i". y' f ' " OURNAL. f r - VOL. XL-NO. 163, NEW BJ3BNE, N. C. 8UNDAY, OCTOBER 2 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS 1: MJi we, r . BUSINESS LOCALS. SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL may be seen at PALMER'S ROOMS, in the Ihiffy 'Building, .corner of Middle and Pollock Btretw.f Please call ?nd look at. 0 80tf - ' "Wm. L. Palmbh. JAPANESE OOOD8-i-Boautifal, Artis tic. Just received. See Jno. Dusk's ' ; Show Window. 8 25 tf ' "nUGQIES Light running and subBtan - i-A tial. - Manufactured by Edward Long, , Washington, N. C. J. A. Jonas, sep35-tl Opposite Gaston House. A T JONES' PHARMACY, next to Cus ! torn House, you will find a most complete assortment of Medicines for prescription use. Also a very complete i Tina or Patent Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles. In daily telegraphic 5.-'. communication with largest drug house r . in America. Agent for Huylcr's Fancy " Candies and Bonbons. ."POR RENT Dwellings centrally lo StfwJ. cated. -' Also an elegant office adjoining vV mine, on Broad street, containing five rooms, the most desirablo business loca .' tion in tho city. Building lots and land ' v . I tor sale. E. W. CBwtNTEn, . i? ' leplS-lmJ Real Estate Agent. ; if-i "DOR 'SALE: A Fine Knabo PIANO, " same as New and in perfect order. ".' seplllm Mns. W. 8. Bi.ount. DWELLING HOUSE for Rout,, corner r Pollock and Hancock streets. 'I s r Apply to ' i 6tf W. H. ConiSK, at store. OLD PAPERS for sale in any quanti ties at tho Journal Office Good for ' rmatino- on walls and putting under i; v' carpets. " tf : tTISU. 8AORAMEHTAL. PORT and "ill 80UPPERNONG WINES for sale hf . Jab. Redmond. IOALVIK BOHAFFER'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RTE, put p expressly (or throat and lung dls .: .J mm, (or gale by . Jab. Redmond. DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY for Mediolnal use. for sale by v jenSfl J as. Redmond. HDNYADI Janoa Mineral Water, She best Natural aperient. .. .? . For sate bv Jaq. Redmond. V 0BE CORN "WHISKEY (or sale by X JAB KEDMOND. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for ale by Jab. Redmond. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN. Rurke'i Baas' Alo and Burke's Ouinness' Stout, (or sal by Jab. Redmond. AAA CIGARS at very low - I OyJyJXJ figures to wholesale and retail trad (or sale by Jab. Redmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY ad very much in the siok room. For sale by Jab Rbdmond. - ' I HIVES knew one who made it hie botiness to lash the faults of others that was not guilty of great ' er ones himself. Addison. TRUTH can hardly be expected to the crooked policy and wily sinuos ities of worldly affairs; for truth, Ilka light, travels in straight linen. Colton. LlFB is a harden, bat It is Im- - posed by Qod. What j on make of It, It will be to yon, whether a mill stone about your neck or a diadem npon your brow. Gail Hamilton. ' THE abandant mercies of God are like a never ceasing spring, . tending dal its sparkling waters to refresh tbe growing plants and make the birds sing sweet carols of Joy. ,B!!aa!B! TSEBB Is no surer sign of au un manjy.ahd oowardly spirit than t rague desire for help, a wish to depend, to lean npon . somebody ad enjoy the fruits of the indus try of others. J. T. Ilolland. ' 'Thb world Is a looking-glass, and gives back every man tbe reflection of his own face, Frown npon it, and , It will, ia tarn, look eourly npon yon; laogh at It udwith It, and It , ia a Jolly, kind companion. Thaok u . . ; ; f . i . : ' . . , . . ' G 000 thoughts are blessed gnasts, and . should be heartily . - welcomed, well r fed and . much aonght after. . Like rose leaves, they give out a sweet smell If laid t np la the jar of .memory. Spur- goon. " .VA living, loving .Obriatian Iroe of tongue, honest of . heart, pare of eondaot and yet lovable in dally life, Is the most unanswerable argument for Christianity. . lie is Indeed .no oommentary. Zion's Advocate. ' . Nbitur philosophy, nor pleas ure aaa avail anything in the ctamber of death! the taper ol the ens U too faint for so oppressive !oom, and the torch of the other burns sickly In so unwonted an at r !.irnl MfllHrill; : .' -". - ? following comes from . . an j i .mUuv.' 'Ia all my minis- y I Lave never known the bus ' nf y irldl mlhded 'churoh i converted. I had rather ', pnwn verted numbers of s H. thun two' fiiHhlouablo v ,,-",eu. Such women i . i ' .of their ' s ! t ' ' Iren. Tim grr at God keeps a school for his chil dren here ou earth; and one of his best tecichers is named Disappoint ment. He ia a rough teacher, severe in time and hnrh in his hiiudlings Rcunetimefl, bnt his tui tion is north all it costs. Many of oar best lessons through life have beon tanglit us by that aaino stern old school master, Disappointment, Uuyler Under the operation oi the Democratic revenue tarift'ol 181(3 in the ten years from 1850 to 1800, as tho 000808 stati.'itios prove, tlio in oreuso of wealth In the country was over 120 per cent., and the lucre aee in tho amount of capital invented in manufactures was 00 per cent, Tho golden (.j.tt 0 1U Kepnhliu was 1840 lo 1801. Thero lua been no other tunc comparable wit h that fifteen years for prosperity mil ad vancement. Philadelphia lieoord. V. NK W ADVEIl TTS KM F.N 'I Howard. F. Ulrich Klour and tohiicco. Nunu AMcSorlcy- --lonne'. Imv i un dies. Clear wcutlior toduy. Election of Y. M. c A cif!icrrn to morrow Ulgllt Yoij will hear one (it tho great vices of the day arguuientatively, dispassionately, and yet unsparingly dealt with, if you attend the Y. M. 0. A. devotional ser vices this afternoon. Halt-past live o'clock is the time. Rev. I. Cliestnntt will conduct the meeting. The Green Front Novelty Store winch moved Inst week from its former nuar tcrs to the building vacated by the Chirk Store has not hud a front corresponding with its name since tin- removal. Tins is no longer the case, however. The paint brush was moving lively yesterday and now the fresh green color is a .--.ire guide to any one seeking the store Extraordinary line Torth Carolinu apples from Western North Carolina are being Bold m the city by some of our ad vertisers. 'I hey are us large, lieautilul and well flavored as can be tound. With proper freight rates between the moun tains and the sea const the products of the two sections would be exchanged to much larger extent than is now the case. A tine Democratic meeting was held yesterday afternoon at Core Creek. Over a hundred voters present. The speaking commenced at 2 o clock and lusted until about 5. Sheriff W. 1!. Lane made the first address, Oen. C. A. liattle next, and then Mr. J. W. Diddle snoke. Mj. Iloss Richardson, ot Cove, also made a few re marks. It was one ot the best meetings yet held. Tlio Democrats of Cove arc in dead earnest and very enthusiastic. Mt. Calvary Temple Hunday-uchonl t) m. Mass meeting at 4:30 p. m. Every body invited who wishos to do good and get good. Several voluntary contribu tions have licen made to it the past week and others aro needed to put windows in it and make it comfortable for the com ing cold weather. Any one having win dow sash with glass in them will do a charitable act to notify Rev, J. F. Butt of it by mail or otherwise and he w ili have them put in to give light. It tultcs but little to excite and alarm some people. An illustration ot the truth if this was the scare felt by some when the schooner V. P. Ilawlcy nrnvod hero Trom Baltimore with a cargo of powder for Mr. C. 8. Ilolhster, and ou account of tlio explosive nature of her cargo stopped a little down the river off Union Point with a red flag flying before approaching tho wharf at which she would discharge tho powder. Not know ing that it took a yellow flag to betoken disease, and that a red one simply meant dancer, some who saw 'the schooner thought a peat shio had strayed into North Carolina waters and come up to the city for help And were accordingly frightened almost into a stato of panic until they were iuformed what was the cause of the flogs being up. The citizens of Biverdale are building a school-house near tho... station. The one formerly used at Thurman is so far away a to be inconvenient, and those in charge of the school work agreed to let the people at- Hiverdale have their pro rata share of tho sehool fund if they would furnish a lot 'and erect a suitable building. ' This they are ' endeavoring to do- Mr,; H, C. Wood donated the lot and the work is progressing fairly, but about loo t needed to complete .tue building In addition to what tho people immediately interested succeeded In rait ing among themselves. Accordingly Rov Mr. Ilines of-Riverdale Wat soliciting l contribution! from our citizens yesterday to help forward the, work. . Tho appeal deserves ft ready response. . The effort for better educational facilities is a worthy one that merits encouragement. ' - ' Y. M, C. A. Annual Mooting. An adioumci) meeting of the Y. M. CV A. will be held Monday night, Oct. M, at ei'dit o'clock, for tho election of officers m I (1 'tnre for thfl ensuing yi-ar. A Coming and Going. Mrs. I. L. ChestmUt left yesterday to visit relatives in Wilson and Greene county. Mrs. J A. Richardson and Miss Maud Amyettc returned last night from a visit to Mrs. J. M. Manning of Durham. Mihs Glcnnie Moody returned last night from spending the summer at Seven Springs. . Mr. l W. Hancock arrived to spend a 'bort time iu the city with relatives. Keys Placed. Thero are m all fifty keys to yie fire alarm boxes. A portion of theso have been distributed. Whorevcr a key is at a business place that has a watchman, the key will be in the place of business during the day and m tho possession of the watchman at night. The keys placed thus iar ure located as follows : Box No. 15 E. II. & J. A. Meadows and watchman. No. 25 E. K. Bryan, J. B. Clark & Co and watchman, and Dr. Geo. Slover. No. 20 J. Blake, M. W. Anderson, ( ongdon & Co, and watchman, Stimsnn Lumber Co, and watchman, and L. A hnnth audit. Davis, engineers of ice fac tory. No. 34-J. W. Stewart. iNo. 47 David Best, sexton, col., David Williams, col. No. 4H-U J Tavlor, D. H. Stalling and M. 1'. Holly, col. No, 5,1 John Johnson & Son, col. No. 54 N. Towers, col., J. H. Hack burn, James Boyle. No. 55 Moody ite Co. and watchman, ami Hellen Hough. No. 5(i - -Lucas it Lewis, V. S. Duffy's drug store. ( lnirch Services. Presbyterian Church 0. O. Vardcll, pastor. Services 11 a. in., and 7:80 p. 111. Sundav-school 3:30 p. m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at the morning service. The public are cordiallv invited to attend these services. Contemn y M. h. Church Rot. R. A. Wnlis. pastor, Merviccs at, 11 a. m., and 7:30 p in., conducted by the pastor. Young men c, prayer meeting at 9:15 a. 111. ;-inday school at 8 p. m., J. K. Willis: hup t. Prayer meeting on Tliurs dav nurht at 7:80 o'clock. The public are cordially invited to attend these services. Hap; is-, church --Rev. Rutus Pord, past'ir. Services at 11 a. m., and 7:80 p. 111., conducted ty the pastor, bunday school 4 p. in.. J. H.Holland, Sup't. Church ot Christ Hancock St., I. L. Cnestuutt. jiastoi . Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. 111. bunday-school at 3 p.m., E. E. Harper, Superintendent. Weekly prayer meeting every Thursday night at H p. m All are cordially invited to attend. bunday service Hancock Street Metho dist church, l'ravcr meeting 0:30 a. m., Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7 1-2 p. m. by pastor, Rev, Jno P. Butt. Sunday school 3 p. ui. , M. C. A. bervice at the hall on Craven street this aftornoon at 5;80 o'clock, conducted by Rev. I. L. Chcst- nutt. Subject. "Drunkenness." All men and boys are cordially invited to attend. COME ! (For the Journal.) THE POWER OF MUSIC. M. It. SCOTT. I sat enraptured for my soul entranced hy music s spell, Had sought responses from the depths of 1 memory s sacrea cell; And thero tnr busied in the past were visions ot my youth, When hope and joy went) hand in hand, and love was born ot truth, And fairy scenes, and fragrant flowers, iiortcckcu my onward way, As pleasantly my young life passed, in urcnms trom day to flay, And many a sunny spot on earth by me remembered well. Caniu brightly up before my view aoruc treasured bliss to tell. The harmony of sound had stirred inten sity of thought, Prevailing o'or all other powers by music s passion iraugnt, And that soft music soothed my soul like minstrelsy of Heaven, As o'er each harpstring sound tho joy of suitui deeds forgiven. Again those deep-toned chords awoke strange sympathy ot soul. And tears of molancholy sort I scarcely could control, My spirit seemed to wend its way toward wncre tne saintou dwell But paused to bid a long adieu to scenes it loved tun well, Then upward as on angefwings, I reach ed tho pearly gate. And listened to tho songs of those who at the portals wait, Methought the heajrenly choirs had . tuned their harps to sweetest song, And wooed me with their dulcet notes w ioia the happy throne All outward sense was merged in that -wniou arans sweoi meioay ; Ands, my, rapt spirit' seemed to join leaven's som of fubiloe.. But from that vision..! awoke to view the scene aroundi V ; , , . Where faces .fair were wreathed with v ,l smiles, while. I had been spell- - uounu. - -liog.'stratlon . Book Open, ;, The- foltowiug' are the registrars and places for registration in tbe oity of New Berne: - . First yard: J, E. Qaakill registrar, at S. R. Buret's office. South Front Street , ; Second ward: J. K. Willis registrar, at his,, ofllcfr corner Craven , nd Broad 4wefteg v-r-v .-r'f-.v Third ward: S. W. Willis registrar, at bis store on Middle street. ?,:.-,, -it , ; Fourth ward: ' II. R. Hooker registrar. at his storo near depot. ' Fifth ward: McCarthy's precinct, T. T. McCarthy, registrar, , at his store corner Pollock and Queen streets. ; 1 Filth ward: St. Phillip's precinct, Wm. FT. MurHlml registrar, at his houso corner " ami I -:-w atntilH. Proof Positive of tho Charges Against this Man Weaver whom some have Exalted - BLACK AS MIDNIGHT! WEAVER'S SHAMELESS ROKBEK- IES ANI ILL-TREATMENT OP OLD HEN AND WOMEN Sworn Statements of Good Men Prove the Truth of the Allegations -Wearer Docs Aot and Can not Deny Them. The above is a fac simile of an order for $350 issued by Ocu. J. IS. Weaver, People's party candidate for President, when he was in authority at conquered Pulaski during the war, Similar orders wero served upon John H. Newbill, Robert Rhodes, and others. Weaver said the money was for the maintainancc of refugees (meaning negroes and ren egades from Alabama. He accompanied the order by threats that if the money was not paid they and their families would be sent further South and their property given to said negroes and refugees. What Southern man has groveling spirit enough to voto for such a heart less wretch. Weaver heard of sonio cotton twist which a poor farmer had stowed in the loft of his little home, saving, think ing it would help in buying him a home after the war closed. Weaver sent a de tachment of soldiers to the house, took Dearest Flora. Dearest Flora, where is that sunny smile That used to greet me whene'er I came, And make me sweetly happy all the while As I breathed so gently thine own dear name. Tbe toils and cares of life were then so light That they seemed to pass as gently by As the cool aephyrs on a summer night That played and sported with the t rustling rye, But now thy look is feelitiglcss and cold, As if we'd only met one week ago ; Tell me, dearest, as your hand I hold, Why it is you treat me so. Dear Ueorwe Since it is your wish, I'll tell you the reason why I do not smilingly greet you when you come, As I did in tbe happy days gone by When you were noble, generous and full of fun. You now are selfish and study, your own good, Regardless of the importunate and poor, Who are toiling and working for a live lihood To keep from begging their bread from . door to door. Now if you would win my hand, regain my emtio . , By going to Big Dee's for all your un . derwear, , v Tor to these honest poor he gives work . all the while Jo his new pants factory to help their humble fare, "To err is1 human." Pom. That is very true," and you cannot 1 err t more surely in any thing than in buying what you need, therefore call on a dealer in whom you can relyr We try to get good goods only, and giro them to you at tho right price.. Do you need iny, White Shirts. ; We have some, : -reinforced i front y and bock,! good strong muslinj at only 50 cents. Komombor our lino of sample Eoodu." Try us for what you r." .). J. M. 1IOWAIID. over them to the Highest and Most Kesponsible Position Within the Gift of the People. 7 4- 1 j .'. 6 SJ7 possession ot the twist, which at that time was worth $2,000, and shipped it to Iowa for his own use. Weaver in person stole 25 fat bogs from John P. Williams, 11 poor but high ly esteemed farmer in Giles county, Tenn. He had his soldiers to shoot every bog ou the place and bring them to camp. The hogs were worth then $750. lie nl-o had the turkeys which belonged to Mrs. Williams taken to heaibiiarter. for his own special use. He also took possession ol horses be longing as he called them lo "rebel sympathizers." In some cases he returned the horses but charged the owners from one to live hundred dollars for doing so and put the money into bis own pocket. He also charged citizens for passes to go into or out of the Federal lines and put the money into his own pocket. IlOIiniN(l AND IMrillSONINU 1'liOMINKNT CITIIUNS. Weaver had a number of law abiding citixens arrested and put in jail and then charged them from one hundred to live hundred dollars lor releasing thein. Several of the gentlemen who were put in jail and paid the money are still living, among them is Dr. J. ('. RoIntIs, one of the most highly respected citizens in Pulaski. The following are a lew of the gentle men in Giles county, from whom Weaver coerced money at the point of the bayo Mom 'FINS CANDIES. IN SEALED PACKAGES AT riUFIII & LlcSORLEY'S 1 200 Barrels Flour AND 500 Boxes Tobacco At Bock Bottom Prices. FOR UALii BY IT. IHLrioIx, WHOLES ALB GEOOKB, ktiDDIJI 8TU1IT, V ' : ' "I, BMMLM. 0 . Fresh Stack of Lowney'ir Fine Chocelats and Bon Bona, Stephen Whitman Bon's Fine Phila delphia Made Candies, Fruits, etc., etc, received wocKiy oy . Earn. B. Taters. ' 10 liu . New Ucrnc, N. 0. ASK FOR ry y? net. They w.-n-highly ivspi-rli d ci- all I hv biding and I Thomas Martin :f:."itl.lM I KKi.no j !' :'5i).0il Dr. Win. Katie Charles Abmialln Robert Dickcrson .1. II. Newbill .1. W. Morris David Reynold-, I!. Alu rn.'itliy Cleules I!. DaK 250.01) KKI.OO 100. till 250.01) 200.00 200.00 Total, $1,701). 00 This 1110IM) :i:- taken Jan. 20, ISlil. The aboye parties were old im-n, stay ing at home and interfering with no one. Seyeral of them had borne their muskets mid t hrou followed the h the Creek, VI They are all de sluis ri.la d ovi and stripes mil Mrvican i it lr. Win. .-Hid inbtaii ars. llattle, tiate:; tl J. I' who is in Iim atioye. Abernall mi nl ( 'harles ( '. 'liginal reerijits bis father for the The file-simile Abernathy, lias the which Weaver gave to $250 taken front bini. copy we give this niornin lioin tin in. Resides the extortion ed Weaver had John P ilready mention Williams an old Mexican soldier, arrested il in ipn- ined until he paid him $500. David K. Co was anv li-d and im prisoned until his friends paid $500 for his release. 1). T. Harrison an old citizen of Pulas ki swears that a Mr. I.anier, of Nashville' bad given him (Harrison) $1,035 with Have Just Received ,00 frrali corned I'ortmiioiitli Mullein, Valley Farm Tig lVrk, Fulton Market Coined I'.rrl, S. ('. I lain, Breakfast llneon hm. I Similiter-, Maceuroni, Full Cream Clicesr, New Uuckwheat, Clilifornia Iliiisinn, only lite, per 11. AND TIIK Finest Butter, Only 30c. per pound. One trial will convince you that it is an line ns uny in the city. Just Iry our 30c. Roasted Coffee, It is excellent. f if (joodn delivered to any part of the city Iree. Very respectfully, Churchill & Parker, 8 26 fini Broad Street, Now Berne. Horse Shoeing. We have a First-Olass Homo Shoer from tho Western Section of Virginia. We do all kinda of Fancy Shoeing, Bteel plating, etc, A Hatisl action guaranteed. Give uu a trial. II. WINFIELD & 80N, 9 7 lm Carriago Builder. Valuable Lot For Sale! The vacant Lot, on New street, ad joining W. M. Wataon. Terms cash. Apply to 9 88 tf O. C. CLARK. D. D. D. Is the beat Flour (or the money, Try It and boooavlnced. t "' " Another ear of New just incoived from tho Mill. . , R. JOSKB, ; Ulf ' .. Raw Berne, N. a' Southern Men would ( n hi, l to buy some eotlou and tliatfj S as Weaver found it out, be bad Har uirest.il and took $1135 of the y .un! thru added falsehood to rob bery by reporting to Lanier that Harri son had made way with the money. Mr, Harrison sas that of all the men he ever knew Weaver was the worst that he seemed to lisle a perfect hatred for Southern people and took a delight in abusing, priM enting and robbing them and Unit, he had no respect for old dc feneehs men, woineii or children. Weaver was not only a terror to the male portion of the population but he waB loathed and despised by the women and children for his brutal conduct. The Third party campaigners are le ginning to realize what a load they have to carry in Weaver. They can't get away from the facts. All they can do is to keep mum as mice ou that Bubject. The public is arrising at a t rue estimate of the Third party candidate for President. What Southern man is so lost to self respect that, hr is willing to vote lor a man for any office, who called Southern ers "a rank traitorous horde and who said a Southern rebel stank in his nos trils worse tliiui a pole-cat," who express ed a desire to furnish rope to hang every d m one of them, and who has lately said that he had nothing to take back. Or, what man is there North or South, w hite or black, Democrat or Republican or Third Partyitn who hag so little re gard for decency as to cast a ballot for a know n horse thief, bog thief and chicken thii l. When such a man is found let him go otf into the darkness of some desolate region ami bang bis head for very shame. t Dwelling For Rent The Dwelling House at comer of East Front and South Front street, where Mrs, 1'atterson lived, will le rented by tin: month until Jan. 1, 1H93. CHAH. V. tXARK, '.i2.'f Agent. IIAVli YOU A LEAKY ROOF If so, the iiuickeat and best way t remedy it is hy going to ' Disosway & Churchill, Am! f'fct some of their - Ready Roofing Pap'6r.7 The cheapest roof on earth. ' t ' , , The easiest applied and every roll t guaranteed perfect. r '; Get their prices before purchasing else- where. -iv; Ono door below City Hall. 23 tf Attention! Ginnsrs. HWE ARE AGENTS FOR THE " WIN1HIP M Improved Cotton Gin, WE CARRY IN STOCK.',- Gin Saw Files, ' -a- Belting, Oils, .' rr ;( Laos Leather,;;!' Belt Hoftki,.'. '",' Pnllers, Jta. Call on us when needing. Qia Supplies oianyainu. . - I One door below City Hall, ... Hpeclai KoUe. ; . , We heg to notify oar patroua and the public generally tliat having purchawl the good-will and fixtures of, "John lirowu, tho Barber1 we , hope by polite and strict attention to businese (iui "Prluce of WaW airs) to merit a oon tinuance of the patronage so generously bestowed upon our former employer. . Mcspeciraiiy, , H, L. BxxrA, Proprietor. r

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