DMLY HE i VOL. XI.--NO. 107. NEW BERNE, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS 4 rr r d; BU3WBSS LOCALS. . I HAVE fitted up Hotel Albert Barber Shop nicely and in style. I inviteall my old patrons and others who want a pleasant shavo or hair cut in. artistic style to give me a call. Vv,. Pbot- w- u- Shepabd. WANTED To rent a Dwelling House in a pleasant part of city. i jy26tf Bahbinoton & Baxteb. f) AAwill bo paid for the hugest U Vwttormelon in North Carolina. Must weigh as much as 70 pounds, jlw Address this Office. W AVEBl.Y and COOPER'S Works for Bnlo at a Bargain. Eiftht and Ten Volume each. No, handsomely bound, and Urge elear print. jS3c aUNYADI Janos Mineral Water, (he best Natural aperient. For sale by Ja& Redmond. RD V. JONES, late tn chargo of the pnsoription department of Pel barn's Pharmacy. Ashmille, N. 0., ha opened a Presoripiion Drug Store next to oaatom house. Special oare is given to the selection ot preparations for prescription use only. The patron- age of the publio is solicited. may 29 PURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by J as Redmond. T7FF Gordon Inworted Sherry, for 'ale by Jas Redmond. DO you need a Crush Hat Good ONES, LATE SHADES, at in 30 Babrinoton & Baxter's. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke ' Bast' Ale and Burko's Guinness' Stout, for tale by Jas Redmond. FOR SALE Coirs' box or ward robe lounge is a perfect lounge by day and perf eot bed by night, and you oanvut away as much clothing or other articles as in the average wardrobe. Yon can get three articles for the prioe of one. No extra charge for packing or hipping. Mrs. DrT Talmage. wife of the cele brated preacher, says those lounges are very, very nloe. Prioe In Creton, $10, (12, Raima SIS. f 14, haw Bilk, 120. (25, Silk Brooatelle, 825 S80. Terms 10 per oant. disoount cash with order or half with order blnoo 00 days. ALFRED COLE. Grand and Myrtle Avenuos. Brooklyn, N. Y. I 0UU V Bgures to wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jas Redmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY used very much in tbe sick room. For sals by Jas Rbdmonp. tjMVE Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoes for children, 10, ISi and 15 cents per pair. buj ri8U. SACRAMENTAL, PORT and iTj. SOUPPERNONG WINES fer aale by Jas. Redmond, rVJFrY'S MALT WHISKEY for LMediolual use. for sale by jn2o Jas. Redmond, I- CALVIN SCHAFFER'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for throat and inng dis eases, for sale by Jab. Redmond. The Democratic Congressional convention at lUtevillo, Ark., has taken 748 ballotH and the deadlook la still unbroken. The Norfolk Virginian referring to tbe proapeot of a fasion tioket save: Sorely the good people or North Carolina are not going to endorse a combination of this kind, which is but a short cat to Repub lican radical rnle. Tbe people of that old Commonwealth in con- anotion with the people of its sis ter States of tbe South have suf fered so previously from the effects of misgovernment under radioal administration that it cannot be conceived that they will permit any return of the same by any act on their part. "You bring up yonr girls,'' Bays Buskin, "as if they were meant for sideboard ornaments, and then complain of their frivolity. Give them not only noble teaching bnt noble teachers, and givo them the help wnioh alone has sometimes done more than all other influences the help of mild and fair nature. You cannot baptize them rightly in ach deep church fonts nnless you baptize them also in the sweet waters which the great Law Giver strikes forth from the rocks of your native land." TUB statement that the Demo cratio Congressional Convention of tbe Third district voted down resolution endorsing Cleveland and Stevenson is Incorrect. Foe the st-cond time in the hit tory of Cauada cxpoite have ex ceeded imports, the only other year la whioh the balance of trade was la favor of ..the,. Dombion being 1880. : WitA Cleveland as candidate, Hartfity as chairman of the Nation J Committe, Whitney as chairman of the Advisory Committee, and over afl the demand of tbe people for a reform la national affairs, the outlook' Beems unusually bright for Demooratlo success in November next.Aagusta Chronicle. Ma. Uaa,' prominent member of the Indiana Republican State Oomaiittee, has resigned because he could not conscientiously work for the re-election of President Harrison, and a mojorily of tbe committee of tho county in which be lives has done likewise. All the latter are Blaine men, and that al so Is what's the matter with liana. Tqe Northern Republican press m giving out daily no uncertain sound as, to their views about Force bill for the .South. They, fa vor it. They art' mumbling over frauds In the South while pretend ing to know nothing ol great frauds la the North and In their own par ty. They are simply advocating a revolutionary measure la 1802 for the South because they will sacra AM everything td keep in power. Wll. Messenger. -; . : . . Jkrey Simpson is dowfeast. Tbe corn and wheat crops In Kan as are the best la the history ol tbe State, and the farmers are so full of boisness that they have not time to listen to a calamity Bprecb If Jerry could only have had droi jht In bis district, . with heavy crop c f mortgages and three or four labor , 'riltcm and riots set It olT, what a joy It would have fcpen fof Jerry. liloomlngtou (III LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. Wilson Collegiate Institute. People's party convention. The CoUlsboro Headlight states that uriug the lost few days the Y. M. C. A. ot tlmt city lias raised flloo for its sus tenance during the coming year. One of the colored convicts at the peni tentiary waB overcome by the heat Wed nesday while working in the brick yard ana u ieil within an hour alter receiving the attack. In speaking of the hot weather the Wilmington Review gets off the story that the sun set Are to a man's shirt in Raleigh, but that his life was saved by the quenching of the fire by the copious perspiration that was rolling down the poor fellow's back. We have received the catalogue of Wilson Collcgiato Institute, an excellent and strictly non-sectarian school that has thorough and comprehensive prepara tory course of study, with a full collegiate course considered by the faculty to be equal to that of any female college in the South. A correspondent of the Roanoke News peaks of tho first sermon of Rev. Julian Rumley at Bethel as an able sermon and says Mr. Ituniley's people arc well pleaicd. He is a native of Morchead but resided a short time in this city. Our readers will remember that he graduated last June. Hot, hotter, hottest. The Government tested thermometer at the depot, placed with reference to getting a true and reli able record, registered 96 1-2 yesterday, The day before 65 was the highest point it reached. Thermometers in some parts of the city went over 100. A correspondent of the State Chronicle, writing from Burlington on the 18tb, says a colored woman of bad character was arrested and tried before the mayor of that town for "bathing in and otherwise polluting a well." 8ho waa fined $5, and that night a band of white caps called on the woman, gave her a whipping and ordered her to leave town. At the meeting of business men held at tbe city hall last night, to take action in reference to tho meeting at Morehead, looking to tbe general development of the State, tho following committee was ap pointed to attend and represent the city Capt. K. It. Jones, Capt. Alex. Miller, Dr. Geo. K. Bogby, and Messrs. Wm, Ellis and J. J. Wolfenden. It is desired to call attention to statement made by an exchange in refer ence to the Ocean View Ilotel, which it is proposed to build on the turf tide of Bogue Banks, .opposite Morehead, in order to secure its correction, and that is the statement that the Teachers' Assembly Is interested in the movement, whereas the Assembly has not vet even been ap proached on tho matter. We judge that the plain and full account to date,' in Wodnesdaj s Jousbal, of what has been accomplished and'-what plans have been formed for' the future in reference to the matter,' will set straight any inaccurate statements that may , have started by an nouncements before the matter had suf ficiently developed. , . y-' ; : . : t By order of the lieutenant, there will be a ' meeting of the Second Division, North Carolina Naval Reserves, this even ing at 8:80. o'clock at the rooms of the Yacht Club. " This will be an) important meeting, and business is to be transacted perfecting the organization of the Divis ion. ' An appropriation baa been made which will enable the 'Division to be equipped within the next fewj weeks, and It is essential that among other things complete and permanent set of officials shall at ones be selected. It has been impossible to see all whom it is desirable to have as members, and such as are in terested and desire to become members are requested to attend the meeting Fatal Sunstroke. The Outer Diamond Shoal Light. Mr. James Scoby, an employee of Mr. A Washington (D. C.) special in the J. W. Stewart's, had an attack of sun- Baltimore Sun says: "There is a stroke yesterdoy afternoon, shortly before prospect that there will yet be a light three o'clock, which resulted in his house erected on the most dangerous port being in a dying condition at the hour of of the entire Atlantic coast of the United our going to press. States the Outer Diamond Shoal, off Mr. Scoby came here from Riehmond, Cape Hatteras. last December, to enter the employ of Mr. It will be remembered that about a year Stewart and take core of the horses at his ago an unsucccssfut attempt was made livery stables. Wednesday he was some- by the contractors, Anderson fc Barr, what indisposed, but attended to his to sink and secure a foundation caisson, duties as usual. He was heard to remark which was carried away and destroyed during the day that he was not perspiring by a heavy storm the night after they any, and that when such was the case in had got it out to the point where the such terrible hot weather something was light was to be located. The firm has ex- wrong. IprcBscda desire to be released from its Early yesterday morning he had some contract, and it is now the intention of of the horses out exercising on the Fair the Lighthouse Board to undertake the ground race track, and returned before work itself. With that end in view, eight o'clock, laid down for awhile, but Captain A. F. Hahan, of the army, the while up and about 9ccmed in as good engineer secretary of the Board, has been spirits a9 ever lie did. He was across the directed to draw up plans for building a street from the stables as late as 1:15 light house on the shoal. o'clock. I ThO building of a light on this shoal is Ho afterwurds laid clown again iu his made very difficult on account of the room at the stables, and about a quarter I treacherous, shifty nature of the sand of to 8 o'clock Mr. X. Brock, Mr. Stewart's which the bottom is composed and the business manager, entered the room and frequency and violence of the storms that enquired how he was but received no I prevail alnog that part of the coast so reply, though Mr. Scobey was sittiug on I dangerous and make tho'necessity for the the side of the bed. Mr. Brock then no-1 light so great. ticcd that his limbs were twitching and I The work, will probably adopt the stepped out of the room for assistance, I same general plan that Anderson fc Barr and upon returning immediately Mr- proposed to carry out that of building Scobey was found lying on the I upon a foundation composed of a caisson bed in a convulsion and he floated out and sunk and then filled with never regained couciousncsss, though Mr. I concrete, so as to make it practically Stewart had him moved immediately to I monolith. The caisson was to be sunk an open but sccluucu place where he througli the Bands to lieu rock, and the would receive whatever cooling air there I tower was to be built 150 feet above the was, and lie received prompt medical level of tbe sea. The rip-ran embiink- attcntion and unceasing careful nursing, ment was to protect the base of the tower Mr. Scoby is spoken of as a good dispo-1 Captain Malum will report at the Sepli in sitioned man who understood ins dusi- l her mectinir ot the board, and it will then well and was attentive to his duties. be finally decided whether or not the gov- His home was in Starkvillc, N. Y. and eminent will undertake the work of con his brother there was telegraphed to straction ou its own hook without nuik- in reference to the sad event. inn further contracts.'' It is hoped that ever) i-11'..rt wiii Ik- made to get the light house built, and To the Citizens of New lierne. All nnruine u-lin urn willinir ti r-nn- i ... . , A that at as early a date as possible, l lie fnhlifo rnwnrrla linvinir tlin PYnenaiia nfl J 1 . , . danccrou i character of the locality should the Confederate pensioners and veterans , . , . . , . ,,t , ... , , ca 1 into use the greatest ingenuity and ai wngiitsvino oouna, win picasc scnu , - ii. . -i i xi- r rt t u md the most ardent cflorts and thev their rnnfnhutmnn tn Misa Mnrv C;. Hon-I erts. Treas. of the Ladies' Memorial As80- 3l,ouU1 not l,e relaxed until the light ' 1 : i .i l t..n.i .....l , I IJUUMJ 19 LSlUUUSlIt 11 LUUI Ml 11.11 illlll 1 If- iirmiiiii v null 1 1 J Wreck and Loss of Two Lives oil the N. & W. R. R. Winston, N. C, July 27. A cuboobc attached to a freight train on the Winston Salem division of the Norfolk & Western road jumped the track while crossing a trestle over Dan river at 1 o'clock this morning. The car fell into the river, a distance of thirty feet. Kingman J. B. Hamilton, married, and Mike Cochran, brakeman, were killed. Hamilton died instantly; Cockran lived twelve hours. Both men were white and lived in Virginia. People's l'arty Convention. A convention of the People's l'arty of Craven county has been called to meet at the Court House, in tbe citv of New Berne, Saturday, August 0th, '92, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of organizing and electing a delegate to the State Con vention to be held at Raleigh, August 10, 1882. Townships are reiinested to lmhl Pri mary Meetings on July 30tli, and elect one delegate for every fifty votes cast fur wovcrnor (all parties) 1888. tome one I conic all ! and join in this rand cause of reform. i Wm. II. Smith, Chairman, People's Tarty Ex. Com., Craven county. Collegiate Institute, WILSON, M)11N1 CAROLINA, roii YOUNG LADIES. Strictly Non-Sectariin. ill SAL 1? TT LIVERY, FEED AND Exchasigs Stables Opposite the Gaston House The Korty-Tliird Scion Be- MONDAY, HKPTU Mil lilt f ciation of New Berne, warning rays and flashing far out in their life and property-saving work over the perilous surrounding waters. Confederate Veterans and Pensioners. All Confederate veterans of North Carolina are cordially invited to attend the encampment of the North Carolina pensioners to be held at the State Camp ary . no lens, Rrouml at -Wrightsvillc sound on the 10th by the Superior Court of Craven county, " Mr- t:aston and the 21st days of August next, Pen- pursuant to a petition therein lilcd, without further solicitation. The contributions can be made in money or groceries, sucu as bacon, lard sugar, coffee, flour, meal, butter, etc. The freight on all articles will lie paid by E D. Hall, adjutant. Groceries can be sent direct to K. D. Hall, Wilmington, N. C. All money will be received by Miss Mary Treas., and forwarded t r- Y", HTM.. 1 meures, rres., yyuiinngton. . . proof that thev arc The Monumental Association 8l,c" W1" lK passed over all the railroads Tho plan of organization of the North and other veterans will be given greatly Carolina Monumental Association, recent- reduced rates, and subsistence and camp ly organized in Haleigh, with Mrs. Armis- fare w ill also be furnished at nominal tead Jones, President, Miss Maggie Cow- costs. A line address and a goml time is per, Secretary, and Hon. Donald Bain, assured. Treasurer, sets forth that a lady manager The following letter of information has ho nnnnintml for enrli rniintv lui in tn I iust liccll sent us. It is desired that all organize that county, and that said county newspapers in the State copy it a. nmA;nn n i,n ., I evKNtfiwiriM Arms l mil million iiiiiiicv buuiuiui in iujr u . . ..j. f ui. ......... . .. bloclcof granite on which will be in- General Orders No, wrilwl the n:ime of the rniintv and the All North Carolina Pensioners win number of soldiers lost. It is suggested 9tryJ, ' tlic Confederate Army or Navy that 10 cents be the admission fee, so that 'Uxl to report at Vrightsville Sound J) anu ciinu in nonu nra,r w, miniton. on the lOtn ilav oi A most thorough and comprehensive preparatory course of study, with n Full Collegiate Course equal to that of any Female College in the South. Best facilities for the study nf MuVic and Art. Standard of Scholarship unu sually high. Healthful location. Build ings ami grounds large and pleasantly situated. Moderate charges. Cataloging and circulars sent free on application SILAS K. WAUK1.N. jyi'J Principal. Miss Nellie Walker Will resume her Music Class, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1892. For information inquire at usiilruee mi Johnson street. h'.'tf Executor's Sale. Pursuant to a power conferred mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powJer. Uighfist of all in lufivoning utronKlh. Iditcst L'nitc.l Stutt (Jiit ci nun id Im port. Roy a i. Bakino Powukh Co , 100 Wall St., N. Y. Furniture, Waitresses. GO TO W.P,Jortes South Front St ,opp. Caston Mouse-, For Furniture of All Kinds. Mattresses mado to onUn ftml rrno vfUeil, PRICES VERY LOW. jyl'J dwtf John fl.Crsbfrs FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, And Blacksmiths. Ilnviiitf wit )ilr;ivn from tin- 11 luin (if .lnlm II. t'lulilni' V Co., .Hid pur ( IuimmI tllO Ji'i.K'o cm I In; M-.-t snln nl Uravou etM'tit, (uiiiU'ilv Kumvu ;is Cuth- FincotUtisck at Living Prices J. uk.m holies rKiM-Ki gather the sale of the personal late Mrs. C. K. Patterson, now ready In do : M :cliinist :in! l;l;ie liTOI !-- S 1 i dttlf DEALING er'llii o'lan Tim tin Willi eoine n. oj.piM I unit v, ' " - in :t -aiu. I'm th es up and prices for ;i foundation, ail y outsell' of this i a clianco won't T. I Hi..' appreciat I li V N w llianl.s To tie. lo say that an. I that now tie -in to provo l; III Hn ciMoniciH who have cut Al. and COMK i ll, we tender mil lw I pi iees is I he th tlillly. i.oi, pleaso allow Truck are no better iie.epled time for re our frienils. property ot tl lor I afh, I will expose to sale and sell to the highest l.i.l der. for Cash, at the late residence of said Mrs. C. E. Patterson on East Front street in the 'citv of Newlx-rn, on Friday and Saturday, the 19th and 20th Ainuist, IH'j-i Heninnin on Friday, at the hour of Te n o'clock, A.M., all the following Personal Property, to wiu All the llousohold an. Kitchen r unuture, Ihrce I mteil Mates 1 percent. Bonds of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, One United Slates 4 per per cent, lioud of the denomination or $10.00; Twenty-live Shares of the Capital Stock ol the National Hank of rvwl.eru. Tins 27th day of July, IWi. CIIAS. V. CI.AUK, Eveculor of C. E. Patterson, dec .1 AtlaDtio and N. 0. Railroad, SUPKJtlNTEN DENT'S Offk K, Now Bern, N. C, July 20, 1892. every man, woman and child in North I ncar WilminL'ton, on the 16th day Carolina interested in the cauao mav ioin Auaust next for a fow days enjoyment. the association, feeling sure that all will I Transportation will be furnished male .. . ... . . Pensioners on all Railroads in the State esteem K a great, privilege 10 coninuuw. fN . Caro,ini. 0 thcir rcacntin,, s Thn nliinrt. tn ho cAtinhicA ia a cnm-L an ,,.,,1 ,f lwi tmin j 1 cci tiucnw w uiu wiiuulwii nn- n"i n 1 1 n, 11 I 1 im meudable one that should enlist the said certificate to be signed by the Clerk ODPClal OtOC 8 UOIQerS iraiUl sympathy aud co-operation of all patriotic oiuo ouuenor v.m.i u. l... y-y, ht'i t'.s stand , wo ;i binds of I'-uiinli smith Work. All our tools ami iu;i-iinri y aunow md tiist-class iu ovory jvarticu lar. With a ijtMHs corps ol liiorhanics, olo.. wo hopo to merit ainl roct-iviwi lihoial Hhftro if puMii nat piil-i-m. John H. Crabtrcc & Uo.. js'iO dwtf :,'ew I'.emc, N. '. Grain 1 Seeds! Fssd! BRADHAM & SMITH, Successors to S, W. V 1". V. Small i ood. iir.ADHi'Ai: I'l'.us Km; Hay, Corn, Kir, O.Hn, I Iran , lloinlii-, l!:, Km 1:1)1-1, I'.urtl OovorH. 1 liipri ii :uul i'u s. AconU I'm 1'elor I lendi-ium f'o'S Sopd. Orders tor hpciI.s. vm'I 1i;ivo IIm most (Mriful til letil inn, ovrr.y packago Imine; nol, iiliiler Ihn Stricti'Mt ctl.' i'. julyllllf THE Farmers i Merchants Bank NEW ISEENE, N, C- Orgauizod one year iio. STOCh , s; Backhurn Willeit. Disssway & Churchill, Wll Machinist's Supplies A &peoi &Llt y ! CRAVEN STREET, One door htlow City Hall. All OI.I.-I-. M III. I'lonil'l. al Ice I j.-ii, .ltl ..u loft he rl I In.ilil - an. I o -,. ill' l:llt.-1. o.-i nill have our i.l I... ilelivered to iili.Mit delay, oi.iranleed in overy jell) ilw fl that their names are on tho pension roll of their County. Present this order to the conductor with the certificate from the Clerk of the Court. Pensioners will lie nu t on the arrival ol I to Hie eaniii New York Market. Palmer, Rivenbnre & Co., of New York, sends the following truck quota tions of July 25tb, 1892: Apples, crates, their train and convey 75c.a$l.Dfl; Pears, Le Contes, 3.00a3.75; I ground free of all charge. Peaches, Elbertas and Oawtbrds, f 3.00a aa nn Ti n . 'n i VS.uu; riums, c.aic7; urapes, ui., uci. and Niagaras, OalOc.; Ives, 4aflc.; 8. C. Moore's early, 10al4C.: Del. 12al5c .; Ni agaras, 13al6c. Champions, per basket, 80aff0c.; Muskmelont, Norfolk, per bbl tl.00a3.00, N. C, 50c.itl.00; Water- K. 1). Hai.i., Adjutant General, liy order of the Ex. Coin. Coming aud lioiug. Tlie steamer New Berne of the N. N W. line took out the following passen gers: Mr. aim Mrs. r . L. isray 10 visir melons, fancy, per car, $100a200, prime Mrs. Bray's father, Mr. Jas. Ironmonger, large, 16al8c., medium llalec; Cucum-1 0f Norfolk; Mr. N. A. Bray, Jr., to risk bers, Norfolk, per bbl., $l.S0a3.00; Egg I Mr. Claud Crockett, of Hampton, Va., and plant. Florida and Charleston, 92.0Oa3.0O; I Mrs. T. F. Hamis to visit relatives in Onions, 2.00a2. 50 per bbl., baskets $1.00 1 Pocomoke City, Maryland. al.25; Tomatoes, Norfolk, 50a75c. 1 Mr. J. T. Dunn who has becu spending mnZZZ'ZTZr. ..tu..t.. hneunmin'i':ity and at Morehead v.v.vWw "-'s j-- I . r un.. p:,.r . i. li HCUtUU IWWIUOl IAJ ju.vwu lour Diooms on tne static or -nignii , hi ! r, ... i... u .i. emy to spend a week. uv-. ..,i.. ReT. J. F. Butt left last night to attend rnA mraditr sif (ha nnma eT mm k Tiihmon I mw nwsk wv uvuiv wm vaaiaw s . , . TT ii r-v in this city. We have never heard of "? 1 " , M isgiin nwoni u Tlf ri 1 1 1 1 Mil . notnHl .f hiwin,. Wn IW nn I SUUH SMS) VVVUUI VI UIVV1IIS ISWtVSV IIUUS VUV 1 . - 1V x r I down to Botufort to spend a week or two. vsmsk. I th O-iL. It r ITT Kv. K. A. wuiis,ot,uiis city, aeaires w ,ilto, M w p. M. .11 i.-. I. Jl X 11.. . . IV . I " names of delegates, to tho. New. Berne I , Methodist District Sunday-school Confer I "Boma people asrer find out that an ewe, wWchconviae in Centenary churcb, I opportunity U an opportuilltr nntir It mi. ii.ji ; .i.-i:.-1 has turned the next oorner." Ram t Thursday. Aug. 4th, 1092. From (loldslxuo and Stations Internied li To Morehead City And return same day In consequence of the rcuulur in- 1 mil: if the Stockholders benifr so late in tin season this year (Thursday, SepteniLcr 2 1, lbU2,).tlie manaeineiit ol t his company, for the accommodation of the stockhol ders of the same, have decided to run a special train ns alxive on Thursday, Aiifj. 4th, 1802. All stockholders and their immediate families will be passed free. The conductor of special train will In- furnished with a list of the stockholders and they will lie passed accordingly. Leavo Ooldsboro (I 0(1 A M. CAPITA! Dividend . . Surplus I'niliviileil I'nilils OFUl 'I.US : r. h. crTi.Kit. W. H. ('MAiiwn'u, V'mi f. W. Dkwkv, II. I'DWItl.I.. IHUI'i Wni. Clevo. W, John Sun r II, Cutler, HeaditiiAriorH fci Niek..l H CotlvOiionn A Hp--ia)iy. went Beat's.. I a Oranse Falling Creok... Kins ton.. Caswell Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clark's New Bern Rtverdale Croatan Ilarelock Newport Wlldwood Atlantio Arrive Morehead Retumlnff. 8pocll to leavo Morohoad ClryabS:30r-.M. O. U. DIL.U, Ollpt. 0:20 ... (I 3'J ... :r3 .. 7:10 ... 7:25 ... t:.v, .. 7H9 ... 8:05 .. 8 :11 ... 8:50 ... 9:2t ... 9:20 .., 0;!18 ... :.r8 ...10:00 ...10:10 ...10.25 which ones do and which ; do not expect to sttendi . 4 ""--': ' ; ' Proposals : Sealed .'proposale will be roceired for thirtr days for the construction of Boiler for the Atlantic Steain Fire Engine. ' For further Information apply to the chairman of the fire department com mittee. -iWm. elus, v.' ' Chairman F, IX Com July d, 1898. . : it .'h ". Wed.". :h.J.. In Baltimore, Md.. ou July 81. 1893, VTrs. Bebeoca Burgees, in the 86th year of her 'ago, of Newborn, N. C mother of t. Bit 1 Tm. TI01 DAHIELS,Titc Pres. 0. JL ROBERTS, Ctihitr. For seversl days we hare been offering yoa the opportunity of National Bank, !,.:. tm am All al.nAa with all A. I ' tn-fl- ftnmnlflt fnr dr.n. Also .line . JOT SW BKEBTE IT. 0 of Handerchiens 25 peic oentJee .tawmroTO lM' . , , than regular gootu, do not let tne I Capital, - $100,000 oDDoetnnit Daaa before it la too Surplus Frolts, - . 98,168 late.kW have Juat received anew t . DIRECTORS. lot of lAAther belts at tl and il.GO. Jam. A. Out ax. .... , i.Tbos, D.ntu. l TT.l. K.l.. Or.aA lOHiA B. BlTAJI, ' J. H. BlOKBTJIUf, uuij)io ,wi ..yiujyBMwv l ALsrxt lUixan.'' ! Uabtxt. Bee ns li yon neea li-x.ii H. BOnkon. --nu-v and Braces, these goods. 000.(10 750.00 000.00 sO.71 rrosidi rj b I'rcHiileni. t :Hlii -r T.- l r. Hew Store! Hew Stock! And Oceans Of It ! .n.-i in ell (V. ii, Im .m I lie ti -lies, a.'nlu Fine Groceries, Ship Chan dlery. fJcnrL-al Run of Dry Hoods, Boots, Shoes, Etc. tt ll.-:.- l-.HIIl..t I. r.t:iil it 1 1 i i .-ll.-.l. it. It.wr.'-t riren. my ;j.i.mI-.. Tlti-y A l..t .f Colf.-i' at '. centji er pound, (nli;u i-.i 10 ei-nts, :in.l ntlier icat l.:ir I'niim in slightly il:iim;;i'd Moulin flaveii from tlin liii-. J. TAYL0B. l'Dli:-' IV II 1M1. W. H I'lm.l I) M.-.rl,n, I-; II il ukhurn -r. irk. -1. Stnmpfl. t-'i lw Tobacco! Tobacco! AT Rock Bottom Prices! He. up tn I V fur ;r:ivi -ley. We have the Vli-lir:itr-l Oranga Brand Sugar (not acid) Cured Hams. We have a Full Line !' Groce ries. (Look out for Aug. ail.) V. P. Burrus & Co, Foot of Middle street DEs' WM. D. HOOPER Offers Ills professional servloee to the people of New Berne sad surrounding ooanlry. OOloa on th North elds ol Broai street between ' Ilanooek and Middle ov the Iw oflloe of Solicitor Upo. n. White. Oflle hours from 8:80 to 11 m., and from 8 to 0 p. m. ' MM r , . , Say. nniehbor, what', the IronVe with jou'f Hid n't yoa Ret the nomination? No, but I got a pair of Cart Wheels that don't suit mo, and now J. O. Whitty & Co. have iimt got in a supply of those I'elebratnd Tennessee Wheals. lam always doin just wbatlooftfct not. Tnkn my advico and no at nnoe to Whitty ' mid Ret a pair of tbe Tas newre V lieoln and you can amile if I can 't. For Kent. The rooms over the store of Diaoewsy & Churchill (next to city ball) are for rent. Apply to jrlStf J. E. LlTiliM. 250,000 BRICK READY FOR SALE! eai Cheaper than any other Mar can Fnrniah Them. I've pot Vm and want to aell 'em. -Y , i Apply to . ';;' W. T, BUnUUS, New Berne, or '.. M. POHTWl, Riverdale. ' jneT dtf :.'... ' Vcntagra, h. . , tonight. ' Capt, John A. Burgess. - J.M. 110 WARD. ChJldrenCrjf JorJPitcherCastorla.

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