The Daily 00 FINAL. VOL. XI.--NO. 145 NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER LL 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. BU3INES8 LOCALS. YSYf!F.T,TE'NT nceommodfttions for i-i Bounlcrs ami Lodgers on reasonable terms. V. T. Hancock, 9 lltf Opposite Hishop's Factory. FOU SALE: A Fine Knabc PIANO, same ns New unl in perfect order, sepll lm Mus. W. S. Bi.ount. 1 FINE lot Annies. Lemons and Cocoa- nuts just arrived will sell cheap sep9-2t Ni:nn it McSohlkt. DON'T forget Duxter tlie Scientific Optician, now located crmantly with you. All eyes fitted correctly where glasses will remedy the trouble. 7tf DWELLING HOUSE for Kent, corner Pollock and Hancock streets. A 1.. ... jvppiy iu Otf W. II, Coiiux, at stoic. I OFFER my services to the peojle of New Heme for a short rime. Orlice nt Gwston House. V. (!. Huownk, 9 Otf Optician. WANTED To borrow one thousand dollars upon five or six thousand dollars worth of unincumbered real es tate. Address "VA NTS" cure Journal Office. New Heme, N. ('. Sept. 3, 1892. OLD TAPEKS for sale in any quanti ties at the Journal Ollice. Good for pasting on walls and putting under carpets. tf I HAVE titled up Hotel Albert Harber Shop nicely and in style. I invite all my old patrons and others who want a pleasant shave or hair cut in artistic style to give me a call. Pit OK. W. II. SllKPAI!I. MI3II. SAl RAMESTAL. PORT and HCUPPEUNONU WINES for sale by Jas. Rbdmond, 1? OR SALE Join' box or ward robe lounge in a perfect lounge by day and a perfect bed by night, and you nan put away as much ololhing or other article! as in the average wardrobe. You can get three artiolea for the price of one. No extra chargo for paoking or .hipping Mn. Dr. Talmage. wife of the cele brated preaoher. Bays theae loungea are very, rery nioe. Prioe in Creton, $10, $12, Raima 812. 14, haw Silk, $20, 82r.. Silk Brooatelle, $25. S30. Terms 10 per cent, dlsooum conn with order or half with order balanoo 00 dayi. ALFRED COLES. Qrand and Myrtle Avenues. Brooklyn, N. Y. I CALVIN 8CHAFFER'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put np expreealy for throat n1 lung dis eaaei, for Bale by Jas. Redmond. DUFFY 8 MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal uae. for sale by jan20 Jas. Redmond. 1 D. V. JONES, late in oharge of V. tbe preacription department of Pelham'a Pharmaoy, Aehoville, N. O., has opened a Preacription Eirug Store next to oustom house. Special care la Riven to the selection of preparations for prescription use only. The patron age of tbe public is solicited. may 29 HUNYADI Janoj Mineral Water, the best Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Redmond. 13URE CORN WHISKEY for sale by Jas Redmond. D UFF Gordon Imported Hherri-, for ale by Jas Redmond. XM PORTED UOLLANDGIN. Bui he' Ban.' Ale and Biirbo's Guiuness' Htout. for bhIu by Jas Redmond. AAA CIGARS at very low I 0UU U flgur.s to wholesale and retail trade for unto by Jab Redmond. G 1 ARRETT'd COGNAC BUANDY used very much in tbe sick room. For sale by Jas HitDMOHp. TnEY Lave been altogether thirty-one cases of cholera and eight deaths from that disease in New York harbor. GEft. Joseph K. Anderson, of tbe Tredgear works, Rlohmond, Va., is dead. Daring the late war he was a good soldier, and alwaje a true gentleman. fJTiiE world is fall of people who ure snxions to die happy, who are not trying very bnrd to so carry themselves as those aronnd them can live happy. A Roman Catholic clorgjman eaysthatin every parish of Ms Church where congregational Hing ing has been iutroilutod, the attendance at e veiling sorvtcu lias increased twofold and uomc'imes threefold. The late election m Arkansas was an overwhelming Democratic victory. The Democrats carried every county in tbe State. The Peoples' party oarried one and the Republican party one. Dem ocratic majority 50,000. On the evening of September the 7th. The Democraoy of Indianap olis paid tribute to the memory of Vice President Hendricks, the oc casion being his birthday. Adlal E. Stevenson delivered a eulogy on the dead statesman, and a letter from Mr. Cleveland was rend. PURITY is power. The rose among the sweet and most beauti ful of God 'a creation, is armed with ' thorns nature's sharp bayonet for . warding off attack. Purity is tbe ' defense of beaaty: modesty i the aicguaru 01 innocence, , f-jveep ")' A lamp does ftot talk about Its ; light; It 'just 'shines, gives ' light. The Cerlstian dot s not need to talk simply let the light that is in him shine. "Let your light so shine that others seeing yonr good works may glorify your Father which is in heaven ." Relgtous Intelligencer We are gratified at the informs tion that comes to as from various parts ol the State that the Tnird party men are even now seeing tbe Doz they have been put into by tbe astute Republican leader, and are coming buck into Democratic ranks. On the same line is an item in the Roanoke News showing the falling off in Thud party member ship in Littleton township, Halifax connty. The claim was made that tbe Third party was rery strong in that township, but now they num ber only twenty-two, the rest hav ing returned to the Democratic fold. A gentleman, who knows, told tin that in five townships in Johuttown county there were ouly twelve. News and Observer. LOCAL NEWS. Mi IT Al) VElt TISEMKNTS. Ilijj Ike On second page l' Ulrieh Pule creiun cheese. ('. T. Hancock Hoard and lodging. Mrs. V. S. lllount - Piano for sale: Generally fair weather today, except shown s on the coast. A special' meeting conducted liy L. A Coulter, Y. M. C. A. State Secretary who arrived last night, will foe held this after noon at G o'clock. Ilia subject will foe "The Unanswerable Question." All men, especially young men, are specially in vited to foe present. A negro arrested under the name of Win. Henderson hut who now says his name is Ueo. Johnson, was brought be fore Esq. Street yesterday afternoon on the charge of .stealing pears Thursday night from the orchard of Mr. Win. May at the junction of End and Ilroud streets. Failing to give a $50 bond he was placed in jail to await trial at next Superior court. There have been some changes in the placing of the lire alarm boxes. The one that was to have been placed at the foot of Queen street has been moved up it one square, bringing it to Craves street, and the one in the alley leading from the Fair ground to the railroad has been moved back to the Fair ground. This makes it so that the one that was to have been on West street can be placed in the business part of the city at the corner of South Front and Middle streets one of the most important points in the whole city for the location of one ol the boxes. The Hoard of Health, composed of the physicians of the county, the chairman of the county commissioners, the county surveyor und the Mayor of the city, ac cording to appointment held their regular bi-ennial meeting yesterday morning at the city hall. Matters rehitinir to quar antine and the best methods of disinfec ting and keeping premises clean, etc., were discussed in general and officers elected for tho ensuing two vears. Dr. Chas. Duffy was re-elected president and Dr. N. II. Street was .elected treasurer. Dr. Lciii3tcr Duffy was re-elected super intendent of health When six miles past Kinston the excur sion train returning to Durham struck an old colored man, who was under tho in fluence of liquor and walking alongside the track, in tho back splitting it open and dislocating the shoulder, and prob ably inflicting severe internal injuries. The engineer of the excursion train evi dently did not notice the accident as he did not stop, but the injured man was discovered when the mail train came along a' little later, taken aboard and brought on to Kinston and placed by President Chadwick, who was along, under good medical treatment. The man was named Harper, and he lives near the place at which the accident occurred. (Joining and Going. Rev. W. W. Lewis of Core Creek, Carteret county, passed through yester day morning en route to attend the quar terly conference of the Free Will Baptist church at Tuscarora. Mrs. Nettie Crow, of Qoldsfooro, who has been visiting Mrs. J. K. Willis, lef. yesterday morning returning home. Mrs. S. D. Pope and Miss Myrtle E. Pope left to visit relatives at La Orange. Mrs. Sudie Herrington and children left to visit relatives at Caswell. Mr. J. M. Howard and Mr. O. Marks, accompanied by his son Harry, returned last night from Northern business trip. Mr. L. J. Moore and Mr. W. II. SnoU ing returned last night. Mr. J. E. Latham returned from a business trip to Goldsboro. Mr. W. D. Barrington left last night to spend a few days at Beaufort. Mrs. E. H. Perry and daughter, Miss Mamie Davis and Miss Ella Dill, of Beaufort, who have been visiting Mrs. S. L. Dili, left last night returning home. Mr. M. Makely and his ton George left on the steamer Albemarle of the N. N. A W. Direct line for Alexandria, Va., and Mr, .W. H. Rhodes and family on tbe tarns steamer, moving to Norfolk. -.. Accidentally Killed. Mr. Martin Lane, son of S. B. Lane, of Wayne county, was accidentally killed on the .tram-road of Mr. T. T. Gooding at Adams creek late Friday afternoon. jf After the day's work of hauling logs was ended and the other men had de parted Mr. Lane went down to the river with the truck to net a load of feed for Mr. Gooding from a boat. He was re turning aud had proceeded about two miles on the way when the accident oc curred. It was not found until mid night when Mr. Gooding's wife informed him that Mr. Lane had not come in and he went out in search of him and dis covered his dead body under the truck which was a heavy eight-wheel three team one. Mr. Lane had from some cause evident ly accidentally fallen in front of the truck while it was moving at pretty good speed, with his feet in'tlie direction of the truck and the forward wheels had passed over, and others had become jammed on his body. The remains were brought to the city by sail boat, arriving here yesterday af ternoon at half-past four. His brother, Mr. Walter II. Lane, who is the overseer at Mr. Ithem's seven-mile farm, was promptly notilied of the accident and took charge of the remains. They were put on ice by undertaker Simpson and will be taken to the old home of the de ceased in Wayne county, for interment, tomorrow. Mr. Lane was a good, industrious young man about 21 years of age. Church Services. Centenary M. E. Church Rev. It. A. Willis, pastor Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m., conducted by the pastor. Young men's prayer meeting at ti l 5 a. in. Sunday-school at 4 p. in., .1. K. Willis, Sup't. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at H o'clock. The public are cor dially invited to attend these services. Church ol" Christ, Hancock St. I. L. Chestnutt, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. in. Subject for evening smv vice: "Temperance." Young men's prayer meeting at 11 a m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. in., E. E. Harper, Sup't. Weekly prayer meeting every Thursday night at 8 p. in. A cordial invitation i. extendi d to everybody. Catholic Church Rev. Father Han, Rector. High Mass and Sermon at 11 a.m. Sunday-school at 4.1i p.m., and Litany with Benediction of li. C. Sacra ment at 5 p.m. Christ Church Rev. F. M. N'. George, Rector. lllth Sunday after Trinity. Early celebration, 7. liO a.m. Services, 11 a.m. and U p.m. 1 lie public are cor dially invited. Attentive ushers. Sunday-school at the chapel, fl.Ilfl a.m., and at the church, 5 p.m. Baptist Chun h Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., conducted by the pastor. Rev- Rufus Ford. Sunday-school at 4 p.m. Y. M. C. A.- -Devotional service at C p.m. State Sicrelary L. A. Coulter, leader. Subject, The Unanswerable Question." All men cordially invited and welcomed. Burglars Again. Petty burglaries are beginning again in New Heme. Friday night the kitchen of Mr. J. W. Dawson on New street was broken into and rilled of crockery, silverware, cooking utensils and provis ions. 1 tie Uneven were not heard and nothing was known of the robbery until members of the family discovered It when they came down in the morning. There was nothing to indicate who com mitted thej depredations but from the amount taken away it is thought that there was more than one thief concerned in the robbery. Mr. J. J. Tolson's grocery store has twice been robbed recently. Tho first time it was broken into from the rear, the last time the indications were that the thief secreted himself in the store un til it was closed then after some stealing, made his egress by opening tho buck door. There was similar trouble in this and other cities of the State about a ycur ago but citizens became so alert that the thieves would be discovered and shot at when cnKaccd in their nefarious work and officers were after them so sharp that some wero caught and convicted (there is now a man under sentence of death in this State for this crime) and the bur claries ceased. Now that they are be ginning again it lichooves all to be specially watclilul in the effort to pro tost themselves and to bring the punishment deserved upon these violators of the law. Sundav Services for Hancock Street . Methodist Church. Sunrise prayer meeting 6 1-2 o'clock Preachimt at 11a. ni., by Rev. G. W. Neal. At 8 p. m., expect tho mooting to be conducted by State Secretary L. A, Coulter, of the Y. M. C. A., and the As sociation is expected to be present. The Sunday-school has changed the hour of meeting from 4 to 8 p. m., so that any who may wish to attend tho Mount Calvary 4 1-8 meeting can do so. The Sunday-school at Mount Calvary Templo in south western part of the city is meeting witn great encouragement uy an increase or attendance every ttunuay Nearly half of the scholars are those who go to no other school. One lady of piety las sent in to Mr. S. R. Ball, the Sup't., quantity of books as the commencement of a library; any others will be thankfully received. A book case and a small table are needed and as the work is sustained "by voluntary contributions, if any will end these in they will be greatly thank School meets at 9 a- ni. Every lovers' of God Invited to come and help SOUTH CAROLINA SCENES. Georgetown Creat Hiee Fields Im mense Flocks of Delicious llirds Fine Sport The Fioueer ol Trucking nt New Iterno. Geou:i:twn, Parish ok I'ki.m i: .i;oiii: Win yah. September 7th, t -!'. Sec, I am in South Carolina, at agreeably to promise, will attempt t( give you sonic idea ot what is heloiv mr "Extinguished Southern nobility" it i. Ask New Orleans about it with tin negro and white man's tight for thcedi tication of the roughs of the count rv. But here we have yet familiar seem s, a in the olden time, when hereabout was Marion's camping ground, ami the gravi of some of his men arc --till known and honored. We were with a L'liilleman awhile ago who resides on the la i- w I en Marion himself is buried. This town is on a peninsula, lunued by three rivers, the Black, Waci-uinau ami Snmpit. They empty into Winyah l!:u, as do the waters of the 1 Viler and Saiitee, all rushing into the Atlantic -hv.iii. Bordering these rivers are miles ami mill - of rice fields now with the rice in di stages some matured, s nnc ma etvill lllill!f anil Rome beautifully iri n . liice im planted here in April and June In Maury's Geography, rice w- h ic seen, is pictured as a bearded grain, i arh seed wide apart from tie- iiiai. "I " I i calls to mind Kossuth's way of making turpentine, lie said, in describing ii to one of his countrymen, al'ti r his vi-il to this country, that lirst a hole was bored in the trunk of the pine tree in whic h was inserted a tube and upon this a basket was placed to catch the gum A writer referring to Maury on the subject states rice has no heard and every grain leans lovingly against its neighbor; the smooth, glisteiiing stalks are hardly -troiiL' enough to bear their pneiou- burden the heavy, graceful heads which droop down to the long ami -lender bhnle-. A ripening field of rice is one of i In -In an ful sights of the earth, luiagim- ripple of silver spreading into wave-of gie. n that swell to billow s ot gold wilhi.civ breeze that passes over tin--iirlaro ; lie n this sea of color grows quiet again, niiiiL' ling and shifting its -hade-, inilil m! eeii a Titian could reproduce it- varied hue-. Free and lively are these patches or lield- of rice, burdened with -Iraighl canal- anil they in turn tilled w il h t he pun. I lily. And now for the hud-. While w write there i- a conlinuou- lu-ilude Heavy discharge-, of powdi r to k' p tin birds on the wing No fourth of .luly i Christinas day of the by gone in New hern, could equal the rati le bang through the day to night, then again at. daylight, Sundays not excepbd. W hen in tin- milky state the: bird- would de-lr.n a field ot nee in a single day it not di turbed. Hut we are told the" black bird- first attack it though di-appear on tin appearance of the tiir or -i e.l bird, entirely, while the lattit i- pi rceplahly decreasing in number u it li c u h -in m I ing year. Being on one ot I In -e teld- today, wi happened to meet lln j lorim r I rm lo i ol Carteret county, Mr. ('ohbiini, who i hcre temporarily trading inbinl- f"i tin Northern markets, lie can buy I'uruboiii 20 cents pi r ilo. n and realize lor lliem North from 4", to ail cent-. During tln- day he had pureli , sil lot M riee birds ill addition to a kindly present, ,1 by him I libi ral nunibei i the w l iler. irn, w e un I a While with Mr. C.,1,1. hired hunter who in rei ih b the qlli -- II 1 1 1 1 a - turn slated he had kill d leveu dozen riee bird- with mi. ill- n thai iiutnlii ! barge of hi-, gun, and iUil been exceeded b -on,,' I tin r- ; 1 1 1 i -w ing and tile with is w hen the bird- ar. ,,u 1 1 aiiL'ht doubling. No -ho shot is allowed at bird- on tin- rice. It will not be forget ti n thai Mi- c, bum was the pioneer in I rucking in our section of the State, ha ing in tin- w inti i of I H7IS, commenced on the land jusl aa-l of Mr. W. Dunn's present barn, though cided after sonic of the -eel win in the ground to go to Carteret, and made, therelore, arningcini nt with Mr. .1. L. Hhcm relative to taking the implanted peas which, we believe gave that, gentle man the start which led to such a heavy and important business and undoubtedly started the growth of Newbern. As to 'the delicious rice bird.'" il' yoii have never eaten one it would be fulil, to attempt to describe its superiority iu richness and bwectness over all the feathered tribe. You must take our wold for it and we will do the citing lor you and your readers. We will, slate liirih, i. however, that venerable and cvcelli nt gentleman, who himself was. up to tin- war, a rice planler on the I ape l-i ai river, below Wilmington, and now a citizen of Uoldsboro, stated in our heal ing, that rice birds, even at M) c, nu pi t dozen, the price now obtained for lle iu in Wilmington, N. ('., were a- economical eating as the quail at 10 cents each, a- in comcqucncc of their richness three w i sullicient at each meal. After th, ex perience we now have, mid with the greatest respect for any opinion ot our esteemed tricml, we wish to amend i. adding dozen after the number :!. Hr Hill and our own venerable ami rt-sin-i-l. il citizen, Mr. A. 1.. Jerkins, were al tin University ot North ( arohna, together a well as in the Legislature, and they still keep up the dec) interest for the welfare of each other, though they have not met in many years. Dr. Hill says "Jerkin- was a monstrous mischievous boy," and wo had to inform him that eighly-lhe good long winters still left him w ith tin boyish twinkle in his eye and ever ready to thoroughly enjoy a joke on his friends. W Dr. flrown, Practical ami Scientillc Optician, having finished his special cngagi incnl- hcrc will remain throe days tins week that all who niny have wi nk or defective eyes may avail themselves ol Ins skill. Atltiaston House. i onsiiuat ion und examination free. Special Notice. Wo beg to notify our patrons and the public generally that having purchased tho good-will and fixtures of "John Brown, the Harber,'' wo hope by polite and strict attention to business (no "Prince of Wales" airs) to merit a con tinuance of tho patronage so generously bestowed upon our former oniploycr. Respectfully, II. L. Banks, Proprietor. ndreaCrjJoRtcher?i;Castorla) COKHL'TT, THE CHAMPION. Corbet t and Sullivan at New Oi lcan.', mel last night, Ami were greeted with thousand- to -ce the great light. Sullivan, though wi II traim-.l I b r ihc conle-t. Has at 1 .si, been deli alcd I y u bit I fiom the est. The defeat of thi- rough and brutal Sul In an Will give llllicl (oriel y In I he e liTII man. Though champion he h i l . n ,,r l"ii:' ten ear-, ' '' 1 1 ii 1 1 met am I i oiiqn. i id ban w it limit fright or I'rur . : 'I .- I thi- in pair, is one luole de 1 1.. I P..I liali.p w i-lle- lo lake t ar I hoii-amls w Ii I his a Hair llloli- iltlelt d in it mg ' win id- eh, Big II-..- ha ehampinn i low prn cti ml- tn give him a A nu n, at la-. I I nu li haul - it fiih, ill a wel, all before h thi- tall and RECEIVED TO-DAY: 100 Boxes of these Celebrated CHOICE PALE CREAM Cheeses. mUt BETTER. ritici: i.ow. JLV. Ul2?i;i'i, WHOLES A LK OUOOK!;, H!lPliK STUL'i i MKW hK.UMv '.l. 0 Atienticnl Ginnsrs. w i: ui: .i; knts i 'i: nu wiNsmr Improved Cotton Gin. w r. i : i : '. w - i -i u Gin Saw Files, Belting, Oils, Lace Loather, Bolt Hooks, Pulleys, Etc UT!" il a n kind Disosway & Churchill, Urn do.n I.. Lot CM II-,:: Night School. M AiCi - . i:i;u . ,, . T M ill ii ,. ,i h. i i. ; i. i; I I h: M"H s-i r ,p,,ln. Atlantic and N. C. R. K. Co, i:l -i i;i I: - mini will l ; x . ' . 1 1 1 11.1 of I wo pel I . Ill ..Il dun I -I... k a H ull All i .nip i e. oil all, Old N..I in will b, p. and ill. I !. I.. -I... Mi. I i .i-ill, i - , y of ( Mo 'i i rd on Hi V. I Aug,, I l-'.i ' K lb! I! I S. Tn Horse Shoeing. UV have a I'ir-I cla - Ibn . from tin- i-l. in Section ,.l We do all kind- of Kan, y SI plating, el' -nil i SI, , I Sali-lacti. "Ualaiil. ed. 1 M l I .I.I i Carria- trial. i IN. old. Railways! lldinp; MA KINK hail 1 lii-in purchased tho UAII.W.WH, thoroughly imWAltn lll'l ll'lill Repaired and Refurnished, I am now prt'p.n nl tit t-liss nf Vessel and Repair Work. ilniM- ib-siiin work ol thi- kind will plca-c cive mo a call. J. A. Meadows. New Heine, Hc'teinbi-r. ic'a '. 'i lm THE HYSTERY OF ACES is tho Pphinx. How? Why. When? No no hofl hron able to Holvo it. Kis- teninn ears havo nover hoIvciI it. It 's a good rcprcKontation ot tho myslciy our competitors cannot solve. Kespootfully, Ikckburn & Villett. J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. DENTIST, lYrinnncnt ly,lo utert. NKWUKI'.N, N.J. (Jan R'liiilnlfitcrert for th ' i rttet ion of timth wllinmt iifiln. nfflce, rornci of M iiMlo Hir el ami Kciicnil Alley, iifoMtt MMillH ML. Hup II Hi t hur.-h. Iked n..ii. no I line I, I ,i ,1 ., . I P. Tin Houses o,v -,o i i. in I In I iie- lm. J. W. WOOD. I U. I -'I I.'. Horse Milliner. one w i h.m- a I'n III. -. i hi .1. . I arm - II, po S,c,a:.l ,11 kind- I I I. NUNN g icSORLEY, i l. I . I i ; s in Fruits, Confectioneries, FINE TOBACCOS, And Smokers' Articles ..lid M- NEW BERNE, N. C. I i. . land I M. R. HOWARD. General IirnriFc Agent, Now Bpi'1ij, N. C. To Csnners IF YOU NEED A COTTON GIN, GET THE improve BRO.WN, Tim Bost in th;i K wkot 'L H. Catler & Co. Bent, pmp. 4ive lis TRIAL lOll- ;', i cl.l.d I.. .. I, I Delivery Wagon, al . in , pri l . 1 1 d ! I. 1 1 . : ' -hell w. Noli I I; I -II I nl Fig Hams and Breakfast Strips. W il ... .11 loin pei i i ! .,ll nl i, ii t i 30c. BUTTER i Full Cream Cheese w.w i N II I Si II-I II .iniiil Mir I li:illklllL' .in 1 1 n in I - I. -tr ;ili I t I U-t ni'; piii l nl' i Mir lul iii-i- I mi-ii rr ITHvl Inl Churchill & . -.T, lini II,,. i.l -in Parker, I. N. K. am. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1 take plca-ur. iii not il ue: ami Ihc public that. I lei, i SI'KCIAI. ACKNCV lm- thi the t i friend a.veplcl a Slate with Mutual Life Insurance Co. OK NKW Y ( ) I ; K . Oilier Iioiim from In , lo I p in. at K, H. Nixon's ollice, oppo-itc (). Miirks, on Pollock Htrcct, where 1 will U- pleiiM il to receive my frn nils niul give any infor tunium iicsin-il hy tliotm wanting the bet ami na'utit J.ifo Insurance. S. D. JONES. New Heme, K. C. 8-17tC Atlantic & N. G. Railroad. sI'KCIAi. i i l ;siN UATKS. Gen. Adlai E. Stevenson Candidate r, v i, President, To Speak at Goldsboro, Thursday, Sept. 22J, 1892, VP I-!. ooN, Spe, alum, giin.l I plll'rh' I I; II in .1 I Tickets for tho by regular Mail Train, "il when tickets are I. ami n 1 1 owing low eaten ..I laic. M"ti-liefi.l l n,l.l xvw,.il II iv. O'HIHn, I LI -1 iliili-, i.l ni urn, 1 1 .VI I It. 1 III I :iu i I I, 1 i.i I ,, e . I UM Wi k .IlKl,, I A, s. i. nu, i,, supt. to Stockholders A. & N C. RAILROAD Sl... kirn Mail 'I ran p,l-: '.1 fieo on tho Wednesday, cpt. 21st 1892 aid . M. id -mil. ns iiiterine Citv ami nituiii to Annual Meeting of liilr ml I -am,- Thursday. Sept. 22i, 1892, i- ,.l, , i ' . -el. N -p.-. linin will bn 1 '" ' 'I'- ' in.: I '.ii.luel..- of Mail I'i iiii ; I..- inn, - , ,. stock I .-I an. I -i. . I,.. ,1, , I,. ,,a-s,,, ' 1 1 ' 1 : s. i, nu, i.. 'in -i ml i-mh-nL. Notice. i I hut at, thp ml nl Commis- ml n an r- Mill ,l, . g ,.l hc I d. hcl.I at the i tic on the lirst. I '''.' lit lieing the I". Hie billowing ' . ! election ill , II--. i: , i - piei iiii t. bo - bam to I. I kit I, will i1- tni- .-ton in I i.i' i , ' i i i u . . 1 . and tbu I ,i i-ciTii t are noti- i a - ti' I I . 'w nsh I l. bl I M.I.K, Clerk . l,,i- UU-Moll Manuluc ;. I .inp iiiv lm. hamlrcl Can I. in ,,- ..rr. -pomliiiM b. Ni-u Hi-nn-, . : -, d.. ir- tit A Co , ..t ( in ot the d look I 1 'Ml. H M I'. Ml, li-w Jewelry Store. "ii ,. I ;,rr i in . i mm i line a U 1 1 1 1, : III . How I. idin:; brand- ... V Old -, ielitilic ally in-t in, n, nl- and a . to til air, defect II I. Km W 1 1 I in .had. pi, and, both kllottl, do I' tin nit with (ila-Mc-, pernii t n,pia, I .ili -ne-li -in I. and -t, .1. . Ill I1'"" pr.....,.- I'm . I ku, ,i i--urm p pi-1 ai ri a ,1. I Ihc palr.m.aoc in, and coiintrv. hale i; i will hi ll-d will i: i -1 -ii t i,,i in-, uric lil apiirei-iuti' appi I. III. 11 II in all 1 1 Hi ll I lol, - ( , -111 pi l,'e-l a t ':ij , T. J. BAXTER & CO. k s, , i,. s. ,r- Slaml. Sample Hosa and Half Hose ! Sample Summer Vests for ladies & children. Sample Suspenders, Sample Handkerchief Bags. Everything Cheap, Everything warranted to he as represented. much afcottt his light) "lie should Barrinatoa & Baxter, .SB this charitable work. . . ,;.'"V.ft-

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