THE JOURNAL. A BLOODY CONFLICT. X Pitched Battle Between Mill .Hen I - and the Pink rtons. : PlTTSBUKO, July C Pittsbarg hat had another experience of labor riots, and this time, aa doricg the fearful aoenes which were witneasnd daring the railroad riots of 1877, blood has been abed, life jeopar dized And valuable property placed - in danger. This time there was no dostruc. tion of property, bat the mob was thoroughly well disciplined and had an efficient oflioer at the head to conduct operations. The force embraced ail the men employed in the extensive plants ot the Carnegie Iron and Steel : company at Homestead, some eight miles east of Pittsburg and the bat tle, which for blood-thirstiness and boldness of execution has not been excelled in aotnal warfare, waged from 4 o'clock this afternoon and only ceased when the force of Pink erton's, brought to the place to suppress the strike, uncondition ally surrendered, leaving their arms in the barges in which they had been transferred to the works. The riot today was the culmina tion of the trouble which have been brewing at Homestead for the past month. The Carnegie com pany submitted a scale to govern their workmen in the steel plants and announced that it was their ultimatum. The scale made a weeping reduction in wages of killed men and it was officially au nonnoed that unless the terms were complied with before July 1st, the places of the workmen would be tilled by others. The men stated that they would never submit to the proposed re duction and announced their determination to resist any effort on the part of the Carnegie's to Start np their plants with uon nnion men. As both sides were determined, both proceeded to prepare for the contest which cul minated in the deeds ot violence and blood abed that were witness ed to-day. Ten were killed, about 350 wounded some fatally. There were 300 Pinkertons armed with Win Chester rifles and 5,000 strikers. The strikers are enraged to the limit of desperation, and will not stop at any measure to defend what they regard as their rights. They are heavily armed, and hav ing tasted blood thirst for more. Every avenue of approach to the town is heavily gaarded by nicn with Winchester rittes, and they will not hesitate to use them cm people who are against them iu this emergency. The Value of Time. One morniug, when Benjamin Franklin was busy in the press room on bis newspaper, a lonnger stepped into the book store ami spent an bonr or more looking over the books. Finally he seemed to settle upon one, and asked the olerk the price. "One dollar," the clork replied. One dollar," echoed the loun ger, can't yon take less than that!'' "One dollar is the price," the clerk answered. The would-be purchaser looked over the books awhile longer and inquired, ''Is Mr. FraDklin in!'' "Yes, he's bnsy in the printing office," the clerk replied. "Well, I want to see him," naid the man. The clerk told Mr. Franklin that a gentleman was in the store, wait ing to see him. FraDklin soon ap peared and the stranger said: "What is the lowest, Mr. Frauk lin, that you can taKe for that bookt" "One dollar and a quarter." was the prompt answer. "One dollar and a qnartei' Why, your clerk aBked me only a dollar just now." "True." replied Franklin, "and I could have better afforded to take a dollar than to leave my work." The man seemed surprised, and, wishing to end a parley of his own seeking, said: "Well, come now, tell your lowest price for this book." "One dollar and a half." "A dollar and a hall! Why, you offered it yourself for a dollar and a quarter." "Yes," said Franklin, coolly, "and I had better have taken that price then, than a dollar and a halt now." . This was a way of trade which took the man quite by surprise. vVlthout a word he laid the money on the counter, took his book and left the store. Fx. The Cholera Spreading 8 St. Pbtersbubo, July 0 holera has reached IsarltPin in the Government of SaratolT on the Volga. Fifteen cases of the disease and six deaths have been reported la the city of Saratoff. Twenty nine cases and six deaths have been reported in Bakua, Bosian port on the Caspian Sea. The deaths number one hundred daily. The disease is rapidly increasing in severity throughout Caucasus. Shlloh'f Consumption Care. This to beyond question the moat aooMsfal Cough Medicine wa have tm told, few dOMM Invariably cure ths) wont cum of Congh.Croup and . Rroanhltis. whil its wonderful suoocss in tha ear of Consamttion li without a Barallal In the history of medioine. Im iu first diaoorary it bu ben told am naraatM. teat whioh no other anadlebM oaa stand. If yon bay a mnnwh mm aarn astir ak yon to try it. Prlot 10c. 60o, and II. If your lung are acre, cheat, or back lama, uie Btu lohi Porona Flatter. Bold by Ne Ban Drag Oo. BAYHORO CORRESPONDENCE. Truck Growers Association Ccnfeder nte Veterans -Pamlico Politics. Bayboeo, N. C, July 7th, '92. To the Fditob of tho Journal: The rains for the past two weeks have been incessant and have damaged the orops considerable. The trucking here this year has proved a total failure, those who planted largely in potatoes not realizing enongh to pay for the barrels, to say nothing about the guano and labor. From the market ' reports and account of sales ren-' dered by some of the commission I houses, it has been discovered that ' a good deal cheating has been prac-1 tised by the commission men. We think it wonld be a good idea for the truck men of North Carolina to form a truck growers association and send an agent to each of the markets to which they ship to look after the sales of their crops, a smaii commission wonld pay a good salary and then we would know tte , going ot our crops On tho 1th of July the old Con federate Veterans met in Bay oro, a dinner was furnished by the citizens of Bayboro, and all seemed to enjoy themselves; there about one hundred "old vets" in Pamlico. We love to see them meet those who followed the flag of our "lost cause," suffering the hardships and privations of war, should be honored and respected by all liberty loving people in onr fair southland. May their memories live forever, and be cherished. Tbey were enthusiastic in their support of Cleveland and Steven son and the State Democratic tick et Wherever you lind the old soldier in Pamlico county, with but very few if any exception you find a good old fashioned democrat, that loves his country. The third party followers are dwindling ont in this county. All good Democrats will work and vote .'or "Cleve and Steve" and the State ticket. It is only a few that are making a "living" out of tne "Alliance" that are preaching third partyism here now, the demo crats of Pamlico will continue to be democrats, but they will not vote for the candidates put ont by Jas. F. Brinson, Bill Alph Carawan and Jesse W. tlolton, on the 17th of April, ldot. Brother Harper can not go to the Legislature from Pamlico this year. We prefer a Democrat and will have one unless the republicans beat us ia a square fight. In tho Jouunal some time ago we saw a letter from I. W. V. going for the Bayboro correspon dent. Oue thing that I. W. W. asked, however we will answer. We believed we used the term "mugwump" in onr original communication, and he desired the correspondent to explain what he meant by the term "mugwump." We understand the term mug wump in politics to be applied to those who claiming to belong to one party, are in all parties, or in other words, profess to be every thing but are nothing and but lit tle oi that, aud we know of no one who ought to be familiar with the term more than I. V . W . e agree with I. W. W. that no one or two men can control the Democrats of Pamlico this year. Because we voted for for Jas. F. Brinson last election don't meau that we can al ways be led to do wrong. We in tend to correct the mistake we made in the last election by voting lor a democrat this time. We are glad that I. W. W. has discovered that no one or two can control the democrat vote of Pamlico, this year, we hope that they, Brinson & Co. will now take in their sign and shut np shop. Wo think the Democratic Execu tive Committee or some one ought to call a meeting for the organiza tion of a Cleveland and Carr Demo cratic Club, in the county, we thick the chairman ol the Demo- ci atic Kxecutive Committee is the proper person to do so and we sug gest to hira that he do it, and in vite Democratic speakers and or ganize the democratic party. The democrats of Pamlico nan out vote six parties when they are organ- zed, what care we for three par ties. DEMOCRAT. Nome Foolish People Allow a couch to run until it gets beyond tlio reach of medicine. They often gay, ' will wear away, but In most cases it wears them away. Could they b9 induced to try the successful meaiclne called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold o a positive guarantee to cure, they woul in mediately see the excellent ellectafte tak ing tho first dose. Price 50c. and $1 Trial i.o froo. At all druggists. mar22 deod weow Dt-DUBciation of Whitelow Held. Abbeville, N. C, July 0. Asueville Typographical Union, 2G3, denounced Whitelaw Reid last night for antagonism to organized labor. When frogs are abundant tbey indicate a good hop crop, and brewers are happy. TUB 8TAOB AND TUB PULPIT l'.ev. V. M. Hhrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I fool it niT duty to tell what wonders Ur. King's Now Disoovery has done forme- Mr Lungs wero badly diseased, ahd my parishiouers thought I could live only a tew weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 lbs. In weight. Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor ougn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats 'em a'l and cures when everything else laila. The greatest kind. neas I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at F. 8. Dnfff's drug store. Regular sizes Bout's for tho Sick Boom. Don't rock your chair incessaut- Don't come into the room with wet clothing on. Don't i-hut the regixter with a clashing sound. Don't talk about sickness or oth er disagreeable subjects. Don't let the bnrean knobs fall heavily, or bang the doors. Don'c ki b the patient if yen have ,i us t come out of the cold. Don't sit where the patient must change her position to look at yon. Dou't play with anything in your bands or anything affixed to the furniture. Don'c talk so fast that it is a strain on the patient's nerves to un derstand all yon say. Doa't sit by the side of the pa tient, for she can't look at yon without straining her neck. Don't, if there is already another persoD in the room, sit so the pa tiont will hilve to be constantly shaking her to look from one to I he other. Don't stay ko long art to tire the patient. 1. Problems. Make V (Ave) less by adding to it. IV (four.) From a number that's odd cut off the bead, it then will even be; its tail. I pray, next take away, your mother then you'll see. Seven even Eve. What must you add to nine to makeitsixl 8, for IX with 8 is six. Which is the greatest number, six dozen dozen or half a dozen dozenf Why six dozen dozen of course. What is the difference between twice twenty two and twioe t wo and twenty? One is 44 and the other 24. When do two and two not make four! When they stand for 2. Her Troubles Begiuninir Early. Flossie (sxi years old) "Mam ma," she asked cne day, "if I get married, will I have to have a hus band like paT" ;'Yes," replied the mother with an amused smile. "And if I don'c get mai ried, will I have to be an old maid like Annt Katet" "Yes." "Mamma,'' (after a pause) "it's a tough world for us womon, ain't it?" The Cause of Pnln. An sche or pain ia not of itself a dis ease, it is but a symptom, nnd warns the sulTerer that there is something the matter with his pbisioal organization. Weak kidneys, bad blood, and ner vousness are frequently the source or cause of the many mysterious aching sensations that, affliot the body. You oan remove the oause of suoh distress by using B. B. B (Botanio Bloon Balm.) u. a. ttobetta, Atlanta, Oa., writes: "My kidneys were disordered and gave me eiruciating pain. A single bottle or li. a. B. helped me wonderfully." Wm. N. Nelson, HoDonoufth. Oa.. writes: "B. B. B. has beneficed my daughter very muoh. She wss a (Dot ed with severe nervousness. I think it the nest family medioine. " W. R. Ellis. Brunswick, (is., writes: "I have tried B. B. B. and it a great thing for the blood. It also cured me of rbeumatio pains." Our piiuster says that the (low ers of speech spring from the root of tho tongue. Azrt-al, the Angel of Death. Hovers nearer us, sometimes, tban we are aware. It is safer far when we are unwell to suspeot his propinquity than to ignore the possibility of bis nearness. Caution is a trait in whioh the majority of mankind are constitu tionally lacking. The pronenesa to dis regard a "slight cold" is particularly stiking. This minor ailment is; how ever, a predecessor of la grippe, a mat ady which when developed of the most fatal character, as mortuary statistics attest. After a chill, or when the pre- manitory symptoms of influenza suoh as sneezing and shivering, suooeeded by fevenshcess and dryness of the akin are peroeptible, immediate recoursa should be had to Bostetter's Btomaob Bitters, a venial accelerator of the blood's circulation, which diffuses an agreeable, healthful warmth through the system induotive of perspiration, by means of whioh the complaint ia ex pelled through the pores and its further tendency counteracted. Wonderful! efficacious to is the Bitters for malaria, oonstipation. liver complaint, rheuma tism and kidney trouble. A wineglasa- ful before retiring induoea health yield ing sleep. Wkea Baby was ak-Jr, we fraaa bar Cattoria. When was a CbiU.taha cried (or Caatorla. Waea the became MIm, aha clung to Oastorlav When she baa CklMrsn, aha gave tbesa Oaatorla. HUMPHREYS' VETERIKARYSPECIF1CS : Tor Sonet, Cattla, Sheep, DogL Sot : AHD roOXTHT. 000 Page Baek aa Traatsaeat af Aalaaals aaa Oaart Heat Free. cmua Fevera.Ceaareettm.IaaawittoB A. A. I Halaal Bfaalatltla, Milk fever. B. B. Hlrataa, Immih, RhaaaaatUsa. .:. IHataaiaar, Naaal Dleekarcea. I.E. aaaaa, Hemvea, Paeaaamla P.P. t elle ar ttrlafta. Bellwaeba. v.if.aia n unn, ifirai, U.CI. Mleearrlace, Ifeaiarrhaeaa. aa. aaa H.U. Urtaary klam Ulaeaaea. 1.i.Kraaflva Dlaaaaaa. Maaaa. J.K.-Dlaeaaaaaf Ulaaatiaa, Paralvrla. Blns-le Bottle (ovarlOaoseft -tJtakle Caae, with Bpertfles. Mutau. Veterinary Oare Oil uxl Hadlouor, ST. v Jar Veterlaarr Care Oil, . l.e atoM eJseaejes6) aw fJgajS ppajajajls 6avel iiJ bbV aamir aa laMpi af Mei. wnraasi s asa.ea,iiiatis maua at, siaiwk. zvirezxsiBxs' sPECinc'i:o.6U Thas aTanW wsniasjaijaf ill ffaiMlli SOS Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, SO jraara. and Praamtlaa, tram em awk or ether aaaaal ! par vial, aa SflaieaBa large rial I . arid lit vtcimu, m Mai iMipwa a naw of srtaa. Schedu!o3" Tax Merchants, Jewelers, Orooere, Drug gist!, and other dealers who shall buy and sell goods, wares and merohsndise of whatever name or description, are hereby notified that the law requires them to deliver to the Clerk or the Board of Oemmiss oners, within ten days after July 1st, 18U2, a sworn stste- ment of the total amount of their pur chases in or out of the Ssvtn for the preceding six months ending June 80th, 1892. JAMES W. BIDDLE. Clerk Board Commissioners jj2ld Craven County. SUMMERB0ARD. HOTEL GORDON NEAR DEPOT, North Wilkesboro, N. 0. Rates until August 1st, 1803, only $0 00 per week; children o to y years, and nurses half price. Round Trip Tickets Oood until October oOth, IbUz, from all principal points via Richmond and Danville R. R. Trains leave Greensboro nt 10; 1!) a.m. nnd arrive la JSortb W.Ikpr)tro at 3:5 . uaity except Bund ay. K-iturnlrtir, jf-ave in or in wueteBooro at. -i.w ua arrive m Jreenibo:oai J; 15 p.m. North WllktBboiois eltuatod In lham un- tain region of Worth western Carolina, ou tbe i ad Kin Kiver, amoDg the nine nidge and Bruthv mountains. 103 miles Northwest of reensboro. it is a deJgutrul. Bare and con Ten lent Family Summer Resort, where gambling and drinking are not al lowed; where you may eDjoy cool, invigo rating mountain b ret zee, cool ninhts, cro quet, lawn tennis and children's play grounds, rambles, oozy nooks, ruetie seals, mountain drives. Eest Mineril Water ia tha State, hunting, fiahtos;, boat-riding, and rresh water bathing. Hotel Uardon la well equipped, with broad pizaia, rooking cuaiia. hammooka, well lurnlahed rooms wltb oaroeta. window abadea and bllndB. Tbe rare fa r.r better than that or man? ol tbe leading Hotel! of tbe Slate, and la run byOnrlatlan people, not for tbe purpoae of ioiiiok DWD.J, qui iur tuo purpuse ui ad vertising the advantage of Norm Wilkea boro, ita ollmate and acenery. Kefebbncss: Col. Geo. W. Blnahaw. Ool. P. H. Hanea, Dr. W. L. Brown and Judge Wilson, of Wlnaton. N C; Ool. J.M.Win- atead and Dr a F. Dixon, or Ureensnoro. N O: W.H HIll.Ksa .ana P W. Kibler. Ktn f Danville, Va.; oapt. Bamuel A. Ashe, of italeiah, N.O.; Major Channlng W ltollon and Henry P. Soelee, of Atlanta, Ga., and traveling saieemeD generally. 7- In order to secure rooms fo tbe Bta sou, write early to W. V. TROQDON, Manager, io!9 dwlm North Wilkesboro, N. C. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Farming Lands In obedience to ajudgmentof the Superior (jonrl or craven county, rendered in me Special Proceeding, wherein V. K. Palmer, executor or Kdward H: BUI, deoeased la nlalntln. and Martha Hill and vlaeea and balr at law, are defendant, tbe undersigned, as uommiasioner, win, on Monday, Anguat 1st, 1K9J, at the court House la tbe clly Of new Bern, ooonty or uraven, ff . U., at 12 o'elock, noon, sell at Public Auc tion to the highest bidder, all the lands be longing to tbe oatate of aald Edward II. Hill lying aDd being In No. 3 township, Craven oounty, on Moaeley creek, about mllea norm oi uoyer atauon, ou me puuno roau leading from Dover to Fort Barnwell In tald oounty. adlolnlng tbe lands of Wm. White. Asa Barnes, Emanuel William. Beth Weal and others, containing acres, more or lea, with all the buildings and Improve ments thereon, excepting tho standing pine timber sola to me uoiaaooro L,umuer im Deny by deed bearing date Apill 8lh. 18KI, recorded In Craven county recorda, Book Ko. 104, folios 281. iwa and 23. The above lanae ure described in the fol lowing deads recorded In Craven oounty reoords, to wit: One deed for 'JiKI acres, more or leaa. from Joaohlm Urlltln lo Kdward H. Hill, dated Nov. 15 h, lr-lit. Book No. eu, folio 6P: one deed for IWA acres, more or leas, from Joachim Grlmn to said Hill, dated Jan 2d, 105, Book No 67, folio 22 one ded for 800 acres, more or leea, iron H&ja urnno to said Hill, dated Feb'y Jtb, 186., Book No. 67. folio 221: one deed for 200 aorea. more or It as, from H. T, Richardson to said Hill, dated Maroh lsth, 1885, Book No. 7. folio mitt; one deed lor two tracts (lilt) and 25 respective ly). In all 215 acres, more or leas, from Wm A. Qreen and wife and John I). Uarmaok to said K. H. Hill, dated Knb. Kith. 1871. Book No. 75, folloa 101 aod VA. excepting, bow ever, from tbe above lands the following tracts sold on by said Kdward H. dill, to wit: one tract for 2r0 acres, more or less sold to Emauuel Williams, January 1st. UKl, sb per deed recorded In Book No 81. folios 200 and 201, and two other small irarln of 10 and 19 aorea respectively (in all nacres) smd lo Asa Barnes by aald Hill, Jan. l.ilb, 1871, aa per deed recorded In Book No. 71, folios 208 and 207. Theae lands are valuable for farming, aa wellaa for atook ralBlug, and conveniently located on the public road, about balf way between Dover station, on the Atlantic A N U. Railroad. and fori Barnwell, with a good dwelling and othor building? on same. About 100 acres are cleared for cultivation. Terms of sale, Oasb, NesBern, N O.. June VOth, ISirj. JAMH8 O. HAHKMON, e27 111 Admlnlstrat r aud I'oinruissloner Commissioner's Sale. Pursuant o a lodgement of foreclosure of mortgage and an order or afie, ai nprins Term 18V2. ef the Superior Court of Uraven Connly, man action wherein in aaatero Building and Loan Association of Hyracuse N. v.. was ntalntlirand Alfied H. Ward a il wife were defendants aa Commissioner duly anthortced and empowered by saldiudg ment and order of sale, I will sell to thr highest bidder for oash.attbe Omit Hons door of aald connly, in the city of Mew Berne, on the 18th day of ugust 1SU2, ntm o'clock noon, all the rii lowing aeEcriuea 101 or parcel of land, viz., Lying and being situated In atld elty or New Berne, County and mate aferesald nnd known and dis tinguished aa lot No. 87, In Ina to the nlan of lola made by III H. Stanly and J. Oralis m Tull being 67 ft. front on Htanly St., and 117 It. deep as will more ruuy appear or te.erenoe to a aeen rrom Rather Uaaklll to Ed. It. BUnly dated Feb'y JBtb, 1870 and recorded lo Book No 71, folio SI and 2 Register's offlce. and being now occupied by aald Alfred 11. Ward as a aweumg. OHO. H. WHITB, Commissioner This July 2nd. 189'i. New boarding House, South Side Pollock St , Opposite residence of L II. Cutler. New Berne, N. C. Board bj the day, week or mouth. Table, the best the market will afford, Twenty-three years' oxpeiience. H. H. DOWDY. jno29 dwtf John H.Crablreo SCo. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, And Blacksmiths. riavinir withdrawn from the old Arm of John H. Urabtrta 4 Co , and pur chased the place on tha west side of Craven street, formerly known as Culh bert's stand, wa are now ready to do all kinds of Foundry, Machinist and Black smith Work. . All our toots and machinery are new and flrtb-class in every prtrtioalar. With a good oorpa or m consoles, eto., we hope to merit and receive a liberal share of publio patronage. ' John H. Grabtree & Co.. js25dwtf New Borne, W. C. . M laWIri 1 iTI r TsltT I r fl S ' B."l&.TATS These CELEBRATED Corner South Front and Craven -m . : ..... v " Far Superior and Cheaper TM?i Fvb r Mm has just arrived with West Virginia H0R8E8 prepared to meet the Low Priced 3Fotttoejs It will pay one and all to call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. KINSTON lias tho strongest Faculty in the East; uses tho most approved im tliwl oi instruction in nil departments, BUSINESS COURSE unsurpassed in the South. Don't pass by Kinston until yon have seen us. Full courses in Book-keeping, Banking, Commercial Law, Husiucsa Forms, Ilapitl Calculator, Correspondence, and Penmanship. MUSIC Our Director has few equals and no miporiors In the Stair . Tlii3 de partment will almost triple itself next year. Special advantages in Chemistry, Surveying, TyjKi Wiiti find Stenography, Mathematics, Language and Elocution. If you wish to secure a place in the College, writo us at oucc, ;ia homo of tho departments are Doing rapidly nilea ro ?or new Catalotrue, address tSfName this paper. We Can A new lot of Horses, Mules, Carriatres, Bucies, Eoad Carts, Harness, Whips, Etc., arriving every two or three days. A very largo and fine supply now on hand at OHEA.TLY REDUCED PltlCKS. They are going rapidly, Call at once and get bargains. T. STEWART. BOUNDED I8U4 br the present executlveOcenrlcs four bnUdlnsnh-Unrlvalled lo facil P ities tor oouuituig iuisu uuu anu m-nnoi, owing to its i I U n fiUTluara oi ezooiiencv, nan pimu in uusiuuat iauru jouuk mm auu women from Md.t Vu., N. C. H. C. and Oa. than all slmllAr tnstltutAns combined. Catalogue and Particulars mailed. WU.SADLEH.KRt8.. KINCHh! Uelirwn by djruggi.ti, For sale by J. V. JORDAN. 250,000 BRICK READY FOB SALE! Cheaper than any other Man can Furniih Them, I'vo got 'em and want to sell 'em. Apply to W. T. BURltUa, New Berne, or M. rOUTEK, Riverdale. jnc7 dtf 100 BAGS 8H0T To Hand This Day. All Sizes. Send In Your Orders. vXTlricIi, WHOLES ALB GBO0EB, VTSIMiE STBXZTs , ".- 'T' ' JfVVC- BSB3TB. X. 0. 0 Blt HIS BE ST GlRL PKEEZERS are for sale at Streets, Newborn, N. V Jel8 HAHN a FBESfl SUPPLY oi and MULES, and is emergency, COLL LEE k CROWELL, Frlmlpals. Suit gBVANT AND STRATTOI -LDLLEGE: wmisii tor socona in mo. Tne outiooa rot is most isvoraoie lor Dnsiucaaopponunitica. i ne demand for our graduates la unprecedented. Nc vacation ; pupils can enter at any time wltb equal advantage. Never attend a school because tbe tuition fs cheap, for OH CAP Is very dearj It means cheap sarronndlnirs, inferior facilities. I and offerr NO opportunities for securing POSI TIONS tor rut Duplla and sradnatcs. This - P. A aA DLbn, oEC Y. BALTIMORC.MD mil i4frtoatA of th aBurm MBWaDe Ul4 rntMrlNOUUH(KA um1CLI'IT in tod ilavs. No other Iraatracnt pusLiiiry- NetarnoM Itiktoreot fcO f' BlUW PALP CU,, PfO I, BtllfTta, Gt- Druggist, New Berne, N. C. STANDARD Truck Barrels. We aro now prepared to supply Barrels or our In any quantity. delivered on oars or steamer at New Berne, For further infoitnatiou apply to cur Sales Agent, R II. & J. A. MKADOWB JO. JONES ft CO We. the undersigned, naed one tlinn sand Truck liarrols, maqufactured by Messrs. Jones & Co., last yrur, and they gave us perfect satisfaction. We shall use tne same barrels again this year, and also some of their Patent Wire Barrels. LIaCKIIUHM & WlLLXTT, May 13, 1803. U dwtf J. E. LATHAM, Offlos fbot Oravan street. In Olyds building) esmiL cdmmissios mcHui, BTJTEB OF and EXF0BTEB of COTTON DBALBB IM OOUNTBT PRODUCE and all tpaoulauve exmmoditiea. Basuonabla easta advaniva maita. 1 eollelt eonalanmenta of Track tor follow Int. OummlMlon Merocaota, who are rellaUa DB reapvnaiuiai F. B. Ol HH4)N. Philadelphia. ' r. IsoatULJtlKaiOO.aiLd H. 8. DOWSER 00.,Haw mK ssavsHss do,, Boston. J. S. KINKEUY CO., Pittsbarg. Dallv auotallona rr.a to all aoatad cai black board la my offlee ever day. latu wwnis lor ateneiia ana poarai earoe. Via I tors welcome. Oorraanondanoa low Tttetf, . m7llawU . The Issg's ilsad f AG'S HEAD, N. C. The Ssisitle Rtsort ef the iUutic IwX Are you foiul of lishing, sailiui;, (irivin;;, biiiuhie. hhtxitinff, anil watchinz the bil lows roll? If .). Ko to NAG'8 UEAl), N. C . on tho ATLANTIC OCEAN, and spend a few days to your delight. . Ol'KN JUNE SOrir. Ttnlnc1 HO In 2 f;l imr (iav: S10 tO $15 per work; $30 to S50 ur ninutli INo mosqu toeB ur jiosih ol any kniu. Special rates to fumilioa and exoint-i'-n purli'3. K.Ki'S l!EAi liOlUl, COMfANV, iclSlm liag'a Head, N. J.olltc is a-j:..:. t iv j. itooord'os; to isw. ilia r.a.J f CoiMmiasioaeri of Ornvi-n .vj-fy i!l tn.'.t on the riuconil hi-:-s u: Jaty, W)3. beinK the 11th day cf i :i'.d moiitb, for ll:o pnrpoHd of revising lh-: Tux Litfi nnd valuationn (ported to tU ru by the Lirit Tkers of aid crur.ty, a--d vrsiplevinR esirl lints. A .d r....tiJ iil ho i" 'iif;..n duriii thi'. Bn'or.'i v.e.-k ii J'iiy for the pupr-aw of her.riii corjj -i. ef tux payers an to the v&lau'.icu ol iKeir pu p rt or Ihe arur-ant ta cb tt-'.-d siiicsi ihi-ni OorrotJti-'.. -n.u b-3 ii. 3 iP al ter m- N. re- Ti ion i. oi:.i-!t l; . By rule: mrd (iair;'.ippi.rer9. Thurmaa, N. C, Manufictiiicr of and Dealer in FIEGT-Cf.AS3 BIICK. 800,000 now ready for the market V ill sell as cheap as uuy other man. je20tf USIVSESITY OF Iuotruc'.iuii in ctloitd in four general couiscB of study, Bix brief courses, a largo numbor of special courses, and in Law, iHedieiuo nnd Knpinocrinp. Tho Faculty iuuliidrs twenty Tenchers. Schrlarship1 r?nrl loini 1'uiiiIh aro avnil nblo !..i iiii-.ij j j 1 1 1 1 i:au uf talent and charut tor. Tho NEXT SESSION' 1!K(11N'S SEIX 1. For cuta'.oi'uo with full iuforniatinn, addief.K rm;s;i)i:NT winston, Jci i d .. l:n Chapol Hill, N. ('. Ocmrmcsion McrchaBts, OT.O Washington Street, NEW YOUK. Solicit your buKiiiei. quick rctuiiiH, unil the rrompt R.ilos, HIGHLIT MARKET PRICE GMiSTESD PUnicfs or lVtiil Coiti.1 u.n It o' tiincd atJNO. DUNN'S. llKi'uuKNrE: Hationai Itank, New Pcrnc. N. f. ml8 Exocution Sale. In ohedlonce to an execution Ism d lo m by tliu (Jltjrk nf tbu bUf-erlor ( ourt or ( uvea oouuty. ou a Jadgintnt render' J in Hf'fOr! proceeding of ta.d contt. eutitlnl Jfi, r.barlton va. Kreeninn Avorv Httt wlf tior. delta Avery end llnry Rousa " 1 kIihII on kondiiy, Julv iih, i.-'jj. nt th Court. Houm In N. v. Bo n, w l 1'2 ci'H K, M . bdll to tho liigliohl l)li!i!"r, it uil:in u notion, nil tbe rl.:ht, title und 1 1' r t-Rt w(j Irh nid Ki'efniaUi Kwty and He t uiduila Av-ry Iimva m nnd to tiie lollowlug Tf.ikl MHt?, to v i; rr Un tract of Wbd lylDK 111 X TuwnaMp. Craven county, ou a bramtb of Mowlcjr creeB. on tlie wi'i sldo of Hal J creek, begin ulng Ml a red oak Hud rannlDK sooth SI fast lo'J polos to a r d oak, thenoo tomb 66 40plutua red oak(theiino f orth 6fi" afe 210 nol to tx pino, tiic nc) uorth llu west 160 poles to a wo He ostf., tnenoe to the flrsl siatloy. containing !iW acrR, and belrg ths) same tract of Und granted to Krsnela Blrlncr the 8h dy of Cctobr. 1747. Also one other tract lying In ssld townhblpand county ou tne south Bids of Neane river and eafct hide of Gum swamp the same whioh wat ranted to Wm. Wadiworl', Ot. Sdth. 1417, except that portion of sakl tract von veyod lo John Cobb. Terms of said Bale. cash. TMs !ki day ot June, iai)i. WM. B. LANK. HherifT of Uraven couut fill TRAOi VTo gl?a irpclnl ftUtnttloa to oust r-)JcU1 foot "Nidi, tvlao to LoterfertniMg, ipooali, rr ), trfttW ntvrkj. the propftrtstloo of opinion mt to hiMnmKCat. cot Mkd vnlUlty of r'su, And the proMcutloti mA OflinLM of iniu tor lnfiiDframaBt. ftnrrnt fif IniSri tloni. Unni. referenoM, stc , MmlfTM. tUSON lUtOTUKIUi.Kqultiiblennndlnc. I4M)3 lt., Waahlnfrton, 1. C. Mlf ton Uurt itomiM for potUf om Ulta. trfttcd bookUt, " lD7wntlTProrMi," publlihWi prta SD cent, and our qaarto-eaUnnltvI ptuopJilot Smt is voaUuv, uaiaaJaclarori utd patsjntsMi. (MsKtU'm taid pftpor.) 8clcuti!lo America Agency for , "W . av " VSTS. aTPsl SSAflVSj. viwr IKIUHTS. I or inrormation am fMa Rmnw a. " - rivM mvw urn TT IB WiS) Mtntitit mtimu Lmst fJrrrjlaU, otM. BnlondW nan ahntilA h. . OTWrntha si raari SU0 aU nwntaT iUaraasM&H ia Da arttboot n. Waaklv. mwiUia. Addraaalltrnii HUmPHREYS'J This Precious Oikthknt is tha triumph of Scientific Medicine. t Nothing has ever boon produced to;,, equal or compare with it as a curaTttb. and iieauno application. It has been ,' used over 40 years, and always afford relief and always gives satisfactionJ For rile External or Internal, Blind! or BieedinR ; Ffatula in Ano Itching or Diced ing of the Rectum, The relief is WITCH iJAZEt OIL'1 For Bums, Scalds and Ulceration arul ' Contraction from Burns. Tha relief is instant the healing wonderful and unenualed. it, For Boils, Hot Tumors. Ulcers. TIuU.Kl- .'": " vea jireasts and borm ' '.pica. 11 11 inTSJuabie. ' -1 n I r. . -S- J ii,jvnu ,. 1 ruu site, at OntaU Y sl r DnasMs, ar MM mmxk w . auaraaan-ua,ee..liianin.u Tiir nil r aiuvi aa.a. - . - mmw wmm ' nc rite uiNif.ihNTi JsaBiiajJviSa. Brt VaS ath'i r i i a v i r lirHOKI Children Cry' forJitcherVCastorta oue. and I wisvaasis' sua. ee., in a us waaaa i