Daily Journal. y .vol.xi.-no. 190 NEW BERNE, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1892. ICE ENTS' (:-, H - 4V .- ' . 1 i; V . i: J i it j.; BUSINESS L0CAL8. CHICAGO Beef and Pork Sausage all this week. N. Whitfobd. MBS. M. A. LANE, who is an accom plished Dress Maker, understanding the latest designs, both in style and pattern; and prepared to satisfy the most fastidious, is residing on Craven street, opposito the court house and de sires the patronage of tho public. nov81w THE Celebrated Saboroso Flor Do Hahana Ciirnrs. Six for Twenty-live cents at C. C. Gusen's Dnua Stoke. nov. 2-6m. I AM in New Borne for 5 days only; any one wanting anything in my line will see me at Mrs. J. M. Ilines. I have a lull - line of samples. C. W. Kukl, Agt. for W AHAMAKF.lt & IJllOWK, novl8t .Merchant Tailor. HOME TO LET. Brick House on East Front and Pollock sts. Can 1' arranged for beardine; house, or sehiml and dwelling combined. Will rent either in whole or part. Inquire lit tlto premises. 371v, STH. DAUNTLESS will leave O. I. Wharf at 7:30 o'clock a. in., every Wednesday and Saturday for Smith's creek, JCershaw and all iintenuerlhile points; returning Thursday and Monday. nOvllw Ciias. M. Kkiioe, Agt. FOR BENT The House on Pollock street now occupied by .las. W. Bid die, Esq. Apply to o20tf II. B. Duffy. CAR LOAD WESTERN BARLEY CLIPPED OATS just arrived. oct28tf Buadiiam it Smith. JB. WATSON & CO., Dealers in Novelties and Household Goods. Middle St., opposite F. 3. Duffy's Drug Store, New Berne, N. C. o271m. HOUSE FOR RENT. Desirable Luc i tion on Middle St. Apply to oct8tf F. Dufi'Y. JAPANESE GOODS Beautiful, Artis tic. Just received. See Jno. DuhnV Show Windows. 0 25 II "DUGGIES Light running and substan A) tial. Manufactured by Edward Lou;,', Washington, N. C. J. A. Jones, sep25-tt Opposite Gaston IIou. I8IJ. 8ACRAMEWTAL, PORT and llT BOUPPERNONG WINES for sale by Jab. Redmond. IOALVIN 8Cn AFFER'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put np expressly for throat and lun dis M4M, for sale by Jas Bedmond. DUFFY 8 MALT WHISKEY for Aiedioinal line, (or sals br jBtO Jas. Kkhmond, HUNYADI Jmios Mineral Vfator, (be t'et Natural aperient. For Hale br Jas. Rkum jnd. I JUICE OOBN WiilSKEY for sals by Jas Redjcond. D iUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for sale by Jas. Redmond. IMPORTED HOLLAND tilN, Burke's Bass' Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, for sale by Jab. Redmond. 7X Aflfi CIOA&S ' very low 4 OiUUv figures to wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jab. Redmond. C BARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY Tnsed very ranch in the siok room. For sale by Jab Rudmohd. --Rbgihx news from Iowa la fa vorable, showing Democratic, gains. Tdehk is bat little betting in New York, but the odds on Olere Und are 1 100 to 970. . 11 AYE j on beard tbe news from New YorkT The thing is getting nnanimons np that way. Tbe Herald reports that Tarn many'8 campaign is rnnmng smoothly on. It says tbe Democ laoyof New York are united and olid. , : Several men have been arres led In New York city on tho charge of colonizing voters. Startling revelations are looked for on the examination. " - Whixk speaking at Statesville ' , Senator Ransom was seized with a r -violent attack of neuralgia of the heart. The physicians attending , ' Altri told him he should take no farther part iu the campaign. TUB Civil Service Commission report to tho Attorney General for prosecution bamnol Thomas, Treaeuier of tbe liepublican State committee, of New York, for send ing letters to Government clerks' i Mking for campaign furida. 'fnB Naval Department is wor ried to find that, after having or dcred tbe Dolphin and Vesuvius to - : Charleston to take part lnthe Gala ... : Week proceedings, : aham . bom bardman of Fort Sumpter is to be a part ot the programme. '.TnEElia.no wiser, safer, more f. levelheaded observer of campaigns v ' that McClnre, ot the Philadelphia Times." Be declarea after 'Visiting 1 New York that it will go tot Cleve- land. So thinks the Herald, and it '. has not supported Cleveland, but rather helped Harrison. . IT la to be seen whether Demo crats of North ,. Carolina will be browbeaten and thus ; deprived- of their rights at the polls, or whether they will not the ' rather resent this interference and emphasize ' their resentment by renewed real r - J determination to overthrow the party that .bu Utur.u-i' them. We bivo n disb'. of tb effect which Ibis intsndod bnlWoMRg will haw. Asul yt-t thcro aro .oopie among tin who vny that tho force bill is a Ko:i.r'-;;roH', r tiuibco And a doiid issuo bends;. Tee republisr.il. Milnl p.irty Gid eonitc combtutitkiti ivuididaia lor Justice of the Surcro-a Court fiaya in a letter geftlewn. this city, tu tho N irl.h C:'.ro t: to of iliC I .v vy;ii ii ..- the :;i,-:r:ct :.. : .. . This thitr .'re, 'Jie prcwiit elecilua In iin;v. II r. 1' ill drnv- ,n-.' have forgot;.' xiu i-: "lorcti" iuoculr-to ; military judgi . Brttrap Can by i:: s.-;.;i; No. a. li: ;f ( : will t:t. (:, Mr. irx'-'. ' Norjh Cnroiiu.:. V, biHjuil;:e- i;: ih.- lit Uy no sw..siit!f!'.!'.-r ?i at) f'ii'ce . V V, ;lUt r i . .iveri.or. It.'.'' t :'..! Wo wduz ;io ' i. r.ll-: guard m.-wi fir i-Um-i' oxcci Mc'iv A.1' y . l.'r.Vwll-d. Mra. .'.1. A I.:.:.- : . i. N. Wllitl'or.l !::; Ml. I Mr. V T. Oil:.: V. 1 C3 ill l':i:;,'i (i. ill 1'. IV'll n. . .' huusoa v. . iv ! i; ' '.. rcudv iHiirln.-i:!.; .' . Mr. T. i li (!,;; . l-r. ' o ; th.' , t'.lC store next to Hi,' i.n oust fitted i'! fur hif W ill ymi ha v.- ''i:r i '.. rim i'V l-'eil- United Stairs ir.arsh;!!-. I- (nil Inv.wts? 11' 1 i,i or Tliinl i:irl ; i io.! Mr. K. 11. C: . ,T. ... ... uble iniprovenii'iil iii l'. I Mr. V. 1. Met'.- -.1 i. '.. I:- hiLied Willi th" : .: :: "1 ri'M(li:!!'v, i,v ;ui". . ,. ' oiii thestre Le! tl.- i. I . .' . . "till -.:u- every smiii- . ! ;. ,,i- ,. ; : hi n Mai. w m. ..: :.: . ..-. . :..t of llli- '-.St i lit;:: !"iii !ii 1.1 Also Mr. Eil. ( i: ii .' .v.!". - j! .;. Tile "lie:, kii . i : The Dem..! t :. i, !.-..: m:'ot!ii:t ! t.ihi. . V ' . -- wi- (r.:-i-..! i .. i.i; .. : ,. ,: ;. ilcd out aud .Mi.!.-,.! a : -.. !..;! i, oxliortatio-i. Aiiifni; t'i n : ," , . minted ". as t. : ; . : ' ( to close up on l!i.- day A severe !:-. !,. : . .;: h Ilaekburn .' Wi.i-f. .: ;' . :r- .1 ., yesterday nflernoi :i ,' 'r -v i:,i;i. box mill ami fi ri'ii. r i 1! : ;. ;i-li;:::; 8 1-3 mih . in.: i tV ... : : in. caught i;ni'..ii.. r;li ;'. i r:;-,.. The loss v.-a.' i'-i.i.- T.. v r ia. insurance u h.itevt r. The UaU-nih :.-.v-. :.. ... , .- i .: News was received In . i- . 1. t'..nt the coroner's jury in tL. ii ..'.r- '..n burglary case brought iu a . rdit . -oust the miui KcawcU who v. u.- n:t- 1 1 f v. weeks ago thou tli- ii.ar i.-r I' Mr Mutthen s, a promiiii'.ii r.. . -liulf Scawell v,a- try:ii;; to l.v.r':t'i v Ids store. It is limy t:;. d from A.-hevlile n the authority of.', lliley :;i:c"k, . hu Umj: Republieaa of the J.!, il'-iii.-t top.! ('.'!. tho Third party candidal., t - r l.ieut. Governor lias bi in t;,l;e:i i! ,v. n ;.a , the name of J. M. Muody. candidate for the same position on the Republican ticket substituted. Moody i. ntt old-time lie publican of the d. civ dji. The Rein hluncc of difference tied ha- i l.eji! up between the Third a:,d K, puMii aii partv is fast melting a-.vay. Mr. J. A. Jackr.u.: l;.e, an i nrageuient to speak at Yanc-choro f-'uturday. As many people cum;- in b- do their trading that day it is evident that whoever speaks thcro that 4")' will reach some people for the last time hefore the elei ion i nr.es o!T. In the announcement of the speaking an offer is made to divide time mid the Democrats of the neighborhood are anx ious to have a t-pcU:- r there to meet them, and offers to take any one from New Berne and back who can go out and join in the discussion. It any one chooser! to volunteer his service we can point him to some ono from Vunceboro thin morning with whom arrangements can be made. . The Lumberton Robcsonian truthfully stys: "We make the assertion, without the fear of successful contradiction that tbe .business men in any town who aro worth the least to it are the men who fail or refuse to aid and encourage every now undertaking publio or private enterprise calculated to be of bencfltr to the town and Community iu which they live. No publio spirited, self-respecting man will be content to profit by tho influences brought to bear to build up a community without contributing his quota to the d- Tsncemeqt of these enterprises. Tho best men in every community are those who do most for all public Institutions; , they sustain tho newspapers, they sustain the schools, they sustain tbe churches and all other enterprises that give lifo and attrac tion to a community. S 5 ; i 'y: :''',-;-, Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorK Embezzlement aud Incendiarism. ' Mr. Cliua. L. Davis of Morehead, was arrested Tuesday on the charge of setting the fire -which destroyed the fish houses in that place Sundav night. An exami nation was held before Cicero Davis, J. P., ill' Beaufort and circumstantial evidence heiug strong against him he was bound over to court in the sum of $509, which Ijoud was given and he was released. The young man who has thus had the hand of the law laid upon him has been in the employment of Mr. Thos. Daniels :;lnoe a boy. He was his chief clerk in liii Morehead business. Evidences had .-i ently been discovered that he had 'ten embezzling money and tho matter was; being looked into. The supposition is that finding this out he fired tho build iriL'. to destroy the books and with then tin proofs of his guilt. 1 le was nrre3tcil on the two charges, embezzlement and arson. On the first he plead "Guilty,'' on the second "Not Guilty," but the examination resulted as we slated at the beginning in his being I'uunil over to the next term of Carteret superior court. Mr. Davis is a native of Morehead. He in of ;;ood family and lias an excellent wife. .V'isei'tinfr Their Iiidependenee. Li nearly every section of the country the spirit of independence is gradually fitting hold of the colored race. They ire realizing that it is notrcul freedom to In-continually dictated to and told how they must vote. A large colored Cleveland and Stevcn "u club has been organized in New Yoik, and in Memphis, Tennessee, Satur day a mass meeting of colored citizens as liei I, which renounced the Hepubli .m!1 party. One of the resolutions declared: "Ex perience hus taught us that our continued .iv-iancc In the Kcpublicnn party locally will be detrimental to our further pros p rity." Tins is pretty hard on the G. ii 1'. and i 1 1 in it. Whenever their minds lirought to leaders and hard because of the bitter the colored race make up to throw off the pressure bear upon them by a few office holders who manage and cnntioll them simply for their indivi dual benefit they will be the gainers. I: cun always be noticed that the only use that the machine poli tician has for the negro is just before .kv! :i:i lime. Coining ami (.'oing, Mr. .1. 1). Mayo, master machinist of liie harbor improvement work at Gcorgc t ..mi. .v C , who with his family has been i iting relatives at Portsmouth and iu : ify, left yesterday morning returning lllc Mi. and Mrs. L. J. Taylor lelt ou the teamer N'euse for Iiultimoro. Mi -s.-. W. D. Melvcr and O. H. Gu'i.m returned from Trenton, where th y have been attending Superior . .int. Mr. W. Ii Harrington returned last niht from a northern business trip. .Mi. w. ii. (joliou returned from a business trip. Missing Hooks. The following books have been taken from the library of the Young Men's Christina Association. Those having them will confer a favor by returning them at once: Guyzot's History of France, Vol. I. Kassclas. Scottish Chiefs. "The Pilot'' Two Admirals (Cooper.) Afloat aud Ashore Miles Wallingford Cooper. J I.ilh Rookh. MTirk Twain's Sketches. MarkjTwain'g Huckle-lierry Finn. Natural Philosophy, (Peck.) Prime Minister Disraclli. Peek's Bad Boy. Lime Kiln Club. Hill Nye and Boomerang. Work of the Wits. Modern Painters, Vol. 2. (Ruskin.) Durham, au Oath-Hound GIdeonlte. The following published by the News & Observer is proof positive that Dr. L. N. Durham, the Third party candidate for auditor is one of those despicable workers in tho dark, a Gideonite: Vabcb County, State of North Cabolika. J. II. Dunn, being duly sworn, says that ho is a citizen ot Vance county, State of North Carolina; that he is well acquainted with Dr. L. N. Durham, of Cleveland county, North Carolina; that on the 14th day of August, 1801, affiant and the said L. N. Durham were initiated by S. Otho Wilson into the order known as "Gideon's Band, ' in tbe town or More- head, county of Carteret, State of North Carolina; that he was present during the initiation by the said Wilson of the said Durham. (Signed) J. H. Dtjkn. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th of October, 1802. (Signed) P. T. Jokes, Notary Public, Vance Co., N. C. An enthusiastic lover of chocolate af firms that for thoso who wish to keep tbe imagination fresh and rigorous, chocolate Is Jtho beverage of beverages. However copiously you have lunched, a cup of chocolate immediately afterwards will pro duce digestion thro hours after, and pre pare the way for a good dinner. It la rec ommended to every one who devotes to brain work tbe hours he should pass in bed; to every wit who finds he has become suddenly dull; to all .who find the air damp, the time long, and the atmosphere insupportable; and above all, to those who tormented with fixed idea., have lost I their freedom Of thought, . READ THIS. HALF THE PRICS PAID IS TARIFF TAX. Is It Any Wonder That Your is Scarce! Money Mr. Elliott, an emplcyee of a big Chi cago dry-goods house, made this straight talk to a gathering of railroad work men the other day: "Like you, I am a woikingnniii, al though my lino of work is somewiiat different from yours. My business ia such that I constantly run up against the United States tariff law. there is no politics in my position on the tariff. I peak as one who knows Irom experience the effect of the tarilf upon the price of goods you are obliged to buy. Alul I tell vou that the tanll slicdiile ol tin- United States of 1890 is against you in every case. 1 In: Iowcrtl1cgr41lcolg11.nl-; imported the higher the duly. Ifut it is the stock 111 Irmle nl the ad vocates of a protective laritl that il doesn't make any difference to you, I'm you don't buy imported goods. Is is true that it makes no difference to vou 1 Let us see. The house w here I am em ployed received a bill of goods from St. Gall, Switzerland. They were woolen underwear. In St. Gall tln'V cost us 1443; the tariff amounted to ,4o:i, freight $28; expense of handling seven per cent, more. Now, how do we figure that out when we put those goods on the market? We simply add up those amounts and find the total to be about Hflo, and assess its proper proportion of that amount against every garment in the lot, and on that basis you pay for them. But the Kepuhlicans tell you that vou don't buy imported goods, and so the tariff doesn't count. Let us see about that. In Philadelphia are tho preat knitting mills of Hoax, Fouixrood i Co. We go there to buv goods. Do we buy them ou the basis of the price paid in Switzerland? Oh, no! We pay the 805 plus $1 per dozen, which the man ufacturer reckons is what it costs us to handle the imporlc.l articles, and whether you buy American ma 1c or imported goods the tariff is the same.'' t It there is yet a man who doubts I hat the McKiniey tariff has increased prii es, let him ask his wife, or spend 1111 hour or two with her shopping. HHJII-WATER MARK IN POLITICS. Fraukllu McYeah a Member of Car. Holds Cabinet, Writes the Novem ber Forum. I intend to vote for Grover Cleveland because, in- the first place, I am profoundly interested in tariff reform and eonsider il the duty of every man who believes j' in this reform to place it above pailyj as sociations of however loug slumling, and to follow it wherever il leads. The Democratic party is the parly of ideas. Nothiug could be more stagnant than our public life was before the Demo acrtic party, with Grover Cleveland as its candidate, took up the work suggested by Tildenand sought to put itself iu the forelrontol American liie. Hut Irom that time public life began to stir, and ideas began to take their place in it. I he Democratic party is not an ideal party by any means. It has great many men in il who do not care much for ideas and who care a great deal for spoils. In certain parts ot tho country the old system 1I10 hard; but in those very parts of the coun try the new life, Bide by side w ith the old is unquestionably at its highest point ol development. And, taken all in all, the Democratic party has done exceedingly well, and is at any rate the only Ameri can party ol ideas and progress. I hi result is that on all hands we see men of ideas, men of patriotic impulses, young and old, flocking to it; and none takui: the vacant places iu the Hopublicau ranks. Nothing could more distinctly and cm phatieally prove the growing elevation of the Democratic party than Us latest nonu nation ot Cleveland. That is a high watermark. Politics since the war havi not before reached so high a point. It has made the fortune of the Democratic party. Cleveland bus already helped as no other man has done the substitution cf ideas for mere habits, lie substitute!' almost alone, the habit of thinking of the people for the habit of thinking of the party. Ho has revived patriotism as a constant virtue. Ot course, patriotism 1 not something to bo pigeon-holed and brought out onlv on great occasions. It is something for daily, hourly, and hubi tual use in all the affairs of life. It is the practical application of this truth that constitutes Cleveland's greatest single service to the nation. His mind and his speech are always filled with the sense of citizenship and with the obligations of patriotism, tic is leading the people ol his country to be daily patriots. These are a tew of the reasons w hy I shall vote for Cleveland. Supervisors. Ed. Journal: In the issue of the Raleigh News and Observer of Oct. 80th I Una of the appointees of the Federal supervision of tho election in the city of Kalcigh, that lour aro democrats, tour are radicals, and lour aro uideonites or third party men. Tho anli democratic appointees might as well have been all from the radical party, as there is no difference between them and tbe Gut eonites or people's party; tho only differ ence, if any, is exactly the samo that exists between a pig snd a bog, or a puppy and a dog. One is what the other will be if ho should livo a year or two longer. Democ 11 at, Governor Holt has appointed Rich mond Pearson, of Ashcville local vice president for North Carolina of the national league for good roads. Mr. Pearson will represent tbe State at tho national convention at Washington City next month. Tho leaguo was formed at Chicago week before last. Sew Berno Bnildlnr andLoan;AssocIa . Sealed proposals for. the sale of stock in tbe 1st series of the Association will be received by me. Bids to bo .subject' to approval or Hoard or Directors. 0S8IW J. R. B. Cabbawat, Sec'ty. THE CORRECT TICKET. Sec That Vou Vote for the Following Men, and for the Amendment to the Sfalo Constitution. There will be seven boxes in which to deposit on election day as follows: For Presidential electors.inenibers of Congress, the State officers, Judges, inoi.ibers of the General Asenibly, tlie conjily officers, .-mil 1 State ('.institutional Amendment. The amendment is an important, one, it does away with the election of soljoi- rs by each judicial district and pio- vides tortile election iu the panic manner that judges are now elected hv liie vote of the state. This gives assurance thai every solicitor in the slale will be a good Democrat competent to fill the offices wilh credit to our proud old common ueallh. I.ei no l.o iniss. il. The M- ov.ing arc the tickets Mial'sl Id bo voted by every man who Ioe bis eoun try and good uovcrnnicnl. National ticket: -Electors for I 'res idcnl and vice President of the I'nitcil Slates. C. 1. Ajcoek, II. II. Clcnii, i.. L. Smith, N. .1. House, .Inn. G. Shaw, K. S Weill, .1. A. I in 1 ringer, Sol. ( '. Weill, An gust us, Loazar, .1. A. I.ewellwi, l.oeki raig. Slate ticket: (Invcrnoi KHa- Carr; .n ut. 1 ,..vi 111.11 , l(. A .' , I bughlon; Sec retary of slate I 'ctavius Colic; Treasurci I . W. Iliiin: .Slate Auditor, U. M. 1'nr man: Attorney (.cticral, frank 1. ., lorr.e; Suporintendant of Public Instruct 1011, .1. L. Scarborough. 1 Indicia! ticket: Associate .1 notice Su preme Court, .lames C. McKac; Judyi th District G. A. Sliiil'or.l. Coiigreos.uona! ticket Mlh DMiict: 11. Grad) ; Slate Senatorial ticket. Kill I (is.: liet I. A.. Potter and Ceo. I'm-rot. Craven County ticket: House ol liepre- enatives: h. . V adi-worth; Hegisti r ol Deeds, .1. W. Iliddlc: Sheriff, W. I! I.anc; Treasure Thus. Daniels; Coroner, Dr. It. S. Primrose; Surveyor, (loo. s. Wiloov. Amendment to the State Constitution, ite "For Amendment.'' The vote, for the amendment is that much in addition o the vote ordinarily east at. the re.nilar lection, lie sine to remember ii ANOTHER KEFISA1 kins',011 Retrisliar 1 No! I n i n Over His Hook. KlNSTON. V ('.. Nov. '.!, IK'.U!. Today, Mr. .las. V. Hill, rogistr ir toi Kinston township, was asked l.v Slan I licks (colored) and John I, Sugg, super visors for this voting precinct, lo permit them to examine and copy the registra tion book. Mr. Hill re fu -oil pi rmi.-s;o:i. What now; Auu 111. 1.. TKENTdN COKItl'ol'OMlKNt :, Democratic Speaking Good Work by lion. I.. J. Moore. P. 11 r"li.Ioi:iiN i - 1 liir'Snperior C ..win session, .hidge W Intuk.-r nut pre- md siding. 'Th. Judge 1- a good .llii .'lies go :u -.1:1-01. 11. 'ii Hon. I,. I. Moon . . 1 ..,n . ,tv. till. .1 his appointment lure on Mondaj and made a grand Donioeialie -peech. . think much good was aeeoinplisli. 1 l. it His relcretiee to the "Australian ballm system demanded liy the 1 turd party platform, and his explanation ot how limeult it would lie tor an uneducated man to vote, opened the eyes ot thosi who cannot read in this count,and many were heard to say the Third party could not get their vote. We feel sale in tins county and will carry our ticket through all right. Hut it we could got Mr. .Moore to speak lor us a.' Tuekuhoe and Polloksv ille we hould be doubly assured. Mr. Moore has an earnest, convincing style of speak ing that our people like, and can do more good lor our cause than any other 1.1:01 that can conic here. Mr. Shaw, the Democratic elector I'm this district, spoke here today. He made u line impression. .1. I . W . NO SIU, KEE. Cannot Stand Being Talieii for a Third I'arty Man. He We think the following rich note to the News it Observer (the connection of which is apparent from itspcrusal) will lie appreciated: Slil.MA, N. (.'., Oct. 2'J. Di-.AK Sm: In your issue of Oct. 2Tth in regard lo tho fracas at Princeton, you got the names mixed. Mr. Jack liuins is a citizen of this point, nn.l there never existed a stronger Democrat, lie desires that you make correction and make tho name instead of his, W. li. Hains, chair man of tho county Third party. He further states that he would not be so disgraced, as to lie put ,tlurd class, as as that would put him, one class below tho negro. I hey are second. So be claims to be a double first-class Democrat, and would have no other impression left on the people, especially Inn friends. So change tho name, or make the correction quick. Jack Kaind. North Carolina University Magazine. WANTED. Dr. Stephen B. Weeks, of Trinity Col lege, Durham, N. C, very much desires to complete his set of the North Caro lina university Magazine. Persons having any of the numbers given below, either as separata numbers or as parts ol bound volumes, are invited to correspond with him. Ho will be glad to yet them in either form. NUMBERS WANTED: Vol. I. Nos. 8, 4, 5, 0, JO, Apr., May, June, Aug.. Dec., 1852. Vol. IL No. 9, Not., 1803. Vol. III. No. 1, Feb., 1854. Vol. IV. No. , Nov., 1855. Vol. VIU, No. 1. Auir.. 1858. Vok X. Nots.. 1,4, Nov., 1860, May, 1881 (of this number only 10 pages, 513 . .no 1 , . - 10 bo) wn vr pnniou.j 4 li1 I POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'roam of tartar baking pjwdei ' of all in huvoniiijr sti ..lit-t'i Ilia La-. LMII-.li rl.TI!S (i.lVI-:ilNMl..VI l'Oiin lii run ItoVAl, 11m, P... r' 1 -'ii W- St.. N. V Hancock Street Chinch. Love feast to be be held at Hancock Street Methodist church tonight . Thur-i-dayi instead of Friday night, as the Jnarterly tVnteroiae will be hid on Friday night the regular niglii meeting for dosil eaeh he l.ovi I'ea-I. All chistiails who to cultiial. kindlv feelings for other arc invi .1 I. r i. all lend and eat her hi social tin. .inverted a change i. id 1 better bread and drink kindness. Al persons who of hearts an Thoilsaiuls til ( 'apt. Phil Thonia-, Wilmington Seacoa-l i:ock I'.-!i. conductor ou railroad, lei: licit the Hanks C alive w ilh rock li.-i time during tli. ! thick with big It ", aiinel w 1 i 1 . - ,-:i-r. 1 'I,- .. laal A' have boon gigged old Sounder sas h, n, i .... '.he like . pioprietor ol caught a big .-sewn inches before. Mr. Augu.-I Kod the Island I'., arli o.-t, rock that nica iu length and Wil.Star. d lUelll h.-lled CO lit .iiuds. -Self love llegh eting." 1- not -1 Shal.i -p, HO X'1 morn 1- in X' 11 1 i: when C'..l.bd:g . 0 i Hii'.u's nouk'i'ting tu die. he can tiU'.nd. Wo hiv iuf il ;: a. :'l V. !i:i bulls well. at i-'.o!! illlf. Will thai v givr ' .'.liy le I)., vi onlv 001. C: !- n:t. do not : 1 i't iiuy ,,'od ..n:ii ' lie-'. Whi-n 1 !ul Iu White tut g: I :; M'J UM. Sb;' t ? mi e. I ,-.,...,: Pr. -id. in u ill oori.-ui'' I In-.-pound-- ('tli West India M. city. I bong d.e.v 11 ( it h 11 p did enable-, m k (: ii . v . :.:'fll . I ' .... ' ' tie I i lie '1 -p inili.ielalc an I see In: iit. !.. addlla j. r Ft: We of-:- Machine lit ii . thoiisind. at li They vi!! ll.V! l-lll.i.t 1 ! ) it. .Do K-niL ;) h. I'd 1:1.' We 3I&-VL' .Tustliec-jived FRESH tj 1 1 y oi: the 'Jo odn: Folio vmy II. .1. ll -il. Co. S ... I V ,d l iei;; . Pic.'.l, 11 P..-K1 TM S, 1 l'.-.iM .. s by lb. I, 1 r .-e 1 v . Also, .Jacob ('. 1 it. . .t ( ' o. so. all t-'.. 1; s and , -t... yc:i tl-e Sugar L'urid i :..:i.c Shoulders. Also, a complete numerous Lo morn . Don't forgi (that Finest Buttir in th; City lor 3:V.. lb. .Just liv i- ' ; . .111,1 35n. KOAHI'F.I) I'lll-'t-'!.::, t'., v m.iao h delicious drink. Soucc.l Pig's Foet md 'I npe. Lorillaid's HnnlT at iiiaimfsclurrr's pricei.. Very resi' i-'.l.dlj , Churchill & F&rker, l 2(1 Cm Ilro.id tu.'i. Nev. Heme. VALUABLE TO V7N"l'ttOP ERTY TOR SALE. Pursntnt lo J.nUnif nl ol Hie Hnprlnr Ooartor Craven oouoty. In Frooeedlnss for Partition, I will, on Monday, Dec. 5, 1C92, Twelve, M..ftlh Court Hotm in Newbern, iteU at pnbllo ven lne, th wo H'judMiJ Loti, at tUe JUDCtton nf Kt Kront an1 ouib Krout streeu. In Mild city, where D, Q. Hmiw now rMitl-i, ant where Mth. fi. K. fattemni) rtntiit-d Ht 't lime u( Dor deatb,. Tonus Culi. OHH. V. ( I.A-RK, VuuiTiiliftlonor. New Vra, Oct. 27, U, 2. td Fresh Stock cf Irtiwncy's Fino Choeolatsnnd RonlRons, Stephen Whitman & Son's Fine Phila delphia AUde Candies, 1 rnlts, etc., etc. recoived weekly by Sam. B. Waters. td ltrt -' , I No Bernc ' 4K TO BUY! Mm is buy: mi mm to payi Theso .ire thoughts that most concern peoplo when they have mii lo up lid i: 1 -..i.dr that they want oods, fortish&g Goods, CI'- tak.: : hue. buy. a:;kcil to- . "ot: wil! net make a mis c...iiiitjg; iu our place to v . will .show you what to '!'::.: .-.utotint you'll be - j.iy -.-.-ill be satisfac- ik'J Goods, t- t tic mm stack. Ver Lswesil Prices t1 .' -loments that l f-:; '. -ttr store the " buying. Oar la ii .U Ida.' al we - ---f - I.,-, s. ' 'lctlu'ng, Boots, Si 11 ii'. Trni t ii 'it.s' Kuvnishing (J oods, - V:lliM"s. I'tc. :.u' .- :t nic- line of DRESS ' ; : un a'fid fancy d- ' - .-1- . iil : ell at tho . pi' : u vi 1. vmi irl'i: 1 1- : 1 .-avc jiu.ney :idly lo give us j-Mvlt-it-itig clse- 'd fur jmst patron- :. ' 1 : ruly, we as .11 1 t.-- r.-V; ii iiV. Allty. Juat Ileceived: A F. t L Iii-. b - 'l '.! .H1:'':-, UiUdH Gold Vioh, 1 :.i d '.lobe-.. A I. i . . M1LLKII.2SU Biond Street.! t " :- tit. Business 3 OH.! V -"ill? i. 4 Li, -iho 11,, : New Heme It, for two 1 -litOO . Or! I II,. 1 . PooK keeping, leiiec and I'enJ I- O'l. !.. ch.s.-. 53.0O per . :! 00 nil- two months. 1 1 ' ( la-. 3 to 4 p.m. .pi.iu'. " 'o I" p.m. U.ioli-keoping, 1 1. ...1. 1 Fridays. n.i' i :.,., 4 to 5 p.m. - t 1 ' p.in . Tuesdays and .Ni ' 1.--J- a. id !h 1 .,0 (Joel Mf ii, . .uliif , ;a, BBClll Will t). rivi-n i l.ifo K-..I11P. Due lor bell wrlllu- : oi,i :i,r b. m Un;-iovoiji.nl. TKIiMsi-one-iior.l i .iui.ie In oilvanr. and ?! "d fr wi-jt lot palil. Hll. faction 1 uri j ,r. ' - erlliii pupils or ninety r ri.iiiUil K. -iiu-i.-.i -i ..1 mi, o or more frnm one f.iiu! i . . Suf-iir , fin fin tl.er partlcu lum, Si.c.-fi,. ,,s ..r I . . .1 1 ti 1 .. fre.h from jf n, rn ' r-i-- y u tliten onlllng oards H-spr ! -'.!' ne2:itr S-Ia L'vory & Food Stables T- LANI, rrcprictor. ac Will me..; di,;::in.eiH ur 01 her parties . Nc Il. '-ie ni:'i ko.u1 lams aud take o ui . : iy pan i f l inilico county or noieliennne U'lniory at low mtes. leans -.1 tav.- leas rt tho stables will receive e teencm Mention, reedltigti S e. :lty. ti n il o . eiKi;ht ol tho proprietor Is eiven to evf,rj depai trr.ont of the busi ness. o20w8o Wo have j t it received a New Stock of IN Hen's, Youths' and Boy's Overcoats, IT inn RVinaa. .AAV MUWIV, Lata 8tyle Hits, aien'8 ind Ladies' under wear, A lino line of Dress Goods In Flannola and Henriettas, . Ladies' Cloaks, A nice lino of the Roller Tray Trunks, Valises ft Satchels, and Itr fact anything that is lobe found in Vint Chun Dry (taxis Btan, I to be snldst bard time prioesk 1 OWo us look before baying.