v ' r ( ' 1 V. THE JOUKNAL. THE CHOLERA ABKOAl). 1 v ' f Steady Increase of the Disease in Jlaui- it ' , ' burg. rv """" ' Hamburg, September 7. Seven hundred and two cases of cholera -' - yesterday; deaths, 333; en increase of 28 new oases and G9 deaths. St. Petersburg, September 7. The cholera returns for Sept ember 4th, lor the whole Empire, place the number of new cases at 1 1 4,779; deaths, 2,073 showing an ' increase of 103 new cases compared with Saturday. ; Paris, Sept. 7. The prefect ol ' , police has began to issue daily bnlletioB, giving the number ol new cases of cholera in Fans aim the suburbs and the number ol deaths. According to these figures 89 new cases and 47 deatlm oc curred Monday iu Paris and in its suburbs and yesterday, 50 new oases and 53 deaths, HAVRE, September 7. Twenty -seven new cases and beveu deaths of cholera yesterday. The disease is about at a standstill. at new York quarantine. New YORK, Sept. 7. The steam ship Wyoming arrived last night with 278 cabin and 30,'i steerage passengers aboaid, including fifty .Russian immigrants who will be detained some time. The City ot New York also ar rived. She will probably be detained five days. The Waisland got in during the morning from Antwerp, with 100 cabin and 175 steerage passengers, and the Spree, from Bremen, dur ing the afternoon. Altogether there were twenty eight steamers from all parts of the world at the quarantine station this morning. There were no fresh deaths or new cases on the Bugia or Nor mannia up to this afternoon, but it is expected several of the sick will die. (JROVEK CLEVELAND Leaves Ilu.zard's Bay for u Visit to New York. Buzzard's Bay, Sept, 7. 'Cleveland surprised the reporters by going to New York this after noon. It is said he will he gone a day and be admitted the visit was of a political nature, lie will make no speeches. The query is is it to see Bill. Of luterest to the Farmer. By a proper succession of crops the garden may be made doubly productive. Look after your colts in pasture every day and keep them tame and familiar. Don't let weeds ripen seeds he fore you mow or pull them aud add them to the manure heap. It pays to compost manure, as a rule, thus making it more available less bulky and free from weed seeds. Too many farmers think that all there is of farming is to plow the ground, sow the seed and harvest, the crop. A good clover field, cut once fur a hay crop and again for seed, will give a net return that is not excelled in many staple branches ol agriculture. Stock that is fed lightly and not given much water for a day or two before shipping will shrink less than if stuffed to their full capacity A horse can not be properly led at a less cost than thirty cents per day. This makes e heavy drain when a farmer carries ooe or two idle head. The surest way to lessen your own particular agricultural depres sion is to reduce the cost of production. Make this your con stant study. Stock-keeping is the beginning and end of profit iu diversified farming. The beginning, for it enriehes the soil The end, lor it affords a profitable means for dis posing of many crops. If one must keep more horses than can be profitably employed all the time, the extra ones should be good brood mares. They can pay their way by giving a colt each year. liaising horses is a profitable industry for the farmer, as a rule, where the colts are produced from mares kept for work. Otherwise it encroaches too much on the general business of the farm. A day spent in planting or plowing is expected to eventually pay some return for the labor, But a day spent in fence building pays nothing, and we know f bat by and by the same work must be done over again. REHARKABLK IlESCl K. Mrs. Michael Curtain, I'laiolicld, III., makes the statement (bat she caught cold, which settled on her lungs, nhe was treat ed for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told hor she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle an'l'to hsr delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued Its use and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is M well as she ever was. Free trial bottles f this Great Discovery at F. 8. Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store; large bot tles. 60o. andtl.OO. There is a fellowship among the virtue! by which one great, gen erous passion stimulates another. , aSi 1 : We have speedy and positive cure for esttarrh, diphtheria oanksr month nd hedaohs,ln8BIXOH'8 CATARRH BEKEDY. A nasal injector free with eh bottle. Uss it if yon desire health od sweet breath. Price Wo. Sold by New Berne Drug Ob. 1 . j TO ELECT REPUBLICANS. President Butlers Warning Against the Bunirers of a Third Party State Ticket. Mr. Marion Butles is President ot the Farmers Alliance in this State Lie edits the Clinton Cau casian. We ask every 3rd party man iu Eastern Carolina to read what he says below in reference to the Democratic party. If any one doubts the accurrency of this send and get a copy of the Cau casian of July i-1,1892. Iu this edito-ial he says. "What is there to be gained for Keform by Jeleating the Democratic State ticket? Nothing, but much to lose, let the result be what it may." "From the present outlook we very much fear that the People's party will put a State ticket in the (ield aud possibly tickets iu every county, such action if taken, would De greatly to be regretted, and should be prevented if possible. What ever differences may exist among North Carolinians over questions over questions of uational policy, there should be none in the State where Anglo Saxon rule and good government is the paramount issue. If the People's party puts out a State ticket then the present State ticket headed by Elias Carr, which upon the whole is an admirable one, is almost sure to be defeated It will be defeated by the People's party ticket,. Now a word to those who have joined the People' j party. What is there to be gained for reform by defeating the Democratic State ticket Nothing, bst much to lose, let the result be what it may. II you elect your ticket you do it at the sutl'orauce ol the Republican party, and you are at their mercy uow and in the future. If you are the cause of the Kapublieiu party capturing tne State you have iveu a heavy blow to the cause of Ro lorm and put the management of your Statr in unworthy and inca pable hands. Let not those who want oflice more than they do lie form persuade you into taking any such unwise actiou. ft the I'eo)le"s party candidates are run for the Legislature then the chances are that the llepuo licans and the JUilroad influence will control the next Legislature. This would not ouly mean misrule for two jears if no moie liut it would undo all the Uctonn gained by the last Legislature. The reformers can control the nexf, Legislature as easily as they did the last if they will htaud together and not run a Third party ticket. The same applieB to nearly every Congressional district in the State. In this district the people have control of the convention, aud can nominate a man who will stand by the people in Congress. We did it two years ago and we cau do it again. If three tickets are run in this district the chanoes are iu favor ol 1 tie lCepublicans being elected. Mosquitoes. The odor of pennyroyal is the most effective thing to drive away iiOS(iur oes. The essential oil sold ui the drug stores is hardly so ef fectual as the fresh herb itself. A tiouijuet of these fragrant herbs will usually drive away this trou blesome pest. The best antidote for the bite of a mosquito is undoubtedly ammonia weakened with a little water or salt and water. Some people go so far as to press the poison out of the bite wuh some small metal instrument like the point of a watch key before applying the antidote. This prevents the painful swelling that sometime occurs. There are a great many objec tions to mosquito bars, the chief of which is the sense of suffocation which their use engenders. They keep out mosquitoes, but they also keep out the pure, fresh air. The need of a perfectly safe and al ways reliable remedy for the peculiar diseases of summer u universal. Ass remedy for the household, oflioe, on the farm, on shipboard and for travel era by fund and sea, Winkelmann's Diarrhoea and ('holera Itemed y baa proved ita Inestimable worth in the prompt relief and cure of all disorders originating in the stomaoh and diges tive system, such aa Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramps eto. Ser viceable under all conditions, always ready for use, and perfectly safe. Prioe 25o. at all druggists- june4d& ly. There are two kinds of hjpocrite the bold and the hnmble and the humble ones are the worst. Mi i lull's Consumption (Jure. This is beyond question the most suooessful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few dosos invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the oure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medioine. Sinos its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medioine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10o.. 50o, and $1. If your lungs are sore, chest, or back lame, use Hhi loh's Porous Plaster. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. Sloth, like rust, comsumes faster than labor wears, while the key often nsed is always bright. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to nin until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They of ton say, ''Oh.it will wear away," but In most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine call! Kemp's Balsam, which is sold o a positive guarantee to cure, they woul Immediately see the excelleut effect afte taking the first dose. Trice 6O0. and tl Trial size free. At all druggist. mar23deod weow Children CrforPitcterVCastorli Why Democrats Should Work. The following from the New York World worth is remembering: 1 ' T - : . i. . I jvrry uomucruii in iuu country should do his utmost to elect Grover Cleveland this ar be cause The election of Cleveland means the restorarion of Deruocatio principles iu national affairs not for a term but permanently. Because the election of Cleveland will put au end to billioudollarism. Because his election will burv the force Lill idea with no hope or chance 01 a resurrection. Because his election will be the first step toward the breaking down of that kind of tariff taxation which aims to enrich the lew at the expense of the m;iuy. Because it will put a linalend to the policy of centralization in which the republic's greatest danger lies. Because it will free the country from tho scandal of Hiuui. Elkins Wood, Wan; '.-taker aud the rest of the personal shames ih;.t have blotted its frtir name. Every 'lorkingmau ti!;- ii'd do all he can lor the ejection o; tjiover Cleveland, because In -!:ction will go further !v,- r .1: ii? 1 puiify else couiu to resto; 1 houesty of ia independents sc. k and which ..Until Every workiugm.ui should do all he can for the ?!ei iion of Mr Cleve land because lection :u?aus popular goveruincut, tliu 1 quality of men and end to the falce coudi tions which make Carnegie possible and permit Pinkertonism to run riot. It means equal laws for equal men and au end of favori to the lew. Mr. ( lew land anil file Fiii iiier. We do not believe that there is a man in America wh; would sacriflce so much lor the Ameiicau farmer as Grover Cleveland. We not only believe it, We know it. How? because lie sacriticed his reelection trying to relievo him ol his burdens. Prominent, gentlemen asked Mr. Cleveland if he did not know that his tarilf message would bring down the condemnation ol the money power on Ins head, and probably defeat him. His reply deserves to live: ''Gentlemen, 1 have givwi those matters thorough consideration. 1 have done right. I am willing to accept the consequences lor myself and my parry. J 11 what 1 have done I have had iu my mind one man, who has been oppressed, bowed down, well uigh ruined bv taxation that is the American Farmer." The "American Farmer" will ap preciate such disinterested service, and he will vote for Mr. Cleveland in November. North Carolinian. Kriiplion of fhe Skin Cured. I'M. Venn. ;v. Kr.n kvilli . Ontari.'. Calm. In. -ji y-- "I IkUc llnl KliANilHI.TH s l'll.LS for tin u-t liin. n rar-, ami think llaiii the l't-1 mlliartic an. I anli bilious remedy known. For some live year.- I suffered with an inq.tioii ol tin skin that fruve me iM'eat pain an. I aiaioyam 1 . I tried ilill'ereiil Mood 1 iinir.lii's. 1 .tit, although uainiiiL' -truiL'th tlic ilihino was unre lieved. I dually 1 oncluded to take u thorough course of Ukandukth's 1'n.i.s. I took sW each niu'lit lor lour nights, then live loin, three, two, lessening each time l. 0111. and then for one month took one ( vi ry night, uilli the happy result lluit now 1 1 1 v skin 1-pi rln tlv clear and hie- l.ecn -o ei i' miici True politeness is and freedom. perfect ease Answer This (Juestiitii. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to euITer and be made miserable by indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loos of Appetito, Coming up of the Food, Vellow Shin, when for 75o. we will soli tnem Sbiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by New Berne DruK Co. A happy heat t is heavy purse. better than a DCKLK.I'N AK1K A SALVE TheBestKalv in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Llcri., Suit Kheutn, Fever Sores, Tetter, t'lmpped Hinds, Chilblains, Corns, and all bkiii i'rupiioiiN, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale in Newbern by K. B. Duny, wholesale and rvtail druggist. None can cure his barms by wail ing them. for Onr Fifty Years Mas. Winblow'8 BooTniMO Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, illaya all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout theworld. jao9d&w1v Whena man settles at the toll gate, he comes by it honostly. .'hen llaby kii ttirU. He ka her C'Ajtorla (Vhen nlir was a Child, ihe cried for Cutorla )hen Shu became Miss, sha clung to Castoria. fcfcea she bad dttldren, aha gave them Caatona For Sale, One very iarc Iron Safe, smlalile for Hanking business or a large Commission business; weight 5,000 Mm. Manufac tured by Mosler Sale and Lock Compiinv of Cincinnati, ). Cost three hundred and forty dollars delivered. Can buy or exchange smaller sale by corresponding witn or rnllnif,' on iuu 1K.E, JNew iicrnc, N. C. Also, one Sufc, cost ninety dollars nt factory of jMosler, llohman & Co., of Cin cinnati, O. These safes have not been oat of the factory tonly a very short time, and look as well M when first mnrlc.' :i . J . ' VOMX AND JUKI , nt ' i . 4 ir r ' ji ' ' 1,000 OOOD DEMOCRATS WANTED. Letter From ttrorer Cleveland. GeKAY Gables, Buzzard's Bat, Mass. July 13, 1892. Will S. Hats: Dear Sir: I received a coby of the song you have written to be used as you say, for au "encourager" during the ap proaching campaign. I believe, with you, mat the influence 01 songs and music of the right sort ought not to be over looked as important adjuncts to a politi cal campaign; and so far as I am able to judge, this latest production of yours must serve a good puqiose in that direc tion, une tiling i am certain, the com position of this song by you is a sure demonstration that the composer is actuated by the sort of spirit and cn. tliusinsin which wins elections. Very truly yours, Grovek) Clevelakd. The following song is the only by our coining president recognized Campaign Bono : CLEVELAND IS THE MAN. Come rally round the good old flag, and give them loud huzzas. Let every man ilo what lie can, to help our noble cause: For Cleveland and lor Stevenson we'll battle every storm. Anil pass the cry along the line for Rev enue Reform. Shout ! boys ! shout I our cause is lound to win I We vote for Cleve and stick to Steve and see that they get in. For honest Government we'll tight, for all that's true and' fair, For Grandpa's hat will get inash'd flat, when Grover takes his chair, lie ran this grand old country once, as president did reign. As Democrats let's put him back, to run it once again. Shout ! boys ! shout ! etc.. Let Democrats throughout the laud, for gallant Cleveland shout From every throat and cast liis vote, and man lor man turn out, Lei's win our cause, the world's applause, and do all that we can. Work day and night with nil our might for Cleveland is the man. Shout ! boys ! shout I etc. Reduced Price 2." cents, regular price in Washington, D. C, 40 cents. I have 1,00(1 copies on hand and must sell them. For sale at the Green Fuont Novelty Store. aug271tn Say, neighbor, what's the trouble with your1 Didn't you get the nomina tion? No, but I got pair of Cart Wheels that don't suit me. and now J. O. Whitty & Co. have just got in a supply of those Celebrated Tennessee Wheels. I am always doing just what I ought not. Take my advice and go at onoe to Whittv's and get a pair of the Ten noBsee Wheels and you can smile if I can't, J. E. LATHAM, Commission fsrehant lluycr and Exporter of Cotton. Dealer in Country Produce aud aJl Speculative Commodities. Liberal cash advances made. Daily flotations free to all pasted on blackboard in my olfice. Correspondence invited. Visitors wel come. Olfice foot Craven Sl Clyde Building. J. A BBT1N, Prci. THOS. DANIELS, Vice Free. 6. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. The National Bank, 0P NEW BEENE, N. 0. INOORPORATID 1885. Capital, Surplus ProSta, $100,000 08.108 DIRECTORS. Jab. A. Buy an, Thob. Daniels, Ohas. 8. Bbtah, J. H. Haokbubh, ALU. SULLXB, L,, MAHVKY, O. H. ROBKBTS. NOTICE. Bute or North Carolina Craven county. The aabsorlber having nnallfltd Ad ministrator of the nUU of John H. Hatch, deceased, on the 2Hth dar of Jniv. A ll. luel before the clerk of tne Bnpenor Court of craven county, nereor Doiinea all persona having olalma against the said estate, to present them for payment on or before the (Ui day of September, 1HM3, or this notloe win oepieauea in Dar or tnelr recovery. Persons Indebted to the estate mast pay wltnont delay. JAMES O. HAKK1HON, o B Public Administrator. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boots and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing a Specialty. ST. ABPEN, Craven attest, opposite Journal offloe. 250,000 BRICK READY FOR SALE! Cheaper than any other Mar can Furniah Them. I've got 'em and want to sell 'am. , Apply to I'rU'l.:,;.,,. W. P. BURRUfl, New Bern, ot r ?. V M, rOKTilSlUverdale,, Jne7 dtf J ' i WEEKLY JOURNAL! REDUCED BATES. Weekly, por year " for six months Daily, per year...., Si.oo . 60 $5 00 . 2.50 1.50 ' per six months '1 per three months Subscribe now and keep up with the Campaign movements. News givdn from all sections and on all questions. We aro now on the eve of one of the Most Important Campaigns known in the history of the country, and every voter ouht to know what is going on. The above rates are payable in advance, and can be safely forwardod either by money order or registered lotter. Stable Goods and Nov elties. All who want Bunting for Flags or other Campaign purposes will do well to see J. F. TAYL0B. 100,000 Brick for sale. A fresh lot of nice HAMS just received. Also, another drive in TOBACCO. Don't forget the Magic Insect Exter minator. It rid9 of Bedbugs, Roachc9 Flies and other similar pests. A car load of new fresh "Dandy'' Flour just received. Come and see us; we guarantee satisfaction. Furniture, Mattresses. GrO TO W.P.Jones 8011th Front St ,opp Gaston House, For furniture of AH Kinds. Mattresses made to order and ren-o vated. PRICES VERY LOW. Jyl9 dwtf John H.Crabtree &Co. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, And Blacksmiths. Having withdrawn from the old .firm of John II. Crabtree & Co., and pur chased the place on the west side ol Craven street, formerly known as Cuth bert's stand, we are now ready to do all kinds of Foundry, Machinist and Black smith Work. All our tools aud machinery are new and first-class in every particular. With a good oorps of mechanics, etc., we hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. John H. Crabtree & Co.. I) js29dwtf New Berne, N. C. THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BEENE, N, C- Organized one year ago. CAPITAL STOCK , $75,000.00 Dividend . . . 3,750.00 Surplus and ProBU . 8,003.06 OFFICERS : L. H. Cutler, . President. W. 8. Chadw iok, Vioe-Presiitent. T. W. Dbwky, Caahler. A. H. Powell, . Teller. DIRECTORS : Win. OIhvs. P. H. Pulletler, J. W. HtPwart. W. 8. Ohadwiok. John Putr. O. Harks, L. 11, Cutler, E. B. Backborn. Hnd Quartern for Nickel Baring Stamp l our business is respectfully solicited CLINTON MILITARY INSTITUTE CLINTON, N. C. Fall Session begins MONDAY, SEP TEMBER 5, 1892. All teachers have bad oollegiate train ing, preparod especially for teaching. Preparatory Course a specialty. A special course In Book keeping, Com mercial Law, Commercial Arithmetio, Penmanship, Telegraphy, btenography and Typewriting, VOCAL MUSIC md CA1ISTHESICS FREE. No additional cost for Classics. Board, Washing, Lights, Tuition, etc., 7.V00 per five months. Uniforms will cost 810.00, $11.95, 612.75 and 614.50. Tuition for Day Pupils will be $1.50, $2 .00, $3.00 and M.00 per month. For further particulars addresi the Principal. ' W. R. SKINNER, Clinton, N. C. Administratrix's Notice. Tbe undersigned. Millie A Burton, bavins duly qualified as Administratrix of the late Henrietta Willis hereby gives notloe; that all persons bavins claims against thoaald Henrietta WllUs will present teem Ion' er before tbe 18th day of July, 1893, or Will no tloe will be plead. d in bar or their reooverr. All persona owing the estate of said Hen rietta Willis will make Immediate settle ment of the same. JulrlBih, UtW. MILLIE A. BURTON, Administratrix. THE WATCH TOWER, Published Seml-Monthly. One Dollar a Year. Davotftd to Apontollo;Chittlsnlty, Kd ucation, General Intelligence. Send for Sample Copy. ' Office f publication, OihuiivUU, N. i). Editorial offloe, Washington, N. C. ; ! J. L. WINFIKLD, Editor, I) Wo AVIS, Aast iiea '.-It -"' " ,. I f y I .,; a:il , i .', , . ; I V (.r. A Jul I pi''.'' I". '''- i . y -tijetnrm a li.rv.1 I ln. arli.l... I ! 'J. a V '.Mil,.., rui,l i i. .m. ,., f-' V S .t'" ! sijVrYx.rtrs. . V t 'flaw letur KM fltleV I'M f Ut frt POICES to SUIT tlie TIMES! 4 HiiggifR lrom 37.50 to 100.00. Road OiiriH from $9.00 to !?21.00. Farm Wagoos from to $(10.00. Bnggy Harness from ?r..00 to $25.(10 Also, I01taE3 and MULES will be sold in proportion to the above prices for Cash or negotiable paper. Prompt attention paid to livery, as in the past. J- W. STEWiOrLT. T1IOS. A. OREEN, President. WM. DUNN, Vice President. CITIZENS' OF HXTow Berne, O D0 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. The Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Farmors, Morc.hunts and othn reoeived on favorable terms. Prompt and careful attention given to the intorit of our ouBtomers. BOARD OF DIRF.CTOU9. Ferdinand Ulrioh, E. W. Smallwood, Geo. N. Ives, E. II. Meadows, Chas. Duffy, Jr. J. A. Meadows, Samuel W. Ipook, Chas. H. Fowler, William Dunn, 3XTEW BESIESJXr Collegiate Institute, ISTew Bern, 3T- O. A HOME INSTITUTION for tho Education .f 1.1m 1H)YS ami GIRLS of Eastern Carolina at a mode-rate. cost. Faculty composed of EIGHT experienced and i llicienL Teachers. SIX DEPARTMENTS. Students prepared fi.r advanced classes in any of tho Colleges. 212 Students, representing TEN Counties, were enrolled last year. Tho MUSICAL DEPARTMENT, under (lie direction of Prof. F. E. Morton with good ASSISTANTS, afords superior facilities for tho systematic study of vocal and instrumental music. Special Course of Study for Those Desirirfr to la conic Teachers. Moral advantages of tho School umuirpansiwl. Special inducements offerod to POOH HOYS anil (IIKI.S. Next Term opens September 5, 193. Send for ijtal i.. . MIS8 MARY L. ALLEN, Seo'y. (I. T. ADAMS, A i!.. Trim ipal. july7 dwtf Ni'w Kerne. N. C. Far Superior and Cheaper Than Ever Defer j. has just arrived with a FRESH SUPPLY ci West Virginia HORSES and MULES, and is prepared to meet the emergency, Low JPirioeci Potatoes It will pay one and all to call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. KINSTON COLLEGE, Ki-nstoh. 3T. O- Has the strongest Faculty in tho East; uses tlio mint approved methods of Instruction in all departments. , BUSINESS COURSE unsurpassed In the South. Dont pass by Kinston until yon havo seen ns. Full oourset in Book-keeping, Hanking, Commercial Law, Huninuns Forms, Rapid Calonlator, Correspondence, and PenmauHliip, MUSIC Our Director has few oqnals and no superiors in the State. This do pkrtment will almost triple itself next year Special advantages in lh,emlstry, surveying, lypo writing ana Btouograpny, Mathematios, Language and Elocution. If you wish to secure a place in tho Colloge, write us at onoo, as somo of the departments are being rapidly flllod. For new Catalocpie, address WNime this paper. Rellet IqraiaggUlB. leavrv any For sale by J. V. JORDAN, I'- Modern bulldlnps, hot and oold baths, snrroimdlnr iiuml)0rs limited. A model h on arpiir-atiiiii. , ,.-. , . sf af A ft h r ; O. E. FOY. Cahifr. . 11. M. (IUOVE8, Teller BANK Jimea Kedmoix!, Chas. Ui izonetcin, Mayor llahn, Thos. A. Groen, O. E. Foy. , LEE & CROWELL, Principals. : k1 aorrnraa of tb mucoua mbnataitd nteaCUNOKKIliBA IumIGI.EHT la I totriav. M othf traatment neceaaary. Nevcf caiaef BtrlctW Ol jt iiyvnoia bkcsT cuacta. ja. MH .kr, LOOP MUI CO., Pra's, UBiirtt. 8a. Druggist, New Berne, N. O. coin oxfchd. :: pvmniuilnm fconlivr l . ' ul wis w ft-.'--'.; 'J 4 , " f