) ft for I nf ants ;: "CMtorUUsoweUadaptedtocMiirentW' r I rewwimend It u superior to any prescription' 1 to me." E. A. Archie, M. D., ' 111 .So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, , Y, . "The use of 'Castorta Is so universal and IU merits so well known that it seem a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the . Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. CiBLos Hun-re, D. D., Now York City'. Tn Centaur r - ,' IQRFQLK, HEWBERN & WMNBTO!. r: DIRECTLINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. " la Order to make mare convenient and soonosnloal as of the vessels now employed IB the North Carolina service, and thus to . Better Serve the Interests of Skippers, . me tnyae une ana 01a Dominion Btoem " ship Company havS oonoludeil 11 merge their respective lines between Newbern. N. O. Bad Norfolk, Va Into one line, thus glv- Ins passengers and tmok shippers thiee trips each week between Newborn and r-orfolk . via Washington. . ' k a Itir a Vin v in a Mmn x HV AUti.Ut l.v HAIISM. Ob and after THURSDAY. jnLY 2lst. m-. ?--' aaUl farther nottoe. the Stiiaer HEWBERSE, Capt Sontigats, - - Steamer ENOLA, Cipt. Eoyn, . AND Steunei ALBESARLE, Cap1,. Bhodes. Will sail from Norfolk. Vs.. for New Km dlreot, (vary Monday, Thursday end baturday, making connection win, ta Atlantis and North Carolina Railroad, . and tha water lines on Neuee and Trent rivers. Returning, will sail HIOH NB.WBKKN FOB NORFOLK, Va., via Roanoke island wharf, every Tuesday at 13 M end every Thursday and Saturday at s Y. M., making- connection at Norfolk with Tha Old Bay Line, for Baltimore, The Clyde ' Xiine, lor rnuaaeipuia, rue uiu l'ominion Bleamsblp Co., for New York, The Mer chants' and Miners' Line for frovlcionoe and Boston, and The Water Mhos foe Washing ton, D.O., and Klohmond, Va., thus giving aa all water loute to all northern and Eastern points. Also oonneotlon made with the C. A () B. B , and N. A W. K U. for the Went. Passengers will Bud a good table, comfort able rooms, and everv oourtesv and atten tion will be paid them by the otllsera. Order all goods, cure of N. N. & W. Dlreot Una, Norfolk, Va. ; 8, H. ORAY. Agent. , -E3. O, 30: .Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Fast Passenger and Freight Line between CT21"OT B3E3H.3XTI3, AHstOrn North Carolina PoInU, and all con neotlons of the PEHIIYt,VAIA RAILROAD, IIICLUDIHQ NewVerk, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Bal tlmore and Boston. Ike ONLY Trl-Weeklr Line Out of w Bene, THK NEW AND ELEGANTLY KO.UIPPKD HT JCAMKB Balis from New Berne OR BATS, . .. ' WEDNUDATI,: ..' FRIDAYS, AT'4,BO S.3VL., Mopping at Koatroke Island each way and v - forming oloee oonneotlon with tha ' - Norfolk Southern Railroad, . fbs Saslern Dtspatoh Line, consisting of tha Wilmington B, 8. Oo Norfolk Southern saw Hm 47 wW A Ma Baa At UalBM BJs IX tA sV VaT J UlaV Aesj I : and Pennsylvania R, R., farm a reliable and gala line, olrerlng superior facilities foe qniok passenger and freight transportation. No transfer eioept at Sllcabeth City, at ; . which point freight will bs loaded on ean to go through to destination, : Dlreot all goods to be shipped vlaJEastern - OarollaaDlspath dally as (oUowsi From New . York, by Fenna. B..RnPler37, North River. , From Philadelphia, by Alia,, W.tand Balto. , "" B. B Dock 8 1. Station. .: Front BalUmore, by Phila., WlLJand Bolto. '- R. R., President Bt. Btatlon. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R.B. From Boa too, by Marehanta A Miners Trans - - portatlon UM New York and New England " st. K. : BVKatat as lowland tun qnlcksr thanjy ny other line. For further Information apply to . W. H. Joroa (Oen'l Freight Traffle Agent, . P, R. R.) Oenetal Trafflo Agent. Gbo.IBtbphbni Division Freight Agent, .V P. W. A B.R.R., Philadelphia. . . B. B. Oookb, Oen'l Freight Agent., N, Y. . P. 4 N. R. R., Norfolk. Va. B. O. Hddoins. General FrelghtlAgent N,J8 A. &m Norfolk, Va. " , QKO. BUtDERBOir. Agent. ' ' . New berne, N. 0. tv'srtj ft iU.tiuIBrtlTr THE AMERICAN I.WII I RAMRI FR 1 Is the BuT WHEXL OK THg HABKBT this year. wm Hy Dfll fV OaVBkM Vn la. BECAUSE tne combination or the celebrated O.k J. PnenmaUo Tire aid Bsruia rtame makes riding on It a luxury, r THY IT AND B CON VINCKO, U;J. Sand (or Rlusiratad , a CstsJogus, . SOKMUUT jErTERY F CO., WashlR(tomD.O. M inn J r.' and Trade-Msrks obtained, and all Pat. tuueas eondueted for Mooraavc fire. n.rm ia OmtiTl U. 8. Psvcirr Omet .ii we can semis patent in leas time than toots irne from Washington. bad model, drawing or photo., wits drsertp Hoa. W edvite, II pmtentmble or not, free el auuge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. PMMi.rrf "How to Obtain Patents," with o( Sbuie In the U, (. and fsreigaeouatriss nt fica, Addreas, ' . o.A.criovy&co. t. lTf NT OrriQK. MrAaHlMttTaM. D. C. -'--w-wss 1 and C h i Idren. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, . Bourgtomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills. Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication, "for several years I ham reoommended your ; Castorta,' and shall always oontinue to do bo as it has invariably produoed boneflcial results."' Edwdt P. Pianra, M. D., l!th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Courts?, 77 Muhhay Snuarr, Nsw York Crrr. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Men M Carolina tableworks NEW BERNE, N. C, Italian and American ilarlk and U2 QuaKUet of Material iMM MHMtAlBatllrl wicuraa'WUS TnCM-Twvtrft ma wnamum TwnrLAsatrstsJa. HUMPHREYS VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Bones, Cattle), Sheep, Com, Horn, - AND POULTRY. 800 Page Book ea Treatment of Animals and Chart beat Free. T"f Fe.Te,f',!"f"iI""aBimatOB A.A.tgplaal MealBgUle.Htlk Fever. Jf-J S,? lS! Rheumatism. V.C.DIteeBMT. Nasal filaehargea, K KCeiisaw, Heaves, Paeamaala. F.F.-Collo ar rlae? Bellyache. ), items Paralysis, .si single Bottle (over SO dosesX ddib vase, wiw epeoines, HsnuaL Veterinary OureOU and Hedloaton tr.00 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, . . i.5 SrtS tr DrenMai er m insdS Mrwmn iM to mt MWRTO- SSB. CO., tit a lit WIMm, SI, Hrwlw. aAWmaTa.AaUjs0 11 B0KE0PAXEIOf AlSPECIFICKo.-00 la aw lejre. The onlj saeetsihd lemsdy lot Nervous Debility. Vital Weakness, and ProtiUoD, from OTr work or ottm cMttedb 1 por viftl, or 6 HH and Iatk. vial powdw, lor 9A. Bold bj lrTOAfUU, or Mat puatpAjduu rwevlpl of prim. uvmrufutw uun. co., in 111 wwum m,, kmImi. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boota and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing- a Specialty. . AEPBN, Orav.n street, opposite Journal offloa. 6E0. HENDERSON, CBueoeasor to Roberts A Hsndenon), : General Insurance Agent neprennung insurance company of JTorth imerlea, of Philadelphia. Sriome lniuranoe Oompany, of New York, neen Insorapoa Oompany of Enaland. artford flra Lasuranoe Oompany, Of Bartferd, North Carolina Borne Inraranoa Company JfKalelgh. - Oreennltch Insuranoa Company, af Now York. Pbenlz Insuranoe Oompany, of Brooklyn. United Underwriters Insuranoa Oonaoanv. of Atlanta, Beaton Marina lnsnranoe ooatpany, of Boston. Inlyldwtf . MRS. J. M. HINES1 Boarding House Reopened. Mas. J. M. HINE8 hag reopened a Flrat-ClaB Boarding Houso In the dty oppoaiteBaptlst CUuroh. TEE FIOEER Dl?lwilfl MiCHII out b bad at the same plaee . J. VL HINES, Agent, (pl6 dwtt ' 0; Marks' Store. . uacnines AND '4. AT Wood's ,.:,v.-;.V;;-.,Y'''fv";r.' " LH. Cutler & Co. THE JOURNAL. THE TYllANT AXD THE CAPTlTi. Adelaide Am? us Puoctoh. It was midnight when I listened, And I heard two voices speak; One was harsh and stern and cruel, And the other soft and weak; Yet I saw no vision enter, And I heard no steps depart, Of this Tyrant and his Captive, Fate it might be and a Heart. Thus the stern Voice spake in triumph; "I have shut your life away From the radiant world of nature And the perfumed light of day; You who loved to steep your spirit In the charm of Earth's delight, See no glory of the daytime And no sweetness of the night." But the soft Voice answered calmly: "Nay, for when the March windB bring Just a whisper to my window, I can dream the rest of spring, And to-day I saw a swallow Flitting past my prison bars, And my cell has just one corner Whence at night I see the stars." But its bitter taunt repeating, Cried the harsh Voice: "Where are they, All the friends of former hours, Who forget your name to-day All the links of love are shattered, Which you thought so strong before; And your very heart is lonely jAnd alone sinco loved no more; But the low Voice spoke still lower: "Nay, I know the golden chuin Of my love is purer, stronger, For the cruel fire of pain. They remember mo no longer, But I, grieving here alone, Bind their souls to rue forevtr, By the love within my own. " But the Voice cried: "Once, remember, You devoted soul and mind To the welfare of your brethren And the service of your kind. Now, what sorrow can you comfort, You who lie in helpless pain, With an impotent compassion Fretting out your life in vain? ' "Nay," and then the gentle answer fKRosc more loud and full and "clcur, "For the soke of all my brethren I thank God that I am here. Poor had been my life's best efforts. Now I waste no thought of breath, For the prayer of those who suffer Has the strength of love and death " Of Interest to Athletes. James Kobinsou, the athletic trainer at Princeton College, Princeton, N. J., snys: "I have found it imperative to have sure aud simple remedies on hand in case of cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, colds, rheumatism, etc. Shortly after entering upon my profession, I discovered such a remedy in Allcock's Porous Plaseers. I tried other plasters, but found them too harsh and irritating. Allcock'b Po rous Plasters give almost instantane ous relief, and their strengthening power is remarkable. In cases of weak back put two plasters on the small of the back and in a short time you will be capable of quite severe exercise. In "sprint,'' and "distance" races and jumping, the muscles or tendons in the legs and feet sometimes weaken. This can invariably be relieved by cutting the plaster in nar row Btrips, so as to give free motion, and applying on muscles affected.'1 We have a speedy and positive oure (or oatarrb, diphtheria canker mouth and headache, in 8HILOH HJ CATARRH REMEDY. A naaal injector free with eaoh bottle. Use it it ron deeiro health and sweet breath. Prioe 60o. Sold by Now Borne Drag Co. Basil Manly. Wh, A, MdsToeH, New Derne Iron Works 8uooes8ors to J. H. Crabtree & Co. Engineers, Founders, AHD MACHINISTS. Manufacturers and Dealers in Machln err. Machinists and Mill SuDDllea. En gines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills, Doable Edgcrs, eto. Agents for Bargamin's Indestructible Mica Seated Valves, The American Saw Oo. and Prescott's Direot-Acting Steam jreea, etc. We have just erected a larire Ware- house adjoining our Works, whew wo will keep a full stoek of Machine and Mill Supplies, Orders for work or material of any kind will he promptly executed. . : . . . , marwawu SUnUEBJBpABIK HOTEL GORDON NEAR DEPOT, Noi1ih;WflfcMboro1:ir. 0. Bates until August 1st, 1803, only ,6 00 per week; cnliaren 8 to y years, and nurses half price. Round Trip Tickets Good until October 80tn, ism, from all prinoipaipolnu via Richmond and Danville R, R. Trains laava Greensboro at 10:40 a. aa. ana arrive In north Wllkssboro a S.-U6 p.m., dally except Bonday, Ketnrnlna, lee v. Ifortk Wllkesboio at 4:u and arrive In Greensboro at :46 p.m. North WUkesboro ia sitae ted In the moon tain region of Northwestern Carolina, on tha TaaKiB tuver, among; me maa niaga ana Branny mountains, 108 mile Northwest of Graeaaboro. It Isa delightful, eat and con venient . , l jFamito ; Summer Resort, waere (anmuaff mat drlnklnt are aot al lowed; where yon may enjoy oool, Invlgo rating mountain breezes, oool nights, era qaet, lawn tennis and children' play grounds, rambles, oosy nooks, rnstte seats. mountain drives. y. .. ri? ' lest HiienJ W&tsr. in thi:SUtV banting, fishing, boat-rldlng. and trash water bathing, Bote! Gordon la well equipped, with broad pieaaas, rooking onaira, nammooaa. wait inrsuanea rooms with carpets, window shades and blinds. The fare b far better than I hat of many of the leading Hotels or tha Blata, and m ran by Christian people, not for the pnrposa at making money, bat for the purpose of ad vertising the advantage of North Wilkes boro, 1U oil male and scenery. KtcrBBsncssi : u Geo. W. Hlnahaw, Oot P. H. Hanes, Dr. W, I Brown and Judg Wilson, of Winston, H, a; Col. J. af. Win stead and Ir. B. P. Dixon, of Ureeaeboro. M. a; W. H Hill. Kq., ana P. W. Klbler. Ksaj.. of Danville, Va.; oapt. Samuel A. Ashe, of Kalelsh, IT, O.; Msjot Ohannlng at Bolton and Benry P. Boaies. ol Atlanta, Osw u4 traveling salesmen generally, , - . 4ur In order to eeoors rooms for tha sea son, Write early to - - ' ,v ., ; . 4, rit,. W, f TR0QD0W,Y ;Tt''.-t-V V !Mnkg, 'j je2 dwlrn tU WUkesb, . 0. . fear ; i-, ; !, tt fa I PNUFACTUREDOHLY,il(bl 5SORSE3 kM HULES. I heye just reoolved a FINE LOT of Western North Carolina HOUSES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF BUGGIEb, ROAD 0ARTS AND HARNESS. All of whioh I will sell VERY CHEAP for oaeh or approved paper. Give me a trial. E. f3. iSS ti-oet ilwaukee I am SOLE AGENT for this OU ratoil Boor iu New Berno. ON DRAUGHT. Schooner for 5 Ceuts. I koop on hand a CIIOICE LOT of WINES, LIQUORS, Cigars and Tobacco. T. C. HOWARD, RED LIGHT, Middle Street, Near Market Dock. mat23 dwtf A Note Of Warning TO THE PUBLIC. AS a matter of justice to ourselves and to the reputation of Dr. Leslie E. KeeleyV Double Chloride of Oold Remedies for the oure of the Liquor, Opium, Morphine and Tobacco Dis eases, and Neurasthenia, we warn the publio that these remedies are used by no institution or sanitarium in the United States, ezoept those established by our oompany under the uniform name of "The Keelby Institute." All others olaimtog touseourreme dies are frauds and lmpottera. We haye bow sixty Eeeley Institutes established in various parte of the United States, where the Keeley Treat ment is administered, and the Keeley remedies sold. 'We, however, oautlon all to examine well and know that they are dealing: with genuine representa tives, authorized by os, before taking treatment or purchasing remediee. The fraudulent establishments nae the name of "Bi-Ohloride of Oold" or similar titles. The newspapers do not discriminate sufficiently to know that they are Imitators, and so put down all aooidents oocurriog at such establish ments a being brought about by the Keeley Treatment. This is a matter of muoh concern to us, and hence this warning. Respectfully Tours. THE LESLIE E. KEELEY Co. Cubits J. Dudd, Seo'y and Treas. jfllm Dwlgh.. III., April 30, 1892. STANDARD Truck Barrels. We are now prepared to supply Barrels of our manufacture, Id any quantity, dolivered on oars or steamor at New Berne. For further information apply to our Sales AgcQt, E II. & J. A. MEADOWS CO. JONES & CO. We. the undersigned, used one thou sand Truok Barrels, manufactured by Messrs. Jones & Co., last ytar, and they gave us perfect satisfaction. We shall use the same barrels again this year, and also some of their Patent Wire Barrels. ' Hackburs & WrLLRTT. May 13, 1863. 14 dwtf 100 BAGS SHOT To Hand This. Day. All Sizes. Send In Your Orders. ? a wnn if .nn a r.in Bnorraw. 1 ? irrntn a milf COMFORT - AND - - o as CASH - - - You can save Cash and . increase your Comfort at the same time." HOW? - - a. Why, buy FIVE OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS forTTENf CENTS? in stead of TEN CENT, ciqarT c - sA. Freezers, Mason's li'ruit Jars, Porcelain lined Kettles Glacier, Refrigerators, Water Cooler;, and Fly Traps, FOR b.VLi: 1!V Stnsllwsod 3 Star, MIDDLE STREET. TO THPUBLIG. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLARS in the purchase of a PIANO, aud from Ten to Fifteen Dollars la the parohase of an OROAN, addreex AD0LPH C0HK, NEW BEBNE, N. 0., Uoneral Agent for North Carolina, who now bandllnir goods dlreot Iroai the iuaoa faotarars, as follows: HIGH GRADE mKIILIN PIANOS, dlstlngalshed for tone, workmsnslilp and dorablllty, and endorsed by nearly all the musical Journals In the United males. Made by Paul O. Mehlln, who Is at this tlmeone of the best mechanics anil Invmilnr. nllliAtlnv Jnineen new patents on this hlgh-i . j eday. grade sseniiu riano. AlSO the NKH7BV JtL KVIVI ffrPIIKjri PIASJii, which has beep Bold by him for the past six years In the eastern part of this State, and up to this time has nlven entire satisfaction. The Upright Planojust men tioned will be sold at from filXI to 'i 0, In Ebonlsed Kosewood, Uak, Walnut or Ma hogany oases. Also the CROWN PAHLOlt OROAR, from 150 to I10U In solid Walnut or Oak osna. Ten years' experience In the muslo bnsl-1 ness has enabled him to handle nothing but standard goods, and be does not hesitate to say that he will sell any musical Instrument, about 26 per cent, eheaper than other agenu i are now offering. Refer to all banks In Eastern Carolina. lau23 dwtf STERLING SILVER, atout 33 1-3 PER CHEAPER THAN CA1T EE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. A rare opportunity. BELL THE JEWELEE. A SURVIVOR OF THE WAR. IS55-I892. ; RPCIITtt WAHtKD lowborn onnitjsJlj RUCII I O liberal terms will bs slvea to ssUosu nsw book, Ufa aaA Works u . Ths World traatssl prsaohsr Is dMtd, snd bnndrsOS of thousands of OhrlatlaB B unlllco as wall aa Olmymms Blblo ruadat s, as- unin, wmiuaa lur an opporiaD7 IA SDN sbaso this book. Wo want cat4 to seU this book right now, whllo tha tessrsat la araatast. don't wait, today aand AT omabi Isosnta In stamps, for acenta oontplateean vassiag ontns and bs uia first to oanvaas yonr 'inoornooa. . CinciavtUt Q.i S. R. STREET, Geaerai rmi, nmu utl Insurance Aent MEW B3aiVS. IT. C. lSE-SOH & SATURDAY KICHT TICKETS KOlMi litll t. x S. i. Si.VllONS; TO MOi!!-:i!KAl) ( ITV. AtL:;: U. Railroad.' i a, !;:.' Nh-V Jlr.!.. I'.iis A To As S'i i,.l r.i'.it T:lp. ri'ii; r-i head Ci y, 1- KtRtli.lll. loUlMbolo Best's La Grange Falling Un . I. Klnston Oaswoll .'k TUBC. iM' II 1 .1 UlVCHiU.l- Croataii Haveiook Ncwjn .rt WUdwou'l "I I. Nil l.M BEST TlHN(i in Tin; UNITE!) STATES One II X Iu PHILADELPHIA :cono $ 1 iic r ycai , C $3 per yo&r, oiuittiap Juv.iiays BUSINESS MAN, NO EQUAL. 'THE KF.C01UI." rillLADEMiriA. rfic flag's Ikai Ikfcl, NAG'S HEAD, K. C. The Saiside Resort of tha itiac'u: Last Arc you l'oinl (if Ilsl.in. ..iln.,-;, - r.,i., , bialiiug, nhootirjf , and vraii lun !! !).. Iowa roll" If no, go to NAD'S HEAD, N. CV, Ou tho ATLANTIC K1'AN, find spend a fow d.ija to your uciilit. OPEN JUNE aoiii. Uatos ?l.n.J to f2.Wi.cr .;.. 81 . per v.eolt; 53'1 to 8 jO v; ni..;il!i. No lnoaquitoen or posts oi' ny i.i Hijecial ratcn 6k fainlln'-i a:i.l uvcur purtioa. NAfi'S II I. A!) IKHLl. (OMl'AM )cl3 lio Nag's n-.n!,N. G. L HARDIS0N, Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of au l JIcurt in FIRST-CLASS BRICK. 800,'XH( now ready for tlu market. Bell eUcap aA any other mini. Will )i0tf PUBLIC SALE Valuable Farming Lands u obedience Do a Juderuentol' the Suttcrlor (lourt of Craven uouuly, rendered lu the Hpeelul froeoedlnii, wherein U. K. ralmcr, exeoulor or tdwunl 11, mil. d,.oeue,l 1h plHlntltr, and Martin Hill anil utnors, de visees aud heirs at law, are defendants, the undersigned, as Uommlssloner, will, on Monday, August 1st, 1W, at the court llouse ia the olty of New Hern, county ot Craven, N. O., at U o'eloek, noon, sell at Puhllo Auc tion to the highest bidder, all tho lands tie longing to tile estate or said Edward . lying and being In Mo. J township. Craven oounty, on Moseley oreek, a hoot miles north or Dover station, on the puhlie road leading from Dover to 1 ort Harnwell In said oounty, adjoining the lauds of Win, White, Asa Uarnus, Kmanuel Williams, HetH West and others, oontaluInK Tlt. acres, more or less, with all the buildings and improve, menu thereon, excepting tho standing pine timber sold to the Goldsuoro Lumber Com pany by deed bearing date April till, 1HIH, rsoorded In Craven county reuords. Book Bo. 105, folios Ktfl. m and Tha above lands are described In the fol lowing deeds recorded in Craven oounty reoor tie, to wit: One deed for mi acres, more or leas, from Joaoblm Orlllln, to Kdward H. Hill, dated Nov. 15' It, 1801, Book No. W, fol lo 6H: one deed for aeres. more or less, from Joachim Orllllu to . said Hill, dated Jan. M, lHSS, Book Kit 7, folio 130: one deed for SU0 aeres, mora or lees, from said Urlilln to said Bill, dated Keb'y 4th. 1W16 Book Mo. 7, folio 221; oue deed for '2M aeres, more or ( ss, from VL T. Blohardson to said 11111, dated Mar ob lnth. IWtj, Book No. 7. folio Mb; oos dead lor two tract (ItK) and 25 respective ly in au na aores more or less, rrom wm A. Green and wife and John D. Uarmaok to aid K. H. Bill, dated reb. 1111 1, 1B7I, Book No. 76, tollos un and lW;-eroepllng, how ever, from the above lamia the following tracts sold off by said Kdward Ii. Hill, to wit: on tract fnr 9Au aores, more or lea sold to Emanuel Williams, January 1st. ll, es per deed recorded In Book Ho. 89, folios aw and Sol, and two other small traots of It and 19 aeres respectively (In all aores) sold to Asa, Burns br said Bill, Jan. 18th, 1871. aa per deed, recorded la Hook Mo. 74, folios insnssn,. These lands are valoabletor farming, as well aa for stock raUlnst, and conveniently located on tha pobllo road, about half way between Dover station, on the Atlantic A N, O. Ballroad. and Fort Btarnwell, with a good awaiuna ana ouier Dunuing on same. Abont ion acres are cleared for soltl ration. Terms of sals. Gash. ; . SOW Horn, H.O.. June fsth. ' . v . , JAMSM O. RAHRTHDM. 11 AO (Iel7 IA Admlnutrator and Oomsalselensr Atlantic and IT. 0. Eailroad. PAKUXNUra !)rAHTMBT, New Bbra, N.O., May HOtli. 182. l'j .i,..t:.!s A. A K.u II.B : ' . l Ur-,rj;-h ruion r,f fur, , Konnd Trip Tickets w,o,i c,f IK621 frnu :,,u m HtaUons iow to joints iMiii',! on th. w. w n . u oicts on Haiti Juno Int. 1KU2. to Sept. 8(ith" iimluHlve. (i'-rxl lur return rmuiuit nn r bi-fi.iu Oct. Slut lfii. J .'is jn in no m 11. i'. 11 115 11 Ml H To u.ai ia.?.1, i ". ii m.Hs is.se l.r mi ! l.M) 13.W) 17.W Hi Do 16.111 HJ-tory .N. f ill. I, IMlu lift. " Ali villi' iii'l hHl:iK-a I ,tit t .i allotlii.i rewirts m Western North .roll . r Vlrgi-iia uvu t,r furnlHtir-d upon ; :.i,'.ri.-.,..ii. liniJr ii uudor rive 'Myekra T,-i- i 1.. ,'..-, ;tve (S) ai:i urnlor i-.'ivi- ... y,,.,s i.i ,, :i. oue-l.air or th .i.l'Vi. m'i,, J ,t, ... i.. DILI,, u P. A Judicial Sale. , m Hit-. r;vn .. I. tJarr ukJ otjiftrn vs. (... M:-ih, llir Under r c ' i i I-' i'u'Hio Aunt Inn. : . - 'n Ni'fl'boin, N. i; , '. ' "J a iH-rtiiln tract of jiiniy o( Criiven. aOJoln- ' H. Miiiiltiou ornl t! acr'H niur-5 or itfli, iH .Mi.,1.' Truiit. 'l!io finint ) Ku: hrt'v itinl wife u :.i a ;.1l-v1 in t j raven. In uii.t.1 lU n .-r. r IHlr. , e )iivc. oa i 1 1 ..tl- :2, 1" . . 1 :i i:a: , I.V., C.'on.rulBHlouer. 5TURTSVSHT" HOUSE O '( a; ! Ki.-it OP KAN J'LAN O ,i, l.l ,l0 Per ly i 'I I I'WAltD. I uO Q o- Si'l ll'i K '.VVC SIOUSK rural In In .. cllj ! i.eur all ele t . . :.-,'t : cur lij.ef prliiol pie places K.i",. ii, nt in.: in.' ."rntas; tdlts. ' S-'' ' I '"' '"mi- with tue adill 'ii.i i 'iiv.;i!-...n 'i a I,' '.iirirniiolls T(- I 1 r 'i . I'll : -; ; ,i i t. , t .i;cku., ... jmu, -sr li ,t 20,11 ba oik. N. V 'I ! ..f..-'fujn.-J. Jv.t h r Hs.rrlRon, has j:ir,:jifii tin A iViil tilFiirtt ror ol t lie ei . t:jt;iii M. AilrewH.uml lierobv lelVfta ! 1..', Ii i".''l: .t IV,;..H .1 Uil rB4)llr LftVlDK clh.iii!. i KiiUi.-t (I.;-1 (it:.: of 1 ho Halt! hxlar N A -- t.. .- m. nt V 'in : . fit.' n.iil atl ' "l-i Hi'!,, t.o ( )k 'i 1 i.'iit t , if-r pay- it .-a 1 1 -.! :i j.tii iny nf Juno, 1- . 'i. -Jh' f.H ' ii'.!-' IU (. itWu va In 1 f v ry. r wi Hi h ' I. : i ' :;. is?V liiiifi .y v :"iir' ilt-i'ty. .r.Mica V H K1MMON, ArlmUilritrntor. v 11 N . ' , ,in. 1 1' 1 1 , ltV W. r . Kailroi OJt Outsit Has,,- Hcjhkdluc. Ooinq West No. M. i (ifl.scn.T TrniuH. No. 50. jAr. I-vo. relations. Ar. Lvn. j p m 3 W (iol(iiboro 1110 am ! 4 0(1 4 01 La .rouge 10 23 10 25 ; 4 'I.' 4 40 Kiinton 9 41 9 58 MM 6 .' Ntwltoraf tj 17 8 Sir i 7 S3 p in MordiBn l (.'it- n m 6 47 Daily. Ocinu Ki1. (".ii'.eiulk Goin.t Wmr No. a. Mixed Ft. & Hucioui. 1'ans. Train. Kin,; E :. I'ucn. Tr .in aw u-J UoMatjoro 7 20 pm (I r.7 7 05 Lodt !) 8 24. 6 84 7 20 7 :0 La (trance 5 54 6 04 7 4S 7 VI Falling Greek 5 24 B 30 S 11 H :;d Kinston 4 25 6(0 ' 8 50 0 r.ft Oauweil 4 00 4 0r I 1 Ii. i-.ii t.u 1 .',0 r.:!.. Fi-irlav. 1 ? i i B 15 lo j Dover 8 25 8 40 " t"il0ai 10:.', CoroOree 2 54 8 Oil 1 1 1 00 11 D.i Tuacarora 2 24 8 i:0 l i U 17 11 41 Olsrb ? 2 03 ill ''13i: u Jd Newborn 10 38 1 8U 1 V dl u42 Kirordale 9 41 9 41 8 43 1! J:i (Jroatan 0 93 9 138 4 0 4 Vi Havelock 8 69 9 04 4 M 7 4 .ia Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 8 00 8 0 5 01 6'. I Atlantic 7 47 7 Oj 6 lii h21 Horehead flity 7 17 7 2) 5 2a 5U'8 Atlantic Hotel 7 06 7 14 5 81 p :a Uorehesd Depot am 7 00 Monday, Wodnesnny aud Krloay. tTuamlar. I'lnirHtiay n.i Hatardav. T'rs i .'.I nonteot w:ta Wilmington A Wei- dor;lrUi biTiud North, loavlng Uoldshoi- 11:60 a. ni., eitd with Richmond A Danvlii Train Wi'lt, leaving tiohishoro '1 40 p. m. Train 61 connecis vllh Rirhmoed A Dsnvli: . J TrMn, ftrrllng at Qoldnboro 'i: V, p.m., and wit. w iiminiswiii miu w eiuou irain zrom tn North at : 1U p.m. Trair. :" conutiota with Wilmington snj Weliioc tiroucb Freight Train, Norlli bouuu, Icniii Uoldsboro atH:SO p.m. S. L. Dill, flupsrln tandem Commissioner's Sale. I'urwuRdt lo n Ir.'Urcmi.nt ol foreclosure of riiorlga't nod an order if Hdio, at Hprlng Toim 1KI.J, if tin' superior Court of Ora.von County, In au iietlon wherein 'J'he Kaatitrn Hulld'uK and l,onn Association of Hyrncnae, N. Y.. was ).liiliiitil and Alfred II. Ward a. r wife wore aerndaniti, ai t'ommlasloner dniy atlthorlKeil and empowered hy BAldliidg ment and order of sale, I will sell to the highest bidder (or cash, at the (Joint House door of said county, in the city of Dew Berne, on I lie IHth day of August 18W, at 12 o'clock noon, all the following described lot or paroel of land, vIk,, Lylnir and being ellueted lu said city of New Heme, County and rjt&te aforesaid and kpnwu and dis tinguished aa lot no. ni, in naia city aeeom Inn to th" l'lHii of lout made by Kd. H. Btunly ami J, tiralinm Tull being 57 ft. front on Huinly 8t., and 11 It. deep as will more runy apicar or reiorenee vo a aeeu irons father tlasklll to Kd. K. Btanlv dated Feb'v Mth, lH7gnod recorded In Book No 71, folio 81 and 3 Register's office, and being now occupied by eald Alfred 11. Ward as a dwelling. om". ii. whits, commissioner . This July :nd; 1HJ. 8PCOIAL RUN No. 10. OBKATEST VALUE ON EARTH". Tyler's remans Aatlewe Oak Roll Car tala Besat eoasplete, see speelal elrealsuw. Ko. 4004, 3 ft. 8 In. long, net 116.00 ' No. 4009, 4 ft. Ola. " " 121 jDO Vo. 4010, Aft. lone, - - 4 (23.00 Also see new ISO pane oataloaiuo for tees. Greet out o) about 40 per oent from former list. BOOKS Mta, postaae IOo,, ShijrfW frsa St. teals, BT, sr Ia4isaasells, InS, . . BARK OOUXTEBN A HrnClAlTT. VO refer to ovary Bank In TMrty cartes. X TYLKW OC8K CO., StLOHO, Wo, sS E.ifeSac (JDPBmH EJjjjpslrsartWS'fi' i t ..fair.1- ; '. v' . i. .'. ":. ' i..1 :.":;, . ' j:::. 'if, - i C' .