'he Bail VOL. XI.--NO. Ill NEW BERNE, N. 0.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3. 1892. PiilCE 5 CENTS r Journal. BUSINESS LOliLS- 5 II 188 CARRIE CLAYPOPLE will open U- a class in Music, Sept. 5th. t or par ticulars apply at residence, cor. Broad and Craven streets. n'i 3t T HAVE fitted U Hotel Albert Barber 1 chop nicely and in style, i invite an my old patrons and others who want a pleasant shave or Hair cut in artistic "estyle to give me a call. Prtox. W. II. Biiepauh. WANTED To rent a Dwelling House in a pleasant part of city. jy26tf BAnuiKoTON' A Haxtf.ii. HUNYADI Janos Mineral Vstcr, the best Nmur si itpeiifiot. For ta'.a by Jas. Redhond. 1 D V. JONES, lato tn ohargo of Ve the proscription department of Pulham's Pharrnnoy, Auhoviilo, N. C, baa opened a Prescription Drug Store next to custom houeu. 'Hpecitd oare te ' giYen to the (selection ot preparations . for prescription use only. The patron - age of the public is no'lcUed. may 29 DURE OORN WtllSKEY lor sale by Jl Jab Hkdmokd. DUFF Gordon Imparled 9hrr , foi sale by Jas Rkdhond. DO yon need a Crush Hat Uoou ONES, LATA SllADEa, at 0)80 BABKOtOTOM & BAXTElt'S. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke s Bast' Ale and BuraVa Guinness' Stout, for sale by J as. Hudmond. FOR SALE Coles' box or ward robe lounge is a perfect lounge by "day and a perfect bed by night, and you oan put away as much olothing or other article aa in the averago wardrobe. Yoo oan cat three artiolee for the price of one. No extra charge for pnohing or shipping. Mra. Dr. Talmtge, wife of the cele brated preacher, says these lounges are very, very nioe. ,. Price in Cretan, 110, 13. Raima 18, U, haw Silk, MO, $35, Silk Brooatelle, 825, 830. Tertni 10 per oent. discount or.sh with 'order or half with order balanoe 00 days. ALFRED COLES. Grand and Myrtle Avoniiiw. Brooklyn, N. V. 'IK CCC 0IQAlis "l v,rr low I l)UUu figures to wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jab. Iikdmobd. (BARRETT'S COGNAC MUANDY Tnsed Tery much in the fioL room. For sale by Jas Hrdmowp. IjIVS Hundred pairs of Kubbvr Shoes . for ohlldren, 10. 12) ani 1" cents per pair. BIG. IKE. f ISH. SACRAMENTAL. PORT and dll 80UPPERNONG WINES for sale ' by Jab. Retmond. DUFFY 8 MALT WHISKEY for Medicinal use. for sale by jan26 Jab. Redmond. I CALVIN 8CIIAFFER'8 WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put p expressly for throat and lung dis eases, for aale by Jas. Redmond. IHon livers mountaineers. It is difficult to make the man , who goes it fjlind neo the folly of his ways. Senator IIill's reported resignation probably applies to the . .. political gitaatiou, and not to the ' , Senatorship. Whatever people may think JT about the Homestead strike' the nerve of II. O. Frick compels . admiration. Something is wiopg with the mtke-np of the man who cannot ' see sunshine in everything at this jVtimeof year. : Thesh were 289 deaths reported ; . in Few York city Friday making 1,434 for the-week, which is the ; : heaviest rate in twenty years. , PfilYATH 'Washington advices say that the,, anti-option bill has proven gold mine to the Congres sional lobbyists, jourDalif.Ho and otherwise. .", ',rTM Board of Visitor at West , Point report favoring doubling the oadetn by giving two to each Oon .... gresional District iiiHtead of one as at present. Watermelon candy is the latest. The J aloe of the melon U belled down to a consistency of syrnp and from this the eandy Is made. It is ' ' said to bo very nice. The Demooratio primaries were held here to-day. The party in this! townBhip is stronger than ever and the Third partyltes oan be oonnted on the two hands, it la said Ealelgh or. WU. ; Measen ger. . '' " . The pnblio hears mnch about the occasional fellow who wins a few thousand dollars gambling in stocks or in ordinary eambllns eBtabllshmenta bnt nothing of the 039 poor devils who "go bfoke" oa the game. ., ., : Tna Atlanta Journal says that "t'.s Hopublicans will send money r Jr; oakere to North ' Carolina, r I liliove they can . carry the 3 with Third party help." This f i ns down to the ground, i We s ay welcome capital from j', road, and fn the Third party's mpaign of eduoatlon" tboy need that very thing Kopublioan Men arc so peculiar that as rule a man tells his wife the most when bho asks him the least ques tions. A turtle will keep its head in if it is poked and bothered, and a man is a great deal liko a turtle.- Atcliieon (ilube. Reports irom the democratic primaries held in the different p.eclneta In Wake show party eatirasincm to be intense in the country. All meetings were well attended; delegates were eleoted in good feeling and in harmony; enthusiastic demooratio speeches were made and law and order prevailed. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. Big Ike Safes for Bale. F. Ulrich Old Virginia cheroots. ('. R. Thomas Commissioner's sale. The regular niouthly meeting of the New Bcme Yacht Club will be held at the club house tonight. The meetings at the Church of Christ arc proving quite interesting. Rev. Mr. Hawkins is making a fine impression upou his hearers. His subject tonight is, 'Why people commit suicide." It will doubtless be of interest to the friends of Miss Lena M. Hudgins, of Greensboro, in this city, to learn that she is to be in Goldsboro for awhile, in charge of u special mueic class. Mr. Daniel Laiic was in town yesterday selling some of his peaches and cantc- loupes. We took one of his beautful Eaton's Golden Cling peaches into Mr.L. S. Wood's and weighed and measured. It measured 11 1-2 inches in circumfer ence and weighed just thirteen ounces. Who can bent that ? A pretended drummer named (Rosen- burg but who afterwards said his real name was Seagal came to grief for pass ing bogus checks in Durham and Oxford, by which he secured $150 in money. It was found on investigation that there was no Huch firm as he claimed to represent. He was traced by a Durham policeman to Selina and arrested. Ho was taken to Oxford to be tried for forgery. A good pulverized shell reck pave ment, similar to that in front of the Pres byterian church, is being put down in front of the Methodist church and of the building formerly used as the parsonage. Mr. Alex. Miller, who has had so much experience at work of this kind, is super intending it. It will extend from Dr. Street's houses to Mr. Geo. Bishop's. Now if the property owners on cither side Will extend the walk to tho cross streets it will make a very handsome walk for that square. Coming and Going. The following parties passed through yesterday morning cn route from More- head to their homes: Miss Anna Bur- well, Raleigh; Miss Blanche Williamson Smithvillc; Mr. A. J. Pcmbcrton, Eay- ettevilo aud Mr. Wm. Mudd Martin, New- York. Mr. Basil Manly returned to tho city from a short stay in Morehcad. Mrs. J. A. Richardson and Miss Mand Amyctto left to spend the summer in the Western part of the State. The family of Mr. Geo. N.Ives left to spend the summer at Blowing Rock: Mr. C. B. Foy left yesterday by steamer Albemarle of N. N. & W. line for a trip to New York, viaiting relatives. Rev. F. D. Thomas, of Warrenton, ar- rived and after spending a few hour in the city with his relative left for Mixre- head whero his family are summering. Mr. O. H. Guion and family left to spend some time at Morehead. Also Ian L. L. Hcndrcn and her daughter Misa Carrie. Mrj. Henrietta Hay left to visit rela tives in Morehead. Mr. W. B. Boyd returned from Raleigh ana went through to Morehead. Be came back sooner than intended on ac count of the illness of his daughter at Morehead. We are pleased to learn, however, that sho is bettor. Rev. John Gibble, of Beaufort, who hat been (pending a short time in the city, and Rev. D. McLeod, of Beaufort, who bai been attending the Baptist onion meeting at Trenton, returned to their homes. ' . .. : f j Rett Homer . T. Wilson, of Louisville Ey., who is summering at Morehead, spont a short time in the city and re turned to Mordiead last night. ; Mr. A. E. WethrwoTtu, of Perfection, la visiting her sister, Mrs, J. W. Biddle, Mri Ed-. Wadsworth is visiting rela Uvetintho city.t: r ':--a,,. .- - The following parties passed through en route to Morehead : John L. Sullivan, Baltimore ; Mr. and Mra, T. A. McCreecy, Mist McCreecy, and Mjaaes Bead and Alice McCreecy, of Columbia, B. C. ", Proposals. . r-i ,Tt Sealed IpTopneele will be received for thirty days for the construction of a Boiler1 for the Atlantic Steam Fire Engine. ; For further information ' apply to the chairman of the fire department , com mittee. ,. j . wic. Eixre, . ; Chairman V. 0. Com. July 88d, 1802. . v tf PRESEST IMPROVEMENTS. Stores aud Buildings Being; Erected .Thick and Fast. Erecting new stores and dwellings and improving old ones is getting to bo such an ordinary occurrence in New Berne that the work is taken as a matter of course and excites very little comment from those residing here. Let us, however, commence at the Presbyterian Parsonage and see what work of this kind wc will find in progress from that point to the market dock, five and a half blocks. First, the parsonago itself ishaving an additional two. rooms added, 'one oncach floor, and the roof of the old as well as the now part is bring newly tinned. Next to that wc tind Mr. O. Marks' handsome and convenient dwelling get ting well under way and being pushed forward by architect Simpson with a force of about a score of men- -carpenters, brickmasons, tinners and painters. Next to that, the building that was so long the residence of Mr. Geo. Allen has been moved twenty-live feet farther back than before, and is receiving some altera tions that will add to its appearance and comfortableness. ssing on and crossing to Middle street we find Mr. C. E. Foy's bouse moved into a better position and ready for additions that will be built at once. Adjoining this is Mr. J. J. Howard's pretty new residence, almost ready for occupancy. Going on down to Pollock look half a square to the right and there is Mr. Stewart's elegant residence, on which the work has progressed far enough to show that it will be a gem of architectural beauty, ouu of the uio.-"t elaborately orna mented buildings in the city. Going on to the market wc find that the two-story store of Mr. U. S. Mace in which the tire at the market was stopped after it had damaged it greatly, has been put in as good order as ever and is occupied ngain -Messrs. W. P. Burrus & Co. having just moved in. Adjoining this in one continuous stretch and fronting on the market dock are ten good, new business stands with a plank walk and covered shed in front. Some of thuiii are finished and occupied, the others nearly tiuished and engaged They are arc follows : First, a large build ing of Mr. U. S. Mace's, divided into three stores, each 20x08 feet, and another compartment, one half of which is open and contains ten box stands for selling fish or othor commodities. Each one of these has a sloping top so that any Bliux or water runs lrom it to a gutter ami is conveyed immediately into the river, and the interior of each one is so arranged that aaything can be put in on ice or not as preferred, and locked up each night There is convenient space for walking all around uud examining the articles ex posed for sale. The rear half of this division of the building is a r3taiirant, which is already in operation At this poiDt it is intended to erect a 15-inch brick wall for the safety of buildings on on? side in case tire shonld break out on the other. The next Iniilding is" Mr. S. H. Scott's store, coumiinced just four weeks ago today, and which he moved into Monday. The next one- is Mr. J. F. Taylor's. It is 00x45 teet, and is divided into a double store for himself and a single store for Parsons' Bros. They have all been in a few weeks, as has also Mr. Samuel Par sons, who uses the upper floor for his sail loft. Next is another building of the same size, to be divided into three equal apart ments, each 30x45, for fish shippers, Ar chitect Lane has a jood force of hands at work on it' now. It is about half fin ished, and as soon as it is completed, Mr. Lane will go right ahead and put np an other two-story building for, Mr. Taylor alongside, to be used for,-t06 samo pur nose. It will be 80x49 feet, and be di vided into four apartments 20x48 feet. When these are completed Mr. Taylor will have stores that have a frontage of two hundred feet in the busiest part of the city, and tho whole frontage of the stores of which wo have been speaking, from Messrs. W. B. Burrus Co. down will he three hundred feet, bran new, well fin ished and brightly painted. They make a decided change in the appearance of things tn that locality. Llit of Letters Remaining in the Poet Office at New Berne, Craven eonnty, N. C, July 80th 1898. A Goo. B. Anderson. . B '8. Barton, Robert Borcom, Mrs. an&M Brown, a. c. J. w. uuuer, Mrs. Cbarlet Bryan. C J. S. Clark, Mr, fflana cotton. i D Mr. Barak E. Delmar. it E H. M. Edward; Bander Ellis. , F Mr. Thomas Fulford. yy ill ill liBH wuiuiu.Al. St vrillilco. - H sJ. W. Hunston, Mra, EddaHanrett, HenryT. Hill.' ; J C. K. Jamesf.t William' i - Edward Jones, Mra. Cora Johnson, a.- John A. Johnson. . i .-, . . P Mis Rosetta Power, ' 8 Mra, Ann Rittle Spencer, Mr, Jama HCOtt. - - .' - - w ir:. r... ar..i Jamet Henry William. Mrs. L. William. Person calling for the above letter will please say advertised and give date of lift. The regulation now require that one cent (hall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter.' : r ," . . Wm. E. CLABii, Pi l i . :: "-j -Kotlee.-' , The Democratic Executive Committee of Craven county t requested to meet at Death of Mr. Taos. Williams. Mr. Thos. AVilliams, one of New Berne's old citizens, died yesterday morning at 3:30 o'clock at bin residence in this city, after a brief illness, of inflammation of the lining niciiibran.1 of the brain. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at half-past fivo o'.'lo'-k. from Centenary if. E. Church. Mr. W:iliai:w w as 77 yca:s of age. lie was born in Coventry. England, and moved to the United aStutc? '.vith bis mother and other members of the family when a youth. He was employed in New Berne in mercantile pursuit, for ten years, then embarked in busines-i .n his ..w:i re count in 1842, and continued in it up to the present, a period of fifty years Mr. Williams was a quiet, .steady man. who attended closely to his business and participated but little in outside affairs, though he was au active member of the iVtlantic. fire company in his young days and continued to be an hononuy member. He married Miss Sarah Eilis i f this city. She preceded him to toe grave by a few years. Two chiidicu survive a;- a result of the union Mr. R. V. Williams, ' ex-Mayor of this city, and Mrc. .1. A. j Meadows Methodlst Sunday School Conference. From Mr. Daniel Lime, the secretary, we get the following infonnationjin regajd to the Methodist Sunday School Confer ence, held at Griftcn'last Friday and Sat urday : The Craven and Uriflon circuit held their annual Sunday School ( ont'enmec together at Grifton July 21Mh and 30th. Notwithstanding the hot weather, unite a good attendance was ou hand. Dr. Loltin, of (irilton, extended a vci v warm welcome to the di-li gates and visit ors from the Craven rircuu, t- whi.-h W B. Pearce, president of the conference, responded in a short but Very earnest re ply, and declared the conference ready ful business. About forty delegates wire present from both circuits, representing twelve Sunday schools. 91 tiHO A scholars" arc en rolled in these schools-, uver.igiug about 70 per cent, attendance. There is a general improvement, with little exceptiou, all over the work. Many names have been added since last conference 'to the Snndav school army. The work is accomplishing more than ever before for the Muter A strong resolution urging earnest tem perance work in the Sunday school was adopted, ami our S.inday schools are generally on the upward march. Tho Bcssion was pleasant aud profitable, and all left feeling that it was good to be there. Kinslon Free Press please eopy, Views From an Alliance Sigual Station. Viewing the political horizon from on elevated moral standpoint, there appears some very ptrance satellites (in the politi cal atmosphere; and t he most f t range am unaccountable one, is he who rejects an imaginary enemy to embrace u knoirn. This is what some of our former Alliance brethren are doing. Wnca you went into thn Alliance did you not pledge yourselves '-To labor for the Education of the Agricultural classes,' u the rxience ol economic. Ooverninent n a ttrully nou titan sjilriK" liretUreii have you forgotten this pledge, this 1st article of our constitu tion ( louwho are arraying yourselves against your truest friends in North Caro Una, to affiliate with a kncwi enemv. Let me entreat the, so-called mends ol reform, to look at the situation ( arofully, before you strike a friend to help a known enemy. 1 thought when Llius Carr was nomi nated for Governor of N. ('. every good Alliance man in N. C. could, and would, support him, and I think so yet. Let me say to my brethren of tho Al liance, look well, before you leave the principles of the Alliance to become petty leader) in a disatlcctcd movement that in N. C. is sure to hinder tho pnuci pies of "Economic government." 1 do i ot think any good Alliance man in North Carolina can under existing cir cumstances support or recoirnizc the "third party" movement. It is not child of tho Alliance, but some f irmer Alliance men seem to Ix; adopting it Elias Carr, our honored ex-president is : true and tried leader, he accepts and de fends tile reform movement in all its hest features. As for Gen. Weaver the moral dignity of my ballot shall not bo lowered by casting it for a man who can hate his country men, as Weaver hates us. Brother, don t let some, rulu or-ruin, partisan lead you into a trap, purposely set to catch those who arc not sufficiently educated to hoc through the thin cover ing that only partially hides the trap. Eklucahon is the watchword ol the Alliance. Education rises above prejudice. My duty to some of my follow men whom I know no not see as far into this new movement as I do, calls forth this article Yours for real reform, Dajiiel Laxe. THE NEW KAILEOAU. Bond of tbe Norfolk, Wilmington and Charleston to be Floated This Week. The bond valued at 15,000,000, of the Norfolk: Wilmington and Charleston Railroad will be floated this week. Tho construction of the road between Charles ton and Norfolk will commence early neit month from the terminals, and it will be pushed aa rapidly as posstble. The larger part of the money ha been subscribed in this city, and practically it 1 a Philadelphia enterprise. Some few of the North and South Carolina counties have subsidized the company. - The road will run 8S5 mile, and when completed it will be. an air lino, with it connection between Charleston,- 8,7 C, and Nw York. Tbe road - will be opened up for' traffic early : next year. Phil. Inquirer; -- --', J- ' 'i I, 1 . . - W have a pedy and positive ear for eatarrh, diphtheria eanker mouth and haaiiaoha. In SHILOH "8 CATARRH REMEDY. . jA nasal Injector free with eaeh bottle. Us it if von deetra health and aweet breath, ' Prtos tOo. Bold by CLEVELAND CAMPAIGN S0(; Tuxe "Old Nobtu State." Grover Cleveland! Grover Cleveland! Heaven's blessings protect him. If we live we will cherirh, support and elect him, Though scoffers may ie,-r at. Mid Itadi'-als disclaim him, Yet our hearts swell with gladm s when ever we name him. Hurrah! Hi: t rah! .'"! - Piumci-nK l-'i- ever ,i rah hi i:r I rler. I Republicans nia- their forces, lint i leinocrat- al white hoi.-, ;-, O'er Force Hill . p rotectioii. We'll ride triurv.j. tion marshal : icvch.iid I Taiilfs T! lull tab. Iictrcnohiuo::t and ,-c-iii- ,:i public af- fairs, Deserves encouragement of mr National airs. With plenty Mot !'r-.- ,i i,,. smile betore u Raise aloud ' raise to 'h t'c thrillini' chorus-- Hurrah! IIur::di ! .VI Delliol r.ll ever Hurrah ! linnrili ! tor ( velan 1 . leader The outward fori. is tin iiiiin r. veals. lloi.MUs. Be careful of your culw 111(1 lip peararjcu. Dreen oan afford. Jut now jo.i Cii-t buy at an.t other Cioiloo.; is I'l'.il rn VOtl a unit cheaper tlc.n time. Our Btxc'-i , and if wo c :'. a bar".!: olong ii brokot can g in ;.i-. money "c can !ll! a, the forget Clothes and toe ho.v wU y. do. 'oa- at llllelr II dreu Mint. in. t'lr.b Moumu ';. new style, 2f)C. each. Do net our line of sample gootiii. J. M. 1IOW , People's Parly Convention. A convention of the I'mptc l'::n-, Craven county has been called to i the Court House, in the city -.' .. Berne, .Saturday. August (Ith, ' '.J.', .,1 o'clock, M., for the purpose of orani. and electing a delegate to the Stale ' volition to be held at Hah igh A i u t 1KN2. Townships are rc'piiMi.i i . mary Mcctiiig-i on duly :io:h one delegate for every fifty vot Governor (all parties) 1kum. Come one I come all ! and i. I pii grand cause of reform. . Wm. II. Smith, t'liairm in. People's Party Ex. Com . Craven . ounlv For Sals, One very large Iron Safe, .--iMaMo for Banking business oralarire Commission business; weight 5.0001 lbs. Manufac tured by Mosler Hafejiind Lock t'oinpunv of Cincinnati, O. iCostTthree h indrcd and forty dollars delivered. Can buy or exchange smaller safe by Jcorresponilinu with orcallini; ou UK! IKE. New Heme. N C. AUo one Safe, i o.'t liinelv d-ill:.r-- at factory of Mobler, lioloiian A. Co , ..f Cm cinnati, 0. Ihesc safes have not been om ,. ih, factory only a very short time, and look as well a.s when first made. COME AND !jEE ME ! a:l Buy Nono Other Than Old Virginia Cheroots, Best Cheroots in tho Market. Friet! being tho Hatne as lufuiior Ohorootw. 2 jMauUI Clock Crriificates p teked in every box bought of yiuuiif: .vl'ri! ;kt. H.-.i: - K h. (3 Commiaalouers' title Nortti Carolina (Jroven eonr.iy. June! l'.. Hkrrlaon, Adm'rof M-inUrji ll.m. 0UCUIU14U, V. LiUlCtf uaiii, ut ai. lMirsuant to ladgmnt and ordor of aalo In the Above entitled Mpoul pruouodinK, renilare 1 at Hprtng 'term, 1SH2. of the sunn. rlorTourt of Mtld county and Mate. I will ell to tbe htKoest bidder, for null, at uie Court Hone door of ld f)rven county, in tba olty of Mew Kerne. N. U..011 Moudav Heptamber 6th, 1892, at 12 o'clock, noun, itie loiiowiDBaeaonDea uacieof iad: A eenain vraet sitoate on tae nurtb danf Rente Boad. In Township Mo. a, Uraven ooanty. North Carolina, adjoining the land of Samuel 1 pock and other, being tbe same eonveyed by W. J. Ff eneh to the said Mor- deeal 111m, or deed dated JMov. 1 ith. 1S71. and recorded In the Heoord of Graven oounty, Hook So. 78, pane m and m, oon- wuiinB eeTenneen aoree more or leu fully described la eald deed and tbe petition in aid ptooeedlac , Also anotner traol lying on tbe south aide of NemeKoad In said Township No. 8, mid county and atata, being tbe aame eoaveyed to the said Motdeoal Ham by Henry H. Traola and wife by dead dated January 22d, 1878, reooruea in wa aawnu 01 uravenonuniy in Book Ho. 79. pace JS7 and 28D. eontalnlna lis aoreamor or leee, fally deeeiibed In eatd oaad ana uie petition, excepting them from the four traow or nareai of land of 15 1 8 acres eaoh oonveyed by llordeoal Ham and wife to Mlneo Alexander, Thoma H. llllla hnnt, Blmon ataton and Sylyeeter Leary by oeeo reearaeoiin oreven oonaiy in nooas or DeedNo 71, pa m, and No. 81, page 810, and Ho. 81, page 171, and No. 100; pae 6tt0 reepeotlvalv. which are hereby referred to tor a aeeonpiioa or eaia aaoeptea traeia. tOH AOgUt SO, love. - O. R. TnOMAS, al td Oommlsaloner. New Watoh & Jeweler Shop US MISDLI DTRKBT, IHKAB. JUBO&D. ,!( yon htv Watches orv which other nartloa have failed to arivtr tatis faction. send them to me I have every facility of tn true and guarantee worn at short notice ana very reasoname price. ; 1 JyMJm; . ;-,B. D,.BANGB;RT kVXl ia Absoluto'y Pure. A ei !T:(,!ie ?am of tof nil tariu, in 1'.m' bakin powdor. f-riing svreir'th. :on-nm:nt port. UoVAI. i St., N. Y. i i:it i . . If ,.;1 Horse Milliner. Any in w . no, - 1 ; .t el Hand -made llariic- will do well to i on J. W. GAY, at Sti wart's Carria::.- a H-o-". ;h IVp.i.aloiy i n I',!,,-, I tr, p'-ei..' a' -it: .; i .i ! 1 ir, i all kind '.n ibis h .. WANTKl) v ! .i :.' I -i:'j unpiceedeiiied ....,rfttiity t a man . pluck an-1 iu h ' .m-ini -um . r-! $2.0IH) inc. iin. to f, -i:-ht !t o. i.; ri -lit J-l-lce. 1 A N " ' :. I i'l r. . -. . . I .1 And foil. In re vii: may want. duality, Pi-. to ;-:ui Sati.i'.c tiou Guaranttcd. KesjK-ltlllily. Jiackbcrn S WAeiL Miss Neili j valkcr W.ll vesiii., - i- Mh '. t . M- I 'A 1 A Ii. I si : I i .' Eor inf. l.ii.itiiei i. . ii.i.I.ii. i on Jolinsoii :-tr. it , '.' ii Grain 1 tkede Fasd I BRABHAM L UM1TH, SiiceessOi k t : .- . I'.. -V. ':n,iiiivooo. ii n ,! 'Aiti i !: Hay, Corn, l.'.i Hominy, iU;;.--, CovcrH. UiidKH-K AgontH fm IV: t'o'rt Sl)to(l-). Ordors foi .v.-. moat c'rci.ii .1 lacksj;.' b-i::;; Ht.iictOHt : ...'1 in 1.1 lfl;f ( .! l, in, r.ii:!,i;, li.iirel :lild Tlt'M. or ! lendi rson ' e. l.l li:'.V.' the ' 'liii il!i . VVl s. :.! i-.i o.-r t'ot- G-O IS a 9 South l-'roiit St ,opi. (.isii.ii h.'.i'f, For Furniture of Ail Eiatb. MutLiOttM'H inutlo u inlt-r iti,.l fi wy vatvd. PRICES VERY LOW. Jyl dwtf Tobacco! Tobacco! AT Rock Octlom Prices ! 8c. up t4V. for (Imveley. . ' Wo have the (elcblutul Orange , Grsnd Sugar (not acid) Cured Hams. We biro a Full Lino of Groceries. (IOoh out fo Aug. ad.) -..,' gib tsit; s'? " r ' r W t! A - i i i . i,i ,. : . ; nil' I -, ! i.. . l -!i::. ..-: Wilson Mudzk Institute, WILSON, NOKT1I CAROLINA, JiU.s'DAi , i'i i.M IlKlt ". 1802. "pri In nsive . ii .i i-'ull ol any 1 M usie ! p iiiiii- i. 'iiuihl- i -Ii i-.uil ly ' -llalie-IH s prop. A A. . N . ..pal. 1'ii i .fj A Cl i'loGi j Co I.I ii me toil, I. for n 1:1 o- n , o the i I a-h. I will e hi -riles! I. id i- Ii m i- of said ' front, street, i Friday and A'lU'Us!. lsw i. .:! ..!' Tell iie,' Personal oll.:o!loI, :i, I i iicl Slap s 'oi: oil :i of : -t ..I per loiniual ion or "t 'In Capital "t .Niwl'iin il N. -, A M Tlii , ,-t' .1. I'ilAS I I. b'K 'he. I. SALl:. IIVEHY, FEED AMI it! tf 44 W Si ; 1'iio GiUn House i;:,l.ivir.ff Prices I'KOrKIKTOK. 111 1 17 ihstf yuasway a Churchill, Machinist's Supplies A CRAVEN STREET, Cue door btiow City Hall. Ail ,'iiiei-H Kent t.) 11.1 will luivp our prompt ;it ti-TiI.ii in, mill lie delivered ti ;oiy iiut of I lie eily w iilimit delay. Qihilily .uel piue.-i i;ii;u:inteed in every inst il" i ji'iOdwfp oav. n..iK"'r, what (na troujle with youV Didn't jou Ret the nomina tion 1 No, but I cot a mir of Cart Wheel that dnn'i cuit me, and now J.' O. Whitty & Co. have just cot in a supply of thoMi (Vli tirated Tnoneaeefl Wheel. lam always doing just what I ought not. Take my Mi vice and go at once toWliittv'H Bmlpt pair of the Ten- nespee Wheels and you oan smile if I can t. Forjtent. The rooms over the store of Disoswajr ft Churchill (next to city hall) are fcr rent. Apply to jyl3if J. E. Latham. 250,000 BRICK READY FOR SALE! Cheaper than any other Mar C can Furniih Then. 1 - ' I've Rot 'em and want to sell Vm, - -J' Applf fe ' k .., ,. W. P. BURRUS, Neit BeVna, ot : ,' ' ' 'M. PORTER, Rlverdale! ' in - r v . . ;Cryj:rtril:r.cr8jCr- ;j ,j. w. Bidpu, chairmen. Children Cry JorPitcherliCastorlv Foot of , Hiddlo v street ChildrenCiTor.Pftcher'fXKtorfa.' Ww uerne urng (JO. :. .