Lane and Wm. Cleve. Ordered, That the repjit of the grand jury of the spring term, 1893 bo enterod on the minutos of the Board and filed. Ordered, That J. M. Bultaa, Town ship No. 5 be relieved from payment of poll tax for ldUl, on ncoouat of phy sical infirmity. Ordered, That the report of the grand jury to lay off a public road in Town ship No. 1, beginning at Dixon's mill and running across the lands of A. E. Kirkman, W. II. Adams, A. O. Bell, J. n. Dixon, and B. Ci. Loftin to Piney Neck road is received and same is con firmed and said road hereby deolared a public road and tho clerk of this board is hereby ordered to serve a oopy of this order upon tho road eupeivisors of said Township. Ordered, That the cleik of this board notify Mr. II. Sperling that Craven County is ready to pay interest on his judgment to July 1S-93, to xhomsc over ho may empower in writiDg to re oeive the same. Ordered, That a voucher bo issued to Daniel Lane for 61 50 per month for 3 months beginning. July 1,1891 for S'jppoit of Penny Respass pauper. To bo oontinuod (.nod ( on nl ry Reads, We endorse every word of the follow ing extraot from Tnu American Farmer : "There is nothing outside of his own farm which lies so noar the farmer's intereet as good ronds. Good roads mean more than rue re comfort and speed in traveling. They mean better horses, and a longer life of usefulness to valuable animals. They moan a vast sating in wagons and carriages, and greater prclits on the farm from cheap oning of the transportation tu markets. "Good roads should he above all politics. They should be a non partisan issue in every election until laws are passod and men selected to administer them, which and who will insure for every township in tho 1'oited States the best highways that skill and labor can mako. Nothing ili do more to in. provo tho country and better th- eorr dition of every farmer." A Blissful Anticipation I Being very grateful to the people for their past patronago and support, and thinking they would like to know something of my former history, I have concluded to writo n short sketch of my life. I do not do this with any self pride or oonceit, but hoping that some good may oome out of it. Many a poor boy whose circumstances areBtrained and surroundings are suoh that the future looks only dark may be en couraged to make an effort bearing what a poor country boy has done. So while this may ooat me some ooneider able effort and loss of sleep, yet I shall spare no pains or lime in giving a true history of what my life has been so far. (Jf course It is useleet to mention mv name for all know that there is not another man on earth that would at tempt so much for hit friends, that the tame Big Ike whoee purohaset at 40, 50, and 07 1 oenta on the dollar bring so much pront and causing so many smiles to the poor of our land. Tho Population of New Berne Is about nine thousand, and we wou'd say at least one-half are troubled with some affection on the 1 hroat and Lunps. ss those complaints are, according to sta tistics, more numerous tnan others, we would advise all our readers not to ne glect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Hal- sam tor ine inroat ana Lungs. Trial size free. Large bottle SOo, and $1. Sold by all druggists. Notice. We wish to tay to our patroni and the pnblio generally that we are now receiving a oargo or natural Ioe and dally expecting another and will be pleased to have their patronage as nerstorore. II Watson ft Camels. Shlloh'e Catarrh Remedy, A marvel out enra for Catarrh. Dinhtheria Canker month, and Headache. With each bottle there Is an ingenious natal Injector for the more raooessful treat. men! of these oomplainta without extra ontrga (Hdren Cr forPitchor's CastoHi yd ibsoiutoly Pure A oroum of tin'-ar 'jaki.ig powder. Highest of all m ljavor.ing acronglh. Uitist I'nileii St: CovmviciU lort. Royal Baking Powdkii Co.. WO Wall St., N. Y. NEW BEIIH Golfcgiafs fjjslifufe, NEW BERN, N. O. A HOME INSTITUTION for tho Education ut' the BOYS ami GIRLS of Eastern Carol inu at a moderate cost. Faculty eonipus. cl nf EK1HT experienced ami eilii.-ient Tcachory. SIX DEI AKTMEN't'S. Stu lenta prepared for advanced classes in any of the College.;. 1 Student.'-. representing TEN Counlior, (. enrolled last yoar. Tho MUSICAL DEPART MENT, under the uireciien of l'rof. F. E. Morton with iooil ASSISTANTS, nilord.s sueiiur facilities for the systematic study of vocal and instrumental music. Spocial Course cf Study for Ibose Desiring to Uc- come Teachers. Moral advantages cf the Bchool unsurpassed. Special inducements t fit red to l'OOR BOYS and GIRLS. Next Torm opens September 5, T Send for Catalogue. O. T. ADAMS, A. II.. Principal. MISS MARY L. ALLEN, Sec.'y. jiily7dwtf Now IJeruo, N. C. R. BE AGENT FOR THE Therms Ozcno Bdisry. Uenerates Ozone or Allotrapic Oxy gen which by Electro Kndosmosis is delivered to tbo tissues to be absorbed by the vonoua blood in tin) capillaries, thence entering the general circulation to the deotruotaon of tlfete matter and disease germs. It ia useful in CRAMP, CHOLORA, INSOMNIA, LA ORIPI'E, DROP8EY. CATARRH, 1IRONOHITM; FEVERS. NERVOUa DISORDERS. PARALYSIS, and many other ailments. It aots without shocks or jars and is not unpleasant to the most delicate. Prioe, f 5 00 per month for two months and you own the battery nfter second payment. 8 O i oa?ii. jMlltwSro Barriton I iaxicr. Closing Out Dale! For the Next GO Days We will iloie out Hummer Clotltiep, Hats, Dress Goods, Ladies' Vests, Gents' Underwear, &c. AT A GREAT REDUCTION! Have j'jst received a now lot of late style DERBY and SOFT UAT3. BARRINQTON & 11AXTER. Wood's Mowing Machines AND Rakes AT L. IT. Cutler & Co. R. H. DUFFY, Uor. Middle L Pollock Sts., Second flwr, first door on right of passage. Entrance up stairway on Pollock Street. Preparation of (1 fli BECKWITH aco. 1 ill J -1i-'ifl0AVEf?'f J Special Medicines and Druggists' Articles. jnnelO tf Kin?". Bangter.-. "flic Cuclo cf Kins'i D.-t,x-i:ro i;l open an I.-o Crraa: Pa.-I.-r opiwito l!.-.-post office, cv.-y Tuesday LDtl i'riduy. fret: 7 c.U) lii p a. j2Uf . I'.SSfA -: --VK yt, lcr ('at-, ir.,(., ili.f-ui'i. l-,.ver Tl'i-1: uai ;;n!:,i. Ihh, in Hi ip-.i tii.l . er ll o j-r.v rt.ji.ir. ii. It 'IVr T,i -V, 1 :ia::.:u'-.iOJ, 'I. I'.-ije i.1 c-it vi ly cum !.! in iu.n-utct .1 t. or lut.ney rfnj ,'i.V'l.: I . ! x : Hi '.!!.. i i;.ih;- K-.ih ' : -u-a i.. 1 :.!.. y i I .u '.Vi!i ii;. ' l:t-- ;' in .Ai .n . -li , Wle n lii.it i. i; ,,y v. t , i .,. to I - - -; i'- v, n-.ti,- j I 'in io:,: s.'! r . i u .1 ; ! ' , : I joint. I.'.'l's U !. I .1.1 . i y. :1 ". o ! I orin t liot h;is pi i;o , ' I I i.-iii't n liildo, but 'li. :ei a,i.iil s lo r :: v ::; .".! :- , ii,,.! Ur v., know. I !! .' liil .1 :.-A.t; 1.., I ;,. -,.w Hoi n-, A town ".li:.t i ! :ni:i.- : .. , .,, I, wuy ,.11.. i. lhoy me l'li.l, I'.u iu'.i r.-i: . , w.itu ; WDlkh, L i'i I...: .it. -.oi. , I nj,- uli.nn pin ks - - In tills town licc.-i u in,. ii ,i ' I'.u IKcl ' ! '.lir'.h, All-i v.oiiii iru! 1:1;;.; ; L'-.'. i in:, r i in. i. ,.. m! 111.-. ::.!!:; Is 1' ; !!; !n 'o, o . ,lL xs v-: , Wll.'rt' suiil Hal,..- M i !. v. , I'u.Ji, ! i llllt U W ln.pi 1 ' I It l ii :. Mii.l ltulli, ! ir ; ,m ..- :. 1 .Uov. , IV IL11 : 111 I'!-'..J j,. . i 'f ih to, r . !!: r.um. is' a:;U;.,-. hehsl M:i. un . And tuko wuli Hi, in in.il.. an 1 ilieu . ;;j-. :-. . h b'-ii infill lint j, . 'o ::,A :ii:.w- of tiolo- . I'oside I'- Iii.m ' i n!i ;;,, I!u...i:i.e f ... -l.v v.l .!.. ii. I:..' v L I 1 hil.lii I,., liki, 1;, ikt it. ii i, ! . . . pe. j.li- L-:n t.ii! ol !i- i-,! tiiat I 1 -iai pretty t'.i!iij.- Llu.t ! b. 11 ;,. u, Now. wid lt.d.t i : !u. h I; I vv nil uti ..r Sv.lv. An 1 t.viiu il up li Kivat ni.:..', l.v M;.. . (. i -! !l l.ll. '- v - lij'.l's I i n't mv t.iio ; : .!.. .i " 'Ji.'.U (J.-' t...i every i:...;. thiu. -ii , I'' I ..u tny voic," 1.H w i -I-;: v i. : . rr'.(-;ui.i, lend i or.i i ,u ioi ,t few raonu ;.t: W.- v.nr.t to e.Hi jour ntlei.di.n to ...r :.cv tiling we L.ivc ivi.it. received. Tin y coiuii.-t ol low cj ut:r tcreii jiateut leather c!n-t.-.-. :mil .'i ). Tile' lire lii'Ulitle.T I'rw bououi bliir t.-; iu j -I.m wliiiu .un! dotfl. Madras Net-lirree Ninttti in Htrijio and plain. Ask to nee our lexiUo shoo liicof. (Jitdt I i'.iid U!n!) lion ,).. W hite l.i vn pu and Lv.tr S.isli W'stc. .1. M !!' Vv A;!). NoTK'K Jlu ii l: .i ! tl ly 1 1 1 1 h 1 I ' .1 i f-1 n '. ' t'fj. t'r of n,i Ohl-ilc fiT M.;ry f . 1 vh. .'i im I. hufort' the Clerk ut ih Sujumi n our: f-n rraven oouritv, -t;! n.iiH iinhliiu: 'Mninis kkrIiihi Ha M .Niui" 1U pn Winn f ir ly mrnt ( tip mi lfni ;in l w H I in t w i " inotil lis from I his -.'.n1 t ' i !,,h i.'it ti. v' l t.f I' I -ti.it .1 It) h:ir el t uo'.r r' , cr . All J '( TH ' II "4 1 ri , ! tt J t-tP . 111 Htlhl t'f,U1.- -;l pli-tth'- Uiit at) ;nouji htt !fiiHni . J A M KH V. f V.'.H, A'JfLir :.;r ;. : mi LOT OF Best Erauda of Hirns. Ehouldrre, Corucd Dcef, Doneicea Cociiiji:, Cream Cheese, Pure Lard. New Butter. West India Molassc.j, Vanilla Syrup, Turc Apple Viacg.tr, AT LUCAS & LEWIS. Public Salu of Town Lots. In o' (Tilivnci. tofl JiUvui'iil of l)i.. lpe ilireouil .i! Ciiivbii o.iunty, ruinlomj In tliti Hpsi-ml I'n c M'.llvn, looi'lii Mniiy Ann Hrv tn hi, il olio m an. elslmiCe. ai il John r. York and utsurH r ilurorolHr.tfl. ihe uii-il.iralii.L-i, tt. i;,onii..Kvilui.er, will Monday, Arjpust 0th, 1892, at tha (ourl llvju door In Mtvw Uom, v.n nn oouiiiy. N. c (triuf I lie time and pliio? i1pIkuU'1 b eu.il (T.vot), sell at l'ulillv Ann. Inn to inr hlglmjl bldilsr, B celtsln uact or lot of Iniul wlrli tho 1 inprovenitints and buildings, sltuufed lu that part of the Dlty of New Ilom N. O.. known aa"l)ry boro." belnn p-rl of lrt No. 21.00 the north Kids of cedar at ret, between Qeorpe and Hern ttrceM adjoining the lots of James ff. Harris, Oeore Jonea and otliera containing 40 feel front by 107 feet, lute th , properly of uachua York.deoeaaed, more fully deaonbed In the petition Died In nlvloulltltd proo ed lug. A Is 3, 00 Tueaday, August 9th, 1892, at theOonrt U-nedoor In Kington. Lenoir oounty, N. I'. (belaK the time and plaoe dealicaaUd by aald court) will ell at Public Anoilon to the highest bidder, a certain lot or parse) of land, with improvements, situ ated In tha town of Kluaton aforesaid, at the northwest corner of tueen and Bhlne streets, adjoining tha lou or Wm Iiuuler and Adam Singleton, being 111) feet by 118 feet, late tha property ol fcachos York, de erased, and mora luliy deaorlbed In tbe pe tlt'on tiled lo said proaesdlng. Terms of both salsa one-half sash; ba' auoe on a credit of three months Title re served until foil payment Is made. Both sales will oommenoe at 13 o'sicck. Boon, on the days designated above. New Bern, N, O , July a, lUB'i , J a HUM O. HARRISON, i Id Commissioner. tilt? Ks. Wasfher T: )' y."?fA ""I Vi1- i ii, H il.'l ' ' i'p anil prices a'.oi: fur ; f'oiuulutiiin, tv i ;iv;ul viier-vlf of Uii.s o . ( L.aieL won't .1., of "ii: i nsLomeiH m!io ,nve ' leu-ni Al. mid COMl-: ;:.u c-.;!i, wu tender our T. :';! lo I', tin.. !ioli.iv. mt, pluasu allow us ' , , .ii.vt-oi i'rat k aro no better '' !" Hie iieeei.tod time lor Ut'ih lo i.rou il.n' t!ivy in... our Crlenils. Jt'i'(.C'.illi.)', . .KsctbcTB WSSIstt. I oci xl.t y Z u.roi below City Hall. Ail ol.i.;. (,,t tv) U.H wiil liavo our t -r . i r i ; .t i.tlwiit , iokI l,o de.llvored to '' I"1 ' 1 ' i'ity witliout delay. 'i ''i'S ''"1 " t i":.ii;i!vteu ! in every ':! joiOilwfp THIS crs L Ivlerchants Bank 3EW 3ERNE, N, C- Organized one yiar to. CaI'ITa!. Sliii K , lividciid Surplus , I'luliiluvd I'i ulif-, ST.',((M).(IO .t.7"0.0( -,Ol(.(0 I'r lCi;iI:; . 1- H. C'-tli-h, I'rosident. w. s. i'iimivi . i,. Y-co-President. 1. V. Kkwkv. Cftflhior. A. H. I i'vel: , . . Toller. i;;i ixnoiia . Win. t lv ! H iviletiar, J. V. St.v.i.v, V. S. Chad wick. Join: Si:t, r o. Marks, L. H. ' r.ii.r, i:. B. Hacklm.n. I le'.vji. r:. for. Nil h. I ovin ( ollecti'i." a pp-ri&liy. fe-i i 1. A i.i.iA.N, l'p. THUS. l).MP.Lii,Vite Pres. C. 11. R0I1ERTS, Cashkr. The National I'ank, Or NEW BZr.SE, N. C Is(K.:uT..!iirr.D Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Proiifi, - 08,108 I'U'.ECTORS. Jas. A. P.i.yaN. Twos. Daniriji. CMAM. H J'.iTAK, J. 11. IlAl KL'l'UN. Alex &!;:.i.hii, I.. 1 1. iivi:y, (i if Hjucr.Ts. Annual Meeting. I New II, me Imnrnved (,otLnn Ui:r.iiii Coiiipny will hold their An- nu'il Morklmldrrs Wm tin nt ollioe of IVhioVr.. lit a nr., V.'!nesdar, 13 July, 1 W T. I,I HUU3. j' 1 1 1 Sec. and Treas. igEnnery ? MKS. 11 B. LANE, Mnl lie St , nn.ui.ite I..ii.tint Clliurch. 3priDg and Summer GcocL?. A I, ill line of Millinery in nil tho latest Htjlrs. :is iiiinilKDine and an olioap as can I'O bought in tlio city. Also. ,i nico lino of IjicoH, Kmhroider irs Ladies' VctH, Ladies' and Children's Hose, .MittK, BeltH, cto. Tlio pnblio generally aro most respect fully invited to call nnd examine her stiHik and compare her prices with those of any In tho city or cliowliere. Henry H. Bryan, Jr. M. II. Howard. BRYAN & HOWARD, i;kni:ual agents Life, Fire, Marine and Acci dental Insurance, Jc23 d 1 in Nuw Beukb, N. O . Hew Store! Hew Stock! And Oceans Of It! I havo risen from tho anlies, and again offer my fiicnds Fine Groceries, Ship Chan dlery, General Run of Dry Goods, Boots, Shots, Etc. wholesulo or rotail at lowest prices. Call nnd cxmlno my goods. They cannot bo excelled. A lot of Coffee ut S oenta per pound tobacco 10 cents, snd other great bar gains In slightly damaged goodt saved from the fire. J. F. TAYL0B.