for Infants " Cantorla is so well adapted to children tliat I roconimund iL an Buiwriortoaiiy prescription known to inn. 11 H. A. Archer, M. D.. Ill So Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tho u: of 'CaHtonu is so universal and I:n merits so well known that it seems a work of RiiperorogaLioii to endorse it. Few are the intollieont families who do not keep Castorla within oany reach." Carlos Martyn, I). D., New York City. TnR CKNTAUtt I0RF01K, NEWBERH & WASHIHGTDH DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. In order to make more convenient and economical use o( tbe vessels now employed in the North Carolina Borvlce, and thus to Better Seive the Interests of Shippers, the Clyde .Line and Old Dominion Ktenm ship Company have oonolnded to merge thelrreepeclve lines between Newborn, p., 0 and Norfolk, Va,. Into one line, thUB giv luc passengers and truck shippers three trips each week between newborn and Mirtolk via Washington. NO ADVAXCE IN' KATES. On and after THURSDAY. AUU. 29th, 18 .2, until further notloe. the Sterner NEW BERHE, C&pt. Sonthgatc, Ste&mer DEFIANCE, Burgess, AND Steimei ALBBHARLE, Cap.. Rhodes. Will sail from Norfolk, Va., for New Kerne dlreot, every Monday, 'I'nurtday and Batarday, making connection wlih the Atlantic and North Carolina Itallroad, and the water lines on Nauae and Trem "iStumlng. will sail KOM NKWUKKN fer NORFOLK. Va., via llouti B Inland whan, very Tuesday, Thur-.uiy and Huluplay at 13 M., making connection at, Notlolk with The Old Bay Line, for ll ittlmore, Tim Clyde Line, lor Philadelphia The id Dominion Steamship Co.. for New York, Tbe iler ouauts' and Miners' Line for 1'rovldence and Boston, and The Water Lines for WuBolng-1 ton, I). O., and Klchmond, Va., thus giving an all water route to all jyorluorn and Eastern pol.itB, Also eonneollon made with the C. A O. R.K..andN. W. K K. for I he West. fssaengers will find a good iabl, (-ore Tort able rooms, and everv courtesy nutl atten tion will be paid them by the olll c:rs. Order all goods, care of N. N. A vV. Direct Line, Norfolk, Va. . H. GRAY. Apent Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Vast passenger and FrelRht Line between r.astern North Carolina l'olnt,and all con nections of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILltUAD, IHCL.UDIHQ Jsw York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Hal ttmore anil Boston. The ONLY Trl-Weekly Line Out of Mew Heme. IHK NEW ANO ELEGANTLY KQUUTKI) HTKAMUK Balls from New Berne FIONDAYS, WKDNKSDAYB,. . FRIDAYS, A.T 4.30 F.3VE., pplng at Hoauoxe Island each war end lormlng elose oonneotlon with the Norfolk foulhern Railroad, rbe Eastern Dispatch Line, consisting of ine Wilmington 8. H. Co.. Norfolk Southern it R New York, Thlla. and Norfolk K, K.. and Pennsylvania K. B., form a reliable and regular line, offering superior facilities for lulok passenger and freight transportation. No transfer exoept at Elisabeth Glty, at which point freight will be loaded on oars to go through to destination, Dlreot all goods to be shipped vla'Kastern Oaroltea Dlapetn dally as follows: From New York, by Penna. K..R., Pier 27, North River. Prom Philadelphia, by Phlla., Balto. R. R., Dook St. Station, From Baltimore, by Phlla., Wll.Jand Balto. B. R., President Bt. motion. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Hontbern R. R. From Boeton, by Merebanta A Miners Trans portation Co.; New York and New England it. R. , 49" Kate as low.and time quicker thanjby nv other line - For further Information apply to W. H. Joyoi (Oen'l Freight Trafflo Agent, P.B.H.) General Tratno Agent. Go. 8t puins, Division Freight Agent. P. W. at B. R. R., Philadelphia. B. B. Oooks, Oen'l Freight Agent., N. Y. P. AN.R.R., Norfolk, va. B. O. Hodoiks. General Frelght;Agent N.Js' R. &., Norfolk, Vs. OKO. HJtHDERBON, Agent, ' New berne, N. 0. Csvests, and Trade-Marks obtained, and aU PaU h kMiMM Anrulucled for UnnrasTC rcra. eua emei ta Oeoarrg U. . Ptst Omet J sndwi can secure patent in leu time than those 3 remote from Wuhlngton. f Send model, drawing or pnoio., wnn aesenp. jHoe. W sdvise, if patenuble or not, free of iM. IMflMMUnaaUDBflUUHGUn. Mil n rk.i H.IMI. " wWh 'east of sum iln ta U, S. and foreign countries Mot free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.j 0tmm atin AvneC. yfABUIMSTaH. D. C. VyyslUiri,"is mmmam ,' i iVcletitUlo Anerlou 4-.B-aw AlMBfiV stesP'""" " OAVKATw, TwAOf. MAftka, 4 DttlOM PATKNTsS VWr . nn a mi For Information ard free Hsndboolr write to MINN A W mi SKUDWII, . Oldest bureau ?or seourlng eatsnts In America, JtVery patent taken out by u. Is brooirht before ' tlw iiuius br a aotloe gWsn frse of alianre la tb Larrest eimnutlftn or any seiennne pai-w ra e. urld, fi'iaiulldif lllastrateo. No intelligent Can snmiie be wltnow k. wi li ii numijM. AddraaaM tan Broadway. Mew Sork, T ' 4 i ia eC ' v rcrgafSM i.;nnS . , (f i)nMarri ft !-. Rill TV " - ,5 and Children. Castorla cure. Coke, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Killa Worms, gives sleep, and promote geatlon, W ithout injurious medication. For several years I have recomiiH'Vulfd your 'Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so as it bos invariably produced lwneflcial resulUs." , Edwin F. Pardee, M, I)., lJlStl. Street and 7th Ave., New York City. COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK. ClTT. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF tableworks NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marblt and ill Qualities o Material Orders solicited and given prompt at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra Cottst Vases for plants and flow ers furnished at tho very lowest rates. Willi asiw VETERINARY SPECIFICS Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Bogs, AND POULTRY. 600 Tnge Rook on Trrnlmcnl ofAnlmals nud Ctinrt ent Free. Fcvcrs,C'on(testlons, A.A.IBphilll ftlenlilKitis, Milk Fever. ll.ll.Slruiiis, Lameness, Kheumullsu. f:,Clllslcniper, Nnsnl Discharges. II. ll.-llols or (Jrabs, Worms, ):. K. nDuhx, Heaves, Pnenmnnla. F.K. folic or l.rlprs, llellracho. li.l.. ftliscnrrlage. Hemorrhages. II. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. y I. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. .It. Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Hottle (over 50 doses), - . .gp Stable Case, with Sjieclflcs. Manual, Veterinary -ure Oil and Modlcator, 8V i,0 Jar Velerluary Care Oil, . l.otf nlit hr nrnlcttt.t or .at Brvaal. ujibm aad Ic aa 4H.aUlj mrlpl of fr. IllnmitltVS' UK. CO., lliaillWllllaai8t.,I.T.rk. SPECIFIC No GO la um 'Mi TH&ra The fmfr ttinejafril MnuArl fn Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, end Prostration, from over-work or other causes. 1 par vial, or S viala sad lante vial powder, lor &. Bold n? Dnmclala, or aant pu.lp.ld un of prte& niirinuua' un. co., ill a lis nuiu. st,, a., m GEO. HENDERSON, (Bueoesssr to Roberts A mn forion), General Insurant, Agent napreMniing in.mrt.noe Company of North imerlc. of Philadelphia. aurau juiuniDoe ijompany, or ivew York, Queen Insuraooe Oompany of England. H art fnrti IT 1 r a st w Hartford. Nnrlh Pavnllna ITam. T n of Raleigh. -.vvUB,vv,u luiuiBUVV VUUlLMaUJ, UI law York. Pbenlz Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. " " -aavsara wi lima 1UIUI BUUV JUU1UU1 . of Atlanta, Boeion Marine insurance Company, ff Boeton. Iulv3dwtf TO THEJPUBLIC. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLAKS . in th purchase of a PIASO, ana frost r Ten to Fifteen . Dollars In ths poTObaM of an ORGAN, address AD0LPH COHK, NEW BEBNE, N. 0., General Afent for North Carolina, wao now handling goods dlreot iroat the aiana. factnrers, as follows! HIGH SBIOI lTIKHLIN PIANOI. dlsilngulshed for lone, workmsnshlp and durability, and endorsed by nearly all tbe musical Journals in tbe United tales. Made djt rani u. Menun, wno iani inis uineone of tne DsetioeenanuM ann inventors of tbe da. Thirteen new paUuia sa taia hlgtvfratie jsenun riano Also tbe NCWMTtb stT ANg fjPRiOHT PIANO, which has been sold by him for tbe paat six rears In tbe eastern pan of this State, and np to this time has given entire satisfaction Tbe Upright Planojnet men tioned will be sold at from tm lo U.4 in Bbonlsed Koeewoud, Oak, Walnut or Ma bosanr cases. Alsa, tbe RKDHAK rABLOB aa CHtriL oaoaii. The PIE Win AH A "ROTHM PAT KT AIR CB1.I. KICKO ClttVUliATIMG OHUA1, . s ' Ten veara' exnerlenee in the mnsla hnsi. ness has enalilsd him to bandlenothlnt but stHnriuril sH"ls. and he does not heMh!e to V tii. t hi ill Sell ailT niUBIetil lliwit THE JOURNAL. CAMPAIGN S0N0S. Host Efloits or Vci-sillers lu the New York World's Prize Competition. I Air ''Kenny Havcna, O !' or 'Tho i, Wearing of the Green. J btuml tortli, ye friends of Liberty, The bugle call is blown ! Ye mighty throng who hate the wron; Stand forth to claim your own; The people's right to rule in spite 01 barons high or low, Tis what wc claim, in Freedom s name, With Grover Cleveland, 01 CHORUS. With Grover Cleveland, O ! with Grover Cleveland, w ! 'Tis what wc claim, in Freedom' name With Grover Cleveland, O ! No tiirifTtax that robs the poor To pay the rich man's debts, Hut let them learn each man must turn And own what'er he gets. Oh, ye who toil mid till the soil, Strike now a manly blow For honest work and wages und For Grover Cleveland, O ! They tax youj toil and substance, und The tariff barons dream That bayonets they tax you for Mav vet be made to clcani 'Round boxes where vour votes should fall, Untrammeled as the snow, For free and fair elections and For Grover Cleveland, O ! One thousand millions squandered and A treasury left bare It calls for rctribution'swilt, And we must all be there. With Cleveland and witli Stevenson With steady step wc go For equal laws, the puoplc's cause And Grover Cleveland, 0 ! Incorporate trusts will save them not; Their gold is red with guilt And ruined lives and widowed wives And'lordly castles built In foreign lands by alien hands These are the fruits they show; Then strike like men and strike again For Grover Cleveland, O! Fair play for ull who think and pluu Of : humbly turn the sod, Wc care not which, for poor and rich Arc equal under God. Protection true is each man's duo; The false we'll overthrow And vote unawed by force or fraud For Grover Cleveland, () ! LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For llilliousness, Constipation and Malaria. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness, Nervousness and Heart diseases, For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Diseases' take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, (ilic. and 1. bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II. Moley, At lanta, Ga. A IIankkk Whites: From experience in my family, Dr. II. Mozlcy's Lemon Elixirhas few. if any equals, ami no superiors in medicine, for the. regulation of the liver, stomach and lmwcls. W. II. M.UiKKLS, Press. Nafl liank, McMinnville, Teiin. A Cakd. For nervous and sick headaches, indi 'cstion, biliousness and constipation (of which I have been a great sullerer) I have never found a medicine that would give such pleasant, prompt and perma nent relict as Dr. 11. Mozley s Lemon Elixir. J. P. Sawteli., GrilHn, Oa. Publisher Daily Call. Give truth for your authority, and not your authority for truth. Ktectrlo Bitters. This romedy is becoming so well known and eo popular as to need no special men tioa. All who bave used Electric Bitten sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is iruaran- teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and KidnevB. will remove pimples, boils, salt rneum and other affections caused dt impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial levers. For cure of neadacno, constipation and indigestion, try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price COo. and $1.00 per qottle at it. d . JJufty s drug store. The fire in a man's eye is the head light of his train ot thought. The Population of Neti Berne Is about nine thousand, and wo would sav at least one-half are troubled with some aueotion on tbe Throne ana tiungs, as those complaints are, aocotding to sta tistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to ne glect the onnortunitv to call on their drmrfrist and tret a bottle of KemD 8 Bal aam for the Throat and Liiintrs. lrtai size free. Large bottle 50c. and (1. Hold Dy an druggists. Tobacco! Tobacco! AT Rock Bottom Prices 8c. up. to 45c. for Grnvoley. Wo have the Celebralcd Orange Brand Sugar (not acid) Cured Hams "'ti Wb havo a Full Lino' of CSrroooir.Los ' (Look out for Aug. 1 1) 't p. r- At HORSES MO M I have just received a FINE LOT ol Western North Carolina HOESES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF BUGGIEb, ROAD CARTS AND HABNES8. All of which I will sell VERY CHEAP for oash or approved paper. Qive ma a trial. JH3. ia Street SE.S0N& SATURDAY NICHT TICKETS KDLXl) TKIP A. i: X, ('. STATIONS TO M0KLIIEA1) CITY. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. Pasbenuick DkI'AKTMKN V, Nbw Beh.n, N. C, .May yntli, 18W. To Agouts A. A; N. C. It. It.: Bpeelal rates of fare (Heason of ls;rj) Knuml j Trln. from HLatloiiH named belirw In More-" bead City, In eltoct Juno 1st, is'1'-. Htatlons, Horhou. Saturday NIK Goldsboro ? I .('a H' Best's .'. il.7- li Uraogo . Falling cuelt :t i Klnston a o" 2 1"' Oaswell ; ii Dover '.: 7 . I '"' Core Creek ".' 7" i s . Tuscarora . I K" New Hern 'J,'"' I Hlverdale 1,7 ' I ' 1 Croatan 17. i '. Haveloek I."" .7 . Newport . Wlldwood .ii s. i.. in i, i.. (i. r. .' Grain! Seeds'- Fd! BRADHAM & SMITH, Successors to S. W, it E. YV. Smallwood. HEAlMil'AKTHKS fou Hay, Corn, Kice, Oats, llntn, Hominy, l!agn, llurlajm, Barrel (Jovors. BagglnK und Tien. Agents for Peter llenderHon iV (Jo's Sc.eda. Orders for eccila will have- the most carcfQi attention, every packago beins soil under the strictest guarantee. julvlOtf Have You a Daughter to Educate ? Then let us send you the Catalogue of NORFOLK COI.LKOl; Ktlll 1 o II N (1 LADIKH. The largest, cneiipesl ami uesi qnlpped school In l l.lewatcr, vircinm. Hoard and Tuition In all Knells!, wtudles and Latin only tl'.ul. 9o0 students, 'J3 teaeliers. Onr mntto Is, The nest advantages for the leust eiponse. A renned. elegant homo, won homo com forts and training. Arts of Kolf-tunport a specially. Application should he minlo early as we were compelled to refiiHu in last fall from lack of room . Address aslm J. A. 1. CAHHBUY II. H.. I'rlnolpal. G. L HARBISON, Thurman, N. C, Manufactttror of and Dealer in FIRST-GLASS BRICK. 800.000 now ready for the market. Will sell as cheap as any other mau. p-.'btf Foreclosure Sale. State of North Carolina, on relation of the Ulerk of the Huperior conrt or uravon County, vs. George Wllllama. Bt virtue of a Judgment of the Hin.erlor Uourt or uraven county, mauu anrnn miui lKUl.of said court intheaoove entitled ao tlon, the underslsned Commissioner, duly anpolnted in and by said Judgment, will on MONDAY, the 28th day of November, 1892 being tbe first day ol Kail Term of Craven taoeilor Court), at 1'- o'clock-, sell at ihe (iniirt House dour In iheUHyofNew Burr IV. U., lor Cash, the land described In the complaint In said action, and ordered to be SOla as aiurvasiu, .uu wiiien IB Bitu.bnu hi No. Two Township of Craven county, ad lolnlng the lands of Noab Kulcher, Thomas Biapieiuru. ana iriiicra, uvuuusu niiu uu aoribed as follows to wit : Beelnnlng at a ngniwooo singe on me main road known as the I'nrify road) thence in asontbeaatern direction to a new maiiaatakeoa the boundary line of a irao of 6V acres br Alex. Moses and Ueorae Williams of Noah Kulchrrnnd Mary A. ruicner, nis wire, Dy aeeu Deariog uaw December lltb, Ihhi. Also, deed from Alex. Mns end wife PennT Moses, to George Williams, oontstn lng 2D acres more or Uss, together with I in provemenis inerein. w M. WATSON, ft. H. C. R22td Commissioner, MRS. J. M. HINES' Boarding House Reopened Mks. J. M. HINEH has reorvned first-Class Boarding House la tbo city oppoglta'Baptlst Ubnrah, THE FIOEEl D17IS SEWII5 MiCHLI M be had! at th same place. J. 11, HINES,- Acnt, frill d 0. Vn o e. Home Smoke a pipe il you will, but when you are away where you are thrown into the society of ladies and gentlemen, OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS are the correct thin-. i iii and esianiisn you a man breed U'ood taste ing. FIVE FOR TEN CENTS. Freezers, Mason's Fruit Jars, Porcelain Lined Kettles Glacier. Refrigerators, Water Coolers and Fly Traps, FOR SAIjK BY Smallwood Stover, MIDDLE 8TKHET. A SURVIVOR OF THE WAR- .1 a H 1855 1092. PCUTC WANTKI) to whom unusually HuCrl I O lllieral termawlll lin given .i soil our new book, Life anil Works of PUR6E0N. The world areateit preacher In riead.niid hundreds of thousands of christian fainUies as well as Clergymen 1'lble readers, siu dents, waltlntc for an opportunity to pur chase this book.. We want intent to sell this lKok rluht now, while Ihe Interest is greatest, don't wait, bwlay send AC (rOK IK cents In stamps, for unenln coinpieternn vasslDK out tlt aud bo the II rsL to can v ans your rteli!hhorhosl. TKif.Mii ijittr.KAij, At;i i;i iuk. K0KS11I K & MrMAkKX, iin iniiati, 0. SALE, LIVERY, FEED AND Exchange Stables Opposite the Gaston House Finest Stock at Living Prices rtiorniKTOu. may 17 dwtf R. H. DUFFY, tlor. Middle & Pollock Sts., Beoond lloor, first door on right of passage Entrance up stairway onTollock Btroet. Preparation of Special Medicines and 'DruggistsArticlei; ',' jnne!9 tf " ' 8 ITT IIM GQLLEOE, LOCATED ON N. C. R. R. l-.b i;uut. now luiiltlins l.:u :;o and iu- (M'easmir liiiiiMnuo. ilnlli sexes. 1 a ill- ty ol twelve ineinbeis. ('iii--iciilinn fiiial of .Male Co! lores Academic Denarlineiit,, Ail, Coiiiinercia!. Morals of SIiiiIciiIm I iiMin a-M'd. imis Sopl.oinlior ht, IH'J.'. r fiiribor inf'i tnat.K.n or eal; MIM Apply ( Ki . V. iyi; I.'IN'.'. I' Klon l A M . I) I). ir- iili-nl., ..:!.'.-. N. c. RALEIGH, N. C. il l!n Mil A, .ImI.i ..ilili iti.. p.. s"ir.p:;.- j l.i UU-IU Trenton Egh Sckol Will Begia ou th First Monday in Sept., in tho Now High School Building. Tuition From $1.50 to $3.00, and Board From $5 to $7. For further InfjrmntLtiri atUrpfn V. IL RHODES, Principal . Wilson WILSON, MlRI'll C.l:n,INA Strictly ITon-Scctarian. EDUCATE Your llSoy In tli o bcBt anil safeHt way nnd uun the leaHt trouble and expeuno l.y Bending him lo BARNES' ACADEMY, A home echool for twenty boyn, iu one of tho healthiest and moat moral to w nn of the State. Tho toys study in the prpsKnoe and under the direction of tho Principal. I'atroni.rd by tbe bent fam ilies. Terms moderate. Writo early and Herurn a nlaoe lor the next vear. E. I.. IIAUNKS, A.H., I'rincipal, Lenoir, N. C lifferoncos: Karulty of Davidaon t;ol leo, N. C. . llr K. Porter, Kochy l'oint. N.C: Hon. John I-'. Kicken, Mayor r.l (IhsrloBton, H. t". . Uev. I:. 1". Mmith, HlnrkstoeliH. S. C. : Mr. K C Htokes, Oral Oaks, Vs.: Mr. W. M Hrown, Cashier Hunk. Kloreuo, S. C! ; liov. HhftlniHrs l rnsor, Atlacta, (ia.;Siipt. 11. I'. Archer, ol tho (!ity Hchools, harles -on, S. C, etc, oto. if '-'l tf 'i i i i : NORTH CAROLINA coLi,i:t:i: of Agricnitnri! and Kcclimicil Arts, Will begin its fourth session Sept. J, County Superintimilente of i;du- cation will examine npiilir.untH for admission. Total cont -100 year. Add ri h-i AI.F.X ANDEK ",'. HOLl.AIlA Y. l'residont. i'.IJwlm Kaiaigh, N.". UNIVERSITY OF NORTH Iilstmi 'ion is olVi'ied in four roitoral courses of sltulv, m biief eniiises, a lari' ntimber of Htiei isl eotttses, mid iu liiiw, Modirino iitul l-atL'iiioei in;1,. The fiUMtlty includes fuciity 'roacltors. Scliiilarships anil loan funds tiro avuil uhlo for needy j otin i; men of talent and chararUtr. The NKXTSKSSION I!I:;INS SKIT. I. For catalogue with lull information, addioss' rilKSlDKNT WINSTON, v'ii dwlm IMtapel Mill, N. ('. Salem Female Academy, SALEM, N. C. The Oldest Femile College in the SontL The 9 1st Annual Session begins Sep tember 1st. 1892. Register for last rear 827. Special (eatures:-TiiB divklop- mrnt of uialtii, unARAOTKB and Inteli.bctt. Buildings, thoroughly re modelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Oollegiatu and Post Oraduate Depgrk mentsu beeldea firat-oIgM aohools In Mcsic, Art, 'LAanADORS. Eiocrcnon, CoMMttROur, Ami innrsTRiAr. STtrDms. . JOHN U. CLEWF.IiL, ' J10Jw;m l'r'ic'i'!. .iulyl.'-it A'-m liles tn I III III I tlK . ' TRINITY COLLEGE IB?:?? DUHHAM, NOHIM CJftlloLINA. EE5J I I-- It i h -'i'- I it - i:ti ti - ill .., .,. I TP I If - " ' '.- - I I Ht Sii(i'ri-r 1 i- nit v -.( -i . rd -i- iu i' ti I, . , .it,,,. , i , v. . ,:(,.. i.I- f ie i. ). . - , i I : lint I' i l i i K liii t : ! I, 1 -i . .'(. ; "," : 1 ' bi-'ECiAU r;- tm ' ii at.- -I ii.-i .i:, i I i ; : ;itr..t i t t i C' t .. -1 , i . t , i.. t:, . : ii T .. . '- r. -. . I' t ..I! ,. ..!,. " U I" ' I... .Ii"- I... II- in.: .i M..... N-'H4.'tll.i::.-.. j iv iii i , N,.. to I. r. - tV ...Ms I., I,, ii. . 1 1 1, i . . i i i;,i.i ,' , ; " Oiii-'. ni'l ii.tiiiil- i 'I i!i , i m .:. ..' ' -hi I M...I. i ii. . I... . in 1 1 ii. ' ' ' d ,ml ' "' 11 '" 1 " 'I'l''" , "''. ' I .' -. mi.v i:. , w -" i.. ..... ... .1.' "' i. .. iTylkk ; v. o,.. UMTKD HTATE8 OF AMERICA. Past Kits Uisihut ok Nouth Caeoliba. IN ADMTUALTY. MAliSMAI.'S N OTIC IE OF HlIUKI". Alircil Moont ct a)H. v. Blearaer Hadle II Hiiinl . iit-r fun. ltm-t. tackle, spparol, to. W'li-ii iiNH iilict Iiuh h?eu flld in the 1)1. 1 1 i. v Cdui i f Hit- I'mtr.l HttttfS UU in f c i iit-ninthe Kh stern jltrlot of N- Hi 1..hpUiui. fn ihe '.!MtJ Ufty of AugOBtr A i i.-'u. Ly .1. K. i ii;u i. proctor in behalf iti Alma Munn- lum nijiem against the fiirjun.T .k-:itim ,M , Km J, her Uokie. furnitnre niui up pure, ! ti' - m I he nsual proctB n'u ififMitt ion ,1 tu i e.ourt.t.dalall tersouH interehtfil in t h tu vhwI, the aal.laleaiu er HmiiM w. t mi, n. i !.. aud furnUure, niHy he crH l.. it. k.i t i.h premlseii and ail iIiim prt.effjinn hftiii;' I nd. that the Rurntt nniv t" Hfrned to in- k.mi and Uie proceed Miereuf In; illftlnhuUii tuM'orilliiK to law. Now, tlit'ti'fore, In pruwenca of the said nionitinit under the seal oTHnld oourt to iiih directed und delivered. 1 d hereby Rive lull ice neverally unto nil pnrnon havlug or pieiehflinu to h:ieui.y rifihl, title oi luier-e-i in i ! hwid -h-nnif r Shtile M. KhiuI, her i tn-K ie hi id fiii 1 1 1 1 ii re , or Inuiiy m tmer tn ( en h I 1 1 I f ere i m ilnii thev may be und ap peal t.-.fuK' the Muld I rUrt. iVnerl to l Ik hi Ht the ritv of w Kerne on tbe 14th dy r Ht pieniber, ls:i2. Ht II o'cloek. a in nllnTWlHe mi trie next dn' of lirltid Id tloil MiHieiifier. then mid there lo aridwer th MHiil ibel rind lo inuU) tuelr ulluKallotH In lu. I leh:iir. 1 n led ri New Iterne tin Ii day of A UKt., A.I', l.vij. I'imii a l. Hit. i., II. H. MRiBhnl I'v t'nv. It. 1 1 1 i.i,. Dept. MaiHbal '.. I . " M m; a , I Aikvntic atiiJ IT. C. Railroad. I ' A ' K N I . I K IBI A li'l ,M KNT, New liein, N.i',, May ::iuh, Iktj lo s,.i.i. A. A N. ' ' It. It : l nr.. iic 1 1 rate., of f , icon nil Trip Tickets Hi-mum i,f i-'i:i riimi i:iiii.uu Htatione l.i li-w In piilnlH imhii.t nn Ihe W. N. C. it. K. TI.-KelN "II sHle .llltle I -I, I i-'ij. () Hepl . HOlh . . I Itel t,m e. ml lor return IMKhliet. (lit I ie ( re i t. :( I et Is a, C a M o a v V. Ji J I'.1 .n SI 1 III fill fill l:l M, 11 .'ill II Til IH'JII l'2.T!i . ii IX S.'i 13 t l.'M ll.i) J3 1III IT. ii It. i h i 1510 I il.l Kurt . mark M'n n , Aslievllle Hut Soiiii; nil oilier rerioriM In Western North t irt'Uiiii e;ni hi furnished upon i. i"litl'1;- ti uinler live .r) yearn -ri I liilttren llo ( i) and under : veiiri n! un-, one-half of tho led Mil. h. ii. i Dili,, i r. a STURTEVaNT HOUSE NEW YORK. no AMKUICAN I I n O imrnAN l;AN I i'LAN I .oil IT Day ll'WID. J o 2.".o 'l' t.'.o I I 'A 1 ()()- TIIK MTU1ICVAT HOI SK fl in. nii.Kt rt i.tia: In tin elly! near all ele i vuti .1 riiu.U. l n et esr lines, nrlnelple places ill HtiiUHetni lit ttinl lilt i etnll Nlnres, I All I Ii ii Coin for I b nf Hiitiio with the add'. tloniil oonventenres nf the metropolis uttered our iieHls. TIIK M l KTKVAM' HOI SK, IlinnilttU), '1st tt i. 2'Jlh gla.. Nf iv Vorli, N. V sRramafHiSal o. 19. .. o i:uril. trill IC..i ilrrul.r.. ' o. . S16.0O " 21.(X i' inior.uH for ' ' 'j ip. cent from :. i'Opt.lno lOc. i iiin'.poli., Inil, M' :' Thirty States. .. iii. Louis, Mo. Hatlroa. Kriday, O.H UoivuKabt. Sohedulr. Uoinq Wkht No. fil. 1'anaengtr Trains. No. 60. Ar. Lve. (Stations. Ar. Lvn. pro 3 30 Uoldshoro 1110 am 4 06 4 U'J La Orange 10 22 10 25 4 o!i 4 40 Kineton 9 48 9 63 ti 00 6 0s: New Heme 8 17 8 il 7 p ci tlorehead City am 6 47 Daily, UuINCJ .tOHKUtl.K IJolNO Wttr No. l.r No. S. Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. Pass. Train. Stations. Pass. Train. a m 6 f7 17 20 f7 ,8 11 8 r.0 ii 30 UoldsDoro 7 05 Beet's 7 30 La urange 7 20 1!4 p m 0 34 6 04 5 80 610 4 05 8 40 8 011 2 Ml 5 19 1 30 9 411 8113 9 04 8 27 8 05 7 hs 781 7 lo 7 INI 7 f3 Falling Creek 5 24 8 UO Kington 4 25 8 55 Caswoll 4 00 9 15 10 0)1 Dover 8 25 10 31 10 38 ('ore Creek 2 54 1100110.) Tusoarora 224 11 17 11 41 Clark e 3 08 12 15 3 00 Newbern 10 3 3 37 8 43 Itiverdale 9 41 3 4M ,'t 50 Croatan 9 28 4 08 II. Uavelook 8 59 4 37 4 4 Newport 8 17 4 51 4o5 Wild wood 8 00 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 7 47 5 18 5 21 Morehead City 7 17 5 23 5 28 Atlantio Hotel 705 5 31 pm Morehead Depot am Monday, Wednesday and Kriday. t'l'nesilar, Thursday ami Hatarday. I - S2i:rvwnl i I TIME TA13JLX lie. 23 In f-.Trot l::i(l I' M j 17. mo. Train Mi connects with Wilmington A Wei don .Train ix-nud North, leaving uoldslmr ll:M. a. in., aud with Klchmond A llanvlt Train West, leaving doldsboro Xlt) p. m Train 11 wnta Hlrhmond A ll.nll . Trsln. arrtvlnit ai Onldabi rn tfrV, p.m.,and W'l WllmliiKt'in sr.d WeMon Train from to North at .1:1" p..i. I'raln - .nimu-nts with Wltnalngton sn-l Welilml T'iroiic. Kreluht Train, Morlti houiiil, lei In (tnlilsliiiro atH:.ri.. p.m. 8. L. Dill. -ir.rlnwdii Notice. Hts te of fsorlh Carolina Craven County. The sutMcrlher havlnR iinallfled as Klecn lor of tho estate of laroilne K Patterson. deeeaseil, on the IKihdav of .Inly, A.ll. 1XM2, hefore lite r-rouaie uourt or oravea eonnty, hereliy notifies all persons having eialme aKalnsl said Estate to piesent them for pay ment on or beiore tbe 1st day of August, IX'M, or Ibis notice will be pleaded In bar of their reooveiy. All nortona Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment. Hone this xJddayof " - J 1 Ht Oil Art. 0. CLARK. Kxeentor. NOTICE. Ikaving this day qualified as Admlnletra tor of the estate of Wary H, Ives, don eased, before the Ulerk of the Superior nonrt for Oravea oounty , all persona holding elalma agalnat aald estate will present them for payment to Ihe andersigned wlihln twelve tnonths from this dale, or this notloe will te pleaded la bar ol their reooverr. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make prompt twtttemsnt. . .. ; lAlr. K. IV''. Admr.of i ,.. y j July 2nd, BU