it- r for. Infante and Children. r- t. i 5i i 1 Caatoxla is bo veil adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to sny prescription ' r known to mo." H. A. Anomta, M. D., i. . V S Ml So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tbo iuebf 'Castorla Is so univorsal and Its merits so, well known that It seems a work " of supererogation to endorse It. Few are tho ,;" Intelligent families who do not koep Castorla itbln easjr reach." ' - Cakuk ILiaTYW, D, D., , ,' .. New York City. Tmt Centaur 1U&P0LK, XEWBERU .& WASHIHGTOI DIRECT LINE. Tri?Weekiy Trips. ia make mere convenient and ' woo nominal use of the vessels now employed ' ' in ilia North Carolina servloe, and thus to 'ttttttltmtki Interests of Shippers, the Clye Mne and Ola Dominion Hteam v ' t aula Company have concluded to merge s , - their nepeetlve lines between Newbern. N. . I " ' " O.. and Norfolk. Va.. Into one line, thus glv ininaafengeraandtrnokahlppersMiieowii . . - eMBVHk between end r-otfolk la. Washlugloa. r - , IP' " HO ADYAKCE IN KATES. ' A m Mid alter THURSDAY. ADO. 2Sth, 18"2. -antll farther aollee. the ' SUtair 1EWBBRIE, Cipt Southgate. " . - -lUuur' BEFUSCE, Ctpt. Burgess, -; .'IUiifl ALBEMARLE, Cap1.. Modes. " . . , , from Norfolk, Va., for New Berne . diraai. every Monday, ThurxUy. and ' i - JuLuTrd.y. making connect ou with . u. . . IT. tnUe and North Carolina Kallroad, Jf '' -Vi4 tua watM Unea on Keuae and Trent ' "IStnrnlng.wul sail rBOM NKWBKRN for t'rt OllKOLK.Va.. via Roanoke laland iwharf. - 5 mn Taesday, Thoray and Batnrday at " WlK iaWng ionneetloB at Norfolk with . ' ' r . nVMItorXui, 'or Baltimore, 1'ha Clyde ' - l4lladllpbla. The Old dominion - iV ' n fnr New York. TUB Mor- , laata- and Miners' Line f .r Provldenoe and I IvZu.MdTha Water Unes for Wosnlng- - toa.i).b..and Blohmond, Va., thus giving ' '-o all water route to all ortheru ' ia?nneotlon,'made with the O. A O. ' t l IL iTinnaN.AW. R K for the West. , . rasiengen will And a goad table, com fort- able rooms, and ererv eonrtesy and atwn- ' , r "Soiwul Tr5 paid them by the ofll;era ; J order all goods, oare of N. N. A W. Dlreot - j Una.MortoIk.Va. a o, id: Eastern Carolina Dispatch. raat faesenger and rreight Line between isru'W DQun-isrsa. Mstern North Carolina Points, and all eon neetloss of the PKMNIVLVARIA RAItBOAU. . - iaOLUDIHO Mew Vark, Phllad.lplila, Norfolk, K.I Urkere aad Bastoa. 'the OHVY Trt-Weeklr Line Out of k.w Bene. 1'QM NBVT AND KLKOANTLY EQUirPKU BTKAMKB . " 3XTo"Ujso w " ,lk - 8alls from Hew Berne 'HON0AYS, . WKDIIKSDAYt,: FBI DA VS. LV 4.8 O X".3V1 BBtna at Reaoece laland aaen way nod 4 formlnc close eonneellon with the Norfolk Bonthern Railroad. ' fh Eastern Dispatch Line, eonsl sting or tn Wilmington n, . Oo.. Norfolk (aithern k st. B NewYork. Ihlla. and Morfoiir H. R.. . aad Pennsylvania H. K., form a reliable and lagnlar Una, offering anperlor faoUltlea for dolek passenger and freight transportation. toanUer exoept at Bllsabeth City, at - whleh point freight will be loaded on oars to . '! ga Uirough to destination, ' Dlreot all goods to be shipped vlelKastern 1 ' Oarollea DUpatn dally aa follows: Krom New York, by Panna. R. B.,Pler7, I"" North River. , ;, From Philadelphia, by FhUa., W..and Balto. fiaBltlmors by Jhll WU.nd Btvlto H. Us. rrMialUB.. BMbuaD. Wm Norfolk, bv Norfolk Bonthern R. R. .' Prom BostonTby Merehanta A Miners Trans- portauoa Uo.; Mew York and New Kngland " . SVriates as lowland tuna ouloker than?y " ay other Una. . . - For further information apply to , W. H. Joroa (Oen'l Freight Train Agent, P. R.R.)Q.nialTrarne Agjnt. - tOao,'BTnrHM, IrlTi.lon Vrelght Agent, P. W.AB.B, R., Philadelphia. '. . B. Oookb, Oen'l Freight Agent., H. Y. r. ei i.sw sfc.r.oriui , . JL O, HoDoms. Oeaaral Frslght;AgeBt N.JB' M. . Norfolk. Va. " VHJtBDKB80!, Agent. 'obacco! iibaccb! 'AT 8c. up to i3& for GrnTclcy;','."; , : A Wo We tho Celebrated ,' y (nitawidrteedHaiiis. ''P- We have Tult Lino of : (Look out for Aug. . P, C:rru3l6 Co. cf Hiddle street n 1 ..... wr -1 ID Castorla euros Colic, Constipation, Sour Btomaclt, rrtan-liooa, Eructation, Kills Worms; gives sleep, and prenn gestlon, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have r.-onmiwiv't.d your 'Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so an it ban invariably produced resultit." KlTO 1-". 1rui;, 51. I , iii-ll Street nd 7th Ave., NV-i' Y'ii Cm ) . Coota hv, 77 Mukav Ethei"-, Su.w Vi.. Otv. JOE K. WILLIS, pROPa;ETCf; of NEW BERNE, M c, ill Italian and Anrmn ile.rbk am! QuaKlto (if Materia!. Orders solicited unci ,.i1en j'i.vMii a! tout i oil, with satisfaction irnr.i antri d. Terra Cultii I .i;. i . ,v or furnished at tho very !.iwt rn'v. ETERIMARYSrECiriCS Per liens:, CtttL T. ;-:( LUli roULTIU , it il ( iKri St .a A. A. Siiiniil Itltniiiirlti, .Villi lrv; i B. Il.HiratiiH, Lniiif'iteiH, H lieuuibUf a t .(:. Ii-tojctifi-, Nr(Niil litHf.turtff 'j. K.K. ou2hr. IliMiviH, K.F. Colic or .i liftlyiirhr. liU. EVliKcnri-lHeft. Ilmorrhnnfr.. i.H. Urinary uiui Kidney iiU-ni i.l.Kriipilvn OlMMinesg .llanuv. .K. IiearH of IMtji-rttioii, Parnly Slnglu DotUo (0 vet 50 doses). - -j, ( htaMo Vnnct Jih fipoclflt. t.tni!.ilt utoriuury v'uru Oil ami M. dlouUir, . tiit tar Veterinary Curv iH, - . l.Qii Mi by Imr1('! frpp-vM jyi-h.-rv .in 1 lr any jQdiiUlj db rmlit )l prlr. limriiKKVHUKn, (u,iiinir;;;:a-.i si., x -rk. EOKEOPATIUC fl SPECiFIG Noli In usa 3Q train. ThA dtiIv iirrns;tnt rr-n.ftv for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, nd Froitration, from over-work or otb-r caufiea. fl pur viiil, of 6 vials and lrfo vial jwJui. fur ifi, Snlrl iy Di rtcUin, ur aunt i'1!' i-' i-'l't t pnvc UUirUKlCTtl aUD- CO., Ill Mli'-i niiliun M, Kt-w krks GEO. HENDERSON, (Suocessor to IViberts A Ilcnderscn), General Insurance Afrent Representing Insurance Conmanv n' North imerlca, of Hblladelphla. uome jnsnranee company, or ren York, Queen Insurnpoe Company of Knul.'ind. Hartford Fire lnsnranoe Coiubnnv. of Hartford. North Carolina Home iDsuranoe Ccmnanv 91 luueiga. ureenwitcu insurance Company, or New York. Pbenlx lnsnranoe Company, of Brooklyn, United Underwriters Insurance Gomoany. of Atlanta, Boston Marine lnsnranoe company, ai tloslon. lulr'idwtf .. K? In J.. '.VV If YOU WANT TO &A.y V FIFTY-DOLLARS ' la the purohaso of a riANO, and from; Ten to Fifteen Dollars . la the porohaas of an ORGAN, address AD0LPH C0HK, t HEW BERNE. . O.J -t 1 -. r- . . . "'i 'N -J..' General Agent for North Carolina, who nam handling good dlrvot iron Ui nana faetorers, as followa . , . '..- , '. II inn ORADB MtKMMIf HANO. dlitlnsnmlied for tone, workmsiwhlp and durability, and endorsed by noarly all the mnsloal Journals In the United Htutee, Made ul Ii. Mtmi nen t aiehlln, who Is at this tliueone of the tnat mechanic. enu inventors oi meuey. Thirteen new patents on this high-grade alehlln Piano. Al.o IhtrN ill WBT ii TI UPBIOTIT PIANO, which has been sold by him for the nasi six roars In tho eastern part of this Htale, and np to this time has given entire saltkfiMlloa The Uprlnht I'lanojuet men. turned will be sold at from .W to i.l 0, In kjmnlsed Koeewood, Oak Walunt or ata liotiany e"S. t ' Al.o, the let) HAM PARLOR and CKAPKk, ORUAM The NKWntS WnOTIIFIt PA T v riuOtfs.Ilt.k.tkOi;iHVliI.ATlNO OHl.A.V. ........ Tn vmm' pTprrience In the mnain bn.l- r- , I en nil 1 ml htm to Imnil I Pol li ley to it .,1 v and h does loit .- . .1 10 , - u i . 1 . 11 any noi.' inui 1 t 'RIM HUMPHREYS THE JOURNAL. A FEV LINES. frAT D. BEE. .' . t tc!onr t: the Farmer Alliance, and I in u member eood and true; . I live up to its teucliincrs and keep the oUIijiattons, too. . Ami 1 urn u gjod Democrat, like I al ways uhcU to uc. . And where the Third Putty coures in I enn't exactly see. . I 1 licar 'em argue they are tired oflaW yers and doctors, you Jcnow; . 1 ''L Antl they thought the poor old farmer iri politics ought to hare a show, r liut if you will watch tho ticket from Governor clean on through, ; You will find the farmers on it, very, very few ! Then they put up Dr. Exuin a n well known to us all- He has nothing W recommend him, but an extra amount of call I Now lie is quite a big farmer, and has - some nowertul steers. Hvt he won't be our next Governor; he'll have to wait some years. Ami then there's Mari-ann Butler, and "So-so Wilson, too; They stand around and boss the job and tells 'em what to do. And likewise BillyBarncs, the "Special Informer" man; lie fills his) paperull of lies und helps 'em all he can. tiie rankest kind of prejudice, and ideas vaguo and new, dratr clown honest people and prin ciples old and true. And nowj look at the small fry, the pig mies in the band, disgruntled politicians of this (air Southern land. others I'll not mention for they arc only tools; v'll wake up in November, to find "that they were fools '.id their names and fortunes, to a d;rtv Nepnlilican quirk I Teak the solid South, hut they'll it ii wouldn't work. n minute; I thought 1 , begad I for I have left or it is a most terrible I'm going (o mention, And now tlii.t '! know the ticket, and know the leaders, too, ! .hall stick toUemocracy and vote as I ui.'d to do. riinuloms. I lie lioj,,', of eure held out ill the ad vetiwmcnts of nunibeiless remedies are mere phantoms, w ithout the slightest shadow of reality about them. On the other h ind, no statement has ever beeu made in behalf of Ilostctter's Stomach Hitter that is not susceptible of ample substnntii.tioii. Care has ever been taken in laying its claims before the public to eir uiiisi iibe those claims with the bounds of truth. Allegation!? outside of these form no blot on the record of this ster ling, time honeied remedy, proven by the must ruspi ctable evidence to be a remedy for and preventive, of malarial disease, rheumatism, kidney trouble, chronic in digestion and biliousness. It is an in effably fino tonic, promotes convalescence and mitigates tho infirmities of age. l nkeu ijelore rctirinir at nicht it is a promoter of sic. Tho way to work ih to be little. do a great continually deal of doing a LEM0N CLIXLB. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For Billiousness, Constipation and Malaria. For ludhrestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeiilessness. Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Diseases' take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or- frame reculation. tako Lemon Elixir. Tic Mnolev's trnnn Elixir ia nreDarcd from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, ana will not tail vou in any of tho above named diseases. 60c. and $1, bottle at druairists. Prepared onry by ui. a. moziey. At lanta. Oa. A Banker Writeb: From experience in my family, Dr, II. Mozlcv's Lemon Eliairbai few, if any equals, and no superiors in medicine, for the reculation ol tuo liver, siomacu anu bowels. W. II. Mao5W.s, Preac Natl Bank McMinnville, Tcnn A Card. For nervous and sick headaches, indi gestion, biliousness, and constipation (01 whlcu 1 navo Dcen a great suuerer; hnvo never found a medicine that would (jive such pleasant, prompt and perma nent relet an irr. .a. flioiicv Jeniuu Elixir. J. V. Bawtbix, Qrifflrr, O. Publisher Dally CalJi. ; ; -i It ia acainst tba law in Florida for any one to sell to, boy. for or give cigarette! to any person, under eighteen jear oi age. .. . ; - : ,v- , - - . . ,. . .1 .'A.Z. Shiloh'i Congnmptloa Care. - This to beyond quMttost lh. most uooeeaf ul Cough Hedtola '. wa . fcar vet gold, a tew dotes invariably curs the worst oases of Congl,Oroup and Bronohitia, while its wonderful suooeee In the cure or consnmpuoa u witnons a narallal In the histOTT Of medlolne. Since its first discovery U ass been sold on a guarantee, a tertWhlokU.M otber medicine can - ttnndL ; j bar eough we enrnsitly nek yoa, tpi try it Price 10o., 50o, and H. ;lf your lungs are sore, cneat, or oaca: sarrw, was our hoU'g Porous PUator by New 1 r,1 Bern Drug Co TTd to Jane 1200" miles bt rail' road-bad been, built thia . jar. ; j v.- ' -" "Some Feellab People f Allow a congU to ran until It gets beyond the reach of medlolne. They often say, !'Oh,It Will wear away, N , but In most eases It wears thorn away. - Could they be Induced to try tho eucowxaftil medicine callod Kemp's Balsam,, which- Is sold 0 a positive guarantee to euro, they wool immediately see the exnoUont ellcotafte taking tho first tloRa." ' t'rleo GOe. and II Trial sizo fmo. . At all ri. -iRts. 11.'- ', d o.j v v , 1 It ( 17 G. L HARDISON, Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of and Dealer in FIRST-CLASS BRICK. 300,000 now roady for the market. Will Bell as cheap as any other man. j,'J(itf Foreclosure Sale. Btate of North Carolina, on relation of tho Clerk of Uie Hnperlor Court of Craven County, va. George Williams. By virtue of a Judgment of tho Hnperlor Courtof Craven oouuty, made atiKall term, 18111, of said court In the ueove entitled ac tion, the undersigned Commissioner, duly appointed In end by BBld Judgment, will .m MONDAY, the 28th day of November, 1892, (being the llrst day ol KhII Term ol Craveu Bupeilor Court), itt 12 o'clock, sell at the Court House door In the city of New llorii, N.O., for Cash, the land described In the oomplalut in said action, and ordered to be sold a aforesaid, and which Is siluatod In No. Two Township of Ciaven county, ad joining the lands of Noah Fulcher, ThomaB Btapleiord. and others, bounded and nu sorlbed as follows to wit : Beginning at a light wood in i lie on the main road (known ns the l'urify rosd), thenoe lu as'JUlueaatern direction to a new made slake on the boundary line ol a trau.. of 69 aores bought bp Alex. Moses aud George Williams of Noah Fulcher and Mary A. Fulcher, his wire, by deed hearing dale December iltb, 1881. Also, deed from Alex. MrseB. and wife Penny Moses, to Ueorge Williams, contain ing 29 aores more or Usa, together with Im provements therein. W M. WATBON. C.H.I'.. 8 22 td CommlsBloi er. MRS. J. M. HINES' Boarding House Reopened. Mrs. .1. M. 11INER has reoiieni d a First-Class Hoarding llnuso in lie' city oppoBito Baptist Churah. HE P13E3R DAVIS SEWH1G MiCHISL can be had at tho same place J. M, HINES, Agent. seplC dw 0. Marks' Hto o. OLINTOlSr MILITARY INSTITUTE CLINTON, N. C. Fall Scssiou bepins TEMBEK MONDAY, 5, 18113. si;r- All toachors havo had collegiate train- inff, proparea especially lor uiiveinng. froparatory uourso a specialty. A spocial course la Book keeping, Com mercial Law. Commercial Arithmetic, Penmanship, Telegraphy, rrtcinisrapliy and Typewriting. YOOAL MUSIC ind CALISTHENICS FREE. No additional cost for Classics. Board, Woshine, Lights, Tuitiou, etc., tfS.OO oer Ave months. UnUorrrm will cost siu.uu,, 2.75 and iU 50. Tuition tor IJay l'nnns win iiosi.w, 82 00. $3.00 and 1.00 por mouth. Kor further uarticuiars nuurosi me Prlnolpal. W. K. BsvlNlNHiK, Clinton, N. C. HUKIPHREYS,i ThS -Prkcious Ointment is tbo triumph of Scientific Medicine, f ' - Nothing has ever been produced to equal' or comparo with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisiaction. For Tiles External or Internal, Blind or Weeding : Fistula in Alio : Itchine or Bleedinir of tho Rectum. The relief is unmcdiate tho cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL '' For Burnt. Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. .- The relief it instant the healing wonderhil and nnequaied. - For Boils. Hot Tumors. Ulcers. Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is IrUaUible. ' For Indimed or Caked Breasts and Sore Minnie. It is invaluable. ' O . Price, 50 Centt." ; . , Trial site, Cent. 1 ' aria t BratrMa, awl t-r tmift i rjmsiirsia.ea.,iuaiiiwiateak,w rou THE PILE OINTMENT b warranted the' Best ia the - World I Is more Waterproof. $ V Is Stronopr, and ' ' . .will Wfah LoNnr.i 4i,in inv other giiod miniitachired.- A k f.-r th. "PISH liWANii-," take no other. 1 1 Gil Clothing t ' 'It B'!')m S ! :v-itl. Blllm.iie, limply a WALK OVER - getting trado on OLD VIRGINIA -""lit aJKJlH" - " CHEROOTS Their fire in never A hundred thousand out. lov- t:rs are en lopvt? 1) sniikc. their 4 t5eautittill- ni.ble iroiu fr k clioice combination of stock, and only T K N CENTS for ITVE. GEM reezers, Mason' si Fruit Jars, Porcelain Lined Kettles Glacier. Refrigerators, Water Coolers aud Fly Traps, FOR HA 11 V Smallwood & Slover, M1DDLK STREET. A SURVIVOR OF THE WAR 1855-1692. mruTS HuCrl I O liberal term will he given to sell oar new book. Life and Works of SPURGEON. Tii.wnrM greatest preacher Is dead. and hundreds of thousands of christian families as well as Clergymen, mine reauer., .in dents, waiting for an opportunity to pur .h.u thi. hAnk. tJe want aconta to sell hi. hunk rlnht now. while the Interrsl Is greatest, don't wnll, today send AT ON.K Isoenta in stamps, rnraireni ;uinpir!i.Tiio vesalng onttlt and be the llrstlo eanaas your neighborhood, TKltMH LIBERAL, ACT QUICR. FOKSIIEE & McMAKEN, Cinclniiatl, 0. CON It has perrnanenUy enroii thousands f oaaoa nronounoeil liv doctors hope- of less. m. If you havopromoniUrry aymp. . -..7.1. AM f ....,.li . lUinniilfv Of soma. .UUH W. v.f.i", . . . Uroathln PISO'8 1 nor. e. don't llay, nut nao PISO'8 CUHB ol CH)NHUM1TU)N immediately. rty JDruggiuts. xoconi R. N. DUFFY, Oor. Middle & Pollock Sts., Second door, first door dw right of Entrano) np sulrwy on Pollock Btreet. ... v . '' Prfinaratlfttl tn - r . '. . . "S Sal m I Mi JwmmymK k ,n 9 W' Ijj 8 I latlH M Iff Lil . -M m I Mali '.nflOf- I v' '. -. -' . I moaeiiea. xiuiy vqaippea rrsparaiorr. BpeCl&l IlCdlCillOS aUttlOotlegUU and Poet Oredate Dapert : ., . v, - i ,4-, ,. -.,: manM besides flrst-olaae schools ia -Hi 1 '. i rv. '.-, 'r--'; I j, ; TfTT'"r'v"! ""1 ATtlftlrSi. ""Uu . Junel9 U y ELQfl COLLEGE, LOCATED ON N. C. R. R. Elegant new buildings. Large and in creasing patronage BjtU hexes. Facul ty of twelve members. Curriculum equal of Mule Colleiros, Academic Department, Music, Art, Commercial. Morals of Students Unsurpassed. Opons Snplombi r h.t, Itt'J'!, For fiTrtlmr inf.i in.iliou or cntitlugiio Apply to Hr.v. W. S. I.O'(l, A.M.. I) l. riesitlont . lylfi dwlf Elon t.:!log-, N. e. Si Gary's School, RALEIGH, N- C. Tl' A.tver,! To i mi i f l ho l-'ilt Am.nal Si'swiiin will ('ttnili Hi-.v. Ii. SMKUKS, A.M., Ts ton High School Will Begin on the First Monday in Sept., in tho New High School Pviiklinjr. Tnitiou From $l..r0 to $3.00, and Board From $5 to $7. For further lnfounalion address W. II. RHODES, Principal. julylildwiu h FRIMTY COLLEGE I, Durham North Oarolina. w luiit'liiiL'". AH in' lern impntTt'tnitt'. Kl.- trl-- l.Aflitrt l.:il...ii uiii. M'-iilllifiil i ItiiiHt". i-nri'i' i Stiprrior fm u 1 1 y of hih ialihlri in em U il. ji.i tini-iilri ul nn-tni' tion. Oi'hh iH- ri l..v l-'fr nl.-lo(iiM ailita'v-MM J"li:i l'rMiilliii I 1. 1, I Collegiate Institute, WILSON, NORl'll CAUOLINA, YOUNQ LADIES. Strictly Non-Sectarian. 'lb. Ill T, mondav, Hi'Ti i-:mi;ki: lsii-i.iTHE A in.- lie i,r. nli ll l'i:ll III I'l.lllt'l.ll I li,. I I ! .11. L 1 1 i 1 1 Fi-iiial.- ( Hie il I Ii oil. I ii I II. I I n .f Mi in. I Ail. S da Id .1 S ul I. I l,..l.,l-llil unil ml. I nit!'. u.illv hir:li. ll,-.,l;!, iiilnl-i .i.l. rule -i 111 Ire. -1I.S ll I mil I' .1. I, II it a 1 1 - .1 i.-.-.t i. . u i;i;i. i - EDUCATE Your lu tho best and safest way and with tho least trouble and expense by sending him to BARNES' ACADEMY, A home school for t wenty boys, in one of tho healthiest and most moral towns of the Stato. Thu boys study in the prescnoe and under the direction of the Principal, l'atroni.ed by tho bent fam ilies. Terms moderate. Write early and secure a place for the next year. E. I.. HAKNKH, A.H.. Principal, 1,'inoir, N.O. References: l'lieully cf Daviddon Col lege, N. C. ; Dr. E. Porter, liocky Point. N. C ; lion. John F. Fioken, Mayor of Charleston, H. C. , Kev. K. P. Hmith, Rlacketocks, H. C. ; Mr. E. C. Stokos, Oral Oaks, Va.; Mr. W. M. Brown, Cashier Hank, Floreno, 8. C. ; Kev. Chalmers Eraser, Atlanta, (a.;Supt. II. P. Archor, of the City Schools, Charles on,S. C. otc.,oto. j 21 tf, 'I 1 1 K NORTH CAROLINA COLLEtlH OF Agricttltaro ind Mechinicil Arts, Will begin its fourth session Sept. 2, 11)3. County Superintendents of Edu cation will examine applicants lor admission. Total cot $100 year. Addrt as ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADA Y. I'repident. j91wlm ItaleiKh. N. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Instruction is offered in four goncral I courses of study, six brief courses, larejo numlwr of special courses, and in Law, ATcriiciiie aim r.nfrinoormg. Tho Faeulty inolinies twenty leachers. Scholarships and loan funds aio avail able for neody young men of talent and I chaiTicter. The NEXT SESSION liKULNS SKIT. 1. For catalogue with full information, address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Jo2J dw I m Chapel Hill, N. C. Salem Female Academy, 8A.LEM, N. C. The Oldest Female College in the Sonti Tha Olat Annual Heaalon baa-ina Barw timber 1st. 1803. Register for last year gj7, Bpeclal featnree: ma DivXOr nt w Bialtr, Cbabaotbb ahb llBTaLLaOT. BuUdings, thoroughly ra h MOBIO,. ART, (1jANQAUQRH, BUOTJTiOW, k IOOMMEROIAIj AHt iMDUSTRIat BTfTDlBS ' . Si'-- , JOBN H. CLE WELL. vl JtOlwlm, Principal DMLT AND .' WEEKLY JOUnilAL I REDfJCED RATE8. Weekly, per jour ,.-$1 00 " fur six nioiitlis GO Unity, per year .$5 00 per six months 3.50 ' ier tin eo mouths 1 50 ii.iWiilio now and keep up with the Campaign nioveiiienlo. News civen tmni ml sections and on all questions. Wo aie now on iho evo of one of the Most Important Campaigns known in every yob Iho history of the country, and ue;lit to know what Is going Tim ah ive ratojaro payable in advauce, and can be safoly forwarded either by money older or leyistcred letter. NOTICE. si ale of Noi in CsrolliiB Craven county. The Biiliecrilier having iURlined ss Ad inlulBlralor of Miemtale of John B. Hatch, deei-Ksed. on I he Jltli dny of July, A.l. 1KC2 hefore tho clerk of tno Hnperlor Court of i 'raven county, heiehy notifies all persona IihvIiik ciuitns aKulnBt the said estate, to rrcsent them lor navuietit on or hefore the I ith day of Hepteiuher, lKa.1. or this notice win ne pieancu in liar or t heir recovery. lvrnonn iridehleil to the estate muet pay without delay. .1 AMKB O. HAKR1HON. c 1 liw I'ulilie Administrator. Boot and Shoe Maker. AH 81 y leH ol Hootrr and HIiooh made to order on nbort notice U ..iring a Hpecialty. N. AKP1CN, Atlantic and N. 0. Railroad. I'ASS IMJKIL 1 IK .' A KTM KM', New Hern. N.C., May Mull, 1KD2. To gonH A . A N.I' K R : I'lirouli rateMof f,n e. Hound i'rlp Tickets Heason of iss-i from roupon Htatlone below to polnls iinitii cl ou the W. N. C. H. K. 1'li-hetB on HHle J line 1st. lHlli. to Hept. 30th ISii-J. IncliiRtve. Hood lor reluru pasBnge ou or hef 'ie i u t. :tl bt p U. ? ft " X 0 5? V- J 111 -.-i SI2 .li ll III llll.rjl 1 i in I i.yi II ll..'ill in ii, II 7 i:iai ?.7! I,-, j.K5 U.-AI i: ii i". 'n 1 1 m ill', 17.111 Hi (hi IS 411 ry. N. ('. rUHtit.iii. N. O. old r'nri Kluck M'nt'n Atihevllle Hot ISprliiKH lliiteii lo all oilier rpsoi is In Weatern North I'HrullnB or Virginia can Ih rurnlHhed upon uppltralion. Chll.lreu under live (5) yeara ol Ht;e, i.e i h l lilren tle (.fi) and under twelve (i'Ji yer ol ajii, ono half of the 1 H'mvr itanieil iHttf.. H. L. blLI,. U. P. A. STURTEVANT HOUSE N LIW VOHK. o -oo AMl' KICAN I I IX'KOPKAN ; l'l.AN PLAN I i. i.i ri i. .hi i I 1 .oo fer Day ! 'M'. l. 1 ! l:l'WAUD. o oo Q I 111 SI K'i KVANT HOI SR IN Lhr Hit-.' ri'i-.llK. i, Ui- rlly! Dfir Mil lr - Vfi !t .l roHilH, Ktn'i-t ( a. ilisi n, principle place rf uiiHiHt'liicnt MUil iKiKU'.hli sloret. All Die Cinrifoi t& of H,.. Hiid tuo add. Moti h OuliVBliltia'Od Oi 1 1. .(.(.Oh olftTi J our fii.; I n. tiik 'nTKVAT .ioi- N(iv York tVtltntlc . K. C. Railroad TlXS TA1ILM N. 93 la EAeot 1:30 P.M. 17. 1S80. Friday, Cot Uoii'd KABT . HOHKOULU. OolNO WsKlt No. 51. Vaimenger Train. No. 60. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. p m 4 00 4 85 6 00 7 38 'i SO 4 09 4 40 6 0S f m Ooldaboro La Orange Kinston New Berne Morehead City Daily. 1110 am 10 23 10 85 9 48 M 8 17 8 80 am 8 47 OOINQ E. ST. bonKDULK QotsaWiKt No. 8. Mixed Ft. ft Htations. Pass. Train. No.l.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. am 6 80 6 57 7 05 7 20 7 30 7 48 7 f8 Bll 8 80 8 50 8 55 9 15 10 03 10 31 10 86 11 00 11 05 11 17 11 41 13 15 8 00 Ooldaboro 7 20 pas 684 6 04 6 80 1(0 405 8 40 800 880 lit ISO 8 46 688 04 887 868 7b 781 71b 700 Best's La Orange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark's Newbern Biverdale Croatan Havelock Newport Wildwood Atlantio Morebead City Atlantio Hotel 8 24 654 684 485 400 8 25 354 2 24 8 08 10 33 41 8 8 60 8 17 800 T47 ?H 70S 8 87 8 43 8 48 8 50 4 08 4 1- 4 37 4 44 ,4 51 4 55 5 01 5 01 5 16 6 21 6 23 5 28 6 81 p m More head Depot a sa Monday, Wednesday and Friday. tTnesday, Tnaradav and Malar ay. 11 Train Meonneeta with Wlhnhuleai A Vu. - don .Train boind Hortn. leaving Ooldabora 11:611 a. m., aud with Kiohmond A Daavll i Train West, leaving Ooldaboro 1:0 p. as. Train 61 with Kleknoad A tarK Trala.arrlTlBg at Ooldaboro 11:66 ja,,aad wll : Wilmington ana weition Train rresa 16 Worth at :10 p.m. - lrain x eouneeta witn wiimiagtoa aaa Weldon Th route Freight Train. Maria bound: leaving Ooldaboro at Srfrtt a.m. 8. L. Dill, 7 9n?llitMaaat the .; WATCH TOWER, Published Semi-Moothiy, , . Y -- I -3:f:i.t.;!.a; -:"- ?;'.- One Dollar a Year. Devoted to Apostollo'Chtli!t,Ianlty, Ed uoatipn, Qeneral IntolUgerioa. w ' ' , . Bend for Sample Copy.T.A ( ; ' Offloe of publication', Greenville, N. 0. -Editorial offloe,' Washlngtoti, N. 0. ; ;. J, U WINFIKLD, Editor. , W. D.0AVI3, Asa t . oca ,-5 . : I . ' '5' " : ."'.VV.: 'X, .'. -"'-.v;;