'J Journal. HE 'AILY V VOL. XI.--NO. 126 NEW BERNE, N. C , SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. j 7: I. 1 TOS. A. MOKTON lias bought the cu l tin) business of Guthrie & Morton, Harlowo, and will continue it at tho same stand. - 1' I OFFER my Bicycle for sale, at a very low price to sell at once. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to 8 80 81 W. T. II ill. AUCTION SALE. Tho remainder of the Household and Kitchen Furniture of tho late Mrs. Patterson will be sold at residenco at Union Point at 11 o'clock this morning. It FINE Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon'and Nice Cakes. Just arrived ftt C. E. Pi.ovicn's. PEAS and BEANS for Fall planting at Berry's Durg Store, a 18 2w. IIIAVE fitted up Hotel Albert Barber Shop nicely and in style. I invite all mvold DOtrous mid others who want a pleasant shave or hair cut in nrtistic style to give me a can Pr. OF. of. V. U, SilEr.UU). UNYADl Jno Mineral Water, tbe bent Natural apenoru. For oate by Jab. Ukdmond. RD V. JONES, late in en-nKO of tbe prescription dipirtmont of Pelbam's Fbermaoj, Ashnvilie, N. 0., (KM opened a Prescription Drug; Store flegt to custom boused Special cr to given to the selection of proration for preaariplion use only. Tne patron age of tbe public is nolioiied , raft "9 130RE COKN WdlSKEY for silo by J A3 RKDMOND. DUFF Oordon Imported Shoiry , for sale by Jab Kbpmond. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke's Bui1 Ale and Uurke'a Uuinness' Htont, for sale by Jab Redmoxd. FOB SALE CoUp' box or ward robe lounge is a perfect lounge by nay and a perfect bed by night, and you pan put away as much olothing or other article! aa in tbe average wardrobe. Yon Mtt Ret throe artioles for tho price ot one, No extra charge for paoUins or (nipping Mr. Dr. TalintRu. wifoofino cele brated preacher, says ibeee lounges are very, very nice. Prioe in Ore ton, 10. $12. Baime 812, $14. Kaw Silk, (20, 825, 811k Brooatelle, S25. 10. Terms 10 per cent, discount osb with order or half with order blnnoo CO day. ALFUEOCOLl'H Grand and Mvrtlo Avununn. Brooklyn, N. Y. AAA CIQARS at very low ( OaUUU figure! to wholesale and retail trade for sale by J as Rudmobd. GABKETT't COGNAC BRANDY uied very much in tho sick room. For sale by Jab Ukdmosp. ft f"ISU. SACRAMENTAL, PORT and 1U- SOUPPERNONO WINES for sale Jab. Kecmond. DUFFYS MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal uso. (or sale by , jan28 Jab. Redmond. I CALVIN SCIIAFFER'S WILD CHERRY BOCK AND BYE, put up expapMlr for throat and lnng d la wee, for lale by Jab Redmond. Wb learn that of the eleven nominees of the Third party at tbe Baleigh convention seveu aro cx Bepublioans - THB Mutual TTanking Security Trust ujnd Safe Deposit Company, in which tho Iron Hall funds are deposited assigned on tho 17th ol Anguat. CARE and Jarvis are making a great canvass. Other speaker are doing good service and the pros peat of Democratic success grows brighter and brighter as the days go by. AT Washington Park, Uhioago, on August 17, the trotting rnare Nancy flanks made a mile in 2:074 taking rthe reoord which has hitherto been with Maud S , at 2:089 and Sanol 2:081, on a kite shaped track. - Senator M. w. hansom, Messrs. BO. Burton aud E. O. .BeddlngUeld spoke at Jackson, Northampton county on Monday to a very large crowd. Great enthu- slasm prevailed and mash good was done. . v IT is stated that the Republicans are offering to defray (he expenses of a contest by Kotb, the defeated Third party candidate in Alabama What have tbe Republicans io do with ill , Do they already regard the Third party in the South as an ' annex to their own political organization t i The condition ; of t affairs, in Tennessee 'is trnly .' distressing, Miners and State troops have had one or two skirmishes and a battle may take place at any moment. Ai far aa reported the miners have got the better of the fighting, . hat their final defeat is inevitable. The .convict labor system U at the bot torn of the difficulty and must . be abandoned, , : Gov. BrjcrUMAannounoej that he doos not know what ha will' -, do concerning the conviots who have been sent b:k. The Gjvoruor In cllnei ta th.) 0iiub):i tint tba Court of PrUoa InapoatoM should doclard the iQiso void boc.tn-o the ! claim the anthoritioa don't protect them against raob- and in Btrrer.tkms and until they ate pro touted !a thair working of the convicts, they will not pay for the support of the convicts. We have no personal acquain tance with Dr. Esum, the noxinee of the Peoples' party for Governor of North Carolina, bnt we under stand that be is a reputable and honorable citizen. His nomina tion is not a case of "struck by lightning." Tho party is in a bad way and needd a doctor, and as Exam was near by he was called in. Wo understand that he at once prescribed a bondage for the head, -'Tbouipsou'd Eye Water," and a poultice to the spleen. Later. Patient reported to be sinking: pulhe low; respiration irregnlar and difficult; temperature 105; occa sional cramps and symptons of convulsions. Dr. Ilarrif, of Ral eigh. conHuliing physiuiac: Eaves and Butler professional nurses. UX'Af. NEWS. NEW A D VEIi TISEMENTS. JTCoward. Auction sale. W. T. Hill -nicycle for Bale. Jos. A. Morton Change in business. (.'. E. Shiver Sugar cured hams, etc. Fair weather today. The Third Party tried Skinner again at ic Congressional convention in tho first district, but he wouldn't "gee" and they nominated E. A. Move of Greenville. James, the infant son of Mr. J. P. rogdon, of Trouton, died at Kinston hursday night. Ttev. T. M. N. George left yesterday morning to accompany the remains to the home of the parents and o conduct the funeral ceremonies. It is a settled fact that Hon. Adlai Stevenson, Democratic nominee for vice- president, will speak in Goldsboro on Wednesday, September, 81st. There 11 doubtless bo thousands from the neighboring places there that day to hear him. From Goldsboro he is to go to Charlotte. Dr. Flunk Hughes is replacing the sheds in front of his stores on Middle street occupied by Capt. S. B. Waters and Mr. O. C. Green with new ones and he will also repnint the front of both tores. I lie work is being extended also to the adjoining store occupied by Messrs. A. Schult & Co. Mrs. Siddic Whitford, widow of the late Col. John N. Whitford, died at her home in Beaufort yesterday morning, after an illness of several months, with an affection of the head. She was about' 36 years of age. She was a devout Chris ten!, and a member of the Episcopal church from early youth. She leaves may friends to mourn her death. There were some good bargains made in furniture at the auction of the effects of the late Mrs. Caroline Patterson yes terday. The twenty-five shares of the National Bank stock sold well. They sold at 138. It was held in muclfbetter appreciation than the Government bonds Tho highest bid they reached was 11S. The remainder of the furniture will be old today. Three New Berne bones came in for a share of tho honors at the Raleigh races. Mr. Jos. Kinscy's bay gelding Joel iunsey won first money in tho raee for .three-year-olds y Mr. Benj. Hahn's Roano W. won third money in one race, and Dr. Leinster Duffy's Abdallah won fourth money in one of the races in which there were nine entries, though ho was placed at the disadvantage of drawing the ninth position, which put him on the outside of the last line of horses to start. State Breeders' Association. In accordance with previous notice large and enthusiastic meeting of gentle men interested in the subject assembled at the Mayor's office in Raleigh Wednes day night and tho North Carolina Asso ciation of Trotting Horse Breeders was duly organized. Col. Beueham Cameron nominated Capt- B. P. Williamson as president of the association and on motion of Mr. Batcholor he was elected by acclamation. Bench an Cameron was elected 1st 'vice- president and J. W. Bethell 2nd vice- president. Messrs. W. 8. Kennedy, 8. Banks Holts J- H. Harden, E.B, C. Ham- bley, J. S. Can, were elected directors and W. P. Batchclor was elected secre tary and Treasurer, all by acclamation. Mr. T. 8. Hendricks, so well known under his sir name of nAareUas," Was called on and addressed soma brief but pointed remarks, which were frequently interrupted by" applause. Messrs,. B, B. Tucker, J. W. Menafee, J. ' N. Holding, J. N.. Williamson and M. X. MpCown were announced as a committee to revise the constitution and prepare by-laws and also to secure additions' to the member ship of the association. 1 ; : '' Shall Rock Wanted. - Sealed proposals will be received for thirty days, for furnishing -1,000 tons shell rock, dolivered on wharf at New Heme. -. . - ; For further information ipply to :'. . , W. Di Waiaack, . City Cerk Ang. 0th 1802. - - 1 v. . ' RAILROAD AND MIXING TROUBLES New York and Tennessee Thoroughly Aroused Over the Strikes. The troubles at Buffalo have assumed such proportions as to cause the Sheriff of Erie County and the Mayor of Buffalo to call for more troops. Governor Flow er immediately ordered ont 3,000 addi tional militta making 8,000 on the grounds. The strikers were very threatening aud some became so'turbulcnt that tho troops were ordered to' charge upon them aud it was only after bayonets were freely used that they were dispersed. The strikers boldly proclaim that no more trains shall run between New York and Chicago. Other troubles are anticipated at Lou isville aud Heading but railroad men ex press confidence in winning with sufficient military force for their protection. IN TKNNE88EE. In Tennessee the situation is even worse. Large numbers of miners from Kentucky are pouring into East Tonnes see to reinforce their comrades. Governor Buchanan is still confined to his home suffering from nervous prostration, but is determined to put down the rioters at all hazards. Iu addition to the entire force of tho State militia, he has ordered the sheriffs of all the counties wherein trouble exists to summon large posses for assist ance, and it is yet thought that Govern ment troops will have to be called. The citizens are fully "aroused and freely vol unteer their assistance. Repeated attacks were made by the miners on Coal Creek Station, and Camp Anderson, but were finally repulsed with heavy loss of life. Telegraph wires have been cut in many places, making it difficult to get news. Threats have been made against a number of State officials, and there is a reign of terror generally. Sunday School Conference. The New Berne District Sunday School Conference b'eguu its session at the ap pointed time yesterday morning. Prof. G. T. Adams made the address of wel come. Itcv. B. It. Hull, of Goldsboro, responded, and in the absence of Rev. C. n. Robinson, of Morehcad, who was as signed to the duty, Mr. W. L. Arcndell, Superintendent of the Sunday School at Morehcad, made a good talk on "The Teacher and bis Class." The usual work in tho wav ol readini; reports, etc , was gone through, and the convention ad journed to the afternoon. At the nftcrnoon session, liov. F. I Swindell, presiding elder of the Wil mington district, made an admirable ad dress, and tho regular routine of business was transacted. At night there were a number of short talks on -'IIow can the schools lie induced to prepare the lesson;" "What to do with those who will not prepare them," and kindred topics, after which the main dis cussion ot tne evening, 1 lie bunUay School a Factor in Savinc the Hoys , was indulged in by Rev. B. U. Hall, of Golds boro, and Rev. F. L. Reid, of Raleigh, to the edification of all hearers. The meetings are proving (putc inter estinu. Good sinijiut; is a fea ture of the conference. Every one, irrc spective of denomination, is invited to attend, and numbers outside of the Methodists are availing themselves of the advantage of hearing matters relating to Sunday School work discussed by both ministers and laymen. Coming and Going. Mr. W. II. Pearce and family left for Seven Springs yosterday morning. Mr. II. B. Duffy left to spend some time at Buffalo Lithia Springs. Mrs. M. Makely and her daughter, Miss Acnes, left to visit relatives in Alexandria, Va. Mrs. Sam'l P. Smith of Charlotte, who has been visiting at Judge H. R Bryan's, left to visit her mother, Mrs. M. E. Bid- die of Fort Barnwell. Mrs. C. B. Hill and Miss Hattie Scales left to visit friends and relatives in Raleigh. Mr. C. J. Thorburn, of Now York, who has been visiting Mr. Thos. Daniels, loft, returning home. The steamer Ncusc brought in the following passengers: Mr. Jos. B. Clark returning from a Northern business trip Mr. N. Pugh returning from a six months stay in Philadelphia; Mr. Eddio Powell and his sister, Miss May J from a visit to relatives in Ocean City, N. J,, and Miss Ada Owens of Portsmouth, coming to visit Mrs. A. E. Hibbard. Mr, W. M, Rountroo left for Durham to take a position in a leading dry goods Arm of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan, Havens arrived last night from a trip to various points of interest iu tho western part ef the State, and report having had ' a magnificent time. , " .t ' - Judge, H." R. Bryan returned from Johnson county, where he bas been hold' ing court. . - 'v : ' Mr. R. P. Williams and his ton Ellis left for week's sport at the Btraits. Hisses MaRine isryan ana uarnne now- erton left to spend tome time at Mora head. '- i '- . - '.-. - X Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Swindell returned fmm Hr1 ranntv. " '.: "' " -X Hon. E. C. BeddinsfleU arrived in the city last night and is registered at the Uaston House, , lie will leavt tnis morn ing to make an address at Stonewall. - Mrs. Zbellers, of Chicago, who bas been spending the summer .at Morehead, left en the steamer neuse .tot nr oome. EY 11EU.NE COLLEGIATE IN-STIIU1E. IU Catalogue, Equipments, Methods, etc. A Fine School From the Primary to tho Collegiate Department. The catalogue of the New Heme Col legiate Institute is out. It shows 212 as the total number of students last year 45 in the primary department, 00 in the intermediate, 72 in the academic and 21 iu the collegiate. The music department had 24 students. The larger portion of the patronage of the school was from this county but it drew pupils also from a number of other counties and had one each from the States of Maryland, Virginia and Massa chusetts. The faculty of the school the coming term will in the main be the same as last year. Prof. G. W. Neal, however withdraws and Mr John Stanly Thomas leaves to continue hi.-i the.ilonieal studies at Princeton. The vacancies will be filled by competent instructors. Voice culture and vocal music are prominent features in all the departments of instruction. Regular lessons are given without extra charge and every student is required to take tlicm. These lesaons impart a clear and comprehensive Knowl edge of the fundamental principles en abling students in a short time to give force of expression iu Miigin:.; and to read music at sight. The library now contains about 1,000 valuable volumes to which the works of standard authors arc 'constantly being added. Beside these the reading room will be supplied with the leading maga zines, periodicals, reviews and the best daily and weekly papers representing the various sections of the United States; and students will be encouraged to devote all the time they consistently cau to these books and papers. To cultivate a taste for such information, a few minutes every morning will be devoted to news of the lay and two good boys and girls ap pointed beforehand to read Ik: lb re' the school at stated times, budgets prepared n commerce, politics, religion, domislic anil foreign affairs, etc The school has two literary societies the llypalian for voting Indies which holds weekly meetings mi Tuesday even gs at sonic private residence and tin Demoslhcnean for the voting men. It icets every Friday afternoon in ita Hall the lir-t lloor of the building. Its pec nil work is tliu training ol young men in the art ol debating, declaiming, riling orations and in acquiring a prac tical knowledge of parliamentary law- Students are not obliged to join either society, but all aro soligitcd to avail themselves of the advantages they offer. Special emphasis is laid upon tltoroiiyh imictical work in all departments and blanches. ihcre are a number ot valuable prizes iven each year the leading one being a scholarship ono year's tuition in the school, or $40 in money to the student that makes the highest, grade of scholar ship during the scholastic year. The last ono was won by Miss Eli.abcth Porter, Cove, N. C. The building is well adopted to its purpose. It has a large campus unit located in a remarkably healthy city, find Imnril mil be uroenreit for students ,, .. ,, , ,, , ., , , inus it wen oe seen una uie senooi offers a combination of advantages not often possessed and any parent would be doing a good part by his children to give them the training it bestows. AHEAD OK ALL. North Carolina Surpasscss a 1 Other Southern States In Cotton Fac tories. JNortn Carolina has not got as mam moth cotton factories as some other other States but what is better she has got more of them, and another gratifying condition is that there are so many more that when tho spindles arc counted Nortl Parnliim RUmnofiefl niiv nthpr Klnte? I Tho Textile Manufacturers' Directory, gives quite different fltrures from those of the census of 1892, in- regard to the nuni- ber of cotton mills in tho South. There is no doubt that theso figures aro correct, Number of cotton mills in Georgia, 80; in Soutlt Carolina, 57; in Worth Carolina, 157. Number of spindles, Georgia, 017,- 781; South Carolina, 018,898; North Caro lina, 541,001. This gives North Caro lina 84,190 spindles over any State in tho South- The Rocky Mount Ajgonaut says truly of the above statement that it is a grand, one, and ono that North Carolina should be proud of. Our manufacturing in terests aro gaining day by day, and bet ter than all, they aro all paying and pay ing well. Twenty to thirty per cent, is realized from many of our mills. Surely, the dawn approachoth. i Fablle Speaking. Hon. Octavius Coke hat appointments at tne louowing places at uie times speci- neu: . ." : Beaver Creek, Monday, August S3. La" Gran go, Tuesday, August 83. -. Vanceboro, Thursday, August S5. ' Ttnvtvirw KafnnlftV Anmiat Vt ' Hon. E. O. Beddingfleld at Riverdale, Monday, Auenst S3, v J PollocksvUlo, Wednesday, Aigust 84. t sir. .. w alter a. uenrv wui iuea at Aurora on Monday; August tad and at jamesvuie on x uesaay, Augivn o. (J ROWING IX FA Y0n. Cjpress Rivals While l'iiie for Snsli, Doors and 'Rliuils Brisk Demand for Such J'roilncls -Eiicoiir aging Outlook for Fac tories. New Berne needs and iIcmiM l.avr more manufacturing industries. Tin are essential to her progress. We livr urged the importance of wood w-ii Kiii;. factories. We regard Iheni a f.-mnil ! none and we sue that one kind ol'lundu r. cypress, which abounds in thi; ivdon. the chief use of w hich heretofore been the manufacture of shingle- w ing into esteem for higher purjio, makiuir sash, doors am I Minds. Un ha. oni ol ibis point a New Orleans correspondent f the TraJesmau says: In the capacity of Ira. cling -ale- man lor cypress lumber and cypress lumber and cyprc: doors and blinds, I can sav that tin prices have advanced from : to " in the last two years. In the past ear two large cypress milis were erected in (bi section and they have more than (lie, can do. Cypress is fa-( taking the place of white pine throughout the I'nited States. Two years ago ;wlierc one ear went into Texas and Kansas, today twenty ears arc shipped. Some si years ago the lirst ear load of cjpres went to Chicago and today it is being shipped by the million. The outlook iu Texas and Kansas is very euiouraging. All mills are lulled up with orders New Orleans has one of tin' line-1 sash, doer and blind manulacl iiring plants South of St. Louis. This is ll:e New Orleans Manufacturing and Lumber 'mn pany, limited. This factory e-msinne- b)0,000 leet ol cypres' per Wcck ami an :pial nmount of pine. It employs about 170 hands. This is tin- lirst. plant to make wish, doors and blind out of exp ress and to cuter the tii ld in competition with white pine. They now leue mure orders than thev can till; Tca- Kau-a- on i si in. a consuming I heir on I pul . Nish, doors and b lmds are advancing in price, todav tin v are troni live to ten per cent, better thuu one year : Fivo years from now the cjprcsii ami yellow pine mills ol the Nmiii will lu what the white pine m the .v : been iu the past. ll ha- el a- i . why ing in New With such activity in tie- ma',. indicated by l'ic above -talelni III hoiihl not such a faelt-ry be a pav vestment lor .-.oine i nlci prisnc I '.erne man or cmnpanv . Ice Company set a good The New llerni example by niak ing investigations and establishing a lir-t class ice factory, a kind thai would nol at lirst have suggested its-If but v.hieh on being looked into proini-ed will .on! they are reaping well the rew ard of lie ii III. -i; 1 th.-y lin.l pluck and sagacity, as their Inline piirc-l thein to more than limbic capacity inside of twelve month-, an are running night and day and -till ing it all they can do to llll their nrd Oilier spheres of manufacturing open. Who will be the nei such an investigation and niaki branch nerpi i-e I,.--1 in out with originality m a in-w fa kind that is not now c lal the i it v. Different Feeling for Conl'eileiales. Our Third party friends ought to con sider tlio I nc l tiiiit vvnno vveaver tne blatant and audacious able cr and had r f the Konth has always dclighli d In ailing them rebels, our farmer candid ale for Governor, Klias Carr, was the man that lirst originated the idea of a Soldici ,' Home for the old Confederates and slnnr- 1 his faith by his work in sending a check for $100 to help keep il up I Washingl 1 (!ii7X'tte. I Mil ninlilie sircci, neivveen i.a.ieon st,.ir,.llt ..., tll0 Klu,kcl htor, .,, Kni,,hi Templar's badtrc- a keystone on one ii, I u cross and crown on the oth Finder t II .1. I :i 1 1 will lie rewarded by leaving Lovick's. it Kolicc. On and after this dale Shaving will Ten Cents at my Shop, Middle si reel. .IlllIN liltoWN New llenic, N. C. augtitt "Bcttcr late than never.,' - Ti s.sicu. Have yon never tradod any with qs! No, thon begin now. "it le better lato than never." Jitnt at this season we can give yon uome close pricoa on (llothinjr, if you need a suit try as. We havo just receiveu ' ".v 1 1 ate, Scarfs and Ties. New lot white dock hats In 'llicywill bo the last lot for this season. Uomemher our line of sample Roods. We have some boys shirt waints in the Qj J. M. HOWARD. Pineapple Hams, Picnic Hams, FRESH Canned Tripe, Lobsters and Salmon, Boneless Codfish, Cream Cheese, New Butter. Pare lard, &c, :&c, AT LUCAS & LEWIS. Miss Hollister I Will open her School- SoptcuiU'r lltlr, at Dr, Slover's Office, and' intends intnH ducuig Latin sTid will not; conflno Isrself r -o - ' " .. . . - - I to ono cliifis as horotofore, ' ' . 8 10 2V --i IWi ASisolutoIy Pure. A cream Hihi-Ht of .!.-. ',, of nil i E'Vivr in 1 ' v '.V.,-: brt'. ir-K pow.ier. ' nir-K strength- f.'.ir. i nri- iit o'- -I !i in., pi; Vnll port. IJoV M. II VI, I St., N. Y. J. E. LATHAM. Commissi iesetaf V. II Broiler. Itn . i an Di al. r i Speelllativi Liberal . Mailv .p on bl.i.'-kl... r..,r, .p., i i; I'!., b- oni-ii I . i h a.lv i il i, i. ol in ii I ll'iie i i Old -fi: H. . i i i Mutual Lifo his.iir.nu;?: Oo. i; r. i i I. Fricndrv niid I V V , , , ; . , Job Tinniag : 1' Old Stand ot'MoDi'iiti I'owors, id la i-iti: i n d:i i ih .h. I J. W. WOOD. Hiss Fcrebeo Will i., -I.I Ifcv Jicliooi. Mi 1.1 !l .h I ; .iwi i: n Mi i;i;i Il.urieil I. a The full l-.ooK keip, I ii l inatl. ni. I.a Ic I'e I'l, ,H.ll A.:- k cr 1' cut. The rooms over Ih" i.toro of liisosway & t;hurchill (next to city hall) are for rent. Ap;''y jyllf J. Ii. Latham. CLINTON MILITARY INSTITUTE CLINTON, N. C. All lcarheialiavnli.nl i-nlh-'-ialr Ii. lin ing, prepared CMMjcially li.r t.radiin. l'l-oparatory t 'oiirsn a -i.i'i'iiilty. A special course in H.nk kc'i!iLr, t 'fin mercial Law, Ci'ininrn-tal Arithmetic, l'cnmanship, Trlegra.hy, stcnugrapliy and Typcwiiling. VOCiLttUilC and CALISTHtlUCS FREE. No additional cost d ('la Hoard, Walii;i, I,i.;lils, 'i'liilim i7.r.O0 pur livo iiionllis. UnlliirmH will c -ii.-l. if 1 1 1 , 13. 75 anil $1 1 .(. Tuition for ll.iy l'npil.i will W no, do and rl .ixi ,.'i- niomi. 1 I 1 "n I' or further parlii-uliirs ad'liT' Uie 'liiicijial. W. R. WHINNER, t -liiiton, N. (' John H.Crabtreo 6 0o. FOUNDERS, M ACHINISTS, And Blacksmiths. llavinu Witlidrawn from tho old fum of John It. Criibtrco '& Co., and pur- chaHoil the place on tho wost sulo of Craven street, formorlv kuown as Cuth Ix-rt s stanrl. we aro now ready to no all Kiwin oi rouuury, mciiinihi aim luacK sniitli Work. AH our tools ana machinery ai o now and nntt-elass In every tiartioiilar WiUi a good corps ol mechanics, etc. MUTUAL UFE lasijsiAJitic SO. we'1 hope to merit and rocoWoa liberal share or pnblio patronage, , , . John Hi Craljtreo &Oo js20 dwtt-?i' I UowBirfcajlir.d.,- ihweSry Store. I ; ami ..rrii ing. a nice lin. .TKAVKTxUY. ln aid. Ito. I.I W I'l III. o ..! - e'.l-d, d .11 . Walt ham, llow-l.-ad'nn' brands of d. lv and -i i, lililieally i i i -1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 - and a . . lil any di leet I'll1 . 1 ill, ( d-i-ses, I. I I ', pcl lnel lopia, in m bulb -ingle po par, I v I. I. b..lh , iil in i .1. h. v . b v repaired I Ii.- palronage e and i-ountry, dily appreciale in all liall-ac id Kill n!; . a In,.,, N. -.v Ken .1 1 uill III .III. I 11 ill lti-.i-l, III. I .1 lie- i-- nri people,. I' i:' miii Ih. pal i oll.l- e l Hi, will T. J. yiAXTEE & CO., Stand. 5choeS Opening! 19th September, i , ! I 'IU I - I il, . vv I. il ll per '.l 'i U. NliAI. Horse Milliner. I ''la... Set of .veil to call ( 'at riagc and I ' road -trei-t. r pairing of Adj one ! any lime ! anywhere friend or iot to offer more intrinsic value for the money than we arc frivint". It.'Spi-c'I'ui!) , Haokhurn & Willeit. Eavo You a Daughter to Educate? TnfMi ici iih a, t- von Hi fftlaloKun of NoUI'OI.K (M,.i;(,. Knit V() N I.Ali:H. Tl:- I n I f-M 1 . riM-iiM-Ht land bl c,Mi iptl ri'lit..-l hi i Mvnl!r, Vlrytnia, liorj uikI luilloi. iurtil Ktmillll hliulle an. I I.Hiln itn ! t rj.if, ; iui1nlH, t'Hi litiin. (nr molto Is, Tilt !( Hi Hl lttllH!'H r.U' tllA ltHl f X MnH. A re lined, eitmuii h-int. ulih tiumn com (ort and tralnlii. Aria of HoH-iupporl Kpeclaity. Appl'i-tilum HhouM ho mnde esrlv rm wb wcro com elletl to reUisu 40 last fall fron-. lack or room. AiMremi tilMni J. A. 1. 1? ASH BUY 11. S., 1'rlnolpnl. Buy None Other Thau OM Virginia Gheroots, Best Cheroots in the Market. I'riiv beint; tho Maim) hh inferior CherootH. .M.inU'l (.'luck Certificates packed iu every box bought of WHOLKBALii GROOB1S, MIDDLE STXIEET, NHW BKKKK. N. O Diiosway & Churchill, Machinist's Supplies a ; l .vie i i ' i i i fit II m.l i,.a... Pin.. i ill d I on I W . (. i . ,1 -i, ,v hi llo. II. i-.o-'l .- .... ';p. d all. i 1e :i p .id dl I ,n. : ':. thi I-.,- I I i 'J'l : i v, '-ik il! ' V V. v K I Speoi ctlty ! CRAVEN 8TRBET,i Oue door below City " All orders sent to us will have our , prompt attention, and be dolivered to any part of the city without delay. " Quality aud prices guaranteed in every lnstanos. .:. ; -' r JelOdwfp