nn Daily "W m JOURN HE -i L t I VOL. XI.--NO. 91, BUSINESS LO0AL8. Ark rvfvill Im; aid for the. laagest S.UUwatcrmcloft in Nortli Carolina. NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY, JULY 16. 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. jlw Thresh Lemons, Lime r. m and Bleepless vigilance is not too How Are They in Craven i h,h a nri to nav for immunity T1' Public roads ttna bm,Sc ttml s," from this 6cour0. na much as 70 pounds. B1UD .....p,.. ... " , . Address mis eniice. Jiuce, Finest Tea X for Ice Tea, Corn Btarcli, japioca, v..n Hxtrncts. Cocoa, Chocolate, Bay Rum, Fine Cologne, Household Animonia, Toilet Soap. 2 t. C. E. Si.ovbb. WANTED-ArcoIs for lif-s of Cleve land &8v.vnBon. Official ediliou. A bushel of money within reach -Aot quiok. Out-fii V5 cn.-fre; wilhuood r.ferrn.w. K- Guyton, Baltimore, told 50 first 5 dye. II. L llARVKV & Co . 308 E. LoxinKtoa St-, Baltimore, Md. j.ilyl2dlw WAVERLY and OOOPEE'8 Works for 81b in a Baruain. EiRht and Tea Volums nach. No, handsomely bound, and Urge cloor print jf)3t rinNVADI Jinoe Mineral Water, tl the host Natural aperient. For sale by Jab. Redmond. RD V. JONE9. late in oharge of lb precription department of M.ihu,n Phumiiiiv. Aehevill", N. C, hoi opened a Prescription Drug Store Dxt to custom houBB. Special care Is Wen to the selwdiou of prep-iretions V ..inn llXHD.llv. TllHPHiron f,f the ouh'.ic solicited, ainj 2'J )UUE CORN WilISKEY for sale fcy J AS Redmond. n if it ii n Imrjtrted hherry, lor dale by J AS UkdMOND. voa need a Crush flat GOOD ilia Molhci's Bible. Dr. Chan. Duffy, Sr., if Catharine boards we mean. Are they in a creuna- Lane, Onslow county, nn arueiu iiuiumr blc condition and do they come up to the 0f President. Cleveland, having read that THE Carnegie industry by its requirements of the law ( We arc satis- his simple, ueiuocratic tasi -s ie. mm ... own claim has been built up and fled that they nothing nice come up put a. me cosu, .m u..... ... iL.t th.ee reuuiremcnts. Bible which it had been designed to use in maintained OB tb.propo.ltum that o bridges in many inducting him into the Presidential u wumu vmc. - s at 9omo po.ntg Ulc road3 are offite in 18g5) t0 bc swor ln ul)on a ditionof superior comfort it the lffip:Rntlv wide for easy passage. mo.iC8t little copy of the holy scriptures, American people would tax them- , , , t, (.0uld wonderfully L irift from his mother, wrote to Wash- selves on their iron purchases. I, ..mr.If!(i i,v cradinir and repairing at inirlon for confirmution of the story anil TheAmerictn people have kept 0nly a slight cost. Also sign and mile received in reply a letter from the Ex i-noir nart nf th Morreement. Is I .,r,ut ohniilil he more plentiful for the President himself, on fubject. Dr the Carnegie iudUHtry keeping its ,enefit 0f strangers. Duffy treasures the original among his In Beaufort county there is complaint prized papers the followiug is :i -op: along the same line. The Gazette says: Lakewood, N. V., Apl., "'ith. 1"'.' "Our attention has been called to, he fact Jv. i. rt.wio nf tlw rminlrv are in nad I J , ? .i n.uv in. ...v.n j . ..nur 1(;Uer 0, ;n condition, l nere are no sign imama ... some sections. A preacher last Sunday part! We saj no. We say furtner chat this agreement, maintmueu now by the people for more than thirty years, gives them the right to demand of this iron interest in Pennsylvania that it shall accede lane lor in .QiQAii i iila t.orma. takA for A time reasonable profits, if the need got lost and failed to reach his appoint and srive those men worK. in- mcnt. Tins is no iokc; ne win gv. dianapolis (Ind) News, Dem. the litli in r , i.'i'l requested me to answer it. There is really but II 1 1.- i.. be siiid, in regard to the incident you ni' -1111011, and ordinarily I should wi rap- : dwe ll inrtipii nr v unon It. :is n 1 emniii LOCAL NEWS. NIC W ADVERTISEMENTS. Elnn College, llig watermelon wanted. W. Bellard- U. Telephone Co. w ite 01 din iu'iu' -r.-.ii; ctle- I D T V) 1 nNKN. LATE SHACKS, at Ui20 BABHINQTON & BAXTKR 8, IMPORTED IIOLLANIKJIN, Burke's R.u' Al Mill UUfHB H wuuiu Stout, for sale hy Jab Uicdmom), 1" OR SALE Uch s' box or ward i robe louwre is a perfect louuise l y .lay and a perfect bui by nigftt.undyou oan put away an much clothian or o-.her article a in the aerago warurobe. VoU can Ret three articles for the price t,t one. No exlia chirso for pa kmg or shipping lire Dr. Tulm" hratd preaohnr, vny, vt-ry nioo. Prioe in Creton R.ime812. Baw Silk, 20. $2'. a. Ik n.nn.Lullu. &2( Slid f Am in nor r.pnl. diacour.i .i.init with Orand and Myrtle Ay.-uiiuh. BrooVhu, N. V. f - AAA CKJAIW Vlir low i i),UU" linuree to wholesale and win 1 1 i ABBRTT'il COGNAC IlUANDY 1 I vr much in the sick room. Vol sale by Ja8 RliDUOJD. I.IVE Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoei . for children, 10. 121 and IB cents per of ijio. j'.i pair. M BIG IKE. tan mciUMENTAI. PORT and ' ...... . , . I , r,,i 1 80UPPEUNONU Wli!.a tor mm "t Weather today: Generally fair, slight ly cooler in central portion. Mi. J. K. Willis has placed in a prom inent liont position in his marble yard two tastefully ornamented monuments beautiful Georgia marble. One of New Berne's bicyclists rides ... . 1; .1... 1. -round on not nays gumiu me ito with one hand and holding over iiiniseii wuu me omei. Rev. I). W. Davis, who a little over a year ago conducted a successful revival in the Church of Christ in tins city will begin a protracted meeting in Greenville next Sunday. I'ln stcrimei Hcuse took out about 2.01)0 barrels of eanteloupes and 500 bar rels of potatoes yesterday, besides other truck. The former are bringing $2. 00 to $2.2" per barrel; the latter about $1.50 Mr. John II. Matthews is canvassing to secure the names of those who will form a paily of excursionists to spend a week at (lei-icokc, the date to be chosen by those who go Atrip to Ocraeoke is a pleas. c, it one. Ex-Sviiator Geo. Green and Sheriff Lane wen: in the city. They both report much damage from the heavy rains, nut the jovial Sheriff, who always looks on the bright side, says that the sweet potato is all O. K. nrpneher's name: and the matter ought to I tinrBnnnl I hud Bible uiven to me bv my be attended to Are the supervisors do- mother in 1852. As she died nearly three ing their duty? Are they complying years before my inauguration it " ' B , ii- me somewhat appropriate to the solemn- with the law; Will each one ask h.m- "ress venes of the own-ion. self these questions." I to take my oath of ollice upon that n.o T.m.iQillp Kv Home and Farm nn,!,. I ,i,l so. and had the clerk ol , - .... ...,! ;.,r..riiiii-ltli Suni-enie court of the United States an aumiraoie papei 101 m i"..". - -71 , , f . .. , , 1. r. to certitv upon a blank as to the tact tion says that 11 is eneaper .... c... .... Ti,is -is the entire story, and a., it i mcr to pay 100 out of his pocket to at Wur special request. I suppose secure perfect roads than to be compelled apology is necessary tor rehearsing i i. ,,,,,1 nmnnrt an extra horse or two incident noi llireeuy i...("-. ... -J -"i-1 The Union Accoustic Telephone Mr. Walter BcilarJ, n'j)ie.;ei,t,nu Union Telephone Co of New . ... . ,t ..... 1 ...1 -. is at. the Allien iiou-i w nen glad to explain the system of pri plioning to an lnn icsieu j-.-i T Let, Six rooms on Micelle 'reei lor - dollars and fifty cent- per th Apply or addn WALK IN ori-'ici;. jul IS lw Newbern. A A Blissful uticiintioii ' Beine very grateful tc the poooi their pat patronnp.o ami sup:.oit. mm Ihinlplnir ihpv would lik tO r.Ov iiomethinit of my '0111101 lustoi , i ."iie , concluded to wri a "bin t ukoieii a ; my liffl. I do net Co tl.. lit. any eeii ; pride or oonceit. -j-.t Inp'OR1-1 80ri31 j nooi may cotno out of i(. Many a po:-r . boy whose ciroumsiAiif.,ec. urt uuiiii i. rd surroundiass are such tui.t future look, only .'.h may ' ' -i; eouraged mako .;. .'rJrt heft::i-i what a poor oouniry boy bau done. 9o while this may cost me soino consider ab! effort and loss of sleep, yit I Bhc'l epsro no pains or lime in giving a true history of what ui) Ufo hoa been 1.0 1 .1 Of oourso it ia usilt.si to montiou uiy name for all kuo-.v that there in not another man ou earth that would at tompt so much for his Iriends, that the same Big Ike w hoso purchaeop at 40, 5U, and 07J cents on the dollar bring so mnoh nrofit and coneins to mnny smiles to the poor of our land. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wiih Weather one but myself. " Yours very truly, GllOVliU Cl.I.Vhl.AM. MALT JA8. Ukdmond. WDISKEY for by rvTTFFY 8 I LfoHininal use. for sale bv j26 J3- Kkdmond. 1 PAT.VIN HCflAFFER'S WILD L. CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put ud eioreesly for throt and lun dis eaaea. tor eaie uv -' to draw loads over roads that ale almost useless in winter. It goes further and cites an illustration upon this important subject. "What we need, " says a man blind in one eye, "is not good roads, but good an umbrella I markets." Well, good roads had only to good markets. Two roads lead to Nashville; one good and easy, one rough and worn out. A fi.rinpr nn each carries his loud ol farm products to market. Uviving on the good road, Fanner A. can cany tniie the loud Farmer II. can carry, !'r he lives ou the worn out road. Both sell their products and get exactly the same price. It has cost Farmer 1!. more to bring his mini ir rittmi lit Nashville, but the buyer does not care for this, and be cer tainly is not going to pay Farniee B. for living ou a bad road. It is the concern ol the h.rmer aiiovc everybody else to have good roads and to have them good all the year around. It 1 . . .-.4 rt costs much to haul your pruuuc.3 .0 market and to haui;your supplies home. On 11 irnnil roslil OI1C horse and one man . , .. . 1 .,,,,1 tt. n I to the plants us caiidoasinucuasiwo ; , the crop perfeetlv flat. men. A wagon will last twice as long I Pu ' , i.m a.'to ku smooth road as it will roll-1 i,,,,,,,! i,, 1 It is stated in an exchange that, the imj ovcr a roUgh road. Gril'ton church was the only one lully jrcrc j9 an expense that must be rc- rcprcscnted in the New Berne District jucca. It is heavy, and increases the Conference at Beaufort. The pastor and C08t witl,out increasing the prico of every all four of the delegates, from Hancock jU9b,.l of wheat and every bale of cot- . a ; .1 ... 1 ton. Farmers, what will you do about it. I I tin- A sroa:.. of '.i'.U. ' .1 ., . ,( . , . , ., , . llL, Ili(th6t -Ii ... " ;..'.. .i.. .-,!.,. .i..lin'g f-r foundation, ' ' ' ' "' " .,i,e: .1.-. 1,,1'e. avid your.-elf of this iM ,. .. 1 .1111, : 1 -.n;; ' . !.! ,1 ' 4 hanco won't K.iv.vl lis:.. - ' - 11 1 " j . ..; ;i. St... M Y. i -in, , , -. .. ir i.-ioiiicis who havo j M ,..,l-..u..i ....r iiwt AD. and COMK " imWN .:f. :.. .- Vn.ler oui ' - "'- I 'In ;;, Mil. I in I'iici 1 i i-'"c ELOM COLLEGE LOCATED ON N C K. B. The Late Crop of Irish Potatoes in the Soull1. The above is the title of a ten -ting bulletin, No, bu, of tie N. C. agrc iillui al experiment statioa, bv I'm!. W.K Massey, horticulturuli-l of h. station. The subject is an important ..ne and the ;..,lnlrv liiiseil 1111011 it destillod to be eonie a most valuable one to the south ( f f In tnttnv thousands of barrel of seed potatoes now annually 1-r.mght In north both for -eed and food, a f -v hence will be n-dnei-d to a- nniij dreds. The trucker in llu eu.' Atlantic to a lame extent now ldol.t ll"iii! potatoes I01 the second 1 ioji, .inn ....I lu. 1 ..,.e.,, ii,u-.iee Will ' " come universal. Thee potatoes arc dis tined also to supply the food market to the exclusion of uoithein grown pota toes. The important point- to rv "1 iiliintinc. i.re- lied the "1 in 'he ,u" 1 r - , until planting 1 1 tn about 'In-up..!.- In Aii.nwi unci u- onh si I CH-3 '' and in-Faenl- the laic own Klegant now liniUling.s. Lari; prpnKiiii riatronago. I'oth sexeic ty ol twelve meuiuers 1 lnni piiinil ol .nine i oiick. ...v.,.. - . . i...wl..mip lleiiiirtmeiit. .n"-ie, ah, C'oniinercial. Murals ol Students I nsiii iu.sc.l. Gpeus September 1st, 1'J-. For farther information 01 ca'.doj'ue Alif!Vs l.ONG.A.M .1).). Vnisiditnt. lylti dwtf Eton roUetfw. N. C. fs School, HALEIGii, N. C John fi.Orahfr M A (ii I N IS And Blaektfiiiiiiis II,. . I-.;: w -nh .: ,f John 11. i based the plcc -.. ' Ciavcu eli'-' i, I"!"' '' 1 " belt's staml Wl ..ie now kinds '. I' eiini: .i . .. 1. smith W : A';'. 1. w Ulc' i ' ' ' i' ' ' A e. l':a, w e slmr Si -eolld i.Uted potatoes. Never cut ttie 1 plant whole. Plant 111 a dec p lurrow . but cover verv ligimv aim 'c- '1 to the seed. Giudually till in the soil row, and c iiuivace 1 i'ir . ,..'. Jolia H. Crabrr.;:.; -i? . IBKT1'1 !'r' T"!lS.,:',i""J X'-tv The Xatin-'uil rank,1 i:;c:o:iv .-'..AfyT; V'i ey ; well as expi in uc(.s this new crop. ping the bit. eroi' , nl.ove t -1 1 1 1 till 111 I I, .an ' rue k. 1- with The Advent Term of the Kilih Annual :, Hsh.li will beg;" s.-i-teciibei '."i i. For . atii!oL-ne nclcbes.-. lti-.v. P.. SV.P.DKS, A.M , ivl.-i dw',)m Raleigh. N. C I II....". Ja:i. A !!;.'.. :'. f C11 AH. rt. k. J ALtx. Un.i.iu, p f' 0) i.b.iCb . !i.-.Mri.n. Jh Kl'i I.N", I. ll.Ui l.t'-UTs. Free coinage has been defeated in the House. ItEPRESENTATIVE O'FARUALL, of Virginia, says tho Third party will not. cm rv it fc'outhoru State Correct. It now icems that Grady and Vnnnra will lock hOrnS ' 1U the Third diatriet. Ticrer and Wild .oat! Won't the wool fl) 'Thk Old ltoman," Allen O Thurman, says: "The renomina tion of Cleveland is a ja3t tribute n hia airliner merits as a man, a citizen and a Democrat." Street Church were in attendance besides two of the alternates and other memliers who were there as visitors. The campaign is opening and a band n-i 11 1,., rrf 1 1 1 vr nppded Wu honed, ere " ' J . 1 .. ,.11 lilN't. . .1 . 4 n,,nnniu inn Hrl Cl l -Ulliri HI 111.1.1.' I C. . mat me one leeouj v. . The Herald's Estimate The New York He rald, say M-ei.t issue to be deeideil b ith that the Hie lnujori Mr. Harrison ('online and Going. Rev C. G. Vardell left yesterday niorn- this. would be well under way and bc ready for service, Jiut a room for practice has not been secured. Some of the members are very much interested. We hope to hear a checriug account from them soon. The New Rernc engine won in both contests at Asheville, and it was an easy victory. She had no competitors 1 Un der the premium regulations a prize of fiO was to be given for quick steaming, and another of f25 for distance. These 1 . I. II! ll lit tl I III 111. A 1 iduals. but with til 1111. VIVTVI."." ' the political ideas which they represent. If you want a rich class and a poor class, if you waut a moneyed aristocracy at end and n Lord, en -,iouu m. it no- ne ing of Presbytery to take action on tue call extended by the Goldsboro church to Mr. Miller, of Virginia 'The family of Dr. N. Si reel left to v isit relatives in Kcnansvillc. The family of Mr. II H Lane b f. " visit relatives at Cove. The steamer Nc usel brought in the fol lowing passengers: Judge H. K. Rryan and wife returning from Washington, I). "UM" im!'. one the other end you publican ticket. If vou wan! fair mv al the. While Iloiis. ofl'oiiLMes, aiidgemial pro?per.ty eer l,.r. then veil waul what wc believe the Democrats a.- a party ale tnmg to ttalll. a . i r and und, i ' :u the DR. Wi,l. D. HOOPER Trenton High School Will Begin on tho First Monday in Sept., in tho New High School uuiitnng. Tuition From $3.00, an.,1 liodrn r . uiu ; $5 to $7. For farther Information address W. H. KIlODi, Principul j,,t i ..i fi. cii. ro his i.r jfesnocal .-ervic nKonlii of Ni'W Heme n 1 suirc.ui country. Otlbt o the Nc:il Broad street b.-.lwprn !Un Mi.idle over tlisl.aw of - ;c Geo. II. Whit, t-1'...v '-' to 11 a. in., an-i fi f. t- i jyl'Jif tlw ! :lf. ill end i. ii .tor Iroi.i ' :"M A Note Of vv AS 11 o( For Kent. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic For Billiousness. Constip.itn. Malaria. For Indigestion, The rooms over the stoie of li.sur.way & Churchill (neat to city hull) me f.-r rent. Apply to Jy12if J- E. Laiuanl What All Want To Know 13 CONTAINED IN Till: ' -it nd Sick and Nervous Nervousness and C- Mr. M. Makeleynd -iiiiuren, w.n 1 . 1 1 A '..I .nlntirilU It! VI Pl'illlH. I TT. ...I...1.H .i rrL .,.nni ..ma UUU HLUIICU IV inm ' ' iir.nua-.iiv arc the pnz.es sue won. . ..e . , alecplCS8ness, nir,.rp,l H-erp anrer n case other enitincs returning on acccmoi !.., .v. v 0 w . ri, i,. .l,n vi fire if ail lO I lie ' ...d"---'- . ... i ir: i had entered. DC98 OI ' . Mr For Fever, Chills, Debility nn.i iu..,-, . .. , . ... , lsay, is now consmeriiDiy ...,r."., Diseases take Lemon r.nxir jvnouiar lurujiujc m.c " i ,... , ,..,,! f riu he resco i...i:M r,,rni.tiiri and c. Mr. W. II. Hooten rcturnillg from a trip to b ganic regulation take Le nou Ll.xn upplyon Monday and Pa,nlcr rclurl" Albert V Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir is piepaie. r i.!. bomc (he is stopping at Hotel Albert), j Uum. combined w. R. Lindsay, chairman of the those in New Bcmc. PAAnlnU nartv Btate committee, received his first su AVVir.v L- rf i.aa poiiad a fltato convention to meetat Balelgh on the I6th of 5 abusinessitripto New Be.ne; Mn H.T. AnffUHt to nominate candid.ttoa ror i u Z " m WUson and family, of Louisville . , Among it are some very pretty sets. An- . -M, thorough Popular WORLD. Ulf.lt' ,'. ; l . tl..: K;:.e. '' ''' Keiio -.il- ' Opium. -'-I i ' -ases, mil Ne.ur pul ln) thl .'..--n-j lusi ilu'.ioi. Coiled Stales. C" by our c irn .r. Uiuk ol ' in,. Ki : . All others -.lsiu;:o dies are fraud. niiJ i;.' Wo have luv r'.-t: esthblili"d ir ' n i'mti J ' n- uiei.t : ' ' 1 reme Jce - -. : till to tXADI.'-e are dealing -n ti i;s, iiU'-ici. '- r t r . , ; GoU. , in-: ar:i to-' t ! by ; ill WlC- lIHll'- l I nm, please allow us 'I ruck are no hotter - i ,.i ac -i-'ed limo lor that they an- our friends. cT.iMv. Haekharn k Wiilett, !?i3QSway & Churchill, T.flchfn:,zt,3 Supplies Spcci sExlty ! j CilWL STREET, ' ();-c door below City Hall. j A . : - " n. to will havo our ' ..,,,11.1.. ni 1. 1 ti"-i. 1 1 '. I '" delivered to w, -.i' ot ' 'ie eo y w ithoiit delay. ' ( . i ... . - eu iiaiitec'l in every jeiOdwfp LlavriniStrtES & Baxter. i'bsiag- Out Sale! ilio :.'oxt GO Days ni i l'i- c. out Si.mnu-r Clothing, Dr-s Goods, Ladies' Yeats, Gents' Underwear, &c. AT A REDUCTION! : rd a new lot of lata TV,. ; 1 h .Tl i nr.-. 'i r:-.J 1WFT HATS. dtlNGTON 1!.X TER are 1 i tiiiii -i.vi. . i:.. v..:oi!n : . r: i ; t line o-.ir rcoe. .is'.eis. ,., .. j- InsiituK i in- o! tti -..-y Tresi !eeo , ..i.i a fk;. V'"- i i is . from the res 1 nucc nasnowgocu.e.unc. .. - - - n Tiriht of ElLzalxith City, on " - - , ., live. State offloes and electors. Only Ave of the annual appro nriation bills have km8 to the President lor his approval. Six bills are still in conference, or the conference reports npon them have not Often acted upon, and three have not been passed by the Sen ate. THB Democrats are walking right over the track in North Car olina. Republicans, Third party men and Prohibitionists, are con sulting, but they haven't jet de rised ways and means to defeat th rtamoaraov. It caaoot be done. TUB Washington Post says that nn. watern Senator pays for the board and lodging of himself, wife andone servant at a fashionable hotel 11,800 per month; a middle Btate Congressman pays $1,200 per month for himself and wife; another Tnu wlrlftunread . nrevalouce of eholora in Asia and in Extern Europe lends force and cogonoy to th Instructions issued by the sur geon. General of the Marine Qoa - piud Service to the Government offloert nuder his . oontrol. Exoept tbrongh neglect or, dereliction of duty no Importation of the dreaded pestilence could' possibly ooonr, I Among i other lot is on the way with which he will till the upper floor. Mr. Wooten was burned out in the Are which de stroyed Dr. Leinster DufTy'a uptown property and he suffered again in the tire at the market but ho is pluckily com ing again. Elon College. Concerning the advertisement ot won . . . to 8DCmi a fcw ,uy9 in College in this issue; ur. jonn o. wing, i . . who debvered the Literary Aaareea De- ,1H hm j,, vi9,t. cousist- . . . ...ii- I - ot., i. iron pn JUfj O. U1V, T...W " route to spend aome time at Morehead. WrfT f. C.tLoTigand family, of Harlowe. left on the steamer Neuse .to visit relatives near Hertford Miss Charlotte Grimes, of Orimcsland -:...! ( nt.it l.er lioele. JUllL'C II. R. Brvan. E. G. Hill, Esq., who is summering av tonics, and will not fail you in any o " o . illc. and T-i- ""-' named diseases. druggists. Prepared oni) lanta, la. bv Hr 1 .io..e, At- WRlTns: in in v family. l)r u auy niediciiic, for stomach nd A B.ANKEll Vrnm pxnerieuce II Mozlev'B Lemon Jtuxir uas iew equals, and no superiors in the regulation 01 uic i., bowels. , .,,. W H. MAOirei.8, I'fess. riav i McMinnville. icun A Card kv, rr..is anil sick headaches, im i Complete in every feature, oonta.niDg Maps of every country on tho Globe, full Maps of tho United 8tute, and eoerate UP' of each Htate and Tern Uistory of the World. Events from the TIME OF ADAM TO THE YEAR 1V.H. A list or every l'ost Onu-e. KM.r,i,Tf over, accorama t. "'"-"7- . r.. much moro uw.... V V" . most value to every .. , ueelul aii iiheapft '" ." ',' tUo pnDIIO. ine r. '. . . eaui.o.i (j,) ,.1 tucw that they ! - i. !,i . i'Eir. : v-' ui, tit lora tskiiiti i trebtuieiit or i-urjiits.nu ronieun-o. ThJ fraudulent eBtabiiuLnii-nts usJ ih nan.o of ' ! i . o'ui lie of Gold " or uimllar titles. Tho newspapers do not I ii - III ti" W I.iSLi. 1I1KKM) HALF HOSE. ami INmiiortable; urnwi STORE. fore this Institution at ita last Commence- hig Mf E Harpcri laft to ion biUousneM aud constipation (ot a. C !i. IUl.n. Ii ; Lxn mnar mar. 1 O . . . J trmar nillltircr) i ment, says ol it, "that it is tno most mar- . ut Bcaufort 1 il. r l: 1 .. laaan ni anH I vciuUB growvu ui iiu;rttiuiu, ivauimo zeal, for a short time, this country nas . Scurry Tieoe of Bosinegs, ever produced. It is not yet two years I .tt wth of cbann and Eng, old, and yet it had near 150 scholars at j 0f the "Mg Northern doctors no iU last closing, is illustrating with practt- less than Dr. A(jnew, ot rniia pjiPii., . t l if ji it r I t nn nPIUI-UUIIUI.U tvl VUU aua tne spienuiQ tneory n uv.- - q , Hon, and is shedding the Hgnt 01 r .. nn.t mnrtem. examination. ehristian Unowledoro over one of the fairest I rrh. nff,,,,,,! t nil exnenses. and a countries the sun ever rose upon. The regular contract was made out and sign founders of this college went into the ed. phiiarlel forest, and put up two fin. brick t'ild- and the autopsy held in thepre- iuuh. uiic ui uvyi tuu km va i mhm nf a nnmuer 01 uuvsiuinus. ntarniitoft58.000.00. wv doDar of Ithflv were done with it Dr. Airnew tale- which has been raised. The chapel is a grapuea ine lanuiy ui v.. ... I .t tlipir diimoaal. and as the contract was gem and the literary na.i. are yer, - on rf conrJe ft WM nct tasteful. The groves around the college i n i8 8 fact the family then hd are largo, open and beautiful, vomrorta-1 to send money to pay the autopsy tne.m- ble houses for the professors, a, neat uuio selves, as tney pam m mn village and the great railroad .re the o, SjXTS namenU and the eharterd prinlegcf or -nwd them for a long time, a threats thn situation. Rev. W. 8. Lone. D. D. ,, mHn nf utealincf their renaains. ni,i.t nf flm hmthcra. aU of them I Thla can be verified by a member of men of hut and men opulence, i. the JW-J. oultured head of Elon College. Let the people of the East get close to this young giant, and .tndy iU educational prom-. jJH which i have been a P'1 ."f"" , m. fnniwl m. niediciliu that would riich nleasant. prompt and pcrma. Sent relief as Dr. II. Moneys Elixir. J. P. DAwTELI. Publisher Daily Cull. Lemon , GrirBo, Gu. d.acriaiiual.- eub. lov-y they are imitetoi-'. '-c- ' Bocilenta ot-aririi; ... mei'iU an beio, hi Keel.'-y 1 reftl'.t '"nl- T ' much concern t i.J. warninu. K-Hpoetfllllv THI' Lr-I.li. i- Cl'l'-lW J I." jPlni liwii'-t Ki t j hnow tlni . U.wn :!1 , ..PtliOllnll- out by the ; tiiader ..t , In-nee Il.ls '; Lit WM. L. PALMER. Airent ivi . ,f i , h:: 1 TreJ. A r ni I'O, ''J i; ;.. , in, ji. M. It. Howard l.iYiitl & HOWARD, .:.: :.i;.vf. agents Firo, Marino and-A'ccf dental Insuranco, ,v Im N't -W Hi'UM:, N, 0. Jyl21m "Make Hay wuili the sun shines n.n. when ou have a in cuiuu. .. . - chance to secure a bargain take ad . . :A vantage of it. Wo have juai bf itoamer a lawe lot of Sample Good., consisting of Underwear, Neckwear, Half How. Nealigee ShlrU and Wind- tii White Soread., Handkerohlefs . uaiM and eentlemen. Suspenders Pocket Book, and purses. Theee goods will bo Mid at N. Y. cost and for CASH only. o bring your anoner along if you want soma of them. J. M. HOWARD. Oae Million Dollars. One Million Dollars to loan. Apply or addrets ,,, P1 y WALK IN OFFICE ! jU5 1w Newben.,N.C. Grain 1 Seeds' Fesd! BRADHAM & SMITH, Successors to S. W. & E. W. Smallwooc HEADliUAUTEUS FOR Uav. Corn, Uice, Oats, Lran, " ' ... r. 1 lUmlnr Bairn, liar ftllg, lrici (lovers. Baectnc and Ties. Atrwnts for l'cter llendorison Co's Seeds. Orders for seeds will li.ive tho mcnt rareful attention, every package being Bold under strictest .guarantee. julylOif B. K. DUFFY, (Jor. Middle . re1 look Sts., 8o;.-ud ll lor, tSrul ie-'.- '-n .it'nl ( I pi.PSIV" . Entrance up stairway en i "'" Preparation of ; Special Medicines and Druggists' Articles. juni 10 tf J.H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. rvv Slorel HswStoc!: iind Oceans Of It ! I I have n-en fioni tho nshes, and age .. - i in) Ii'encis .;. I" i ll f! Groceries. Ship Cha cilery, Gcnrral Run of Dry Goods, Boot), Shoes, Etc. w h...er...,t' oi reian n iowiu.it u.iuoo. ' Call and e Amino my goods. Tl - anuot be rxc'tilh'd. ... A iot of l oll'i o at 5 cenhj por pon tohac co 10 cents, and other great I ruins in Hlightly damaged goods fc from the fire. HEW LOT OF Best Brands of Haras, Bhouldere, Corned Beef, Boneless Codfish, Pure Lard. New Butter. West India Molasses, Vanilla Symp, Pure Apple Vinegar, LUCAS & LEWIS. TTl.li'J PwlflnfftJCf mar 25 dwlf CENTIST, rernninontly.lopalecl. NKWliKRN, N. O. (las admlntslerpd for Hi.. ex'Tanlm. ol tnpth without pain. Office in Ilotol Albert. J. F. TAYLOr New Boarding Hquss, South Sido rollock St., (Ippooite rosi.leneo of L. II. Cutler New Bcrnc, N. C. Board by the day, week or month. THE Farmers S, Merchants E NEW BERNE, N C Organizod one year ago. CAPITAL STOCK , 75,C Dividend . . suni"' Undivided Proflts OFFICERS: ' L. II. Cdti.br, W. H. Chaowick, Vioe-Fr T. W. Dkwky, . " ") 1 A H. Powell, . . " DIRECTORS! Wm. Clove, P. H- JPe' Table, the best the market will afford. J.W. Btewart. W. . Twenty-threo years' oxpoilonco. H. 11. DOWDY. jno29 dwtC Tnhn lsllltiir. L. U, Cutler, ' B. B. I Headquarter! forHloksl Bv! Oolleotions a tpeoialty. A ' . . . . ... , . -H" -' "I ' IV -Mm ,',.- :; a - if.