JOUIiNAL. TEXTIXG AT"CA2ai' HOLT." I !;?lit IlHDdrwl of The State tiuard oa Camp Holt, Wbiohtsvjllb, N. 0., Jaly 22. Over eight i.nudred of the State Guard are already la camp, and Vamp Holt presents bnsy . and interesting scene. The arrangements for the encampment were perfect, and it will be one of the moat pleasant in . the hiitoty of - tbeae annual encampments. The . Governor's Gnard, eixty - strong, are well quartered. . . 1 - The companies are hard at work drilling. Gen. Glenn, foar of his staff and three regular army officers are here, besides the regimental officers. OoL Harrell, as quartermaster general, had every thing in fine condition for the arrival of the troops. Two ThoDsand People Killed by a Vol, i",. nanta Eruntlon. Tbx Hague, Jaly 22. An offi oial telegram received here today from Bartavia con firm 8 the recent " aooonnte of the awfol destraction caused on Great Tangier, an island belonging to Holland, by a volcanic eruption on Jane 17. These later . advioea are to effect that the whole northwestern portion ot the island was destroyed, and that two thoas- 1 and of the inhabitants were killed. Then were no Earopeans among ; the victims. - P.nltertons Identifying O'Doaneli. PiTTSBtJBTJ, July 22. This after noon eight mn, supposed to be Tlnkertons who were at Homestead on the 6th inst., the day of the riot called at the jail and identified Hngh O'Donnell. ' The purpose of this move on part o( the Pinkertons is surmised to be connected with the possible objection to O'Doa nell'a being released on bail. To prevent his release the charge of murder in the first degree mast be . mads. Carnegie is, Veritably , in a Bad Bow Wilmington1, Del., July 22.- The workman on the Shields Library Association building in this . city notified the contractors today that tney would not handle any Carnegie or Homestead iron works. Joined the lToniestead strikers. ' PlTTSBTTEG, Pa., Ja!y 22. Skill ed workmen of the Daqaesne Steel Company to the number of three . hundred went on a strike touignt in sympathy with the Homestead men. COT? COBRESPOSDEJfCE. Political, Agrlenltnrsi and Scholastic Matters. The Third partvitea are at ork with gloves off around cove, but we don't anticipate very great damage. There are a few good men advoca ting Weaver, bnt a lew facts and figures from snon men as Carr, Jim . Biddle and others, will canse them to realize the danger of "tamper ing," with Republicans agents, the ..latest coming in tho shape of a . HAMA WAman f ff m Wilann Amnrr yugiv wviubu a uui njvu vv i s iij , She spoke forine and a half hours advocating the .Weaver platform, your itemizor asked sevsral of the colored men if they intended voting the Third party ticket, their answer was, "we don't say what we will do." ' We have made arrangements to organize a Cleveland and Carr , filnh at fiove and we hare Havnral as good Alliance members as there . is in the oonnty on oar list. So Mr. Editor send us a Cleveland and Stevenson fag, wo want to stretch onr banner one hundred and fifty feet high, then we want two good democrat speakers (one Allianoe) to come up here on same Saturday and make us a speech. : We want what I term Democratic facts and figures and in November we will give a good majority for i Gleve and Bteve. The crops in thin neighborhood are near a complete failure. It has rained every day i Deueve for a month. The weeds and grass have .. taken hold and we can't get snn shine to kill them. From all ap , pearancea now we "tillers of the soil" are going to hare a "pinch and took" of it to farm much longer. Of course we are not ' "broke" this year on potatoes, merely "basted," we don't hold the Democratio party responsible either there is such a thing as "over pro dnetloa- 'too experience is a dear les son and f well, we have learned it. , Mrs. T. B. I pock and S. E. Charl ton are spending a few days in Fort Barnwell visiting mends and at ' tending the protracted meeting of ' the Missionary Baptist church, BeTt Mr, Edmondson of Gqldsboro anu uarrui ui uieouviuo are uuiug the preaching. ' The people of Pot Neck school district near Trenton have seoared ' the aervioes of Miss Julia E. Charl ton to teach their school, we have several young lady peaohers in and around Cove. It is generally be lieved that ladies make - better teachers than men. If such Is the case, why not encourage their em ployment, and let tome of these able ooaiaa .young men try the plow nandlflf. - i The Homeliest Man la Sew Berne , At welt as the handsomest, and others are Invited to sail oo any druggist and ret free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balaam for the Throat and Lnngs, a remedy that is selling eeureiy upon its menu ana is tru&ranteed to reliev and cure all Chronic mid Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption, irge bottlM 60 en. ' Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction. Editor Journal: There was a big time at Vanceboro on the 16th inst. We had glorious old time. Old Uncle Willis E. Williams opened the ball." He gave us 1 1-2 hours talk from old Pitt oonnty. v We could not have wished for anything better. He gave railroads, rings, combinations and gold. bugs no showing whatever. He argued the topics or the day to suit the people.; Give us old 6 per oent Williams again in the Senate and he will do yon no barm. i Mr. Editor, ask the chairman of the board of county commissioners ior uoa's saae ana tor me suae vi the people of No. 1 township to oall the board of magistrates together and ask them as brother J. J. W. did in the State Convention to reconsider their vote and put old uncle Bill Cleve back as county commissioner, as Mr. Brewer is not the cbotoe of the people. Let's don't have Mr. Carr all alone ior the oonnty outside .of New Berne. Edward whitvord. Vauoeboro, N. C, July 16th '92. Arm j Display. One of the most interesting ex hibits in the Government Building at tho World's Fair will be a dis play of arms, uniforms, tents and flags in use in the United States army at various times since 1776. This display is now being prepared. AJspace of G.OOO square feet has been set aside for this exhibit. The nniforms will be draped upon lay figures and arranged in realis tic attitudes. The one particular group, .in which especial pride is eakeu, is to consist of seven figures ou horse back, representing a general of the present army and staff. The cen tral figure will be as nearly as pos sible an exact likeness of Maj-Gen. Schofield. All the articles were made entirely by Americans and of American materials. There is a collection of at least twenty-five flags, and these alone are valued at 13,000. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For Billiousness, Constipation nnd Malhria. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness, Nervousness nnd Heart diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility nnd Kidney Diseases' hike Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Mosley 8 Lemon blixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and fl. bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Oa. A B.vnkbh Writes: From experience in my family, Dr. II Mozley 's Lemon Elixir has few, if any equals, and no superiors in medicine, for the reputation of the liver, stomach and bowels. W. H. Magnels, Press. Nat'l Bank, McMinnvule, Tenn. A Card. For nervous and sick headaches, iudi- prsiion. biliousness nnd constipation (ol whirl! I liavc been a great sufferer) I have never found a medicine that would five mii I) iilcasant, prompt and perma nent relief ns lr. H. Mozlev's Lemon Klixir- J. IV Sawtki.i., Urirnn, Ga. t'uljlishri Daily Call. The Home and the Lodge. Your husband was a man of many excellent qualities. "Yes, Bighed the widow, "he was a good man; everybody says so; 1 wasn I much acquaint ed with him myself; he belonged to six lodges." A Blissful Anticipation ! Being very grateful to the people for their pst patronage and support, and thinking Ihey would like to know something of my former history, I have concluded to write a ahorl sketch ot my life. I do not do this with any self pride or conceit, but hoping that some good may come out of it. Many a poor boy whose circumstances are trained end surroandioga are suoh they, the future looki only dark may be en couraged vi make an effort hearing what a poor country boy has done. So while thij may oost me some consider able effort and loss ot sleep, yel I shall spare no pains or time in giving a trae history of what my life has been so far. Of course it is ussless to mentioa my name for all know that there is not anolhsr man on earth that would at tempt so much for his friends, that the same Rig Ike whose porohaeee at 40,60, and 67 1 cents on the dollar bring so much profit and oausiag so many smiles to the poor of our land. "All is lost save honor," groaned the lamb, fleeced. in Wall street. "Add that is not worth a continen tal here,'' growled his partner. Bap par This U what you Ought to have, in fact, you must have it to fully enjoy life, Thousands sre searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by onr people in the hope that they mar attain this boom. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if need according to direot tions and the. nse persisted in, will bring yon good digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia ana install Instead Enpepsy we -reoommena jueotnc jutlers lor Dys pepsia end all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys . Sold for 50c and 11.00 per pouie oy i . o. vanj, oruggun. Newmao. "Did you marry for love or for money t" Oldby "Both, 1 ; married for love ot money." VCKLBH A.BJHOA SAI.AB. , The Boat Bel vc la the world lot Cats. Braises, Bores, Ulears, Bait itbeeua, ferer Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Sll Bkla Eruptions, and posi tively cures files, or ae pay required. It la goaraateeS to give perfect setlsf action, or money reloaded. Fries to easts per box. For sale la Newborn by f, t, Duffy, ? ' Rothschild's Maxim j. i The elder Baron .Rothschild had the walls of I hia bank placarded with the following maxims: " , i , Shun liquors. " I Dare to go forward. . t Never be discouraged. Never tell business lies. Be polite to-everybody. Employ your time well. Be prompt in everything. Pay- your adepts; promptly. , Bear all troubles patiently. : Do not reckon udob - Chance. Be brave in the struggle of .life, Make no useless acquaint- ances Maintain your integrity as a sacred thing. Never appear something more than you are. Take time to consider, and then decide positively. Carefully examine into every detail of your business. Then work hard, and you will be certain to succeed in life. OW TRT THIS It will cost you nothing and will surely dojou good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or c?mptta cwghean7wdsTgwtaents' Underwear, teed to give relief or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it J net the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfeft recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for your self just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at F. B. Daffy's Drag Store. Large size 60s. and $1.00. The barber man that shaved my beard In looks seemed but a duno ; Tet must bs a wondrous man To ork two chins at onoeT Mercury. The need of a perfectly cafe and al ways reliable remedy for the peculiar diseases of summer i universal. As a remedy for the household, offloe, oo the farm, on shipboard and for travel era by land and sea, Winktlmann's Diarrhoea and Cholera Kemedy has proved its Inestimable worth in the prompt relief and ear of all disorders originating in toe torn sob and dlgee tive system, such sa Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramps etc Ser viceable under all conditions, always ready for nse, and perfectly ssfe. i'lioe 25o. at all draughts. June4d&wly. Whites of eggs may be beaten to a stiff froth bv an open wiuuow wutau iii woum ue im possible in a sreamy kitchen. Tue Handsomest Lady in New B erne Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lunirs was a superior remedy, as It stopped her cough instantly when other oougn remedies nad no enect wnaterer. So to prove this and convince you of its merit any druggist will give you a mm- pie ttotue free. Large sue ooo. ana fl. Cistern water that has become foul may be purified with powdered borax or alum. A quarter of a pound of each will cleanse twenty-five or more barrels. a tbtje'stoby. Said Baby Ruth Cleveland to Baby McKee ion will sail up "Salt l(iver"ln Marcb, '1)8, When that happy event shall come to pass. Remember, to keep off the White House irrtM. I'm real sorry your nose will be "out ef noun." Let's toril tales! I can oheer you with one that has point; It isn't a fable, but tls every word so. For my papa told me, and rb ongbt to r paps snow. Onoe on a time there lives In New Berne, A town that Is booming, for oach way yott turn They are building now railroads, or water works. Electric cars, aqueducts, and fire alarm qulrkj; In this town lives a man, a "Tar Heel by Ibirth, And a vfonderful thing Is, ns doh't wAjrr the earth! His nims is Big Ike, he's 'must great as papa, Wbewl Bald Baby McKee, why Ruth, what a whopperl It isn't, said Ruth, for he koeps a big store, With goods cheap as people ne'er beard of before. The Farmers' Allianoe make it their headquarters. And take with them home for their sons and their daughters, I Such beautiful hats, boots, shoes, olothes and rings, Bracelet, ribbons, umbrellas, and wnou sun of things: Besides he has trade from all of the towa Because of! the fact that he puts prions down,, Weill said Baby McKee, when I am a man, I shall be like Biff Ike as near aa I can. So people pan talk of the good that I do, And wear kfetty things that I sell them, too-i I , . Now, said Bab, Ruth, a she sat by his 11 an And turned. p her nose with an air of great Iprule. ' Baby Mac, tell the troth, I only ask that, uon t mj taw Deaf your attestant 'bout "lira tiranapa1 Cat" f Airs. Emma Ewino- a, vara that not book knowledge, alone, but cook knirolege is needed in this broaa nation ol dyspeptics. Will rim ad tas waraiaa. The signal psjrlsapa of tbe ante amrroaoh of that more terrible dhNaaeOotuumption. Ask yonrsHlvss if yea east afford for the sake of seMag BOo. , to ma the risk aad Aa BAihlHaf fowl Is Wt h sxperieaos that Shiloh's Oars will Oare yonr ooaghv Jl Bersr isils. This ex plains why more) than a Mlllloa Bot tles were sold the) bast ysar. It relieves orowps aad t whodpias eouih llothers, do aot be without Is. For laensj back, side or' ohesl tute Ballon Porwos plaster. tbU by Nov Berne . ; r . .i .I... i Jm hi 'hi .j.. i Woman uses powder as defenea against Time; bat th old fellow fellow; Isn't soared away by (bat una or ammunition - THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BEHNE, N; 0, , Organised one year ago. CAPITAL STOCK ' , $75,000.00 Dividend - . , . , . . 8,750.00 Ssrplas - . - . . , 8,000.00 Uadlvlded Profits . . 886.74 OFFI06BS : v- Tj. H. OUTLBB, . . President. W. B. Ohadwicx. ' Vloe-fresldenl, T. W. Diwet, Cashier. a. H. fowkUn . Teller. D1EEOTOBS : , ' Wm. Cleve, P. II. Psllstler, . J. W. Stewart, W. 8. Chad wiok. Joha Sater. O. Marks, h. H, CaUer, S. B. Haokbara.: Hsadaaarters for Nickel Saving Stamps. Collections a specialty. lw n & Closing ut Bale! For the Next 60 Days We will close out Summer Clothing, Hats, i)reR3 Goods, Ladies' Vests, AT A GREAT REDUCTION ! Have just received 'a new lot of late style DERBY and SOFT BATS. BARRINQTON & BAXTER. New Boarding H.use, South Side Pollock St., Opposite residence of I.. II. Cutler. New Berne, N. C. Board by the day, week or month. Table, the best the market will a (Void. Twenty-three years' experience. H. H. DOWDY. JneS9 dwtf Notice. Bute of North Carolina Graven County. The anbscrlber having qoalined aa Execu tor of the eatate or Caroline K. Patteraon, Ueeaaaad. on the 18th day of Jnly, A.D. 1892, before the Probate Oourt of Oraven county, hereby uotlBaa all paraona having elai mi acaloat aald Satateto pieasnt item for pay ment on or Deiore uu in oar or Aufrun, ISM, or thla notloa will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said entate will make Immediate payment. Dona this aid day of July, lBHt J)-2iM . CHas. 0. OLA.HK. Extcator. Public Sale of Town Lots. In obedience to a judgment of the Snpe rlor oourt of Oravau oounty, rendered In the Bpeetal Proeeedlvg, wherein sally Ann Brv an and other are plalntltfa, and John T. York and others are defendant, the tin. aarslgnad. aaOonunlaaloner, will, cn Monday. August 8th, 1892, at the Ooort Hon door in New Bern. Ore.. Tea oonnty. R. O (bln( the time and plana designated by said Oourt), aell at Public Auction to she hlgheat bidder, a certain tract or lot of land wlrh the improvement and building. alluaUd in that part of th uityor new Bern. n. v.. anown aa-ury-bora." balna- Dart of Lot So. 34. on the north side of Cedar etreat, between George and Barn eireee. adioininc me 101a or jamaa L Hams, ueorge jonea ana otnera.eontainins tSfaet front by 1V7 feel, late the property 01 YorK,aaeeaaed, more rnuy deacrlbed In the petition filed in aald entitled proceed ing. Also, on Tuesday, August 9 th, 1892, at the Oourt Bona door In Klnnon, Lanoli eoonty, J. u. (oing ne ume daalgnatrd by aald oourt) will re Anetlon to the hlghet bidder, a or parcel of land, with tmprovem oounty, W. t. (being tbe time and plaoe enatmouc eerUIn lol amenu. ltn a ted In the town of Klnatoa afonaald. al th northwest oovner of Queeo and Bhln streeta. adjoining tbe lou of Wm. Huniet and Adam singleton, being 110 feet by lit feet, late the property of Bacbu York, de ed. aad mora lolly deor) bed In th p title filed In aald proceeding . Term of both sale one-half caab: bal anee oa a credit of three mon ih Hilar erved maul run payment 1 mie Both aalee win eommanee at vi o dices aooa, on the day designate tl above 5ewnera, n. u.,jniva, low J yi tdi Commlwlouer, NOTICE. Havlna thl day auallfled aa AdmlnUtra- torofthe estate of alary K. Ivea. deoeaaed. before the Ulerk of tn nuptrior oonrt for Oraven oonnty, all pereon holding olalma agalnat said eatate will preot them for payment to the undaralgned within twelve months from this date, or thla notlo will be pleaded la bar ol their recovery. All pereons Indebted to aald eatate will please emake prompt settlement. Admr. of Mary E. Ivea. Jnly 2nd. 18ML HUMPH REVS' This Paictors OrNTUFfrr is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and hiauno application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. ' For Piles External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief a fmmrdiatn - the cure certain. - For Burns, Scalds arid Ulceration and Contraction from Burnt. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unrqualed. For Sous, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. 'It is invaluable. Price, Jo Cents. Trial sire, tj Cents. I r fit PMalpI el frtet., nisut wssaSi.,sswias. WITCH HAZEL OIL. Whm Mp wm afck, wt f vw lUr OMtorto. iTUm aM wm ChiU, lb cried for CuWrt. What A tmmt Wm, thsi cluf to QirtorleV 1 1 llll.wwaytsav1ttyaey Ja m 1 VeMslwra,Trwy,1(.T. worts tot ssa. iUatstsc, 'tsms saaa svot stiaka mm a a as), best sju reeieai yvej aisieaiy stw to Mra srwsai sty lBay Mtbatsstrtaii4sntw Myosiaf osa. Ilth wiM, tvll itm. la sMty pan of '4ttWi)rwJM0eiuaaa hslM.Jpl. issf all yaw tlTt,of austn anosBeuW osvlya tlM mtk. All la a aw. ttrsjtvl aW ft a mrrj wast, wi , ,) swsjfTlliitif. RAI1I. A riKTIt-ULAKS n aaXniMlM e . W. asam 101. wra iastssi sr RAI1I.T, kD.LT tw-Watf rKr K. AMrtsj at onoc nwiissUisH AihsihA tRAlt liiisVtN.s.Msli V" J II II tMcbkfty Js4rUMflt 1 1 I I I I sot, it ho rati wrlsiN1 wtoa, 1111111 l-Asf tnttrwstWs), wilt win (MWMrttiv. Vr WWW Vhtrw ts earn Thrtw bsiUan a txrtstttew7rti to'alsiM,whrrrtbey Uva.l wlUalaofwtolak I) alMtstUo VmiilowMMtAI wliUk tix cm eato thai ataotistC VotWMtay tut aM MlMniccMfu1 asaUvv. Kaelly asi4 qntchir lstiwal. I wMtow chh ) wofhsV frofw esiek dlslneS txfeniai. I VaW mtommAy lasigratt ftstsl psmrioVd with (miiilorw-nt Ug Wmmkt. who ara aasiktatf wtt OOO a yar iir h. tie PJf W d4 HU . garttevlan KIlEPi. Atr1rs at smas PillCES TO SUIT the ffi Bnggies from $37.50 to flOO.00, Koad-Carts from $9.00 to 24.00. Farm Wagons from $37.50 to 8G0.OO. Baggy naracst from ?5.00 to. $25.00 Also. llORbES and MULES will bo fold in proportion to the above prices for Ossh or negotiable paper. Prompt attention paid to livery, a TH03. A. OREEN, President. WM. DUNN, Vioe President. rrmTiXTOfcTCS XXXaCiJCillO -OF Mew jSorxio, InT DO A GENERAL BANKING 3USINES3. Tbe Acoonnta of Banks, Bankers, Corporations. Farmers, Merohants and others reoeivfd on favorable terms.. Prompt and oersfel att6ut!on given to the interest of our customers. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Ferdinand Ulrich, E. W. Smallwood, J. A. Meadows. eO. N. Ives, Ssmuel W. Ipo. k. E II. Mesdown, Chas. H, Fovler. Ohas. Daffy, Jr. Willism Dutio. Collegiate A HOME INSTITUTION for GIRLS of Eastern Carolina at a Faculty composed of EIGHT experienced and efficient Teachers SIX DEPARTMENTS. Students prepared for advanced classes in any of the Colleges. 212 Students. reDresentincr last year. The MUSICAL DEPARTMENT, under tho direction of Prof. V. E. Morton with good facilities for the systematic music. Special Course of Study come Teachers. Moral ad vantage of the 8chool unsurpassed. Bpeolsl induoementa offered to POOB BOYS and G1UI3 Next Term opens September S, 1893. Send for Cataluguu. MISS MARY L. ALLEN, Seo'r. Q. T. ADAMS, A. B., Principal. jaljT dwtf HORNER MILITARY Modern buildings, hot and cold baths, surroundings, numbers limited. A model on application. WfrF A?a- Far Superior and Cheaper Than Ever Mm has just arrived with ! west Virginia HOUSES prepared to' meet the It will pay one and ine before purcnasing Has the strongest Faculty in ths East;' instrnotion in sll departments. ;. ' BUSINESS COURSB unsurpassed la ' JJont pass by llinstoa until yon have seen us. --r'- " ;', .' Fall eourses in Book-keeping, Banking, Commerolal taw, Business Forms, Ilspld Caloulstor, Correapondenoe, aud Penmanship, ... f , . ; MUBlC.OnrDireotof has few equals and no suptyriois in tbs State. This de partmsnt will almost triple Itself next year. -- j , -.. ,,V Special advantages in Chemlrtry, Surveying; Tjpo "Writing and Btenography. Mathematics. Language smd Elocution, ' , :r.,r-' - , If yon wish to secure a place ta tha College, write fas at onoe, as soms of the departments art being rapidly filled. r :.v i ' A Wvt wm Oaralocaa, kvUnai V' i-ri-''-'' HTName this paper. v' v . -- I.EE T CB0 WELL, trlaclpalg. , ft4kv Vtvaw7 trr-afinenr. nsttssuarT. N iMvr any 71II" - s ia tbe pust. O. E. FOY." Cashier. II. M. GROVES, Toller. James Redmond, Chas. Belzsnsteio, Mayer Hahn, Thos. A. UrbOU, C. E. Foy. Institute, the Education of the BOYS and moderate cot. TEN Counties, were enrolled ASSISTANTS, aifords superior study of vocal and instrumental for Those Dcsiritg to Be few Berco, .n. U. x -i. 1"" tr m'mj Vy.- it "Visfil iMlisjjfil 8CnOOL, OXFORD, N. C. evmn&slum. healthful nA.t A rsAftiifi fnl home school for bovs. Cateloeues sent " 1UU5 rfwlm a FBBSfl SUPPLY 01 and HULES, and is emergency, all to! call and exam elsewhere. v.:::Ei uses. the tnost 'approved -tnethods of tha South. all i BANI nesG()NI)KRH HA ftndCl ' I tn auniaaaa fxtooii ntrss) Mi '5 rt'T t-tto.lftvt. No ltvjcioi m,tM U(xtt. wtmusM stricturo raj f t. asWV Aa. 4uiA i y nop W TO., PrV., jlM, P,, . LOCATJ31 W'N. C, B. R. Vlemint new buildiuirB." LarL'e and lie etessing riatronaBe.Both sexe.. FaouW v j of twelve members, ' - i (Jurrlcmiim equal or mnia L'ollejrw, Academic Deimrtmoiit," Mosic, Art. . Commercial. - Morals of Students I nsurpassed. -; - i Opeus September 1st, 1892. - - v For further infonnsttou or. oatalogua. , .' .. Apply to J . -'..' -' Bav. VT. 8, LON A.M ., D.D. . , : Pt'osidout, ; lylGdwtf . Eloa Oollogo, N. C - I .HIE H0&TE CAROLINA COLLEGE OF Agricaltartf and Michacic&l Arts, : Will beain its fourth weslon Sept. 3, th 1&03. County Superintendent of Edu cation wilt examine eppliosnts for admissiOa. Total costs 100 vwtr. ; Addr:s ALEXANDER Q HOLLADAY, President. jOJwlm KiloiRh. N. C. UNIV.EK8ITY OF Instruction is oft'ored in four ceneral courses of study, six brief courses, a large number or special oourses, ana in Law, Medicine and Knfrineeriue. The Faculty Includes twonty ieocners. Scholarships and loan funds are avail -able for needy young men of talent and character. v The SEXT SESSION IiEGl.NS SEPT. 1. For .catalogue with full information. address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Jc23 dwlm Chapol Hill, N. C. Si isry's School, RALEIGH, N. C. Tlio Advent Term of the Fifth Annual Scsalou wili Uyiu September 22d. For catalogue uddross lli:v. U. S".IEDES, A.M., jyir dw3m UitleiKh, N C, ' Will Begin on tha First Monday in Sept., in the New High School Building. Tuition From $1.50 to $3.00, and Board From $5 to $7. For further lnfoimavlou &diia ' W. II. RHODES, ' Principal. Salem Female Academy, SALEM, n. c. The Oldest Female College in the. South. The blst Annual Session begins Si p tember lot. 1899. Qsgister for last year 887. Special features:-thb Davaxop MIINT or IiSALTH, AND Intellect, Buildings, thoroughly re modelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Poet Graduate Depart, ments, besides first-nlsas school ha Mubio, Art, Lanoauom Elocutio, oohmbroial and industwal 8ttlhiu. JOHS H. 111,1; WELL, i jlOiwlm Priaoipal. SfaitllTY COLLEGE ' OUSHAM, NORTH (MROIINA. UM talMlngt. All auSra ImarovanaBt. A'luctrlc light. LborMoriM, llbrarlw, na. aouin. Healthful cllnut. . Lara sroaaa. ' Superior (wDltT ot ipecUllaU (a aofa asswtnmt. Seven AeDftrtmeot of lDetrnotton. Open Sept. U ' Xxpeoew low. Wow eaialijaan aatai Joha Kraok.Un OrowwU, PswsVa. J. E. LATHAM, Offloe foot Craven (tract. In Clyde baUtflcg) - GEEHAL C0MK1SS10I MCHIIT, , BUTEB OF and EXPOKTHt ofCOTTOW ; DEALER IN COUNTEY PBODUOB .and all speculative commoditiea. , . tteaeonabl eaah advnnors made. I aollalt eonalRninent of Track for folio t. Ing UommlMlon Mrcnnts, wtaoare nllalias and rmponalble; . r. 8. GIBSON, Pnlladalpbla. ' K. McMULKIN A 00. aoU H. Ur DOWN Hi A CO., New Yort. 7i HB4VKHNH OO., Koaton. J. K. KBNNEDY A )U., f ltlabnif. lJullv qnotatlon fre u all gutted OA bluok board In ny otno every day. Call or wrlia for steuotl and postal earlab Vialton waloome. Ooneepondenee la vlted. may si aw tf ' J!. H. DUFFY," 0or. Middle & Pollock Stfi vvmaiB HVW H4SI aW WSJ SBJU SJ VI i W . I pssssge. , EaLr&nfia uo itlrtrat am Pnllfwafe : 4 n -1 ur .' s . t - "e" one ii itinn p.meq ttnn n..i.A. . .i e "1 ''Vs, ''i f rntrfTiHiu urripinc ' - .- jnn19 tf h H. BENTON, MJD.LD.D.1J.: ;;PrmanBtly'Jeeatra..:V f 9 FWllKIlrf, N.O.. Oas administered for - ' VaJili tLLijf the extrmeuon of ' Uttik without oalBu . .. mat 88 dwlf voice in noiei Aioert, -r- -at. W ATGTT TOWER, : 1 I'nbUshou Seml-Uonthly. One Dollar a Year. beroted to ApostolioChiUtlaoity, Ed -j-noatloo, jQeneral Intelllftence.. V:" i j v 'Ben4 for Batnple Copy. Y,:-. V llwof juhlliaUoi,tee(vlllsvi 3. ; atorisJ Offloe, Washington, N. O ' t ;, ' v' i, U WiNFUCtn, Editor. ' 0. W. DAVIS, AssV i ' - csoa ' ' ghlldrM Cry Jot RlchWXKtorli W J0r,D, Druffsw Nw.,l;crnef N, ftud ti, 1 re fnarsi fleoa weow For sale by J. wnmeaau ana mill euggisa. ' ., , . V- f' 't'"' i i .1 -.. sjtn mit mmmtm Wsysj 1 1 -ST is:

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