X iiiiiisiiisniiifriefoiii :.----Ci for Infants and Chi'-r Caatorla i...io well adapted to chlMrim Unit 1 rooomroond it na superior wany pre, i inl I. -n known to mo." TI. A VaciiEn. M n 111 8o. Otfonl St.. H-oo.; ii. N . "Tho uao oi (!a&tonft i. so universal and lis morita ko well knowu ihat it acorns a work of supererogation to wJonvj TY,w ur-1 i!if 3 iiitcUigcnt faiiif.iVH vim do not fp evil- i la jj i it Ida w.y rvn I (Viito-j Mamtn, V. T, 5 Xnw Vitji cif y. 3 Tim 'KM'AC K ( i'v lURFOLK, NEWBEKil k WASHIN2TQS DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly trips la ordor to intake ux t-j (un.:; ,i . !;.; co&omloal use ot lao vobuvh imw ftinputytx! m ih Worth Ocro iru trr lr url !,; to Bitter SoiTe tho Iatsrests of Shippers. the Olyd Line and Old l,;m-u-o ll, MIA Uompany ne conoiiule.t r n.o.v-e tnelr respective ilnet. ueewivu ;, ' . rn. N. O.. and Norfolk, Va, Into one Hue. 'Jracv laf paaeengera end trunk siiliipora i':iei. 'r mod week between. Newueni h:. ; . i-i-.!.; fU Washington. HO ADVANCE IN RATES. Ok end after TRint3P.'Y -Ci. .','h. -:j, , ntll fturUier notice. (c Stoat? IEWBERH, Cm. Ssutiiis. ; Steamer BBFiiKCB. bpt. forges?, AHD Stumsj kmw,l Caf. FoVjiis' Will Mil from Norfolk. Va., for J-i-w hnrrm j ulreoi, every uondny, Tin'oUy n.; r-eturdsy, maklne connection vtl'b; Ui Atlant-le mud Nonh Turollna Ki;ri.iJ, . imI tU water tines on ?UN.t ki.i; . rc-H rivara. I Haturnlng, will tall HWX NKV. Kt:.N for ! NOHKOUK. V., via Koanoko lulund whurf, t vary Taeady, Thursday and Hutunlay at Tha Old Bay Line, for lialllonrc Tlie clyile t Line, for Pblladelphln. Thn Old i.i--,ln!.n Himmanlp Do., for How York, Tl.o M. r- i e.taDta and MinerB 1,1110 rur 1 rvii'.n:"i i Boalon, and The Water Mii f..r v.'.ut f s- , tat, l. a., and Rlnhmrnl, ., i.-is ;iv,.,; n all water route 10 uil mllii'tu and Kaaiern poLiln. Alao eonneetlon muni with th. (' t. n S. It, and N.4 W. It K. for iho Wui. r'Mnfan will fluil a koou tai io, r. icf.irt. able rooma, and titrnrv rifitto . ar.l hi ;,i-u. lion will bepald tuem by ijih oi.i 'tTM Order all Koona, can or rs. jv .v w. inron Lint. Norfolk, Va i -i Eastern Carolina Dispatch., Kaat Pawenxer n-t CrB-Rlit Una Lot v. . . . n t atern Nortb Oarollua rotnta.Riid all roi nectlocK of tlu PKIVJUiVLVARUV ttlL!:JAI INCI.UIIINO Vork, Phtludelplila.Noi f.i.'U , K -l ttntore and Hoton. 'f the ONLY Trl-Weekly Line u.i flaw Herua. I'Urt NK AMU ELKHANTLY 1.CAU IJ'J'IOD BTKAMUH Seilt from New Mima HUIUtVS, n uoNtiuiu.vvM,: I '111 OA X. 4. SO I.IVK., iplng at Koauoke Inland ach way mi. I oraitng oloae oonneollun wllb tne Norfolk Hontlicrn Kallroail. me Maatern Dlapatoh l.lne. oomlntlnn of .na wtlmluston B. H. Oo.. Norfolk Houthrrn tL K.. New York, rblla. and Norfolk H. K.. and Pennsylvania H. K., form a relnibls and lecolar line, oltsrlng superior faollllles for liueat paeaeiucer ancl rreignt iraimporiaiion. No tranafer exoept at Kllsabelh t'lty, at whteh point freight will bs loaded on oars to fo tnrongn to aeetination, mrecti Oarollaa IMreetallfoodstobe snipped Ma.limmrn i arollaa Dlapath dally as follows: , rom New Vork, by r'enua. K. It., Klor Z7, North Klver Prom From Philadelphia, by Phlla., W..OU.1 to I to. tt. K., Dsek Mt. Button, rrom Baltimore, by Phlla., Wtl.iand Halto. H K., President Ht. Htatlon. f rom Norfolk, by Norfolk Houthnrn 11. K. mm DAA.nn Ks U.r.h.nl. A UI..H IW,... saruUHUa;iiir loranu now cngiaua 1 .- 49-Hatee as low and time qnlcker thanjby v other line fW farther Information apply to W. H. JoTOsi (Oen'IKrelitht Trafflo Agent, ; e. H. B.) General Tratlto Alfent. I O BO. -BTBPIiarrs, Plvlelon Krolubt Agent. ' r W. n. . it., rniiaaeipnia. B. B. ftoOKB, Oen'l Krelnht Agent., N, Y. , r. H. R. B., Norfolk, Va. , H.O. HDDorifa. Qeneraf Fre!ght.Agnt at. B., Norfolk. Va. 1 O BO. IIKNIIKRHOS. Aiient, ' Sfw betno. N. U. ' Tobacco! Tobacco! AT Rock" Bottom Prices! 8c. up to 45c. for Grnvelty. We have the Celebrutcd Crcnso, Brand Sugar I (not acid) Cured Earns. . .-fj -1 ,!-.. Ml o. ... - W hare Full Lino of (too- out for log. d.) . . )7. P. Eurrus & Co. Foot of iliddle Etreot i I a IMiir; . I i.UliU .4 a s ".tae.eTtner1 I i a TOl e(U4 r 4 wus w -rn. Viarpiaua8 . . MkM tat . --- JrlHwT""" xnV.jwr-';j j LU8, Mm kin IN C V V c. T,);r . ... i mlcl ' l (y . '. ' (;n, ; -; in l.d -n i 4 .(.'uial. ,. ; 'if. lr -'n 't' . i mi . IV . r..'" fir, 1 A . A . I n t ,l - i :. . 11.11. Sli.iln. I . r.i .-Mn,.i.iY. ... i l.I).-Hil-. .,r ( i uli-. r..t. t .. II. I'.l' --'.".r .T Civ. . :.;,.. , r'.-,. . ' II . II v -,'1 t I l-'-- t f.,..l , "I',i;i!.n:i I , '' I I" . . 1. I-.' . , I . . .(( J: ! :!. . - -. I .: . SlnWlr i n' . -. ' ' . , :n . r,...,.. i ..r, .. . i m. C to 1 4-1 It f J- n r Vrtrril.ui y fnr(- i, 1 1, K,.irl I. I.rv' ..- J 4UM,.vl; rMiirt .1 h'...' Ill KI'HIi"'. ' II I' H ' I 6? (nrJA' rv kiw: B&iiiVv v;?::! Wcskness, .:I..t ..Ict. l- i sr. UUErlll.M- 3IIOI. Oi GEO. HENDERSON, l-'Uovvt -'. "VJ Hjl'IU" Si i'.M. .. :sOIl,1 rjCT,rr - 1 T-f,..-,, . a rrr.n tfcnCliil iuSUTtllL. . i-lfTCIll. -, Kepn-aonttna lnauraneeC:iR.,.,iny of North lliierle... of l iillifc.li ii,!,l tlome lnio.rar.t-e INu.ipnnv One. it ili'.urawv l.'.-lnpto.. liar: ...r,i i-1; -i la - ;:hii , llarlf .! -.1. r New York. . .' Km.-lioiu. . . i.,r.oij, of aaci- Cor-.inuij .ijiij , il New .-, o! lrootwlyn. o L'oropany, iVtii;.p.nr. of lulviitwtf Noitii i'i..o:ii itiu," ;!.-. . - tr-.Mlrt i!t i; .T.fl.lll-. , , ' h"l;i h.virai.-u thii ini rv hip.-. "! A'-n '-i. H.wu.w V.)r 1 .... va- noeiou. ; TO TKKPBSLie. ; IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLAJts In trw pumhaBe of a PI ABO, and from Ten to Fifteen Dollars In tbe pnrehase of an OHUAN, addna AD0LPH COM, HEW BEKNE, N. 0., Oeneral Aiont for north Carolina, who how nandtlmc ronls dlreot iron the maun- fMturei e, aa follows: HIGH C1RADR irfKnLIN PIANOS, distinguished for tone, workmsushlp and durability, and endorsed by nearly all the mnaloel Journals In the United states. Made by Paul O. Moulin, who Is at thlotlmeoneof ma Dial meenanioi anu la-reuiors 01 uie uay. Thirteen new patent on Ih a high-grade aiehlln Piano. Alao t be H K W B Y 11 V A US DPBI0RV PIAKO, which has uren som oy mm lor tna Bast alx veare In the eastern part of this Biate, and p to this tluie uae glren entire allsNetloa The Upright Planojast men tioned will be sold at from t'JXi to 19 0, in Kbonlaed Rosewood, uak. Walnut or alv hogany eaeee. Also, Ibe IFKOHAH PABlOOsad The NBW1TIA1 At WROTHXR PAT' KMT AIR ilKE.L KO CIUC V.t. ATI! a Tan eaara' exrxrieno In the mnala brut. eaa kaa enabled him to handle nothing but standard goods, and he doae.not hesltata to Ay tliat be whl sell any mnsleal Instrument about H par eent, ehesper than other agent are now ooenna. . Met to all banks In Busier- Carolina THE- JOURNAL. UK VERY. :-.vsrixi -.. '. ill- .111;;. or I'vcniui' mid s!:irs jnsl "-io.lino tlii-r;- huts . MM ll'k.llg tllC I1I0SSCS MU.MllUi A !..: k..m; il.e tlirusli hud iltfltaul-sung; '!!:.: iret'-io:s murmur like Home tlreani i::i4 sija I! n' ' fur iiwuv u sincrn bell has runr rtvi-iu- sti'iikes. aljw tulluil, that faint uinl fade frimi me. NTOilN'.N'i A .-iiall of gl 1 upon my upturned face As fleeting and ai shy as any fawn; Stvi-i't oijor, s:in inj' viiuls mid forma of griice; N"" '. ttli me, is th.s israven, or is it i!.'nv:i ? !ri: 1 Is ;n -.1 Octi.'.. r (iudcy'8. iid Ion Her Try A glrt.sn of hot vrfttor for hleep lesfiness! lloee vnt-r imd gly cerine for son bum? Grated liorae rj-.1 iuli aud vinegar for neuralgia? liorx w.'Utr ft' removing stains frODJ tho i'.'.Tl'lr K'jrorif-r.e oi! for tlciriri oat iron runt imH fruit stninef Putting ;;ij!i- b.iffs over fruit cau tcf I'xoiatie 'Aw. ;igiit? To ke!'i; ii cusii account and to leaeli a g;rl to d j tlie eamet Ti kot your eiosets free trom old shoes or any soiled garment! .S.iine i'oi)iiii People AjIuw ,i cuiii.li t" lun until it gets beyond th.i re.icii f u .lieir' . They often say, ('Vi' h ii ..i iv, ' but In moat ; '.m'.j ik .:.!..', Could they 1 b.i in J .:. . i -. y.i. u oossful medicine ,:,., k'.-ni, i. I'.. .. .,,, n l.i.l, .nu ..... w... , n iiiu J i !.i.:.'' u.i. -(' . cure, they wonl i.i. in .'.-i;' we i'.ellent effectafte taH.iiB Mat ! se l'rico 50o. and tl Tri?; i'.1 f.-'-i-. At si. rtrttggtet. ' ; - -i weow Alotir.d uuil i niiilculng lo t.: cry softening and L.V. I iil.. - I' r: i y. ar- .1.1 since '. Ti.iis i.r.' first " i ' ' i i. i l -sinn and . : . r i i i . and ui!ire :' " I'liiiui: v. Iiirh they met . in; i.tiivi. I .ii t steadily in N" 'In l:iiei-i liave heen i ' ii .: " ninny testimon li'i.h -line . tl.ce i niidi'uoiisly ... i. r. .v..t: I'las an l ill. "I'lv I'.ntive for these ex-:-i n' li-i- Ii-.- in the fuel of their .'II ri-.i; .v.;. ! I'.-.i'.' ! I'M-dieii'iil and iharniaretitical I'i.'pi! ii..:; 1. 1' -upMior Milil" Addi j i !;! ! tin- li ne value of Ai.f.- . ii. i, - I'unoi - l'i abti hs lien in the lin t j I In. i tl.. ;. .ire licim.' hiroely imilati"! I v '..i ' i ; "1 I.- i i -.1,- who Hek t" de "'iir til. oiMic l.y ofleriu jiiaaters liieli tin y I'iaini to he the ''same,'' ".inn1 " ''i.- j.'ooil. "better," "lust or omj I'lu ikr, etc.. while it is in general ii'i ariini e null that thej resemhlu ALL i hi t's Ktery one of the ho-railed por iii!" plaster- are imitationn of .Vi.i.cocr'b Conors I'l AHTKltH. Aoi l dealer who ,utcnit to )ialm of interior niul wortlik i tila-turs that are pun ha pur..H t he in at low rales for the i'l -:i!ntitution. Every mat) who will tell n lio will live one. KJLIXIK. A riciisaiit Lemon Tonic. I-Cr llillioii-n-ss. C'onstipalion and Malari-t. f or Iii.ti;;'. uiun, Sick, and t-rvvuii llea.la. In . For siei pli sniiesv. Xcrvoiisiii ss and Heart discuses. For Fever, Chiiis, Debility and Kidney Diseases' lake l.ciuon Elixir. laulies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir is prepared from the ficsh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and ft. bottles at druirtfists. IVp.-ncd ..11I. I y l)i. H. Mozley, At lanta, i.a. A LI NKh.u ui riis: From experience in niv fumilv. Dr. II. MoJcy's Lemon Elixir has few, if any cqunls, and no superiora in mcdicino, for the regulation of the liver, stomach and bowe'-. W. H. Moxi.i.s. Press. Nat'l Bank McMinnvillc, Tenn A (.'.win. For nm oiis and sit k headaches, indi- getioii, bilioiHiieis and constipation (of which l nave hecu u great siillcrer) 1 have never found a medicine that would give such pleasant, prompt and perma nent rein I as l)r. u. Mozley Lemon Elixir. .1. J'. bAWTKi.i., Griffin, Ga. rnblisht-r Daily Call. When aver you cannot aee anything goodjin other people, you 0an mkup your uind yoa neeod a revival in your own heart. A Diabolical Trio. If there i one 111010 fiendish than the hateful trinity, dyspepsia, biliousness and irregularity of the bowels usually exis tent togciner, we aro unaware or.lt. Those co-operative organa, the stomach. the bowels and tbo liver, are usually tnrown out 01 gear togetner, ana tut re storation of regularity to one is usually the signal for the others to fall into line. Hostetter'i Stomach. Hitter contrail all three beneficently and completely, not only regulating but invigorating them. It also exerts a most happy Influence upon tbe kidneys and tbo blood, giving a healthful impnlso and enriching the se cond. It overcomes malaria and rteo- dency to chronic rheumatism and neu ralgia, and improve appetite, and aleeo. To the nervona M afforda unspeakable relief. A wineglassful three time dally will, If persisted in, achieve result to be expected .Tom no other health medium. , QiitdrenCryforPitcheyCastorja J ?pf .- youjmokf' I OLD 5 'UFflCTUPEDONUiB'1 iWHITLOCKRiCKHONDl IMMMm G. L HAEDI80K. ! Thurraiin, r'. C , !itmfaoui;ci oi' i.u 1 Iieah i m ; nm'T-OLCS 38I0K.I 800,000 no- rer,-!y (or the markei. V.'i:: sell as cheap as my other man. je'-(il Foreclosiiio 'Sale. Btate o North Carol! n, on rf-Ut'-m -i t.)i. Olerk of tl-.o H:jpTtor (',; u :t County, vs. Oeoryo Winiamo Byylrtneof n Jtidirmnt or Vn Htip t'oi Court of Craven cuuuly, iradu n. 'tn.ii ui l8Hltof Bfti'l foait 'r. u ).'. i.- ..m::' ', . Hon, tho ur.t'.TRlKi 0'I t: ir. n!tslon r. -, appOl?!td In Hid ik k-i.J J'jjF;ino:i' i:.-n. MONUAV. uio 28tb de- of 'ovnir'T, (bin tho itrht iriyr; i ;; 'i-.-rr;i ; t n -.---ii : Bopoiinr ('our' , v-' '-.o- t', neil t Court ll'Miige iU'.. t JUvot '-- H'Tl, F. O., lor 1 if- niT.d tl-'urr. ooi '. !iii I eoinp)ali:t In n&A i..,,..'tj, bai o:di i . old ft ftforefiftld, r.-! 1 hi; in i No. Two Townnl-.'r f ("i ;.yri 'jun' . , r..l -l Jotolnp tho inr-fif Na'i t' -' t 'mr. T'iomhs . Btftplrtiord. fi- Min-'-v. i I,'-, it.,.; ,ti i tortbed a fni'vr, i: 1 Bee? n ) I n tr f.t ft i. : s:s,it,i -., ri,n i mala road I: nt;wc 'in i i.i t v rom i, tlien ? (n h. t iip-atvt i i 1 1 r I n made Blftte on tho hoi ntirv l ai- "T u ti'Hii j of .r-r nrrt ho'wh b a .-t Ad "'"' -nd Gorg WJHlnmiiof Vi; i ni-h- r ;i Mnr A. Kulcher, wif.j, ,1 m-n ; iIh .o 1 Doctiinber m ' I A.i. dfld f i ... h s. ntt,j w.lt . Penny V'; , 'iffi'i" V:: 'uigk, c- ;t.iiu Injt at re. mor :t t' -'Mt'ior -t li . im. prf-ejnona th.!r:1n. 1 Vs a w irtHN. m i MRS. J. Boarding ILusc Reopened. Mi.s. J M. U!';r. i.a FIvhI C'lam Hcnriln lloui-. opposite BttptiM Cliur.ih. In tie i-Uy m pioeer davis sew nii mmi :n be had ..! the namn pluce J. M. FINES, Agent, seplO J.v 0. Marks' Hto o. CLINTON UIL1TA0Y INSTITUTE CLINTON, N, C. Fall Sf.-i.in b-nins MnNHAV, 8EP-'1-1-;.M llClt , All tuacheis have liurl I'liHepatr tiaia injr, propured e.specii.lly fur teaching. rtoparatoiy t ouipo a specialty. A special com so In Honk kcepinc;, Com mercial Law. Commercial Arithmetic, l'onmanship, Tulernphy, stenography and Tyiiowi'iiiiig. V0C1L MUSIC and CALISTHENICS FREE. No additional cost for (MasMe. Board, Washing, Lights, 'i'uill.in, etc , 5.00 per live months. Uniforms will cot.t f'.'I.UO, ill 25, $12.7.ri and 1 l.r.o. Tuition for Day Pupils will bo $1 .."iO, $2.00, 1:1.00 and j 1.IM1 tier month. for furttior particulars nddrcfi the iTlncipal. W. II. OEINNEK, Clinton, N. C. HUMPHREYS' This I'keciius OtNTMENT is the triunipn ot Scicnnh. Mcdicin-'. ' Nothing has ever been pruJuccd to equal or compare with it as ct-it.uivK and hkalino am 1 11 .iiit-.v. Ithasliecn used over 40 ycais, and alwa) s aflords relief and always givo.i batisfactitm. For Pilco F.xtei.'i.d or I:,tein.d, Tllind or BlccKliny , 1 i-.tuU m An 1 ; Iuhine or Blcedi:..' ol the Keen. 111. I'livi rehef U immediate the cure icitain. . .w WITCH HAZEL OIL For Burns, Scalds an. I Vlcerati .11 an.l Contraction from Burns. The reliel is m-tjjit the healini wonderful and unequ.tlcd. For liolK, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, I'iatuUs, Old Sores, Itching Eruptioiii, Cluiing or bcald Head. It b Infalhl.le. For Inflamed or Caked I)reatv. and bur! Nipplo. It is invaluaUc. O Price, 50 Ccntb. Tiial site, 5 Cents SdI4 bf D. .fclu, or a.i.1 in,t-ld ou reol.t m,n. uaraaitis'ase.oe., iuinwatua9i.,xiw 1,11m THE PILE OINTMENT fa warranted the Best in the- World ! Is.more Waterproof, Is Stronoer, and V will .Wear Longer flan any other goods mnufdured. Ask for the " PtSH BRANDT" take n ether." t C, ZIRCKa i BRO. Sol Afttt, Baltimore m t MM Oil Clothing VIRGINIA I CHEROOTS .A A'ill Your triciitj be glad ii and sir;; r pleased vx quaii I r lilt.- Hi si ways i'-ct you, r; will be iMjlv your ''i t'y ;ire MOKi: and at, Ihf ?ni iK- tune the CilLAPi r:-.i. !o. tl.N Lr.N 1 b. f Jit & Freezers, j Mask's: ivif Jars, Porcelain i.a-ied Kettles igcr..tirs. Water Coolers and Fly Traps, .i.i-: Smallfnfood & Slover, illDDLk STIU-.',KT. A SURVIVOR Or THE WAR (855-1892. APCUTC WANTKI) to whom uiiuhukiIv AULU I U ltboral term-will u kivimi i nll onr new book, Life and Workt of SPURGEON. The world (rrnfttfliit pivaoher Is deatl.AiiJ bunilredfl of thou Matin of ohrtatlftn ramlltif tva well at Clergyn.en, Hlble rftfttjors, Rin dntH, wattlnf for an opportunity to pur chase IhU book- W wmit agauta to itil tlilfl book rlieht dow, while the lnterfHi la graatoet. don't wait. Unlay end AT OiN K IKoeota In atamp, for aent cnnit U'lcfta Taflfalni! outtlt and tw the drat to rmuvarfl yonr ntitRhrjorhiHHl. TtCKMH UHKKAIa, AITT QintR. KORSIIEK k McMAKKN, ( inrinnall, 0. SALE, LIVERY, FEED AND Exchange Stables Oppcsito the Gaston House Finest Stcck at Living Prices T. JL Toncs IMtOl'IUETOK. may 17 dwtf f.. M. DUFFY, (Jor. Middle & Pollock Sts., flenOod floor, first door on right of passage. Entrsnoo up stairway on Pollock Htreet. Preparation of Special Medicin.es and j9& Druggists' Articles. iunelJ if ' ELM COLLEGE, LOCATED ON N. V. R. K. Kttgaut notv buildii'i; l.itre" and in cruasiur; pationiirjo. liotli sem s. Kaeiil ly of twelve iiiembeis ( iiirlciiliiin emal (if Male ( iilleires. ' Acaitemie ifevartmciit, .nunc. Art, Coininercial. Morals of Slmleuls I'nsm i:i. il. Opens Seplt'nil.er M, .-'i;. I'-.-r forllu i iiif . -iiAlini, o, .-iif.t'.': ui Ai.ly ! Km-. V. :-. 1 .'-A M ., I I). 1'n-siileol., 1;, ,li iUi! i:i.;r, r. N. ('. St friary's SshosS, RALEIGH, N. C. Tin: A.hc:.; I--.IJ.1 .ii will 1.. v..r "-.' i!o"i ii t. . ,iyl.r dw:'.m I'm in of the i 'l i h Aoi.ll.ll c.iii ..iptembi i '.'iil. - .nidii ss I'. SM I I. KS, A.M., ItiU. Iv-I. N ('. Triton High School Will Begin on the First Monday in Gejit .lu tho New High School iiuiluic. j Tuition From $1.5') to J J.OO. ami Hoard From j $5 to $7. I for fn ther lofirmiitii n n I.'reH 11. RHODES, Friucipal. .iulyl;).lKm 'RIIIITY COLLEGE Durham, North Carolina . I'TiiMi (. A II niLtiTii burr "n.- nt irli. Ii. IiIh Luti. nil. ri-K. Iiln;tii-i h tit'. II ait if ui I mini liit,-- L'Kiitid Snpon -r fiH iilty . f p..-- iali-H in em Ii i .itilnn nl, N'V ii ii sittnntH i.f iti-lrii fini 0..-i, t. I. Kii'--h-'-" I. w for rujliana alifrr . I . i i t-rt 1 1 K 1 1 tt t i . , wit 11, 1 'fx. n't Wilsorj Oollegiaie Institute, WILSON, NORTH CAKOUNA yoons mm. Strictly Non-Sectarian. The Con; I I.i:. I - I-. : MONDAY, ai'TTKMUKIt ., ls;ij. A irm-1 tlit.nn-li :.n.l pn mi ;ili'i'y nini'si- i if h l ( 'ul."-i:itc ( '..litvc .Mi ll I- .1, In Kl 11 I'.'lD'l'r nil, L.t 'hi Hi, -m.WII' llol ('.it illli. Imi Ik: .1 Hit . . Mn ii" :nl Art. St. tit, hit. 1 ..I Im ,i j.i. nun mi.iIK hi-!' II. iiltlil'iil !.m ;ni. : IliiiM ih:M -111. I ;l-olllnU l:ilL'i' .ih. jii-.-.itt l s i I f I :. f I . Aln.lt liilr i li:ii:-( - i :tl.il....i!, and rirvn:i-, si nt lire oil uj iil i i Tl t mil Mi. AS Iv A liliKN , y.i I'liili ifial. EDUCATE Your Boy la the best and safest way and with the least trouble and cxptnse by sending him to BARNES' ACADEMY, home school for twenty boyH, in one of thn healthtoHt and most moral towns of tbe, Htate Tbe boys study in tbe presence and under the direction of tbe Principal. Patronized by the best fam ilies. Trms moderate. Write early and Hecure n place for the neat vear. E. I.. HAltNKS, A II., Prinniiwl. l,noir, N t;. UefrencoM' Faculty of lavidiion Col lego, N. C". , I'r K. Porter, liocky Point. N. C. ; Hon. John P. Finhen, Mayor of Charleston, S. C. , Uv. I: P. Hmith, Blackatockfl. H. C ; Mr. K C. Hiokes. Oral Oake. Va. Mr. W. M Hrown. Cashier Hank, Florene, H C. ; Rev. Obatmers Kraser. At'iota. ()a.;Supt. H. P. Archer, of the City Schools. harles on, H. C. eic ,eto. ) -1 tf . 1 1 1 K NORTH CAROLINA ClH.ldlCK OF Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, Will bogin ita fourth session Sept. 2, 19J. County Superintendents of Kdu- eation will examine npplioante for admission. Total cost $100 year. Address ALEXANDER . HOLI.ADAY, President. jbJwlm Ualeigh, N.C. UNIVER8ITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Instmrtlon is olfeied in four general oourHOS of study, sit brief courses, a largo number of sxs'iel courses, in id in Law, Modicino and I'niiioni mil'. Tho Faculty inchnles twenty To.icherH. 8chnlrship" mid l.mn funds are nviiil ahlo for needy young men of L-ilent and character. The NEXT SESSION IIKIJ XS SEPT. t. For catalogue with full information, address PIU-:SII)ENT WINSTON, e23 dnlm CIi.1m.I Hill, N. C. SaVm Female Acadoiny, SALEM, N. C. The Oldest Female College in the Sooth. The 9 1st Annual SeAaion begins Sep tember 1st. Ib93. Heeieter for last year 837. Bpecial feturea:-Tna Diviuor- MKHT 0V HlALTn, CHAIUOTRR AMD Imtillbot. Building, thoroughly modelled. Folly eoulpned Prenaratory. OoIleftUt and Poet Ursiaate Depar- ment, Matdea nrat-eiatt eeuoou in licnia, In, LiouoES, EiiOOCTiow, OoMMmoiAL An InrCRTRiir, Btddicb. JOBS H. OLEWELU, jlOJwlm Principal D A-IHiY" AND WEEKLY JOURNAL! REDfJGED BATES. Weekly, per year per year lor .-ix niontlis $1 00 60 Da ' v. per i-ai 85 00 . ' 'i six months 2.50 I ': iiTtlneo uionths 1.50 ! Subi-erilio now and keep up with tho ! ( amino;-ii nmve.meiit.i. News t;iv"i from ail sections and on all ipiesiimis. e in.- i. mv . ii tho eve of one of the MoLt. Irap3!'ta',t Oampaigns l iiown iii Hi., hii.tur, ,.l tin: eonntiy, and I eu i y v -i.-r oiinut to know what is going on . Tho nb i.e lutosaie oivahle in alvaiice. aivd can be. safely forwarded either by moony nub i ,,r registered lul tor. NOTICE. Htate of North rRrolinn (tuvrn eouoty . Tne Hiitmrrtber liavtiit; (lunlltled u Ad intniatrator or t he fvttmw of John K. llaTrh, OoreurU'ri. on t hta 'Jil h day of July, A.D. JKWJ. bHforo tho Olrk ot ti. Muperlor Court of ( ruveii county, hniuby notiflee all persona ImvlriK eiKluiN auliiKt Die natd cut Hi o, to itrenent thoiu lor pavmenton or lie fore the 4 1), day or Heptmi.ner, h, or this notice w ill ho ploadna In hnx of I hlr recovery. -rsouH indt-liU-41 io ibn state muat rF without dflay. JAMfcH J. HARRISON. !,.',f I'nbllp AdmtnlHtrator. Boot and Shoe Maker. Ali Hiyi.H ot Kootn and HIio.m made to order on nhoft notice. .iiinfr a Specially N. A Hl'l'JN, (Lav .in ht-ci-t opposite Jouinsi OltlCO. J Atlantic and N. C. Railroad. I'Ar-HM.' K I IA It I M KNT, Nt vi i;ri.. N.tl , My amii, fiy-i .vitfitis A. A- N.(' K H : l'nr.)Ut;h ntlhH ir (inc. Konuti i rin Ticket. Hi'HHnn f fitnn I'n HtatloiiH W. N V. II. K. ' below U poinls iiftiiit-il on (I ricReVB on Huln June Ut. I', io Hfj.t. miu. t K!c, inoHinlv. (.oof! lor r-iurn pjihnae or ht f re irl. :ilbt IDi. 3 o m ill i.i SIC .'si 1 1 nr. 1 1 ui 1 :!.! l-i.Ti l:U'i Uval ll.fsl 1KSU lli.iKi 1 1 ill To HI. k..i i .N.I Viol umi ton, N oi.i roii. Illnek M lit 11 ; Ahlinvlllo Hot SllliKS 17 nr. 1U.1 . Itiites lo nil older resorts In Western North I'arolltiaor Virginia ran h furulsliei upon Hiiii.'aiiou. chluiren iinilur live (.f.yeaia ol si'.., ro l lillitreu fle i it unit iiiiilr twelvt. ill!) ;,,-rl til oo, olio Iirtlf of Ibe tl..- O oil 111'. I I i. li s. H. 1. HI 1.1.. U P. A. THE STURTEVANT HOUSE NEW YORK. o oo- "T I AMKItK'AN I KCROPEA IMjA n PLAN vl.'.o TO PMt in . ,o. rfr uay . I i wai:d. I o o- Ot). TIIK ! I IITKVAKT SIOI KB Is lb. i diohI o.-i.tiH. tn ll.e rlly! near all elu -vale.l roads, st reel ck lines, prluolplo places of niiinseiueiii ami laicihii fllnres. All Uih ,;.iiur..i is .if Hon. ,n, itie add. Itonsl oonvoiilviiees oi ii. .cOli ollered our kiihhIh. TIIK STI'K-I KVANT 1IOI. Urnailu-ay, 'Slli viHIli N.v York A.i.lullo V N. r. Hallro.d 1ABIK lio. 23 Krfoi 1:H0 Pal.. Friday. Oo l-M 17. P.aJ. 181V0. Ooisn Kabt Sohkoulb. (Joino Wear No. 51. I'tumeiiurr Truin. No. 60. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. nm ;IU0 troldsboro 1110 am 4 08 4 03 La Oranxe 10 23 10 Sff 4 35 4 40 Kinston 9 48 8 63 fi 00 6 OH New Borne 8 17 8 80 1 as h n Morehead City am 6 47 Duily. UOlNQ EaeT. somtpci.K UoimWut No. . Mixed Ft. A Stations. Pas. Train. No. l.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. am H.S0 r,7 7 05 tloldsbore 720 6 24 554 524 4 85 400 8 35 254 2 24 2 02 10 113 9 41 U28 8 50 8 17 800 7 47 717 706 p m 684 04 5 80 SfO 4 05 840 800 5 HO Sit 180 48 0 88 S04 8 27 8 03 7 59 717 7 15 700 Best e La ii-range Falling Creek Kiueton Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark's Newborn Biverdal Croatan Havelook Newport Wildwood Atlantio Morehead City 70 7 111) 7 4H 7 .3 mi ao 8 50 8 55 9 15 10 0 10 81 10 au 1 1 00 1 1 05 11 17 II 41 13 15 3 00 3 87 8 43 8 48 8 50 4 08 4 1 3 4 :t7 4 Vi H 5i 4 5 01 5 01 Kit 5 21 6 23 5 28 581 p m Atlantio Hotel Morehead Depot a ta Monday. Wedneedar an. nd Friday. tToeaday, Thursday and Hatnrday, Train Meenneela wltk Wllmlnatna wi. doti. Train senna nortn. laarlnc Golds bora IlitU a. m., sd wltk Blehmond at DaaTllle Train Waal, laeTlnf Qoldsboro0 p. m. Tralasi iuihii will Klcbmoad IaTtll Trala, arrlTlaa at Ooldsbero 2:66 S B., and wll. . wummiuiD mi weioon Train rroaa tb Hortb at S10 p.m. Train eonueet with WllmlnvUm and Weldon Throimli Krelaht Train. Nortn bound, leavliia (loldshoro at8:MI a.m. 8. L. Dili, lapertBMadent THE WATCH TOWER, Published Beiui-HouUily. One Dollar a Tear. Dovoted to ApostolioJChiuitlanity, Ed ucatioD, Oeneral Intelligence. Bend for Barn pie Copy! , OITloe of publication, Oreeuvllle, N. 0,t J Editorial office, Waahington, N. 0. X,t 3.L. W1NFIKLD, EdlUv. s4 W. D.OAVI8, Aaat. - oes 1