THE JOURNAL. AFTEB THE BATTLE. Each Side Charging the Other With Murder Plnkertons Freed They Claimed to lime Been Fooled and Forced Into the Fight. No new deaths were reported to day and the whole number of those known to have been killed in jester days battle are 11. Nine of these were residents of Homestead and two Pinkerton men. It is believed , that several other Pinkerton men I were shot and fell into the river, I and that the current carried their ! bodies away, bat there is no way t to verify this. 1'he looked out men, many of whom had not closed their eyes in sleep for 48 hoars, retired early last night and few of them put in an appearance this morning, but a strong armed sqnad was detailed last night to guard every approach to the immense plant. The com plete routing of the Pinkertons yesterday evening puts the men in high spirits and the more radical boldly declare that should another attempt be made by the company to obtain possession of its property the enemy will receive even worse treatment than that accorded to the detectives broDgbt here on the barges- Hagh O'Donnell and other cou servative labor leaders denounce the action of the mob after the sur render of the deputies as having been brutal and cowardly. To the credit of the great majority of the men who are locked oat. it can be said that they had no hand in the assault noon the defenseless men. They did all in their power to yto teot the men who had thrown themselves upon their mercy. But thev were nowerless to control the angry mob of foreigners, especially the female portion of it. Had it not been for the wild demonstra tions indulged in by the women, who oalled upon their husbands and sons to avenge the killing of the workmen who were shot by the Pinkertons, it is probable the latter would not have been so rongmy handled. Bnreess McQluckie addressed the erowd at the rink, and said "Fellow citizens, 1 call upon you and each ot yon to act in an order ly manner. We will not perm i I any farther unlawful demonstra tions. All the men will be looked np, and not one of them will be al lowed to escape. Each one of these bams' and 'beats' who came here to shoot down honest working men will be charged with murder. We will see if the poor people have not equal rights with monopolists who employ and send to their place a gang of murderers and cat-throats." This address was greeted with cheers. It had the desired effect, and the mob became more ordeny TO ARREST FRICK FOR MURDER. There is talk of a movement on the part of friends of the strikers who were killed at Homestead yes terday to have H. 0. Trick, presi dent of the Carnegie Steel Com pany, limited arrested on a charge of murder. It is claimed that Mr. Frick is directly responsible for the employment of the Pinkertons and that he is culpable in the. eyes ot the law as was Milton Weston, a Ohioago capitalist, who was con victed of murder in the second degree and sentenced to serve seven years in the penitentiary for causing a riot in the Murrajsville gas field in 1885. Weston sent an armed force to take possession of that property in dispute. One man was killed, and although Weston was in Chicago when tbe trouble occurred be was found guilty of murder in the second degree. The only apparent dill'erence in the cases is that Weston acted as an individual, while Frick is the head of a corporation. MAY INDICT TUE HTRIKKUS. Mr. Frick was not visible to the majority of callers at his office to day, but Secretary Lovejoy, of the company said: "The Amalgamated people who committed these recent overt acts will probably find them selves in a very bad hole, for when the proper time arrives a number of them will be arrested on a charge of murder, and I need scarcely say there will be no lack ot evidence. It will be overwhelming. I think that the national officers of the Amalgamated Association have a heavy burden of responsibility to bear in this case, for timely action and prudent counsel on their part would, in my opinion, hare gone far toward preventing this trouble. "This outbreak settles one mat ter forever, and that is that the Homestead mill hereafter will be ran non-nnion, and the Carnegie Uompany will never again recog nize the Amalgamated Association nor any other labor organization. The Homestead trouble will doubt less also have the effect of infia enoing any other mills heretofore anion to become non union, and thus free their owners from the arbitrary dictation of labor unions. I also consider that this riot by the aooredited members of the Amal gamated Association will be its death blow. It will certainly go far to alienate the synpathy and good wishes of the best people in the community." About 10 o'clock tonight the headquarters of tbe Homestead men were invaded by three men, who mingled among a good sized erowd in the rooms and distributed an incend'ary circular, evidently prepared by the Anarchistic socie ties of Pittsburg, or perhaps Chi eago. The Anarchistic met with the greatest surprise of their live. The strikers, so far from falling in- to the arms of the emissaries of destruction and dynamite, at once took them prisoners and prepared to hustle them out of town. Homestead is strangely silent this morning- It is the quiet of sober after thought. The leaders are wondering what will be the next- stop. The men are bathing their wounds, or making prepara tions to bury their dead. The leaders of the men propose at once to have the fence of the Carnegie property rebuilt, and also to repair all other damage caused by yesterday's riot. This willl be done so as to prevent any suits for damages from the company. The old gnards were secured by the men, and placed on duty to again look after the company's interest, mere is much surprise here over ! the reported release by the Sheriff ui me rinKerton guaras. wnen the men agreed not to kill the guards it was the understanding that the guards should be placed in jail till information for the mur derers could be sworn out against them. The report of their release excited much angry discussion at first, but this was quieted when it whs remembered that if the men appeared as witnesses they would themselves be liable to prosecution for riot. Several of the leaders ex pressed relief over the release and believe no legal ;complications will arise. They declare that bad the guards not come here there would have been do violence. As evidence of their sinoerity a committee of three went through the works at an ear ly hour this morning, coiled up the ropes, and hose, took down all bar ricades and removed so far as pos sible all evidences of a conflict. Homestead again is waiting, waiting confidently and sternly. A l'INKERTON MAN'S STORY. PiTTsid RG, Pa., July 7. With has head bandaged, one arm in a sling, Joseph Glosier, a man weighing overe 200 pounds, was the picture of misery. He said: "I got all my injuries on the way from the boat to the rink, but I am not complaining. I should havo had my head knocked off for coming here. My home is in Jersey City. I havo a family. Recently I lost my position. A friend told me he could get me a place as privato detective in a little town near Pittsburg at a salary of $15 a week and board. I went home and told my wife. With tears in her eyes she begged me not to accept the place. "She said something told he the employment offered was not honorable as people were not paying private watchmen such large salaries. But I did not lis ten to her, After being hauled all over New York and Ohio, reached Pittsburg with number of men, whon I also learned had been engaged as watchmen . None of us knew exactly where we were going, and not until we heard the firing early in the morning did we know there was trouble of any Kind, when l was handed gun I throw it down and told the man, who appeared to be a sort of captain, that I would not hre a shot against workingmen i am glad to escape alive. 1 am lire at least half a dozen men were drowned by jumping over board when they saw the men on the shore were determined to burn the barges." STnliYOK THE TRUCE AND HOW IT WAS liliOl'GHT ABOUT One ot a group ot tour men who were on the barges said at the rink last night: "We came here from Brooklyn to accept places as private watchmen H hen we arrived here in the boats and heard the shooting we realized the kind of a box we had placed ourselves in. Fully seventy-live per cent, of the men had been deceived, and they demanded of the leaders that all firing from the boat cease and a flag of truce bo run up. i was selected as spokes man, but whon I went to the captain and told him what the men wanted he turned upon me with a terrible curse and said You'll fight or die. You can't get out f here alive unless you tight your way out. When repeated this to the men they were very indignant and sug gested that the ropes be cut, and wo let the barges float down the river. The captain learned of this and said he would kill the first man who attempted to cut the ropes. AH day long we pleaded with those in command but in vain. Finally when we saw preparations were being made to burn the barges we decided to act promptly. About fifty of us got together and we resolved to make a final plea for deliverance from our awful position and if it were refused to throw the leaders, about ten in number, overboard and take things in our own hands. When we made this demand the com mander saw that we were very much in earnest and they agreed to surrender." The Beaten Plukerton. New York, July 8. A special train arrived at Jersey City from Pittsburg, 2:30 p. m., with 272 of the bruised and battered Pinkerton detectives driven out of Home stead. They presented a sorry sight as they limped away in charge of Pinkertons officials. Their stories agree with those al ready published. One man said that Captain Cooper offered a pas sing steamboat 82,000 and then 15,000 to tow the barges away, bat he was afraid to oome near. Ken- Louisyillk., Ky., July 8. A bill will 1$' introduced in the General AMtSnbly at Frankfort to day prohibiting the employment of rinKertoos fi Kentucky. Feci lug Aroused at Prick's Statement. Homestead, Pa., July 8. The official utterances of President Frick printed iu this' morning's papers, again aroused the feeling of every workman who has taken pirt in the trouble. His state- meets were attacked on every side. The Cheek Tempted him. Albany, N. Y. Joly 8. A central railroad section boss named W J. MacDonald. tried to extort a check for 13.000 from judge J, il. Clute to-day at the point of a revolver. The judge grappled with MacDonald and held him until an officer arrested him. Will They Use Dynamite! Pittsburg, July 8. A startling rumor, which canaot be vouched for, is current today, that the Homestead strikers are determined to make themselves at that place as costly as possible before they will acknowledge defeat. The re port is that several soatside men, who are thoroughly informed as to the manner of handling dynamite effectively, have been employed to act when an emergency comes. It is said that the strikers will not permit injury to the Carnegie mill, unless they bare exhausted other means of defense. The last step will be the use of dynamite. As soon as an armed force appears on the ground, either deputy sher iffs or the militia, it is asserted that tbe dynamiters will be pre pared to hurl bombs into the mill, and an effort will be made to de stroy the entire jJant. Serenity of feeling is that blessed calm that reposes npon the ocean of conscious rectitude. A TRUE STORY. Said Baby Ruth Cleveland to Baby McKoe You will sail up "Salt Kivcr" in March. '!S, vvnen mat happy event shall come to pass, Remember, to keep off the White House grass. I'm real sorry your nose will be "out of joint,' Let's tell talcs! I can cheer you with one that has point; It isn't a fable, but 'tis evory word so For my papa told me, and iik ought to know. Once od a time there lives in New Berne, A town that Is booming, for each you. turn way They are building new railroads, or water works, Electric cars, aqueducts, and fire alarm quirks; In this town lives a man, a "Tar lleol '' by birth, And a wonderful thing It, hi don't WANT THE EARTH 1 His name is Big Ike, he's "most groat as papa, Whew! said Baby McKee, why Ruth, what a whopper! It isn't, said store, Ruth, for he keeps a big With goods cheap of before. as people ne'er board The Farmers' Alliance headquarters. make it their And take with them home for their sons and their daughters. Such beautiful hats, boots, shoes, clothes and rings. Bracelets, ribbons, umbrella?, and whole iiKArs ot things; ISesides he has trade from all of the town Because of the fact that he puts prices aown, Well! said Baby McKee, when I am a man. - I shall be like Biz Ike as near as I can. So people can talk of the good that I do, Ana wear pretty things that 1 sell them, too. row, paid Baby Ruth, as she sat by his sine. And turned up her nose with an air of great pride, Baby Mac, tell the truth, I only ask that, Don t my tale beat vour chestnut 'bout "Great Grandpa's llat" t Salem Female Academy, SALEM, N. C. Tbe Oldest Female College in the SbqUl The 91st Annual Session begins Sep tember 1st. 1892. Register for last rear 827. Special features: the develop ment of Health. Chabaotkb and Intellect. Buildings, thoroughly re modelled. Fully equipped Preparatory. uouegiate ana rost uraauate Depart ments, besides first-olase schools In Music, Art, Lanqauges, Elocution, UOMMKBC1AL AND INDUSTRIAL STUDIES. JOHN H. CLEWELL, jlOJwlm Prinolpal. 1HE NORTE CAROLINA COLLEGE OF Agriculture ind Mechanical Arts, Will begin iu fourth session Sent. 2. 1892. County Superintendents of Edu cation will examine applicants for admission. Tout eoel 1100 year. Address ALEXANDER Q HOLLADAY, President. jOiwlm Raleigh, N.C. I MO Genuine Trier Curtain DesateSSI a nm at pot ctin, Wal OOt Anlhma Oak Hf nri.rd "Telee- Meeka. aft. r Utt. Via. hie. Mlee and IMaat Proof, Klne Bottom ander arawerst patent! Braas lieed Onrtalni Pollened Oakt Wmnw Table Teaa. piar weal on iocs earning au orewerai anraoaidirilliieBoxaaiOaabDaie aaendt ptnubee Baeki Kxumiloa Ana Sudaat WalaM Mt la. ritM. w. o. a. tlrMMrf, MO 1,000 Antique Ash Peeks. We- 4. OO a. Seme MebOT,iept made of BoM Amlqoe Anb-cood as oak. Wale-at BOO la, rrlee W. oTW. a Factory, feet lie. Shipped from oar Indiana poll feewry a treat. Made an4 aoM soieir by the Trigs) DESK CO., at. Louie, Mo. AiwpiaatMtaifaearaaa tMaatara. vana, ete,aaeaievs a.f truua. s4. p . ...a a imp, Pinkertons to be Excluded from tacky. r s2i5 1. 1 BUM, Fret. THOS. DJUIIELS,Viee Pres. S. L ROBERTS, Caibier. The National Bank, OF NEW BERNE, N. C Incorporate 18C5. Capital, - $100,000 Surplus Profits, 98,168 DIRECTORS. Jab. A. But ah, Thos. Daniels. Ohab. S. Bbtar, J. H. Hackbcrn. Alu. Milub, L. Harvey, O. H. Robkbts. THE Farmers & Merchants Sank NEW BERNE, N, 0. Organized one year ago. CAPITAL STOCK Dividend $75,000.00 55,750.00 2,000.00 826.74 Surplus . Undivided Profits OFFICERS : T,. H. Cutler, President. W. 8. CHADWICK, Vioe-Preeident. T. W. DlWET, Cashier. A. H. Powell, Teller. DIRECTORS : Wm. Cleve, P. U. Pelletier, J. W. Stewart, W. S. Ohadwiok. John Suter. O. Marks, L. H, Cotter, E. B. Hack burn. Headquarters for Nickel Sv ing Stamps, Collections a specialty. fe21 lw - Annual Meeting. The New Berne Improved Cotton Qinning Company will hold their An nual Stockholder! Meeting at otlioe of President, 10 a.m., Wednesday. 13th July. 1892. W. P. BURRUS, j12 td See and Treas. fnwi Baby was sick, we gave tar Caetorla. When sae was a Child, aha cried for Caatorla. Whoa aba became atlas, sha clunf to Castoria. Wbea Ike ka4 Children, she gate Una Cutorla. Schedulers" Tax Merohanta, Jewelers, Grocers, Drug gist, and other dealers who shall buy and Mil good, wares and merchandise of whatever nam or description, are hereby notified that the law requires them to deliver to the Clerk or the Board of Commissioners, within ten days after July 1st, 1892, a sworn state ment of the total amount of their pur chases in or out of the State for the preoeding six months ending June 80th, 1892. JAMES W. BIDDLE, Clerk Board Commissioners j2td Craven County. New Boarding House, South Side Pollock St , Opposite residence of L. II. Cutler. New Berne, N. C. Board by the day, week or month. Table, the best the market will afford. Twenty-three years' experience. H. H. DOWDY. jneS9 dwtf Wood's Mowing Machines AND Rakes AT L. H. Cutler & Co. Millinery! Mrs. bTb! lane, Middle St., opposite Baptist Church. Spring and Summer Goods. A lull line of Millinery in all the latest styles, as handsome and as ohoap as can be bought in the city. Also, a nice line of Lacos, Embroider ies, Ladies' Vests, Ladies' and Children's Hose, Mitts, Belts, eto. The publio generally are most respect fully invited to call and examine her stock and compare her prices with those of any In the city or elsewhere. John ll.Crablreo & Co. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, And Blacksmiths. Having withdrawn from tbe old firm of John IT. Crabtree & Co., and pur chased the place on the west side of Craven street, formerly known as cotn bert's stand, we are now ready to do all kinds of Foundry, Machinist and Black smith Work. All our tools and machinery are new and first-olaas in every particular. With a good oorpe of mechanics, etc., we hope to merit and receive a liberal hare of publio patronage. John H. Crabtree & Co.. js29 dwtf Now Berne, V. C. TTtER DESKS-200 NflW 8 Tins, loTiirm wsiTia ca no, e&Aiaa, book oasis, .,at aril Imlil nim.iki Oaialaeaa for ISM la safes, Illaeteaeal. Beak treat Vaataee aowieaa. TYLER BANK COUNTERS. 9aWMssSSdl leV aeVTrisV iftffjBalMW Baikal LrVfftt iltffMSSfteiM la Helen Ueie mi DMA-00- IX. MOTS, XO, nn Far Superior and Cheaper Than imt Mml ILVE. HAHN has just arrived with West Virginia HORSES and liiULES, and is prepared to meet the emergency, 3Lcrw 3P:rioed Potatoes It will pay one and all to call and exam ine before purchasing These CELEBRATED 1 ISSi Fr l, nn-e T- O. TrVlxitty db Co.'s., Corner South Front and Craven Streets, Newborn, N. C. jelb KINSTON Kinston, 3NT. O. lias the Ftrongest Faculty in the East; instruction in an oepartments. BUSINESS COURSE unsurpassed in the South. Don't pass by Kinston until you have seen us. Full courses in Book-keeping, Banking, Commercial Law, Jtuaiuoss Forum, Rapid Calculator, Correspondence, and Penmanship, MUSIC Our Director has few equals and no superiors in the Suit". This de partment will almost triple itself next year. Special advantages in Chemistry, Surveying, Typo Writing and Stenography, Mathematics, Language and Elocution. If you wish to secure a place in the College, writo us at ouco, as some of the departments are being rapidly filled. For new Catalogue, address tSTName this paper. LEE & CBOWELL, Principals. We Can A new lot of Horses, Mulea, Carriaffea, Busies, Boad Carts, Harness, Whips, Etc., arriving every two or three days- A very largo and fine supply now I'KltJUa. They are going rapidly, Call at once and get bargains. J". -OT. STEWART. I OUMDFD IBAel bv the nrceent exomittve mea lur ouuuuiuis v 1; v. inci ahi ae P srhnol, owing 10 Its HICH standard of etocllenoe, baa placed In bunneai more young men and women from Md.. Va., N. C, 8. V and i!a tbau all similar Instttutnraa combined. Catalogue and particulars maUed-W.H. SADLE R.KRES.. KINCHN For salo by J. V. JORDAN, 250,000 BRICK READY FOB SALE! Cheaper than any other Man can Furnish Them. I've got 'em aad want to sell 'em. Apply to W. P. BURRUS, New Berne, or M. PORTER, Riverdale. jne7 dtf 100 BAGS SHOT To Hand This Day. All Sizes. Send In Your Orders. 2T. TTlrieli, WHOLESALE! GBOOBB, BflDDLl STBIR, aiw iiin 1. a a FEESH SUFFIX oi elsewhere. r, FREEZERS are for salo at COLL uses the moHt approved methods of Suit Yon! on hand at OUKATLY REDUOKD rrYANTAND STRATTOh COLLEGE Occimlea four bnlldlna-e Unrlvulied In facll- n v.ti r-i. ior bucggmi 10 uie. joe ouuuu iui wmosiiavoraoierorDusiutiesopporiuniuca. me demand for our ejaduafee Is unprecedented. No vacation ; pupils can enter at any ttmo with equal advantage. Never attend a echool because tbe tuition boheep, lor CHEAP ia very deari It moani cheap aummndlniis, interior facllltioa. j and orrers su oppomniuca lor securing pos r ' TIONS lor As dudUs and mduatos. Tht F. A. SADLEn.oEO'V, BALTIMORE. MD Urlvrvn. ill hkmi of the mvtxM neaitwio. .od caret OONOfcRHttA and GLhHT la I tof Y. No ottior t,tawt oece.ry. Nc.rfc.ine. itjlcture ot any lajBrioa. afta eoocta. rtrco. I. Sold ti draeriatt. ILOOOBAtS CO.lrWLMrtL.e, Druggist, New Borne, N. C.fcS3 STANDARD Truck Barrels. We are now prepared to supply Barrels or onr manufacture, In any quantity, delivered on oars or Bteamer at Mew Berne. For further Information apply to our Salos Agent. E II. & J. A. MEADOWS uo. J0XES & CO We. the uudorsigned, used one thou sand Truok Burrols, manufactured by Messrs. Jones & Co., last yiar, and they gave ua perfeot satisfaction. We shall usa the same barrels again this year, and also some 01 tneir 1'atent Wire Barrels. LUCKIlUHN & WlLLBTT. May 18, 1893. 11 dwtf J. . LATHAM. Oflloe foot Oravt n street, In Clyde building) BEIERiL COMISSIOX MEBCH1ST, BUYER OF and EXPORTER of COTTON DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE and all speoulativ oommodltUe. Reasonable eaah advaners made. I eolloit aonatgnmenU of Truck for follow lot OommlaalOB Merchants, who are reliable aad reanonslblet " P.S.OIBHON. Philadelphia. F 0 U LKI N t0. and B, B, DOWRIES a CO . New York. MK4VKKNM CO., Boston. 1. K. KENNED V A CO., Pittsburg. Daily quotations-free to all-posted on blaok board la say offlee everr dev. Call or writ foraleuolls and postal cards. Visitors weloome. Oorraapondencs Iu. maysldwtr Tho flag's llsad Hotel, NAG'S HEAD, N. C. TheSowide Resort of the Atlantic Coast Aiv you fond of fUliing.', ending, driving. bulL:b. sLootini:. rtud v.T.lchiu? the bil lows roll? If so. ;o to NAG'S HEAD. N C , U10 ATLANTIC OCEAN, and. spend u few diiya 10 your dtUlit. OI'KN Jl'NE UOth. K:it( 1 50 to 2 r0 roi riav: 410 to ir per week; $30 to 50 per month Si mosijir.tou or pests of any kind. Special rates to lumilics iuul excursion parties. NAiVS liEAl) HOTEL COMPANf, jclS 1m Xm's Head, N. Bfotice. Notice ii hortby given cocording ti lw, that the Hoard of Commissioner of Cravi'ti r.ounty will mt-et on lhn Boc:md fi:.r..ioy iu July, 1803, being; th.i 11th dny cf paid month, for tho purpos 1 of revifirj,: tho Tux Lists find valuations exported to tin m by the Lint Takers of aid county, and completing said lists. And BR id Board uiil bn in Reunion durini the second week in July for the purpos- of hearing complaints of tax payers a I to the valuation of their property or tM amount tax charged against them. N correotion oan be made after suoh ri viion is complete. By oidor Board Commissioners. JAMB3 W. BIDDLE. jai2i.d Clerk. 0. L HAEBI80N, Thurmaa, N. C, Manufacturer of ami Dealer in FIRST-CLASS MICK. 800,000 uow ready for tli" market Will si ll as cheap as any other man. jpSfif UHIVEESITY OF m OjUlGLIHil, Instruction is offered in four (toner il courses of study, nix biiof couises, a laryo number oi Rpecial courses, and in Law, Mcdiciuo and Kiifiinooring. Tho Faculty iuuludes twenty Tcacheis. Scholarships und lii.iu funds are avail able I'm iu city juiing men of talent and cb, tractor. The NEXT SESSION BEUIXS SEPT. 1. For catalogue with full information, tulJiesg l'Ki:?II)LNT WINHTON, j21 dwlm CliaiKil Hill, N. (.'. PAPE & DEY0, Commission Merchants, BSD Washington Street, NEW YORK. Solicit jour bufilnchH. Prompt sah, ijiiick lttuins, and 1I10 EIGEEST MARKET f BISE GUARANTEED BUincils or I'o.-tal Cards cmi be obtained atJNO. DUNN'S. IiUFEiiENCK; Natiouul Bank, Now Ocrno, N. C. ml8 Public Salo of Town Lots. In o! elleuce toa .1 vl-V inp.t of tlm Rupa il r l ourl of CttV.. o.uiity, reuilured In ll:e Hperlal I'Troardl - k, w tieielu rally A nn Mryau and otberB bih r llnf Itls, ai.d John f. York and otiie-rti ro (t(.ro!)t)aots, the un fiprtilgned, ns, will, cn Monday. Acgust 0th, 1892, at the Court Houeerfoor In New Hem.Cra ven conn'y, N. f (n.lnK the time soil plnoe Ju.ifruhK it lv auo rt.nri), heil at I'uhlla Auoilon tu tb big!. vet Lliitlor, a cett-dn tract or lot ol land wlrh the Improvement and tiulldlnge, Ritualtd in that part of tha City of New Hern N (.'., known ua "Dry boro," heltig p n of Ixit No 21. on Die north aide o' tiotlur Ptrot, t).'tween Ueorse aad Bern etrHes p.iijmulnft the line 0 James & Harris, tleorire Jouaa and others. containing 1(1 fsel front by 1117 ft.t. lat tin propsrtrof IJachUB York, ditoeased, more fully desorlnadl in the pntlt'on filed in saldentltlcd proo ed. log. Also, on Tuesday, August 9th, 1892, at the Oourt llotitw door In Kinston, Lenoir oounty, N. 1. (blnir the time and pluM deiilKnaUd by anld court) will nellat Pobllo Auction to tho hlguist bidder, a certain lot or parcel of lno.l, with iraprovementa, altn ated in the town of Klcaton aforesaid, at the north west corner of Uneen and Hbln alreou, adjoining tbe lota of wm llunter nd Adam Hluleton, being 110 feet by IU foot, late the property or Hachna York, d. ".uHSl.rjJ more lully doacrlbed In the pea tltlon mod in eald proceeding. Terme of both ealen ine-half eesh; bal ance on a cruUli of three months TtUe ra served until full payment la made. Ilolh Ettlcs ulll i-oiutiience at 12 o'slcok. noon, nn tho dayn dHl(iiatpil above Now Hern, N. 1! .Jul) 'J, itiflj JU1M U. HAKltlKON, J '-' 1 ' 1 ' Coram Usloui r. 1 1 it -1 1 k this iluy iiari..i as Adrolnlatra. Uirortl.o eume (.t w.ry b ;. 1 ve. deoeaeed. heforo the clerk of ihe Kuperior 'oort far Cravoo couiuy, nil p, rajue holdioK olalrna acalnet xi.ld eatatq i 1 reaeot thun lor payment to the iiilernli;iie(l wllhln twelve) mouths from linn dale O'llm notloe will a pleaded In tmr ol their recovery. All peregrin loduuied to salil eitate will p louse maltu prompt aeitlement JAMKH V. 1VK8. r 1 .. 1 , Adrur. of Mary U.Ives. July ir-'.ii. SUMMER BOARD. HOTEL "GOKDON NEAR DEPOT, North Wilkesboro, N. 0. Ilatox until August lot, 1892, only fO.QQ l or wcoa ; cuuuren to V years, and uursos balf m ica. Itotind Trip Tickets Good until Ootober ""'. oi an principal point via Kichmond and Danville K. R. Trnlna Imv. or.n,,.t.n.n ... arrive In North Wilkesboro at :( p.m 3 fh tvTi...ES?Y; . f-ya Greensboro aV"p.m. " North Wllkcal.,..n . .in.,.. . .. viSi.rf'?,1f Worlbwelern Carolina, on tfa . ""J 1"m inu ni Lie Kldaa and Bruahy mountains, 109 miles Nortkwest dreenabnro It Ian rf l.....r..T ?wf"' " yenlent eanaeoav. Family Summer Resnrt. inomiK ana arinklnL are not al. lowed, whore you may enjoy cool, I aviso, rating mountain bre.s, ctJol ahtfcirS. ooet. lawn lennl, and elilldrei's Bliv grounds, rambles, oozy nooks. rutio aeoia. mountain drives, - Best Mineral Watsr in th Slifji hunting, flahtng, bottt-rhllne, ani rmah equipped, v... ' . , , roekuX The fare 1. far UJ LVthZSTSl STUS maklnif mousy, bnt t-r tbe parrweeofi. ' boro.iuollmate and scenery. WUksa. , KKriuCTim -'Jol. Oeo. W. Hlnshaw rf and Henry P. Hoaios.of A tlanla, Oa, amd traveling aalrsmeD gonerally. ' ' " In order to secure rooml to ths'aaa. sou, writs early to - . " . W. F. TROODON. . ' . Manager, ' North Wilketboro, N. 0, JeSO dwlm

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