nn Daily J OURN J,. HE "wr I? VOL. XI.--NO. 86 NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY, JULY J O, 1892. EiOE 5 CENTS. of 1 BUSINESS LOCALS. FOUND A small gold button on Pollock Street. Enquire at Journal Offioe. OAA ICE RIND Water Melons at iiUU J. F. Taylor's. Call early. WAVEULY and COOPER'S Works for Bale ai Bargain. Eight and Ten Voluntas eah. No. handsomely bound, and large clear print. jS3s HUNYADI Jmos Mineral Water, the beat Natural aperient. For sale by J AS. Redmond. RD. V. JONES, lato in chirRo of the prescription department of Pelham 'a Pharmacy, Anhoviile, N O , baa opened a Prescription Drug Store npxt to custom house. Spocial oare ia given to the selection of preparations for presoription use only. The patron age of the public is soiiuiiud. ir.aj 29 PURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by Jas Redmond. D D UFF Gordon Imparled Sherry, for sale by Jas Redmond. O you need a Crush Hat Cood ONES, LATE SHADES Ht Dj20 Babiunoton & Daxtkii's. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke's Bass' Ale and Burko'a Guinnoes' Btout, for salo by Jas Redmond. F! 1 OR SALE Coles' box or ward robe lounge is a perfect lounge t-y day aod a perfect bed by night, and you oan put away as much clothing or cr.ht-r articles as in tbo average wardrobe. Yon oan get three articles for the price of one. No extra charge for packing or hipping: Mrs. Dr. Talmage, wife of iho cele brated preacher, says theso lounges are very, very nice. Prioe in Creton, $10, ia, Raime $13. $14, Raw Bilk, $20. 825, Silk Brooatelle, 825. 830. Terms 10 per cent, discount cash with order or half with order balance CO days. ALFRED COLES. Orand and Myrtle Avenues. Brooklyn, N. Y. TK AAA CIGARS at very low I OaVVV figures to wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jab. Ukdmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY used very much in ibe rick room. For sale by Jas Uhdmokd. IiIVB Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoes for children, 10, 121 and 15 cents por pair. BIG IKE. MI8U, 8ACRAMESTAL, PORT and 8CUPPERNONG WINES for sale by Jas. Kkcmond. DUFFY 8 MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal use. for sale by jan26 Jas. Redmond. I CALVIN 8CHAFFER'8 WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for throat and lung dis eases, for sale by Jas. Redmond. The Democrats of speaker Crisp's district hare renominated him for Congress and instructed him to support the Stewart Free Silver bill, The Third party nominated Oon. Weaver. It will be fonnd that the weaver has woven a web from which it is impossible for the party to extricate itself. The Senate Judiciary committee will report the Anti option bill to the Senate without any recommen dation and it will go upon the cal endar to be taken np upon mo tion. The situation at Jacksonville re mains critical. Three more com panies have been ordered to that place. A good many negroes have been arrested and sentenced to im prisonment or to pay fines. It is said that the Third party people are anxious for Dr. Sander lin to become their candidate for Governor. They can't Lave him. The gallant Sanderlin will be fore most in the fight for Cleveland Oarr and the people. The best the Third party c.-.a do is to jine" the Democrats. The Republicans have never done any thing for the farmers and never will do eny thing for them, because the campaign fund doesn't come from the fields. Louisville Oourier Journal. Evkby thing is quiet at Home stead, the men are determined that bo oataidai shall take their places ia the mills. The Carnegie com pany is firm and determined. Its secretary says the company will hold no enference with the men. If any want to go to worK on the com pany's terms they oan do so. The ooarse of Gov. Pattison is general ly approved. THK few murmurs of discontent ( that were heard immediately after Mr. Cleveland's nomination have entirely subsided, and there is now not an Inharmonious ' note. The gleeful predictions of the Republi cans that there wonld be hopeless trouble ia the Democratic party hare already proved false. It ia ev ident that a more united and deter mined Campaign has - never been witnessed In the history of politics '. In this eoautry than that which the Democrats are about to undertake. - Baltimore News. Jy V'w i i i i '' A : Children Cry . forPitcTierftCastorla Tun Republican Senate hrs passed the Silver bill; a Democrat ic House is expected to pass it, and then a Republican President will veto it. All that will be gained by this hubbub will bo that it will be shown once more that some Repub licans are for silver and some are against it,while some Democrats are for silver and some are against it. So tho whole question will be left ux3c;!y whore it was before the Senate revived its agitation, and Cleveland will be elected all the same. Richmond Times. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEM&NT9. Salem Female Academy. Found -A small gold button. J. M. Howard New Samples, etc Hradbam & Smith Seeds, Feed, etc. Weather loJay local thowers in tun west, fair in tho east, variable winds. Tho U'cture of Mr. Andrew Joyner at the Y. M. C. A. HaII this afternoon at six o'clock will be free to both ladies and gentlemon. The credit of the highly tnjoyed Ger man of Monday evening belongs to the Germaning men and not the yacht olub and its president. The premium list of the third annual uxhibiliiii of tho Orionlal Industrial Stock, Fruit a d Agricultural Fair An8oci:ilion U ready for distribution. We will give particulars of its oontenls ia Lnolher ittiue. The steam fire engine of the Atlantio Company left yesterday morning for Asheville, the engineer Mr. J. C. Green accompanying it, also Mr. Haywood Tooker. The remainder of the compa ny will depart for Asheville Mon day. The contents in which the en gine will take part will come off Thurs day. Tho present eesaion of the New Berne District Conference is pronounced most excellent one. The attendance ia good and the reports of the pastors show good progress in the work over the entire district. lianoock street church of this city will be represented. AH of its regular delegates are there and also two of the alternates. Mr. J. E Peteison, of Goldsboro was on the train returning to his home from Morehcad where he has been making arrangements with the hotels and boarding houses for the excursionists who will go down on the Uollowell and Feteison exouraion. The excur sion will be run from Goldsboro on the 28. h inct, passing through New Berne about noon and will return on the evening of the 27th. All are invited to attend the Saora flce temperance lecture which Mr. An drew Joyner, of Greenville will deliver at the Y. M. 0. A. Hall this afternoon at six o'olock. It is a moral and in structive lecture and Mr. Joyner will make some impressive revelations of the great amount of trouble oaused by the use of tobacco and morphine and give some startling faots gleaned from his knowledge gained in bis connection with the Keeley Institute. Mr. George A. Parsons, who had the flne phonograph at the last New Berne Fair is now giving very interesting ex hibitions of its marvellous performers at Morehoad and Beaufort. It would be a fine thing for the ooloted people to securo the attendance of Mr. Par sons at their approaobing Fair ia this oity. Tho phonograph is one of the most astonishing inventions of the age; the one that Mr. Parsons has is the best and it would add materially to the erjiyment of those who attend the Fair. Cliurrli Services. Centenary M. E. Churoh Rev. R. A. Willis, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. , oonduoted by the pastor. Young men's prayer meeting at 9:15 a. m. Sunday school at 4 p. m., J, K. Willi, Superintendent. Prayer meet ing on Thursday night at 8 o'olock. The publio are cordially invited to attend these servioes. Hancock St. Methodist Churoh ser vice Sunrise Pray or meeting 8i a. m. 11 a. m. & 8 p. m. Preaching by pas tor Rev. John F. Butt. Sunday School i p. m. open air meeting at Bugar Hill 5.15 p.m. Everybody Invited to at tend. Church of Christ, Hanoook St, I. L. Cheetnutt, Pastor Ssrvioes) at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. young men's prayer meet ing at 8 a. m. Sunday Bohool at 8 p. m. Weekly prayermeeting every Thursday night. A oordial invitation is extended to all to attend these servioes. Cathollo Church Rev. Father Haa, Reclar, High Mass and sermon at 11 a, m. Catechism at 6 p m. and Benedic tion with Blessed Sacrament at 6.80. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. Oeorgs, Beotor. 4th Sunday after Trinity: Early Communion 7 JO a. m. Servlots 11 a. m., and 8 p.m. Thepublloaisj oordlally invited. Attentive ushers. Sunday-school at the chapel 9:80 a. at., and at the church 0 p. m. Biptltt Churoh Btv. Bufus Ford, pastor. BirtvioM 11a.m., and 8 p.m.. oondooted by the pastor. , Sunday school p. b J B. Holland, 8up1. Children CrorJIlcher'i Castorla, Coming' and dicing. Rev. R- A. Willis and Kb v. J. F. Butt and wife returned from the Dis trict Conference yesterdar. Misses Emma White and Nettie Ed wards who have been visiting at Rev. R. A. Willis left for their home at Tri nity College aocompanied by Miss Min nie Willis. Mr. T. J. D&xter, of Winston who has been visiting his broihor Mr. J. J. Bax ter in tho city aud other lelatives in Pamlioo left returning honia yesterday. We are pleased to loera that Mr. Bax ter at a very early day intends to move to New Berne. "Reformatory Movements.'' This is a now book just issuod by the Standard Publishing Co. of Cincinnat ti' It is of largo clear print and sub stantially bound in cloth. After having reviewed the work one of our city pautors tiavs: I have closely examined the ' 'Hietory of Reformatory Movements" by J-jhn F. Howe, and o&ndid judgment it is tho boat work of :.a kiad that I have seen. It will meet tho wants of many who have not tho time to Boaroh through many volumes for the information they desire and oan gel ty a few hours study in this work. And it is just the book for those who have not the moans to purchase the great cumber of books that would be rtquired to furnish tho information found in the one book. It contains the croam of many works concerning the reforms from Martin Luther down to the times of Alexander Campbell and bin ooadjulois. All who desire to loarn gieat facts in all tho reformations cim not Jo better than to get this book. X. (.'. A. A M. College The North Caroliua College of Agii oultural and Mechanical Arts will com mence its next session on the 2nd of September. The school is pleasantly situated a abort distance beyond tie limits of Raleigh and has a good farm connected with it on which the pupils can obtain thorugh actual work and ex periments as well as from text books needed accurate and useful practical and scientific information relative to agricultural life. There are also well-equipped wood nd steel working departments in which pupils are skillfully trained in architec ture and other mechanical pursuits, and by taking tbo planned courue many valuable points that might be mused in an ordinary apprenticeship re thorougly mastered . Litorary studies are also pursued at the same time. Before entering, all applicants are required to stand an examination cn from studies of the publio school oourse history , grammar, arithmetic and English composition. An ordinary soholar of the sixth grade, or a well advanced one of the fifth grade who has studied with due diligenoe and attention and retained in mind the lessons learned will be com petent to pass the examination, though it is by no means an easy one. The charges are light and a number of pupils from over tho State are en titled to free tuition. Craven county is entitled to have two of them in college and there is a vacancy now to be filled. Dr. John S. Long L. L. D., Superinten dent of Publio Instruction will give in formation wanted on the eubjeot and will hold the examination later. After the ' applicants stand the examination here the roport of it goes on to the col lege of officials for action, and it is use less for anyone to attempt to eain the scholarship unless ho u fairly well posted on the publio school studies mentioned. At the same time a course in the oollege is well worth making strenuous efforts to secure. List or Letters Remaining in the Postoflice at New Berne N. C June 2nd, 1892. A Mrs. Miaera Arerett. B Mrs. Cora Bell, Miss IUnnah Brown, C HD Clark, Miss Lida Carter, A Carter, D Miss Martha Daniel. Mr. II Dunn or Geo W Dunion. F Mlis Rosa A Fisher, G Misa Safronia Gaskins, Mrs. Car rie V Gaskins, (2) Thomas Gardon (ool) Miss Annis Green, H Mrs, Carrie Hatch. K J II Knight, M John Man, P Mrs Batira Peugb, Mrs Fannie Prioe, Linter Parker, 8 Miss Fannie Small wood. W Geo R West, David Wilkinson, Mrs Anna Williams. Persons oalling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date. The regulations now require that one oent shall be collected on each advertised letter delivered Wm. E. Olahkb, A Blissful Anticipation ! Being very grateful to the people for their past patronage and support, and thinking they would like to know something of my former history, I have concluded to write a short sketoh of my life. I do not do this with any self pride or conceit, but hoping that some good may ooms out of it. Many a poor boy whose ciroumstanoes are strained and surroundings are suoh that the future look only dark may be en- oouraged to make an effort hearing whet poor oountry boy baa dona, bo while this may cost me some consider able effort and loss of deep, yet I shall para no paini or time in giving a true history of what my life has been to far. Of oourse it it useless to mention my nam lor all know that there it not another man on earth that would at tempt to maoh for hit friendt. that the same Big Ike whose purchases at 40, 60, ana ovi oentt on tb dollar brine to much profit and causing so many am Us to the poor of our land. Children .CfiJorJitcher'i.Castonai THE KEELEY IXST1TITE. Some of Us Marvellous Cures A Tem perance Lecture This Afternoon. We had knwn of the greet virtues of the Keeley Reinodioa for tho cure of the Liquor, Morphino and Tobccco habits, but not until w met Mr, An drew Joyner who is in tho oity repre senting the Keeloy Institute of Ureeua boro did we realize the extent of the work this Sanitarian is doing in North Carolina. Hr. Joynei- ia yerfejily .':aDi md oourtoous in nil ooaiarjii. Aliens uud impresses one with bis pouinl niHrner end tfcoroush kccjil'ds't 'A rvry de tail. We were uiucu iuurcuicd .u it.e (.au tographs of students r" at the oolleee some 200 of whom ho has vi'h him tnd almost without ckcs;Iou ttu'y ieur the bimiip uf j.,uiiuhty and .iitc.iiuuct. These sre principally men quite well known who for ,y.e frx! at huniin'.ty lot itici. vxpeii-in.'vu at : IsdiUuti be kneuu No publicity :j Kivou ia ic- gsrd to the ccpo rf hny atient v-ho St ain's (o avoid it. lie tells us ih-l iL,.u havo 'ocou graduated ul the Grc-boro luuitute alone, within tho psat the rnonins. nearly 100 uicn, iuduuic-i rioi.tc-:J lawyore, prcachm:', merchants mi overy Undo and CiiKicg is lOpisci.uJ : by the 9S patiento ui Grcor.sboro toJay. j Besides these ever j J la J ion have been i cured of morphine at ih'j King's Daughters' Retreat ia Greensboro--13 being in the home at list repent Mr. Joynur lias two attcudiug tbo I Teachers' ABsombly it Moieheud uaj reports great intcrf,t in Lis a oik there oducdticg thj cliiCit r; tf Keith Carolina ou tho liquor h,iii morphine disease and sending up two profes sors to the Institute ami converting four morphino victims The aocount cf Iiij rapeiuxius -v.ih patients at home, on iho :o.sU ho J bi the Institute are mo.t oomioal acd amu'-e-iug in soma instances, but In !! n strong vein of pathos qli! syrupsthy and sadness tinges the recital of Ibis interesting phase of the woik. We are sure this gcntkmtn will give our people a moBt eutcrtaimng and benefioial talk at the Y. W. C. A. Hall this afternoon at six o'clock. lie is a lawyer of fifteen years experience a practioal speaker and cultured gentle man. Wo most heartily commend his mission to our people. Cleveland-Cat r Club OruauU .1 ii Kington. On Friday night, the Sth inst., oiti zens met in court house, A. T. Hill, teq., called to chair. J. W. Collins Seo'y. Committees appointed to solicit mem bers, on permanent organizttion. on constitution, ana on speakers. The names of more than a hundred were obtained before the meeting ad journed. Next meeting Friday 8 p. m., July 22nd. Aiuchkl. The Population of Netv Heme Is about nlno thousand, ninl wo woulil say nt least one half am troub'e.l w,th some allection on tho 1 lirt.i ;.:,d l.uns, as thoso complaints -no, acoTilxi' to 1 la tistus, move numerous than oihi is. We would adviso all our it:ulcis n it to ne glect the opportunity Id ou thcii druggist and get a bottlo of Kemp's Unl earn for the Throat and L ilies. Trial sizo free. Largo bottlo V)c. and f 1. Sold by all druggists. Obituary. In New Berne, N. C, Junu 17th, 1892, Mrs. Mary K. Ivos coe Ilenson; formerly of Milburn, N. J. She was united ia marriage to our f ul low townsman and brother in Christ, J. Frontis Ives, Sept. 2Sib, lssO. In looa . with hsr husband tho united with the Presbyterian churoh of this place on profession of faith. Our Father has taken from us into that "rest that remaineth unto tbo poo pie of God," one cf our most ellioient workers, hver bright and cheerful with a smilo and kind word for all. speaking evil of no man, but rather do ing good as nhe had opportunity, Hhe adorned the doctrine of her I.jrJ and Master. Her implicit confidence in her Sa vior was shown by ber beautiful, pa tient, oheerful, trust during her long and painful illness. Never a murmur on br I ps, never a cloud upon her brow, she waited Li is will. By her Shepherd s side she passed through the shadow." We miss her, for her place in church and prayer-meeting room aod at our moetingt is empty. God hat oalled our loved one to ber plaoe with Him, but the iniluenoe of her life is with us. "The good die not." N. C. Presbyterian. Shiloh's Catarrh Romedy. A marvel out oure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treat ment of these complaints without extra charge. Med. Little Mamie Finoh, the step daugbtt r of Mr. G. L. Wadsworth, died yester day morning after three week's illness of malarial fever w hiob towards the laat turned into brain fever. Tho fu neral will take place this afternoon from Centenary M. E. Church at 6:15 oolook. Confidential Interviews, Mr. Andrew Joyner, representing the Keeley Institute of Greensboro; will be at Hotel Albert until Monday. He will be glad to have all who are Interested for themselves and friendt to 00 nv munioate with htm in person or by let ter at to terms, method of treatment, to. All communications are ttriotlv oonfidentlal. Private oallt made and reoeived when and whjre detired. JOdSt. King's Daughters. TheCiroleof King's Daughters will open an Ioe Cream Parlor, opposite the post offioe, every Tuesday and Friday, from 7 p.m, to 10 p.m. j28tf CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Aetiou ou Streets, rumps, l.iii;., Fire Alarm etc. - Reports of Ollleers. July 5, IS'Ji. Hoard met in regular soeiica, "ilai"f r llunly prtaidiue, picbtul i'oju ji!rj... Kllis, Munly, Street, Lovick, Latham, Roberts, Crawford ti 'EubaL.i. .Vinii.M last nieetinK u-d ;. -i ap proved. Mr. Mann, attorney, appeared m ht htlf of Mr. Haifcrd Willis why clain.d tho reward fcr tbo arroel i f iho irin v.'ho made the a.BL-lt on Li i wif:-- .1 ferred to the finsnoe committee. Pormission wet sivcu the Atiui-u j Co , to ttka thtir rLj;:;:e to Ai-hci July :. Petition from the Elm City Bycicly Club co use oertuiu streets, ou motion of Councilman Ur.nly wns referred to the pcli-e ccmmitUM. Ou motion i.f Councilman Crawford petition for u libt e,t (Gardner s alley was granted. I'lcpouiUou of Christopher Greca to cut a ditch from iloonBhine alley to Lawaou'e creek, for 475, on mot.on of Councilman I'i.lia was retorted to S. .V P. cor.tr.it le; to investigate and roport. Councilman rllia lucuimju i.Je.l a new boiler for tbo Atlantic online, on motion of Councilman Miuly rfcired to the Firo Dept. oommittoe to advertise for biJs yunau:) eoinnniloc madt. liable report. Police committee report piofcfw, on uniloiii.-;. TIlOS. V. llsOU UUO bibClcd llO.i J 1 ( ters watchman to till vacancy. Chairman Manly, 8. A P., t com manded shells or in&rl lor !'.,, tulj waltio; puiupo hvo b:,tin oiue.cd and on anival will bo put down. On motion Cou: ci)mau Liti iu. .he 9. ,v I'., comir.ilte aruauthoii,. .1 to purtbaii-3 a lot of suwli pipu, see 1. Is Uu motion of Counciln.'iti li.lia the oity n ill put down druin pip., on the west side of Miadle Btieet heivteon Neuso and Broad, tho on n rs ud.i ict i.t agroeing to furnish tho pipe. Declaring the side wail, in liontof J. F. Taylor's store private ptopvrty, on motion Councilman Eiln was re ferred to the oity kttoiu.y. Petition of H li. Tooker to move hio building ten feet farther eiit over the dock, referred to committee on NY. ,v D. with power to act. Moved by Councilman 1.1 in, thttt tho Electrio Light Co., be askeu to f iuui 10 the oity the use of tho eltctno liht pDles for the fire alarm seryioe. Motion by Councilmnu Lv.k mil the marshal be instructed to Inspect ail eleotrio light and tch graph pcloa t.nii report their condition to the managers. Moved by Councilman Kllis ti. it S. & P. oommittoe be authorised to repair well foot of Broad street at a cost not exooeding fifty dollars. Chairman Roberts, whaivts uud docks, reported progress. Chairman Street report bith e';ine teries in good condition. Committee on lights uu 1 oonj.ueii daticn a light will be place .1 at e'ruiiiJ and Norwood streets, On motion Councilman Lrawford placing a well north of Primrose street, referred to S. A P. Committee with power to act. Moved by Councilman Manly that tho Sanitary oommittee investigate tho matter of removing Rarbiigo and i.iglt soil. Moved by Councilman Jiliij that a oommiltoo on market be appointed to investigate and report, the mayor t be added. Mayor's report un I jllows 1 e ! and adopted : Nmv BttUNE, N- O.. July 1, I j'JJ. To the Board of Councilmun cf the City of New Berne. Gentlemen: I have tho honor to ro port the following amounts of floes and cc-te imposed for violation of tho city's ordinanoes auring the month of Juno Fines 's: 10 Costs Hl.SU 133 40 Very Ke.pcoifully, M. Mama, Mayor. Marshal's roport as follows reed and adopted : City Marshal's Office July IHh, lh'j.'. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of City Council: Gentleman: Below please find my report for the month of June, 1S9J. We have made SI arrest during the month, of wbioh 8 were sent to jail; 0 discharged; 4 confined in city prison for fines and oott. Fines collected 15 60 Cost " HiJ 30 Total i 108.90 One half of the above oost 4 115 was deducted tor my fees; the balance 59 75 was paid to the treasure. Respectfully Submitted, J. M. Uakuet, C. M. Monthly bills allowed. Beard took a recess subject to the oall of the mayor. WD Wallace, oity clerk. "Tne olden prices and tho new. " Seme old people will tell you of the "good old times long ago'' when "things were to ohoap and lasted to long." We do not wish to relic ot on their love of the past, but wbon wa hear tuoh talk we feel like telling them that prloes were highsr and Clothing not half so good In the old dayt at now. In faot, at no time in the history of trading, were better values to be obtained than light now. We have jutt reoeived a new lot of White Duok Hate (our fourth lot this season, Now Collars and Cuffs. We are ex pecting a big line of Sample goods this week. Call and tee them. J. H. HOWARD. pnwnrii I isSwf it. a ns3a:: , j A ereui.i ;i pj-.-hr. 1 Lj;h, 1 r,f n . ctie!-. ft!- l.ut't ('):,'.. '7..,-, rnvtt ul ' -a ,i . . .,: .,..:! Ht., X V. i ' I Hut., , a e id K -i W BRADHAM ii :s!viiTH. 11:1V, Ccia, O.UH, i.r.in, Jlottnny, )::;.;, i,q :!,,;.., i.riel Ocmts. liab'jiuc .mil r.'-n. Agent- lor iViT i-i:.l '-,:n Co'.i lVo. Uitioi.-. l.ii n-.-.U wi., ni,. ;iL wont Mr.-fr.' r : . , .. 1; luckily) 'oi'.i.,; ;,:.;.; L - Btrielon: ; li'smr ki u Ooueiutes osjdo i.r . .iltiope- wxy rlu whie.ij bj iiie. i( , -1 ,,jua, dciivertd tj lU 1 Ui b-j (.l.-.thed by tho euou 0 ! 1:1 . , : :c 1 . thence eutvrinc the g n--ii.i . :'. in to tho dn.:ructso!i of uleit. .hh.i. i 1 disease terms. ! t 13 r..: ful CI.',)' 1' CHOLLitA, ii:.t:V.MA. ! V , : : : '. 1 V iitui'aL . cat ,1 i'.H't, ..-vi : a . ; i vers. :;i".:ivui -; ; t- ::i , I'AUALVti'i, ..u I iirii.j .:., r ..lo. It acta without .L.-.L or ,:u uul .j . t unpieatant to tho moot .! -li.-ate. Prie-), i j (.or : . ih f r t w. -utii and you own da baiuiy aitir ivcnd payinor.t. : 1. 1 .1. 1,. litw-.ru NEW BERN Goilegiate .fcsiifuie, nf.'w j. x. c. a in :! .: in:, r. ; .;; f.- tin' lvklC'.i'p..:: I" ti:" h ' H1ULS , f vl:-!, ;,1 . ' ;-,.j i ;,t ;i 11 1 "I rat- c '. l-'acull.'- v ij . .1 : 1 it OApel h'Ji. I f. 1 ( ,!i.'ii.!it IV'ai-her.-. SIX i;r.!' l. 1 S. Siu tieiit.s .'' i '' i 1 . : ivauccii clas.iO: ii: ..:.;,' : .. L.;. ,M .' . Stu :; : (jsiiituiLC TliN ( '.:: ; . : -.,n,ll. .1 last ye .if. The Mi'Si i i .1 "A UT MKNT, uii.li r i.e. .In-, -.'tii-iii 1.1 i'ref. I-. I!. .M ii, v.i'.li :;.l ASSKS'! AM.v ,.!'..; ! -.t; . n,.: facilitii-rf for 1':. sy-uinatK' study of .-( :.! ,:,.-tr,.tm at.vl lllUaie. Bpocial Ccaifai: ,1 ytudy tor 'Ihoac Dcbiriag to Ljt corac T jaoh-.s. Moral advantages ct m. heiiool unsurpassed. Special inducements t tiered to POOR BOY a and Ulltl.S. Next Term opens September 5, i '.) Send for Catalogue. G. T. ADAMS, A I . i rinc.pui. MISS MARY L. ALI.KX, Seo'y. jaly7dwlf New Heme, N. C. A Note 01' Warniim TO THE PUBLIC. AS a maltor of justico to oiirsclvee and to tho reputation of I)r. Leslie K. Keeley 's Doublo Chlorido of Gold Uemedioa for tho euro of tho Liquor. Opium, Morphine and Tobaci 0 Dis eases, and Neuracthenia, wo warn the public that thit-o romedies aro uned by no iuetitution or sanitarium in the United States, except those established by our company under Inn uniform name of "Tub Ki.m.KY I.nhtituti'. " All others clauuiux to uso our rcmo dies are frauds and imposters. We have now sixty Keoley Institutes established in various parts of tho United States, where tho Keoloy Treat ment is administered, and the Keeley remedies sold. We, howovor. caution all to examine well and know that they are dealing with fiKNiiNB iii-prehknta-Tivkh, authorized by us, before taking treatment or purchasing remedies. The fraudulent establishment use the namo of "Bi-Cbloiido of Gold" or similar titles. The newspapers do not discriminate sufficiently to know that they are imitators, and so put down all aooidonts ooouriing at such establish ments as being brought about by the Keeley Treatment. This is a matter of muoh concern to us, and hence this warning. Respectfully Yours, THE LESLIE E. KEELEY Co. Cobtis J. Dudd, Seo'y and Trees. jOlm D wight, III., April 80, 1602 V ZryZ&' ' .,r-" .- ' '-.r.i U r ,,, .,,,,1 jH-im.g . ' i1"''-- -i' a.in-' !..r, fuiinilation, ' ' A l" ' ' Her .iv, id , Milfoil" of ihis ; , ' ." v e l. ., elianco won't ! 1 " ' ' e ' 1 1 in e j s ilm have ' nt AI). anil COMK '! ' ' - '- l... C !.-.',, temler our , " ' ' '"l-e nut, ploilso allnw us . ".' V1.' ''' '' ''t":','' i'ne k am no better ' ''"' '" ilt : '"' t:' .iceepteil tuno fur ' ' ' 1 '' Hie Hill liielllls. HakbsrnJfi Willett. iSSicsiyair & OhurchllT, . Ml iiIacliinLi'3 supplies Spool zxjLty ! OitAvlti STREET, Cue iioo; below City Hall. " -"i- " 1 ' '" ii! vviil have out "" : ''' '" ' 1 be deliveieil to 1:1 '' 'I eity witlMiut lielay. 1 ' 1 ' . .' .-. .'uiaiiteed in every ' ::; j-;(Jdwf'p ia.rsQfju & Baxter. uiosxa Out Sale! I'ci ihe i;ext GO Days uiii . out .Summer Clothing, Sals, Brer a Goods, Ladies' Vests, Gents' Underwear, &c. A l A GREAT REDUCTION! liavY jast received a new lot of late Htylo IiEitilYand HOFT HATS. I' AltltlNGTON .t IIAXTElt. a mu of I.ISLE TJIUEAI) HALF HOSE. Cv.iwl and Conilortable. l!l '' -i 1 ".i ;xi . J : . M. K. Howard. BRYAN & HOWARD, i KN I - It A L AUKNT 1 Lnb, firo, Marine and Acci- ocDtal Insuranco, j:2y dwlm Nr.w lil-.tNi;, H, (!. Ksw Sfsrel Hew Stock! And Oceans Of Itf I h.v. 0 n-en from tlio n.-hen, and nitin ollei my fi tends Fine Croccrics, Ship Chan dlery, Genrral Run of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc. wholivtalo or retail ul lowost prices. t'a'.l ami examine my (jonoN. They cannot bo xcjlleu. A nt of C0IT1 e at .1 cents per pound, tobacco ID ceiitK, anil other groat bar iniiiis in nightly dainagod eixKls saved from the fire. J. F. TAYL0B. imi LOT OF Best Brands of Hams, Shoulders, Corned Beef, Boneless Codfish, Cream Cheese, Pure Lard. New Butter. West India Molasses, Vanilla Syrup, Pure Apple Vinegar, LUCAS & LEWIS.

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