Mi I, if , a it tt ii lu tioo oar V have 1 ( PUBLISHERS' AJfSOTJSCEMEXT. rU 1UILI jqTja.NA.Ule pubHthed Dally UMpt Monday t S5."J per year: $2.50 for lr months. De lvero;! I c ty subaorlber. . t SO MM per month. TKbJ WKBKLY JJUK.NAL. Is published tvery Thursday at fi.tu peramum. Nottoeao. Mtrrtageaor D;athe not to ex n4 tan Un will b Inserted free. All ad dliloaal mattes will be charged 6 eta. par ne, " " ' PanV V ' . 'or traualent advertisement mnaCM In advance. Regular adver- ' amenta will bs oollooted promptly at the id of aaob month. :;'.'V' .V Oontmunleatlona containing newa of snffi slant public In teres; are boI lotted. No com--, ' luunloatlon matt bs expected to be publldh ad that contains objoctlonableperionalltles. ' . . rwlthnoIdthenRDie or the author. Artl ' IMloncerlban half column mutt bo paid ; : f Any paraon leelluit aggrieved at any an 'oaymona communication can obtain the 'v if ' iiftnoa of the author by application atthtB i --moe and ahowln ' wherein the grievance -.v-i.xlat. THE JOUBNAL, a 1 1 1 1 lirE. HtKPEH - - Proprietor. O. T. IIAsK'OtiK - Local Reporter. eyiintoreJ ttofflceat NewHerue, . 0., aa eecon l-.-t s .i atter. fjatioca' ( raocratic Ticket. I 'resident: I ; I. AND. of Now York. i.'.'-l'iesiiliM t: .MSON, ol Illinois UilOVEK I'l.l A E S I State .Miiocratic Ticket.- r r Pernor : ELIA ' of EdeoonitH. For Li- i .mnt-Uovernor ; It A. DOl'till TON, of AllpRhany. For S i.' try of State: OCTANT.'- OOKE, of Wake. f i r-urer: D. W. AIN, of Wake. For Associate .Iin-iico Supreme Couit, JAKES C. MtcKie, of Cumberland. For the Statu Senate, Eighth District, L. A. POTTER, of Carteret, CEO. F. PAKKOTT.'of Lenoir. For State Auditor: R. if. HJRMAN. cf Eur.con.bo. For Attorney-Genera!. FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg For Sup't of Publio Instruction: J. C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnooo. OoiiT tv Ticket. House Reprps' liv ' E. AV. Wadsv.ortb. Register of Dee.is Sherifl .... Treasurer . . Coroner . . . Surveyor . . J. W. Biddlts. . W. I!. Lane Thus. Daniels. II S. Primrose .1. E. Wilcox. Ir, Presidential Ekta for St; Larff3. O. T$. AycocVaud 1!. B, Glenn DISTRICT ELECTOHS 1st. L. L. Smith, ol Cute-, 2d. N. J. How., ol' Lenoir. 3d. J.NO, G. NllAW. of ( Hllll'l i j.l. 4th. E. 8. Ai::i.i., ('.' .lolin-loi:. 6th. J. A. 'l.vimiN .. i.. o! (Miolor.l. Oth. Sol. C. Wkii.i., nl'Ncw II:.'. . 7th. AcousTi s Lkazah, of Iredell. 8th. .7. It. Lkv.'kli.vn, of Su:r;.. !)th. Locki: Cr.Ai'i, nf nmicoinl'i Congress, 3J District, Judge Oth District, . IS. V. Grady. G. A. Sbuford. THE OI TLOOK. "Watohman, what of the night "All is well." We know of no better way of presenting the political situation than by giving the opinion of men Whose character and opportunities for arriving at correct conclusion:! entitle them to credent:?. Hon. ni. ritt ivelloss, of Louisiana, is a leading Republican, yet ho has receutly said Solid that tho claim that the South wonld be broken thin year was utter nousent e. North (Jarohna and West irginia might be close, but there was little hope of the Itopublicans carrying either of them. He believed that the Democrats would win in both New York, and Indiana by largo majori ties. Congressman Outhwaite, of Ohio, considers Indiana sale for the Democrats and thinks their chances good in Illinois and Wii consin. Don. M. UickiaHon eaitl recently, "In Connecticut the light is close, but the State is safely Democratic. New Jersey and Indiana are Dam Oratic, and Indiana will give from 15,000 to 20,000 Democratic nv.jor ity. As for New York, Richard Groker tells me that Stato will give 00,000 majority for Cleveland anil Stevenson." Bat, perhaps the best authority In the land is Divid ISenuott Hill. The great New York Senator enter tains no doubt of the clecti m of Cleveland. It ii our decided opinion that Cleveland is safe, and we believe 1 that the sun that shines on his con quering banner will also illumine ; Can' victorious flag. 'But, we must not permit over - oonfldenca to relax our energies. -; W cannot be satisfied with the election of Cleveland and Carr; it i absolutely necessary to national . honor and individual prosperity that we have the Congress and the '; legifllatnre of North Carolina. It ll not necessary to farther 'din 0a8s grave questions of national policy. The argument is exhaus ted. The demand of the hour id work. Personal influence and iu vidaal exertion are now the factors t) be employed. Let uo maa be idle, bat every man WORK, WOBK until the polls are closed on the 8;h of November. CAUSE OF EXFER1EXCE IS COXTKARY TO THIRD PARTY TEACHING. More Money per capita in Circulation When Cotton Was C 1-2 Cents than When it Was 25 Cents per Found. In conclusion I will s:y that mouey is scarce because cotton iti low, not so much because of money being scarce is cotton low, for there is more money than ever before nud cotton sells for less. In 1800 the circulation was $18.85 per cap iia, and cotton sold for 1 cents per pound; in 1870 the circulation was 18.10 per capita and cotton wrr 23 cents i er pound; now in 1 81) J tho circulation i. over per capita :tuti cotton only ('.-', cents per pound. Tho per capiiis circtilatioa in MaHNaehnsetts is etiOiiited as high n ?'6H-, while we in Xonli Carolina have leM t hi ,n 07 pi r capita, and Che siinte financial l,,ws that iegu i.iie Massiiclitihetts iegulate Nonh C'iniliiia, lor all are liaiional, 88 we iive i.o State iiuanc: il system, iro hat is tha matter ith North Ciir olina? Answei: Why, we don't iivo under equal trade and tax laws. We are drained io make Massachusetts rich. We are not allowed to trade surplus c op with England and other com. fries for goods even if Massachusetts should reiuso to buy it. It a N-ilh Caro lina merchant were to send a cargo of cotton to Liverpool and take cot ton goods in exchange when he got back to onr port he would have to pay-as much tax us the goods would cost, him in Massachusetts, so lie jutt as well have thrown his cargo of cotlou in the oceau or stui;k lire to it and burned it up, so far its tint partieuiar trade is eon ceroid. Discriminating tjxnticn is what drams our people into pov erty tiiur. will make our posterity gio.in to lift the burdens fiora oil' tho: , , , ;v... S:rs, where ou pay jour hherill 1 tax j on pay upon an average of ?1." to I he government and the inantil'aeum'is--or about ?!) to the government and 30 to the maau fac; mors of tho country. That is why v. e are growing poorer each year. Every patriotic American citi.eu when he learns tho history i ot in.ir country and its laws on tax ; atioi), and Iieleivts in equal rights , to the laborer and farmer with other el ses, rnnst be a Domocrat. ml this why 1 have done so, is my ; answer to my iriends in the "I"eo j oleV party. D. L. Hardy. j Seme I'eolish PeOilc I Allow a c mtIi to inn until it gets beyond I ho reai.ii "f medicine. Tliey often say, j 'Ob, it will wear away," but in raoht : ( -afes it wears them away. Could they i bo induced to try the successful medicine ealied Kemp rt IJ'ilham, which is fcold o a positive guarantee to cure, they wo ul iiiimedi.i'ely see the excellent c licet afte takitifr the tirst dose. Price 50c. and ?1 Tna sie ftoo. At, all druggists mar2'2deod weow livery country merchant will agre;- that the hardest customers to please are tho women who bring bad eggs to the store. Shiloli's Coiisiiinptioti Cure. Xhia id beyond question the moat successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in tho history of medioine. Mines its Grut discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a oough we earnestly ask you lo try it. Price 10c, 50c, and fl. If your lungs are sore, chest, or back lame, use 8hi loh's Porous Plaster. Sold ly New Berne Drug Co. Folks as have no minds to be o' use have allays the luck to be out of the road when there is anything to oe oone. V.'h.-n Ital.y wan kh If, no cave her f'astoria. V Ik -a blie wiut a Cliil.l. kIio cried for (iwtorln. Win ii i.h,, l-eaiiieMis.s, she -limg to Castoria. K the liail C'uildren, ' lit- gave them Caatorta. In our eagerness to explain im pressions, we often lose our hold or tho hymphathy that comprehends them. Cnring In. ,!u-t as a rotton tenement collapses when too great a weight or strain is brought to bear upon its upper floors, so Hoes a puny physiijue collapse and cave in win n sul. n i ted to the strain of disease wl i : ( 1 i iioi-t eome sooner or latter if it is ot : ;nf. d and built un. Hosteller's toil. .11 i Kill' i" i of iininense service to litatejl. the nervou- and the dys becaue it HronL'theus and me the del peptic, vents iiicin irom caving in. it is not necessary to have the biceps of a Samson to be healthfully vigorous. Many slender apparently fragile and undersized people enjoy phenomena! health. Vigor means the ability to digest, sleep and eat well. This power Hostetter's Htomach Hitters will confer. It will, besides, cure malaria, bilious, rheumatic and kidney nilmcnts, mitigate the infirmities of age andVjvor come nervousness. It always seemed to me a sort of clever stupidity only to have one sort of talent like a carrier pigeon. Children Cry jbrJltcherlCptorlg DE, G. K. SAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. OlB?e, Middle street, oppo.iite Baptist ehuroh, deoSlwtf NEWBERN. N. O. ia J. D. CLAP.E, DENTIST, Wi:v fir. UN S3, N. c. i street, botween ToDock Ollies on Ci and Broad. P. H. PELLETIEE, i' i U il y K V T IV , Orava?' St., two duore SouiJi of Jouruisl cfiUe. Will praotlco lu the Counties of Craven artoret. Jones, Onfllow nud P'tic l'.ro, tf. Dnited HtMa Coiirtat New Hrrif,jn.a Supreme Court o: the Btatn M. R. HOWARD, Gcnerp.l Insurf-nce Agent, 3ernD, N. C with j tiOD? No, tut I ,;;.t (..; . f . . V"!- rlc that diiu"-. t,i m . 1 -. J '' Wbitty & C-. h vo '. l i - -i -uppl of ihon: ( ol :i:U ) iv j-, t.. ', h?"!s lam Blv.-r.yj joir.i; j v.-: w lot I ought not. Take uiy 'ivic e.eid . ft', once to Vhitty's ami g:.t a ps-r f ibn Ten nessee WupcIh -and ycj o..n smile if I cau'e. (I AVE VOL' A LEAKY ROOK If v,,. . i.lli' i.i: HI,-1 ! i-l t rciiK'ih it i !.;. -iir. t- Disosway L Churchill. And i;et :f t! Ready RooIida" l'iiior. The elie.ii. The ( uies: i roof oi "pplic lei I. I-:. rlil. I :u. rob guaranteed p (let 1 1; ' 1 1 ' where. On- II... S. Ii. STREET, General Lilt tx1-1;. NEW c. M0SE, sate. Hmall Jibi of Hopnli Idk solicited and iat Is'Rollon uarantik d. Maybe found when wanted nrartbeJoe r aclory. Ke fern to past elarsctf-r ia a c:i!zenand mectianic. lanl'Jdtr 250,000 mm READY FOE SALE! Cheaper than any ether Mar can FurnUh TIipjb. I'vo got in and want. elll. Apply to W. P. Bl.'RItt S, New Heme, or M. POUTER, Itiverdale. JQO. dtf EC. R. Jones Wholesale and Itetail Dealer in General Merchandise. Consignments of Cotton, Grain, and olher Produce BoliciUd. Prompt attention guaran teed. Cotton Bagging ruid Ties now in otock. Lorillaru and Oail & Ax Bnuff sold at Kauufacturer'a Prices. K. R- JONES, oiii.w New Berne, N. C Tnos. A. Oriix, Pras. WM. Iiumh, Vioe-Pres. r. K. For. Oath tar. II. M. OitovKB.TeUer CITIZENS' BANE or NEW BERN, H- C DO A UBNK&AL BANKING BC8IB1C83 The Aeoountaot llanta, Bankera, Corpora tion, Farmrs, Meichanta and otbera re o.lvad on favorable terma. Prompt and oareful attention given to lha lnterealof oar OQitomera. JioABii or iriBKCTOKS. Ferdinand Ulrlob, K. H. Mendowa, J. A. Meadows Jhna. Irtffj.Jr. Jaiuaa Redmond. Cbaa. Relaanataln -Mayer Ualia, ; .'tThoa. A. Gretfv C.ie.Fc7', t..,.f , ; Samuel W. Ipofllr, Onae. H. Fowler, William Dunn, B. W. Small wood, Oao. B.-lvaa, - - 2 &lj r 'Cr. '.i ; . -. ' v I'jit i M't Dillfj'l JOV i;' n t'.litK- GOLD WAVE Coming! We have a full line of SEATING STOVES L. H. Cutler & Co. HORSES AND HOLES. I have just received a FINE LOT of Wt stern North Carolina E0ESES AND MULES. ALSO. A FINE LOT OF BUGQIEb, ROAD CARTS AND HARNESS. All t f which t-c!l VL'KY VtlF.AP for rja?h r apptovnd fjji. (iiv ni. tril. 3. Streeti Executor's Notice- The undersigned liavintr duly qualified as executor of the last will and testamcut f Iconic S. Fisher, dee 'il, herehy gives otioe to all persons havingclaiins amunst the estate of the said (leonre 9. Fisher, to iTscnt them on or before the 10th day Octobe-. 1893, or this notice will be j'U'iiil in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will mi:le immediate settlement of same. .1am: Fisiiek. .Ion:; 11. Fishkr, IIan.nau A. Lani:, o 4 Executors. ST. LOUIS, MO Our Mammoth Catalogue of Bank CocrrEns, Dbsks, and other Office Fchmtcrb for lhS now ready. "jVew Ottfris. New Styles in Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cabi nets, &c, &.c, and at mrttchltiS prices, ue above indicated. Our goods are well known and sold freely in every country that epeaksEngllsh. Catalogues free. Postage I2c. LIVERY, SALE SOUTH FHONT til nr.KT, Opposite the Gaston House. In additien to handling btoek I on hand a first-class lot of havo mauufactured by Edward Lorn: of Wash ington, N. C. Is the best Flour for tho money. Try it and be convinced . Another car of Now just received from the Mills. K. U. JONE3, 41tf NcwB erne, N. O. Basil Mahly. Wm, A, McIntobh New Barns Iron Works Successors to J. II. Crabtrce & Co. Engineers, Founders, AND MACHINISTS. Manufacturers and Dealers in Machin ery, Machinists' and Mill Supplies, En gines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills, Double Edgars, etc. Agents for Bargamin a Indestructible Mica Beated Valves, The Amerioan Saw Go. and Preeoott'a Direct-Acting Steam Feed, etc. We haTe Just erected a large Ware house adjoining our Works, where we will keep a full itoek of Machine and Mill Supplies. Orders for work or material of any kind will be promptly executed . marUodwtf BssHHIHP'.Af1 0'MJH' atr.If. V MMMl I at atam I treat Wall Wf MlaMM IMI 1 OOHtd BOt 4o ut wrk. Thm mctmfmyuM ft. WUMttb. Ill ItN M Um Wm a lkiM of amwtkkV lra- Ban..m b n. ., m. 11 n. Wkl40liL nto. II to. Hip. .. lite. Wla. ,1a. ML 1 now foci Ilk in bclnff. B4BMB41aJOM. HyaMmd mawifi. Will chMrftllv mdIt to InanlrlH with Harm bl04. Will ctUMTftllf rtply to InqalrlH wltk il PATIENTS TREATED BY UAIL jUcwIW S SUrvlRf. Sta4 I Mai. I. Mffnpi Aif pvuculw t. it. 0. 1, f. UTBEa. IIICKI't TBUTU CUCISa. IU. Oil Clothing is warranted the Best ih tfo World 1 Is more Waterprooi,!' i i Is Stronger, and?.' r-t: than ay other (foods manulactured.- i . aw tar tut - risn bkaimui , faae aa oUiar, t t. C ZlRCKa i BR0. SW sgNti, Biltlncrs, A. $16 im Horse Hilliner. Any one wishing ft First-Class Set ol Hand-made ITamoss will do well to call on J. W. GAY, at Stewart's Carriage and Harness Depository on Broad street. Special attention paid to repairing ol all kinds in this line, ' a2 GEM Freezers, Mason's Fruit Jar3, Porcelain Lined Kettles ' Glacier. Refrigerators, Water Coolers and Fly Traps, FOR 8ALEJ I! Y MIDDLE STHiiEi. . AB0LPH COHK, Tho Mehlia High Grade and Ifewby '& Evana Pianor. frown, Queen and Needham Parlor Organs. NEW BEENF, - - N. f . CIRGffLAlt. The old and reliable firm of Colin A Welsei whs established In Newbern In isf2. Hi oldeat house now In the olty and the only surviving member of whloh Is Adolph Colin, who has been engaged Ih the Music business for the pait ten years and la now located on v..o.vu ,.d, .uico uuor. ueiow tno OH' Hall. I would be pleased to Inform m rnetidg, patrons and the publlo generally " J. , " ,lrse Enl eiegan i, .. --"",," uecupieu oy join l'atterson, deceaspd, where I havo ampl aooommodattons for urnnnrlv mn,i,,in my lnr?eand tnoresslrg bustnesj, and wli liUUiMlllliy KVlJlUUHUDa Upright and Square Pianos oi me latest Designs, lasting tone, superior ... Kiuuauifj nnu ui leauinie maiairocturBis and the best material, A'ao a good tueulv ofSBEKTMUSIO. And I will endeavor to male "my business i popular ua me oia nrm used to be, and uii mat win give satisiaot on to my name The proprietor, Adolph Cohn, would tak una occasion or returning his thanks lo tlio,e who hare taken an Interest In fell w.n.re. ana wouia respec.tinily solloltthe ,uiuniui,Cti oi ine Kinaiy reeling ol hi inenas. Kespectfuily, A. coaN. THE BEST THING IN TUB UNITED STATES FOR Cent IS TUB PHILADELPHIA RECORD $4 per year, Daily. $3.per year, omitting Sundays WO THE FARMER AHD TBS BUSINESS MAN, ': .'- . TBI ' ; RECORD NO EQUAL. Addebsb "TBEEOOBD," . "'.";4 ,' . PiTjpui)itrHu.' The ondafUgoad, Harriet Ellison, haa dnly ana lined aa axaoatrlx of the aetata of "'" a.inaoa, ana nerany gtvea potlae UiM aha raqnlraa ail per. in. having elalma agalnat iba aetata of the aaid M.thaw Km. i-an w piaaent them to the aald Harriet Kill wii, uuj uiuentieaiea. tor payment, on or before the ajib. day of oetobar, ls3,or alaa tUlanotloawlllbe pleaded In barolracov ry. - ,,,, ... ,. - ,, p.raoaa indebted to the aitate mm tray WtUiont delay. ' ' 'Ui. Y' C flABRlTEI.USOir, ." rocS7a;: J.r, ... . fcxeeutrlx. $1.00 Per Year. 60c. WLY From Until Jan. -FOR WEEKLY NINU COLUMN FOLIO LARGE AMOUNT OP READING. The Daily $5.00 Per Year. Circulates in every direction daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers, ' ' Liberal Advertising Mzi Wo haye just received a lartre lotSbf ITevr and Handsome Books, both the Daily and Weekly Edi(lw. Call and see them, and get one by paying one year in advance lor the Daily. tiie Weekly one year entitb ycu tto a tcslr. for 6 Months. 25c. Now 1st, 1893, THE - JOURNAL. Journal! ' v.' . ,- ), . , 50c. Per Ilonth M from Now Berne, where there t i .ii..;;: Pirn- which we club with By paying $1.25. iz r in advance will rT .I i I.. .