V. .'-?: ! Daily 1 A,i id- ia V IJ. XI.--NO. 117 NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS H V IT T B w "Ml THE El & a I Si El im. t WANTED An experienced Insurance Man to mnnagu a poking Accident business here in New Borne. Good open ing for a hustler. Address, stating expe rience, Box 263, Atlanta, Ga, 0 3t I HAVE fitted up Hotel Albert Barber Shop nicely and in style. 1 invite all my old patrons and others who want a pleasant shave r hair cut in artistic style to give me a call. . PllOP. W. U. SlIKPABl). EUN7ADI Jnu Mineral Water, itiu titNnaral aperient. " For Kbtu by Jas. Rrdiiond. RD V. JONGS, UM mchuitool tlm preaorip'.ion devitruftnt of (Vlbam's Pharmacy, A-bbVil!.', N 0., has opened a Proscription Deux Score - orx to ouhtom hauoc. Special oaro is .Riven to the selection of preparations lor prescription use only. The patron age of too public in solicited. ma j 29 PURE CORN WHISKEY lor sale by Jas Redmond. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for sale by J A3 Redmond. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke's Baas' Alo and BurkVs Guinness' Stool, for e&lo by Jab Redmond. FOR SALE Oolea' box or ward robe lounge is a perfect lounge by "day and a perfect bed by night, and you oaa put away as much clothing or othhr articles as in the avorage wardiobe. Yon can Rut three articles for tbo price of one. No extra ohargo for packing or shipping lira. Dr. Tulninge. wife of the cele brated preacher, says these lounges are wit, very nioe. Prioe in Cretan. $10, $12, Raima 813. 114, haw Silk, $20. 825, Sdk Brooatello, 825. 880. Terms 10 per oent. dlsooum onh with order or half with order bIanoo 00 days. ALFRED COLES. Grand and Myrtle Avenuos. Brooklyn, N. Y. AAA CIGARS at very low I OiuUU figures to wholesale and retail trade for sale hy Jab. Redmond. GARRETT'S COGNAU 1)11 ANDY need very much in be nob room. For aale by Jab Kkduopp. MISII, 8ACRAMKM TAL. PORT and 80TJPPERNONU WINES for sale by Jas. Keluonp. DUFFY 8 MALT WHISKEY for liedloinal use. for sale by Jen28 Jas. Rkdmond. I CALVIN SCIIAFFER'a WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for throat and lung dis eases, for aale by Jas. Redmond. Tub report from Missouri is, Re publicans active bat will not win. Third Party people in this sec tion ore down on potatoes. They say they expeoted something from them were disappointed. S potatoes! If it be true that there are no people on Mars Jerry Simpson and Tom Watson might move their par ty up there and have things all their own way. Third Party men so far as we bare seen,' are not enthusiastic, bat they look determined. They seem to say, we will hold our half acre of this continent until b freezes. No body o in tell what North Oar . olio a will do in this campaign. Wait until all the conventions have ac ted. The Democracy never begins to fight until J,ho enemy is ia r A. qood many people wonld like " U see Dr. Baaderlin on the stamp. He ?ld a pleasing and effective speaker,' bat wo suppose the Dem ocratic Executive Committee knows1 its business. ; eIdioal Kepnbiioan pa pert talk of 'The Fore Bill Bagaboo.'' A bogabw is 'something friglrtftil, aa a Hpeeter.". They expected it to . frighten Democrat, but itaoy now see in It the ghottt of their ih-p.irted hopes, and tremble in I'm pres ence. - V ''We do not think it necessary to , go Into argument to prove that the , Bepoblioan party will pass and try to enforce a force bill, if it oarries the next election, We assume that every Intelligent man in tho South . nnderstands that Itepubllcu dev- lltry ia only limited ty opportunity and expediency." . . Qzuxbal i'liLD , aysi'.Vtn Third party-men in Viginia may , not able to elect their ticket, but - they can cast enough votes to ena able Harrison to carry the Btte," and yet there are some white men : in Virginia who are willing to vote General : Field and MU party, Bhamo upon them. "... , '. THB Standard-Union, radical Eepublloau, says, by way of criti clam, that "the real meaning of the organization of the Democratic Campaign Committee is that Mr, V.IItncyis to, personally conduct the campaign."-' We would bo glad to know that tho Standard. Union is tight in flu conclusion The condaot of tbo Democratic campaign could 'not be ia bettor ?"--'. good idea of the nature of the opposition to the regular Democ racy in Alabama is conveyed in the sending of dispatches to the New York Mail and Express. The par ty that makes (hat paper its mouthpitce must be- intensely hos tile of Southern unity and Jeffer sonian Democracy. All that Democrats in North Carolina can tlo just now, is to shell the woods. We ' don't know what opposing 11. ig will be upon tho field. It may be the black Re publican banner, or it may be sometning . else. The only safe rulo is to stand by the Demcratic flag, aud be ready to oppose the enemy whatever lorm he may as sume. GOAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS llowurd. For sale Log wagon. Miss Ilollistcr School opening. There were 37 deaths in Winston in July, 32 colored and only 5 white. The New Berne baseball club will leave fur Gohlsboro this morning to play the (ioldsboro club two games one this afternoon and the other tomorrow. Half of the store recently vacated by Meters. W. P. Burrus & Co. is being fit ted up. for Simpkins Bros. They will run a good restaurant in the rear and confectionery in the front portion ofit. The phonograph, or talking machine, is a wonder. Those who have not heard one and those who have also can have a chance of hearing one of the best at the Fair. It is located alongside the Fish aud Game building. Ladies are expected to grace the oc casion of the first Democratic speaking of the campaign tonight with their presense. A cordial invitation is extended to them all. Dr. J. 8. Long and Mr. S. C. Bra gaw will be the principal speakers. Mr. Thomas Lcary died at his residence at Riverdale, Monday, August 8th, aged 40 years. He leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn his death. Hecaine to this country from England, the place of his nativity, aud has lived at Riverdale about six years, a quiet and good citizen. A number of people went through last night to attend the business men's meet ing at Morehead, but tbero was not so many as was expected. Mr. W. E. Pt terson informs ns that fully fifty others engaged rooms at the hotel, and he looks for them tonight The meeting may last through s part of tomorrow. There is n thirteen year old colored boy from Washington, N. C, at the Fair, who walkc and performs on a small slack wire. unlike tnc generality ot rope walkers, he uses no balance pole, but maintains his equilibrium try simnlv stretching out his hands. Ho will bo in the procession this morning and upon its arrival at tho grounds wilt give a per formance m front of the grand stand. To understand tbo rating of fire in surance in New Berne ia somewhat puz zling) With two first class fire compa nies we can sec no reason why it should be so high. In some other places 'no bet ter equipped for extinguishing fires, the rates arc much less. We ask our agents here if more equitable rates cannot be secured 'and would it net give a suffi cient increase of business to Justify mak ing them lower. Bears are giving hunter sport at Goose Creole, a tow nights ago one was wounded by a tiled gun set by Mr. Bryan Dixon. The noxt morning hd was trailed by dogs to where ho had stopped) a party following. Tho bear showed, fight when reached. The first time he was fired at he was missed, but the next load fired by Mr. Wui. Bnnson settled him. He' was but a few feet from Mrr Brinson when killed, and if he had reached him would doubtless have caused him to carry away marks of the conflict. ' There being more applicants for the places duo Craven county in the Female Industrial School at' Greensboro than the county is entitled to, the President of the School, Trof. Charles D. Mclver, has written to Dr. Long to assist hint by hold tog competitive examination of . all applicants. This examination wilt be held at Dr. Long's office on Thursday, the 18th, beginning at 0 i-9 a,?mV;Let applicant come prepared, with pencils and paper for a written' examination, Prof. Mclver writes that those who com pete butiait to gain the scholarship from this county may come in. off vacancies made by the counties entitled that da not apply. This gives . encouragement for every ono to compete with good hopes of final success, a . . ; ... . ,vy 7 , .'. '. , , i 1 Masonle Nottoev ' I : There will be a. regular communication of St, Johns Lodge, No. 8, A. J". A.' M at o o ciock tonignt J. B, Bauhoht, Bec'y. Democrats Hpeakfnav The "Clevcland-Carr Campaign? Club will meet at the court house Wedneadav night at 8 o'clock. A full attendance of all Democrats is desired. Invited , speak ers win address tho meeting. A special mviiniion is extenuoa to Hie ladies.. By order of the President,' . ' .A. H. 1'owkll, f ee At the Fair. There was a Fair urade as usual yes terday morning. Tho exhibits were fuller than in the first part of the preceding day some hav ing been sent in after tho opening of the Fair, as seems almost unavoidable. There wa9 an increase in the attendance and today is likely to bo one of the big gest and best days. There will be an ex cursion in from 'Washington on the steamer Nowborne. Visitors should remember to 'take :i look at all the stock. There is quite u number of hogs and sonic very good ones. Thcro are fine horses in the stables. There are pretty cattle of choice breeds. There are excellent specimens of thor oughbred dogs of several breeds. There is a supply of goats, and a vari ety of poultry is shown. There arc potatoes, pumpkins, peppers. squashes, little and iumienw gourds, ma ture peanut:! on the vine of an upright buuch variety, corn, grapes, pears, apples, peaches, dried fruit, watermelons, native woods, dressed and undressed, marl shells, and other articles shown in the agricultural department. Yesterday's Racing. The following horses were entered for the race that took place yesterday after noon : Abdallab, by Dr. Lcinster Duffy, of New Berne; Limber Jim, by Sim mons, of Washington, and Sauiuel .),, by M. H. Sultan, of New Berne. The following was the result : 1st heat Limber Jim, 1st, Samuel J , 2d, Abdallah, 3d. 2d heat Samuel J., 1st, Limber Jim, 2d, Abdallah, 3d 3d heat Abdallah, 1st, Limber Jim, 2d, Samuel J., 3d. Fourth to decide. 4th heat Abdallah, 1st, Limber Jim, 2d, Samuel J., 3d. The race was run for a purse of 20, 60 per cent, went to first horse, 25 per cent to second, IS per cent, to third. Coming and Goiufr. The family of Mr J. W. Stewart re turned from Morehi'ud yestvrdny morn ing, Rev. C.'F. Sherrill, of Beaufort passed through en route to the mountains to pend a three week's vacation. The following parties passed through returning to their home from Morehead: Mr. Thos. Dewey and family, of Golds boro, and Mr. M. C. Creasy, of Columbia, C. Mr. J. E. Caraway returned from Black Mountain. Miss Ray Schultz has left to spend several weeks at Virginia Bcach- Amoug those who went down to More bead were Capt. E. R. Jones, Capt. Alex Miller and Mr. LJ II. Cutler, of the city, left for Morehead as delegates to tho business men's meetinp. SL'UAK HILL TABERNACLE. Lumber Subscribed Work to Begin Monday Morning (There is no grace or virtue that stands so high in the estimation ot our Heavenly rather) (and tola so plainly by the Apos tlo Foul in his first letter to the Corin thians, 13th chapter) as charity. Love manifested in acts ot generous giving to worthy objects by men who bave the ability and do not turn their backs, (and say "No," one of the most frigid words in the English language) upon any cause for good when it is clearly made known to them that it is a worthy cause de manding heip. And wo do say from experience and observation that wo have never yet met with a more free hearted people than we find in the city of New Berne, wo have never seen their kindness equalled. We do not say tins as flattery but can testily from admiring experience. The out door open air service in tbo southwestern part of the city known as Sutrar Hut on Sunday afternoons for the last month or two is very largely attended but its sometimes being broken up by rains suggested tne wea ot a cneap taber nacle and a number of .carpenters whose names win be given in the lulu re, volun teered to gratuitously do the work If the timber could be procured, about 8,000 or 14,000 I cot being necessary. bo we had a bill made out and tbroueb the irenerositv of Mr. Street were suu- Rllcd with a horse and buggy to save us om so ninch walking in the hot sun shine accompanied by Mr. Fumey Gas kill who knew all the parties to whom we were to apply lor nolo. First wo went to Mr. Basmeht who generously started us with a certain part of the timber between ouu ana luwr leet, then to Mr, Ularic who lollowed it up with y 1,000 feet Mr. Ives 1,000 feet, Mr. Frank Bcbelky 1.000 feet, Btimson Lum ber Company 1,000 (feet, Moody & Rob erts 1.000 leet. We were called away to a camp meet ing, but returned a few days ago and will visit all the other mills in James City and do not expect the cold shoulder to be turned on ui by any ot tnem. A man who bandies a good' deal money- said to ut when we started for money , we might rest assured that he wonlo M liberal to us. We do not wish to Omit Mr. Green Bryan who kindly consented to . furnish us the ground on which to build it Sow we wisn to ass; tne parties above mentioned who promised this timber to have it hauled out there this week and call on us and we will pay the oost of the wagon nlre. '" ' ' - .-.! --"x We desire td commence the work next Mondsv momma. - ,. 4 , Rr. Joint t. But, f : -- Shell Rock Wanted. Sealed proposals will be received for thirty days, for furnishing 1,000 tons shell rock, dolivered on wharf at New 'Berne. ' . .- '. :. for farther information tpplj to V- - - W. Dt Wallace, ... .,. "- ' . .V- -:. n,.l City Clerk. Anty. 6th 1803. '- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' l'UO CEED1NGS. License Granted and Bills Allowed. At a call-meeting of the board of com missioners of Craven county met at the court house in New Berne, N. C, on Monday, July 25, 1892. Present, Jas. A. Bryan chairman, J. A. Meadows and E. W. Smallwood. Ordered, That licence he granted II W. Bissing to sell mult liquors exclusive ly at his place of business in the store occupied by T. ('. Howard on Middle street for six months ending Dec. ;ist, 181)2, on payment ot the proper tax to the sheriir Monday, August 1st, lx'.l'J. The board of commissioners of Craven county met at 12 o'clock, m. Present, Commissioners, E. W. Small wood, Dan'l Lane and J. A. Meadow. Ordered, That upon tho payment of the proper tax to the sheriff, license be grunted to C. E. Brockett tfc Co.; and Jno. P. Rodman tore-tail liquors at their places of bunincss in tho city of New Berne for six months endiny; December 31st, 1892. Ordered, That the valuation of per sonal property of Henry Spruill, town ship No. 8, on tax list 1891, be reduced from $250 to f 1-10 on account of errror. Ou motiou the hoard took n recess to Friday, Aug. 5th, 1892, at 10 o'clock. Aug. 5th, 1892 The board met pursuant to adjourn-, ment. Present, Commissioners E. f Smallwood,.! A. Meadows and I):mi! Lane. Ordered, That .James Hanis, township No. 9, Ik: relieved from payment of tax on 100 acres of land, valued at ?240, list ed for taxation in 1891. Tho same land having been listed and taxis paid by H Moseley. Ordered, That the lot ou Broad street belonging to Sarah F. Paris be reduced from $550 to 400. C. E. Foyjiaving produced before the board the power of attorney from II. Sperling, of Baltimore, authorizing him to receive the interest ou his judgment against Craven county to J;i!y 2, 1892. is ordered hy the hoard that said power of attorney be duly probated and orded and that upon 'he proper re el pt of said C. E. Foy, as attorney in fact for II. SneiliiiL', unon the docket of the Superior court for said interest. that E. W. Smallwood, chairman pro tern, be authorized to issue to said II. Spcrl- ug two vouchers, one for $1000 and the other for $515.38, being interest in full to July 2, 1892, on said judgment. Ordered, That the clerk of this hoard furnish a list of all merchants, trades and others required to list under schedule B or C who have failed to list as required by 1 aw in the year 1892, within the first it days in January or July of said year Ordered, That E. W. Smallwood, clu lairumn jno Inn, he and is authorized to issue a voucher to L. II. Cutler for $87, and one to Luther Lewis for $150 in pay ment of judgment and interest. Ordered. That 200 acres of land in 8th township, situated on the A. and N. C Railroad, listed by L. S. Wood, agent for heirs of E. R. Stunlv, bo reduced from 1800 to 1500 on account of error. The following bills were allowed: R. G. Moscly, house rent for Newton Weeks and Catharine Smithwick, $5.50; Fanni, Williams, keeper, poor house Julv 92, $12.60; Ireno Coolcy, cook for poor house July 92, $3.00; Ben McFratcr, furnish ing coffin to Delia Boyd, $3.50; do. bury ing Wui. Stevenson, $3 50; C. C. Green, furnishing medicine to poor for Julv. $16.95; J. J. Tolson, ag'f provisions furnished poor house for July, $75.03; Caesar Boyd, 11 cords mixed wood furnished poor house, $33.00; II. B. Duffy, one pair blankets to jail, $1.50; do. goods to jail, $2.75; do. goods furn ished poor house, $13.05; T. B. Ipock, services rendered court as baliff, spring term, 1892, $3.00; W. M. Watson, blanks and stationery for use of clerk's office, $7.15; W. M. Watson, stationery for use of clerk s oflico, $0.65; J..s. W. Biddle, services as clerk board of commissioners, etc., $49.80; W( B. Lano, sheriff, board of prisoners for July, 1892, $74.95; do. expenses Lula f errcbee to N. C. insane asylum $1.63; do. turnkey fcas for month of July, $2.40; Daniel Lone, per diem and miloago as commissioner in July and August, $0.20; E. W. Smallwood, per diem as commissioner, etc., $13.90. A. E. Wadswortb, listuig taxes, township No. 0, and taking agricultural statistics, $25.00; Thos. Tyson, repairing fence, township No. 1, $8.81; E. Quidly, janitor for July, $10; G. A. Hill, keeper Clar- mont bridge, $10.00; IT. Sperling, in terest ou debt, $1,515.08; L. II. Cutler. judgment, $87.00; Luther Lewis, judg ment, $180. Board adjourned. IIe is well paid that is well satisfied.'' That U what wo try'to do atlafjr onr enstomera, so if you have, any Clothing, lata or Shoea to boy call and aee na. , we : have Joat re oeited handsome line ot Crepe silk four la hands and eoarfa. The handsomest line of white lawn bows in the city".' Remember oar line of ample goods In Hosiery, Blankets, Hankerohiefa and Books. " J.M. nowlBD; Chil JrenJJry JbrPitcherfr Castorlal Today's Fair Programme. The procession will be formed at 9;30 at the corner of Broad and Craven st tec is, opposite the court house hy Chief .Mar shal, Major A. G. Odeu in the fa-Hewing order: Samaritan Star Hand. C. P. Williams 1-Mder. Mutual Base Ball Club, of New Heme Sailor Hoys Base Hall Club, of Wilso.i. Farrows Lvaguc Base Hid! Club, of New Berne. New Heine (iiants f:ase Hall Club, New Berne. Seaside Base lia!l Club, New !',.-r;:c-. 1iiie of march same as before. Wire walking hy boy 1 3 j earn obi, .it 1(1 a.m. ISascball games at 11 a.m , Mutual of New ih rut vs. Sailor Hoys of Wilson, N. C. . 2 p.m., winner of iiiornim; iranu vs. Farrow's league, of New Berne Horse-racing, 4 p.m., three minute c!a.-s. The following are the entries: Limber Jim, Prince Leon, Jewell Kinsey. At night speech by lion. J. ( . Dancv. Miss Mary Jones, of Raleigh, N. ('., will a concert, Admission 10 cents. M. P. lloi.I.v, Pres. W W. Law iiiiNTK, Sec DIED, At his home in this city, at 11 o'clock last evening, Air. Charles Slovcr, m the KOlh year of his age. Funeral notice w ill be given hereafter. Notice. On and after this date Shaving will be Ten Cents at my Shop, Middle street. .Ioiin I'.uows New Heme, N. C. :.-;:!Uf ijt.i Reward. For a heavy gold ring, lost -n NYw Berne, July 8th, 1892, having tin- 1',-llow- mg engraved in it: It. A. C. to I: M II. . Feb. 2S, no. Call at .lonii.vw, o!lhr Miss Hollister peu her School ,pb ml -:r 11th, Will at Dr. Slover's otlic,-, and dili-in;.' Latin and will not ;ntrn- ( I'Self to one class as Ik rclolorc. For Sale, L ! WAGON, almoFl n, v heap, it Strc-t' Feed. Sale :tnhles in ven in ti Opening ! M-, Sd;ool i-p,n , 19th September, as indicated to friends i fore leaving. Tnition- From t'-' nu month. i-nKir-i l,i ft .Hi p, a!) Im (IF.o. W. ;i:i.. Sample Hose and Half Kjso ! Sample Summer Vests for ladies & children. Sample Suspenders, Sample Handkerchief Bags. Everything Cheap, Everything warranted to he as represented. BarrisQtcn & Baxter. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, V. S. T.ife-Savinrr Hirvirn. W.isl.ii.,rto.. I) C, July 23, 1802 Healed proposals will be received at tins otneo until 2 o clock P. M , of Wednesday tho 24th day of August, 1HU2, to lurnisli and deliver at tho False Cape Lifc-Saving Station, count of Virginia, and the Whale's Head, I'niil Onmiel's Hill, Nag's Head, Pea Island, C'hicamicomico, Rig Kinnakcet, Cape Uottaras, Durant s. Ocracoko and Cuimi 1kkkou( jUte-Saving stations, eoast oi North Carolina,' each, 7,000 nounda bout urst-growth timothy liay ; 2,000 pounds licst wheat straw (bundled) ; 5,000 pounds shelled corn, white. No. 2; and 5,000 pounds barley-clipped onts. All grain to be ot tho best merchantable feed gram well filled, free from chaff, dirt or other impurities, and put up in well sewed new sacks which aro to lieconic the property of the Government without additional cost. Proposals may be made for all of the articles required, or for ono or more items, bat bids for less than the full quantity of any one item will not lc con sidercd. The price must be by the hun dred pounds on all articles. One-half of tho quantity ot forage for each station most he delivered on or before December 1, 1803, and the - otber half on or liefore April 1, 1808. Euoh bid must lie aecom panted by a certified check in the sum of f 100, drawn to the order of the Hecrctury ot tna Treasury, as security Unit the bid dor will enter into contract without delay and (dve inch bonds for the faithful tier romance thereof as may bo required, it bis bid be accepted. Certified checks will be returned within two weeks to tbo un successful bidders and tho check of the successful Udder after, his contract and bond shall be approved by tbo Secretary of the Treasury, ' Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposal to furnish Forage." The right is reserved tu nya auy or an umi nu hi waive de fects. . B. i, IWH.UALL, Ucneral Bupcrin icnaeni. , ., t .,- . , Have You a t Daughter to Educate ? Th IM na nlJoi tha Qataloan or LAD1KH. Th Imwmk AhsapMrt and swat qnippwiKnuai in iiucwavar. Virginia. . MO studmia, U kMhiia, Oar motto tr, TbtlmlMVMlim Ibr tha laul eipeaM,, A reflnsd, Hinl horn t with horn mm. Ion and trmtninir. Arw of Mir-tupsort a up9Bmj piiiiinan saoaia o ma Mrly wwaraompud to refus 40 iMt raU rrom ihi oi room. A.iarMS K im J, A, 1, 0AS8 Jtuy , u, S.. Principal. P9WBEII Absc!ute!y Puro. A croitm of Hifihfstof all turti: in I-: SI baking pov, .Hr. . .".ir.; ktrcnv.lh. s Ihtwn-.ri:! J' wiKH Co., 1011 Wall port. Royai. Rakinii I St., N. Y. Hew School. Miss I.P.All .I'V imOWN V.ll open Harriett I n-' h ,- The I'll ! -g,i-'l Hook -keeping, Khu l lernian. Ten:,.. : Prima; v am ,-, I pupils, :j-:t o, .lid Mi--. S, h,,,, I A N 1 1 . ia !i - VI $1,000 MMMM all, re-1 I le -if I' in-laiit I v P, r tie, a I , it a! - I "M' A( i i) Insect :cbr.fs!r!rj!r. F'i., le le I, Fl at J. V:th main F. i'AYi " It II-. Hi, l -i. line 1 Son'h liivei b mi ,lt ini '. A Nice Lot of Si iUm Tiia 'armcrs &. Vlcich: new e;j:2:isj. Oran..:e,f .n Vl'i'l AI. Siilt'i. .nts Zonk ! . f.l. '.; ..(ii!.imi ;t, no :! 'i'l:!.'(s IHviilenil Sai jiln-. an.l I'i ..hi-. ()Ki''l("-K.-l I, 11. CllTI.KIl, V.-hid. V. S. OiiAinvici;, T. W. Dkwky, A. II. Powki.i., T-i'er Idl,, h.-' Win. Ciev,', ; W. Stev... John r'.ul'-r . H, fuller, 1 1 k' ":n. ; lrI:lili .!,. it.-d. noad(,uxrtern !,-r Ni '. our hiisin, - . . :. - F It. The romni ..vr ll.. nut l t, A,.!j ni c-f !i. --.--.I ay MM) are f, r Cburcb.il ront. j12lf Horse Milliner. Any one within" Kir-a !.. S i.l -I,, .-, II t,, ill :ot' ( ' ll l i:i;:e and on IJroad :tr,-,-t I to r. .-iiioe; ot Hand mad,- linn in .1. W. ! A , ,i: M, llumcs.4 lleiio-.iii.rv Special attention i,. all kintU in this line Miss Nellie Walker Will resume her Mn -ie l.i Mi N I V. AUtiUST 2, 1803. For iiiforiiialion iii iiii'e ..1 iv.iil, no- on JohllHnli . treel. j Gs-EST InfheSwim And follow tho crowd to our ftloroR, where yon will find most anything you may want. ; , , duality, Price and Stiafac- j tioa Guaranteed. ., ' Respectfully, " ' , ajt New Wa'cli & Jeweler Shop J n Mm!-: : Street, Neau Buoad. If you l. -ve Watches on which other parlies have la, led to give satisfaction, send them to me ; 1 have every facility of I'"- tr:- In an I LMiiirantco work at short notice .... t . ! rv I'-asoMalilc prices. j:il Im K. D. BANOERT. iafiresses. W.P.Jones S,-:,:'i i'i a,t i'.i ,opp. Cnstnn House, For Furniture of All Kinds. . ne-.-.u lo a(, i ni.il reno vated. PRICES VERY LOW. iylj dwtf obacco! obacco! i licftoRi Prices I for Oraveh Sugar (r.)( acid) Ourcd Kama. 3r cenos. I I I Ail" a I , Harms S 6s. FtrOt". of Middle Ktreet ji 'ai, . siniable for iii:, ( oiiiniission 1 H-. M.-uiiifac-1 l, k ( 'onipmiy i liii.-e hundred "d Call buy or J, "in --ponding 1 K I), New lienie. 1IOH-, ia, i ,V (', .h.lla is at (in a, I b, ill ,, III, and I,.,,!. I In j I, H S' i i : 1 Other Than (M Wkrgkh Cheroots, Sest Cheroots in tne Mark . 4- ; Un. K.niio :is inferior I hriOolM. :.n k (lllli(-.lt-S ,.u k I'd cry box bought of M vil-.-i ( V SOIiKHALK UliOOKK, i!'; l.K STuKBT, NKW BERNE. N. O Wilson k Snstitute, UM-MN', VOIM'M CAUOLINA. mm :ifictiy Non-Sectarian. I l.c l',,l Thud Se.v.ion Itegi KKl'THMIilOit 5, MONDAY 1892. o I, tii,,i,.ii--h and comnreheiiHive .a -:i..ry i,,-ie of sillily, Willi l Full 11,1-:. le Colll-se eillla to that of ail V I'eiii if ( 'olh-re in ihe South. lie;. I f.n iliiieri li.r i.he study of Music in, I Art. Slainlanl of ScholaMhii) unu sually In; li. Ileallhl'iil liM iitioll. Itiiild- inirs and roiin. I.-, l.tr.'O ami nle.ismillv ii.iled. Moderate Inirges. Catalogues ,1 cii, id.irshi nt free mi application. SII.AS K. WARRKN, .15 -'' Principal. Dis&sway Churchill, AMI Machinist's Supplies A Speci .ELl-ty" ! CRAVEN STREET, One door below City Hall. , All orders sent to ns will have our prompt attention, and be delivered to any part or the city without delay. r Quality aud prices Ruarantoed In every Instance. - JelO dw fp DR. WM D. HOOPUR ' Offers hi profeaaioiial sariee to tha people of New Boras and surround ins; oountry. Oflloe on the North aide oft Broad street between Hancock end Middle over the Iw office of Solicitor Uao. n. White. Office hours from 8:80 to 11 a. m., and from 8 to 8 p. n. v jyiatf