i-" v. 3" for Infants , Castoria is so well adapted to children that , I recommend It as superior toany prescription known to mo." H. A. Ahohxb, M. D., ' 111 8a Oxford St , Brooklyn, N. Y. - " The uao of 'Castoria is so universal and Its mortta bo well known that it Beema a work - of nuporerogation to endorso It. Few aro the intelligent familial who do not koep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Maiitto, D. D., Now York City. Tim Ckstaub I0RF0LX, HEWBERI & WASHISGTOI DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. In order to make more convenient and -. economical use or the vessels now employed In tbe North uarollna service, and thus to - Better Seive the Interests of Shippers, ' the Clyde Line and Old Dominion Sioara sbip Oompany have concluded ti merge - their respeoilve lines between Newborn, N. O. and Norfolk, Va,. Into one line, thus giv ing passengers and trnok shippers tbi ee trlrs 'each week between Newberu and Norfolk via Washington. HO ADVANCE IN RATES. " On and after THURSDAY, JULY 21st. 18 2, ' ma til further nottoe. the Stiuer HEWBEfiSE, Gapt. Soathgate, Steamer EHOLA, dpt. Eoya, And SteamB! ALBEMARLE, Capt. Rhodes. W1U sail from Norfolk, Vs., for New Heme dlreot. every Monday, Thursday and Saturday, making connect on witn the Atlantis and North Carolina Railroad, , and the water lines on Neuse and Trent rivers. Returning, will sail I ROM Nr.WBKUN FOB NORFOLK, Va., via llcacoke Island wharf, every Tuesday at 12 M and every Tburway and (Saturday at 5 P.M., " making connection at Noifollt with The Old Bay Line, for Ha:tlmoni, '1 he Clyde Line, for Philadelphia The O il Dominion . Bieamsnlp Co., for new Vo-k. The Mer enants' and Miners' Line f r Providence and Boston, and The Water Lines for Wasiing - toa,D.O and Richmond, Va., Ihus Riving - - an all water route to all r-oi thern , and Eastern points. Also eonneotlon made with the (.'. & O. - B. K.. and N. W. R R. for the West. passengers will And a good table, com fort " able rooms, and everv courtesy and atttsn- tion will be paid them by the i!i hts Order all goods, care of N. N. t W. Dlreot Line, Norfolk, Va. . .'. . . 8, H. GRAY. Agent. Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Fast Passenger and Freight Line between SMtern North Carolina rolnts , and all con nections oi me PENNSYLVANIA RAILHOAD, IKCLUDIrlQ NetrYark, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Dnl tlmore and Doaton. Ilie ONLY Trl-tVeekly Line Out of law Berne. TIIK NKVf AND ELKOASTLY BtiOIfTKD irxaafflxiB Balls from New Berne ' MONDAYS, WEDNESDAY!,: , ,. FRIDAYS, Jk.V 4,80 X.ZsX.. nplng at Roanoke Island saoh way and 1 forming eiose) eonneonon wim u Norfolk fouthern Railroad. -.' The Eastern Dispatch Line, consisting of r- - . ins wiimingion b. n. uo.i nunuia uumuwii A. Km NewYork, Tulle, and Norfolk R. H., ' Mi PAnnawivAnla R. K . form a reliable and - ' , fegnlar line, offering superior facilities for ' anlok passenger and freight transportation, . - - No transfer exoept at Elisabeth City, at v which point freight will be loaded on ears to go through to destination. -'' .t Direct all goods to be shipped YlayCaatern . .. oarollaa Dlspatn daily as follows: - V 'om New York, by fsnna. R.. R., Pier 27, f - Nortn Miver. : . ' From Philadelphia, by Phlla., W.nd Balto. . U B .nflffhHLHtmtlAB. ' FroraBaltlmore, by Phlla., WlLland Balto. i . B. R., ("resident in. Bwuon. . . ... From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R. R. . rmn inunh, UanthanU A Miners Trans r ' sortaOon Uo New York and New England .. at. H. Rates as low.anu tuna quiwsr iumwj bv other Una Vn fnrthM Information Iflnlr to H. joroa (uen'l rreignt irauig aiuvi v" p 1LR1 anial Trtns Atent. . Oao. '8Trna, Division Freight Agent, F. W. H- ! , Philadelphia. ' B. B. OoOKB, Oen'l Freight Agent., N, X. F.st H.. norroiK, . " a. o. amrarns. General Frslght'Agent V.JS' ', M.K.. Norfolk, Va. .-!. OEO. HENDBBSOW, Agent ' ' . New. berne, N. O. ' T it iV THE AMERICAN Will RAMBLER - hthBJ!T WHERLOR THB KABKST thuyear. r-f b rr tbe eomblnaUoa of PtwnmftUo Tlx tuut BjirlBR Prame maitM rldlnf on It lumry. ' , Send for RtutriM CsUlogiia floRMULLY " ' JEFFERT ' IT. CO., Waahlnjlos, D. C. r 4) i . .. rvd 1 r(i-M srlrs obtained, and all Pa. .u uu...icm conducted for Mootsavs Frrs. . . nipicDilalenUins than those end motud. drawing or pnoto., with decnp I .i. o xlvlse, U patentable or aot, free oi j,..t. Our lee not due tin pateni is securea. a F, ft, "HowtoObttioPatenta," with I-. .c t.i in the u.s, ana Krama a.::::o7&co. a.sn ssirsuv . UftBUIHtiTrilt ft. fl. r- '. t and Children. Castoria Cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DlarrhcBtt, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I havo recommended your Castoria, 1 and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." t Kowra F. Pabdu, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. Cokpakt, 77 Mobbay Strut, Nw York Citt. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marble and JJ QuaUits of Material. bn&OtiW toiskita fferuteci jmosj'TMrM tints mt wamm ssTsisaea s4 m yery latest raise. HUHPHREYS5 This Prkcious OiNnmrr is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curattvb and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satislaction. For Files External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. For Burns Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils. Hot Tumors. Ulcers. Fistulas. Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing of scaia neaa. it is iniauiDie. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial sire, aj Cents. Sold by DnM, tr ami ptat-p14 Ml fmlpt f prio HllFKEITS'aiD.CO,, 111111 Wliaaa St., D TX. WITCH HAZEL OIL. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boots and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing a Specialty. Craven stiest. opposite Joonutl offloe, GEO. HENDEBSON, ; (Baecessor to Roberts a Henderson), General t Instance ,:&gent Repreeentlng InsnranosOompanr of Tortn 4jnertna. of Pnlladelohlaw noma insnranea uompany, m new im HnMn InniiftiiM rifMnnv of Knedand. Hartford Flra. loanranoe Oompanr. of uariiera. ; North Carolina Horn Insuranee Compaay H Raleigh. , ureenwitcn msnranoa vomp7i w Tork. ; Pbenlx Insurance company, Brooaiyn. United Cnderwrllera insarane uomnaur, of Atlanta. Boston Manna insoranoa company, Boston.. lnlySdwtf MRS. J. M. EUNES Boarding : House .Reopened. Mhs. J. M. HINE8 has reopened flrst-Class Boardins? House in the elty oppoalteBaptin Uhuroh. . nsrn mm sewiiq miceii oan be had at the larao place. -: J, M; HINES, Agent, plodwtt ' . v - 0. MarkA1 Store, . Wood's :. '..,.- - r: '. . . .., ' ,. t ' : ; ' '.. ',' 'Ci'. v ' ovirig : ac.iinc G AND Qrifieo AT Gasten Norm Garolma arbleWorks THE JOURNAL. OVEBTIIE BIVEKr rOriinnal poem rend by Mr. James Har- wood at the annual debate of the Ma Sigma Rho Literary Society of Richmond College. Ho, boatman, come ferry me ove.r the tide! I've a sweetneart on yonucr snore; And reach her I must, if it can be, to night Thro' the wind and the waters roar. Five years, sir, have passed since I left her there And the time has been oh, so Ions I. There's danger I know for the night is dark, And the wind and waves are strong. But so is my love, for I know she awaits me, I know that her love is true. Ab, well I remember the duywb.cn she told mc, Yes, Jack, I will love but you. And if need be, I'll wait for you twenty years Ave and longer, lad, nevej fear 1 And smiled as she kissed me and bade me good-by With never the sign of a tear. Ah, sir, was there never a time when you lovea ( Holds your bosom no memory dear? Is there nothing can tempt you to brave the storm ( Will not gold.buy your service? Here! And full at the feet of the boatman, n bag Of the ehttenng treasure fell. He, stooping, ungathered and handed it back, While his actions his words fofetcll. Lad, take back thy gold; all the jewels and wealth In the world would not tempt me to night To put from the shore. Hear the wind now it roars; And the billows arc foam. capped and white. But, lad, for the sake of thy pure young love, I wlil row you to yonder shore Ohl thank you There, lad, spare your thanks, or at least Till I've ferried you safely o'er. But what is the name of this sweetheart of yours, For I've met with mnst folk over there? Then, sir, you must know her; she lives near the foint, And her name, sir, is Nellie Nell Dare. But, oh! you are trembling and faint, sir, and why Do you stare in that pitying way? What! Dead Nellie dead 'Tis not so, man, you liel Nellie dead oh my God, it can't be! And think'you to keep me by telling me this From attempting to cross the tide? rd cross now tbo' death lurked in every wave Between this and the other side! An oar from a ncrvoless hand hurriedly snatched A tug at the boat's moorinc-chuin. It yielded, and out in the darkness he sped, But returned, alas, never again ! And anxiously waited the boatman, and long Strained his eyes in the dcep'uing crlnom: But only a faint cry rewarded his pains, An echo ot .Nellie, I cornel' Ho, boatman, go ferry him over the tide To bis love on the otner snorci But Charon alone doth tbo summons heed, And carries his spirit o'er. And maybe, perchance, in the great spirit worm. Where the fouls of our loved ones dwell. He meets and enfolds in a lusting em brace The fair maid be loved so well. LEMON ELIXIK. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For Billiouaness, Constipotion and Malaria. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness, Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever. Chills, Debility and Kidney Diseases' take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Ut. Motley's lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice or Lemons, comuineu with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and $1. bottles at drnmrifits. jfrepared only Dy ut. u. Moziey, At lanta, ua. A Bavkkx Wrong: From exDerienoe in my family. Dr. H. Motley 's Lemon Elixir has few, if any equals, and no superiors in medicine, for the regulation of the liver, stomach and bowels. - W. H. Magnels, Press. Natl Bank, Mcllinnville, Tenn. A Card. For nervous and sick headaches, indi gestion, biliousness and constipation (of wnicn I Dave been a greas sunerer; 1 havo never found a medicine that would give such pleasant, prompt and perma nent reiiei as m. a. uoziey s jjemon Elixir, i , ' J. P. Bawtbll, Griffin, Ga. Publisher Daily Call, The onl7 weak dbobIc are those who are not aare that they - are all " This to what von ought to havo, in fact. mn mnat hiva it to rollr enrov life. rhoosanda are saarehlnct for ft daily, and moarnlns? MeauM thsvftnd K sot. :Thoo. aanda man thoaaands of dollars aro spstit snnnauy by oar people in va nop mat they may attain this) boom. And yet it maw Ki had h all. Wa DuarantM that Kleotrio rimers, ir un aocorumg n urm Hona and the nse persisted in, will bring von srood dhnatlon. and oast tho demon Dyspepsia ana install nmtmu auinw Wa nwommend Elsotrio Bittara for Dts- iwriala and all diseases of lint. Btomaon and Kidneys. - Bold for 60s. and $1.00 per bottle by r. . vurry; oruggan. , ; ' God lights no man'a house who ihiita ap all the windows. ;Tn Handgomost Lady la Kew Berne Remarked to a friend the other day that nlia knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat ami T.nntra was a snnerlor romodv, as U utopnod her cough instantly when Other 1 remedies bad 110 eiioot whatever, 1 1 rove this and convince you of Its . y (l,-i. -' t p'vo yoitasinv p',,iDo You Want J I A Rich, Sweet Smoke? i ilW Po You Want f 1 ii-'arB wl To' Get Your Money's : ., Worth?, . ; . I VI MIB$KUU X Thon Vn. . Want ;l VIRGINIA i! KSsSI CHEROOTS. i'iiHIHSi ' ! i HlBIIiBllli Five for Ten Gents, j; HORSES AND MULES. I hare just reouived a FINE LOT of Western North Carolina HORSES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF BTJGGIEb, ROAD CARTS AND HARNESS. All of whioh I will sell VERY CHEAP for cash or approved paper. Qive ma a trial. US. JS Street THE BEST THING IN THE UNITED STATES FOB One Cent 13 TUB PHILADELPHIA RECORD $4 per year, Daily. $3 per year, omitting Sundays ron THE FARMEU AND TIIK BUSINESS MAN, TDK RECORD nAS NO EQUAL. ADDRitsa "THE RECORD," PnrLA.DEI.TTU A.. SElStlN & SITUEBIY SIGHT TICKETS n rwinm 1 C V I' GTI T111VQ 1 Cnase VOIS oooa. we wni, mn-ouim vo w.i ROCND TRIP A. & N, t. STATlOlUl tmok rinht now, while the Interest Is TO MOREHEAD city. Atlantic & N. 0. KaUroaa.i It AdbSHUKU LisrAuinn i, i I New Burh, N. 0., May 80th. 1803. To Aeents A. & N. C. 11, It. : . i .ioi nrrira Reason or lsrji Konna Trip, from stations named below Q alora- naata vi fc, in euoofe j nun jr.. w. . RUtlons. pesson. Batnniay swiii Ooldsboro li.w Best's .7 J' La Grange 8 60 J.W - Kins ton II W S Oasw.U . 8U Oore Creek 2 70 1.H5 Tnacarora 3.M Hew Bern J "i " Ulverdale UJ Oroatan l.TS If' Harslook LOO !& Newport .vi WlWweod . O. 14. AllLiLi. U. I'. A- Grain I Seeds V Feed! t BKADHAM & SMITH, Bacoossors to S. W. & B. W. Bmallwood. QftT. Corn, Bioe, Oats, Bran Hominy, Bags, - Barlapa, , uarroi Covers. TJagglng and Tlea. Agenta for Teter Hendersons Wt Beeds. -k- Ki-' Orders for eed8 will have tbe most ; carefol attention, ererj package being told under., the etrlctest guarantee. .;" . - - JnljlOtI ..f. '"-;.-: '. -" ' '; f O. : L HAEDIS0N, : Thnrman, N. C, n ManufaotnrerofanclDealorln ' Fir.:7-CLAS3 bsic: p " 1 now ready for the markot. Will i , i Freezers, Mason's Fruit Jars, Porcelain Lined Kettles Glacier, Refrigerator?, Water Coolers and Fly Traps, FOIi SALH HY Smallwcod & Slover, MIDDLE ST11EET. A SURVIVOR OF THE WAR. s 1855-1892. anrllTO wABTEUtowlmm umiinially MUCri I O liberal terms will be alveii to I sell ou new book. Life and Works or SPURGEON. Thn world sreatest Preacher la dead. ami hundreds of thousands of christian raiullli H as well as Clergymen, Hlble readers, stu dents, waiting For an opportnnlty to pur- sreatest, don I wait, toaay semi ai i,niiv ISoenlaln stamps, for atrents eonipletecan yasalot outfit and be the first to canvass yonr nelshborbood. forshee hcmaken, iSOaS WOLnftU, Al iiiiiua. Cincinnati, v. ALE, LIVERY, FEED AND Exchange Stables Opposite the Gaston House Finest Stockat living Prices J tiXO HC S rEOPBIETOR mayl7 dwtf R. U. DUFFY, 0or. Middle & Pollock Sts., Second floor, first door en right of :;;'-. i'pawtg,.''-' : . v' i . 'S) ... . '.rv I Entrance ap stairway tm Pollook Street .1 v.... , .t-,'t, f. Preparation of Special Medicines and Druggists Articles. ; SEA. V-!. h1 ' 11 Mm a juneiv u ELOfi COLLEGE, LOCATED ON N. C. R. R. Elegant now buildings crejiMU lull fonJio, 1' 1 (.; ;inil in- I'.irul. ty nl' tW'lv' liiriniti'is. 'ii ri ii-ii 1 1! in eipiiil ir Male ('"llci.'cs Acailcmie leiiiitiiic.il, ,U u-:ii-. Ail, ('(iiiiincicia!. Morals of Minimis l iisiirp!!'. i ll. Oiions Si'plcmbur IM, IS'J'J. Kor furtlier iiiftriii.kUo:i oi' e;Lial':u-.: Aiilyti lti:v. W. S. I.ONC, A.M., I I). 1 'ii'Kidrnt.. I)liil,vl.r l;t. . ('.ill..;;,.. M. ('.. '1 1 1 V. CAROLINA eoi.i.r." of Agficaltnrn anl cli-'ii Arts, Will bpiii ilH f.nuth p. pir.n Si .t.. 1'.1J. County Kupr-f iiitoinlnniH ni l-Mu-cstion will fx.in.ii..' rj.vli.--i.iM i..r Rf'.miHoiou. Total ro.it $!00 ycor. Al.i n m ALEXANDKU I IOLLA I A V, 1'rHhi.lfii. 'Mwlm lti!cit.h, N.C. UNIVERSITY OF InstriH'tiiHi ia oIIimim! in i'.'ur ii-ncr;!! i courses of Ktiuly, six brit'f cuiim's, a : Im-fo nninlirr of in I courses, anil in . iiw Me.dicitm mid I'n-'ineoi iii.i- I Tho Faculty inclu.lcs twenty 'I'eivclieis. I O Scbolarsliips and loiin fiinils are avuil- I ftblo for needy yumifr men of talent and I cliniwtcr. I ! The XEXT SESSION UE(ilNS SI. IT. I. Knr catalogue with full inforinalinn, address IM!1-:SII)1".NT WINSTON. je'iU dwtm ('lia',.el Hill, II. ( '. St iary's Mm$, RALEIGH, N t:. Tim A I - -1 . - . S ssi.UI ill l'.. ;M I'.ir . Mla!n; Ki .. V. ij i'i tlw :.n lie, ll- N 1 Tren.on Will Dti oa liii First Monday in Srjit.,iu tho Pw j Ilih School UuiMin,!. j Tuition From to $3.00, and Board rrora $5 to $7. For fnrllior Inform if.on nili!r. 1 V. II. HIIOOKS, Frinri :! . I '.1 w"m Salfiii Pcinol'! Ar;:(ic!iiv, dtst Female Eoilegt; la i!iu iaih.; The 91st Annual ttriwio.-i ln'irm Si p- tnmber 1st, U'lJ. IIi-imhut for !.it ymr 827. KporiHl foalurfp:- rnr. in-. kmh-- I MKNT Ol' llK.M.Tll. I II V l:.M T I K VSM1 iNTn.i.K.iT. Hnildinu" thnrour.lily " I modelled, l'ully niuipin .1 I'repiiratory, ColloRialo Find l'ol (irailuato Impact ments, bfBiden llrst-rlB scbnoli in Music, Akt, I.AS'iArnrs. Eixm i l 'S, CoMMRItl'IAI. NH INIH TIllAI. Si'l I ll.:i. JOHN li. Ul.KWF.1,1,. jlQlwlm 1'iioi-iral. Wilson Collegia. Snsfifuts, WILSON', NOliTII ('Ai:tl,IN'A. mi: YOUNO laOSES. Strictly ITon-Scctarian. Tlio Kortj Tliir I Si ioii lli-pn- MONDAY, Sl'TTEMllEli 5, 1.S9U. A most tlinrnuoli nn 1 coiiiiiri lunsivi- pri.mriitory ronrsi: of slii.l v, il li :i 1'nll !oll(.i;m(o I our! cuiial In Unit ol .my 'einiile Colli'p' in Ilic Soul Ii . Host f:niliti!i lm-tin: ilmly ol' Mnir mul Art. Slanilnril ol' Srln.hir.lni iimii suully lii'li. Ilr.illlil'iil loratiiHi. I'.uil.l IlirM mul irrnllll.U :iT'S''. :tl I li lillll 1 V liliinlcil. Mo.li riilc rliMi;,'i.r:. ( ".it :i I . m --i mul tin nlnin m iit Irooon :iiiln :il ion. SM.AH V.. WAUKKN. jyi) I'i ini'ii;il. TRINITY C0LLE6E OURHAMf NOHTH UAHUUNA. Kaw butMliiKi. All niotlrrn inipniTrmfntsi. Klortrlc liclitn. Lulratliri-d, Jihrnri" . inn- I ... 1 1 k ft. I r. i i ... . Il, I .m ri'll ..r.illll.ld liiBffHnr farulty nf BiM- iahritM in tt'1i . pi l in-nt. ftTn dopsartnifiiN r iiilnn timi. opt n S-,.i. I. Kxpotismi low. mr fMMiignr ninrTsw joun KratiKuu i . wi i, i res a EDUCATE Yoxix Boy la the bost and safest way and wlw tho least trouble and expense by ending him to BAENES' ACADEIIY, A home sehool for twenty boys, in one of lb healthiest and most moral towns ot the Bute. The boys study in the presenoe and nndsr the direction or tbe PrinoipaW , Patronlaed by the beet fam ilies, Terms macerate, writ eany and secure aplaoe for the neat year, E. U PAKNE3, A.B., Trinolpal, ' 3, . Lenoir, N.C- IUf.'renoos:, Faculty of Davidson Col lege. N. 0.1 Dr. E. Porter. Rooky Point, N. C; Bon, John t. Flokn, Mayor of Charleston, H. O. f Kev. It, I'. Hmltn, Blaokstocks. S. 0. Mr. K. a Stokes. Oral Oaks. Va.J Mr. W. M. Brown, Oashlsr Dabk, Horenoe, B. 0.; Rer. Chalmers Frasar Atlanta. Ua,;8npt. H. P. Arober, Of tbe tJKy BohQols, t harlag- ton,B. U,eto. , jyut ir Atlantic and N. 0. Eailroad. AS.SIQ;B UrABTMiit, New Hern, N.O., May HOth, 18SU. i'.i AmH A. & N. It. R : .Tin,, null r:M. Kif fun', Knnnil Trip Tickets Kibk.iii ,f jxii-.!) from c.nip.in Hlutlcus li.w l,. i.Iihh nh int. I nn Hit, w. N. ). It. K. I. R.1K K J,,,,,. 1st. l0 Hf.l. )lh 'v':.,,r iih v... ii, ,,i i,,r tetura passaae uo '! i- " -i. :i1ki ifrs. n aj o . Se fi S 2 85 IC J 'I tl'2 Ml ll 1(1 110.50 i. . i.i v.. n ii n ii 6o ii. is n 7ii is.ai 12.7s r.iKi iv.:.. ia.hr, i:ta, 17 Ii", I.', Ml II Ml 13.HO rj.1.1 17.10 10011 i5u To Hi. kcry. S. . M'.illanl.iM, r 1 il. I Km I. Klm-R .:'iil'n AhIi.- . Hot H.iinh.i ill ..ilier TcKort.n In Western North Virmma can lm furnlKheil iiiwim I I 'at iillnii i.r 1 .. ppi i.-R'uiii (. hiMreu lindex, tlvn CO veara '1' bi;i', fii.,. ( lit!ftrn -USPKi) ami uniler ;(., on ' half or I .' . Iv,. . -c-ti i s uf ' '. ' " 1 . Hi. 1. 11 , j 1 :, I i-k. H. I UIJ..U r. A. Judicial Sale. I 1 .1. r r ili-rreo of MuhIi Hiifwrlor Court, h m.uii iI lit Mn iih: 'j'itmi. lMii, in Hie civil ,11,111111 n ullr.l w. I, Hurl kiiJ others vs. Inn. 1. Kl'.lllirrw 111 il others. Hie un.ler Mi;n...l will shII fur oiish. nt Fulilio Auction, 'at III" (unit Hi. use .loir In Newheru, N. O.. :i.m Vim, l-,y. An..;. Iki. iwrj, n cerium tractor Mi. i.l I) Inn hi tin, ,1,11 my of l raven, adjoin In..; n,., l.in.lB ..I tiimh. 11. MalllBon anil , ..Iiiimr. I'oniiiiiiim; ii'-, aerea mom or Imii, I l.ii'iwn us llui l.niiiH Move Trart. 'I'lie Ranie j . ni'VJIi-.l Ivy I.,., 1. Klllilin-w an.l win, l l.'.nU Mi.ve. I.y ilce. I rccnrileil 111 ornvrn. In ll-.i.i. M. ill i iil;c '.: .. I I'.i'c.I ,1 1 -.v. lM.!. ! ii- '. I inil' HAITI.!'". ComnilKRlonfr. "rsi ' CTiJRTEVNT HOUSE NEW YORK. OO -o AMERICAN IM,AN .' :t..-.o KUROPEAN PLAN I . 1 .00 Per Day j I Upward. I I'A V. 00 i o TIIK STl'KTKVASJT JIOUSK tfl tlie luoKt centrHl In the city! near all ole-vnl'-il nm.'s. slreet cur linen, principle places " Hiiiui.ii'.i iit tiri.i lai;;erotall stores. Aiiii"i ! 1.1 II 1 Willi l:,e adJI- jili pnl i'.'iiv. nli'ii.-in . t U10 rut'troiolls ..I!. ' 1 it iiiiv UU.-Slf'. Ml IITKV.UT lIOt'SB. Ilinnilitny, I SI Ii .Hi 'i'.UU Sin.. New York. N. V !At r'-.iri No. 19. v tf j i: v. hit il. 11 U SC.II l or '!'''' !ni-l: cli-ciilui-.. tio. 'l!)iM.r 11 Wo. 4t).':t. i' " S2I.00 U' - " S23.00 I I .i' rr.r.o crtLilofue for . . .Id. it -lo i.orrontfrom , I RIL, iiinUse lOo. . nr i mlinnapolii, Inil. "v fiPit mn. . H.ir.k In Th.rty Stntnn. K CO., Pt. Louis, Mo. TYLr.rt -1. I?. BiiOWTf, rilifcT CLASS - BARBER SHOP. , vti IS i t Kr.'l cniiU tfsiisii. OCit. MIDDLE STa NOTICE. .. .1, J..II1I-H C. h c. thirTlKitii, has uml iisr'hy Rives A .In- m.k-m it I jn rsuiifl (uivlr.,; (H:ili'i.( Mi- khUI hlKsir M iit tli-ni lo (lit) shIiI ail hiiiih ni iruiMd, for py- - Ii'' I -I h ility or Junt, :."!lv! will iv ilfHilfd lu - to Uio i Kiiilrniiiil ymy . IIAUBIHIIN, AniiiliilHLiulu il. !: , Inn.- li. r. Hailrnaci J.i,i.--& TAIiLS ii. 22 , Friday, ().- r.;!oot l::iO P.M. 17. isao. OoOQEaBT. 80BEDULB. OOINQ Wk8T No. 51. I'u.itenger Trains. No. 50. Ar. I.ve. Stations. Ar. Lvo. pm :" (loldsboro 1110 am 4 0(1 4 0'.l Ladranne 10 22 10 21) 4 :;.'i 4 40 Kinnon 9 48 9 63 II 01) li 0 Now Heme 17 8 SO 7 p r.i a!or)ioait I'ily am 6 17 L'Hilf . UolNil : .3T .rciii'iivi.K lloiNa Wkpt No. S. Mixed Ft. & Btalions. Pass. Train. Mixiol Ft. Pass. Train. am B BO 6 57 7 05 Uolileooro Best's La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Caawell Dover Core Creek Tuaoarora Clark a Newborn liiverdale Croatan Hnvvlock Newport Wild wood Atlantio Morehead City Ailantio Hotel 7 20 pm 624 634 554 604 5 24 6 30 4 25 6 ( 0 400 405 8 25 8 40 2 54 8 00 2 24 880 2 03 819 10 39 1 80 9 41 9 48 9 28 9 88 8 59 9 04 8 17 827 8 00 8 05 7 47 7 58 717 7 87 7 05 7 15 J7 20 7 30 k7 48 7 r3 .H 11 o 80 o u0 a B5 9 15 10 0 10 31 10 38 11 00 11 O'i 11 17 11 41 12 15 3 00 3 37 8 43 3 4S 3 50 4 OH : 1 i 4 37 4 4ii 4 51 4 .. ' 5 01 5 01 6 16 5 LU 5 23 5 21 5 31 p m AUnebead Ueni Monday, Wednesday and Friday. tTnesday, Tuursday ana Katurdar Train Moonnaota with WllnlnrtOB W.i- oon. Train Ixiud North, leaving Uoldsbor) 11:611 a. m., a, id with Richmond A Daavliit Train West, leaving (iojilsboro 11:10 p. m. Train hi oonaeois wua Ulchmnaa suadCi Traio.siii.lnc ai OoldHhcro'i:r5 p.m., and wit WIlmlnKtnn and Wsldon Train from to Norih at .till p.m. Train 2 ponncta vnin wiiminKwm anil WelilKii Tiirmi.-n Krelcht Train, North bonnil, leaving Uoldslioro at 8:60 p.m. 8. L. Dill, Innerlniandar t Commissioner's Sale. Tnrsuant o a ladgemont of foreclosure of morlcaue and an order of sale, at Harlnf Term iH'.ii. of the Superior Court of Uraven l ounly, In an aotlnn wliereln The Kaalera BiilldinK and I Alan AsMWlatlon of Hyraense N. V., was piaintiu ana Ainea n. wara a wife were defendants as Commissioner dnly authorlr.ed and amnowereil by said luda ment ana oraer or sale, l win seu o in highest Mdder for eash.atthe OouitHoas door of said aonnty, In the elty of .w Berne, on the 18th day oraugnat lWrl,atl'i O'tiook noon, all the following desonbed lot 1 - P-feFPl or pareel or land, via., Lying ana oeing situated In said elty of Hew Hern, Oonnty., and male aiaresani ana xnown ana ai- ; tlnirnlsbsd as lot Ra.Hi.in aaideiiyseniia-. Ins to the plan of lots mad by Ifd. K. manly and ,T. Oralis m Tall being 'W ft. front nn Htanly St., and 11 ft. deep as will more liiny appear or le'aranra w . 1 ' sth.ru.sklll toKd. K. Stanly datd lb'y Sth,lK7lland reonrded l Boo JNo 71, folio 81 and IS Kegtater'a office, and being now ooeupled by said Allied H, Ward as a dwoiluiK. -' . OBo. Tf. WHITB, Commissioner ; This July sudilSW. . a 1 s c! 'P as any other man. Ji-Sijit ; f in. r. j. '.1