PUBUSHEESVANJi Ot'CESET, TUB DAIbT JOURNAL to published Dal , . , except Monday at f5, per year tXSO for month . Delivered to olty snbserlbers ' at 50 easts par menu. TU WKKKLY JOUKMAU I published every Thursday at f tilt par annum. Notloea of Marriages or Deaths not to sx oeedl ten Unaa will ba Inserted tree. Ail ad duioaal matter will ba charied I eta, per .line, i .. .- . - -- -j-,.. . . Payments for transient adrartlaamanta - mnat be mad. In advenes, Hagular adver tleementa wlU be eollaetad promptly at the end of each month, ii- ' i v, ,, UommnnleaUoni eontalnlng newsofsanV elentpnbUc Interest ars solicited. No own- araaloatton mnat be expected to be publleb. ad that contains objectionable personalities, or withholds the name ol the author. Aril eles longer than- half oolnmn moat be paid i AnyperaoB reeling aggrieved atanyam- onysaoos eommanleatlon eaa obtain the name of the author by applloatloa atthle . offloe and showing, wherein the grievance -ealst. THE JOURNAL. tf K. HARP MM. V. T. HANCOCK, Proprietor Local Iteperter. aorKntered at the Postofflce at Haw Berne, M. 0., aa eeoond-elaei matter. National Democratic Ticket. For President: GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. For Vioe-PresideDt: A. E. 8TEVEN80N, of Illinois. State Democratic. Ticket. For Governor : ELI AS CARB, of Edgecombe. For Llentenant-Ooyernor ; & A. DOUQHTON, of Alleghany. For Secretary of State: 03TAVIUS COKE, of Wake. For Treasure: D. W. BAIN, of Wake, For State Auditor: B. K. FURMAN. of Bunoombe. For Attorney-General FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. For Bup't of Publio Instruction: J. C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnson. KI3ST0N COBRESPOHDEKCE. Mineral Springs Discovered Demo cratic County Convention General Items. Editor Journal: Mr. Fred Loop has discovered several min era! spring upon bis place, a mile ' and a half west of town. Among them is one of a decidedly strong snlphnr taste. Mr. L. thinks of .fixing it np and giving the people aa opportunity ol testing its value. Mr. John L. Tall, a young civil engineer of oar county, has received an invitation to join a surveying party that will begin work soon in Chatham County. The survey is for a new railroad beginning at Golf and running northward. The headquarters of the company is in Philadelphia. Mr. Tall left on Wednesday. He will ride through the country from Ooldsboro, on horseback. The recent rains have been of very great service to the growing crops. This is evident to any one passing along the roads. LENOIR COUNTY DKMOCARTIC CONTENTION. This convention was one special ly to be noted. It was a dignified body. Perfect harmony prevailed. There were not many candidates and several of those who were named for office by their friends withdrew their names before bal loting commenced. The delega tions from the different townships were foil. There were no contests In any delegation. The house was fall, and the lookers on, Democrats of the line, were filled with enthu siasm. There were three ballots for House of Representatives, one for county treasurer and the other nominations were made by accla mation. The Democratic clab will be en - tertained at its next meeting, we hope, by Messrs. I. F. Wooten and , J. Q. Jackson who were elected as speakers, at the lea meeting. The wife of Dr. E. II. Temple i.i a a . a a. . " aioa a nor nome in tms place on Wednesday last and was buried on . Friday In the oity cemeteries. One of the most artistio signs tbat we have ever seen is that of Mr. LaFayette McOullen, which hangs just over the heads of pas . sen by at the door of bis book store on Qaoen street. It is ol a design unique and novel deep Dine back ground and gilt letter A SHORT CATECHISM QairJon: What is a church bell.--- Answer: A bell in a obarch stee -. pie.. . p , y. -Qi TJasitany use! A: Yes. several. Q: Will yoo mention tbemt ' As First; It is used - to insinuate to every member of the church that bis or her watch or dock 4s ; inoor reel. - Second; it is used to wake ' np babies. Third: to annoy, irri tate and distract an sick persons, ana so rortn. . -, ,' Q: lias it any other use! . A Bakkab Writes: From experience in my family. Dr. II Mozlcv's Lemon Elixir hat few. if anv equals, and no superiors in medicine, for tho regulation of the liver, stomach and howcls. W. II. Maokels, Presa. Nat'l Bank, McMinnville, Tenn. A Cabs. For nervous and sick headaches, indi gestion, biliousness and constipation (of which i navo oeen a great sunerer) I have never found a medicine that would give such pleasant, prompt and perma nent relief as Dr. II. Mozlcv's Lemon Elixir. J. P. Sawtkll, Griffin, Ga. Publisher Daily Call. A: Yes, It makes, when melted, a good cannon. THB THIRD PARTY' . held a convention, on Saturday, in the Opera bouse and elected dele gates to their State convention. Ber. Colin llnghea filled the pulpit of the Episcopal church on Sunday last. Mr, J. Dan Miller, a student of the Alexandria Va, Theological Seminary, has been holding servioes for the church daring the summer vacation. He expects to return to the seminary in a few i weeks .and finish the coarse. ' . . Lieutenant E.BLe wis went to Wrightsville, Thursday, to join his company, ins Asueviu litght in fantry, in the encampment at Wrightsville. . ,v- Arachsl. KERSHAW CORBISPOyPENCE. we are hivlnir some Verv fine weather now which makes crops iuwa nice. - .j.j . Miss Effie Hadder and Mr. O H, Hodges tetorned from Wash ington a few"; idayk rago. Mr, xiuuKea Bay mat crous are not so good in that place as they are at Kershaw. Mr. J. H. Curtis of this olace is spending a few days at Aurora visiting friends. Our protracted meeting will commence at this place, the second ounaay in August. tT - t . we nave Borne very nne corn. that was planted after potatoes were dug. It is silking and tasseL mg, who can beat thist ' J. H. C. Resolutions of Respect. we, the ofhoersand teacher of tne Methodist Episcopal Sunday School of this place, duly appointed w prepare a iriDnte or respect to tne memory of our much loved Sunday School worker and scholar Miss Pearl Yates For. submit the following: Whereas it has pleased the Al. mighty Baler of the universe to send a great afliiotion upon oar people in the sad and sadden death of our little mend Pearl. Besolved 1st, that while we rev etently bow in humdle submission to Him who doeth all thing well, we citu out mourn tne death of one so bright and Dromiainsv Be lieving our loss her eternal train let us strive to meet her "just across the evergreen shore." x&esoivea za, mat we tender our heart-felt sympathies to the sorrow stricken family in this their sad be reavement. Besolved 3d, tbat these resolu tions be spread upon the records of cne school and copy sent to the iamuy oi toe deceased also a. codv to the New Berne Journal for publication. Miss allsn Smith, Miss Bjbttix Prarcb, H. aonew Chad wick. and LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. Fur Billiousncss, Constipation jHnlami. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness. Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidnev Diseases' take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Motley's .Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named disease. 50o. and f 1. bottles at druggists. .Prepared only by Dr. IL Mozley, At unta, Oa. i - . COLUMN HE WANTS TfeREAD Big Ike's Advertisements. JABPRR, N.'O, Jnly the 30, 1892. jiuia: xsearsir as 4 seae siatea in tne tiouHAL that if annynne deslrd to read your advertisment and was unabla to pay for it yon will send it free six month. Yours truly, L. M. WKATHEBLNGTON, Jasper, Craven Go., N. C. SIX QtfiiE, BIG IKE, immediately lifter receiving the above letter; had the name L. M. Wcatberington placed with the weekly subscribers to the New Berne Jottrnal. ... He Enjovs Them. Also, James M. Bhent, coL, of Jobtoni Hi'Q' aoblled in neraon. said he always loved to hear from BIO 1KB, and enjoyed reading his ads. when be was lortnnate enoagh to get hold of the Jottrnal. Uompliments usually searching for mates. go oat ItEMABKABLK RBSCTJK. Mra. Michael Curtain. Plaianeld. 111.. makes the statement that the caught cold, which settled oa her lonra; aha vaa traat ed for a month by hat famUv phvaiolaa. bat new worse. Ba told her she waa a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could care her. Her drum-tat sug-gested Dr. King's New Diaewvery lot Uonrumptton; she boagbs bottle andto her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She eootinned Ha use and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well, now does net own housework and Is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at F. 8. Daffy's wnoiesaie ana retail drag store; large bot- iies, ouo. ana ai.uu. Men are fools because aie, and vice versa. women Shlloh'i ConaaapUoa Care. This is beyond qaestioa the suooeeeful Cough Medlotae we have ersr sold, a raw doses Invariably ear the worst oases of CoUKh.CreoD aad Bronchitis, while Us wonderful eooosss la ths onre of (Joaeussptloa H withoot a parallel in the history of aaedioine. Since tuflrM discovery It hssbeew eoM on guaraatee, a test which bo other medicine cast stand. If joa hava a eough we earnestly aak yoa to try , it, iTloe 10o.. 60c, aad 1. If yor lungs are) sore. cheat, et back lama,- nee 8bJ loh's Porous Plaetec. . Bold, by New We have a speedy aad positive outs for catarrh, diphtheria canker saaatti and headaobe, inBHILOH'SOATAiUtH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with eeon ootue. use it 11 yon desire health and sweet breath. Pilot SOo. Sold by Loaded for ir iir. poi;.ir en :t Farmers, 'tis not the political iasoe at the day that most interests yoa. Whether Republican, DemocratJ 6r,tM Third arty be Iq power, all the same with the fanner. : Tak-OTdfria el E.uA, Tin and cleanse your system of this learful dtMai'ht Js prevailing throughout the , whole, country, eaaatjrjrjMufcrsn sisters to cry ooi, Wha shall do to nnaved I (the. mortgage or credit system). YemTny broth's nrtyhwn'-yoi an tfll your farm in deflanoe of the credit aystent, thei yon jein siy, like BIG IKE, "Let the worm wag as 11 wi in oegayano; nsppj win.1 The Btockhbldera' Train of the ' Ai & N. CB. went down Thursdav with two thousand people on.jiriioM .hairto the other,, aa they saw him passing by tUstrlMtfafi nU eirnjani; there goes Big Ike, who boys to many merchant out at wo ODo. and 66 e. on the dollar. , thi sum ticisnoK. All ting a song of hard times. Of pockets empty, too; ; ;"7 Of hustling !nmad for aiooey - And fecjugnhl )Wns-' ... Beoaoee yqsactiorooliihl.: . And wry g snroodtao raah Not looking to your interest . ' . But watting yonr good cash. - ToilaiWral wefi eC'Soilaf "! Can tote cartpntaclf,;; ' . ' It Me little penny :", ;;& ,J TpTimujTaVbtoVlLsanelfr Ofja woWrteach I lesson " ' That wUl not cost von dear JVvaAftkita lUnwwaich the silver ' . ABdeeeelieaey way-f lie selU hit bats, boots, shots and clothes, . 'Best goods of evcty sort. ; .';!' :j;t' V Bis bafgain jaltt bav now become Apopolaireeorfefp r't' 'Don'tlrei oecausSM 8ebaV , ' - JMeabltbs BUm mf"-- h " The silver tbat roost interest yoa, . -It that, fir pxiuunu ..r'yr"'. at lk will btipy v DUG. K. BAGBY, SURGEON ; DENTIST. Offloe, Kiddle street, opposite Baptist ohnroh, deccdwtf NEWBERN, N. O. DR. J. D. CLARE, ; ':Z '' DENTIST,'! .., , ibw nmaum, w.c Office on Graven street, between Pollock and Broad. ,.",' K;'S.;-;rv: P. H. FELLETIEBe ATTOB KBT-A'T'' LA V Craven Bt.,' two doors' South of :J. Jcmrnaloffios. : ; ; " Will nrao ties In the Counties of Craven arte ret. Jones. Onslow and Pamlloo. : 0ntod BUtee OoortatHew. Berne, end eunrameuounoiuieBHHa. . . - 81.00 Per Year. : -60c. for 6 .lontiis. WALTER H0UAN8' Pleasant Boarding . House AT MOREHEAD, Now open for the season in connection with the Oak Ridge Pavilion, new and well furnished. Temperance drinks and refreshments at all hours. The Sharpie "Louise Morehead" will make regular trips, leaving the Atlantic Hotel wharf for Pavilion upon arrival of trains, and return just before their departure and at intervals as de sired, lelf dwtl 'j '. 'JNr Its will help yoa do It, v !r itVlike liimy.m ran wave '.'..'. Vt. ,l ; '.An(lflonruih,inl .elandof (J-y5 -if1 if J: 1 . MOSES T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Dcildsr. Small Jobs of Becalrlni sbllolted aadsat iBiaoiion saaraoMea. . . Mar be found when wanted Martha lee raotorj. Balers to past ehameter aa a olttsea and meonanio. lanisau ROBERTS & DRO. Whelesnle Dealera tC ' Groceries. Proyisions TOBACCO md SNUFF, BOOTS and EI0EJ. We are also asents tor BTOCICDlADaU' FLODB. every Darral wan anted. A laree too It of PURB .WS8T IKDIA MOLABHEa, onr own Importation. ' r . mr noma to m as, or sma jam oraers Ton WU1 find onr Prioaa aa IjOW mm tttm uowmn. maTMdwt stOSKKTB BBO ti Basil Manly. Wm. A, McIirroeH, ew Berne Iron Works Successors to J. H. Orabtrea A Co. Engineers, Founders, l AHD . ... , .r...i i MACHINISTS. Manufacturers and Dealera In Machln. ery, Machinists and Mill Supplies, En gines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills, Double Edeers. eto. Airenta for Rarframln'a TndAalrnnMhla jiioa tseatea valves. The American Haw uo. ana t'resoott s Direot-Aoting Steam i eea, etc. We have Just erected a lam V?are- nonse adoinins our Works, where we wui keep a lull stock of Machine and Mill Supplies. Orders for work or material of anv aiuu wui oe promptly ezeontea. mars awtr . Notice of Incorporation. Kotlas la hereby atTen of the InaorBara- ttoa of "TM Dew Bern Water, JUaetrla usnt ana uauway OompanT." That the name of the laBmpoiatora are WUIlam O. Olaxke. of Wakefield, of the town of South Kingstown In the State of Rhode liland. Rlanard P. Wllllaon, of the olty of M Bern, North Oarollna, sYank tt. Arnold ana- noner b. t levener, or tne our and oentj of rrovtdasoe. BtaUof Hhode talaaa. and aneh Others as they may aasoslate with The aanw of said eorporatlon thall be "Ths new Bernwavar, aaetne Lmtia era Mil war OomaaoTr - - . - --. ' . That tebntlnes thereof snap be foe the purpvev vi nuniui iot wavar, ownipa, eon. struetlnc and operating-a system of water works, and the sale ef water; the mannfaa tore, cenerauna and sale of eleetrtelty. atootrlaal ' apparatus and maonlnery for power, neat, swauna ana eu BM K whloa eleetrleltr may be appllae; and tne eon stmatlna and aqnlpnlnc a Street Ball war or Baliways mm oparaUng the same by elaetrle erower power, ana viux pewer.te -araet stations therefor. , . .... , Xhattbe ptaea where said 'brumes shill be oarrlad an shall be the eUy of Xew Bern, warn, wi m.Ti, irui Lwoiiaa.; : " - . That the time of th existence of Ihiaaaiv noraUen Is Umlted to Ihwwieata. - . -- ' iot amount oi neoapiiai stooK snail not saoeed one hundred and alxty thousand dollars, the number of eh area lb all not eeed sixteen hundred, and the amount at eaeb ahare to be ooahundrad aollara. in witness Whereor I have Hereto set MV hand and affixed mveealief afflee tola 1Mb rTV.:A mayrtOd' ' Clerk 8njerlor0ouTt State of north Carolina ftravsa eotinty. i Bapenet Oourt-Before the Clerk.: - r, Aaylloatloe of'TbsWanse BjTer Compear" ,j to amend and ebasgeAet of . r - . , , ,; inoorporauon.".,v s jij Wottee'la harebT .aivan xhat efhe ttmmmm lUTer liumner oomnanT' a eoreoration flre- aaed uadar articles ef asveameot recorded la my omee la Meoord of Xneorporatiotn, fulloa dv o et. aaa eoaacea in oueinees in aeia eouatr, has made apnlloatkn So amend and ohanae Its "Act ef IdoorporaMon," as follows towiu , , ,. , .... .- . , . That the amouiil of tu eapltal.ttooK of Id aorDoraUon shall be stue Ihoeaaad Dollara divided Into flea hundred ebarea of the ear valaa of one hundred dollars ner f aharav - .".v.. , That the aald appHeatrsa' will be beard and eouaidered by ma on the 2sth day or Angtut, m et a; omee la the Court House ef said ioo oloek, vs;. :4.ij;v.v, - Clerk Superior Court, Craven oeeaty, i Jynnjse,: .( north OaroUaa, pinortgag-Cale ?$ ' B virtne ol nowet fionVered bv mart. rat deed from Julia F. Hardison sad G, L, Hardison to tbs nndeniirned. rs- eorded fat the offloe of the .fiemistet of Deods of Craven oonntr. Book 19. t will do Saturday. Ansttst inb.' 1809, at the Court noose door la Kesri Berne, salt to the blr heet bidder,- far in,- ana property -oeeeriaen in- aald mortgaga deed (bettm both -hd home stead traot and the Cohen tract, to sat lefv said mortgage, 'iii.. w-wr.aa xdis Juiy lvut, iw : ':; JySO-i i:; W, D. KcJVEB. , ; Adminlstrttrli'e Notice; . The underelcned. Millie A" Rnrtna. haTlna duly qnetuied ee admetrei1! of trie late Henrietta Willie. ui 1 r a,VMe itine;tiit all peierieS rvtne r t. n 9 lnt thoet4 hleririHta V'lllll v 1 t tiini u'er before tne ln d w . . . i or tn. r Uee will be piee...) In i . tuelr im - c. All pwrefine 011 m'Mtmat eeld v(. rleuewtliia il i . iiuineu.ele . - Bietitortlie " ..e. OWLV 50c. IFrom Now Until Jan. 1st, 1893, -FOE Till WEEKLY JOURNAL. NINE COLUMN FOLIO LARGE AMOUNT OF BEADING. The Daily Journal, $5.00 Per Tear. : : 50c. Per lT,onth. pireulatos in every direction from New Berno, liere there la a ' . ' " daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers; Liberal Advertising llatsj. Hi a We !hav lust received a lare-fl Int. nf wU both both nna Pnll mJ site (nam eail A . ' ' . ' .Tt-rr.or ?, sv; faa5 .urn? year m aoyance t for ; the Daily. By payin $1.25 for wf" wwjaaj - wAto ca . iu auvaiice will aiS3 nuiawv jvu Ml a WVVAi: V p -- ,f r i " . ,. . . l : . ; 1 f , - ' it - .Till. VS.' art ent nf-.j.v1 : a- -r, -" rvr. wuuvsuvn wtm wu. ,uuknau mere 18 a f 1KB T-lyLAS3 JOB DEPARTMENT. -All kinds rf wnrt Tf.n,td n fha Krt , of prder jtod'at satisfactory prices. - - " , " V- -Letter Head, -v VNote .Ileads. " ; ' Rill Tfnnria f t (;t uwiremuum, - . . nuBineBs Varas. r'-llfe roBtew, - v ; -'. And all kinds of Enveloperi, )' wort sw perae urug uo. , ' t

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