- r r if C A 5-1 I. a. if" fl'-.' vr v j ; Is ' i r ' . f'- 1 a -' - , IV , . - i for Infants , CitrtrlUiBowoHuaftptdtoflhndrcnthat I recommend It as superior to any prescription J,novn to mo." II. A. Aitcnica, M. D., 11! So. Ox font St . Itroollj n, N. Y. "Tlio use of 'Costoriu id universal and its merit no well known that it soemfl a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few aro thn intelligent families who do not k'p (.'astoria within iofiy reach. " (;a.:(.c jIaktyn, I). D., New York ( 'ity. This Centaur NORFOLK, KWBERI a WASHINGTON ! DIRECT LIME. Tri-Weekiy Trips, j In ordor to tuft Wo eonnroloal una oi -ii ill North Woim . 'OMVoii.pnf und ' now "Mipioyed TViV, HJHi LIlUS 10 ' Belter Um ih LUresU of Shippers, tha Olyd Llue a-i i old Dr.iijiir.'ir. Bteim ablp Com pan y )iv eonchticil ii iuoiua CUlr respeoUve iiaeg hntwn iNvw-lijrii, N. O and Norfolk, V, into ono line. !hiH giv ing paatengerH and true shippers Hum in on acti weak betwetm 4wberu tun! or folk VIA WaBhlnglim. NO ADYASCE IX KATES. oai(iftTHonrAT. An.isi 'v, : &U1 fortbtir notice. tu SUuir KEWBERXE. Cttpt Scutate, SU&mer DEFIiKOF, Cpt. Burgess, Ann lUuw AIBE1ARU5, Sapt. BLodes. Will ll from Norfol, Vc. for Nw Ucrnel llirly, innlllDK ."nnwt't.u villb IU Atlautle nnd Nor'b Curuiina l:o!l'o1, tixl tli wiler I'uca u .vii, nnil ii .-ni rlvr. HaturalDS, WUI Mil RC M'HKB.v for NUKKtiLMiVa., via KoAncke iHinnii whurf, Tfiry TuMdaj. Thurftrifty ftnd Hatnrdny at 13 it., mftklug eonnectlcm at NurlutJc with I lia Old Bar Llu, fr llaltlmore. '1'h Clyde l.lue. lor Philadelphia. Tli 'iU dominion Hutamsblp Co., for Now York. Tho Mr- ,,,.0t,'andMnei?'Ui.eiyrrroviPncund Hoalon, ana lae wawr im h n.r wnfi'iin-i hii U water iouia ki! ."'ortliorn n1 Kaateru pointa. . ... ,' Alf oonneotlon made- villi llif( . '.. R. tt.and N. A W. II I, f-.r ilio Wt. ' I'aaaeDgAr, will flnS n t" I c rl- altla rooina, and vnrv ( i-.hm' an:t t''.-n-ttnn will ha paid tliein by tin- oin re Order all goods, cure of N .v w ivracl LID', Norl ilk, Va. JmLSLBTU WAiUiiiiu ivlwLALvJU. , Kaat Faaenser and Fiolchl l.lne i,iw.'Pti .aiitern North OaroUna I'olnia. and nil cim- ! neotloEb of tl i , rtHSITlVlIM ltAILKO-.O, IHCLnillMli Maw Vork, Phllaitl)li.la. Nuffulk, ISal ttrnora autt Uiiitun. 'fha ONLY Trl-Weehly Line Out of j Haw Uarua. ) H NKW AND KLEGANTLY ICltUI ITKII i STEAM lvB ' Hall, fron New Ilerna nunuA v, WKUNtLSDATN.: ritlllAYM, AT 4.3 0 I.IX., pplng at ItoauoK laluml tach war and loruilng elnee oonneotton with tha Norfolk foQtli.TD Hull road, fha Kaatern Ulspatoli l.lno. ciiimntlnir of .n Mllmlnvton H. r). Co., Norfolk Houthern i. H. new Torn, xnua. aim norioin a. n.. and iann,ylvanu K. lt.( form a reliable and rt1M lrTIVTiTtTinAlT lenalar line, oirorluir superior faeilltte, for 14 1.1 I H hd DhiKSlllV dulofc paaaenirer aud freight transportation , I V"JJ. l-l A U J.Ji.lkJVi.1 . No transfer axeept at KIlE'tlietti City, at whleb point frelKht will b, loaded on cure to (Huoccssor to Roberta A lit oderson), -go Utronxhtodeatuiatlou, , Ulitallnod,tob ah!pp.1 vla;RasUrn !QoviQTa.l ITl'sllT'arirP ACPTllL OajoMaa Dlapatir daily aa follow,: iMCUClflil AMdUiaUUC AgCiiU. Ktom New Vork, by 1'eima. It. It, J'ler Ii7, I KeprMHtntlnglnsnranneCoinpanrof North ' North River. i imerloa. of 1'hlla.ieli.hla. From rhllailelpbla. by Phlla.. W..anil Ballo. K. R. DonkHt. Statlou. Tom Baiumore, i.y ruita.. wn.ann uaiu-. ; from Norfolk, by Norfolk Moutliern K B. . from Boston, by UerrlianU A Mlnr,Trn,- portaiton 00.; New Vork and New Knaland I Jt. R. 1 Aar-HatMMlowand tima quicker Iban.by , 7 other Una jrorfurther Information apply to W. B. 30YVB (Gen'l Krelaht Tmfflo AgAnt, Oao. 'BTBfUkNa, Tilvlalon freight Agent. V W.atH. R. R.. PhlladelDhla. B. H. OoOKB, OenM KrolKht Agont., N. Y P. A N. K. H., Norfolk, Va H. O. HrtDams. General Kretgnt Agent N.JH' H. li Norfolk, Va. OXO. HBNDERHON. Agent. New heme. N. 0. Tobacco! Tobacco I t. " "" AT Reck Bottom Prices! ' ' 8c. np to 43c. fortHravcley. We linve the Celebrated Orange : Brand Sugar (not acid) Cured Hams. Wo bare a Full Lino of - . (Loolc but for Aug.' ad.) ., ' 17. P. Diirnis & Co.: Foot of Hid die street "-iIlAJiSiV ?r TfjAvvenffsM ia. t,i t ' ,ii If ao-iri itumHiiiie t4 v a a ..i4. i a i I f 9 ii... 'ai.a4ai . '-i :, f tlUlff j - and Children. Cant or la .lures ( Villo, Constipation, Sour 8tonuuh, TMarrh u, Eructntkm, Kills Worms, pivtw nlcfp, und promotrs gOHl f'JI', Without injiuioiiH tin dilution. "Tor Mrurul I Lavo rconimimi.l yoiur Cat4ria,1 and slmH olwayft eontimu' to do so m it has invariably produced IwuefiVial EnniN K. I' Ait u kk, M. !., ly&th ftirert and Tin Aw., :,.w York ity. Cohpany, " Mi ni: Sthkbt, Nkw YoitK City. JOF K WIT T IQ JU W11-Lia' PROPRIETOR OF e Works NEV BERNE, N. Cf rtautm ... a- .,.,. . - .....v,. um w v-tamus y matenak Onlo's 8o!ic:t?rt ftnd civen prompt at- (.,,:, ,..;,; . .:cf,:t .., ii -""-'"' Terra I 'nua Vasna for plants and llow- era liiriiished at iho very lowest rates. r"5k I av uVETLRIiiAnY SPECIFICS Far Hci'sos, Caule, Sheep, Cogs, Hogs, imu ruuLlaX. OOOI'iige nojiU on Treatneat of Animal, and C'tiurt hone Free, l U U 1 1 II I 1 cvut.h : ITrii,C'oav.aias.lBlanaitKu A.A.J plnl MinluslUa, Milk Fever, ll.II.Sf rnlnn, Lnmenvng. RheeaiAtUiiL ('.('. ..lltxK nipi r, Nimal lllncharcea. D.I). IlotM or rubn, Worm. i..K.Cii!rhM, lli nvi-n, Pncamenla. r.l . mild or to I pcm, Uellracke. J.;.- MtMffirrluicc. llemorrhmffe. li , li . t rlnr.ry und Kidney Dlieniei i.l.--Krnptlv OlncHKeH. Mango. .K. Utr.viiMfd f DlaeMlon, Parnlrfln. til!),'?)!' Holtlo (UV,T SOilOKOfi), - - .QQ IStull Cobo, with SptTlflcn, MmnuaL Vot. rlnary ( uro Oil and Mcdlcntor, 97 0 Jnr Veterinary Care Oil, - l.Off br DrfiUt r ! fu-apaM karnbertMd km Mj 4 nasi) 1 7 o rrMljat f prir. mnrnm kth mk, co. . i i i t i a wioiu n. , t. 5U2rSZ2B.7S' EOMEOPATHIC 28 lti Uaiu M (.n,ra. Ttin oitlr unpnfliwfiil Mmerlv fn Nervous Cobility, vital Weakness, and rroMrktiun, from uvor work or othar cause,, 91 Per viaI. or & via!s and l.rire vial powder, lor A6, ftul'l Uf III ilKmal., ..r .a,, ..,.i. ,.c,t ot rlc, UUBI'IIIIKIS' LU. to., Ill k 111 lUuiSU,I.Va. ilome Inauranee Company, of New York. Uueeu Inanrapoe Company of Enaland. Uartrord rtie lnaurauoe Company, of North Carolina lloma luaureuoe Company )f iialeigli oreenwltcli li.turanee Company, or New Vork. pb,ul, i,,,iirance Oomnnnr.of Drooklra. i drilled liudcrwrl'er, luauraaoa Company, lofAtianU. Bo,iu., iiari:ie fmnrauce Company, of TO TJ1EJPUBLIC. IT YOU WANT TO.SiVB FIFTY DOLLAKS I in hi yuiwMt vi a rAJUi v inn irvaa . Ten to Fifteen Dollari In tha parobaae of an ORQ AN, addraaa ADOLPH COHK, -Slt , ,!v NEW BEBKJ!,.. 0 ;V-," x General Aent for Norm Car Una, wfca now handling good, dinet froa, Um Barn faotaret ,, aa foiiowal i Ilinil (1RADB HIHUR PIANOI, dlatimeulahad for tone, workmenahla aaA anraoiuiy. ana enaoreea vj neartr nil iu Biaaleal Jouraala In the United Mlataa. Mad by faill O. aleultn. who la at Ihla tlmeaooof tha btKiimeatoaaloaand inventor of tha day. Thirteen new patent, on th I .high-grade Mablln Piano, r ' .. ai,o tba nmvrmt 4 .vijpmir PIANU. wbteh haa been aold br him for tba na,t aim vaaia In tba aaatern Dart of thla tale, and opto thla time haa given entire MliafactlOB Tb llprlaht Piano J art man tloned will be aold at from to (4 ft, In KbonlMd Koaeaood, Ukk, tVainat or 1U hoaany Al.o. the VEOnAWFAai.OBama CIIAPCIa OKU A MS. , The NCWlftAN A ROTIfKIt PAT" T A let CIM.L RaSKU C(UCiUI.ATIIi OHOAII.. . -; .- -Tan Tear,' ax wrienee tn tha tonala anal naaa kaa enabled him to handle nolhtna bnt tandard gooda, and ha aoea not beatiata lo My that lie wnl anil any mualoal Inauramant aiiout 'ih per cent, ohaaliec than othar agent, a. nam nlla.1.. ' . I . ' I Refer to ail bank! la Eaitern Oarollna. Bill --4JSFtCiFiC No. 1 rtyiTL i' -m? I I larC-fl dwU THE JOURNAL. THE 8CW OF DEMOCRACY. (Air"Tbe Star Piang!e.l Mt.m.cr."i Up frcemeji iuiR ! see. ilu lnv ilawn i, nigli: Now tbe Mil ti r.l D.MM.u fiuv 'wakes from his simiii.,'r. And soon will his spl?;nicr illumiiin our ky, iliil soon uVr m:r iar.il bll-using shell witiioul i.uiiihrr. Tlici. uror ahull bide. Tlitii Inith eha'l !.hi!e, While ju-ilite (iinl rig!it s!in!l be I'ouml by Isar ile, When Clevelftii'l nml Hlfvcnson victors shall be, Whi n pence und tnir plenty shut! Bmile on the free Oh, brothers, how long will you suffer nnd liiin The vampire that sucks the tile blood of the nation f What! will you be slaves, who bnvo breathed freedom s air, lilovrs to plutocracy's foul combinii-1 tion ? Now the batiV is on, I Tln at,u. mini It. u-n ! The masses Khali rule, let the classes be gone! Then, like Ireeiin n a-ir truejncii, arise in jour might, For Cleveland and f-tovenson. charge for the right! QJi, hear you the murmur that wako all the land, The cry of distn-?; and the groans of OUr l;.iii.T:i l And bear you the Lohsi of that desperate band, High tariffs defenders, the people's depoilers ? acJ. They boust aud (jeclarc, They vow aud -hey swear, To fasten more firmly the chains that you wear Then up, iikt, f:; Clcvelund, tried, trusted and true. Strike Ijouk1, wen. i.i,- Clivvand and Wtevcr.son to i Hark ! hart t.j that sky ' 'Tis Clevi'lai: 1 a: of the j j; mc. From mountain . f Ring out the i tower and stv Kach home ry us U nwrlls to the (' Stevcusim, friemla k '. a jrtand jubilee Idings from church c;lo ' is made light And glads. mi' nml bright, And dead is the T .ive bill and buried from sii;ht Thus the "Tc.ni.V of I'reedom" kept sacred shall be In this land of th l-ruie nnd the home of the free. Tribute. While it is over tinny years ago aince Allcock'h I'oai.r Pi sTr.nn were first introduced to tin; ni.-diral profession und public, the marked success and unpre cedented popularity ,i:ici they met with not only i ontiur.os, I .: steadily in creases. No nllici p.ii-tns ban' been produced v.lilcli ;-air. n ia,n,y testimon ials of high hi i ii,' n.-i i In .-e emit iimously accorded to Aiiioik s Poiom;s Pi.as TERs, and the iMilv motive for these ex- eptioual tributes lie in the fact of their being a medicinal ami pharmaceutical preparation ' -uperior value Addi tional pniiit 1. 1 the true value of All Cock's Toitot s I'i.astkhs lies iii the fact that they aie lain;; ImiijtIv imitated by unscrupulnii 4 pei-cns, who seek to de ceive the public by ofk-rin plasters which they claim to be the "suuic," equul," "as good, better, ' "best por ous pbisjtvr etc., while it is in general appearance only that they ren nible At.L cock's. Kvery one uf the so-called por ous plasters arc imitations of Ai.Li.'oi k'b 01101,'S l'l.ASTt.ll.s. Avoid dealers w hu attempt to inilin otf infei.or ami worthless plasters that arc purchased by them at io rates for the purpose nl substitution. Rest so often recuperates a fellow that it uiakcs him too lazy .to get ,to work. ItEHOlN elixik: A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For liilliousncsR. Constipntiun and Malaria. For Indik'csiinii, Si.k and Nervous Heaila. be. For nU'eplcM heiis, Xei v. iii-iics.-. and Heart diseases. For Fever. Chills, Hebilitv .md Kidnev Diseases' take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and tlinmiifrh or ganic regulation, lake Lemon Klixir. llr. Mosiey s Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any ot the aliove named diseases. 50c. ami fl. bottles at druggists. frepared ..nlv I.i ii. 11. .M.ilev, At lanta, fia. A Banker Wbitkb: From experience in my family. Dr, II. Mozley's Lemon Klixir has few, if any equals, and no superiors in medicine, for tne. regulation ot tue liver, stomach and bowels'. -.. ' - W. H. Mao.nkls, Press. Nat'l Bnnk, 4KMinuville, Tcnn A Card. For nervous and sick headaches, indi gestion, biliousness and constipation (of which i nave teen a great sutterer) I hare never found a mcdicino that would (riMmcb nUasant. uroinnt and 'Tinnna. nent relief aa Dr. If. Mo'ley's Lemon JUWr. . T J. P. Sawtku., Oriffln, Ga. Publisher Daily Call. The luxury of doing eood surpasset TryJoUier enjoymonU " A Dlaboilcal Trio. ' " If there il one more flendith than the hateful trinity, dytpepaia, biliouencea and UTeguiarity oi tba boweia usually exit- tent tocether. we aro unaware or.lt. Those co-operative oreaua. the etomach, . 1 t I A 1 , ' 1 , w' Bowma- anu -w anr, in aewuij thrown ont of gear together, and the re storation of regularity to one ii ntually the lisrnal for the other to fall into line. Hottetter'e Stomach Bittere control all three beneficently and completely, not only TOffUlattnit but invigorating tnem U also exerta a most nappy innoenoe upon the kidneys and the blood, giving a heaitnrui unpuiao ana enriching tn cond, It overcome malaria and e ten dency to c'ironlo' rtteumatiBm and neu ralirla. and imtirote tnnetite. and aleeo, To the nervons it "afford unspeakable relief. k wlncKlaaaful' three time daily will, if persistad In, achieve result to be expected from no otner neaitti meaium. ttlldrenCry for Pitciiery.Caorl. a ISIir!TlffV.! Uri'lfWIW! rrrrinLUWrxvriiuiiitiyi Sic Gen. Adlai E.i.?cevon.soa To Speak at GoidFliro. Thursday, Sept. 22d .'. I i-j. .(?.. Bpecial U jimii "..p 1 above )i si V V re;: good for ,:.i ri.i. !.;.! v purchased, ami a' il 1 . : i of fare . Morehead t. Cl ': ,- : Wlldw.ioit Newpot i. Havel, ict', Croatan, Hlv-ruult'. Newbedi. Tuaoarorn OoreCreult, Dover, Caswell. Ktnston. Kal Inn I'rei I , La Grange. Beat,. i,,;. i.; ., i Hie i.tr Mali Ti y n. LeaveMf rr'hi'n t i"-;' " Newpoil, " yew ll.ir. . " OoreCrfrk. " Klrtn',oo, " L,a liranRO. Arrive atGoltiuiMirii Returning, leave ii. ii- Notice lo Stockholders i 1 f ol A. & C. EAILHOAD-L 8Loeiih..!iiii:. !! p.. ' n . :. th. Mail Train on Wedmdav, qU-.2ht. 1002 From Oo.tl.-.boi i r-rul s: j.T ii t: mtoiim; (Hate m y.o':li 'id tVty ;iml .ruin, li attend the n: unual .Mtu tun; ui the 8;ri:r "ii Thuraday. Sept. '!2i, lb92, as advei tiH; d N.. c. ..ii ii.iiu will be run to the i..: i'iii.,, C. ..''.' i is of Mitd Train will be Inrnishcil wilh the Stock List and s! " K !i '.'m ; " i!! n.- p.i-ikcil ae cordingly. ti. I, UU.L, Wiipeiintenilcnt. G. L HARBISON, Thurman, N. C, Maunfactiiier of an 1 Diialei iu FIRST-CLASS BRICK. 800,0ml nor r-dy foi il.o niarkot.. Will Sell as cheap ony i-'.i n r man. je'JClf Foreclosure Uale. St-iato of f'i ;li LHrolliift,i.,i r itl l-'ii t;f '.he County, va. (itoro 'nU-,'n' Hyvlrtnftf u Intl'jn. : oi 1.1 rM.itrtur Cnunor.heii t'M'intr. uMi.n a rm, Uitl.tif Mil l court lnl"- ortidcU au- )plt.t m ana vy i .u.U'i in.!, m.i uii 28th doty of November, 1 i3 92, iblDK th'llr-t liny oi I'i 1- rin nl rruven Hupeitor Coufu, t I- wc.otii, t"ll At i lie Oourl llfniie l,or m n.. 1:1!; o'Nfw Kern N . ()., lor t,ii in. ii. inr.il u. .uiim. in ine OOmplR.Ut 111 m''l HC'.iiI:, nil i 0:ij ("ii tO b told m aforeti1fl, hikI w.'iIMi U nUiiiftfil In No. Two Towiisdin . i t'mvt-n f-nily , Hii- Slapieiorti una f.'.-i n'iuutifu b iki d bealnmnK at f ni:f.!,w it nuko on ine malu r"ii'l (Ininwn tlio I'urHy ioml) thno In ah jatfieaftUrn nln Uon to it, nw midfliURoon tliB bt..;i.j ry '.iiiti or tt irun of 4,0 acri iKiviijjf iv '-x jV.mih tttd Gotk WlHlr.rr.nof Ni.t.ti I ii'ri'i mm Miuy A. rulrher. wtu- o -..-.a i-. h. . : attie DeMea, tM-r I nli, lf-t. Atl. no 'l Trt". .a i k-a iro Penny M"M1 to (iwrc Wl.iiti.i.-.. t t-tin lncU acrtta in'nv r J t.i. totnri v ii m 8 22 to INjmiiilPHli'Ocr. MRS. J.M. JUNES' Boarding House Reopened. MM. II INKS has reopriiM' 'a flrst-Clfai.'Joarilinp House in th.i city jpposite'rJHptist Churoh. f fHE IiaEuH DAVIS SEWI18 MlCHIFt san be had at the Sauif pir.ee. J. M. HINES, Agent. Mpl6 iw 0. Murks' Htu e. CLINTON MILITARY INSTITUTE CLINTON, N. C. Fall Seasion beRina MONDAY, SKP- TMBEIl 5, 1802. All teacher have had oolleeiate ti aid ing, prepared eapeolall; lor tiwchlng rrepaxatory uourae a gpeciaity. A apeoial couite Iu Book -keeping, Com nerolal Law, Commeraial Arithmctio, Penmanahlp, Telegraphy, MtouoKruphy and Typewritlnir. TOCiLHVaiS and C1LISTEBHICS FREE. No additional coat for Glassies. .Board, Washing, Ltglita, Tuition, etc , 17.1.00 per live months. Uniform will cost 110.00, (11 5, (18.79 and (14 60. " Tuition lor Day Pupil will boll. SO, 12.00. 18 00 and 11.00 per month. - - For further, particular addre.' . the Prinolpal. , .-- . - v ,VV. R. 8KIMNEB, - . Clinton. N. C. YO'J SMOXJ OLD VIRGIN! A CHEROOTS Ytdir tikMid-; v i!! .-.'ways bL' l;id lc nnd strri'i,;- : pleased l i : ijii.'iii 1 1 . i the Bl'.M S! .i lil'J S Mill. mct't : wii 7i t KK time '0U, I be your -ire :uhl the i i'.'K ' i i N CFNTS. Mason':: v.icd Kettles Gl.:;."iiti-. rcfrij(Oitors, Fly 1i,4j, . . i! 1 1)1) I. hi iiTKEIOT. A SURlVi;3 01 Tnt WAR- Si3G .302 . a p STUTC WAflTKH to wnnm u uativ HULn I O llbeial terinswlll lie Klv.,, .1, aell our new book, Llfo and Works of Tt. a world prelate at irt ftchcr n ilnad, h ml huridrurla of ihuitHHiirin of chrlatlun Uiulil' h aa well km (llrnyiiinn. It. bio rimdfrM, mu ileniH. waiting lor an opportuiniy to pnr chao thla boon. We want aiconta lo n.-u thin l on a. rich t now, hi: ih inirfHi m rea tout. d'n't w;ut. !Miay ! AT OM K iHoenwIn atainp". f.irnireiil coi uilrican varrUit: i.nliU hi I t ttir f1r;U in "invif your llborloo,l TKUMH LIHKKAI.. Ar llia. ( ini iin.atl, 0. SALE, LIVERY, FEED AND Exchange Sables Opposite the Gant.nn House Finest Stock at Living Prices T. A Jones PKOl'iilKTOi:. nayl7 dwtf tl. ll DUFFY, Uor. Middio & Pollock Sts, Booood floor, firs', door on rljiht of ' paesagc. Eatranci up ,ifclrnay on I'ollock Ktrout. Preparation of Special Medicines and Druggists' Articles, !F re ezers, ' fi- P4 W Ytyi R 1 'H SPURGEON ELOf. COLLEGE, LOCATE D ON N. C. K. R. Kiegant new liii!liniH l.aiv and in crOiiaing patioiia'o. I'. I, m Kai.nl. ty of twelve member Curriculum equal of Male ( dlleires, Academic liciuirlmciil, 'iif.ir. All. Commercial. MnraW of Slilii"iiis ri.ui-i.iss( .!. (pons S.'.i, in ! i.-r lt, I"'.'!. Kor fiirihi i inf- .it iwi -n- eaial-'-u.' Aiplv Hkv. W. ' . i.MNil A.M. 1 1 i) I',.-m1-i,i. lii Iwll i:i...4 ' N. St KALEIGII, K. e T'--; A-1 II Y. 111 uf lit Se.i.sil vv 1 1 i i i-ia Si'l'teinliei .M For "i'..;lo '.if adilri'U.1 iti.v. i'. s-;i:ni:s, a.m J v l i dwihii Ualeii;li, Trenton High School W M Degin on tha First j Mon-luy ia Sept., in thoNew! Hijh School Ih iU'ing. Tuition From tu $3.00, aad ji.jai'i Fioiu $5 to H7. Kir attiuf Inf.-: ir. i Lum :i.1i:ih.-i W. Ii. ItllDEKS, Triai ipal . 1 ii i 1 A -ini mmn college OUHHAM, fi.tit.-lH OAOLlH. N.-w iiiut'llli. i. 'nl in- .'-f u Mni. I- V In- 1. 1. l.H i li ii lurl.n I. .1- .i ,tt..i i- lii.ru i- h. iii-i- mim'i 1 1 -.. i 1 1 1 r 1 1 i-iMiKtti- i. .I.. , ,. .(,.:., : f ' - .iiy f '(, tli-l 1 1 I. I. i. tt i i,i I. l.i-.Tllli'l.'-' -'f IM-t I M t I'M. Ui'-n- I I, ' .. Ft If 'rM.alattri.io Jtll.i 1 I r i U 1 1 i i t i -isvt'l' il t t WILSON, NOICIII I'Al.til.lNA, I mm mm. Strictly ITcu-Scctarian. MONIIA., SHT!i.li:i-.l ls:i'.'. .i 1 1 i i p. ii .it 'i ..li, -i.it. in nl . ii, l 'Ml--.' . 'jil ii i In I In .- P.: ll. 1 ,ll.,. ..I '-, II' .III, I', I I- . Ill', I l-T;.. I " -1 1 ... i ..II. i;,-: i.i iin III. I All M .1 ,11, I,.. , n:- ii'.il i.i -illl.ili.l. l l!. I. '. l:l;l. I' ,-. EDUCATE OHX la thp bent f.nd Hivf h' wny ! with t'j'' Inatt tr. u l!t! and ( tn n t y riMiii liini to BARNES' ACADEMY", A b.itni' i-i'lu.iil f.;r i eiity b.iv in one of the bealibic-'t Mi-.l no ..t ln'rltoAns ol' llm Slih. 'I'I... br.yn Hiu.ly in the preH.-nee nnd under ibir du. .-lion of tin l'rineipnl, rairoiir."l l.y tbn In hi fam ilies. Terms modern! . Write crly aud secure a place lor tb.. unit vear. K. I. HA UN RH, A IL, l-rincipr.l, I .enotr. N. 1 ' I U. f , renins Kucultv r l IKviilHim IV,! letfe, N. C. lir- K. Toiler i: by I'.'irit. j (.'01..11 I'.iii N. C Hon. John 1 I t- . Charleston, S C ':-v. I Mitt or I 1". Htniih, rilackslocli . 1. Mr. K C. Sn.kea. Oral Daks, ',. Mr W. M llr... en. Cmilirer Hank, Horerie. :i i: K-v. Ohalmi rs V rasi 1 , Ai I n. 1 ) 1 Siipt. . I'. Archer, rf III" V.Y S.-b iel i. 'liarles nn, 11 0. 1 h: , etc !t!l 1 f NORTH CAROLINA (IH.!. l.'ll' I ' ' Agricaltare and Mecumicil Arts, Will lie-in ils fourth suasion Sept. 2, 1SU3. County Suporiitti ndeiiis of Edu cation will examine applicant, i for admiHsiou. Total cost MbO year AddreAA AI.KX AND! II i IIOLI.AHa V, 1'rei.iiliint. jw.l wlm Utleinh, N. O. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH GAROLIF.il. I., ,, , , , llsti .ic'l..ll is (,1b led in I. sir general eimrHoa of Kluilv, hi l.iiel ciiirse.-i. a late;e niiinlior ol spei ,al ruins,';,, and in Law, Me,li,'ine ami laieui,-, , 'n . Tlio Tamil inrln.lus t Arm y Tcchi-i s. Scliolailnp. iin.l I'.su Itin.K itic ;n:ul- nblo for lieeily t ii'ini,' nun d talent iiinl charai'ter. The xkxtskssion i:i:i;i s si rr. i. For c.ataloLVie Willi lull infurmal ini, ad.lrflHH i i;iii);n r winston, Jo2J d Ini t liiipel 11,11, N. C. Salem Female Academy, SALEM, N. C. The Oldest Female College ia tha South. Thn 91st Annual Session begins Sep tomber 1st, lt-Ul!. Hen ia tor for last yeai 897. Bpecial features: tub dbveixip mrnt or Health. Chaiuctki. and Intbu.cct. building, thoroughly re modelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Poet Graduate Depart ment, beelden ftrat-clar eohoole in Musio, Art, LANoiuniw, Elooutiok, OOMMBBOIAI, AND iNflOHTRIAL 8TDDIK8. JOHN II. OLEWELL, jlOlwlm ' Principal. DA.ILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL! SEDfJCED RATES. Weekly, per year 31 00 for i months CO II iilj , per jrar $5 00 m mmiths 2.5(1 i- : tlni'o inoiilh 1.50 Subs. iibo n, iw and Vnep up with the Campni.'i; movements News i;i-.-n In mi ml M'cti.ins and on all oi'.i sli.ms. e in- it, ,w en I', nf one of the ! Most. Jmjnmnt Campaigns : Liiuwn in every vl.i n' !.!;.(inv i f tlio country, and imiil tn Know what is ;ftiig ; Tim ab iv,. ratesaio payable in advance, and ..in In: Kafiily forwarded either by . iin.ni y mill- or rf mistered letter. NOTICE. .-iLiln nl N.ivli ( roll mi -craven eeuuly. I Tin H..I.K. i llier havInK iaalllld an Ail ( iiilnlMtiHi'jriii theeiiiaiH ot John K. Hatch, . 'Iiichiih. ii, mi Hi,-a.ui il:.y of Julv, A.I). ISM-J i:..ie liui ;leik nl Inn Kniierlor Court of i' i'.tii r unity, litiiij Ultra all persona iHiMii" olwlitoH mii.ii -.1 the said ealalfl, lo . I'r.MMiM'i.'rii lor pnv mem on or I'i'fore Ilia ' llli day nl H,l..inh. i, IWII. or Una rotlue w lil tw ilnatlfil to tnir of llmlr recovery, j rrmniH iii.IhI.i.-.i to tin eatate muat .ay " i 'iiiui iiii. y. I A MKrt l. HARRISON. M'1 " l iihlle Administrator. Boo(, ami SllOC Maker. All Sty'i-H oi lv,.f.tK.iuiaiiniHuia(ln t j .uder i'ii .short nntic.i Repniri? - n Ctpccinlty N. Altl'KN, Ornv.iri Htu t i i. t. .Iourt.ii! n'h-i- .Atlantic nnd N. 0. Railroad. I'AKMJKK I IK I A lit .M K.N I', New Item, N , May Vllh. I WW. '!' rf"ii' : A. .'. N i li riir.iM'.'ll DltPl m H. ll,,,.?i.i 1'fM, I et,.H I tn' , ll'.i' fruiii I'" ' froin i'mi ,, i,,ii,i11k lu lu iv 1 1 1 ninth iintm ,! .in i 1'' l:i'1R mi Hiile in nn I r . lw '; ('. It. U. Kepi. Hin h. iiieniHivu i; r i-lui I'..smhj;p ,,n .'I. I' I III. kmy V (' MmtliiL'iii, N. c. I ll. 1 Kurt . Illiiek M III 11 Ail, evllle HulMprlhKH " 9 il I idjflll.J.I IVVT 1 1 'l.l'JI l'2.7.ri I i .- i la 20 I I fai i.i go iiiim 1 1 a IS 46 II TO 1 i Mil 17. IH i Itatl'H 1,1 nil OI I, IT li'SO' 'a III WMlnrii Nf.rll. I 'nr. .linn or V irii'.i. ,a can lie liirnlHlied npuu 'iliiil-nlliu. rlilldr.-ii under live i'i)euta il hi -, tre. 1 i.li.lr.- . Hie ".. iiii.i in, iter ' IweUe , i;' yenra i.f ll-B, .me IibK III the u'i . e n.ilii' il mil . S I.. I'll. I.. (1 I. A. THE STURTEVflNT HOUSE NKW VORK. o on-.; o a.ill'.ILIli.tJI Ll lo'l LAN i'f.AN I'I, AN .I i 'Ml .11 I on r, r 1, 1 I'WAIill. (1 - If - . icri' v Avr not sr " us. in li," i-lly! near all ele i. i- reel i m ili.eM. prlin-lple pli.eea .it '. it. I in. Hi. . .;i .tt.r. tt. .inf.. i u i.f Hi,,,, v.,,1, li.n aditl 1 1 il , 4 , in Inn : I o..tt en 1i nc , i m . , Ih-n-il I'TT U-l.-ftH. THK S't'i HTM ,nt iU,t- io , -i si ,v Nw I tirU Mnilro.-d -'. - . T;vf: ir..t " ' :.n P.M. 17, ,"!'(). 23 I'liilay, Out In riuilKDI l.al. UoiM, Whmt No. 1.1. Vr-isetiier 'fnims. No. M). Ar. I.v Mtationa. Ar. Lve p m ;i l OolrtHboro 4 Oil 4 0.1 Ijtllrai.ge 4 of 4 411 Winston 00 t. OM New Horu 7 s p 1:1 Mnr, 'he-id City Daily. 11 10 am 10 23 10 35 4H U 6.1 17 B 30 am 0 47 ilMI K '. HI No. l.t Mi and Kt r Pa.in. Trait a ;i. ti ..i MllKHt'Ll' IIi.INoWKIT No. 2. Miied Ft. it -t-.t.ii,na. Pass. Train. IjiOldHlMllO 7 '-!U p m 0 24 0 84 6M 604 6 24 6 30 4 26 6 (0 4 00 4 05 3 25 8 40 J 64 8 00 2 is4 8 0 3 (19 S 1 10 H 180 0 41 S4S 9 28 0 88 5 f 9 04 8 17 8 27 8 00 8 06 7 47 7 69 7 17 7 9. 706 7 16 I l I . 7 ll. i ;7 'M 7 .10 !k7 4M 7 '.:i Ilnet'9 l.a tfr&nfrn r ailing Creek K ma' on ('aswell Dover C-oro Iroek Tuaoarorn Clark's Newborn Kiverdala Croatan llavelock Newport V' ild wood Atlantic Morotmad City Atlantic, Hotel Hll h i0 H TiO S :.", .9 ir, V) ;i 10 HI IU M 1 1 00 11 (If. 11 17 11 41 ia 15 8 mi 8 ;!7 8 42 3 48 S 6(1 4 08 4 ii 4 :i7 4 4-J 4 M 4 Tif, 6 01 ftOt 5 16 re. I m r, .:s b ol p iu Miirnbtiad Dei: soot a n ra 7 0(1 , "J i "'u... ...j buu rriiiit. 'Towday. Tonradav an. Hatnrtiaf ... . -z Train Misonueeu witb Wllmlngtoa A We doii .Train t"iLd North, leaving Oold,nor3 lln a. m., aud with Klohmond Daavlile Train West, leaving (ioldaboro 'i:W p.'aa. Train nl codo.ci. with Klrhmoed ADaavll!, Train. arrltlng al rtold.aoro V:V ,.a.,aadWl Wilmington and Welion Tialn from lo North at 3:U p.m. Train nouneota wlta WllmlocUin and Weldon Tiironch Freight Train, North bonn.1, leavlni- doldnboio alSiVi r-.nt. S. L. Dill, "bioarlnwatlent THE WATCH TOWER, Published Semi Monthly. One Dollar a Year. Hovotntl ti) ApiMitolioJChiiatlanity, F.d ; ucalion, (Jeneral Intelligence. Bond for Samplo Copy. -.. Olllco of publloallon, Uroenvillp, N, O. Editorial ofllco, Waahlngton, N. 0L ' . v. J. L. WINFIKLD, Edltoe. ' AV. O.OAVI3, Awt. ooe e ' Ma - junelB tf -.-''-sLl' N'V . V 1 ; ty 'f J -4 ' I "