PUBLISHERS' A5X0UNCEMEXT, TUB DAILY If published DJ ly except Monday at I5,IA) par year, sue for elx months. Delivers to oity .ubsorlber. t 50 coats per mouta. ' Ttt WKKKLY JOUKJIAU Is published , every Thursday at Iwtf par at nam. .-. . Notice of Marriage or DmUi not to ex ceed tn Una will be Inserted CM a. All ad ditional matter will be charged 6 eta. per line. J'" - Payments for transient advertisements mnat ba mad In advanoe, Regular adver tiaemante will be colleetad promptly at the and of each month. Oommualeatlong eoutelalng aewsofsunV ele&t public lntereet axe eollolud. no eom monloatlon moat ba expected to ba publlsu- ad that contains ohjeouoneble personalities. or withhold the name of the author. Aitl alas linger than half column moat ba paid . Aoy paraon Saallaa; aggrieved at any an onymous eoauauoloaUon eaa obtain the . name of the aothor by application attbla orBee aad showing wherein the grievance exl.t. . . THE JOUKNAL. at . HIRPM. ). I. HAkCOCK. Proprietor. Local Reporter. a-Xh tared at the Fostofflee at New Berne, N. 0 aa aeoond-elaaa matter. ' National Democratic Ticket ' ; For President: GROYER CLEVELAND, o New York. For Vice-President: ' A. E. 8TEVENSON, of Illinois. . State DemocraticjTicket. tr For Gorernor : ELI AS GARB, of Edgecombe. For Lieutenant-Governor ; B. A. DOUGHTON, of Alleghany. For Secretary of State: O0TAVIUS COKE, of Wake. For Treasure: ', D. W. BAIN, of Wake. For State Auditor: B. K. FURMAN, of Bunoombe. For Attorney -General. FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg, For Bupl of Public Instruction: J. 0. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnson. ff EATER AND 8KIN5ER. ' The People'a paity baa met in ' convention at Raleigh and nomina ' tod Ool. Harry Skinner aa their candidate for Governor of North Carolina. We know nothing de rogatory of the personal character vrrht fltrinnar anrl if wa had vol nmea of defamatory literature we would not use a line of it. Bo far aa the Joubnal is con earned, he ahall appear before the public j as t aa he has presented himself: a late Democrat running Cor office as the candidate of the People'a party. So, the Peoples' party in North Carolina will muster under the flag of Wearer and Skinner. Cluba seem to be the order of the day- We do not know that any political association has been - named "The Weaver and Skinner Club,' but we do know that there ia a Wearer and Skinner club that la to be used in waring against the peace and dignity of the State of North Carolina. It is not an Irish ahillaly, much leas is it an "Old Hickory" club. The Irish are a brave people, and it aometimea happens that their ahillalies are need in personal col lisions, bntthey are never used against old Ireland. Andrew Jackson was known as old Hick ory, and aimon pure Democratic club la solid hickory, fit emblem of the grand old hero! Bat, the gentleman, whose names head this article, are not armed with any such weapons as aa Irish ahillaly and a Democratic hickory club. Neither of these im pUraenta are representative of the men. A reed shaken by the wind would better represent them. . Nevertheless they have a club With which to assault the people of North Carolina. It is a kind of mosaic ingrained and dovetailed. It is compose of prickly ash, polk talk, hawthorne, nettle ane worm wood.' It would te worthless to a giant, for the first effort of his strength would break the brittle thing. - It la only servicable in the nanus oi s nmuerjaca. wuo can dexterously touch tender spots, here and there, and keep np a kind of horsefly and mosquito annoy ance. - " .Wearer was never known to make a dangerous assault upon anything or anybody. He has been in every party that has exis ted since he earns of age, bnt he has never remained with any one long enough to master its princi ples, or beoome an expert Jn the rss of : its ; weapons. Sat,' as a a decided success. It is a little re markable that his politital support ers at the South are the men on whom he has praotioed in billings gate; for - they, were Democrats when Wearer paid his respects to them in the following choice - En gliah, dpeaking of the Democratic party he said, "We know that its acts comprise, treason, theff, arson, fraud, perjury, and all crimes pos sible for an organization to connive at." It waa to yon; and of yon old line Democrats oi the People'a party, that these words 'were used. Then, again, wffb-yoa' standing in the ranks of the- Democracy, he said, "Bat, then, -what could yon expect from the poor-blind, dis eased, decrepit, E dismal, : damned old Demooratio. party ."That he said of DemocrataWbnt this is what he said of . southerners: (- No Be publican can ever) under; . any cir onmsUnoes, have-iany' part or lot with the hungry,1 rebellious, man hating, woman-selling gang.'' .. The elegant . and accomplished Colonel Skinner would have never used such language in regard to Democrats and the people of the South, but he is in the wagon with Weaver, and if the road is hard, he must jolt with him. :The gallant Harry" waited long before casting his lot with the People's party. He has exercised an unquestion able right of selection, and it will be our duty in subsequent numbers to snow that his phoice was moatj unwise ana annatnral. "A serious revolt in the Third party has taken place in Chat ham." Of course: and bo it will be all over the State. & .ill 'H- :V! "t$ -fee I .3 ' . : I DH Q. H. B AGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offloe, Middle street, opposite Baptist onuroh, , deo8dwtf - ' NEWBERN. N. 0. SR. J. D. CLARK, ' DENTIST, ' ' RBW BKKirS, N.'O. OfBce.on Craven street, 'between Pollock and Broad. . - -4-... . ,..- i ;:.-.. Magnitude of the Dairy Products. It is never amiss to keep before the eyes of the people the follow ing succinct statement of the money value of the dairy interest or tne united mates. Two thousand million dollars are invested in the business of this country. It requires 15,000,000 cows to supply ine mux. and $200,000,000 worth of dairy and other agricultural machinery: 750, 000 men and over 1,000,000 horses are required to do the work. To leed the oows and horses, it eacn year ju.wu.uuo tons oi bay, almost 1)0.000,000 bushels of cornmeal, a large amount of oatmeal, 275,000,000 bushels of oats 2,000,000 bushels of bran 30,000,000 Dusneis oi corn, Desiaes brewery grains, spouts, cotton seed meal, etc. The total feed is estimated to be worth $450,000,000 and the cost of labor $180000,000. ibe average yield is 450 gallons per cow, or 6,759,000 000, which at 12 cents per gallon would net the farmers $81,000,000 per year if sold as milk but one-half UBed in mak ing milk and cheese. It takes 27 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese. Eight and a half pounds of butter has as much nutriment as one pound of beef, and aa a fat steer has 50 per cent, of boneless beef, li would require 24.000.009 steers weigning i,ouu pounds each to give ine same iooa value aa is given in the milk prodnot. Bural World. GOLUIW Not Eplitics,iiit i No Third Party, Bepnblioan or Democrat allowed to discuss the issues of the day in my atore. Sore heads, Democrats and Republicans please take warning. It is the mighty dollar I am after. He Will Know Where To Co P. H. PELLETEEB, ATTORNBT. AX LAW, Craven St., two doors Soatk of ' Journal offloe. Will prae ties In the Ooontles of Craven, artarat. Jonea. Onalo w and Paaalleo. United statee Conrt at New Kerne, end enoreme I ran oi we mate. ;..:.,,. si.eo Per Year. 60c. for 6 Lo;;;;i3. R0SERTS;& Dlip. - WbaleeaJe Dealers : Groceries. Provisions TOBACCO and SNUFF, BOOTS and SHOES. We are alto annta tor STOCK "DIADM' PIODR. every barrel wananted. larca .took of PURK ."WJCST IN1MA muli&hheh, our own lmpor-mtion. jar Oom to aa na. or aend onr ordera Ton wut and oar Prloes as liOW aa the utwaat. maTiMdwt KOUBT8 k BBO WALTER H0MANS' Pleasant Boarding House AT MOREHEAD. Now open for the season in connection with tne Oak Ridge Pavilion. new and well furnished. Temperanoe drinks and refreshments at all hoars. The Sharpie "Louise Morehead" will make regular trips, leaving ' the Atlantic Hotel wharf for Pavilion npon arrival of trains, and return just before their departure and at intervals as de sired. iel awtl HOSES T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Builder. BmellJobi of Repalrinff aollolted andaaU la 'action Knaranteed. aiayoa found wnen wanted near tne lot raoiory. Reran to nut character aa a citizen and meonanio. lanlMU Mr. W. I. Hargett of Pollokeville was in town this week, and wanted a pair of Shoes like those he bought from Big Ike thirteen montha ago. Said he tried to get a friend of his to do likewise, but could not prevail on him to do so ; he bought them np town, and they only lasted him two months and a half. Lung Troubles, Blicumatlsm t. Frequently a person ib supposed to have consumption when it is some other iiseiiso altogether that is reducing his flesh and makiDg him look pale and thin. J. W. Yates, Tullahoma. Term., writes: It does me pood to praise Botanic Blood Balm. It cured me of an abscess on the lungs and asthma that troubled me two years and that other remedies failed to benefit 8o you sec it is T sometimes well to trv constitutional treatment. No remedy is so good as B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balml for rebuilding wasted tissue, and giving boalth to every portion of the svstem reached by that great circulating stream of life, the human blood. Again, it is often supposed that colds awl exposure are the only causes of sciatica, rheuma tism, etc. Such is not always the case. It is frequently caused by impurities in the blood. Wm. Price, Luttsville, Mo., writes: "I was afflicted with sciatica and had lost the use of one arm and one leg for nine years. I went to Hot Bpnngs and also tried different doctors, but found no cure until I tried Botanic Blood Balm. It made me sound and well. I am well known in this vicinity." Observe, even when the renowned Hot Springs failed, B. B. B. brought relief. Remember, no matter what blood remedy you have tried or intend to try, B. B. B. is the only one that will give von com plete satisfaction. It must have been a masculine power that formed woman's heart for forgiveness. Regeneration. To secure a normal and regular tissue change throughout the body use Bbak duetu's Pills. This, tissue metamor phosis consists in constantly proceeding waste of tissue and its regeneration Braxdbbth's Pills are the best solvent of the products of disintegration of the tissues and increases their elasticity. They ire an alterative and eliminative remedy, which allay irritation and re move obstruction by aiding nature nd are of great benefit in cases of tempoary and habitual constipation, torpid liver. biliousness, headache, indigestion, rbeu. matism and diseases arising from an 'im pure state of the blood. - . Brasdrkth's Pills are purely vege table, Blieolutoly harmless, and af to take at any time. ; ,';' .. f, ,,'.:': BUSY T1HSEEEK. To the public I would like to say it is impossible lor me to give them all the newa in my ad. this week, as I am making preparations this week to move the stock from my upper to my lower store. I feel it is to my interest and to the interest of the people for me to know what Is going on and who is coming in, that if a man runs one place success fully in this county he is doing well. I CAN DO IT! I trust in ten days to have my two stocks into one, but will be very much crowded tor some time. When I pat -all aty goods In my lower store it will be like patting a No. 9 foot in a No. a shoe, bnt it is often done, and I propose to do something like! It. who! I combine my two stocks. I know my lower atore is too small, bat Big Ike, nnliko other men, has not learned to say, I can't do it. The Golored FteisiOireri . i--,7. : . r j.-? i :: v j-r i : .. Not less than lire thousand people aaid : There goea Big Ike, who bays so many merchants out at 40, CO and 67 cents on the dollar. i Basil Manly. Wm. a, McIrtosh. New Berne Iron Works Successors to J. H. Orabtree & Co, Engineers, Founders, ASD MACHINISTS. Manufacturers and Dealers In Machin ery, Machinists and Mill Supplies, En gines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Agents for Bargamin's Indestruotible Mica seated Valves. The American Saw Oo. and Prescott s Direct-Acting Steam r eea, etc. We have just erected a large Ware house adjoining our Works, where .we will keep a full stoek of Machine and Mill Supplies. Orders for work or material of any kind will be promptly executed. marsSdwU NOTICE. Btate of North Oarollna Craven eonntr. , Bopanot Court Before the Clerk.: AypUoatloa of "The House River Lumber Uompany"to amend and change "Aot of lnoorporatlon." Rotlee la hereby given that "The Renae River Lnmber Company," a oorporatlon ere ated ot.der artlelea of asreement raaorded In my offlea In Beoord of Inoorporatlona, folios 6 to M, aad engaged In boalneaa In aaid eotrntr, haa made applloatlon to amend and ohanae lu 'At of IdoorporaUon," aa foUews to wit: t . . That the amount Of the eepltal.etoek of Jd oorporatlon shall be Fifty Ihovaaad Douara. divided Into five hundred eharea of the par value of on hundred dollars per share. ... That the said apatleatlOB will be heard and eouiidered by me on the 25th day of ant net, im, at my offloe in the Court House of aaid county, at lo o'clock, a.m. July 2aa,WM. , . w.m. WATsor, . . superior Court. Craven eeonty, lyUm Kotlh Carolina. -r- Mortgage Sale! By virtue of power conveyed by mort- ge deed front Julia F. Hardlsoa aad . L. Hardlaoo to the undenigned, re corded is the offloe of the Register of ieeas oi u raven coontr. Book 108, pags Ik. wU! oa .AgfBt. 80th, 1893, at the Court House door in Mow Berne, sail to the higheat bidder, for yimmtt, au uiupeny ogeonoM in SUa snortgats deed f boinc both tba hoa stMiraot and tba Oofaea tract), to sa- This July J9th, 1893. " ly80 - t W. D. lioTVEB. ONLY 50c. Until Jan. 1st, 1893, -FOE THE- WEEKLY JOURNAL. NINE COLUMN FOLIO LARGE AMOUNT OP READING. The Daily Journal $5.00 Per Year. : 50c. Per Month. .Circulates in every direction from New Berne, where there ie a . daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers. Liberal Advertising Raies. -.1.- V' AdministratrU's Notice. The anIr.Hud.lui. A Burton, h'avlnc duly qaaUiiad as Amlnlatratru ol the liti HebiietU Willi, will jraaent tttem Inn' w before tn. lath day ofaly, 188, or to', bo u,.'iLb Hdd in lr of th.l"rivif. rletta Willie will make launedlate. aatUa. ml of the same. eeiwe- -juiyHth.orX, . .-;- j ; , . , ti.t A. BUBTow, ; , ' -w . Admlnlatratrix. Comslria';Baio? 3 ; SoMh OaroUna-OraTesi aoanty. ' . i. . Mmea O,, Adm'rof Mordasal Ham. aeeeaaad, vs. buke Bam, at ais. . . Pursuant tja a ..a 1... In the above .otitic epMial rocMdtnc. ranaw-.aat spring- Term. un,of th. .. v. wv araniT ana Biato. 1 will saU to the htgoaat bidder, for oaanTat .the Oimrt Hooeadoorof aaid craven eonnrr, in the elty M vw Heme. . o., on Monday. a.ptemberui. im,at as o'clock, noon jJhe wiiowins aaaerlbMt traetaof laad- aA M,n i11 sitoaie on the north aide of eoanty, North Carolina, adjoining the land. viDaiuawipotiKHaouiera.oeuig tkaaaaae W.i.Kieeeh to thi aaWMor. doat Ham, by Hd dated Hot. lith, 171, and recorded la the Heeords of Oravaa eounly,BookFo.7S,pai 3X4 and fJrVoon-tainloft-aevwataafi um mm. m i. Vn Alao anotber traet lying en the erath side Of In aaid Townihla Ro.S.aald eouniy ana mat., being tbe natnnmd to th. aaid limliui Ham h. nnn. a rV! and wife by deed daMd January tM, wit. Book No. 78, paceaSiT and 3 in. eontalnlni l.u aarMmore or imia, f ally dtwrlewi tn eaui dMd and the petition, exoaptlng thererroin tba four traoia or pareaia of land out a 8 aerM .eah aonv.y.4 by iiordcnal nm and wife to Mingo Alexandar, 'j iiomaa H. imia hnnt. Simon HtaUin .rxt (-uiv..,...f deada reoordedrlno-vn .M,iity in of iwou.iiw. ia, pe t. P . a HI, . and He, 83, p' B l,'id No. l. u , fur a deaerl ntl on .aoe ttd tj . This Ana uat iJ,l. i. f. 0 d LO jnst receired a larre lot ofrHer mSt TT. J ts v e '-.. - tt.,u aiuiaBome uooks, , wnicn we : cmb wita ' " wmm erwu v - cdaii , i imiiiih... i,hii u ii i, . x. see em and get one by pay ing one year in. uau nocAAjr uiie year in aayance, will ajso entitle you to a book. ' '"CN-r.-.-y " In cnhettion rVltH" tne JorjriNAtrtnere -ia a FIRST'CLAStf ':- JOD DEPARTMENT. ' All kinds of work executed in the let. gMtaigLrU,wii imvva - .. i , . - - , .. y Letter Uoad,. ,4 Note Heads, - Bill Heads. . tfjTI8,; BuiDeB8 Cards; ;.-!.JVltoTolopeiC.; ' ' I - . ' PoRtors, ; f :. . .. And all kinds of work. Chlldnii Cry for PitcherVJtetorli ;:;uin hater and mod alinger be is ..... r - - v . mo vu ' . .