THREE. PARTIES; 'ill SYNOPSIS OF 8EXAT0I1 BANSOX'S . SPEECH AT CATHARINE LAKE 03 THEIR RECORDS. The Follies ud Fallacies of the Third, Crimes of the Second and Ulorious Achievements of the First.' After referring to Onslow's rec ord for pnrsj Democracy sod paying touuhUig tribute to the momories . aked by the sight of many sol dier's present who had fought In his brigade ' in the late war. Hanator M. W. Ransom likened the uresent disoorder in the Democrat ic ranks to a "political og" that would soon clear away. Hereto fore there bad been bat two par tie; now there three, the latest termed the Third party, lie was not here to abase that party. In the past its members had helped him save the State In many crit ical contest, tie had only to say - they were wrong and be blamed himself as much as anybody else, for having allowed them thus far, to be misled. He had now come to talk to tbem, to reason with them. He should here done so before. The Third party was a new party, 3 years old, a stranger to us. In GoneriBi two Senators, in House, the Allnnce had sent 70, hat only 8 w(r Third party men. The second, aa the Republican . party, 34 jeara of age, its origin was opposition to the South and it had brought nothing but woe . upon the people of the South from its beginning. Tbe first party was the Demo , cratio, 105 year old. It was born with the Constitution and the Union. ' Had outlived all other - patties, "Federal" '4Whig" "Know- Nothing"' "Liberal" "Readiuster" . Greenback" etc But the cry is heard, 1st. "What has the Democratic party done for : lie people." 2d. "Both old parties here made money soaroe and prices low." 3d. The Third party proposes to make money plentiful, times easy. No one knows what it will do except from what it ays it will do. It proposes to buy untl control all railroads at a cost of eight thousand millions dollars. The interest on this sum is 430 millions per year. All the wealth r of North Carolina is estimated at 240 millions, therefore oar entire wealth would only pay interest on ' this pnrchase for 0 months! How are we going to pay for it. They propose to pay for it in Green backs. Wall street owns 9!) per cent of ' all the railroads. JThts would put in the hands of tbe Wall street ; money-King eight thousand millions more mouey. They would then have to be appointed by tbe President one million five hundred Ihnnaanil railroad flmnlsveen. making with tbe present number oi Government odioials 1,020,000 men - la Government employ. By thus increasing Wall street power aud their increasing the strength of the party la power where would our liberties le. Where oar country! UUte law has to control our Gov ernment officials. f Gen'l. Ransom here cited the Judge Terry murder, the recent , marder of a poor negro In Orange ' county by revenue officers and the Edwards case ot Duplin county as illustrating the power given Gov ernment officials by the law and proteotion,they receive from tbe I '. 6. Government in high handed out rages done under the color ot ofli clal duty, and commented upon the danger of increasing the number of this "privileged class" oat side of their use as an army of paid voters. He mentioned the silly proposition made by tbe Third party to remedy - this evil, by disfranchising Gov ernment officials, and spoke of the absurdity of disfranchising 1,500,- uuu tree American citizens. He next paid his respects to Weaver's attempts to oppress the 8oath.In 46, 47, and 50th Congress. - Weaver tried to pass a law making good to northern soldiers in gold that diffarAnpA hetvean fold and the money in which tbey were paid at "tbatlme they were paid which amount would be for one year; . 1300,000,000, in addition to what we already pay to Union Soldiers. This year we pay to tbem $148, 000,000. North Carolina's part oi the amount is $3,000,000, tbe addi tion of 1300,000,000 more proposed by Weaver, would make North Carolina's part 915.000,000. He would not mention Weaver's war record, he said. He could forget the war, because it was war. He could forgive Sherman lor bis cru elties and the desolation be spread ia his wake. It was war. lie could forgive Sheridan for his maroh down the fair valley of Vir ginia, it was war, but for tbe wrong! and oppressions and insults aimed at and inflicted upon bis people and his country since the declaration of peace he could find no justification or atonement. (The General's eloqaenoe along here was Bubllme.) The Supreme court said war ended Jane 15th 1805, nine and half jeais after war when all V. i0gs breathed of peace and bar r ony, and section al feeling was r ot dying out, the north and south ' ginning to extend to eaoh other t e hand of friendship and brother ." .!, and the poor conquered i ath beginning to rise irom tbe 1 SOS Ol IIS UOOUtHMUu. mivu r enpying a high plaoe in the gilt of :' 9 people, to a speecn against ine :b uttered these words: "Ike 'hem people are barbarian, 'ercri. perjureri,' houte-burn-en haten, and icomen-teUeri, f every felony in the category -r If - '':; ext'i ovtjht to r and prontrate body and v pray for pardonlfor their trtaon.n The men; who uttered that sentence was WEAVE ft, the present " can didate for President on the Third par;y ticket. (Magnetio ' fire sparkled from the General's eyes along here and burning words fell from his lips that seemed to scorch and blacken and damn with a deeper dye of infamy tho accursed record ot the south hating ; Weav er.) He appealed to his country men not to vote for each a man in the name of all that was near and dear to them, their wives and their children, their country and their God. To complete the Third party pic ture Senator Ransom commented upon tbe farmers' going to Wash ington to mortgage their farms, and on election day having Reve nue officers flaunting the mort gages in their faoes and demanding tbeir votes. It was conclusive that the leaders of Third party were all weak men, there was not one recognized statesman in the entire party. The only man they could get to accept the nomination for President was Weaver, who bad three times been a candidate for President witbont receiving one electoral vote ! But what has tbe Democratic party done! (Along here the General's speech for eloquenceand inspiring thought and Bentiment, surpassed his iamons speech upon southern chivalry) men and whole nations go insane sometimes, he said. The Greeks and Itoaaus waged a long and bloody war over a foolish woman. He refened to the war of religious fanatic for tbe possession ot Jerusalem, and to tbe madness oi the French people; he quoted from Shakespeare, "Oh, judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason,'' and closed this round with a towering flight ot eloquenoe, beginning with, '-Can it be, men of North Carolina! that y in are mad 1 To be Continued. The Questions at Issue. The instant natural conditions, lawful purposes and just limitations of taxation are violated, theinstsnt that the state takes property from Its citizens that is not needed or takes inequitably that which is needed, that instant the exercise of the power becomes a matter of will and might and opt of law and right. The greatest evils that charact erize free and popular governments of today are evils that result from the abuse of taxation, and tbeir magnUade and tendency to in crease are so great as to make the boast of individual freedom on the part of citizens in respect to the fail ownership and control of their property very often little more than an unmeaning phrase. -t1 Shall t hese abases be recognized and tolerated, and n tendency to further progress in this same direc tion be encouraged, or shall they be met with stern and uncompromis ing protests, immediate check, and ultimate complete arrest and prevention! These are the real questions at issue at tbe present time between the two great political parties of this country, and the situation exemplifies anew the lesson of his torythat all the great contests for freedom trom tbe earliest times have originated in abuses of taxa tion. Curiosities About Languages. Almost a third of tbe total popula tion of the globe a round 400,000, 000 ha man beings speak nothing bat tho Chinese and allied languages. One hundred million more speek Hindoo onlv, and 05, 000,000 speak English.' The Rus sian language ia fourth on the list, being tbe mother tongue of 89,000, 000 people. The German is a good fifth and is used by 57,000,000 tongues. France coming sixth on the list, in which it was once first. Spanish is nsed by 43,000,000 people in Europe and the three Americas. God wants his children to find out that bis hand is always within reach, no matter how dark it may look. Special Notice. Wi l-g t.i notify our patrons iiinI the pulilir generally thut having purchased (tie good-will nnl fixture of "John Hrown, the Itorlier," wc hope by polite ami strict attention to business (no "Prince of Wales" airs) to merit a con tinuance of the patronage bo generously bestowed upon our former employer. Ilcfpcctfully, II. L. Barks, Proprietor. To make leather air-tight and yet not injure its flexibility, soak it thoroughly in sweot oil. Needless Alarm. Thousands who suffer from some deli cate infirmity known only to themselves, which they shrink from disclosing to a physician, have found in Humphreys' Specilics a cure which has turned the winter of life into day. They are saved from undue haste and needless alarm; saved from the danger of drugs and in jurious medicines, and from needless pro fessional culls ami expense. Humphreys Specifics arc a source of relief in these and hundreds of instances. Those using them become more linn und vigorous and less liable to the attacks of disease. They cure, not because they are strong medi cines or violent poisons but because they have a specific relation to 'disease, and hence cure it Every single specific s special care for th disease named. An experience in tbe use of tbe Specifics in thousand of cases, extending over a per iod of more than forty years, under almost every varioty of ubjoct- and circumstan ces, has proved them to be absolutely pure, and only productive of food. -- They cure without drugging, purging -or re ducing the Kystctu, mm nix in liiot find '"I Ihe tnwiTcijH r,ni(tli'' t'f the -', I. Desires to Hear Testimony. -J.: Henry Thome, Traveling Secretary of tue i. Ai. V. A., writes irjra jsjtctcr iifill, Strand, London, February 2d, 1888: "I desire to bear ray : testimony to ; the value of Axtcocit's Porocs Plasters. I have used them for pains i in the back and side arising from rheumatic and other causes never without .deriving bene fit from their application. . They " ore nnDiD ,,,1 in.l .1,1 ........ V . ..i I .. Those engaged as I urn in public work which involves exposure .to sudden enanges ot temperature, will do well to keep a supply of Aiacock'b Pobotjs x lasters in tlieir portmanteaus. If sweet oil is applied to the skin im mediately after a blow or bruise it will not turn black and blue- BUCKLER'S tRIIIOl SAL.VK. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Braises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Khenm, Fever sores, 'letter, umtppealands, (JMlblains, Corns, and ill Skin Eruptions, and txmI- tlvely cares Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 oents per box. tor sale In Newbern by F. 8. Dotty, wholesale and rvtall JruRrist. For a burn take sweet oil and lime water (eijual parts), mix, and keep the burn well covered with it. For Otu Fifty Years Mas. Winblow'b 800TUINO SvacPhas been used for children teething. It soothes the child, soften the sums. dlays all pin, cure wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea Twenty lve cents a bottle. Sold by hII drug; (lets throughout tbe world janOd&w). A remedy Of jrreat value foroaUaod dogs is sweet oil. Pat two ttblespoon fuls in their milk and they will rearcly re fuse to tike it We have a speedy and positive cure for oatarrh, diphtheria canker mouth and headache, inHILOHU CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal injeotori free with each bottle. Us it if you desire health and sweet breath. Prloe SOo. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. Aftor sponging patent leather with warm water and letting it dry, while still warm rub jubI a little sweet oil in it, then rub it well out of it. . Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by indigestion. Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming1 np or tbe Food. Yellow Skin, when for 7 jo. we will aell them 8hiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by New Berne Drag Co For stiff neck, pains in tho chest ete, warm some sweet oil and rob on, thoroughly with the hands, then cover with sheet wadding, the shiny side out Wear it until you feel comfortable. A Proof of Merit. When a remedy proves itself n cure for the very worst phac of blood poison, it stands to reason that minor ctTccts of bad blood will rapidly disappear if the remedy is used in time. Mo remedy in the world has so good reputation' at home or abroad as a cure for nil stages ot blood poison as It. B. Jt. (Botanic Blood Balm.) Hcnj. Morris. Atlanta, On , writes: "I suffered years from syphilitic blood poison which refused to be' cured by all treat ment, rhysicians pronounced it a hope less cast-. I had no appetite, I had pains in my hips and joints and my kidneys were diseased. My throat "was ulcerated and my breast a mass of running ' sores. In this condition, I commenced, a use of B. B. U. It healed every ulcer and cured me completely within two months. Kobt. Ward, Maxey, Ga., writes: "My disease was pronounced a tertiary form of blood poison. My face, head and shoul ders were a mass of corruption, and finally the disease began eating my skull bones. My boms ached; my kidneys were deranged, I lost flesh and strength, and life became a burden. All said I must surely die, but nevertheless, when I had used ten bottles of B. B. B. I was pronounced sound nnd well. Hundreds of scars can now lie seen on me. I have now liecn well over twelve months.'' A. P. Drunson, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had 24 running ulcers on one leg and six on the other, and felt greatly pros trated. I lielicve I actually swallowed a a barrel of medicine, iu vain efforts to cure the disease. With little hope I finally acted on the urgent advice of a friend, and got a bottle of B. B. B. I ex perienced a change, and my despondency was somewhat dispelled. I kept using it until I had taken about sixteen bottles, and all the ulcers, rheumatism, and all other horrors of blood poison have disap peared, and at lust I am sound and well again, uftcr an experience of twenty years of torture." It will be found out some day that the only people who are truly rich are those who gave np all for Christ. Dearest Flora. Dearest Flora, where is that sunny smile That used to greet me whene'er I came, And make me sweetly happy all the while As I breathed so gently thine own dear name. The toils and cares of life were then so light That they seemed to pass as gently by As the cool zephyrs on a summer night That played and sported with the rustling rye, But now thy look is feelingless and cold, As if we'd only met one week ago ; Tell me, dearest, as your hand I hold, Why it is you treat me so. Dear George Since it is your wish, I'll tell you the reason why I do not smilingly greet you when you come, As I did in the hnppy days gone by When you were noble, generous and full of fun. You now are selfish and study your own good, Regardless of the importunate and poor, Who are toiling and working for a live lihood To keep from liegging their bread from door to door. Now if yon would win my liund, regain my smile By going to Big Ike's for all your un derwear, For to these honest poor he gives work all the while In his new pants factory to help their humble fare. feW Bbj slok, w gav her Caatori. ' Ir'Uea tkaWM Cfclld,shaorted for Outorte. .;' (PhM lh beonu MlM, sh4 eluf to Cutorl. lfhartaSCtUwsaaTttimOil. , The Wrong Side of rifty. . Reader, have you passed the meridian or life? Are ; your joints TKettingBtiff, your muscles and sinews losing , their elasticity? Are you troubled vita lum bago? Are you, lu short, in daily or oc casional receipt of any of those admoni tions Which nature gives to remind people that they are growing old? If so, try a course of Hostetter's Stomach. Bitters, a most genial and agreeable mitigator of the infirmities of age, a rapid promotor of convalescence, and an effectual means of counteracting bodily decay. Good digestion, sound sleep, a hearty appetite, freedom from rheumatic twinges, are; among the benign fruits that spring from tbe regular and persistent use f this superb tonic and corrective, which has received the unqualified sanction of the medical fraternity. Give it the fair trial that it deserves, and you will be grateful for this advico. To clean papier-mache articles, wash first in warm water and soap, and polish with sweet oil. Registration Books Open. The following are the registrars and places for registration in tho city of New Berne: First ward: J. E. Gaskill registrar, at S. R. Street's office, South Front Street. Second ward: J. K. Willis registrar, at his office corner Craven and Broad streets. Third ward: S. W. Willis registrar, at his Btorc on Middle street. Fourth ward: H. R. Hqoker registrar, at his store near depot. Fifth ward: McCarthy's precinct, T. F. McCarthy, registrar, at his store corner Pollock and Queen streets. Fitth ward: St. Phillip's preqnet, Wm. II. Marshal registrar, at his house corner George and New streets. Ei. R.Jones Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise. Consignments of Cotton. Grain, and other Produce solicited. Prompt attention guaran teed. Cotton Bagging and Ties now in stock. Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snuff sold at Manufacturer's Fricos. K. E- JONES, ! ll dw New Berne, N. C NEW BEEF STALL. We will open on Saturday, Oct. 8th, at the New Market (Five Points), a first class BEEF STALL. A liberal share of the public iintronauc is solicited, and we will endeavor to give satisfaction. 6 3t REUI8TEK & BRYAN. Fresh Stock cf Lowncy's Fine Chocolats and Bon lions, Stephen Whitman & Son's Fine Phila delphia Made Candies, Fruits, etc., etc., received weekly by Sam. B. Waters. 1U lm New Berne, N. C. Thos. A. Obkbm, Pres. C. K. Foy, 0.hlr, wm. Ill Nil, Vlce-rres. Jl.M. UuoVRS.Teller, CITIZENS'. BANE or NEW BERN, N- C. DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. The Aooonnts of Banks, Bankers, Corpora tion, Farmers. Merchant, and otters re. e.lved on favorable terms. Prompt and oareful attention given to the lntcroetof our customers. HOARD OK KIBKCrOES. Ferdinand Ulrlcb. K. H Meaitows, Oha. Duirr.Jr James Redmond, Chas. Ketsensleln, Majer Haun, thos A. Green, C. Jf. Foy. J. A. Meadows. Hamuel W. Ipoek, Chas. H. Fowler, William Donn, E. W. Hmallwood. Geo. N. Ives. XI. Li. Hall, BOOK STORE- AN I Blank Books, aud now ' lot Standard Works of Henowned Authors. Prayer and Flymu Books, Ladles Purees, Pens, Pencils, etc. Also, Late Papers and Periodicals re ceived dally. lOtf Notice. Ilavini; (lulv (nullified as Administrator of the estate of Chas. K. Jones, deceased, all persons having claims agaiust said es tate are hereby notified to present same to the undersigned within twelve months from this tdate, or this . notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. JAMKB K. JUNUB. . Adm'r of Chas. K. Jones. Oct. 4th, 1892. . Cw Have Just Received 500 fresh corned Portsmouth Mullets, Valley Farm Pig Pork, Futton Market Corned Beef, S. 0. llama, Breakfast Bacon and Shoulders Maccaroni, Full Cream Cheese, New Buckwheat, California Raisins, only 10c. per 1U A WD TOT Finest Butter, Only aOc. pur pound. One trial, will convinc you that it is as fine as any in thscity. ' ' J " ' Josttryonr V ' " 30c. Roasted Coffee. '''Ik i; 7 ' It Is excellent. ;-:';' t , Goods delivered to nay pari tho city rcc.. , , t ,fj ,' city irec.. , , t j s Very respectfully, - , -. V . - W Promises! . This is what interests tho people, it is the easiost thing on earth to prom ise, but net always easy to fulfill and keep it. We always fulfill and keep ours. American Bights! American Labor ! Amorioan .Homes ! This is what we strive to maintain. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS, We have just opened and will do our beet to help our New Berne and eountry friends to buy ROCK - JjOTTOM PAICES. RTWoHhave A TKKM ENDOUS STOCK OF CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, OENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HOOTS, SUOES. TRUNKS, VALISES, etc., Which wo will Roll AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE ONE AND ALL. dPTruBting jou will call and con vince yourself of the great Bargains wo have on hand, We remain, Yours obodiently, THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, MIDDLE STREET, Op B-iptiat Church, cor. Alley. NHW BERNE, N. C. Et.gii.8S, Saw trills. THRESHING MACHINES. Beet Machinery at I-o west Prices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., YORK, PA jv20w!W NOTICE. Ha Ilk llila day qualified as A it ml n In t ra dix of Jobn M. KUburn, deceased, I hereby notify all persons who bave any elaima or demands against th aetata of the deceased to present the same lor settlement to me, or to Hobert O. Kehoe, my duly authorised aaent. at the oflloe of H. 0. W hltenurat. at torney at law, on Craven etreet In Newbern, N.O., within the period prescribed by law, or inn notice wui t pieaa in Dar Of reoov. ery. All persons Indebted to tho said deceased are r qul.ed to make Immediate nayraent. Newborn, N . O. , October SI b, I MAKtUA A. K1L.ROKN, I' Administratrix. Clieult fonrt of tlio United 8tate. Khiidiq District o' North Oarollua. No. Hi. Llel. United Slates Against 19 pickaxes of distilled spirits, containing SUSgHlluns. Sold stills and plplug. I wool pomband 1 tab, eltlmed es the property of James H. Bogeie. Notlee of SeUnre and Libel. To James R Rogers and to all whom It may eonoern ureeung: Rotlce la hereby glvtn, That the above mentioned property was aelr.ed by w. J. foDe. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for the Fourth Doliertion Dlatrlet of North Oaruilna, on tbe i iley or Ansnst, lKt-2, as forfeited to tbe i eta oi the United Hte tea, for violation of the Internal IU venue Lews. aoS the same Is libelled and piofecnted In the Circuit Court of tbe United HUe for con demnation for tbe senses In tbe eatd libel ot Information set forth; and that tbe aald oaoaes will stand for tilal at the Court Room of said Oonrt, in the Oily oi Haleiih. on the Last Monday that be a Jurisdiction day, and tf not, at the next Wj orjuneaieuon inereeiver, nen ana wnere you and all persons are warned to appear to snow eanee why condemnation sbonld not be decrees, ana luagment aoooraiDgiy en tered herein, and to Intervene for their lav tereat. ' Given nnder mv hand, at ofltoa in Bale lab. this 17th day of August. .SO J, ,1. B. TMI.L. ooS tw U. B. Marshal. CommiMlonera' Bale North Carolina Craven conuty. James O. Harrison. Adm'rof Mcrdteal Ham MwuM, va. Lake item, and other. , Pursuant to Judgment and order of fate of th superior (Jours of aald oouety and State, tn the above entitled apeoial proceed ing, I will sell to lb h latest bidder, for cub, at th Oourt Hon door of ald Craven county, In lb city Jf Hew Berne, N. O., on Monaay.riov.Tui, inn, at u o'ciock, noon, lb followlD deeenbed tract of laad: A euuta treat sltoat on tbe north tide nf Pan Road la Township No. 8. Craven enunljr. North Carolina, adjoining th land of 8mui Ipoek and other being tbe .km eoaveyed by W. I Pieech to lb Mid Mor deoal Ham, by dead dated Nov. 16th, 1871, and recorded In th Maeords of Craven county, nook No. 78. page SW and K7, enn tatnlo seven teen aere more or lea fully described la aald dead ud lb petition In aald proceeding. Alio another tract lying on the sonth aid of Neoa Hoed la Mid Towaablp No. 8. Mid county end Htete being th meoavyd to th said Morrienal Ham by Henry K. Orarl and wtfn by deed dated January jBd, 1H78, recorded in th Record of Oravsaoounty In Book No. 38, page iS7 and MS. folly deeerlMd In Mi l deed and the petition, eioeptlng tberefrorn th varton tract or prol of land ld etr by Mordeosl 11am, leaving a balanr o' I sit eie m satd tut tract. ThJ Oct. H. 8Si. , O. R, THOMAS), ' a ,Oommlsloar,' os id Land Sale. T By virtue of the powers of sale ' con, Ulned In .Trust Deed from R D. Hoilges to W. T. t'aho and recorded in Book 1 of deeds rages 858.857; 868 and 859. Records or Pamlico county. I shall expose to public sale nt the court hDuss door in Bayboro, Pamlico copnty, on Monday the 7th day of November; 189a, at IS O'clocV, M., All tho lands dis- eribed In said Trust Deed, lying near Tiutth s Creek and known ns the Davis I.itifl, coiitainin'r '." 0 arret, rorr or lr"i. . JUST ftlllM , a. ruie UUb OI tJAJ.;itlAUilii3 ana. 1'JiiU (31'ltlPtU liUUUllS-CJe. o-tpo or,iif,r uraaes or jJUUGIifiS, ouppiy ot splendid liana and Machine made HAUjxoS. yi-..fiLf. I will cive Better Bareaina on MTJLE3 and HOUSES now' on i ' hand than have ever been given to iiiaKe uoom for JNew Ktook-.. Far Superisr end Cheaper Than Ever Defer sfc.ll. wmmith ' Sr. -aw. w has just arrived with West Virginia H0R8E8 prepared to meet the Ijow Priced IFotiEttoosa it. win nav nnn nnn f t)r 1. ine Deiore purcnasing A Pretty ji. uuiiuuiuity uiusiraxeu n,na cnarmmgiy Douna caition ' i of Longfellow s " Evanffelincr." tho most popular loner injtjjn uvur nofiims in Tishfrl is luvurs. edition nas wnat. you 1 1 i '::ulfei..; ; v , ... It. . J . I 1 A J , 1JL !i so charmingly, beautiful, as in j. a: 1 iU MSUU UlULIiXLlUIlS. iUlU II Hi IITTPr . 1111. nv Kru'.i;i WIO BUUSUi 1 LO llllii Kpur EVANGELINE and DAILY .IOUUNAL, " " " " j. uus io ue, uul lx-isnx witness our oner oeiow. A"Gry7 -: " WEEKLY JOUIINAIj. nnn vmr. -:i'B -'- unuer no circumstances does this proportion holil gotKl except where psymenf t ItUllC 111 UMVUllCU. HJOABiUlUA tntfHi tSJMW...H'l;tl t '. J - ' yZQ r TK''eltlial1 Mlv t. "rA teW:i I , ?l te-wSr" f eWM-tVC VIEW fj . Wti vV ,i JiHfKSrt'&tfi. I NIC AW AQUA CrtMAL. p.-; V4ggggj? J I Htltj L.w. ii(i:hi ' UnFflT'J' want'onb m every town nrn cni WlaCII I O . n-f-yr - TO HANDLE TH :., .-p ' . (J ..LLtiS i ac k Frost rjy?, eze r, : : :. "'IT. i' . . A SciontlOc HaeliitM nutd oa a boiontiflc Principle. ; Eov ... v'!y-' their coat iloen w K 'li ,1.1 Ctl nnnvnlA s .. riIQ - discounts." ' .---v ' ; TT"lrr3 Icq Crcm . !.S7 KOAu CART8, etc..' ta a iirge in this Part of the State befotP, . - . - v a FEESfl SUPPLY 62 and MULES, and '-U emergency, nil m nan nnri ovomi.' AW -CSC- -V fcw' : . . m m ' eisewnere. ... Surprise. iiuuxuiutiu uv uit -ivxnencan r t.ho ln.nrniaj?fi. rrcramtlv nnKf a nrf't.t.v Kwrnrisfl frv IwAv. ' " it is m ia, wixj. numerous : flnrl rv-VrAllcnf illnct.mfinno vnr Una"; r and heavy paper, gilt edges, remarka- llv handKnTYm r.lnt.h hiniiirifr. rvtnlnri-. - incr, in delicate colors, blue and whita ana siiver.and gold. iNo liiustratect ever beiore been published f . 1 1 It J i w ' '. " , ' mignt "guess ' tne pneo or V T . TT1 . i a poem, as a collection of, . it,'., " i,'.v. 7 i US i IJIUUlltJI Ul IUO ' UOOK ' :i.riM.nfTiJTrifriiM wu.n r.ri Tntre."v , . rt,i .tt, Kvf. n. "... Uo AUUUW0 . one year ffcofl. 'ktt six months, . . 8.7S , ...j, . - .( CAM Al BlMMlll f C--JJ2 7 -J i 1 1 times a yooJV It is twt imfssy or lop py, At C.ll. .1 n 'i ! . , , F vh a. piuw dtiiu or mora fri - ' -'' '' '';VV' '? .' ' WH4I lvU"U in P1 r-;sr.5v ' -. .1 La.- (..!"' .I.l''