JOUKNAL. MIICKSUOT! WMy Fatally Mounded ' by namitc Crank. - Tittsbubo, Pa., July 23.-Henry C. Frick, the hand chief, practically tne dictator of the Carnegie Bteei enterprise, ana the possessor of a fortune, fear'easly estimated at from five to ten millions of dollars, . was shot and perhaps fatall wound ed a few seconds before 1:45 o'clock this afternoon in bis private office on the sixth floor of the Chronicle Telegraph building oo Fifth avenue ills assailan t gave the name of Alexander Berkman, and said that he resided in New York. Ee was he said, a Eofisian Jew; had been in America six years and in Pitta burg two days. Upon being searched a number of 38 calibre cartridges were found in his coat pocket. ; He is supposed to be xne snooting was uone witu a Hopkins & Alien 28 calibre revolv . er. Pour chambers of it were empty, and three shots took effect Frioks condition is not regarded as aangerous ana unless blood poison -. log should supervene, hii ultimate recovery is regarded as a certain ty. ':vv::t. : -r , , ' Dr.Murdock, an attendant ear geon says one of the balls entered the left aide of the neck and was taken out on the right side. This ball passed through the base of the . tkull. ; The other ball entered the right side of the neck. Both have been extracted. He also received two knife wound, one in the left '. aide of the stomaoh and another in the left hip. Baeolntioas were passed late to night by the locked ont men con demning the murder of Q. 0 Frick, ' ; The Btrikeas are so bit tar against the aot that the guard was increased for fear of lynohing. The Mule Blew First. "Breathing into the nostrils of a hone (when he holds in bis breath," says an exchange, "has a wonderful effect in allaying hiB fears and ealming his temper when "Molted." It is not known with what intent this statement was ' published, but if anybody is foolish enpugh to experiment in the man ner indioated, ha weald do well to ponder ever the story of the man ; who had a sick mnle and consulted a so-called veternary surgeon as to , the best means of caring the ani mal. The owner of the mule did not exactly know what ailed the beast, and it is to be presumed I mat me veterinary was equally in 1 the dark, because his prescription consisted of a powder which was to be put into a tin tube and blown up the mule's nostrils. A couple oi days alter leaving these direo tions, the vetinary met the mule owner. That person had a some what disfigured face and in gen- -.. eral appeared to be rather unhappy. - "How about the the mnleT" asked (he votinary. He's all right." "Did yon follow my directions aboot giving the powder!'' r - "Yes." "Did you put the powder in the tube and blow it n; the male's noser" "Well, not exactly," said , the man, "I put the powder in the tube all right, and got all ready to blow, but there was a little hitch." "What was the trouble!'' ' "Well," said the man, "the mule , blew first." In the South. A poor man can make his little money go further in the South than in any other section of this coun try. A man of moderate means can find better opportunities in the South for engaging in business than in any other part of the conn ; try. A manufacturer with limited capital can find better sites, can buy his raw materials cheaper and can make larger profits from his business in the South than else- , where in the United States. A man who can command large - amounts of capital can find in the South opportunities for invest ments that will pay him larger re turns than any other opportunities that the world can offer. A Blissful Anticipation ! Being very grateful to the people for their pest patronage and support, end thinking they would like to know something of my former history, I have eonelnded to write a short eketoh of ray life. I do not do thia with euy eelf pride or eonoeit, bnt hoping that some good may oome ont of it. Many a poor boy whose ciroumitanoeo areetreined ' and rarrwndiogi are euoh that the future looks only dark may be en couraged to make an effort hearing what a poor country boy hae done. Bo while this may ooet me eome ooneider able effort and lost of sleep, yet I shall spars no pains or time in giving a true history of what my life bee been to fer. Of oouree it is nteleee to mention my name for all know that there it aot another man on earth that would at tempt so much for hit friende, that the seme Big Ike whose purchases at 40, 60, ead 87f oente on the dollar bring so asnoh profit and eaaaiag so many amiles to the poor of our lend. Make friends of your creditors if you can, but never make a creditor of a friend. The Population of Sew Berne It aboot nine thousand, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with . some affection on the Throat and Luags, at those oomplaints are, aooordiog to sta tistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to ne glect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for atbe Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Large bottle 50c and 11. Bold by all druggists. - ; -f KIXST05 CORRESPONDENCE, f Sporting of Various Kinds -An Acci dentGood News About the Knit ' . ting HUls-PoUticaL' Editob ... Journal: The boys have arranged an elegant tennis conn on the space left vacant for the new Baptist , Churoh. The game affords much amusement and exercise: , but to a lo)ke nwh3 does not understand it, tne won der grows that any of the players know what he is doing. But there is one consolation about it, there Is, no danger of having a leg broken or arm dislocated and there , is no need , of carrying pistols or bowie knives, as itr foot-ball, ... The. object seems to be aot to main or lnjnre your opponent. Tarboro will play Kinston, at base ball, on Thursday the 28th, two games, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We are glad to welcome baok Dir. Shamburger and family, - who have been on a short vaoation. Mr. S. has endeared himself not only to the people of his own denomina tion but also to all of those of other flocks. The exonrsion to Norfolk, Ya., on Tuesday last did not torn out as well as was expected in num bers. Oar market is now well supplied with vegetables of all kinds. Eat ing is cheap. Bat we do not get the fish that we would like to have. The train from Morehead on Tues day last did not deliver a fish here. A company of veterans and young fishermen are making up a party to go to village creek to fish several aays. They propose to go with camping outfit and eat as they catch. This reminds ns of the old days when Messrs. Ghas. Harvey, John Mewborne and James Einsey were tne champions in ibis line nut time win fly boys will grow men will marry and circles will be broken. One of our druggists, Mr. Henry Unnn, with Mrs. Dann, are spend ing some time in the cool atroos phere of High Point. Rev. Colin Hughes of Chocovini ty, Dear Washington, spent Tues day mgnt who relatives nere, on his way to Goldsboro. This elo. quent divine has many admirers here and they express a wish to bear him preach on bis return. The phonograph man is in town, at tne opera bouse wbere his re production amuse and interest both old and young. bad accident. On Thursday afternoon, a few minutes after 5 o'clock, the soda fountain which Mr. John Wagner was using to charge ginger ale with gas, at his beer bottling ee laousnmenr. on yueen street, ex ploded. Mr. Wagner was sitting near the machine reading a book when the explosion occurred. He suffered several very severe wounds. une nnger oi nis right band was torn off and a long ragged wound .as mtde eittniing nearly to the middle of the hand. A finger of the left band was neatly detached and a very serious bruising of the nose, perhaps a fraotura was sustained. There were aUe in juries to the ears and other parts of tbe body be is suffering also from a general shake op of the whole system. Normann Corded, brother. in law o( Mr. Wagner, a vouth cf 14 or 15 jeais of age was veryntar the fountain at tho time. He was terribly shocked, and received severe injuries, gashes and bruit ee on arms and legs. The wonnded were at once removed to Mr. Wag ner's residence on King street and tbe prompt surgical aid of our dis tinguished surgeon, Dr. H. O. Hyatt with tbe assistance of our skilled young physician Dr. C. B. Woodley, soon rendered the pa tients as comfortable as possible nnder the circumstances. The Knights of Honor will attend to the watching and nursing of the patient's as Mr. W. i a member of that order. Mr. J. P. Haskill, who was stand ing very near the instrument at the time of the explosion, looking on, was not touched or injured in the least; but he remarked afterwards that be felt dazed and curious. The Orion Knitting mills will give their operatives a vacation of two or three weeks soon, so that opportunity may be given for put ting in more machinery this comes from a continually increasing de mand for the products. The next Union meeting oi the Atlantic Baptist Association witl be at Trenton, Friday July 29th. Tne (permanent organization of the Cleveland and Garr Democratic Club of Kinston township was effected on Friday night at the court house. In the course of the meeting, Mr. J. L. Jackson made a speech that was peculiarly charac terized by good sense, sound logic and terse statement oi facts. The permanent officers are J. 0. Wooten Jr., Pres.; W. :D. Pollock, S. H. Itountree, J. B. Oummings, W.F. Dibb, A. L. Hill, B. Payne Samuel Olaytor. Dr. H. Tuli, Vloe Prest's., Plato Collins, Bee. The constitution and by-laws of the Club four years ago, "with slight modifications was then adopted. Many new members vers enrolled. A committee of four was appointed to procure speakers for next meet ing. . The meeting! will be fort nightly, for the present begin, ning next Friday night, the 29th. Morehead is the place for the Senatorial convention. What da you say. Mr. EditorT f Unquestion ably. -lid - ...v.. ' ; ARACHEL. Children CryorJPItcrifPiMtojtt , Shlloh's Consumption Cora, : ., This is beyond question the moat tuooessful Cough Mediolne we have or told, a few doeee invariably ear the worst otsee of Cough,Crop and Bronchitis, while its wonderful suooeee in the cure of Consumption Is without a parallel in the history of mediolne. Slaoe its fint discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which ne other medicine oan stand. If yon have a oough we earnestly ask you to' try It. Prioe lOo., 50o, and 1. If jour lunge are tore, ohest, or baok lame, was Bhl lih't PotousN Platter. 8oM by New Buns Drag Co ' ' J,...'-r Imitation causes us to Ja&va natural ways to-, enter: into artificial ones it therefore makes slaves: ; .-i. ---. The Vint tta. Periapt you are run down, can't eat can't tl sep, cant think, east do -anything to your satisfaction, end yon wonder what alls yoa. You should heed the warning you are taking the fint step Into Nervous Prostration.- You need a nerve tonie and in Electric Bitters yon will (lad the exact remedy for restoring tout nervous system to Its normal, stealthy oou4itloa. .Sur prising results follow the use of this greet Nerve Tonic and Alterative;- Your appe tite return! ; good digestion is restored, sad tbe Liver and Kidneys resume healthy notion. Try a bottle. Price 60s. at P. & Daily's drug store. , We should look at the lives of all as at a mirror, and take from others an example for ourselves. aooKiBs aanoa silasi Tha IfettfUlM la tfc M.U r. n Bruises. Boret, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever 8oraa. Tatter. Chaniuul P.n.1. rn,ilMla Corns, and all Bkln Eruptions, and posi- HTsjy euree rues, or no pay required, it is guaranteed torsive perfect tatlsraeUea, or money refunded. Price 8S cents per uu. xof mjv in nwHn dj r. s. uuay, wnoieaua ana retail druirjruit. . J II III II.. I . tt ... 1 "The world is full or good men kind men and honest women. In stead of worse I find better than they believe themselves " ' rr Over rtftr Years Mas. WuraLOwn Soonrmo 8tbup has been used ror children snathinv. It soothes the child, softens the gome, wiays ail pain, ouree wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty lve cents a bottle. Bold by all drug gists tnrougnout the world. jaaOd&wlv Unhannv is tha mnn fnr wlinm his own mother has not made all other mothers venerable. A TRUE 8T0EY. Said Baby Ruth Cleveland to Baby IfcKee iou win sail up "salt uiver' m March. '08. When that happy event shall come to pats. Remember, to keep off the White House Brass. I'm real sorry your nose will be "out of joint,- Let's tell tales! I can cheer you with one uuu nas point ; it isn i a uoie, out us every word so. For my papa told me, and he ought to know. Onoe on a tune there lives In New Berne, A town that is booming, for each way you turn They are building new railroads, or water works, Electric cars, aqueduots, and fire alarm quirks:- In this town lives man, a "Tar Ileel by birth, And a wonderful thing Is, ni bon't WANT Tub EAHTHI His name is Big Ike, he's moat great as papa, Whew! said Baby SicKo, why Rath, wnat a wnopperl It isn't, said Ruth, for be koepe a big store, With goods cheap as people ne'er heard of before. Tbe Fanners' Alliance make it ' their headquarters. And lake with them home for their sons and their dausr bters. Such beautiful hats, boots, shoes, olotbet and rings, Bracelets, ribbons, umbrellas, and wboli he Apt of things; Besides he lias trade from all of the town Because of the fact that he putt prioes down. Well! said Baby McEee, when I am a man, I shall be like Big Ike as near as I can. So people can talk of the good that I do, And wear pretty things that I sell them, too. Now, said Babr Ruth, as the tat by hit tide. And turned up her nose with an air of great pride, Baby Mac, tell the truth, I only ask that, Don't my tale beat your chestnut 'bout "Great Grandpa's Hat" r O woman! thou wert fashioned to beguile so have all sages said, all poets song. Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. A Barrel- Ana mim fn. Vi..fc.k a oh bottle there is an ingeaiooe nasal injector ror we mora eweossnrnl traas- ment Of tkarn samnlalBta allknal te whs. . ; i ) Public Sale of Town Lots. In obedience tog Jndamaat af the nnse rtor Oonrt of Oraveit county, rsaasvea la the Sosetal Proesedlasu wbefwta siallv Ana Sryan and others are plalatisn, aa Joaa T. Tora aaa otksre at Naia. tae as qersign . as uosnissianert uli Monday. Anrnst 8th, It 02. at the Oonxt Hoaae aeor la Hfw Bara, Ora van eounty, B. O (asiat! the Uau and aiaee daslcnatad by eaid Court), aatl at rabUs Anctioa e the hlhee btddav, eevtala traet or lot of land wlrh the lmaroveniaaai and oalldlBcs, attested la tha part af tae City of Bow Bern, B. 0. sans as "Dry. boro." betas; pert of Lot Bo. St. eai tbe north side of Oedarstraet. bat Barn ewaeas. aaiotalai tha lota af Jwa Hasrla,UaorceJoaesaad otharSLaoatalalaa e faat front by 1V7 feat, lata tha proaartyal Haebaa York, disss aid, saara fallv desatlbed la the patttloa Oled la ealdenaitled ptoe.aa ua. mo,um ... k Tuesday, August OUi, 1802, at the Oonrt House aoar la Parts a. lawair eoaaty, M. V. (betas! tha Uaia aud alaee daslgaatrd by said eoart) will tell at Pablle amhh w we nignvw Dumr, a aanata Ha ar aarosi oi iaaa, with lmprnvassaais, sti ataS la the towa af Xlaatoa - U aorthweat eoraar of Unm aad ahlae Utlea Aled In said araaaaaina. Terms of both baiea-wae-haff eaah; bal- aaoe on a eraan oi urea momwm. xiue sa served sattl fall aayaimt Is aasda. Both salas will eomaurMe at If O'Sleefe, noon. iiw aajs aminswa assva, ; . Baw aera, B. O., July X lfWt. ' . .. '-alaii o. HABBTaow, South Side Pollock St.V- Opposito residence of L. If. Cutler. . . . New Berne, N. C. Board by the day, week or mouth.' 1 '-' Table, the best the market will afford. Twenty-three years' experience. 'v.y H. H. DOWDYrv joeMdwtf x. S r, , Notice. ' ' ' - State of North Carolina Craven County. . The subscriber bavins a naliaed as Bxeon tor of the aetata of -Caroline K Httteraon, deceased, en the 18th day of July, A.l. before tne Probata Court of Oiaven county, hereby notifies all persons having claims aeaiast saiu Jiataie to pieaeni tnem lor pay- HW, or thU nottoe wlU be pleaded la bar of weir laeovary. . y - 1 All persons indebted to said estates WlU make Immediate payment. " , Done this S3d day or July, 1S!2 - v Jait OUAS. 0. OLABK.BMCtfton"' NOTICE. :' : i ""-V navlng this day qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mary k.ivea, deceased, before the Clerk of the Bnperlor Oonrt toi Cravaa eoaaty, all persons holding claim, seatasl said estate will aresent thsni fur paymaatto tbe anderslgned within twelve snonina irom una aaia, or mis nouee will be pleaded la bar oi their recovery. AU persons Indebted to satd estate will BieaseasaKa prompt enmemeni. , s-. - ji r J AM BH F. I V S. Admr. of Mary K. Ives. July 2nd. 1S9S. HUMPHREYS' ' This Pmcious Ourmy.jrr is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. :( Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used oiro years, and always affords "relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. For 3um's, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and un equaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is InfaiuUc. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It it invaluable. Price, SO Cents. Trial size, as Cents. eat trans, ar Met oa mjs mi immi or prk. a, oa, metis WITCH HAZEL OIL. MtN.M a year U WLaa- anarla try; JnbB R OOdvriti,Trvjr,N.y.,s work for B4. Maadat, 1te)ti vnfisjaichiy how toeara tYoe M t :fiaaru tneaian, ana nor as you go on, Mmm asjKCB, nil mw. in nay pan n kwmUm,fo au cusnwaoro at boue, gi- rst all vour Uitie.or aim niatxtdoiU onlv hft tswwork. All it new. (rrwat paj WRKfot ervsr 7 worker. VVei atart won, fcralabLnf vetTthlntr. KJLSILY, ttfBEDlLT learnetC PAItriCULAKi HKB. AAnm at once, ilUMMI e CO., eTUETlaiXB. U1MI c q n n nsss 1 II II Miner tattntrfioti.vrUl w.k nnrlfTtake to riaf wroa or iitff rite, and wnek lTktthitrummlotHtiltWhtrv'rrr thry lira ! will alto fkralab jMaHeatiMeranipJoyinrlll wUrb j-.-ap mm Uutantuuot. mamm Bar mm alaat sajaannfui m alow. La ally and qulvklr arwsd. I aair swt oan wrorkev from tatdi rfUtrict or count. I kwnnawal CnlUre k indaalrtoeisiv. "iiwaway anvfrns nan prvnuea WIUI mploy .( a lirtl K4 JWPi"l'tarFJfcK. Jtddrats at one. fata JUaiaKji, Me Uf. unTuat. MUaw 1' OH' It has permanently cured thousands of otsee pronounced by doctors hope ataa, . If yoa have premonitory Symp toms, anon at Cough, Difflculty of Breathing, Ac, don't delay, but nee PIBO'S CURE on CONSUMPTION ' tomediatelgr. By Druggists. 25 cents. J Designs. Wt(tet ssmSiI iiiiiBis t wjwtMt laUw SmmX blw to latorhruM, m,m, mum, tnrf. aMrtt, tha pr.p.raMi tn Mton M to IiHmimA mm) us vattalw l , uid th. pNMwmon ul SiIimi ml mJm ar lfilMiit. Oar took Mliutrao- KUskN liRrTHrntS,'kqnltaitle rnUllBC. tOOa ST HU. WMhlncrtOB. 1. c. BWtMS wit nm ar pnf ea luimM tus nMI mailt, "Imttrarnina." rUIUM ipa MtMMl. ,a.aad Cclsatlflo Aerical -1 Aeaaov for . VBaanaaaaw.. w - 1 sV' oaviam, :'-a lTVDtf,""tJ . .4 nttins stTisrl 6oeVRMNTa, ata, i fSiijrio21?r)aiiwiT, HswroBC. r 01 si el kareaa tWesilia latieits AnMries. , ftwmr yM takaa cmtby ee Is brooabt Mm t rMkyaauMsrra rMof ewrlaia jq inaawiirani ora. WTt KlfOW tat rented' the WOKST CASKS. That yoa may try B, MTilAoetf wayettsW, ws will send yoa Om JiottU ires. All chargm prepaid by us. fi,..,- - .. wCive Age, Fost-Offiot tad State. Mdrea, iuixcEcacM,cojdra,h, IrSrSV 3 ltd mm ' Tbam C - U.Mnrl swi tus eU BonUa, A4de tiatitsMs.aairaswar;Be r CURES PRIONS TO SUIT iii: TjJL:8! .iaJSr v - 7"MTWBrMtli doggies from $3W0 to 1100.00, , P ' Eoad Carts from 19.00 to f 24.00. t " ' Farm Wagons from $37.50 to rJOO.OO. ;j Buggy Harness from 5 00 to 125.00 I i Also,' UOEsES and MULES will be sold in proportion to the above prioeA for Cash or negotiable paper. - -. - ' . Prompt attention paid to livery, as in tbo past. THOB. A. GREEN, President. WSf. DUNN, Vloe President. CITIZENS' BANK -CVTow Berne, POT. O D0 A GENERAL BATJKIQ 33USINESS. The Accounts of Banks. Bankers. Oorooratldnn. tarrnert,-Merohnt and otbars reoeivftd on favoreble terms. Prompt and Of our-cutcomer. BOARD OF DIRECTORS E. W. Satallwood, Oeo- N. Ives, E II Meadows. Uhaa. Daily, Jr. Ferdinand Ulrich, J. A. Meadows. Samuel W. Ipook, Cbae. II. Fowler. William Dunn, Collegiate A HOME INSTITUTION for GIRLS of Eastern Carolina at a Faculty composed of EIGHT experienced and efficient Teachers. SIX DEPARTMENTS. Students a prepared for advanced classes in any of the Colleges. 212 Students, representing last year. The MUSICAL DEPARTMENT, under tho direction of Prof. F. E. Morton with good facilities for the systematic music. Special Coarse of Study for Ihose Deslritg to Be oome Teacher . Moral advantaaeo of the School unsurpassed. Special inducements offered to POOR Next Term opens September S, 1898. MI38 MARY t. ALLEN, Beo'y. jaly7 dwtf HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL. OXFORD. N. c. Modern buildings, hot and nnld baths 'J - turroundlngs, nutubers limited. A model on application. Far Superior and Cheaper Than Ever Before! IMC. N lvas just arrived -with a FBESfl SUPPLY oi West Virginia HOUSES and MULES, and is prepared to meet the emergency, i It will pay one and all to call and exam ine before pnrcnasing elsewhere. ; z KflUSTOrj COLLEGE, Hat the ttrongest Faculty in ths East; ntos the most approved methods of inttruotion in all departmenta. . - ; " . . s; . -' BUBINKS8 COURSE unsurpassed la the South. ' Don pats by Kinston until yoa have seen us. i ' V' ' r , rail eonrtet in Book-keeping, Banking, Commercial Law. Business Forms, Rapid Caleulator, Correspondence, and Penmanship, i. - ;- . MUBIO. Our Diraotot hat few equals and no superiors in the State. This da partment will almost triple itself next Tear, i , . - u - Special advantages in Chemistry, Surveying, .Type Writing and Stenography, Mathematics. Language aad Elocution, f, . - ? , , , , .-. If yon wish to secure a place in ths College, write us at Onoe, as tomt of the aomnmsuw era vaiaa; rapuu Ulieu, : For nw-Catalocue, address -.' ' . QTMama thlt paper. Heltrvwt For. aal by J. V. JORDAN, G. E. yOY. Cashier, ; H. M. GttOVES, Teller. OF j t?itj)iiii m).!,' careful attention given to the interest Janiee Redmond, Ches. Belzsniteio, Meyer Hahn, , Thos. A.Ureeu, i-.'-C;:B.Fojr. ' Institute, the Education of the BOYS and moderate cost. ..,. , , TEN Counties, wore enrolled ASSISTANTS, affords superior study of vocal and instrumental BOYS aad GIRLS. Send for Catalogue. O. T. ADAMS, A II., Principal. Vtw Berne, N. 0. r.j ...... uDMbuiui UHUiabO, UOaUbUUl home school for boys. Cataloeuee tent 1nll5 JL, '9m ; i LEE CB0WILL, Principals. all toren-a of trie sntu name austlains A,d :ri ftwiWlHKHRMUiA ItndbLHliTtsiltox Uva, Ka otbayrtrraiinniit newtrw. Nevrrcautrt am. mr r -- Druf -iBt, New Lorno, N. C. ELCIJ G2LLECH, LOCATED ON N. C. R. B. Elegant hew buildings. Large and ln- '; ereastug patronage. : Both texes. - JTacni- ; ly of twelve members.". r . Cnrrloulum eqnai or jnaic toucgeit, Academic Department, - Music, - Arty -Commercial. - , , J - f - . Morals of Students Unsurpassed,, . Opens Soptembst 1st, 1893. . ..a s For further information or eatalogua- Apply to " J' Uev.W.B. LONO, A.TH , D.D. , , President, ly!6 dwtf-- ' Eloa College, N. C v,r . 1HE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF ' - . Agriculture tnd Hecliuic&l Arts, '. Will begin its fourth session Sept. 9,'J, 1803. County Superintendents of Edi oation will examine applicant ,fi admission. ( . Total cost (100 year Address . ALEXANDER J. HOLLADAY, President.- jOlwlm Raleigh. N. O. UNIVERSITY OF IIORTII CAROLiriad. Instruction is offorod In four general courses of study, six brief ooursea. n large number of special courses, and hv Law, Medicine and Engineering. . The Faculty Inoludes twenty Teacher a, : Scholarships and loan funds are avaiW : able for needy young men of talent and -character. The NEXT SESSION BEUINS SEPT. 1. Fer catalogue with full information, addrosa PRESIDENT WINSTON, Jo2J dwlm Ohapol Hill, N. O. St Mary's School, RALEIGH, N. C. The Advent Term of tho Fifth Annual Session will begin Bopteniber 22d. For citalopuf) address Rev. B. BUEDES, A.M., jylS dwSm Raleigh, N C, Trenton High School Will Begin on tha FIrat Monday in Sept., in the New High Behool Building. Tuition From $1.50 to $3.00, and Board From $5 to $7. For farther Information address W. H. RHODES, Principal. julylldwam Salem Female Academy, SALEM. N. C. The Oldest Female College in the SontL Ths 91st Annual Session begins Sep tember 1st, 1899. Register for lest year SSI. Bnanial faaium! ma DirHiBt. sim or HiaLrn, Chabaotkb hi UTKLLBor. Build In es, thoroughly tt modallajl. Fnllvanulnnail PraMMiAw. Collegiate and Poet Graduate Depart. meniB, peaiaea unMiitii eoaooia in Mnmn. Anr. T.ivnATrnra Kunnnne Oomkbboiax asm .InDUBTBiab STuriwa. - JUU3I U. CLKWELL, fjlOiwlm PrinoipaL ' i::iTY COLLEGE f UUHHA, NOflTH CMHOiJMA. wt-s. l.imu 'a u - . . . . Xtsiotrto Hfhu. Ltwra4t3ie, Ubnrtcfi, mm ww iisuiusiw.. ex si mvuei tl uup BoMrter favsmlty ol .vecUlktg. U mem i aesMioiai cnaBM, limei low. Var Catalans, otua zrrstnlcUn Orowall, Praet, ' J. K LATHAH. Offlee foot Craven street. In Clyde buueiaa 8SERAL COiQIISSIIlI KEECE1IT, BUTEB OF and EXPOBTEB of C0TT0S ; DEALER IN OOUNTBY PBODUOB . and all speonlatlva oommoditias. Reasonable eesh advanoee made. - ' ' I sollelt sonslgnmenU of Truok tor follow. In oommlsslon aterobants, whoare r.llaMe aad responelble; . , , f. B. GIBBON. Fhllsdelpbla. J"1!-1 l- UHl B, B, DOWMBI A CO., Kew York. BKAVEKH8 A OO., Boston. J. K.KBNHEUY A OO..PlMsbuir. Dally quotations fna to all-isted an', black board In my oflloe every day. Call or write ror auuells and postal earon. Visitors welAame. IHrrHnuiuf.nM Ik. vlted. uaylleatf R;Ji; DUFFY. g"a as e aitas I attuni m m iui nv ajajsa. tpitutl gfnnna g. . 0or. Middle &' Pollock StsVK Second fljor, Qtet duo on right of passage. Entrenoe np eUirwey on Pollock Htraeaj Prepmtion'ofi Special Medicines an4,'v . J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. ; ji 'DENTI8T, j?' f PermanaBUjroeati i i. f J KBW1IBHST, K.O."'iw'' ..." - V Oat administered fnr VJ -it LAJf- the extraetloa of marSSdwU unot to Hotel Albert. --: . : j ' - THE .... .J WiaTOHTQWER: "'Pnbliihed iUoix I' i" t Devoted to .i.poetolio;Chtltlanlty, EA.viT noation, Qeneral Intojllgence. 'i , :z':'1- ; : Bond for Sample Copy, : ' ' : . Oflloe of publloatlon, Oreenvillr, M. 0, :' Editorial oflloe, Washington, K. 0. ,, , . . . 3. L, WIKFLTCLD, Editor.' V 0. W, DAVIS, Ait t, . : caoe;'- at (I if'.; V i4.

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