4; ' ft H v NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28. 1892. VOL. XL-NO. 133 PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily Journal r " BUSINESS LO0ALS.v MISS HOLLISTER will POSITIVELY open her School SEPT.. 12th,. 1892. CTR. ' 'SETTIB W" will sail up Neusc E River from 0, P. Wburf every Mon day wid Friday morning at 8 o'clock. r fiHABLES SI. Keuob, Agt, T- WENTY ShareB Improved Totton Ginnery Stock for sale. Apply to r 21 lir Tnos., Daniels. OLD PAPERS for sale in any quanti se at the Journal Office. Good for pasting' on, walls , and" putting under i ' carpets. . " PEAS and BEANS lor Kail planting at Berry's Drug Store. T HAVE fitted up Hotel Albert Barber Shop nicely and in style. I invite all ; my old patrons and others who want a pleasant shave or. hair cot in artistic style to give me a call. -,.-.' Pnov. W. II. StfEi-Acn. LD1 Jkkw Miur.l W.itir, the iHift Naltir tl noeritwt. For K.ln 1V JAB. KRDMOND. K D V. JONES, lu in ohara of Ihtt prescription dt'pmtrooiit of '.v.1 elham's Pharmacy, Arln-vilU-, N 0.. baa opened a Pnrrip ion lrug Store IM-xt- to custom houH. "nooinl ears Is ' aivmi to lh selHOtiou of prpMilions 'it lor proripio uw otrlv. , Tln patrur- K tt public i solloita.1. rutjSO IJUUE COFtN WrtlSKEY for snle by I . J as Redmond. ' "Ur'F Uurdon Imp'iriwi tsheirr, foi LV.alebj JAM RlSDHOND. ' IMPOftfEO HOLLAND GIN. Burke's 1. H-uw' Al tod Burton's Guinness' xtout. for sal" by Jas Rkdmond. 1? OR BALE OoUs' box or ward lobe lounge is a perfect lonogo by lay and perfect bed by night, and you vmm put away as much olothW or o'.her articles aa in the average wardrobe. Yoa Ma get three artioles for the price tut one. Mo extra charge for packing or iPPi .. His. Dr. Talmte. wifeofihe cile rated praachr, bk) ilifse Ioudros nr. -Price In Cretoo 610 Il4iai$13.t4. tuw Silk, 20. 2.-.. H.Ik Rraoatelle. S5 StfO farms 10 oer oent. dlsoouni oeb with at Am or half wilh order balance 60 d.Ta. ALFRED COLE?. Grand and Myrtle AvenunR. Brooklyn, N. ? im" (ff OIGABS at vnry low i O.UUU figures to wholesale and retail trade for sale, by Jab. Rkdmond. lABRETT'tl COGNAC BRANDY vJT used very much in tbe sick room. For sale by Jas ItRDUOSp. MRU. SACRAMENTAL. PORT and 11 ill B0UPPEBNONO WINES fer sale Ja3. Rkcmond. rUFFY8 MALT WHISKEY for LllMliaioal an lor sale by ., jtniS Jab. Redmond. I - OALVIN SCriAFFER'S WILD OBERBY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for throat sni lung dis , for sale by JAB kkdmond. t IN ' Pwaia 35,000 dud lit cholorn. prsorB liivve 1 BR Demourfttio Btatn cooveu- lioi) pf Waflliington i in sossion It eudorwn tbe National platform and candidates. De. Exdm, the Third party oat dldatn for Qort ruor, nnnonoceB iinblioiy that he prefcrH uegro eu premftc; to Democratic rule in bis :.. Btato. : ' ''Tax Baleigh News learns that Senator Vance, who is physically ' unable to take an active part in the . campaign,', contemplates writing 7i letter, , in j which be wilt give counsel to the Demoorats of the ?Iatate..'i-' iti' J'A Ji(Tbxrx are a good many bayo- nets out this year, as any one can 'see, bat there, will be a good many ' more if Messrs. Harrison, Carnegie 3 Piatt and Wanamaker ,;are to be "oor leaders and guides --St-. Lonis iepuiiio '.' : ." ; r u r ' WoBKiOMEN . hav) - waited , neiuly four ; ears tor Mr. Harrison . li gt their pay raised, and they am now confronted, not only with - the theory of high tariff, bat the condition if reduced wages. Lonisvillo Courier Journal. ;. Marion Cutler congratulated the people of his district on the re- nomination of Hon. B. F, Orady for Congress, and predicted his re-election by a good majority. It will be amnaiog after this to hear him tooting bis horn for Br&oonce, whom he; tried to down, bat couldn't. Wilmington Star. ; Tub Tuiid party has dwindled to nothing In Northampton county. IT roc weeks ago there was a large number of them,, bnt nqw they have disappeared. Ia one town- ahip there are said to be only three in another, one of the largest, there are none. In one or two townships t' rtiovemcut Nilil baa a smajl foi- 0 I I (i ' ' t thTH a poition of the i corruption fund shall ! si :.' t tho Third party in t ' r f y if evldciiro to ' ' can Soon I bamn have received their first in stallment from JKepublioan hea. quarters and rcmittanoeg will short ly go to Virginia and North Caro lina , Thbue is a good deal of specu lation us to why the presidential tetters of acceptance aro ao mnoh delayed. Mr. Harrison is probably cndjjeilicgTiJs brain to flodoot how- to abvocato tbe Force bill while seeming not to do so. He knaws that he cannot say he is opposed to the iniamons measure, and yet he wants to place himself in the po sition of not appearing to be very zealons fur it. He is, in word, anxious to iix his letter so as to make the North think he wants it and the South that he does not want i'. Mr. Harrison will have to kH'i awake many nights belere ho wived this very troublesome problem, especially as be is handi capped by his previous nosavory Fame bill reoord Richmond TillU'H LOCAL NF.WS. Ni!W A D I 'EH TI8EMENT8. Howard. Big Ike Grand opening. Hiss llollidter School opening. Str. Nettie Yf. Suiiing days. Miss Nettie Walker Music class. Tlie steamers of the N. N. & W. Direct Line now leave New Berne on Tuesdays, Thursdays nn:l Saturdays. They arrive Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A Sunday-school will be organized at Mount t'alvury Temple this morning at 9 o'clock and public service will be held at 5 1-4 p. in. A distinguished speaker will be present of noted deep piety to give interest to the meeting. A letter received by Professor Adams, President of the Y. M. C. A., from Mr. Thos. G. Wilkinson, of Clawson, S. 0., the new Y. M. C. A. Secretary, announces that he will arrive by rail to enter upon tbe work Thursday evening, September 1st. At a meeting of the Naval Reserve, Friday night, a constitution and by-laws was adopted for the organization. They were quite rigid, but just such as alt or ganizations should have. The next step will bo the procuring of uniforms and other equipments, which our citizens will no doubt assist in. ' The Collegiate Institute will open one week from to-morrow. It is desirable fur all pupils to In: ou hand at the be ginning tliut duplication may be con ducted rapidly and the regular work be commeucod subject to as few interrup tions as possible. Tbe' Third party in North Carolina is following in the footsteps of the Republi can party when it wis in power. The Leaksvillo Gazette saya that at Wcnt- wortb, a few days ago, it nominated for Register of Deeds a man who can neither read nor write. A colored fisherman who has been at New Rerne for some time, passing by the name of Steve Kerney, was arrested yes terday on information from another col ored man, who says be knows that .he committed a, murder in Georgia. He is in jail..: An investigation, will he. held Monday at 11 a. m. tefore W. H. Oliver, The Headlight editor paid a visit to the Goldsboro Furniture i factory and fonnd it "crowded with orders from every, portion of the Union and an'fxtra force of operatives employed to keep np with the steady, increasing trtde.'.'j W are glad to hear of the success attending the, enterprise-and we . wish 'that New Berne had a similar one". " : ' Messrs. 8. II. Scott and VT. P. Burros A Co., have just made considerable im provement on the lower portion of Bell's Alley which runs back of their stores, especially that part of it which projects into the river on "made gfound." . They have covered it with about a foot and a half of saw dust which will do away with the, mud and water which wu to annoy ing after rains. It makes it now a good easy place to drive over. Vv .' "v'- Coming and tioipr, ' - Tho family of Mr. J. O. Whltty, who have been spending the' summer at their summer borne in; Jloreljead, returned home yesterday morning.? 1 ; Miss Helen Bryan, who has been visit ing her uncle, Judge H. R. Bryan, left yesterday to visit relatives at Kinston. Messrs. J. H. Hackbnrn and F, Ulrich, who attended tho Grand Conclave of Knights Templar in Denver, Col., and since then have been spending some time in pleasure lu that State, arrived home last bight. " ' ' . Mrs. W. P. Burrus and children, who have been visiting relatives, returned homo lass night. ' v' Mrs. Gruham Richardson, who has been spending a few weeks at. Seven Springs, enmc in last night on route to her home. Mis Faith Iirock returned torn a visit to relatives at Kinston. l'"V. II. C. I'oore, who Im I - ivl- I v i tl 1 ' i i ' 1 - , A Bear Story. Wednesday night Mr. B. B. Mallison, who .had been up to New Berne, got off the train at 4Oroatan, 10 miles from the city ""and srarted to walk down the rail road track from the station to his home, it being about 8 o'clock. After proceeding a half a mile he noticed an animal at the side of the track, which in the darkuess of the night he at first thought was a cow but as he passed it jumped on the track and came on in the same direction he was going. He then noticed another smaller animal ahead and made the startling discovery that he wns right between a bear and her cub with only an umbrella in his hand. However Bruin went by him without offering molestation. Both the bears then being ahead of him, Mr. Malli son took the back track, borrowed a breech-loading gun, returned and found tho bears still on the, railroud three or four hundred yards farther on than when he first encountered them. ' He fired both barrels of his gun at them. One bear got immediately oft" the track, the other passed on a little further and got off. Mr. Mallison, re-loaded and proceeded on his way, lie had not j;oiie fur before he 8uv something cl.se on the track. Thinking of bears, he blazed away ugain, but failed at the time to find what re sulted from the shooting. The next day lie started to visit the place for the purpose of making investi gations, and met Mr. Calvin Smith, section master, who with his force of hands had been clearing the growth from the sides of the road. ''Well, Mr. Malli son, some ou has shot a hog here ! was the greeting he received. Looking w here Mr. Smith pointed, Mr. Mallison saw a block porker which his well aimed load had laid low. On starting to leave Mr. Mallison heard Mr. Smith shout at him and looking back he saw a bear coiniug up on the track between them, but after taking a look at them the bear turned and went back in the woods in the same direction he came. Friday Mr. Mallison's father, Mr. W. II. Mullison, in passing the place discovered also the body of the bear that Mr. Mallison had shot, stilt in death, Out of his three shots two at least proved effective good marksmanship' for the night time. It was a brave act to attack the bears alone as he was. Most men in his fix, if they had not secured company would have gone homo by another routo and. left the -'ganie" to the freedom of the woods. Church Services. Church of Christ, Hancock Street 1 L. Chcsnutt, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Young men's prayer meeting at 9 a.m. Suudny-sehool at 3.30 p.in Weekly prayer-meeting every 'Thursday night at 8 p.m. All arc cordially invited to attend these services. I Centcnury M. E. Church Hcv. H. A Willis, pastor. Sun-Ices ut 1 1 a.m. and 8 p.m., conducted by the pastor. Young men's prayer meeting at 9.15 a.m. Sun day school at 4 p.m., J. E. Willis, super intendent. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock, Tbe public are cor dially invited to attcud these services. Christ Church Uth Sunday after Trinity. Services at 1 1 a.m. and 8 p.m., to which the public arc cordially invited Attentive ushers. Sunday-school at t p.m., at the church ; 0.30 a.m. at the chapel. Baptist Church Services at 11 am and 8 p.m., conducted by the pastor, Rev.' Rufus Ford. Sunday-school at 4 p.m., J. B. Holland, supt. Sunday services for Hancock St. Mctb odist Church. Sunrise prayer meeting at 8.80. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m by pastor, Rev. J. F. Butt. Sunday school at 4 p.m. Salvation Army Holiness meeting at II a.m. ', Praise meeting at 8 p.m. Sal vation meeting at 8 p.m. All the'meet- ings are led by Adjutant'Smitb, the pre siding officer in tho Southern division. Eight Delivery Wagoni. Anothen delivery wagon, Mr. J. Tolson's was delivered from Messrs. G. H. Waters is Son's carriaga factory yestor day. 4,Thl ia tho, seventh they have re cently made , to order for NeW Berne merchantsy and they . are at work now bulAdlnir another for -"1110 Oaks Doirv match for . the other fine one they built . i ' , . i i. , i . ..... wr in. uairy voigu ua ueen in use a nine over a jweek.',. These.! wagons are giving great satisfaction Tbty are unsurpassed for combined lightness slid strength. We notice! also in the factory in ele gant double seated i turry just completed uirjiur. nr in. 4 craws . o r aniego, wmcn would dd credit to any factory. . ' Work i. also- going' on at the factory on servicable Vehicles of toss pretentions character?, -j, Ws- notice among the work in progress a very strong dray something larger than the average that ie being bunt lor air. ji wMcsio. t V : ;Our people , aro fortunate in having such a good chance to get any kind vehicle they waut , built at short notice of tbe beat , material and id such excellent stylo and finish as shown in the goods that the factory turns out.; The Headlight says tbe date for the speaking of Gen. Adlai E. Stevenson in Goldsboro has been changed to Saturday. Scptemlwr 17thv All the railroads en tttring there will give speciul iVes to the From "The Baltimorean" IN MEMORIAM. Editor Journal: The following cx- quisitivcly beautiful lines were written by Mrs. Elizabeth Oaksmith who is passing the evening of her days with her daugh ter at Hollywood, this State. There is a solemn and mystical beauty in them, sel dom equalled. " ft Mrs. Oaksmith is the last survivor of that grand Galaxy of Poets, Edgar A. Poe, Fitz Green Jlallrck, .losepn liouman Drake, Mrs. Hermans and William Cullcn Bryant, who were the first to force recog nition among the poets "and writers'' of England and who were second to nono in grandeur and loftiuess of expression, power, pathos and bounty. AVUtrever the English language is -spokc-U Mrs. OakeB Smith is recognized as u great poot- ss, and has her niche m the roots r ane. .!. II. Ressie. Corine. Mildred and Pauline, the only daughters of Applcton Oaksmith, vho were suddenly rcmovcn ironi iuib tate of existence by the upsetting of a boat in Beaufort Harbor, N. ( , .Inly 4tli 1879." BY MKh. ELI7..V1IET11 0-Kl; SMITH. " '.Ve.i iiinnix moritir " Meseenis in all the secret eaves, Where the cool water soltly laves Tho purple shell beneath the waves, Goes forth a sound 'of tender moan, And ull the islands far sud lone Take up the mclaneho ly tonr, a crying each unto its siBtcr wave; The beautiful ye did not save, But hurried downward to the grave. Oh! rushing wild, untutored breeze; Oh! ye remorseless, heaving seas, Could ye not pity such as these!" Than theirs no sweeter cadence ever stirred, Or hill, or vale, or carol heard. Of blyther note from singing bird! Oh I blossoms of sweet smell and hue, Hivinsr aromas from the morning dew, These lovely ones were all akiu to ynu. Oh! supple willow, graceful vines, LiOVC-oreaiiiing vowc i siaioy jnm.-, Weep ye in nature's solitary shrines! Weep! there is none to read your ancient lore! These pensive Druids, hand in hand, no more Shall your dim coverts lovingly explore. OhI fountains, iiiurmurings as ye flow, Well fitting is your sounel ol woe, Breathing your reedy arcades through, Is one sad note, unknown till now, In tragic cadence, telling how These golden heads were merged below In silent caves no more to be A gladness and a hope to me. An echo in life's mystery. A tender link is broke in twain - orever hushed a sweet rcl'ra'n, And in its stead a note of pain Such as from ancient fane might rise, When ceased its wonted sacrifice. And altar-stone deserted lies. Oh! ms'stic eyes, that never knew One glance that maiden blushes drew; Oh! lips, thot only breathed the true! Oh! virgin hearts! The Hebrew inaid. ''' Who sought the mountain s:onciy sna.ie, That stars alone should hear her soil upbraid. Of her sad fate, from harp and timbre) reft The untouched heart ol love bereft i Her sighs deep smothered in tho iky dolt. And she, the Greek, on Aullis' sea-girt rock, Biding tho anguish, and the mighty shock Of ocean beat, witU aoei ilicis look, -v And sho who spurned the 'rint's'dark decree, And to the higher mandate lient the knee. Oh! holiest virgin! pure Antigone! Come forth, oh! maidens, chaste and bright Robbed and bereft by earthly blight, And greet your sisters in the hind ol Ugbt. Oh! forth for such as these should go, A wad, as tor a common woe, That all our hearts should feel ami know. OhI where the onward thought the lofty aim For something nobler than a name, However ever sung in earth's acclaim. . L b 1 Si Tho rich, full life, so) crow ncd an J faisi icl. So high, that to be mortal p.aison liaa better attribute out-razed! Ahl what bright planet ever near, Revolving in its own celestial sphere, -Beheld akin these sisters here! And its fair dwellers, leaning o'er Its flowery disk upon our snore Beholding these, mindless of our deplore, With dulcet whispers soothed tho sense of pain, And bore them to soma heavenly plain. Where congregate tho rapt angelic train! To myriad stars, that fill the voids of space, Tell where amid you is the dwelling place Of such as these! Obt Bhall we know tho y s afs i t'f.r Of our-dear ones? r our siiaJiwo Onward to where the fountalns'fiow From stcop to steep, and shall we know Whither, in alt the fields afar.'' "r To aim our fliorht to that briirht start i ,. 1 That welcomed them from their radiant can - - 'r. ;; Where is tho one divenrent flbrtknit '" In all my frame, that bids them ait . . . i r . i' i 1 1 k in A.IUU1 IIUUI UIC, IU JllUMi lUlflll, .. , And love'endowcdf': 'the onward1 'sped By thirst for truth! to knowloige wed, : By all benignant aspirations led, ' ' - -. - Bevond tbe contest','- and the spleen, That come our holiest, and onr best be tween, . While pressing onward to the great' Un- ; seem Ahl in some blessed mansion by the hand Of the dear Father fashioned in a land More bright than this I sen band, Whose heavenly features I I ow, u- h-.i: fairer than when ! nl w. What arc the days, and what the years, All counted by our flowing tears, To such as reach the heavenly spheres! I call ye with a fond, deluding cry, And half yo gleam upon the mortal eye, Responsive to a love that cannot die. I seek ye; seek yo far and w ide; Not in aortic lone out-standing s!:ir dust void; Not in some shattered disk of Asteroid, Can your glad spirits hopeless light, Companion'd with chaos and dark night. Where undeveloped; shapes the soul altright For yor your line essence knew ,1.1m! thrill Of raptured vision onwird, onward still, Beyond where" shinning stars their orliits - fill! Oh! ye vounn prophets, visioned thick; OhI ye young p lets, hi arts heroic; ie duty anchored like the stoic! What unto ye was hall with diamond gleam Compared to braveslv of woo-1 and stream, And your sweet vigils and poelie dreamf Dear lives, complete, however brief. Fresh us urouias of the rose-bright leaf, With no cold, harvest of (he aiittin.ii Bhcat'. -H Paradisical in look an,! mind How "could our earth you captive bind? Ye must a fairer country find, Where royal palms, nnd golden shore. With rich nepenthe should restore A youth more lovely than. before I will not vex the realms of space, rn longings vain for each dear face. To beam from out its heavenly place. Nor call, and call, as if to chide; Doth not the Father lovingly hid, : Shall not the Great Eternal bide In his own law? Shall his decn c Of order and true majesty He set aside lor such as wet On, world He gives with eilaiicl and rock, One world with passion-blast, tin, I temp est shock; One world, whose lonely inlands interlock, And stretch their hands across the main, And ask companionship in vain. While all their mountain pines complain! One world for human love, and human woe, Searclung-tho vast Unseen to know. Calling, and calling, as the might;, llow Of generations pass in silence dread, Mingling with myriads of tin- am i. nt dead; The portal passing with a muffled tread, Ami then the ebon gates slide iwis h ss back, And from our eyes conceal their omvaid track,- .Vs stars arc hid by intervening rack. Nor backward answer they our eail Nor lilt a corner of the pall, To say that "dying is not all." Yet not the less our human tru-.!. In something that forever niii-l Survive the liv ing of our dust. Hollywood, Carteret Co.. N ( VI, 1K79. An:- Music Class. All intending to become numbers my Music Class ure requested to meet m ut my residence tomorrow nuiioim; be tWccii 10 and 13 o'clock. Miss Nf.i.i.i.. W .i.ki-.i: Grand Democratic Rally. Hon. Chus. B. Aycock will address the coplov upon the issues of the day at ivsville, Jones county, n. t.., on lu.s- lay, August HO, MVi. Let everybody turn out mmi te ar tins eloquent orator. ITe if. a line speaker lroni Wayne county. Shell Rock Wanted. Scajiid, proposals will bo received foi thirty, days, for furnishing I.imiO ton shell; rook, delivered on wharrut New- Berne. For further iiifoiinalinii upplv t AV. 1). Wai.i.m i:. City Clerk Aug. Cth 18U2. Roliee. On and after this date Shaving will be Ten Cents at my Shop, Middle street. John mtows. New Berne, N. C. aug'.Mf Enough is good ns a feast." IUv. That is just what bothers hu manitv enoneh--enough to cat and enough to wear. We can give yon oVe of the enongh(-onongh to wear.' That's onr miHine.ss. and when yon want something to nar, don't" forget to try ns for Clothing, LT.ats and Shoos. Wo go North in a few days to renew our stock. Our aim is to buy only good goods and give them to yon nt the right price, flee as for what you need J. M. HOWARD lotici of Dissolution of Coputnirship. Be it known that the firm of Bryan & Howard, doing a General Insurance busi ncss, have this day, by mutual consent dianalved cooartnendui)-.- , iJifR. Haward wilKabntiauft the Fire Mstrrttce at toe nra oia. stuna on t ra ven street. Thanking the public for past patron ago, we are, 'tit u very respecuuny, II. II. Brvam, Jn. '-' i' i 1 '''' MJ R: Howard. Aug, .a 1899.,-,. . ,5 One vcrV' large" Iron Safej suitable "for Banking business or a large commission business ; weight S,800 lbs, Manufac tured bv Hosier Safe and Lock Company ot . Cincinnati,- 0 ' Cost throe hundred and forty dollars delivered. Can buy or exchango smaller safe by" corresponding with or calling on lilU IKK, Wew Heme, N. a '-, .- - ; -s Also, one Safe, eot ninety dollars at factory ot Hosier, uohman A Co., or do cinnati. O. :. .. .... ' 1 These safes have hi, bccnTout tA tlie factory enlyvcry short time, and lot)' mm 151 mmm Abso!uto!y Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, liilllirst of all in hip.vviiing strength. lMtf.it Viritftl Stttr.: Vnrrrnvii'iit He port. Roy a i. Bakinu 1'..vii..k iYi.. I'M", Wall St., N. Y. H. AUPfiH, The Shoemaker, W i t" nf. n l I t1. ,1 I I - I In. . i li -. Wolk dime 01 tile i il y. Call and -ie l.iui (' .o,ilc the- .1.. li . ,i. . . : dive? Ts I l.l oil' )H--t a-1,1: d lni.!l ' ' i. Delivery Waon, VV e are llow rov Short Notice. We have iu t of i-'t; i ii Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips. c ill i.s; i . i ;.,! 'ii : .'1 'i '' iv 30c. BUTTER Wr :iIm, Full Cream Cheese AI.WAi S N ! I. S n I ii-- mir Hi' I r-- -ii; I . . i ii 1 prmni't :ill ( 1 1 "u 1 1 . 'I'li;nik hi--; "Hi Sii- . i N . ' li- r j t -t :ui'l iiit:lin n h, a -' i i:nl -.1' I'm I Mi Iut- in' . . . i v ,' . l.eclfllll j t; urn r.-,. i.i :: mm Wo aro r-ro,lit'.l anion.; nil wide aw ak poopln wild having mi hand ut all times ho laiyest stock m tho ciiy in cvety CM partmoiit of our busiue.-.s. I Ids mean wo liny in largo lots, ami an si M ::. pn port innately low prices. Wo assiuo yon. von will ma!, a nil take if you liny bnti-ri s. n . Kespe.cttnU;-, Haskbern & Wilhil Miss Moliio Heath Will reopen her :i im-'! " MONDAY. .-tKPTKMC.MI -'.i.t. I Aug. 2b.l. Iw Forjtent. The rooms over the storu of ItisoRivay & Churchill (net to city hall) are for rent. Apply to j,12if J. E. Latham. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE GO. I take pleasure in notifying my friend: and the public that I have accepted a SPECIAL AGENCY lor this Slate Willi tho Mutual Life Iasuranco Co. OF NEW YOliiC. Offico hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ut 1C H. Niionl oliice, opposito (. Marks, on Pollock street, where I will lie plcaw-d to receive mv friends, and mvo any inlor mution desired by thoso wanting the best ami safest Uw insurance, r . ' ,"i-t 'jS. 'D. JONES. .'; Now Berne, N.: ? 6-i7tt , r ;IIisa 01a Ferebeo 1 '".rt,-.-;,, i,:;'f'. ,..!l-; ',::a '.-,;' V? Wiii'resumo nw ML'SIC CLASS, MON i ( Nsw hmlvi Store. i:nig :m. arriving, a nice lint of igenl l'"- l-'.lf . U"..r.l. and :, in, Waltliam, IIow II leading brands of aid, 1 W Vh III i i a! !": -I. il. : n.l M-ienlilically I'.'lh with i'i.I rnniciits and a !' 1 use. I,, lit mm y defect .' i o. I- till, d v ilh (Masses, I' ' ''W'l'ia. 1 1 permelrnpiaF ; .', rn ;:n ui in I, i, tli single ,1. 1, 'tltld. 'l ll. I .!, li i pin red i l-'iliv -i.i-, Si,i I icliv, jn-t ai rived. I Kim 1 1 ...I, a 1 1 1 ri i.f the pal milage i Hi.-.ei. ,,. 1. 1 New lie rue and country, -iiroig ,.ii lit ii I mil highly appreciate i:tl i 't Ml H'.-i! ."M.I will ilifaei;., mi; iim i all (ransae- II .-I im; piir.s. Tln-y will l"l ' n; K J- U I; T. J. BAXTER & CO., I'.'.i'" k M . I. S. W I'- Stand. School Opting! 19th September, ' '' i, 'i 1 ia Si v I,.,i-ii l,e- fore I. '-' " - oo ; ., .,0 t r I- Im ii:n W. NKAL. Mew School. " ' i :il i.M.S I Me-s .IANIE ' ! (, a a S. ! I in Miss 1 1 ! . M..n.l:ry, Seit. Tilh. li- n:d I- nulla imiiim-, w it li Latin, 1 I. -i,... 1- i ., nl a. l-'reiieh ami ' i " ' I I : -i I , I I. ;,l . . 00 ; A.l " ' ' I ' " I 1 - '"' N liW.'W Mrs A. T. Jerkins ""i t1 . - ies et' her School on -' i - i I't !M i ;i li l-J-ni, I ' ' 'l-..!.. ' it- .i -liai-e i.f llie 1 -',:l " 1 Iw Horse Milliner. '""' wi-long i First Class Net of i I iiia.le llarne- will do well to call I U. Ovi.ai Si, ivait's Carriage anil ie : li, i,m,h ,,,, lima.! street. I" -i ' d alti nti,. a ie, id ,, ri-iiairini' id :l I. llu Pineapple Hams, Picnic Hams, FRESH Canned Tripe, Lobsters and Salmon, Boneless Codfish, Cream Cheese, Nev Butter. Pure Lard, &c, &c., AT LUCAS & LEWIS. Watch & Jeweler Shop " 'i i. ,'ii;i:, r, .-kar llltOAI). If yon have Watches mi which other larli.n ha,' failed to give satisfaction, end tliciu to me : I liin e every facility of he trade and gnanuitci: work at short nitice and very rc-isdnable prices j:" K. I). I'.ANGEUT. Buy None Other ThaD OL' Virginia Cheroots, Best Cheroots in the Market. I'liim bciiip; the Hame us inferior Cheroots. M.uitel Cloi-.k ( 'ortilieates packed in eery box bought of WHOL1SBALM GKOOBR, UIDDLB STRMT, v ' NBW BBRWW, W. Q Diaosway 6 Churchill, , .' :'. ano '. v ;; Machinist's Supplier JSpiopiOlw; ' vC-craven s'ti::: One door below C Alt orders s nt to m i v prompt lit ten! a, n, ie l- ' :lv , of f - ' n. . r , - . - . ) i ' ,' rt'-nle for mid a I t iiimcIio'J as well m wl iifl rtni ido. . - ( V : AN!) t- U JtlJf' n3 l v. V 'I!