:asi for Infants " Castorla is so woll adapted to children that' I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Akciieii, M. D , 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The uso of 'CaBtoria Is so universal and its merits bo well known that il sooms a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few aro tho intelligent families who do not keep Costoria within easy roach." CiSLofl Haktym, D. D., New York City. Tim Centaur idrfdu, wmmi & wAsuuBTui Tri-Weekly Trips. In order to make mnre convenient and coonomlonl us ol t.ie vessels now employed in l he North Carolina service, anil Hum to Batter Sam the Interests of Shippers, the Clyde Line and Old Dominion Htenm hlp Company have oonoluded t Uierue their respective lines between Newhern, N. O. and fsoifolk, Va. Into one line, thus glv na passengers and truck shippers tliiee tiips oh week between Newberu and ivorfolk yla Washington. NO ADVANCE IX BATES. On -nd after MONDAY. 1UI.Y 1 11. 18 2. nnlll further notice. ill" Suiur 8EWBER15S. Gpt isuthgatn. Stnni!r EllOLi, Ca.pt. Boyd, ANU SUuiv ALBEMRuE, Gapt. Bhodis.1 Will sail from Norfolk, Va for New Berne direct. every Monday, Wednosilny andKrlday.4 A.M .making connect-on wit li the AVlanilo and Norlh Carolina Hall road, and the water Hues on fease and Ircnt "ISuirnln. will sail HiOH NFWHKRN ruKMIKKOLK, Va., Mondays. WudiH'silajR and Krldaya at 12 M . (noon) making ooonectlon ut horl.ilU wlili ilia Old Bay Line, for luillmore, llie Clyde Line, for Philadelphia. The o.il li.iinluloii Steamship Co.. for New YorR. 1 i,u Mir- lenis'and Miners' Llue fir rrovlil.ncu and Boston, and The Water Uncs for Wos. .Hus ton. 1. C.nnrt Hlclimoud, Va.. thus k'-viiir m nil water louto to nil :ciibern and Pastern poi.ils. Also eonneoilou mnde with in i . 4 u R. K , and N. W. It K for Hie i-tt. rtssangers w 11 Hud a uoo.l Uliln. i-oiuforl-ablo rooms, and eferv c.iurt-v n. 'I i.Uen Mon will bepald them by Iliu i!i us Order all goods, care of N . N. w. D.roct Hue, Nmf lk, Va. .... ' . 11. UltAV. Alisnt. Eastern Carolina Dispatch. fast Passenger and freight Lluo between NXl'VCT 13 EH. INT 13, Eastern North Carolina l'olnts, and all oon nectlots of the PRtlffSYLVARIA RAIL1IOAD,' IHOLUniKO M.w Vark, Philadelphia, Norfolk, 15nl tlnaore and lloatou. the OHLY Trl-WccUly Line Out of New Berne. THK NK AND KLKUASTLY EQUIPPED BTKAMEK Halls from New Ileroe MONDAYS, WEDMESDAYS,; Fill DAYS, AT 4. so r.ivi.. Stopping at Hoanoke Island sach war and forming eloae connection with tne Norfolk Southern Railroad. The Kastern Dispatch Line, consisting of tne Wilmington 8. a. Co., Norfolk Houthern A. K New York, Thlla, and Norfolk 11. H and Pennsylvania It. K , form a reliable and tegular line, olferlng superior facilities for tiulak passenger and freight transportation, No transfer exoept at Kltzabeth City, at which point freight will bs loaded on oars to go through to destination. Direct all goods to he shipped via. Eastern Oeiollea D Is pain del ly as follows: Prom Hew York, by Penna. K. 11., Fler Z7, North River. From Philadelphia, by Phlla., W.'.aud Balto. R. K., Dock 8 1. Station. From Baltimore, by Phlla.. WILIand Balto. B Km President Ht. Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Sonthern R. E. From Boston, by MerchanU ft Miners Trans portation Co.; New York and New Jtngiana it. R. Kates as low and tune qnloker than'by By other line. For farther lnfbrmatlm apply to W. H. Joron (Gen'l Freight Trafflo Agent, P. B. K.) Oeneial Traffic Agent. Gao. Stiphks, Division Freight Agent. P. W. a B. R. R., Philadelphia. B. B. Oooka, Gen'l Freight Agent., N. Y. P. A N. R. B., Norfolk. Va. B. 0. BrjDoiMS General FrelghtlAgent N,- M. R., Norfolk. Va. QBO. HBNDBRHON, Agent i New berne. N. 0. 1HV THE AMERICAN Villi RAMBLER as msv iibhi w ur.niu a ui BECAUSE i the BBBT WHEKi OW THB MABJCkT this year. the oomMnatloD of the eelebrated O. A J. PnenmaUo Tire and primi Frame makes riding on It a roxnry. . TUT IT AOB CONVINCED. Send for lUuitratsa - CsttloglM. SORMULIV Jr, JEFFERT ""IITO CO, rhljtoa,D.e. CaTeua,and Trarle-M arks obtalaed, aad aU PaW 1 -- i v ua Afnec M Or-resiTi U.S. 'aTcarr Omet aad we oaaaecare patent ia last Uma than them lamoas from Washington. : 8aad kkxW, diawjng or roto,, with daacrtp. 'IL.. U.'. mAwim II !M. M nn Itm nit icaarft, 6tir lee aee rill rauent is secured, t a PASmaurf. riowwvoin raiema, wko seat ( same in the U, sV sod Amiga oounUiss iBsssfree, Addrssi ... C.A.8NOW&CO. Oh. Pmwr Drmi. WsaHwaTois. D. c. -9i , ,fss wren 7: ....nir.."V,(fla,oTlaaruiaafo4 .,.. ol pilnl If aOMHary I will errant a pwm i.r the pt i, is I fir and vsib . 1 t 'i i fc-s r I- . w uaa baa tie, k M aa ei RfiElH iniiVt wiiViii mi and Children. Castor! a cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoao, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several yoors I haw recommended your 'CastoruV and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results."' Kdwih r. Pahdeb, II. D., lSSUi Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. Coktanv," 77 Mubjut Smnrr, Nkw Yobx Citt. JOE K. WILLIS PROPRIETOR OF Hotel H Carolina EiarblelVorks NEW BERNE. N. C. Italia and tmefcm Marblt and sfl QucSHa XMaL Ordef, solioltei and rlrea prompt U tontiooa trili tAtlacUon MamU4, Terra CetMTsaWis' Uuiet aaC WUmtH Vtbhed tt tka vary lsvss rates. HUMPHREYS' This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Noihinp has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction, l or Tiles External or Internal, Blind or Weeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Weeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequal ed. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, ( ild Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. l'riee, 50 Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. Soli) by OrujrKl.1,, or aont poat-pild on receipt of price. umruBSTS' uo. co., mam St., nw toul WITCH HAZEL OIL Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boots and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing a Specialty. JT. AEPEN, Craven stiest. opposite Jonrnal office. GEO.HENDEBSOfr Gtf al Insurance Apt, . tepretenUn InttfaDot Compuy f jTftt America, oi fulladelnhla. nanrafloe Compear, ef If York. M Compaa, of Eaglaad, Iaioraao Comnaa, t TTetae Taarrraaaa flaaanaa. Bwiwa aioimm uanpaar, f an ttetl Tajniuea ComnaaT. af Hpaat;lB. United Dadarwrltjira ru.ei af Atlanta. fleetest Karlae lasaranoe Con pear, W Bostot, Inlaradwtf MBS. J. M. HIKES' Boarding House REOPENED. Mia. I. M. HINE3 hw reoMaed a lint-GlAM Boardlnf Hoom la la dir. ppciita Baptiit Church, THe Pioneer Dans EcHnj: Kacilifl, Can b had (U tarns fttm, i , J.M.HINEStAgent. 1.000 Owiutno TvlerCurtala Deeika Itfjai Vo. AACyf antkjno 0k uuidra Trier Trtii n.0la. lona by . Via. klah.' Vine and I rra( IV . U......M Hn Avmwm n.tAfirV 'KMB lined fcunalni Polished Ont WrltlniTnkleieTarav Dior looa; one 100a seennna orawamf a 1 nrxlboerd PI Una HoTMt Ouoboard In erdi illsaMed I'lnlHhed llnokl Bxteruriett Arm BIMa VeeMS SOU ike. Friee, tf. U.K. at CeMtaeor. MAjaaf Also t.OOO Antique Aeh Deahe. , , Te. aXH. Bameasabove,eirwptaeaaoottlAHO- Antlqna Asa, food ae osa. Velah aXMt Ika rriH F. O. If. as Vaetary, IIIA't Bhlpper) From onr Indianapolis fnotorr dlveot. af ade awl sols BulxlT br Uie TYLER DEflK CO., St. Lotata, Ma gimpeeeuetalncueur H.ek OeeBUre. PMtl, eMlaSoioli j ever prlnte Born I Bartfori North Oarollc ef 1 MJSi TItE JOURNAL. A LOST DAY. How inariY tasks I plncoed nt dnnrn ! I Biid: ' When tbie fair dy is ft one, And I eit.Ho urn at i.vntiiln To nouht ll.e work my hands have donf tsi'lweon tun rise and set of tun. I shall be fully calisiied." And iheo I wove a web of dreams, And hours slipped br like sunny streams. Unnoted in their rapid flight. And when I roused myself, at last. To ao , I found the day was past, And sunset fading into night. Oh. foolish dreams ! oh. wasted day ! This, and this only can I say "Not one good deed mv hands have done." But muoh I might have done, had I But used the hours as they passed by, But I have tquandered every one. Ood Bives hie days for ui to use For some good purpose. If we choose To squander them, how great our sin; I shudder wben 1 think lie keeps A reoord of them all, and weeps To see the misspent hours therein. Oh, ye who give to dreams God's hours, A serpent lurks benotui the llowers Of idle moods and weak delay; Rouse L make tomorrow's record fair, Be this the sneers entry there: "Today atoues for yesterday." Observing Trifles. An American neurologist, emin ent in the medical profession, told the other day the following anec dote, illustrative of the value to physicians and nurses of the babit of quiok observation ol trifles: The doctor once was called in consulation to a case of peculiar nervous disease in a woman, which had bafned the skill ol her pbysl oian. No cause conld bn fonnd for certain perplexing symptoms. As the doctor stepped to her bedside he accidentally displaced an empty cologne bottle on an old, highly varnished table by the bedside. "Oh," said the patient qniekly ''the narse upset that bottle last night, and spilled all the cologne." "On this table?" asked the doc tor, carelessly. "Yes." When the physicians retired ft r oonsnltation, the doctor who had held the covcrsation said, "I think this woman has been drinking cologne. Alcohol spilled on that table woold have left a white stain." Here the qaick observation of a trifle and tho chance knowledge that the alcohol in cologne water wonld blanch a varnished surface detected a dipsomaniac in the patient, and enable her physicians to treat her more intelligently. The keen notice of trifles and the rapid matching in the mind of oanrse and effect constitute what may be called the detective quali ty, which belongs in its highest grade to great inventors or natu ralists. One man, for instance, watches the force with which the lid ot his wife's teakettle is raised when the water boils, and out of that obser. vation comes the steam-engine. Another observes that the ilamc of bis candle as ho enters a door may be blown one way when ho holds it above his hoad, and another when he lowers tho oandle, and out Of that trifle deduces the explanation of some of the great atmospheric currents. Yet how many thousand of men had seen the lid move on a boil ing kettle with no result, and bow many had carried flaming lights without detecting the seorect of the mighty winds which had puzzled all mariners since the first ship sailed! So keen an instinct lor discovery is usually born in a man, yet the quality can be cultivated by every person. It is the eye of the eye that finds meaning and purpose in every object on which it rests. Youth's Companion. A CHARLOTTE BOOK. "Church History in North Carolina" The Need of State Histories. Eev.J. B. Cheshire, D. D., of this city, has pgftflgheri "Church History in North Carolina, a volume ot 45i pages, relating al most entirely to the Episcopal branch of the Church, though stat ing briefly and fairly the general condition of religion in the province and State of forth Carolina np to the present timo. The work, in fact, consists of. a series ot addrsses and essays by clergymen and layman of the Episcopal Churoh, edited by D. Cheshire, with a short introduction by himself, and the whole so linked together as to make a well connect ti history. This, by the way, is the plan of Dr. Cheshire and many others for getting op the history of the State. We greatly need two very dis tinct histories of this State (1) a abort, popular history, reciting clearly and truthfully only tbe main, leading events and their connection with each other, and the guiding spirits in them. (2) A regular history, with all tbe rela tlons of cause and effect and a full account of tho actors there in such a history as Dr. Cheshire refers to. But we say nn hesitatingly the people of North Carolina, and especially the young of the whole country cannot wait for the last named history. It may be genera tions coming, on the contrary, let an Interested In the various parte of out State history go to work, aa Dr. '; Cheshire baa done for his Church, and write np the stories they severally have to tell. Mean time, let some ready North Carolina writer scan the broad field open to him and, In the style of Green, teli m "e "sr.nrv nf t.hn litlitrs " Jivery such work will tend to elicit the truth and complete the picture of onr sturdy utid heroic ancestry. Dyspepsia 11 nd Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the, email prloe of 75c, to free yourself of every cymtoru of hose dintresBing oomplaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Hhiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle nas a printed guarrtntee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. 3;ld by New IS Arm- Drug Oo. A careful investigator has ascertained, after a long series of interesting experiments, that the mosquito's taste for hunmn blood is r n acquired one. The need of a perfectly safe and al ways reliable remedy for the peculiar diseases of Bummor it universal. As a remedy for the household, oflija, on the farm, nn shipboard und for travel ers by land and sea, Winkslmann's Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy has proved its Inestimable worth in the prompt relief and cure of all disorders originating in the stomach and diges tive system, such ns Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramps etc. Ser viceable under nil conditions, alvrayo ready for use, and perfectly ssf. Price 25s. at all druKgisttt. june4d&wly. The shoes worn by Luther at the diet of Worms are preserved with reverent care in tbe Historical Museum at Dresden, Germany. Always giving Satisfaction. Buandreth'B Pills have always given satisfaction. In fifty years there hsB been no complaint of them. That is about their Ufa in the United States and millions of persons have used them. There is no doubt that they have es tablished themselves by merit alone. They cure rheumatism, dyspepsia, piles, liver complaint, biliouanea, und any disease arising from an impure state of the blood. One or two at night on an empty stomach, for a week or two, will keep you in good form and tone up the system. Tboy are purely vegetable, absolutely harmless, and sife to take at any time. Bold in every drug or medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. A family of six brothers siaterp. living near Itich moud, Va., have a combined weight of 1081 pounds are a little over 230 lbs apiece. Tht First St. p. Perhaps yon are run down, can't eat can't sleep, can't think, can t do anything to your satisfaction, and jou wonder what ails you. You should hoed the warning you are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for rentoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Sur prising results follow the use Of this tfreat Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your anr- tito returns; good digestion is restored, and tbe Liver and Kidneys rosume healthy ncuon. iry a uoiiie. rnoo OUc. nt r. b. Duffy's drug store. SB IS OK & SATURDAY NICHT TICKETS ROIM) TRIP A. ic X. V. STATIONS TO M0KE1IEAI) un. Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad. Passenuku Dki'autment, Nbw Bkiin, N, 0., May 30th, 18'Ji. To Agents A. it N. U. K. H Burial rates or Uro ("caiion of lMCi KoiithI Trip, from HlatloiiH ttanietl tielow tn More head City, In elloit June Int. lv.U. Htatlons, Oolilsboro Best s La Orange Falling CiitH KlusUin (laswell Dover Coro Creek Tusoaror Now Bern Itlverdalo Croatau Haveloek Nowport Wild wood Heason. Saturday Wight. SI. Ill i I mi 3 7 I ' S 1! :t tin :l mi 5 70 U.fci 2. mi 1 . 7 " 17-i 1.1X1 .( a.7"i '2. VI '.'.! i IKI 2.110 I !l.l l.hS 1 Ktl I ..Ml i. as l.V-i JO .in .:tn H. L. Iiil.l., 11. 1'. A- S. R. STREET, General' FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE. N. G. THE BEST THING IN THE UNITED STATES FOB One Cent 18 TBB PHILADELPHIA RECORD ! $4 per year, Dally. $3 per year, omitting Sundays roa THE FARMER AID TBI BUSINESS MAN, TBI RECORD HAS NO EQUAL. Addbm8mTHB REOORD," McMnster ami Cook, j Atlantic and N. 0. Itailroad. i 1 FiHMIiOUt VlvAla-.ZKT, ' Now hern, N.O., Moy :'i'iy l,-'i2 Tj A ;. U A. & N. ('. H. B : TuruUKh rates or faio, Kounil Xrlp 'i u-Hct'; ( M:RHkjn of Is.j from t.'c a illo. ; ut,,ff to points naTi2,i on ri.e. w. n V. p. h. TM'Ko'.s on Hjio J uno jKt, iH'..;. to l;l!i! IK!'. Inclusive, uood for lelur'. j-1. :"S or. ! or before (lot. 31st. Iu2. i 0 - From g M To 5 I Hickory. N. C. H 1.2.3 !:-'. .11 Moriimiton, N ! !",!ir n '.-."i tiUKort. li 7m iibirk M'lit'n : " ,,2.". : Aslifwllla ' r . 1 ". I itoi tSprluh " rj 1 1 i.'.in si ill li. I.. i:. I!' 1'. ltnUs to nil oilier letuntH In V-'Mfii Ciirollnaor Virginia can lie turalbiieil up;j;:t:atlo:i, clilldrnn utulnr 1!vp " or Re, Irea. Children live (r mid utidti twelve years ol u.e, cm. above luimed rated. i.uir m. I.. 1 ILL. li t Atlantic and N. 0. RiiiLroad, i f fASHKSUl.ll Uhl'A It I'M K.N i', New lldru l. , J.iy : in. ;0' C1KCI l.K. To Ai;entp A. ft N. (.'. K. 1!. HprolHl rates of l-'are, KouihI Tilp n -fef (Including one mmlt;itih,, i-. po:-, i -., il.illftiKjto the meetK i-t M- ."Mir .! i 'i, r Linn Teaeliera Assembly at MtirnlieRU (,'M In clicct Juno IMli. ! Tlclti-tsoti sale June li,h 1 lulv ;(: slve, limited to a aoullni,,. is t'Hi- Ui ilirert.on, with tlui,; II. i :: :,..k-- '.j lsth Inclusive. Kound Trip, Inolti-imtr em- two bersltli eoi.tKii !llUi- Goldsboro Ill') Ttttwrn ; i( Bests- ... I in ' ri'iw Hern . .. ;t i:, LaOraage 4 '. i , ivivi dt ie .-i Falling Ureek 4 V '''rn-itm- . i i,i Kluston 4 lijlln elo k . ,....2 7, CaHwell I 1.. J .New t-ort ... ; , Dover 4 (III I WIIiIw'hkI ..if tu OoreUreek 4 IW 'o tickets lobe i.nwlon thin i.i-.i.hiif,i othi-r thau "ToacliorV ABm-mblv iKki-ls. H. 1,. Ml.u u. r A Commissioners' Slo liy virtue of ft Judgment or the Huierlor Coui t fortlie county of Graven, reuat-i j nt tho May Term, 1W)2, I Bhalt tin omnl;isloin r oiler for sale at Public Vendue, at the Court House In the olty ol New Kerne, nl. 11! tYclurlc M , on TueHduy the Tth day of Ju!y, tlie folluwliiK dedoilhed liouse und IaA In tho city of Now Iterne, on Norwood, strrrt, belnt? apart of two lots known In the plan 'if tin oily of iSew Berne au Now. wu una " o, iietfln ntntf at the i'rner of llio hint, niiiDt'onPil lot ami lot No. tV) on Norwood Htrem. running ttience along en. I sli m mirth?rl 1-fi, iheuco with a parallel lltte t. t'r.. il' itr-" until It InteiUfflH tlu- iliu. oi ld (. .:t, IhellCr llloOK lll tlliM t.f i u' 10I I i ll. i- northweFt corner ttf lot No. I'-'i th in viih Uie line of Hi Id lot t o the hoKlunti.t;. eonlulu Ium one- fourth of tn firre more or !c"k Turmaof sale, cash. .1. K. U liAKA, Juno 1, 18'J'J Coi.iij'ibs'titier Judicial Sale. I'n-ler a -Ift'Ten of Nasli HupT'-i-lui.ilered at KptiuK Torm. lM'. iu li uclluii t-iilltluj V. I.. Han Hinl "ll Jno. I Klllllirow and 'itliorii, tlir i.urt, i-l.li 1. 1.- Bignctl will soil fur cabh, ut I t : i - - -.iriiou. at the t ourt Hctlue ilnor :n NiMvtiflrr, N'.t'.. on Mtinday, Auk. 1st, lSiii. a t'erluiu tnu't uf laud llug lu llie comity (i( Cruvin. ui.'tulii lut; tho luods uf TrinH. II. Miilllsr.u ' and utliers, eonlalulut; 12a acrt-s mure or lt-ti, known ss the lx)uis Moye Trant. '1'ln- muni oonvejod by Juo I. Kllllbrow and wtlc to louls Moyo, by deed recorded lu CriiveL. lu book Kl, at pao il.V Dated Juue 'U, WJ'i. Je2U J OOB BATTLE, C'om:u Itp'.-.inor. (JUEAT M AtJAZINL" Hit Cent ii rj ' I'l ofrauinie iu lfill A New "Life of t'olunibuK" Artielen fur Farniirs, ete. THAT groat American periodical, The Centary, is going to outdo its own unrivaled record in ita programuio for 1802, and aa many of its new features begin with the November nunber, tew readers should commence with that issue. In this number are tho opening chapters of "The Nunlahku, ' a novel be Kndyard KipiiDg, tho famouB author of "Plain Tales from the Hills," written in collaboration with an American writer, Wolcott Balestier. It is the story of a young man and a young woman from a "booming" Colorado town, who go to India, he In search of a wonderful jeweled necklace, called "tho Nanlahka" (from which tho story takes its name), and she aa a physician to women. The novel describes their remarkable adven tures at the court of an Indian niaharajab. Besidos this, Tho Century will print throe other novels during the year, and a groat un ruber of short stories by tho best Ameri can story-writers. The well-known humorist Edgar W.Nye ("Bill Nye") is to write a series of amusing skerches which he calls his "autobiographies," the first one of which, "The Antobiog raphy of a Justice of the Peace," is in November. This nnmber also contains a valaaple and suggestive article on "The Food-Supply of tlio Future,'' which every farmer should read, to be lollowed by a number of othors of Great rractical value to Farmers, treating especially of the relations of the Government to the farmer, what it is doiug and what it should do. This series will include contributions from officers of the Department of Agriculture, and other well-known men will dis cuss "The Farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation," etc., etc. A celebrated Spanish writer is to furnish a "Life of Columbus," which will be brilliantly illustrated, nd the publishers of The Century have arranged with the managers of the World's Fair to print artioles on tho buildings, etc. One of the novels to appear in 18U2 is A story of Hew York Lite by tbe author of "The Angloman iaoe," and the magazine will contain a great deal about the metropolis during the year, among other thin gs a series of illustrated articles on "The Jews in New York." In November is an illustrated descrip tion of "Tbe Players, Club," found ed by Edwin Booth, and one of the features ot the splendidly illustrated Christmas (December) number Is an artiole on "The Bowery .". To get The Oentnry send the yearly subscription prioe ($4.00) to The Centary Co., Union Square, New York N. . J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. ;r0il ;: DENTIST, f ParmasisntljrJcattd. f ) FBWBKRN, Jf.O. I -J Oaa admlnlstrd for V. J t LsLa) U sxtrMtton of tMttwltaoal pauf bu 23 dwlf - OfBo la Hotel Albert. . . iio.li ! ol M " ' ';' XL: COfiiBlitlcO Oil '.Oil ! Kjid-'jicii 'c liiii-u.iit! i Li fe. I.- i d ui ; ; .h i. i j I : i l.Ui. i: .i!i-i ' uucxciliioiiiti mi'. nijt.i; . , m iiiilurx: djii avtiUci.il :. . !of WorM's l-'air Maii;.ffrs ol Mn t.u-ii!i!ia, jUh imiKiar..: oi uui COUI'Iiittc 1H ...d fuiiOWl- M, V.'..:so, C t!u;, ir:, v . . Ii:ir: cUaigo .! tiu- tieniirt iiiciii of rinli d;id r.iit-rlot.; i iiLi.i.i i i;. I Keoj, ii obiirij- of tiie pais-'iiit-Ll j! !,u-r.ii Art;-; ,,'olin li:u-.j, son, Cort.'r r.,1 Agrictilt-.:.', h. CiiAtgo o: licptrtrneiit c-: A,;i-.,-;i:t. i::.i, .1... in.'.1, j i.u': ;tir -I i-xpOi ..': i;ii" ofi.i:0;i. tie; llorticultu:.:, Vif.cai:uu ii .' . ,) . A. lioimo;-!, liis.it Oco!"; meat o: I.'iiiu and ili Jjiuiicr , dc'i.dttiiiuitt o iu. T. i'oi Mr. V Iv I'nitifir ? v 11 EsLibi!:., to vt-j;:t all fsrrt i (lnuci, it; oor.;.ocl."-i. " . ,- ll.u i',i.;c.; .!: i. U,.. t:..; . adti:-. u..:. I Mi ilx COlit " riS ua0 Hit; of all .iTOafd ia ;.ht Xorth Carolina. FOB T Ii K LAI'Ii-..-. - J lady readcro wuo i on i. in -,:ti: Uie Llii'Mfi t!i-S::o f j if: r- gre:r "iT'v, , ; , . reputation lor milling ' supiM i'jr jolly, prti;iTvo:4, ciurnmladiiH or picklen, will ui.-jitnlu: to wake u few glaMi-.es of mthtT, it w,ll lie gladly received .in '. full cr".!;t ,' '!1 be given hdcIi latiy. Write ut one.: to U. li. Kattle, at Kaieigh, what you will make and lc w:I! for-., ,r: yon u handsoino lafi" Ktuinl ia wiiic;i it will be eihibitt'tl, with l striictiou !iow to biiip. llAKVKSTINO liKAIN. When harventii'g your trr-j'n do net for gCl 10 Hdlltl it !(" .il.vl-IM r-; best to T. K. l,'ii:!i. r, ('ouinip er of KxhibitH :t l -.iloipli. .il.vl' I'.S vt'I'l -K: lil'micii :;t the t niM.'H i iChi'-::(.Mi. .,l.'"l;.W.s hi. i;n in i ao.ru i h or farm, solid t C.'J fcl.lin : lieut in the Illl1 ic-iier of lOxhih'M, at l.'.ile; :i ; identification, nn-' ! r lutim lub:5 at the WutldVi Fair, M C.i. I ("ii.i, it tiioy jii.iioio o! ht'iii r.vu: import aiiL'i'. An .inreiueT!'..! ::ic Iviie.- :.ui ! by M ij. S. '::tt;..., f-uj '.. o Public liislnictloL to piep.iu !..u the World'rt l';nr at L';iii;a;;n, ii iti.tji ol Hit,' State ou wlm-h will he loon ted in proper o.Mor.-. and tk'.-.;t!ated ui Mime way, an rce punnc tcnooi . hoiiRCH and nil private boliool , house.s aad colleges iu the t-tate. i The m ill il!i). nboui fourteen i leet long and will txLibi: M tho eye, as far as may be, the ccuuoi intcrosta of the Stat . ' Yku.ou Pim: '! : ' .,';.- '! To the forebtry di-. imou of the North Carolina" Kxhsl'it nt t':e oriUM I'air ill tlj:u.;(;iy. !:;.: . ti asMipnea the ':::;!: :l ;i tiioniigrapli of the ellow initio, i That i.i, t ) i rt'i - I ' - i tx hibit of the t llo'.v JUL 7. !: ili Bhow it in the moot complete man ner iu all Uh jih.i.-eH el tleve'op uient. ami in n:i its relations ta !!.o industries, m:ikiuf.' an complete and exhaustive a munognph of the species as ponaioie. This will become, il i-aoo.e.-. fully carried out, the ceuLC-i pitte oi the forestry display from and will embrace ail that m-e-.! Le shown, bo far as the tree, lumber and its nets m building and iiianu facturing are concerned. As ot tho preparation ot tins exhibit, or monograph, has cot been allotted. What lumberman, woodworker or manufacturer would like to under take the work? The incidental ad vertisciaeut would be worth ariaf deal to an individual or linn driug this work. Corrci'pondi nee : l re gard to Ihi.-i jubiect is ili ited l'i T. K, Bnmer, K.'ilcigh, N. C. Ltlaatlo U N. C. UtMroad :-i.. ' Lvi9 1 -:n n. r.M., 1 rlo.p.v 0JiaraKBT. Sciiedc'.X. OOINU W'riBT No. 51. I'n.twnger Triin. No. fiO, Ar. Lv. HUtioe.it. Ar. Lve. 11 10 am 10 I'li 10 25 0 If 53 M 17 H80 am 0 47 p m J .M OoJdBboro Lt Orar-yc Kintitoc New Heme Morehoad City DaiU. 4 06 4 :i5 000 7 88 4 Oil 4 40 6 OH f in OoiNQ Kaht No. l.t Mixed I t. ft HCUKDOLB GoIKOWRflT No. 8. Mixod Ft. & Pass. Train Htatluna. fans. Train. 7U0 cm 0S4 6 34 5 51 6 04 am o iiu uoiusDoro 6B7 7 06 Best's 7 20 7 30 Lb liranfie 7 48 7 r8 Falling Croek 8 11 8 UO Kinston 8 50 8 05 Caownil 9 16 10 08 Uovtr 5 21 6 !!0 4 25 610 4 00 4 05 8 DO 8 40 8 54 8 00 8 34 3 ISO 8 08 813 10 311 1 80 0 41 0 40 U 8H B 83 8 09 0 04 8 17 8 27 8 00 8 05 7 47 7 68 10 81 10 3D Core Crek 11 00 11 06 Tusoarora 1117 11 41 Olark's 12 15 8 00 Rewbern 8 87 8 43 Biverdale 8 48 8 50 Croaun 4 08 4 13 Hnvnlook 4 87 4 43 Newport 4 61 4 66 Wlldwood 6 01 6 01 Atlantio 618 6 81 Morehead City 6 28 5 28 Atlantio Hotel 717 7 87 7 05 7 16 6 81 p m Morehead Depot a m Monday, WedMsday and rMday. tTnaadar, Thursday ana Baturday. 7 00 Train 80 oonniMtfl with WUmtnjtoii A W el ton, Train tMnnd ?orth, leving Uoldiboro ll:Wa. m.. tuid with Riohmond a Danville Train Weei, leaving Qoldeboro il40 p. m, Train 61 eoaaecte with klotaraona A UaAvllle Trail, arrlTfof at Ooldaboro 1:65 p.n..and wth WUmlnfton and Weldon Trala Crozn Xhm Worth at : 10 p.m. Trala S eonneeM with Wll ml niton and Weldoa Tbrooch Prelcht Train, KorUk bound: leaTlng Goidaboro at 8:60 p.m. 8. L. Dill, UnJkiil HOUSE, V YORK. I o-- Ot; 0 ' I ' ! !:'" -l-ii O I' K A N ' I'J.a:; ' i .1 ... j I .01. Per Pny ''AY I l.'1'WAKD. I () o o Jt'K STI HT'VAXT ItOl'fiK :i !.:: ;un: oei.irni i.j uocltj-inear all elo sul..,. roa,ls.HLrf-t r-.ir lines, principle places ' ? w.n-oreuii stores " 't of Homo with tae addl- jvej.i i-ci-i ot tne melropoiu STJIKIKVAM' HOCbK. tlotia. s iMrrei1 -Til).: Sltiv York. U TOWER. l'i:M.-L' ,1 .-..t.,.. Monthly. One TjcIIlt a Year. a L'.ii.sllaiiity. l-.'d ;!!(.;eiiic. L. " i-.i', j-.ti.lor. . .i.-o I. OUIHJ -.i'.uali-'amiiy I 'a per. -iii.uaccsiioiata of The li-i-JZ for lw.yj, which rrt.:v!..! seem to touch 1 -ealtliy tuttes. Ita fiction "''' serial, gea, . I, i o:i!!i iV" ll;l ahuir i'-h 'i-- "li !; I'UHneil. Will I Allen !) 't'-c.c, :.:.trv Catherine ew ot the dibti.-ii-uiHhed ; r-toty-writers lin ner;il : Sell !- v..:: rtio.en oo ei a wide ii'Mtion, iJumntSH, Suoiwsn, Girls ' ' Can Write, ..i.vt.iy Life, a. :l.o. Woi Id's Fair, j ranf.i. Wlin . .' Ci fo See !io.i. .Viivit.e are r 1. - -' :,owv;ifi. Vaeill ;. --J'nis W. Field; " """" llt-ary M. ' ao:ooK- the coiMiibutorp. '-'ou ie.ider.s thus conic to::' h with the people a!r make our age .';.::t;U Rula.bmshow .' laied. -f.l:.-criU'ai.ow for 1S: . feci:; tho time fh, - ia io r."J till Jui). 1, :'e.ar. A.ldress. Tin ' I'piuiini, lloiiton, Mass il 1 I K 1 HAN A OOl.li H i- i, Hut nepd- ' 1 r . i Wh(.-:i 1 -. h.... i Ml i: ''I 1 outh .! l WANT .V,..,',7 V,' ;..t, .... j. ',' .'!,",' : ' . 1 . '- rlkK. I,ut llii tultn j U y t ,.- i. ..ftflK'Tb, 1 uUt-'itK .MllOst.rs.hrlslit M il 1.1... i... WliI:LU i.i (utility ll j j.iIpnc,. t ' . i it .: i-'i. ,i. K ,.arly :r; i:-, i , I, v.- ,,f ,.x,-inivt ' tmi ': New :, ...k. 11 1 ' V'l II" HUd gt full :": la' ! i.li'Hll C'JUiil.i nTS OF THE Oil: vv nreTnuvi ij JOHN CI.AKH K! il' '1 , . l.rlli: ! -nad lllsuirlaiik i.f I.... .N:mutt hb toiti in tiui ' .i-J HI..I .-ri.nd h-lil(.v.ni(.nU (if -l.K.iM :.i,;i iU..,ini.H. A rich "' lli-t-'i-,, 'Irtupi, A.lventun.- u! lll. l Vol .I, I (111 c eillH (If tiui ' ! I. 1 tin ii i, bi.ulH." 1 li r 1 1 1 1 iiu l'"- On Tb ..r il.i tilr v, HiurtlltiK -nit nth "f w itrrlori. liml e'niRii- it VMbt coUp.-tloii of tu. rnretil .i:0.,:, i.iul aj,;, rhuii HlHiorlcal 'n,t- i... u oiiO. rf ui iu w.L'Ook i i. -ui K-.f-, ilucntur. Just Him "I1 ' hiiI. t ' i r iv.c k nitid IIIh- : tiili. lis. Ilrflf-loii). t-levlbn ii I bit: iMl.t .ol c.-lorfd I'ltoii l.nOs H H ItOl.ltH 'ft nf hiiicp t.,1 ,.H .11 : ... i. t'l c. li.u cr Vint., i l-.HT) I . ..I V til'lit. VltlM. o t H))11sl. nn t-iiu:u;.t l.ubli i hk 1. 1 .1 ' IliuslruU-d cirrti ',1 rp h h bt-Hlfrco. A.liiit.tP, IIIMOKIC.UC I'Lll. ut2. a; I I roilis. r-.lc full rsrtu-ulsrs 10, I'll Va .1. S3. XJXtQY, :rciij- BARBER NOTICE. I :,, ... J. rt. . ilr.1V ';tllll'.lirl 111- of i. ln.ir UotU'i' lUHl In I'lllln.H Hll'.l.l- M Aiiilrnw-, t .(.I. -Jiinii h c lliirrlhon, lias uh AilmlnlBtrfttor of tlio ps M Ailri .v.. unit Iti.t-i'tiy Klvt.s rtijiilrcn nil pcrHims liuvlDK ti:.1 i mule of tlio wild KdKftr I-resi-nt tliciii to the snld ail- lulu l I Illl'lll. l-'i in lar o' i 1'i-tn .i.-i. tl-iiy Ali -nt frilled, lor ay- u or I .-fi't' 'ii ; I li c In y of Juno, Uco will j'luadod in ) Lho i state must pity or i In,- i:mb i' ri .-..very. rt-oiih iiu:. ti:. I t i ti..i out I(-.!y. ;. jil.ti O wll 11AKKIHON, AdmlutBLruinr. Ninl't-iri, N e Execution Sale. (it-'-Micnco to nn rxeciitlon iBRUod tome i.y l ... JlcrL nf thf superior Cnini of Cravon ui ii lndnmriii rendored In a special r.re diii in hmKI court, eiitltleil J. I'r nn v. Marti n Jackson et His," 1 sliall, on Montlriy, .1 lily ith. IKC, nt tho Couit IIoush tn Svw ltru. N. tl.,nt VI o'clock, M .sell to th" hH-.lH'M tuli?or.i I'ulillc A notion, all t!ie rltitit, litii' mid lull rent ut nnld Murtln Jank hon In und Ui ttm following rval eoUite, to wll. A c-i lain irui't ot land near Cotv Crek statloiij In Craven founty. on the Atlantio A N. ). Hall i ua J, adtoliitn the lands of T. J. llr ;in and Mrb H'iih4u W dl'c. Imunded on ui iidi-ri liy taid landH, ooiiialuliiK acres IITC OT IChH, Tr!im -tf Maid Hilti, Cah. ll.iw ul diiy ol June, lti,2. WM. It. LANK, HhoilH ot Craven county. Tho World's Fair. V holher you Intend to vtfllt the 'World's Kalr In i IiIphk 1t 1 or not you will want a htniory of It from the bcKltmlBg. Huch a UUtcry in Im Inn iiiaKuiiloently jiretienled by TLo Exposition Graphic, Frluted In Kr(ilsh, Qormau, French and Hinl6ti. Tin flrnt number of thlsfrrr-at qna'trlj edlilon of The Uniililo,JUHt ISBUed, oontAlns Views of all the I'rlii.ipiil buildings from oflli'lnl ileHlKiis ftho Administration, Ktna Arts. Mannfitolurcs, If lslierhis, Mlnas and Mlnlni;. Ai-.rlcullurul HulldliiKB and averv- IIiIdk ulse to date). I'orl rails of the Hrlnolpal Oinmrs (if the (JoinmlHSlon and Dlreotory, Views ot the l'ntiolpal CUUs of America, (nll-pKe Portraits of Trusldont llsrrlson and ueorotary lllalne, and a superb triple, pair lllrd's-Kre View of the Kxposltlon Grounds and Bullrtlrgs from designs by tl Cureau of Construction. Yon will want a copy for yourself and tT eral for your friends. 62 Pagrs, wltn Supplement. Th fines punlloatton In America. Do not fall to send for oopy or ask your Newsdesler for It. Prior to cu. (with order.) Bubsorlutlon one year, (9. THK (iUAPHir "That rhenomenal ana. oess of tllust ated weokllea In the world's fair olty." All iho principal current eventa finely llluitrated. The must domplete, the most popular, and altogether tn most val uable illustrated weeklf. Ask yonr news dealer for It or address the publisher Bab sorlptlon, one year, 14.110, . The OHaPHIO CO., Uaarbora and Barrl eon BU., Chios no. s- Aa agent wanted In every town a . I ::. SHOP. Ma

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