PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. , TUB D1ILT JOUR aL : publUhed Dal ;. it. exoept Monday it IS.1! p.r year; I2.EO for z months. De lvjr . i . ty subscriber. at SO teats per mo 1 1 TH WKKKUV 1 i" i . Is published . every Thursday at i u r a nun Notices of Mri luges or Uaalbs not to e x aoad ten lines will ha li.serted free All a ' , dlilooal matter will be charged Sola, per Una. Paymants for transient advertisement. : moat ba ma4 In a-) vanoe Regular ad er : tlsemenU will ba eoileteil promptly at die : and oleaoh month v i Oommunlcatlorn couialnir.g news if sum. :: stent public Interea . are eollctted. o com- . munleatlon nut be exprced to be publlsh- ad thai eontalna objectionable personalities or withholds the name o' tbe an hor. Aril- ales longer tbao balf column must be paid fur. Any person feeling aggrieved atanyaa oaymous communication can obtain tbe name of the antbor by application attbta oflloeand showing wherein tbe grievance exist. THE JOURNAL. at OtRPIH, C. T. HANCOCK. Proprietor. Local Reporter. er Kn tared at tbe Fo.ttofflce at New Berne, H. 0.. as second-class matter. State Democratic Ticket. For Governor : ELI AS CABB, of Edgceombe. For Lieutenant Governor ; & A. DOUGHTON, of Alleghany. For Secretary of State: OOTAVIUS COKE, of Wake. For Treasure: ! D. W. BAIN, of Wekr. For State Auditor: B. If. FURMAN. of Buncombe. For Attorney-General. FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. For Sup't of Publio Instruction : J. C. SCARBOROUGH, of Jobnion. Tnx people of Washington, N C. had a bit; time on tbe Fourth. 8peeehes were made by ex-Govern erjarvis, Mr. Elias Oarr and then. The latter made a spleudid impression and was warmly re oeived. THE Democratic campaign has not opened yet, bat a great deal of work has been done for tbe ticket by two distinguished gentlemen whose assistance was not expected Their names are Harrison and Car negie. Ex. The high fence with electric-wire guards which Mr. Oarnegie has pat around the Homestead Mills in an tioipation of troable daring the impending strike indicates that what he really wants is "protec tion" from American labor. I'KBHAPS tbe most practical use to which a Bepubllcan campaign fond could be pat now woald be to make a contribution to Mr. Carne gie sumoient to enable him to pay his men decent wages and dit-con tinne his preparations for a long seige. An object-lesson such as he Is furnishing is rather disooaraging to orators who try to explain how the McEinley tariff has benefited American labor. Thus far in the current year the American flag has been twice die played in Canada, and on each oc nasion the flag has been torn down once by tbe militia and once by tbe town constable, but we have yet to hear of the first American who has allowed his serenity to be disturbed by these exhibitions of bad temper. The Fourth of July has come round just as if these events had never happened. World. Gen. James li. Weaver, the nominee by the Third party for the presidency, ia a native of Ohio, where he was born in 1833. He won his title of Brigadier General daring the war, and practiced law in Iowa until in 1870, when he was elected to Congress. The next year be was nominated for President by the Greenback party, and got 307.740 votes. He has since served several terms in Congress. Tbe nominee for tbe Vice-Presidency is James G. Field, of Virginia- Miss Kate Field predicts the election of Cleveland, and is going to do her breezy best to make her prediction come true. It was the opinion of ex-Speaker Reed that the Democrats owed their over whelming success in 1890 to the ef forts of American women. Noth ing has occurred since that time to change tbe feminine mind. The MoKinley tariff still bars the way to cheapness, from A to Z, In the long list of fabrics, furs and finery with which the loveliest weature In the world seeks to make herself lovelier. Children Cry forjKtcher. Castoria. CRATES COUNTY IS LINE. Tbe ratification meeting held in New Uerno on last Wednesday n lit set the Democratic ball in motion in glorious old Craven. "Cleveland Oarr a rid wo?or" was in ihe air. Tbe resolutions were rtioeived wi h applause and adoptid with great enthusiasm. Mr. Simmons was tbe first speak er, and never did he appear in hot ter trim as tbe champion of De mocracy. His protraiture of Cleveland and Stevenson was so perb and his presentation of Carr and bis associates on the State ticket drew out raptuons applause, while his scathing review tf the Republican and Peoples' parties received the emphatic endorsement of all who heard him. Mr. Stevenson lollowed Mr. Simmons. He did not claim to be half brother or first cousin to the Democratic candidate for Vice President, but he prooved himself to belong to tbe great Democratic family, and entitled to a seat very near tbe bead of tbe table. His speech was a ringing one, and it wonld be bard to tell whiob Stev enson received the greater ap planse. Gen. Battle spoke for the Demo cratic party, Referred to the faot that for more than half a contury tbe Democratio party administered the Government, securing honor abroad and prosperity at home: that every foot of territory added to the publio domain was acquired under Democratio Administration, exoopt the territory of Alaska fit emblem of the freezing tendencies of tbe Republican party: that dur ing this period, in which E a gland and Mexico had been humbled and savage tribes subdued, not one drop of American blood had been shed by American hands that the Republican party broke the Consti- station and forced upon the south "inequality in the Union or inde pendence out oi it," and made the war between the States inevitable: that Cleveland's administration was national and restored the South to her position as a sovereign State of the Union. Mr. Thomas spoke for HarmoDy the anion of Democratio hearts and hands: thorough organization and earnest work from now to the day of the election. At the conclusion of Mr. Thomas excellent speech a Cleveland and Crr olub was organized, of which Wm. M. Watson Esq., is Presi dent. Craven sends greeting to her sister oonnties ot the old north State: her watchword Cleveland and Carr; her reply, "The Ides of No vember and VICTORY ! For Over Fifty Years Mas. Winslow's Booth inq Sybup bat been ured for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the eums tllays all pain, cure wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty. Ive cenla a bottle. Sold by all drug lata throughout the world. jn9d&wlv SIMPLE Iff COMSTHUCTIOH. PERITIANEI1T IK DCRATIOM. EASILY APPLIED. ITS SKILL FI L U8B.IUICKLY LEARNED. The Electropoige is an Instrument for IIIK 11 KE Ur DISEASE WITHOUT MEDICINE. BAKED on new theorlea of the cause and cure or disease. 11 deala with the electrical and magnetic condition! of ine body and the gaaea eurronnaing n in uie atmoepnsre, controlling these conditions at will. II la not electricity. DIIBADE is simply lm eireu viiamy. ine rLieciropoite constant r adds to the vitality and only aaslsts ff.tnr.. In Nature's way, to throw off the trouble. A 10-page book, describing treatment nd oontaining testimonial, from all aectlona, and for the cure of all diseases, mailed rasa oa application. Addresa ATLANTIC ELECTBOPOISE CO., Wa.blnKlom, D. C. Charleston, 8. C Atlanta, ua. W M. WATSON, Agent, FeirBerneN O About 8,000,000,000 pieces of mail matter are distributed by postal cleikj in the country yearly. LEMON ELIXIR. A PLEASANT LBMON DBINK. For biliouneaa and oonetipation, lake Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and fouU omaoh.take Lemon Elixir. For liok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir- For sleeplessness and nervousness. take Lamoa Elixir. For loaa of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fever, chill and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you In any of the above dieeaeea, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, atomaoh, kidney a, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Hosier. Atlanta, Oa. 500. and 11.00 per bottle. Bold by draggle ta. A PBOMIMEHT BIINI8TCB WEITsW. After ten yean of Kraal suffering from indigestion, with Kraal nervous prostration, biliouaneae, disordered kid neys and oonatipation, I have bean cured by Dr. Moaley'e Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. O. O. Davis, Eld. If. E. Oonroh Booth, To. 18 TatnalJ at,, Atlanta, Oa HORSES AND MULES. I bare just received a FINE LOT of Western North Carolina HORSES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF BUGGIEb, ROAD CARTS AND HARNESS. All of which I will tell VERY CHEAP for oaah or approved paper. Give mo a trial. ES. JSS Street Milwaukee BEER. I am SOLE AGENT for this Cele. ratod Beer in New Berne. ON DRAUGHT. Schooner for 5 Cents. I keep on hand a CUOICE LOT of WINES, LIQUORS, Cigars and Tobacco. T. C. HOWARD, RED LIGHT, Middle Street, Near Market Dock. mai23 dwtf BRICKS! BRICKS! 200,000 For Sale. $6.00 Per Thousand, HI CAR LOTS Ajt Depot, Call to Bee Us. W. P. Burrus & Co. Foot of Middle street SALE, IIVEEY, FEES AND Exchange Stables Opposite the Gaston House. Finest Stock at living Prices T. A.. Jones PROPRIETOR. may!7 dertf REDUCED TO $2.50. Gentlemon, this is the Chance of a Lifetime ! FOR TEN DAYS ONLY WE WILL BELL THE ARQY AND HAW 93.00 FOR See if we have your sice. BARGAIN STORE. OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS STOCK: THE VERY BEST. STYLE: HANDSOME AS ANY TEN-CENT CIGAR. - - - PRICE: FIVE FOR TEN CENTS. ' 8 - - TRY THEM - - GEM Freezers, Mason's Fruit Jars, Porcelain Lined Kettles Glacier. Refrigerators, Water Coolers and Fly Traps, FOR SALE BY Smallwood & Slovcr, MIDDLE STREET. TO THEPUBLIG. IF YOU WANT TO BAVE FIFTY DOLLARS In the pnrohase of a PIANO, ana from Ten to Fifteen Dollars In the purchase or an ORUAN, address AD0LPH C0HK, NEW BERNE, N. O., General Agent for North Carolina, who now handling goods dlreot lion the mann taetarara, aa follows: It Kill flRinfl RfKHLiN pi A ran. distinguished for tone, workmsnship and durability, and endorsed by nearly all tba mnsleal Journals In the United Hlatea. Made by Paul O. Mehlln, who is at this time one ot the best mechanles and Inventors of the da day. rada Thirteen new patents on th'.s hlgh-gi Thirteen new Mehlln Piano, Also the N1WIT A KVANK UPRIGHT PIA.Be, which has been sold by him for the oast six rears Id the eastern part of this State, and np to this time has given entire satisfaction Tbe Upright Planojust men tioned will ba sold at from &U0 to 13 0, In Ebonlied Hose wood, Oak, Walnut or Ma hogany eaaea. Also the CROWN PARLOR OROII, from 150 to 1100 In solid Walnutor Oak Ten yean' experience In tbe muslo busi ness has enabled blm to handle nothlna bnt standard goods, and he does not hesitate to say that ha will sell any musloal Instrument about as per cent, cheaper than other agenta are now offering. neier to an oanss in Eastern Carolina. lan2S dwtf STERLING SILVER, about 33 1-3 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. A rare opportunity. BELL THE JEWELER. A SURVIVOR OF THE WAR. ieas-1892. Atlaotio and N. 0. Railroad, SorBBrtmutDKRT'i Omen, Mow Bern, N. 0 , June 80, 1882. To Agents & Truck Shippers Truok Train No. 108 will bo diaconv tlnnad on and after Fiiday, July lit,lB9f Track ahipmontt'on and after Friday July Jrt, wUl take the Freight traUl (Nifuoer 8) untu otherwise oraerea. r V 0 gft tvl M V ft M W 2 mum Surgeon; Dentist, DR. J. D. CLARK, NEW BCRffB, N.QJ ta9-Ofac0aQ9mlt(ML fcetween Follock fend BrwL ROiERTS & BRO. holesale Deal era haj Groceries. Provisions TOBACCO and SNUFF, BOOTS and SHOES We are alo agents tot STOCK "DIADEM PLOUH, every barrel wart an ted. A large stock of PUKE ,WE8T INDI A MOLAHSKa, our own Importation. &i Come to see us. or send your order Ton will And oar Prloes aa LOW aa the Lowest. mavMdwt BOBXBTB a BRO P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAI?. Craven St.," two doora Booth of Journal offioe. Will prac tlce In the Oonnties of Craven, arteret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. Ca, United Mates Court at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the Stale. RPCIiTO WANTED to whom unusually RUCrl I O liberal terms will be given to sell onr new book, Life and Works of SPURGEON. The world greatest preacher la dead, and hundreds of thousands of christian families as well as Clergymen, Bible readers, stu dents, waiting for an opportunity to pur chase this book. We want agents to sell this book right now, while the Interest Is greatest, don't wait, today aend AT ONOK 18oents In stamps, for agents oomplete can vassing outat and be the first to eanvasa your neighborhood. TERMS LIBERAL, ACT QUICK. FORSIIEE & HcMAKEN, Cincinnati, O. WALTER H0MANS' Pleasant Boarding House AT MOREHEAD, Now open for the season in connection with the Oak Ridge Pavilion, ew and well furnished. Temperance drinks and refreshments at all hours. The Sharpie "Louise Murehead" will make regular trips, leaving the Atlantic Hotel wharf for Pavilion upon arrival of trains, and return just beforo their departure and at intervals as de sired, jeli dwtf M0SE3 T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Builder. BmallJobi of Repairing solicited and sat. ls'aotlon guaranteed. May be found when wanted near the Ioe raovory. Refers to past character aa a eltlxen and meonanio. lanijdtf Basil Manly. Wm. A, McIntosit New Berne Iron Works Successors to J, II. Crabtree k Co. Engineers, Founders, AND MACHINISTS. Manufacturers and Dealers in Machin ery, Machinists and Mill Supplies, En gines, Honors, Haw and Urlst Mills, Double Edgers, oto. Agenta for Bargamin'a Indestructible Mica oeatea Valves, I ne Amerioan Saw Oo. and Prescott's Diraot-Acting Bteam Feed, etc. We have Just erected a large Ware house adjoining our Works, where we will keep a full ttoek of Machine and Mill Supplies. Orders for work or material of any gina win oe promptly executed. uia;io uwtf Notice of Incorporation. Notice Is hereby giv.D of the Incorpora tion or "The ew Bern Water, Kleotrlo L,lgbt and Railway Company." That the name of the lncorporatora are William C. Clarke, or Wakefield, of the town of Houth Kingstown In ilia Btate of Bhode Island, Rlcnard P. Williams, of the olty of new w, iuj tavaiuiiuavviana a. Arnold and Robert B, Kletcner, jf the olty and county of Providence. 8latef Rhode Island, and auoh others as they mayVasoclata with The name of said corporation wall be "The new nern naier.iuectrlfilluhtuia Kallw&v Oompanr." That ine ousiness thereof shall be for the purpose of mlnlns for water, ownln.. mn. structlng and operating a system ofwater worar, uu vue saie oi water; ine manurae lure, generating and aale of eleetiioltv. electrloal apparatut and maeblnary for power, beat, lighting and alii uses to which eleotrlcltr may ba applied; and tne eon slruetlng and equipping a Street Railway or Railways and operating the a.m. hr .iMtri. or other power, and with power to erect station, tnvrviur. That the nlaee where said bnalncM shall be carried on shall be the oltv of Maw Harn wuBijui uraTtjj, nuno uaruiUM. That the time of tbe existence of this oor noratlon IS limited to thutv aavia. The amount of the capital stock shall not exoeed one hundred and elxty Uionaand dollars, the number of ebane shall not ex ceed sixteen hundred, and III amount of each snare to na one nnodrad dollars in wltneas wbereof I have hereto set my hand and affiled m y seal or omoe this 36th day 01 May, A I). II W. M. WATSON, mar27 Sfd Clerk Superior Oonrt. Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad, Niw Bern, N. C , June 23, 1892. SPECIAL TIME TABLE . FOB Truck Train No. 208-111 M In effect Friday, June 24, 1802. Daily except Sunday . Leave New Bern 0KX) A.M. " Claik'g 10:40 " " Tusoarora ....U:8 " Core Creek 111 " Doyer 19:17 P.M. " Caswell 18:87 ' ' Kington 1:28 " " Fallln(t Creek 1:48 " " La Grange 8:08 " " Bail. 2:80 " Arrive OoldsboTO.,:. 1:00 " No ship men t at Newborn received after 9:80 a.m. lortblf train. - Tba above train returning, will leave doldaboro for New Bern at 4:80 p.m. as an extra, unletg othorwiaa ordered. i , ; , B. PILIa Snpt. $1.00 Per Year. 60c. for ONLY Until Jan. -FOR WEEKLY NINE COLUMN FOLIO-LAUGH AMOUNT OF HEADING. The Daily $5.00 Per Year. Circulates in every direction from New Heme, whero there ia daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers. Liberal Advertising Rates. We !have just received a lartre lot of New and Handsome Books, which we club with both the Daily and Weekly Editions. Call and see them, and get one advance for the Daily. the Weekly one year entitle you to a book. Job Department. In connection with tho Joijhnal there is a FIRBT-CLAM JOB DEPARTMENT. All kinds of work executed in the leal of order and at aatiafactory prices. Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Posters, send for peeb sPECiMsi n iwiimiiiv V BVIvriiiiiw 70c. 1st, 1893, THE - JOURNAL. Journal. 50c. Per Month. by paying one year in By paying $1.25 for in advance will also Bill Heads. Envelopes. And all kinds of work. .copt of the joxrEuit