LICHEES .AJTSOUSCEXEST. 'J LIS 1'AIuY JOURNAL 1 published Dei. 1 v, cxoepl Monday at fa. 00 per year; f A50 lor 8 x month. DellversJ la o ty inbaorltMri at 30 tests per mouo. . l. TUIC WKEKLT JOU14.N At. J published every Thursday at li.te peratnum. Kotloee of MarrUgei or lealli not to x seed ten llnet will bs lsurteU free. All ad ditional matter will be charged Sets, per line. . s Payments for transient advertisement moat be mad In advance. Hegnlar adver- tleementa wilt be collected promptly at the end of each month. , ' . , '"- ? Communications containing newsofsnnV Stent publlo interest are ollolted. Ho com munleattoa matt be expected to be publish ed that oon tains objectionable pereonalltie., or withholds the nam of the author. Arti cles longer than half column moat be paid tor. . ' Any person feeling aggrieved at any sa onymous communication oaa obtain the name of the author by application- at this offloe and ibowlnt wherein the grleTaooe exist. r:.-:.;jf..i.v.V '' THE JOtJKNAL. A K. HABPU, C. V. HAWCOCK. Preprteter, Local Bepartek WKntered at the Poetoffloe at Hew Berne, H. 0. as second-class matter. State Democratic Ticket. for Governor : 1 ELIA8 CARS, of Edgecombe. . . - For lieutenant Governor ; J . R. A. DOTJGHTON, of Allegheny. ' ' ror Secretary of Bute: OOTAVIUS COKE, of Wake. For Treasurer: D. W. BAIN, of Wke. For State Auditor: B. M. FTJBMA.N. o( Bunoombe. For Attorney-General . FRANK X. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. For Bup't of Publio Instruction: J. C. BOAEBOBOUGH. of Johnecn. OLRTBLAND is not the only pub lic man in tho history of the Uni- ' States who has been nominated for the Presidency three times. Both v Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jet ferson ran for the offloe that num ber of times both being defeated in their ambition on the occasion of their first oandidaoy. The troe disoi- : pie of these two great Democrats, Cleveland, has shown that their mantle has descended to him both In the character of his opinions in J the importance of bis public services in the past and will far ther show it in his election for a second term. Tub distribution of population by color, sex, and general nativity in 1890, by States and Territories, and for the United States as a whole, is given in Census Bulletin So. 194, The primary results of this first detailed count of popula tion, according to the returns made under the eleventh census, are giv. en as follows: Aggregate population . . 62,622,250 Mates 32,007,880 Females 30,664,370 Hative born 53,372,703 Foreign born 9,249,547 White 54,983,890 Colored 7,638,360 THE STATE TICKET. ' Far be it from as to object to any nan's voting the Democratic State ticket. It was no!; pat up simply to look at and smile on. It was nominated to be elected and it - will be elected. It is Democratic to the tore. It carries the seal of a Democratic State Convention, and that Is enough to command the un- divided support of North Carolina Democrats. fiat, there are those who support the tioket who are not Democrats: they honestly differ with the Dem ocratic party on questions of Na tional policy bat are in accord with It 1a matters relating to the State. It is a matter of congratulation that Democratic administration has .been snoh in North Carolina as to challenge snch commendation, and we rejoioe in the belief that it is prophetic of, .the eleotion of Mr. Oarr .and his associates on the BUte tioket. It Is of the greatest importance that the State be wisely administered. The State protects life, liberty and property, and any man who votes for the Democratic State tioket contributes to the support of social order, ' individual prosperity and pnblle liberty. v, ' The gentleman composing the tioket nominated by the late Dem ocratic Convention at Raleigh, are " eminently worthy of the confidence of the whole people of the State. Mr. Oarr, la making his acceptance speech, said there were two things lie knew how to do tend a crop and vote i the, Democratic tioket. Mr. Can is modest roan. There are many things that he can do, and there are many things that he cannot do. He o administer the State upon principles oC justice and economy; he can conduct him self with gentleman r propriety and magnify his offloe: he cannot betray trust reposed in him; . he cannot be false to any man. Hon' or so wraps him in that not a stain touches his garments. ' ' : ' -v : So it is with each and every one of his associates on the ticket. Mr. Oarr, Mr. Coke, Mr. Soar boro, and others of the ticket, have appeared In the canvass. Every where they have been cordially re ceived and greeted with applause. All the signs are propitious. Chairman Simmons has his shoul der to the wheel and the Demo cratic oar is moving right on to victory. Then, while we regret that there are those in the good old State who were rooked in the cradle of De mocracy, who are not giving to the National Democratic tioket the support to which it is entitled on every prinoiple of party fealty, we rejoioe in their support of the State party organization, and the confident assurance it gives of the triumphant election of the State ticket. A Texas farmer is informed that the difference between the Demo crats and the Bepublioans on the silver question, defined by the re cently adopted platforms, is this, that the Demoorats are clearly for the free coinage of both silver and gold dollars, provided the silver dollar have the same intrinsic and exchangeable value as the gold dollar, while the Republicans have declared for something that is not easily understood. They say: 'The Republican party demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money, with such re strictions and under such provis ions, to be determined by legists tion, as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values of the two metals." The Eastern and North ern Republicans assert that this does not mean the free coinage of any sort of a silver dollar, while those of the West and South say it is an ont-and ont plank for the free coinage of the depreciated silver dollar. Baltimore Sun. Opening the Canal. The most acceptable proposition that can lc made to persona troubled with chronic constipation, it to open that im portant canal the bowels. That pro position can be carried out by the par ties interested u tney resort to ilostettere btomach Butters, the most effective, most genial alterative extant. It is the mistake of many otherwise sensible peo ple, that they resort to drastic, or, in other words, violent purgatives. With out exaggeration, this is highly injurious, since such medicaments weaken the tow els besides convulsing both them and the stomach with pain. Belief sought from the Bitters comes freely enough, but they never produce pain, excessive action, or subsequent weakness of the bowels. Liver and kidney trouble, malaria, dys pepsia, lack of stamina and a tendency to rheumatism, are remedied by this pleasant substitute for drenching cathar tics. Nature is the master of talent, genius is the master of Nature. THE ITAGK AND THE PULPIT Bev. F. M. Shront, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., eaje : "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Kins'e New Discorerv has dona for me- My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. 1 took live bottles of Dr. King's New Diseovery and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs. In weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor ongn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats 'em all and cures when everything else ialls. The greatest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Regular sizes 50c. and $1.U0. Idleness is both a great sin and the cause of many more. The need of perfeotlf safe and al ways reliable remedy for tho peonllar diseases of summer ii universal. A a remedy for tho household, offloe, on the farm, on shipboard and for travel ers by land and sea, Winkslmanni Diarrhoea and (Jnolera Kerned? has proved its Inestimable worth in the prompt relief and euro of all disorders originating in the stomach and diges tive system, snoh ae Cholera, Cholera Hottras, Diarrhoea, Urampe eto. ser viceable under all oooditioas, alwavi ready for use, and perfectly safe. Price 85o. at aU druggists. June4d&wly. To rule is a divine prerogative aid belongs only to love. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, '' will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemo's Balaam, which is sold o a positive guarantee to cure, they wool immediately see the excellent eneet atte taking the first dose. . Price OOo. and 11 Trial size free, At all druggist. marSa deod weow There is never iealousv where there is not strong regard. Answer This Question. Why do to many people we see around us seem to prefer to en fTer and be made miserable ay ladigeeuua. uonstipauoB, Dizziness, lie of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Tallow rJkin, when for 75e. we will eell them Bhiloh'a Vitalize, guaranteed to eure them. Sold by Kew Berne Drug Co. .'; -. ' ; ' ; ' - .. -? 'i COLUMN. KEEPING EVERLASTING AT IT Advertising Is the key note to success. The most successful merohant in the whole county will tell you so. no merchant in the town of New Berne can afford to put as many dollars in advertising as Big Ike, because he sells therocks and trusts no living man. By soiling for Cash enables me to ing as the credit man docs, hence investing all his profits In advertising. Will soon be time for the Colored ber Big Ike will give the person who him a Five Dollar Bill (during the week.) The customer who trades the next largest amount doling Fair week will got a prize of Three Dollars, next largest Two Dollars. So you see Big Ike will give Ten Dollars during Fair week In solid eaah. I fear very few calored people friends who peruse Big Ike's two columns I trust they will inform their colored friends of the treat laid no week which will be Ang. 8, 9, 10, II To every reader of the JOURNAL, J v.nuv Mn MU4VUUV V AH AAWWg VlbH JJIg UUIlUg IfUO jvnij hence the Journal cost yon nothing. Do not yonr wife and ohildren often ask yon the question when you return home from New Berne, Did yon see Big Ikef Don't your chil dren oltoo say let me go to town with you; I want to boo Big Ike. Any person who Is not really Journal, that desires to read Bis; and Big Ike will send them Thi free of charge. This offer stands good for thirty days. Not the fire bell, bnt Big Ike's Auction Bell. When be opens his auc tion sales on 8th of August and exclaim to the people in mighty thun. dering tones. u . Thirty days means thirty years. And thirty years msaha never Sate year wife tad ohlldrens tears. By paying eaah forever. 1 I have the largest Stock of Clothing in! the City of New Bern bought at M, & 55c on the dollar of New Tork post.-Ask yourself the question, It is not to my Interest to examine Big Ike's stock before I bay.i X- Is it my desire to reduce my two one banding. I prefer having an eye oyer my onsiness, so yon ca w aom bargains by Joukisg over my atook, fw-r- tW'4' v'tlk V mi BRINGS SUCCESS. pnt five times as much in advertis the peoplo need not think Big Ike is people to have their afrr- fielemr trades the largest amount with read the Journal. To my white in store at Big Ike's daring Fair and 12, '92. yon can save yonr subscription IT able to subscribe to the New Berne (Ike's ads, can send him their names Wbmxt Journal for six months stocks so I can eondpot the twb in i SURGEON DENTIST. ' Omoe; Middle street, opposite Baptist ohuroh, s - - - -r- , deo8dwtf MEWBEBN. . O. DR. , J, D. CLARK, ,f, dentist,-" ' hi". BW BKRXBI, N. C. Office on Craven street,, between Pollock and Broad. - ' P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOBNBT AT 1A W . Oraveu Bt.twe doors Bouth of - Journal office. -.- will nm ties la the Connttes of Craven. arteret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. , United States Court at SW Berne, end Sucreme Court of the State. , WALTER H0MAN8' Pleasant Boarding House AT MORKHEAD, Now open for the season in connection with the Oak Ridge Pavilion, new and well furnished. Temperance drinks and refreshments at all hoars. The Sharpie "Louise Morehead" Will make regular trips, leaving the Atlantic Hotel wharf for Pavilion upon arrival of trains, and return just before their departure and at intervals a de sired, jelf dwtf ROBERTS & DRO. WheleeaJe Dealers l Groceries, Froyisions TOBACCO tod SNUFF, BOOTI and SHOES. We are alio siren Is tor BTOOK "DIADEM' PLOUK, every barrel wertanted. A larae itock of PUBS ,WB8T INDIA MOLABBEo, our own lmpor'atlon. W Uome to im na. or send jmt orders Ton will Ond our Prloes as LOW as the Loweat. meviMdwt auusrs a uv MOSES T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Bm'all Jobi of Bepalruu aol'.elted and sat Isfaetlon guaranteed. nayie loana wnen waniea ntaruwioe Kaotory. Referi to aast eheraoter as a eltlsen and mechanic leniadtf Basil Manly. Wm. A. EclsToen. New Berne Iron Works Successors to J. H. Orabtree k Co. Engineers, Founders, MACHINISTS. Manufacturers and Dealers in Machin ery, Machinists and Mill Supplies, En gines, Boilers, Sew and Grist Mills, Double iSdzert. oto. Agents for Bargamin's Indestructible Mica Heated Valves, Ins American Haw Oo. and Prescott's Direct-Acting Steam Feed, etc. We have just erected a Urge Ware house adjoining our Works, where we will keep a full stoek of Machine and Mill Supplies. Orders ror work or material of any kind will be promptly executed. mayw own Notice of Incorporation. Notleels hereby rvt " toe incorpora tion of 'Tne New Bern Water, JCleotrle Llf at and Railway Oompany." That the bmm m tbe Inoorporatore are wunana w. viarae, 01 wanneia, 01 m town of aoaUi Kingstown lnihe State of Ahode leiana, tueaara r. wiinaau, or ins eity of Mew Bern, North Carolina, rrank M. Arnold and Bobert S. Fletcner, of the elty and ooanty of Providence, BtaU of Khode Island, aad snoh others as they may eawelate will, men. T ae name or said corporation nau be "The Hew Bern Water, JCleeute Light and Railway Oompany." That the business thereof shall be for tbe DnrooM of mlnln for water, ownlna. eon- trueUog and operating a system of irater woru, ana toe aaie 01 waierj we mannreo tare, generating and sale of eleetrlolty, eleottloal apparatus and machinery for power, heat, lighting and all ohi to whlebH eleetneitr may be applied; and tne eon strnetlng and eqnlpplng a Btreet Railway or aiiways ana operating tne same oy eieetne or other power, and with power to erect tatlone therefor. That the plaee where said bnalneae shall be oarrled on shall be the elty of New Bern, county of OraveD, North Carolina. Thatthetlmeoftheezlatenee.of tnlseor poraUon la limited to thirty years. The amount of the capital stook shall not ezeead one bond red and sixty thousand dollars, the number of shares ehall not ex ceed sixteen hundred, and the amount of each share to be one hundred dollars. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal.of office this 2510 day of May, A D. ml - ' W. M. WATSON', may27 Md Clerk Superior Court NOTltJ. 8 late of North Oarollna Craves eonnty. Superior Court-Before the OUrk.' Application of "The Vtnw TUver Com Deny " toamenaandehaageuAetof , - Incorporation." Botloe ta hereby given that "The Reuee River Lumber Oomrjan." a earnortini ated under arUelea of agreement reeorded in ' my omoe in Record of, Incorporations, folios W to M. aad ensamd la hntliuM in mi county, hae male appUeaUon to amend and ehanae lis 'Aat of ldoorporaUoa.r' as fouows That the amount of the eapltal,stoek of said Corporation shall be fifty ahouand Dollars, divided Into Ore hundred hens of the par value of one hundred dollars per share, . . ' . ThU the said application will be heard and eoneidercd by me en tbe Isth day of august, Utn, at my office la the Court House of said county, at to o'clock, .m. Olerk Superior Court, Craven eeanty, JytiWd . , north Carolina. , iMoigeJalet;::; By virtue of power oooveyed bj mort Ksgedeed from Julia F.' Hard icon And O. L. Hardison to the Mdersigoea, re corded in the office of the lieft later of Deed of Craven ooanty, Book 108, pace IS, I; will on Saturday, August 80th, 1899, al the Oourt Bone door ta Hew Berne, sell to the highest bidder, for oash the property described in aald mortgage deed (being both the home stead tract aad the Oobea tract), to a fr iary said mortgage. ft ,, This Jnly lthf 1883. . ( :,. J. : - rVdmlnlstrstrlz's. N otiose "'The nnflerelmed. Millie A-Bnrtoc, having duly qualined as Administratrix of the late BenrletiaW Ulia. hereby gives netleeSthat all perenas having elalms avalnal tlio said Henrietta WtlUs wilt present tbamtun'er before the IHth day of July, ikn, or title no tice will be pleaded In bar of their nwonry, A U tenons owing the eatatc of said Jlcn rlctte Willie WIS make Immediate SstUc- memoi tut nou, - - t e SI.CO Pcr- Veai'. . , - o Until Jan. -FOR THE- WEEKLY NINE COLUMN FOLIO LAKGE AMOUNT OF READING. The Daily $5.00 Fer Year. Circulates in every direction from New Bcrno, where there is a daily moil, and is a splendid medium' for advertisers. Liberal Advertising Rates. We lhave just received a lanre lot of KeW' at.d Handsomel Bboksliich we club with both the Daily and Weekly Editions. CaU anii ' see them, and get one advance for the Daily. the Weekly one year euuuo you 10 a dook. Job , Jn ' connection with the Joxtrkal thers is a FIRST-CLASH , , . v'.'-i JOVt DEPABTMKNt7 All kinds of work executed in ihe besi ; ;;prffcft---w,'.v?, ' t. . -:." t if KV-.y , 4 Hi 5:;'. " .i-v'; ?. t , OfprdercUidatsattafactory pricesv ' 4 , ;v',:- ;- Lei tor nead-,sNotb IIead,V i,'-' . liU Heads.' . ; - & Mr' Statements -i Business Cards, . - . Envelope;' ' ' .v;; . i :i. t iV- 5...., vttf I 'i XT'? i' 1st, 189& JOURNAL Journal 50c. Fer Month. by paying one year iii' By paying $L25 for J in advance will also rt i , -f - ! -'.'And all kinds of work. . - ' : V:,.V,.: J, - 5'-, 'r-l ,. V - "j. ; enartment. , " ; ' ?." -v:'" 'X-''?- fir I

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