THE JOUHNAL. FALSE Til 1KB PARTY TEACMKt) Tiie Way ' to Combat It -How eau Any Koafliom White Han 8up . port Either theBepub Mean or Third ; . . Party. .' - Editoe Journal: I write yuu today as a citizen of the old North iinflincr Democrat ao ions as tney htand npon the broad, liberal and holiest platform : that they have iiov placed before una country. I fear that we do not attach as much importance to this Third party movement as we ought. I nave been through many of the counties of North Carolina since the organisation of the party and find that its strongholds, principal ly, are in the rural or country dis tricts where the people have been reading the Progressive Farmer and have been taught by its erroneous ideas that the Demtcratic party was to be blamed most for the depressed condition of our country. They seem to blame the Democrats for what the Republi cans have been doing. I think it is the duty of the Democratic Ex . ecutive Committee of the State to send out to these men every farmer in the country a politloai news paper that will contain the speeches delivered by the Democratic cam paigners of the State as well as Buoh other literature that will best offset the doctrine taught by the Progres sive Farmer. It is very evident to me that these people of whom I speak are not going to hear the political issues of the day discussed ; exeept when discussed by the Third party. Yon may send all the political pamphlets and circulars that you like, but the people are not going ; to read them ; but, send them a newspaper instead and they will read not only the news items but .hmlum..! In if Iam sorry to see this division among our people especially in my own native county Lenoir, but I believe that most of them will re turn to their former -allegiance to Democratic principles before the 8th day of Nov. next. For my life I can't see how the old veterans who wore the gray, and in fact any white man in the South can support either, the Republican or Third party, and when they go to the polls on election day and see the political sky darkened by the gloomy and cloudy day of recon struction, I do not believe they will vote other than the Democratic ticket I am glad to see so many ' of the Allianoemen sticking to the Democratic party for through that party pur relief will come it we can nniv ME in mwHr. , Virginia is all O. K. Deummbe Democrat. The Doctor and Good Boads. -The sentiment In favor of imnrovine oonntrv roads is growing every year. It has reached onr -it- 1. 1 : a u : 1 1 legislative assemuiiet), uuu uuib are being Introduced in order to secure State aid in the matter. Good roads are things which no class ol persons would appreciate more than physioians, and to none would they bring more direct per sonal comfort, and even practical help. On a good road the country doctor can travel ten miles an ' hour, on a bad one barely five. The time required in doing his work is doubled, the physical weariness is increased, the amount of visiting rendered possible is curtailed. Besides this, the patient suffers, -for the doctor's visits are delayed and less numerous. He cannot watoh the patient so closely, and he brings to his work a wearied body. Perhaps the horse would argne ' most eloquently of all, if he 'could peak in favor of good roads. His working lite would be lengthened and bis working days made easier. With good roads the bicycle could be utilized, and through its - invigorating influence, perhaps, the country doctor would cease, as years Tolled on, to become obese from too much sitting in a wagon, bis wits would be sharper, his professional work better. By all means, then let tbe doc tors take up the gospel of good roads and urge forward their construction. They make inter course more easy, word less burden- ; a une, life more enjoyable; and they are, in fine, an index of the progres siveness and civilization of a com- ' munity. Med. Keoord. VBB STAOB AND THE PULPIT .' Bv. T. II. fihrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Bias Hound, Kan., ays: "I feel H my duty to teh, what wooden Dr. King's Mew Diseovery lias -done forme Mr Luna war badly diseased, and my parishioner! thought I could live only a few wee. I took fire bottles of Dr. Kbit's Now Disoorery and am sonnd and wolf, raining 86 lbs. in weight." Arthur Lore, Manager Lore's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor- auga. trial and oonvlnelng evidence, I am eon Ii dent lr. King's Hew uiacovery lor Consumption beat em all and caret when evervthlnir else lails. The irreatest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is - to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at F. H. DufiVt drag store. Eegular sizes oue. ana . . la greater heed of an all-seeing AT than : thai nrovnrbial fullinir sparrow stands the "white blackJ The Homeliest Man in Kew Berne As well as the handsomest, and others . lt.Aj4 IA Mall mm in. AmtrtAab .nil M l.flWN W1 ." WU ft& - Mt Sm. a. trial knf tU nf lUmn'i Ralaan for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that 1 selling eaaireiy upon us mom emu u gnaranteed to relieve and Our all Chronic end Aoate Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, ami CiMisunlpUon. . Large bottles CO ort. i -vl , mar2a dood weow , i Labor and Capital. The IIomested affair near Pitts burg sugests some things to the eonutry at large: -; a '.":- First, Thete is something wrong .in tbe prent relations of labor and capital. . Second, The wrong is not entire ly upon either star; it Is on both Hides. Third. The capitalist has uo moral tight to reduce the working man's . wages" beyond tbe point where be can live comfortably and, by economy lay by something for the future. The laborer may be ia snob circumstances as would compel him to accept the lower wages or allow his family to suffer It is wrong for the capitalist to take advantage of each circum stances. ' Fourth, Labor organizations have a legitimate purpose to accomplish, but when they declare that they will not work, and that they will not allow any non-union men to work under any circum stances, and that they will not work with products of non-union labor, they are trying to exercise tbe rankest tyranny over the labor element of this country. Fifth, Pinkertons have no place in a lockout or strike when proper ty is eadangered. If the State is held responsible for the destruction of property, the State ought to be given charge of the property until peace and order is restored. Sixth, Social and economio questions are prominent among the leading questions of to-day. Upon their right solution depends the welfare of our land in a large degree. Ensign. Lack and Labor ProTcrbs. Luck is waiting for something to turn up. Labor, with keen eyes and strong, will turn up some thing. Lack lies in bed and wishes the postman to bring him news of a legacy. Labor turns out at six o'clock, and lays the lonndation of competence. Luck whines. Labor whistles. Lack relies on chances. Labor on charaoter. Lack slips down to indigence. Labor strides upward to independence. Are you tbe slave of luck or the friend of labor! A Paradoxical Animal. The ornithorbynchus of Australia lays eggs like a bird, suckles its young like other mammals, and in general appearance and habits re sembles tbe beaver of this country and Europe. One variety is covered with hair, has webbed ieet and a bill like a duck. Another has a long hooked bill like a curlew but in all other respects (except its peculiar egg laying habits) is a perleot porcupine, quills and all. Governor Flower has signed the "Freedom of Worship" bill that virtually gives Korean Catholic priests control of every charitable, benevolent, and reformatory institution in the State of New York that is supported even in part by public money. The reason assigned for tbe necessity of such a law is that as a majority of the inmates cf those institutions are Roman Catholics, the priests should have charge of them. The power of Koine iu tbe state of New York is now i-npreme. It only remains lor that cbnrcb to grasp the National Government. Tbe day of the supremacy of the Boman Catholic Chnrch in this country is not so far distant as it may seem to some easy-going citizens. Exchange. Oh, What a Cough. Will you hoed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sort approach of thai mora terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if yon oan afford for the sake of serine Wo., to run the risk and do nothing for it Wo kaow from experience that Shiloh'a Car will Cure your oough. It nerer fails. This ex plains why more than a Million Bot tles were sold the past year. It relieve oronps and whooping oough at onoe' Mothers, do not be without it. For lame baok, side or cheat one Shiloh'a Porous plaster. Sold by New Barne Drug Co Beautiful souls are often put into plain bodies; bnt they cannot be hidden, and have a power all their own, tbe greater for the unoon scionsness of humility which gives it grime. The need of a perfvetly safe and al ways reliable remedy for the peculiar diseases of summer ii nnirersal. As a remedy for the household, offloe, on tbe farm, on shipboard and for travel ere by Und and sea, Winktlmana's Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy has proved its inestimable worth in the prompt relief and cure of all disorders originating in tbe atomaoh and diges tive system, such a Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramps eto. oer rioeable under alt conditions, always ready for use, and perfectly safe. Prioe 25a. at all druggists. juneaJ&wlr. Tbe right kind of a man is never hurt any by persecution. Frightful and Nothing Lean. Are the ravages in physical stamina caused by diseases of tbe kidneys and bladder. Oftentimes, moreover, they are swiniy progressive to a fatal termination. Beginning with simple inactivity of the organs, renal disease, u unchecked by in termediate death or relief, winds up in destruction of the kidneys. This Is ter rible to contemplate, dreadful to undergo. Anticipate the danger by arousing aud reputing the kidneys, when inactive. wiin noeteiter otomacn jutiora, a moat efficient diuretic as well as a general al terative and tonic of unexampled excel lence. It performs a further crood office for the system in promoting activity of me Kidneys, in that Jt more effectually expels through these channels impurities which produce rheumatism and . dropsy. Malaria, constipation, biliousness, diver trouble, nervousness, dyspepsia, M euo cumb to its beneficent action. . , i v. . THE SHYER QUESTION. All sing a song of hard times. " ' ' V Of pockets empty, too; Of hustling 'round for money , . And feeling oh! so blue Because you act so foolishly And buy your goods so rash Not looking to your interest But wasting your good cash. You know right well a dollar .,,' Can take care of itself, It is the little penny v You must lay by on the shelf ' Big lit would teach a lesson . That will not cost you dear t , Trade with him watch the silvet -' You can save up in a year. No use to name his bargains, He tells yon every day; ' Go to his stores to find out, And see the easy way . Ho sells his hats, boots, shoes and clothes, Best goods of every sort His bargain taUt have now become A popular resort. : . Don't fret because the Senate Defeats the "Silver Bill;" The silver that most interests you, Is that, your pocket Jill Big Bet will help you do it, It's like him you can wave And flourish, in the land of free And home of all the brave. Have faith in God; think noble things of God; be sure that trust in the righteous God means the ultimate triumph of good over evil. Tor Ov Vlfty Yews UBS. Ww stow "8 BooTHura Bybup bat been used for children teethiaz. It soothes the ohild. so funs the gums. ways all pain, cores wind oolie, and ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty Ore can Is a bottle. Bold by all drug gists throughout the world. ' janSdAwir The Can be no arcrnmrnit uhnnr. anything concerning which one of the parties knows nothing. For this raaouu no unrisuan is wise who tries to reason With an Infidnl Vnn might as well undertake to Arnlain to the blind what a rainbow loods like. Wkea Babj u sick, we bar Cutoria When sh in a Child, aha cried for CtorU. Whea aha became Wat, she cluag to Caatorla. Wbea llui baa Children, ake gie Uiea Oaatoria. Thorn ia a 1ani in t Marengo, Ind., over two eggs kpnnrrkt i. .La - - . mn . "" avmoiaieui II ceUlS a dozen. 8 hlloh'i Catarrh 8anuil A oui cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Oankir mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is aa ingenious nasal Injector tor the mora eoooeesful treat- maot oi inese complaint wltnout extra oharga. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlal New Watch & Jeweler Shop n W 1 r JS JU1UDLK OTKEJCT, PI EAR iSBOAJI. If you have Watches on which other parties have failed to cive satisfaction. send them to me ; I have every facility of toe trade and guarantee work at short notice and very reasonable prices, jy31 lm . D. BANGERT. THB Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BERNE, N, C- Organised on year ago. CAPITAL STOCK , $75,000.00 Dividend . . . 8,760.00 Surplus and Profits . 8,003.08 OFFICERS : l H. Cotleb, President. W. 8. Chadwick, Vioe-Presideal. T. W. DiwcY, Cashier. A. H. Powiix. . Taller. DIRECTORS : Wm. Clere, P. H. Pelletler, J. W. Stewart, W. S. Chadwick. Jobs Stater. O. Marks, L. H, Cutler, K. B. Hack burn. Head Quarters for Nickel Baring Stamp. Your business is respeotfuUy solicited. John HsGrcbfres&Co. F0UNDEB8, MACHINISTS, And Blacksmiths. Having withdrawn from the old firm of John II, Crabtree & Co.. and our- chased the place on th west aide of Craven street, formerly known a Cuth bert's stand, we are now ready to do all kind of Foundry, Machinist and Black smith Work, All our tools and machinery are new and first-olass in every particular. W i I li nnnA MWM Mf muk.nLi. .t. we hope to merit and receive a liberal snare or pubiie patronage. John H. Crabtree & do.. j29 dwtf New Berne, N. C. Fnrnifuri, dtresses. a South Front Bt ,opp. Gaston Bouse, For Furniture of Ail Finds. Hattresse made to order and reno vated. PRICES VERY LOW. JyU dwtf For S&h, One very large Iron Safe, suitable for Manning business or a large Uommisslon business; weight 6,000 lbs. Manufac tured by Mosler Bai and Lock Company of Cincinnati, O. Coat three- hundred and forty dollar delivered. Can tray or exchange smallsr aafe by corresponding with or calling on BIG IKE, New Berne, N. C-; , ;, '.' Also, bne Safe, -cost ninety dollars at factory of Hosier, Bohman ft Co.. of Cin cinnati, O. t.i , v i r These sale have not - been out of the factory only a very abort tune, and look as well as when first made. ' ' v COME AND 8EE HE I, . l f 1 i? j Say. neighbor, what's the trouble with youf Didn't you get the nomina tion? No. but I cot a pair of Cart Wheels that don't rait me, and now J. C. Whitty ft Co. have just got in a supply of those Celebrated Tennessee Wheels. I ana always doing just what I ought not. Take say advioe and go at onoe to Whitty and get a pair of the Ten nessee Wheel and you enn smile if I caVt, X. 1 BRYiif, Pro. TOOS. DANIELS, Vice Pres. 0. 1. ROBERTS, Cashier. The National Bank, 0P NEW BEENE, N. C ' INOORPOBATED 1865. CaDital. $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 98,168 DIRECTORS. las. A. Bbtaji, Tbos. Daniels. Chab. s. Bbtaji, J. H. Hacebubr, Albx. Hjlub, L. Harvey, U. H. BOBBBTS. 250,000 BRICK READY FOB SALE! Cheaper than any other Mar can Furnish Them. I've got 'em and want to sell 'em. Apply to W. P. BURRUS, New Berne, or M. PORTER, Rivordale, joe7 dtf S. R. STREET, General FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE. N. C. J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. ys. DENTIST, g m -3. Permanently located NKWUKRN, H.Q. Oas administered foi the extraotlon ol teeth without twin. mar 25 dwlf Office in Hotel Albert. HUMPHREYS' This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Tiles External or Internal, Mind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Weeding of the Rectum. The relief is Immediate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. O Price, 50 Cents. Trial site, tj Cents. SoM hf Drmcatoto, or atnl poal-aald sa rtotlpl ol prloa. ansvsuurnv nsveo., 111111 maua sk, nw tou THE PILE OINTMENT it has Tjermanentlv en red tbotjsahm of oases prononnoed by doctor hope lea. If yon have premonitory ermp soma, Bramtl FISO' Immediately. ByDruggtata. iiS onnta. Estabu: AVEATS,' sua. MARKS. rVr1 CO?TB!0HTJw . W ! ipnlil atbatla H faaafrajaaM la atKaf Mda, aiaa UurrMoa. .ar.'tt. ,.Im.m Wrd.. urai, tt r" .IU.. of abuvu m 3a tatm?jit. oora M4 va tutvr af pattt.. a-ul U.? miwiiUm uhA aatasaa f aalta Ki ljr..r' Cvl'waaf iaidw Stoat, dial, fe6tat, a ., -! fr., - t,uuo iikotukh!'.. rji.iiiHbif rfr-iMiDff,. SO If 'aahtiatH, l: c nySaaa Vwm aUtaift ar ptte a fe-adMaia ITiaa ' Sralaa aaaa.Uk, " rfajta," aaauibai ' prloa , eaata, mmm au aaanaaatnlal nilili Sal aaasara. taaaahwenn aa paiaaiaai. ,, (alaatlaa < ptr. " .' ' r : auMlltxt tiiraai TVa iua seM la ? ftltnllV. UlTI fl f3lffllttIRnU.tcOl'l.irl.iTlftri. ltUl kMUtla atviiu tvufinw V mfcuuittttuni Urf Uvm of lllimlratcrl ( ,,tiri W . if WED .htAAAj C I. 3 1 Executor'a Sale, ;, : Pursuant lo a -power conferred on me by the Superior Court of Craven-county pursuant to a petition therein filed, for the sale of the personal property of the late Mrs. C. . Patterson, for Cash, I will expose to sale and sell, tfi the tiigbest bid der, for Cash, at the late residence of suid Mrs. C. E. Patterson, on East Front street, in the city of Newliern, on Friday and Saturday, the 19th and 30th August, 1802: Beginning on Friday, at. the hour of Ten o'clock, A.M., all the following Personal Property, to wit: All the Housohold and Kitchen Furniture, Three United States 4 per cent. Bonds of the denomination of $1,U0U.UU each, une united states 4 per per cent. Bond of the denominat ion or $50.00; Twenty-five Shares of the Capital Stock of the National Bank of Newbern. This 27th day of July, 1893. ' CHAS. C. CLARE, Executor of C. E. Patterson, due'd THE WATCH TOWER. Published Semi-Monthly, One Dollar a Tear. Devoted to Apostolio.ChiUMnnity, Ed ucation, General Intelligence. Send for Sample Copy. Offloe of publication, Greenville, N. C. Editorial offloe, Washington, N. C. J. L. WINFIELD, Editor. D. W.OAVI8, Asst. oaoe Clinton Uilitarylnslii'e CLINTON, N. C. AU teachers have had Collegiate training prepared especially for teach ing. (Preparatory course a specialty. Special course in Commercial Law, Book-keeping- and Penmanship. sSTVoo&l Mas to and Calisthenios Free. tTNo additional oost for Classics. sHTNO INCIDENTAL FEES. W IIS for Board, Washing, Lights, and Tuition per month. Tuition from S3, $3 to $4 per month. Uniform will not cost more than $15.60. For further particulars address the Prinoipal, W. R. SKINNER, feblHwtf Clinton. N. O. Public Sale. l'nrsutnt to a Judgment of the Superior Oourt o( Craven county, rendered at the Spring Term, A.D. 1802. we will aell at Pub tlo Auetlon, at the Oourt House door In the Olty of Newbern, at 12 o'oloek, M . on Mon day, September Sth. 1893, tbe following prop, erty: All tbe estate, property, elalm and de mand of Asa Jones to and to th estate both real and personal of his late father, Freder ick J. Jones, deceased, wbetber tbe same be In possession or expectancy to whloh the aid AeaJonrS Is entitled or may hereafter be entitled as one of the legatees and de visees under tbe will of the said Frederick J. Jones, dated tb lVth day ot June, 1S80, now upon record In Will Book, Letter K, page 342, In tbe offloe of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Craven county. Terms Cash. M. DaW. BTBVENBOS. Wat. W. OLiARK, JySStds Commissioners. Notice. State of North Carolina Craven County. The subscriber having qualified aa Execu tor of the estate of Caroline K Patterson, deceased, on tbe 18th day of July, A.D. ISM, before the Probate Oourt of Oraven county, hereby uotlfles all persons having claims against said Jtatat to pieaent tbem for pay ment on or before tb 1st day or August, ISU3, or tble notice will be pleaded In bar of their reoovery. All persona Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment. Done this SM day of July, 1803 Jj 21 st CU AU. 0. CLARK. Executor. A Note Of Warning TO THE PUBLIC. AS a muter of justice to ourselves and to tbe r patation of Dr. Leslie E. Ceeley's Double Chloride of Gold Uempoies for the cure of tbe Liquor. Opium, Morphine and Tobacco Dia laaen, and Neurasthenia, we warn the public ibot theee remedies are used by ao institution or sanitarium in the United States, except those established by our company nnder the uniform name of "Tub Kkelbt iHSTmm." All other olaimtOK to use our reuse die are fraud and impostors. We have now sixty Keeley Institute established in various parts of the United Btates, where the Keeley Treat men! is administered, and th Keeley remedies sold. We, however, oaatton all to examine veil and know that they are dealing with uenoini beprssiiita- tives, authorlasd by us, before taking treatment or puichasiwi remedies. The fraudulent eslubllsbmeou use tbe name of "Ui-Obloride of Gold "or simitar title. Tbe newspapers do not discriminate sufficiently to know thst they are imitators, and so put down all tooideot occurring; at such establish ments a being brought about by tbe Keeley Treatment. This Is matter of tnuoh concern to ns, and bene this warning. BpotfaMy Tonr. THE LF.3LIE B KEELEY Co. Crans J. Dcddv 8eoV and Trees. J91m D wight, IU., AprU 80, 189 Tfas World'siFalr.; Whether yon intent to visit the World's Fatr in Ubloaaro In 18US or not aoa. win want a history of It from the keclnnla. Buoh a niatory is oeuig magnioeenur presentee py Tho Exposition GrpMc, -. Printed in KnglUta, German, rraneb and . i .... Bpenish, , . . , The first number of thl rarreat anartarl edttloo of Tb Omphiejoet famed, eontalna Views of alt tb Principal aulidlngs from offlolal deeigaa the AdmlnUatratloo, jrine Ana, aianuiaaiuree, 9 laneriea, Mine ana Mining. Agrteuluiral Baildlns and every thing elae to date), Portraits of i he Principal Omoam of the Oommlaalon and Director v. Vlawa of the Pnneipal Oitlae of America, fnll-pag Portrait of President H.riison and neeretary tilalne, and a superb triple. Daa-e BlrS's-a.'y View ot the IcnoailMm brounds and baildlns from designs by the panatt 01 iwiinfaguuo, Ton will want a copy for yourself and leV aravi lur 7 vur inaaua . 6S Pagaa, wllb BuppUmani. Th Bne nnolloatlon in America. Do not (all to aend for a opy or ask yonr Newsdealer for It. Prloa Mow. (with order.) TUS (iRAPHIO "That ehaBomanal cue. see of llluat atod weeklies la th world's fatr ettr " All tbe prlnclpaU current event Bnely III nitrated, Th Bort ompleU,Ui moat popular, and altogether tbe moat vai. aawie innarrmiva veeai. an your new. dealer for it. or address lh aabllsher Bub sertDtlon. on year. Sl.ou. The OKAFHIO OO.ieaubora and Bert sob BiSnUmeatgo. . a" Aa agent wanted In every town n ' rj.o. - ' .-v.r NOTICE. Balag thl day qnallfled U .dmlnlatrS- tor or tn eaieie or lary k, lrea, deceaaed, before tb Clerk of lh Buparl enrt for Oraven county, all pnreona holding olalm, agalnal said aetata will prraent tliam f"i payment to the nnderelrned within twelve months from thle dete, or this notice will D pleaded lo bar ol tbntr recovery. All pereine Indebted to aald ealate will please aaaka prompt aetllrmetit. , f. , ; . jaih r. ivr. k " J ' i Adair, of laary K POIGES to SUIT the TIDES! Ba't'UB from $37.C0 to 8100.00, Kond Oarts from $9.00 to $21. CO. Farm Wagocs from 37.50 to $00.00. Baggy UarnoHS from $5.00 to f35.C0 Also, UOllaKa aud MUtES will ba sold in proportion to the above- prices for Cash or negotiable paper. I'rompc attention paia to nvory, as in tne past. T. -W. STESWikjRT. Tn03. A. OBEEN, President. WM. DUNN, Vloo-rresidont. GEL1ZENS' BANE OF D0 y A r OENEIIAI BANKIHG BUSINESS. The Aoeoun'ts of Banks. Bankers. Corporations. Farmers, Morohants and others received on favorablo terms. Prompt and of onr customers. BOARD OF Ferdinand TJlrioh. E. W. Small J. A. Meadow, (leo. N. Ives, Samuel W. Ipoek, E. H. Meadows, Chas. B. Fowler, - Uhas. DjITy, Jr. William Dunn,. CoUegiate A HOME INSTITUTION for GIRLS of Eastern Carolina at a Faculty composed of EIGHT exporioncod and efficient Teachers. SIX DEPARTMENTS. Students prepared for advanced classes in any of the Collegos. 212 Students, representing last year. The MUSICAL DEPARTMENT, under tho direction of Prof. F. E. Morton with good facilities for tho systematic music. Special Course of Study come Teachers. Moral advantages of tho School unsurpassed. Special inducements offered to POOH BOYS aud (I1UI.3. Next Term opens September 0, 1H03. Send for Catalogue. MISS MARY L. ALLEN, Sco'y. ' O. T. ADAM8, A. P., Principal. j illy 7 dwtf Vow Porno, N. C IhuA,-. ;iia.raatraTaaaanitWT.h.' .nV awml aw,agi jjftj -r - -s -friV h-jt HOEHER MILITARY frwlftrn Knllrllnna lmt a n.f -1,1 6, lm uaiu, surroundings, numbors limltod. A model on application. Far Superior and Cheaper Than Ever Befcrel VajaVJ tn tin - i -rriwV-'.. a w : iu t ii . a .... . .... . . . - ... n --A- 'i ' - V . "w ' has i just arrived with Wcstii Virginia H0ESES; and MULES; and U preparea: 10 meet tno Ijow IPricecl Potatoes J It (will pay one and ihb . ueiura Dnrcnasmp as wa a ea , aa waw aa wa - i . ''t i- ' ev. n. . it L .... . i -n . .. . a. . uaa ui Birongesk racunjr in ino ismn instruction in all dnpartmants. . WA. HU.IUJMHVU IU ,1111 '.llillH. ' . - Don't past by EInston until yon bavo seen us. -. i ' K. ff- Z'r v ', - -' " . Fall oars in Book-keeping, Jtankiog. Commercial f. " Ilnslufsli Form. Ratild 1 5 uaieniator, IJoneaponriencn, ana l'enmausliim . MUBIU.Uur Director Hits low cqtinls and no supOrloia in the State. This do Mrfmtitl avlll almrMf rrlnlM ItaAlf nav wm " - Special advantogos in Chemistry, Burveylne, Type Wrldng and Stenography, ; ICatbematlo. Language and Elocution. '-. - It yoa wish to secure a place in the College, wrfto u at onoe, as some of the department are being rnpidly filled. - , "l. - ' , , For new Catalogu", addres . . UTName thl paper. :v.; ". .''.,C: :" 1EJJ & CtiOWELt; Principals. ii A 9 A f Rcll'" Hm,f 11,0 - .1. MtaHHlX i i V U'eSi'laa!'0"'" J,B ' J S4 if A J v B'nf.'nrn,,pv,in,.,,e,, For ealo ly J. V, JORDAN, . O. E. POY. Oaehier. n. M. GROVES, Ttdfor. careful attention given to the inter si DIKEUTOltS. wood. J uraes Redmoad, ' '.has. HeizanBtein, Mayer Hahn. Tho. A. Green, C. E.Foy, Institute, tho Education of tho BOYS and modorato cost. TEN Counties, wero enrolled ASSISTANTS, ailords superior study of vocal and inslnunontal for Ihoso Desiring to ne- SCHOOL. OXFORD. H. C. t t . .. . . ... . ' Kmiiiwiuiii, neaiMiiiii cnmitu), ooautlini homo school for boys. Catnloffuos seat lullSdwlm a FEESfl SUPPLY oi 5 emergency, all ' to call and exarn e SBWiiErB. , . - ,. 'W N0r UB aa aatni aaat taaal , - a. '.bv si ( a j f, : :,i aif- . . . . ' . . . . uses tne most approvoa . mcUitHl of;,; .: - .:',-v't; , Urn s t, Mew Herno,