PTJBTJSHEBS' AJTAOUNCEMEJIT. TglAIi.YjbglAL W pablUhea Dally Monday fpskfl) per yean !.60 for Ixsaontba. De:ivfre" to e ty sobsorlbera fttMeeatspar moita TB WKKKCV JvUb 'It published - vary Thursday at tuueci a-, uum. . Notices of Marriages or Daibi not to ex eetd tyra llnet will bt Inserted free All arf 1 tllUoaat matter will be charged 5 ott. per Una. . Payments for trantlent odvertleemanta ' mnat bt mad In advanoe. Keiular edver tlaamenta will be collected promptly at the aad of each month. Ooaamnnlcattout containing newt of tola dent pnbllo Interest are aoltclted. Ho com- - . aauateatlon must ba expected to be publlsb- ad that contains objaotlonabla personalities, - w withholds the nam of the author. Aril- :: ' laa longer then half eolnma moat ba paid tor. Any parson reeling aggrieved at any in- . cmysaoua oinmnnlotlon can obtain the , a am a of the author by application at tlile t flffioaand showing wherein the grievance . axial THE JOURNAL. at -R. HMPBa. C. V. HANCOCK. Proprietor. Local Reporter. aW En tared at the Foatofflcoat Hew Berne, M.Ou as second -class matter. National Democratic Ticket For 1'resideiit: UUOVEU CLEVELAND, of New York. For Vice-President: A.. K. STEVENSON, of Illinois. State Democratic Ticket. ' For Governor : ELI AS CARB, of Edgeoombe. For LUutoaant-Governor ; a A DOCGHTON, of Alleghany. For Secretary of State: OOTAVITJS COKE, of Wake . For Tf assurer : D. W. BAIN, of Wake. For State Auditor: R. U. FURJtAN. of Banoombe. For Attorney-General FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. For Bup't of Publio Instruction: ). C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johneoa. County Ticket. Home Repres'tives, E W. Wadsworth. Register of Deeds, . . J. W. Biddle. Sheriff W. B. Lane. Treasurer Taos. Daniels. Coroner .... Dr. II. B. I'rimrose. Surveyor I. E. Wilcox. fmidentiil Elector, for SUte it Large. O. B. Aycook and li. 11. Gienn. Congress, 3d District, Judge Oth District, . B. F. Grady. (I. A. Shu ford. Senator Hill's speech at Brooklyn may be regarded as the formal opening of the campaign iu K f ' " toe great ata to 01 t one. j i i,.v.,,,s.,t.i,. t,,r it- s.,r.- hh.i tiitiij taVmeasurod and weighty otter-. ''! ' "' Umt fmler soft thin Un 0M6BOI Senator UH1 are to iw. ao- !lllnl.rili!,. .U(.ll(ll ,.V(.r ,,. 1)0(lv OCpted as true indioatinns of thejKwrv ,ran in the st-tcm nl cvrry .irir an malinff th N' 11rk;"""" "f" Democracy the friends of Mr. 11m fiaon in 'that State have it t:isk before them compared I u iudi the struggle of 18.S.S .n mere child's play. Kuryinj; riieeiit. A .1 - ...I .. , I .. ....,1 .. - ..11 " """""V - manifestations of liip;)Oint monr, i p...i. in i.,-i-irii Iiiny the bio..d Senator Hill rises to m occasion, !"-". :"' ' : ' 'lis-tppear. od sets an eiample of fealty to "ll,,;,'.,rJ 'l'iw. si.eiima.,. r , writes: Democratic principles which his! V; man .r unman win. is suffering poUtioal associates and followers ehould eargetly emulate. ''1 was a Democrat before the Chicago Con veution and I am a Democrat still, " is his simple party creed, oonoerning which thre cin be neither confusion nor error. With the New York Democracy united, and standing shoulder to bhoulder for Cleveland, defeat in the elec tion would seem to be impossible. Senator Hill's manly deliverance has made the way ol victory plain. Phil, ltecord. THE OPPOSITION. There is confusion in the ranks of the enemy in North Carolina. One day we look at the disorgan ized tnaeees and we see Furches at their bead. Tho neit day we look and there stands Russell with his battleax in hand, and wheu again we turn our eyes towards the motly throng Exam appears as the Ajax of the fight. What does it mean 1 Wby, sim ply that the enemies of the Democ Vi racy are willing to fight under any flag in order to defeat the Demo j cratio party. i The opposition is like a pirate hip with a flag for any port. With fidelity to no political party, and treason to all, it fights only lot spoil, and it boots not what dessolation and ruin will follow in it wake. Fortunately the people of North Oarolina are brave, patriotic and conservative. They are brave! enoagh to look danger iu the face aad meet it as worthy sons of 1m mortal aires. They are patriotic CBttQgh to count no sacrifices too great In the cause of liberty, and they are conservative enough to follow the paths that have led to political independence, looal self government and domestic security. The opposition complains of the hardships that oppress onr people, bat they offer no panacea. A few glittering generalities blaze oat apon their platform, bat they have oo system of political philoso phy applicable to the prevent condition of affair, aud if an angel fruui heaven ahonld deliver to them a formula, adequate to the eola tion of every political problem, they would have neither the dispo sition nor the ability to work ont the salvation of the country. Look at North Carolina, and Had a single bles&iug eujoyei by the people wliiob. is not the direct re volt of Democratic ascendency aod Democratic rule. Why then disturb the present condition of affaire? It is only the greed of office, and hate of the Democratic party that controls the oonncels and inspires the move ments of the opposition. The rank and file of the opposition we mean the white men are patriotic enough, but they ire alike dumb driven cattle ready for the slaughter. It is not too late to abandon the dirty rag of Black Republicanism, and the meaningless standard of the People's party and rally around 1 the JefVersofiiau Hag now floating! in BArnna miinatv nvor fllavol n.1 and Oarr, anil free Americans all over the Union. There is no other flag that, offers security, to life, liberty and property. Under it the United States advanced to the highest position on the globe, and Qiuler it the people of all sections can reach the greatest prosperity and bappinens svttaioable by man in bin ti ighest development and most propitions environment. Game to the Democratic flag! Through all the ages it has been hurtltb in the breeze and shelter in the storm. THE Grand Army of the Repnb- lic is now holding its annnal meeL ing in Washington. The l'oat of Wednesday saye: "Eighty thou sand veterans in bine marched along Pennsylvania aveone twenty sven years after the close of the war." Just sc. The North cele brateii the achievements o! her soldiers and keeps alive the war feeling of her citizens, but let there be a single reference at I he South to the wr, and her people are da nonnced as rebels and section alists. Blow Your .Nose. Aim. lew ofton iin admonition if a ! """"j .' 1,nc, "'r "l"01 Las ijrt.liablv inlicrilcd rutHrrh nml la nut ilr iin.ii:; 1 " a iii'Dtrrtor. So von see "'ml h ''V tin' ! y ! thrown into when 1 h ' 1 ; 1 1 id 1 1-. inciii itiitnt iM'fnni'' irritiit:il ill" 1 :nil:iiin 11 I .y ,Mii-i!ini fiirtinn iih p. ii-nnoi's ina'ii-r in tin I !...!,!. Catanli. liiiicnrlic:ir a:;il r hiilt frerpieiiiU fr.i,. li--- , ,.,e!:t;. :. ,,i ait'airs. The 'v.! . in' 11 it il'imiHmri.i- (.! .;...,! 11 li H r u.,.,;r fruin niles Bl ' 'lia'n :u' l 1 1 1 not use ilotanir 11 '.m.I and if takes me to tel; '.In in in. for 1 -nll'cre.l urn years with iitei'.iiny pil.-s. and P.. H B. relitved me 1 I'hre." .!. Hur Iv, r.. en.i." Ha., writis "!t. 11 li. a fpiiek cure for catajrh Three ' ti es cured me. I hud been troubled HrVerii! veals ' .liiii.e- 'V I nnr-istcr. Hawkinsville. Oa.. "'I1- 'My wife wii- in bad health for ei;;ln v, ais five and us many nr n,iii-i- liiflinnt pati nt medicines had Ion. h-r in. '".d Six bottles ot B B. IV has ure i her 4j.Ie.ii uaver goes back Iccausc it hears a lion roar. UKHARKABLK. KEKCtJK. Me. Micuael Curtain, Plainfield, Bl., n.Kl. eii the sulenn nt :1.hI she caught cold, lii.-h s, tllid en W Iunta; the was treat ed for a month by her family physician, but K'e worte. He to)d her Bbe wat a bopel'i as victim of consumption and that no medicine ixiuld cure her. Her druggist Mi.ggethd Dr. Knit's New Discovery for i.'uopumption ; hhe bought a bottle andto her delight found herself benefited from firs, do-ie, Sue con1iriusi its use and after taking leo bott Vs found herself sound and well, now doer, her own housework and is as well as she ever .van Free trial bottles of this ireat l)iecov.rv at K H. Duffy's wholesale and retail store; large b'ot-tb-s. '....- and 1 .1X1 , ,, , , , It h when the grass is green that the ,cytl,0 1SBhtrpeata. - vhe ropulallon of r Berne I Is about nine thousand, and we wou'd iia at leiuit one half are troubled witb s.ioe affection ou the Throat and Lungs, an those complaints are, according to sta tistics, more numerous than otheia. We would adviso all our reader not to ne glect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial aie fr. Large bottle .'.Oo. and l. Sold by all druggists. Truth never touches a nrtn and leaves hu" N ' fonnd hin i. Klerlrlc Bitter. 'I bis remedy Is becoming to well known and ho popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same soup of praiso. A purer medicine does not er. 1st and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitten will cure all diseases of the liver and Kidneys, will remove pirnplts, boils, aalt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent aa well at cure all malarial fevers. For cure of haadaeho, constipation and indigestion, try Eltetrle Bitters . Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50e. and 11.00 per qottieatF. Duffj'i drug store. H& Q. K. BASBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offloe, Middle street, opposite Baptist ohurob, decdiwtf NEWBERN. N. 0. St. J. D CLAP.K, DENTIST, MEW HKltHK, N. C. v street, between Pollock Office and rtroh : P. H. PSLLETISE, A T T J H S 13 J A T 1A W . Oritven it , uoors fcouts of Journal office. Will prac '.Ice la toe Counties or Crave n artern. I tits, Oualow and Pamlico. H, Fmicu states Court at Now Berne, and Smtrerae Oourl of the Hiata MOBES T. BEYAIf, Carpsdsr and Ea,.dsr. Small J005 of Repairing sol-cltcd and tat ltfaetton snarantoed- atay be found wben wanted near tba loa Factory. Refers to pen" eharactei a a citizen and mecbanlo. Ianl2dtf ROBERTS & 01 Wholesale Dealera In; Groceries, Provisions TOEirCO uud SNUFF, BOOTS aoH SHOES. . .w al " "w STOCK -DIADEM everv bbrrot wnanted. A laree ttook f PUKK .WKHT INDIA UOLASSRB. our wn importation. Come to tee nt, or tend yem ordert Too will and our ITloen et l.'J the Loweet. mav'Udwt BOBBIlTe 4 hRO S. R. STREKT," General Insuraacs Ac NEW SW. it, H'. G. Bash. Mani.y. Wm . Mo'.-iosn Kew Bernr Works Successors to J. li. Ciablice & Co. Engineers, Founders, MACHINISTS. Mauui'scturer:: ;t:n! Dialeis in Machin ery, MuchiuiRtN ami Jlill ISniipliea, Ec giuoa, Boilers. Saw ami tlri.l Mills, Double KdfiT.i, (lc Agents fur Bargamin's Iudetiuctible Mica Seated Valves, The American Saw (Jo. and I'iocjU e Direoi-Actiii Steam Feod. etc. We lmvo jiiet elected a large. Ware house adjoining unr Works, where we will keep a full nock of Muchine aud Will Supplion. Ordern fur woik or nialeria! '.f any kind will t.- prom ptly executed uiaf in dwtr Say. neighbor, wha'.'s the trouble with you' Didn't yon get tho ocmi na tion? No, but I got a pair of Cart Wbeela that don'; tuic run, and now J. O. Whittj ,e Co nave just got id a supply of those Celebrated Tennessee Wheels. I am always doing just what 1 ought not Take my advice and go at onoe to Whittv'e and get a pair of tba Ten nessee Wheels and yon can smile if I can 't. THE MYSTERY OF AGES is tho Sphinx. IlotrV Why? When? No one has been ab'.o to solve it Lis tening ears havo never solved it. It's a good representation oi tho mystoiy our competitors cannot solve. Respectfully, Hackbsrn & Wills!!. 250,000 BRICK BEADY FOR SALE ! riiic mm un t I Cheaper than any other Mar cn Furnlih Them I've got 'win and want to sell 'em. Apply to W. P. BljRULA lNw Bern, or M. roitTJEIt, liiverdtl jne7 dtf ; - AtlaDtio and E 0. E; R. Oo. I HELP -; gSfeiS TnEABCRBJl's C.KFKE, J Wn KITTTlIt dy prorlil' 'leaebett, - v NltWBEKS, N. C, !ept, 8, j VV AN LhUl Ktndecw Minlter.8rlh( A dividend of two mi -nr ,,r .- ,! Ma and Wdlta wanted ttttl 8tock of the Atlantic mid .nrtli C.;r;- ! needed, (jreult Iven U desired. He Una Railroad Companv w ill l.enaid uttht i this tuna and aeeure ant cbolee or txcia:v T .. , m , r . i territory ou UiU brand New Hk It rreuaurur 3 otoce, on and tnr i. Ji ; Don't ba an octtieal vnte ,i-d em (lay of October, 1892, to blockuoidrrv Intormatiou and euild its'. Koyul record on the 23d August, 1893. ! Tnnmn'DTvr'T,Q nt-"1 Till' F. C. ROBEHTS, Trrssm. r. I UU 11 ItiiN 15 Ut illLi tt "nr "'" WORLD'S HITOK YJ ilOTSS MlllinSr. ;nv w.n kkyan and johix ol,auk , ... ... ,., Any one wishini; a 1 :irt-Cms .ri ITniwI.oiu.l,. llnrnme ,,ill , 1. . ,v..h i. . fi. i . T w f i v c,... -..ri. "ti u . , r . a , ni 'ti. , " : ' Harness Depository on Special attention paid i all kinds in this line. I srmift a; ' 'road ilrei.-t, .i-n.iiiii.K Furitlfure, titili South Front St ,opp. 'ia. to" j lot-. , For Furniture ci A U Kinds. Mattrc.iiCf roado v ' '!..- vate!. PEICES 7E?V Jj iO dw'.f Samp is Slose Sample On;;;. ;. n for ladi'jc t . v Sample gus;?; Sample Bags, jEvervthinji' to be as jf.: yomn M A C H of ,io!i:i i . . ' . . ch.isei' Ihe liltit M I Cir.vnn tret't. ! bert's :. land, w : .11 j kinds ' i.i : suiilh Vuik. ) ..,,r m.l, .. , and lii -i-i la.-.-. .. Willi a -i.'d en:, we )iop( i iu.'r:t -i. share oi' public puti : John H. Cis isjll dwt.l Nei HUMPHREYS Or. IIiiniplirtM 1' 'v carvinuy irviaitn 1 private prautfcaa aud f j tj.i: ;i.j(t)- jt..t..i .. iiiii people with entire suim. K;rv sinf 's,-.viflc utji-mi curr luc uiu uMw.. n ..t n. 'heyenm wttbout lrug'kH ..if, ..-o- ,lycliur inejtuniwiiiiuui urupiinn tiif,- n - r,vT:riiur iue uicui auu bid in im tauu tin M tut p vr claTii . Hemr4le of lh World. cttfT or rBixciraL woe ,t 1-FcTert, C'onjtcfilJ"iB itflirniiatKMaH . ttV-Warni, Worm tev. r, Wormt oSic 3- TeelhUgt Colir, rnicfruiuM 4 Olcrrbest of ( h:lumb 1 1 a juu . . 7 Concha, CoMa, lr n.'ri.tif m-Nearaln-la. Tw tnhrt, erfArbe .'i.i 9 UeadaubfHt M' lt iiera.n-. V.-tl(j. .i UysprpwlR, Ijlliouf nt c ij-rtpatiuo 'i3 1 1 HuppruHFted r j'nirful I'eifudit liWhle, To rr--fiijM! i-tTKHlit .i.i 13 Cronp, L,mrrnaitlB, (.'iartmtA . .2$ 1 4 Halt Kheam, '.ii-im'ww. lj-upitiHiii ij I it RhenmatUm, J'.hcumauc Van . .i.i Its-Malaria ChilK Yerr and Aue . it 17 Piles, Blind or Bift-i;iiR . 25 Ift-Catarrh, Infloniya. CutJ in tfu ilHftd. .'i5 at-WhtplDff Caaali . .MZ. J-R14T Dlneaiivfl 2., 3H-Nrraaa Ieblhiy 1.00 30 t'riuary Wrahnens, v. u. 1 .jj Sold hj DrijftisH, or sent r-w.-airl t-n T HrHrtniii' MacaL dU1.11. tIir NTXPIIRITrV RKD. CO., 111118 fT;Unn SPECIFICS. nw raors or davis sswiks Kscsm 33.' Capacity 400 Machines per Day WPS'llfe P.KSi' THIN'. 3 ftJ f.VlTKI) STATES iwlffflr ne Cent FOB TBKM8, ETC., ADDBKM DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. aATroy.e. cncMO.ntti H'.rjeA't'H, Uie Wurld Oelebratod lllstorlaiib I y, nory f ti.o .Vk'.iodb eg told In tin- j I hrlll p t. t. -WriM nml frr-l1 achlevemei.ts o: i xhr. : a :rof8 nrd ileioll::t. A rlol! UMvbou of llit'.oij'. Tiavrl. Adventure anl Lic -a ird and wor-derftii tvtuw t-l tiii' ' tHil itld meut ioul." Vluililua toi!!i. it the i'ft" of chivalry, a'aruing he OiCitcltlvuniert of warrloraand tlmna deii,. A o it vurtt loileftlou of the iarenl geme c! 6lti(tlh und American lllstoilonl JjttiirRUue. 'I'be inoss wouderful new botik of todiiv. :he gient seii-tdncntor, Jntt (lie I bo k the people want. Over 350 uraod W 10 c.fci ii.uni'na.ione. nan-tune diiwib.,, t vlnRB, and brllUhn!. Hr.on tvt: -vt,oi1y llnde It a lonanr.a f aueea seliVlrh: t r.pK'.r. o OpiW, Htrallit nr.' nesp end b!.tr'll'd. r-,it' :ntv i . :: urs a:.(! fill t OS i It IVHI 6e.t froe. M-tfKS, ttrsro.f' ti. i 'jb 10, l'hlla., Ta 4aW n&vs YOV SSEN Ti.;-.t t '-.. i.;:u! n.a;;a .'.u3 for Soath- 'i V'O'-e :;: Girls. It b (he hand- ---)"i-i- e's Vaiiaxino in l-iwiic. it has beeodie welcome. ! vi-its?: t 'l.'.us.tb-i cf S 'titbern liurnef. "'0 pairi" or expeese is ;rp.ireij to make it '.ttractive. Each j number eoBUiiiB a volame of inter :el:r.p r-'a Ji;ig fnr youug folks. Short ; arj ' coc'i'Ji'd storipg, out do;"- sports, j new ga: ic-i, aud in fact evey thing to lint' rest boys and g'rls. twenty-:K5ij.:tg'- and cover, caoL pwe i ifi; ii.'eelj illustrated, l! i-i 'Th': j ,1.1 or of the South," "The Pet rf 1 very I! -."no t'ircle,'' and nuhoyor enn :1 tO hi without t. I o -.ei: : r.t wfint it, nv.'i 10 Lmvc if !'or -:.: n. ..i:!is or a '-ir ih a con i tMiuai )-i . mi nt t .r i.K i.o fswiiy. ; Wo iM t very toy and gwl who h:i., I in it si.f-ii this e) arming rug:lrir.e to 1 -. .vt si;ven one r.ont Bt impp at i.-r a nairplc ropy: or bc'tor ettll, it' ; yon will .-.onn 09 ONE J)OI.l,Art vre j will send yon Poi'TDERN SlTN : HEAI.-' for one year and make you a present of "Cooper's L?nlhcrptoi'kinj f.'lira." Fivo yrfi' works in one laine i-i-", IV'" of "'I w-l. Addf. ; Souther;: unebras., i !:x Atlanta, Ga G Fair. W M't' . i on '. 'ntf tii . a; in t : -'UK''-' in .'Hi'iit r-t t ; "i wJU r 1 1 i! i;-'orv of It Hum the bcfimilnj; .i . m:ry in U-:HS tuatCdtfi.'ruTiy f-tt rjuult u t-y The Eipcsition Graphic, Tti, r.u; i.'.it.: . t;it ,'i ..i :ttit'f'j 1 ci;l'it! r. i u .Ira) i U.UHt itMmd, rnnloii J Vmu's ft m tl.ti riijniOHi huild;it:s ruin oll'.ial Jt-M;:nn 1'c Aitnifr.twlr H :tn, line i Arl.r). .--l uiiip. a. : i , . Ui.-srl, Ai lU;J unn J MtuliiK i. "o; .. r. . i.tii!.iint.d uin. fwir- j ft- 'in;-1. J-.rtri'.IU hi .lit Oir.,, ,1,,. i . i r , .1 vr OlT.f i . v.& at li. f'r.iM.oal 1 i i.t ) , Am trie! full pt' I'orlrHlla at l'rtui:ii t Il rriajon .- reiiM v riint, Htul n hub";') ;riiP ptt: Ktro's-f jt i v or in iTxrvt-Ntii..! tj.i...mih u.i t 'lu-.tllii'f fit-n. (IfB trai ny l r 1 w,.. .vuii 1 11, ti,T yf uttj' ;,' ami bT'.: fur . i.ur : : n,! -. v.,.i. rit; ..cuirt,i 1 (m titiort J"t . f. .i -r o'- .- r! p: ft'is ol l.'.tt rir ..My ' ' . It,: J1..; C.l.,' ! I: ltr 1 )':(':,,', ulm ( -vlUi orilm .; 'Mlf J fKI'.-i. Hit "t hHi ptitTif'tr.ei'a1 hi' Kifd Mef-AitHfl In Hie tn,it Ail ti.t? pvlnc'i al ccrri-ni tj,-,, i. rao6i pcrj'iiar, s rij ft: t 1 r t r . i. . :i ; uahle lilimtrttt 1 wt--kl . a--. it - . v urn p". Ion . on )Hit( f 1 11 1 i;. i.lni'Hir 4'o . ivaiU.. r. -t. .1 iAti i 11 liE.!! I wtf t; ' d' 1 1 '- f r t , . u li p. - - - - ; . ,' . $4 per year, Daiiy. $3rior yoar, oraittinff BundiiyB roa TH3G FARMER AND TUB BU6IHE33 HAN, TBB REG DAS NO EQUAL. Apduess "THE BEOOUD," SpO Per Year: 60c. for 6 tlontlis. MLY Froiii Until Jan. -FOi: EEKLY NIM: COLl'MN FOLIO LA1U1E AMOUNT OF HEADING. The Daily $5.00 Per Year. Uirou'.utofi in ovxry direction from New lit mo, vvhoio thriv if a (iailv mail, ami is a splendid modium for advertise. Liberal Advertising Rates. We have just received a lanre lot of New and Handsome Books, which we club with both the Daily and Weekly Editions. Call and see them, and get one by paying one year in advance for the Daily. By paying $1.25 for the Weekly one year in advance will also entitle you to a book. Job Department. . .'a Iii fonnectton with tho Jotjbnal there ia a FIRST-CLAi JOD P EI' ART MEN T. All of order imd at satisfactory prices. Lr.ttor llcadn, Note Iloadfl, Statements, 1 Posters, SEND TOE FEE! SPECIMEN 50c. Xow 1st, 1893, THE - JOURNAL. Journal, 50c. Per Month. . :W.- kinds of work executed in the beat : ' f ' . v.."i 1 til -HU ii j . -1.-: 4-r.j.-i -i' v .. ' i- , .V ' " - t,-.'.i!.tj' : bill Heads. :a.-j vli I Business Cards, ; Kavelopes, ' OH "i ! if I And all kinds ot work; " 1:1.1.' COPY 07.TIIE J0Tliir.L ,1

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