$ S 7 y fl AiLY ""Journal. no I VOL. Xl.-NO. 192 NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1892. P-P-ICE 5 CENTS HE '4 '"..'.it f ... - 7 ' - t BUSINESS LOCALS. f fit) to ,Jftnn & McSorloy'a and get a VJf -down of their Florida Oranges, only " 20 cents, j It TRY OLD STONEWALL, 30 year old JOBACC and our flue CIGARS. ' NnNH & McSomlby. I1 LECTION RETURNS full and com i pleto will be received and posted on bulletin board over my place pf business on the night of election. 4. All are invited. td. JIMMIE. CHICAGO Beef mid Pork Rausagc al! this week. N. WniTFoitD. MRS. M. A. LANE, who fa nn accom plished Dress Maker, understanding '.' the latest designs, both in style and pattern; and prepared to satisfy the most fastidious, is residing on Craven v utrect, opposite the court house and de Sires the patronage of the public. novSlw THE Celebrated Saboroso Flor Do Habanq Cigar Six for Twenty-five cents at C. C. Giiren's Dpuo Stohk. . nov. 3-6m. 8TR. DAUNTLESS will leave 0. D. Wharf at 7:80 o'clock a. in., every Wednesday and Saturday for Smith's creek, Kershaw and all initermciliate points; returning Thursday and Monday, novllw Ciias. M. Kehoe, Agt. nAR LOAD WESTERN BAULK V VJ CLIPPED OATS just arrived. oc(28tf BiiADiiAM & Smith. JR. WATSON & CO., Dealers in Novelties and Household Q.iods. Middle 8t, opposite K. B. Duffy's Drug Store, New Berne, N. C. o271m. nOUSE FOR RENT. Desirable Loca tion on Middle St. Apply to oct8tf F. Duffy. JAPANESE COODS-Bcautiful, ArtiB tic. Just roccived. See Jno. Dunn's Show Windows. 9 25 tf BUGGIES Light running and substan tial. Manufactured by Edward Long, Washington, N. C. J. A. Jones, sep25-tl Opposite Gaston House. MI8EI, SACRAMENTAL, PORT and 80UPPERNONG WINES far sale t,r J as. Redmond. 1 CALVIN S'JHAFFER'3 WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put np expressly for throat nn.fl lung dis nm, for tale by Jab Rk.umjnd. ("AUFFYS MALT WHISKEY for XMedioinal uap. fur sain by jaoSO JaB. Ukumo.ni). HUNYADI Janos Mineral Wator, the bet Natural aperient. For tale by Jas. Rbdmjnd. 1)UBE CORN WHISKEY for sale by Jas Reokono. UFF Oordon Imported Sherry, for sale by Jas Redmond. IMPORTED HOLLAND UIV. Burke's Basil' Ale And Burku's Uuinuots' dtout, for ealu Uy Jab Redmond. TK f(C OIUAR3 at very low I OiUUU fiuuros to wholoaalu and retell trade for sale by Jas. Redmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY used very much In the sick room. For Mle by Jas Redmond. VOTE FOE CLEVELAND and save the Union. Thk stampede to Democracy continues, unabated. One vote for Koonce is half a vote for carpet-bagger Clark and the Foroe bill. THE game of the republicans to bulldoze demeorats won't work. Stand by your guns, boys. The man' who said Clevi'ltind couldn't carry New York hee crawled in his hole and pulled it in after him. 12,000,000 is publicly an nounced as the profit of the Amerloan Oil Company for he year Just closed. ' Hememseb that in casting your , ballot next Tuesday you make a record. Be sure that you don't t tiake aucli a record as you will be i ashamed of in the future. IT Is a dirty business to have a lot of spies appointed here at Ral eigh by a federal office holder to watch our people choose their offi cer at the polls. News and Ob server. Da. WARNER, the corset-maker of Connecticut, has created a sen sation by withdrawing from the Eepublioan electoral ticket bcoause the McKinley tariff is hurting his business. '. It draws so tight that even the Warner corsetcan't stand the pressure. Wll. Star. The Federal supervisors of eler- - Hons hare got their Instructions from headquarters to ignore the State lava whenever; they conflict 'with the Federal eleotlon law. Give these fellows a Foroe bill and what would elections amount tol Ne- ! poleon's : pleblsoite transferred to this side of the water, that is all. Wll, Star. - ' ' ' ' Tub express train r between , Edinbnrg and London ran into another train Tuesday, while trav : oiling at the rate of CO miles an hour causing a terrible wreck. The accident was due to a dense . fog. Kine mi-u were killed .and others Injured. Fire added Us horrors to the vcvne and Home of ' the bodies taken out of the wreck were burned toyond all semblance to humnnity. We fee that Uk Centenary' for Ootobor contains . line portrait ol Dr. T. U. Kingsbury the talented editor of the Wilmington Meessen ger aud uho a two column sketch o! his life. It is splendidly written and is a deserved tribute to our esteemed co-temporary's chief. A eomb ehell exploded ill the Third party camp Saturday at Ilobomoiivilii:. The Thirditcs had a rally am! caking there. Among tho Hpeakovd was J. C. Andrews, county chairman of tho Third par ty executive coiuaiitt.ee. When Mr. Andrews' turn to speak he re nounced the Tairil p.rty and do l.ii cd himself a Democrat, and in favor o!' tho Democrat iu ticket. To say that the Thirditos were astonished puts it mildly. Ic was a bomb nhell, ii:xi thn elT'e;:t. of its explosion ia sill! being felt thonigb out Mniti.'i TuiImio Sonrherner. ,n i f K1C W A DIM! rifiNMKXTK 1 inward. Kxpcutoi's1 notice. 'l S. R. St reel -Anciio.'i 3. W. Stcwnrt Frt-.h ::rrival.-. Nuim & MoSnrley Cliwiji nr.iii'jtf Nuim & MfSurlry Old Slom-tvnli hacen. The nicctiii;,'lbr youn;; men 'il I lie Y. M. C. A. tomarnnv uIIitiiodu will ln led by Mr. Willimn Oglesl.y The Third i:nty eonvcnliou i,f I'liaijuu t:ink met at Elizuhetli City und nominated the very same ticket thul t'm Repuhlicuu.s had put mi'.. Itwasi.ta lute hour but Uiuy caboodled with the Kt'piiblicnna junt tlic janie. The regibtran in Craven and ai! ad joining counties will confer a I'avo; upon us by mailiiif,' u;i the m.ulU ol'tliu election iiniiiediately alter the vole i:i known or by getting the news to . o'.liei aie it u eonvenient an.! nuTe lapid way oliern. The bicycle ptoec.iin in trio celebra tion at Columbia. K. C , had -V'O wheel men in it. Iiieyeling is attracting great attention. The New Be ne I 'air i.i keep ing up with v. l'atevci i ';oimI t I'.at holds the attention of the p'i! lie u: ! bicycle riiecil will be a prominc i.! f atuie at its coming exhibition. A eoloiid inai: i'V tile name of Holey YVilkins wax miirilered near Enlicld Sat urday nigh! near the railroad. lie lived long enough after being found to state that four negioes were hi i aosailar.tj and that the crime was committed for pur poso of robbery but it availed not ns he had nothing in hi:: pockets. Hon. L. J. Moore, of New Ucrne, and otlrfcr prominent speakers w ill address the citizens of Jones county on the issues of the day, atPolloksville, on Monday, Nov. 7th, 1893, at half-past eleven o'oloek, a.m. People of all political parties are respectfully invited to bear this address. The time being short, friends of the cause will give as much circulation to this notice as possible. Houses Still Scarce. As much ns house building has been going on, we are informed that a gentle man who made arrangements for moving here has had to abandon the idea, because of not being able to Cud a suitable house for rent. While this speaks well for the acknowledged attractiveness of our city which is constantly becoming more firmly established, it shows oorly for the enter prize of properly owner, in not keeping alJreast of, the dennnd... The supply of buildings both residence and, business; should be large enough to guaranten ac commodation for any one on reasonable terms, and on moderate notice. Till Close Election Day. We arc glad to sec tho interest being manifested by our merchants and other business men in agreeing, to close their stores and places of business on election day. Tho result of this election is a question which all of our 'people are in terested in; what every good citizen de sires is good government, and we all ongbt to work to that end. The commit tee who waited upon the business men were unable to see all of them, some uot being iu their places of business when called upon, and in their limited time Were unable to cover the entire city. Next Tuesday being a general election, very; few, if any people will be in the city from tho country. We hope all of our merchants will close on that day, and do their best for the success of the Demo cratic ticket aud good government. All who have not been waited upon by the committee, and are willing to close will please hand their names in to the Jocn kal office today. We propose to pub lish this list again tomorrow: ' Alex Miller, Eockburo & Willet, C. S. Blow, H. V. Hill, Bmallwood & Slover, Ferdinand Ulrica; J. W. Meslc, 8. W. Willis, Borrington ft Baxter, K. Coh'on, D. W- Walnau, W. H. Cohen, M. H. Sul tan, Wro.. Pulton, M. L nollowefl A Co., u Bcnuiu, u. a. imny, uouauu a jar vis, J. M, Howard, J. C. Whitty & Co.. Bradhara & Smith, II. Blurngardt, 0. Marks & Bon, Big Iko. t': in i 'I' i mi"';t ' ; ;V,;,--'t Children JDry foilitch erf 'Crorfa' A SAY-SO OF M00DY'8. Does the Honest Third Party Voter See Where Ue is Standing! Hon. James M. Moody, Republican candidate for Lieutenant-Governor says that- the People's party will poll 50,000 votes in the State, and that 4(3,000 will come oft the Dqmocrats, and 5,000 off the Republicans. In thewural precincts east of Raleigh tho voters belong to the Re publican and reople s party, mere ore practically no Democrats except in the towns. Five thousand United States election supervisors have been appointed in ttiat section at tne instance ot tue peo ple's party, and thus a fair election is assured. He is sanguine of success. Asheville Banner. How can any man who knows the dif ference between the good government under which the Stato is now prospering and the bud government under which it was being ruined when in the hands of the Republicans vote anything except the Democratic ticket after reading such statements as the above. While it is perfectly patent tho re marks contain wild exaggerations, they reveal plainly the reason of the encourage ment given by Republican leaders to the Third party. Will North CarolineanB allow themselves to be fooled iuto help ing the Republican party indirectly when they would not do so ? J. il. Martin's Complaint. v e publish in this morning's Joubnal a card from Mr. J. li. Martin, of Pamlico complaiuiug -bitterly ot alleged unfair treatment in that wc published an account unfavorable to himself written by a hearer jf the debate at Arapuhoc in which he poke as a Third party man agahiBt Gen. C. A. Rattle and Hon. W. T. Cnho, Demo crats. We would remind Mr. Martin that we published two accounts of tho discussion. One was by a staff correspondent of the Journal. Of that ho cannot complain. In it he was awarded every word of praise that could by the widest allowance be considered due him and further the writir did not indulge iu fulsome praise of Mr. Martin's opponents. Now, Mr. Martin says in his communi cation, "I nin willing for them ("tho people that were out to hear") to say who gained the victory." Exactly so, Mr. Martin, that is just what we let them do. Wc rcceivod a communication froiji one who took no part in the debate -- one ofj "the people who were out to hear" who in his ex uberance of spirits at the result of the meeting wrote us a particularizing ac count of it ami wo published the com munication. It is that commmunication from one of "the people who were out to hear" whom you say you are willing to let decide as to whose banner victory perched upon and who did thus decide, that you are complaiuiug so roughly about. Rut following our rule to give all sides a reasonable hearing when it is desired wc publish all of your statement of facts or inferences about them that differs at all with the published account. Democratic Rally at Wilson. There was a great Democratic demon stration at Wilson Thursday. Senator Ranson was to have spoken there but having been taken ill Hon. C. B. Aycock and other speakers filled the ap pointment. It was an enthusiastic gath ering. Business houses closed for the speaking and a largo number of colored people joined in the parade. There are many indications of breaks from the Republican ranks by the colored people. The beneficent influences of Democratic rule in this and other South ern States is convincing them as no amount of argument could do that it is as much to their interest nsit is to the interest of the white people to have good government, wisely administered by faithful competent men. The day ap pears to be almost past when they as a race will quietly and thoughtlessly obey as one man the orders of Republican Demagogues. Coming and tioing. Mr. Henry R. Bryan, Jr., lias left New Berne to accept a position in the freight department of tho Norfolk: & Western Railroad at Norfolk, Va. Miss Lizzie Ward loft on the steamer Ncuse to visit relatives at Plymouth. Messrs. J. II. Patterson and A. Schultx arrived on tho steamer Neuse from a Northern business trip. The family of Mr. Lovi Bray, who are spending the winter at Ajapahoo, came up yesterday to spend a short time iu tbe city. Judge A. S. Seymour returned last night from Wilmington where he has been holding Federal Court. Presiding Elder W. 8. Rone, came down from Goldsboro to hold Quarterly Conference at Hancock street Methodist Church. Mr. J. 8. Mann went down to Beaufort on professional business. Mrs. W. T. Dixon who baa boon visi ting her brother in the eity returned to her homo iu Morohead. Special Notice. - i We beg to notify our patrons and the public generally taut haying purchased the aood-will and fixtures of "John Browu, the Barber,'1 w hop by polite and strict attention to . business (no "Prince of Wales" airs) to merit a eon tinuance of the patronage so generouslj bestowed upon our former employer, i , Respectfully, . ". ' IT. L. Baiits, Proprietor.; THE ELECTION SCHEME. OF CHIEF SUPERVISOR SHAFFER MADE PUBLIC. Ue Realizes How he Slipped up in Dis playing the Cloven Hoof so " Early. There continues t,o be identv nf tnlk about Shaffer's arrest of State Registrar Rcid. Shaffer sees he has made a mis- C CCrtallllv ft bad nnrc for Ilia nnrlv which it will cost thousands of voteH. Your correspondent has been shown one of the "Supervisor's Poll Rooks" sent K.. ni.:r u : i,i ... vui. vj vma oupervisor cmaner. it is evident as soon as this book is seen that Shaffer calculated unon hnvimr Idu Ho. publican undj Third party deputies get uuiu ui me registrar s oook ami copy the names therefrom. The books have spaces for an alphabetical list of voters, white and coloretl separated, showing who voted, did not vote or were rejected. rrmica on the hooks are these mstruc tions to sunervisora: "A corrert. trim. script of the registered list of your pre cinct, mto tins oooif. caretul checkmsr under their respective heads of those who vote, who fail to vote or w hose vote is rejected on election day, aud the return of this book to this office on the dav nfter election, with your signatures attached, is .r.L. js i . ... t me very nrsi rnporiance. II you are indered. delaved. or obstructed in the free ncrformanco of this dutv tiv im . t - j j j officer of rerrist.ratinn or of pleetioti nr w any other person whatsoever, or if your associate rciuscs to assist you in tins work, you arc required to report on oath without rlelftv fn the nndprairmoil nil tlir. facts relating thereto, with the names of parties anil witnesses inereni. Kaieign Cor. Wil. Messenger. Look ont for the Legislature. The control of the next legislature is now the chief object that is sought by the third party people. They fully realize that of course there is no possible chance to elect Weaver, and they have also aban doned all hope of electing Exum and their other candidates on the State ticket. But they arc concentrating all their strength and making all kinds of combi nations to control tho next Legislature. This is openly avowetl in the last iasue of the Raleigh Signal, Loge Harris's paper. rrom an editorial there we copy the following extract: 1 lie Legislature is the citadel ot all political power in this State and the moat determined effort should be made to elect a majority of Republicans and People's party candidates Don t neglect tho Legislative can didates." Thus forwamcd, all Democrats should l)c forearmed, and be fully prepared for this combination to capture our Legisla ture. It is very true, as the Signal says that "The Legislature is the citadel of all political power in this State," and there fore it behoves all who wish to continue good government in North Carolina to be certain that the next Legislature re mains under the control ofthe democratic parly. Chatham Record. ITlio Light Turned On To thoso who are not altogether familiar with the political history of North Carolina away back in the sixties and seventies, it may not be amiss to re mind tbcm of the fact that in 'OH and '70 the Republican legislature sat in Raleigh 302 days. During the first part of the session tney sat 55 days without passin; a single act. The members of this repub lican legislature voted themselves $7 per day. Thero was not enough money in tho treasury to pay the per them, and they voted to borrow $158,000 for the purpose, lrom the school hind. During tne year ending neptenilicr SO, lHiO, there wont to the credit of the school lund 1888,078.70, only $38,91.80 of which were disbursed on account ol common schools. It appears abovo how a part of the school fund was used, ami the Stale has never realized a cent from the balance Let the republicans get into power again, and tucy will borrow the educational fund again. It is sufficiently large now to tempt them a9 it tempted them before. Already their voice is heard on every stump against that grand old institution ot learning, the State University, at Chapel Hill, that scat of learning whic h should be the pride ot every .North Caro linian's heart. Are you willing to vote either the Republican or lnird puny ticket and thereby take the risk ol bring ing about such a condition of affairs again ? Ex. Less Than Ono Million. In 1880 there were in circulation in North Carolina over two million dollars in national bank notes. Today thero is less than one million in circulation, the Democrats propose to tako the 10 per cent tax off of State banks, and thus al low the people of North Carolina to in crease the circulating medium to meet the demands of business. The money issued by these Stato banks can have for its basis North Carolina bonds, worth over 100 cents on the dollar in gold, and as good as a national bond, tbe basis ot the national bank notes. Tbe people who want more money should remember this when they vote. Asheville Citizen. "Long experience made him wise." Gat. That is the only way some of us learn wisdom, by experience. Now our experience has taught us that the best is always the cheapest. When you need a pair of Shoos try our line of them, they do not cost much more than inferior shoes and will do twice the service; prices three to flro dollars. New lot just in. Do not forgot our Sam ple goods at cost.' J. M, HOWARD, New Berne Building and Loan Asuocla Uon. . Sealed proposals for tho sale of stock I- it. . -L I- - il A .. 1.1.1 111 1 IB utu auric vi tuts Ajnuciauun win received by me. Bids to be subject approval of Board of Directors. o81W J. R. B. Oabrawat. Sce'ty ChlldronCryjroiitcherJfrfo TWO YEARS A;0 AND XOW. Tho Election of '90 the Fore lliin- ner of the Tldal-Wavc of 't)2. Looking over the election returns from the States w hich have thus far spoken in the present campaign, our mind naturally reverts back to the returns of 1890, where we find the democrats carried 32 out of the then 42 States m the U nion. The gains therefore in the Went, and north-Wcst two years ago were phe nomenal ami netv prove interesting to our readers lust now. For instance. Illinois, that had sent only fl democrats to the House before in ".)0 sent 12; In- lianu, that sent 10 out of 13 in '88, sent 11 in '90; Iowa, with only 1 democratic member of the 51st Congress, sent 0 to 52 Congress; Kansas, with a solid repubs lean delegation in H8, sent (i democrat- n '90; Massachusetts with only 2 demo crats in the 5 1 st Congress, elected 0 to the 52nd Congress; Migliignn elected 6 members to the 52nd Congress whereas it iad only 1 in 8S; Minnesota elected 3 democrats and 2 republicans in '90 against 5 republicans in '88; Nebraska reversed things entirely and sent 3 demo crats, whereas it had heretofore sent 3 republicans to Congress; New Hampshire transferred her solid republican delega tion in congress to the democratic c il uinn; New Jersey sent 5 democrats to iongress out of a total of 7; New York hanged her 15 democrats in the I louse ii '88 to 21 in '90: Ohio changed from 5 lemocrats in '88 to H iu '1)0; Wisconsin inereuscd her democrat ie delegation in Congress from 1, in '88 to 7 in '90, while he entire Southern Statei only elected 4 epublicans to the 52nd Congress. The issues upon which the campaign of 189!l were fought being the identical issues upon which the nrcscnt liizht is cing waged, it is but reasonable to say that the election of 1890 was but a fore ruunar of the great tidal-wave of '03, which has already set in and which bids iiir at this moment to sweep the country, rom Maine to Texas, and from the At nntir to the racilie. From our exper ience in 1890 let democrats everywhere gain fresh courage and press Ionian! to nat grand victory awaiting us next Tuesday. N. C. (hizetle. Household and Kitchen Fur niture at Auction. A gentleman who thought of locating icre had his elegant ami complete lot of Furniture shipped to New Heme, but laving changed Ins mind, the entire lot will be exposed for sale, MONKAY, NOVKiUIIEK 7, it THN, a.m., in front of Moore's Hoard- ng House on Houth Front street. It con sists of Walnnt bedroom Suits with French (Hubs and Tennessee Marble, 1'arlor Suits, Dining Koom Suits, Car pels, rictiires, ( ookmg Kangc, ami many things useful to housekeepers. ladies uiv espec ially invited to attend. 5 21 S. It. STRKKT, Auctioneer. All persona having cIrIdib nicilnBt Cliarlt Shiver, derR6til, are notified to exlilt-ll llu sanio to the utilriilKQen: on or before too Hh lay of Novnmker. A 1). ls'Jl. All pftmonfl Indebted to blm. are n .rio'.lue to make Immediate payment. UKIIKtiK MJVEH, 1. K Ml.OVKIt M. 1)W. HTKV S"NSi;N, Kxeoutors of LbarlouMlover. Nov. I Hi m::. w TAX WflCET The City Tax List, for the Year 1892, is now in my hands for Collec tion. I will be at the office daily from 9 to 6 to receive your taxes. Please come forward and settle the same. W. D. WALLACE, City Tax Collector. Oct. l.".t!i, IH',12. VALUABLE TOWN PROP ERTY FOR SALE. rnraunottoA Juiiinm'nt or the Ho parlor Court of Oruvim onutiiy. In rrooeftrilufctJ fur art l Lion, i will, nn Monday, Dec. 5, 1092, 1 wolve. M.. At l he Court House In Nwlern, at puhllo vendue, Ihft two Houses aud Loin, At tue Junction of Kast Kronl. and Hoiitti Front BtreoU, In said olty, where I). O. Hmaw Dow resides, and where M O. K. rattemoi) resided at Die time of ner death. Teruati (Jaaii. OUAS. C. t LA.RK, Coin tnliBloncr, Newborn, Oct. 27, lssJ. td Barrinaton & Baxter. Wo havo Just roooivetl a Now Stock of Olotttixig: IN Men's, Youths' and Boy's Overcoats. Fine Shoes, Late Style Hats, Men's and Ladies' Under wear, A fine line of Dress Goods in Flannels and Henriettas, Ladies' Cloaks, A nioe line of the Roller Tray Trunks, valises ft Satchels, and in foot anything that ia to be found in a First Glass Dry Goods Store, all to bo aold 'at hard time prioei. Olve ub a look before buying. Bricks For Salt. Wo offer a few thousand Rough Machine Bricks, $5.00 and tC.OO per thousand, at tho Depot. Tucy will make prettier walls than any hand-mado bricks. o30 lw W. P. BURRCS & OO. Fresh Stock off Lowncy'a Fine Chocclataand BonlBont, Stephen Whitman & Bon's Fino Phi la- dolnhtn Matin Candies. Fruits, etc . plr received weekly by 8am. B. Watersr 10 im a v Now Borne, NaCJ . POWDER Absolutely Pure. A eioum of tartar baking powder. Illjjl. ' of all in l&ivnnitiK strength. I'ATl!.; , L'NITKIl St.TPH GOVKKNMENT Food Hiii'okt. Koyai. Hakino Poivuku Co., 100 Wall at.,N. Y. Who'll Be Elscied? I cannot toll who will ho the. nest President, Imt those who tnulc with me will certainly he clcclcil. I have 7,000 (mumls Cheese, 5,000 iionmls Coll'ee, and 10 barrels of the befit West India MolnsscH ever brought to the eity. I bought when tho market was down (it is tip now), and buying when I did enables nie to sell at present New York prices wit limit even the addition of freight. I have '00 barrels of the best grade of Flour nt prices never before heard of for the (iiality. I have a full stock of other ( ioods, which space will not permit nic even to enumerate. Bargains in t Ik-mi all. Come and see for yourself. J. F. TAYLOR. We Eave Just Received A FRESH SUPPLY OF THE Following Goods: II, J. Heinz Co. Swuet Mixed I'ickles, " ' Sour Mix. d PicMes, " " Chow Chow Tickles, " ' boose t ucuiDber I'icklee ' " Nuiv Mince Meat, " " 5 lb. palls Preserves, " " r H. pails Apple Hotter, " " Loose preserves by lb. Alro, Jacob (.'. Chafer & Co. V. Bin. ill Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast IStiiiiD:uI Shoulders. Also, a complete line d other g ods too Qumotous to men ion. Don't forgi (that we are selling yon tliu Finest BnttT in '.h: C.'iv for 30,-. lb. Just t ry on-. i.'r , :;0o. and 85s. l).YThl ' K; make u delicious di ink. Soueed Pig's rV. : ;!..! 'i'lij-'. borillard's tnutt hi uiuf'tct.ircr.'-; price. Vci y rcp.-ci fully, Churchill & Parker, 8 20 Cm Hp... I Street X. iv Heme. Help at Hand! For those with whom price is an object as well as the best goods. For people who are hard to suit. For those who neod it most the hard working, honest laboring man, To all such wo offer extra inducements. So Far, So Good. iliUT NOW, We wan! Holp ai Hand From thoso of oar customers to wbom we have been over. indulgent and allowed their accounts to become paot due. We assure them we Deed the money and they moat pay up. It ia Impossible for us to do business without niouey. Vory Keapeotfully, llackburn & Willett. J. E. LATHAM, Commis'n Merch't'l Broker. RuTar and Exporter of Ool ton, Uaaler In Country Frodnoa and all Bpeao Ultra Oommodlilea. , Liberal oaah advanoa mode. Dally quotation a free to all pal tad rm blMkboaM la my offloe. i aOoTTMDondanoa Invited. Vlattora walnoaia. J, y WHERE TO BUY! fSm T9 BUY ! how mm to ?kv r These aro thoughts that most pe i!e vJion they have concern made want up their minds that they Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Etc. You will not make a mia- tako in coming to our place to buy. We will show you what to buy. The amount you'll bo asked to jty will be satisfac tory. 7 mt Goods, The Largest Stock, ThsYery Lowest Prices These are tho elements that enter into making our store tho favorite place for buying. Our prices are ao low that we rM? Competition in Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots. slioes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, etc. Wo have a nice line of DRESS GOODS in plain and fancy de signs, whk'h we will sell at the lowest prices. 1 i vi'!'. 'x save money w. .i.i m l.i-iilh to give us a call belore purchasing else where. Thaukiny you for past patron age, Wo remain, yours truly, 1 GLOBE ei :mug mm, ";M!M.H 3TUKET,, O, .'!.n:r!i, cor. Alley. ji.n' iu:nNr;, k. c. Juot Received: a F.eMi i.ut of maiior'd COUGH CL'KK, with Gold Fish, Aijuai.tiuia and (IIoImih. ALEX. MILLER, fc27 lw Broad Street. Holioway's Business E. B. HOlLoWAT the Specialist, Will open a Bus'incm School in tho t, .nli wr:;t room, pcroml floor, of the New Heino Co(X'i;.lc IiMtitutc, t:tolx.T 81, fn nionins only. Thorough course in Ilook-ke. "niir (.'oiniiu r -ml Correspondence and '.w lll:lllihii, jliOO. lYiiiimiiship, Day Class, $3.00 per in 'nth. Ni-lii cins 3.00 for two moo till. liook-k.'cjuii, liny C'lasa, 3 to 4 p.m. i d iss s to 10 p.m. Ilook-kecping, loiul;in, WciliK'silays nntl Fridayi. I'ciimunsliip, Day Class, 4 to 5 p.m. hiily. Nielli. H to 0 p.m., Tuesdays and mil Thurstlay:;. Two Oolil Mvdklr (valux I5.U) tub) will b givon t oIiim ol lemion. one for baa wrltlnn: one for beat ImproTament. TKKMH One-third payable in adTanaa, and SI ml par weefc iiu pnid. Satlafaottoai Buarantead paraaTxrlng pnpm or monarfa. (undid. Kednrtlona to throa or mora fraH one fuiMlly. htk oiron.u' for further partlea lan, Hperlnipns of I'enmnmhip, fruta f rom pen, froe toall. Mealy written calllnaaarda a specialty. OOJ3U Sale, Livery & Feed Stables AT Stonewall S. J. LANE, Proprietor, at Will tnoet drummers or other partie at Now Bciue with good teama and'Uk them to any part of Pamlloo coaol or neighboring territory at low races. Teams of travellers at the stable will reoeivo oxcollont attention. Feeding s specialty. IVrsonal r)vnrni(lit of the proprietor la given to ever department of the bust nous. nHflwAm Mrs. B. WHALEY'8 FALL AND WINIBB 1 TUUESDAY and FEIDAY, : Oot. 13 db FThe publie arc respectfttlly inriUd. - oltU J. H. BENTON, MD., D.D.S Hill rraeiw limited te IT W. OpwatlTe and VS. etiaateal Iwnll.. f a4 Oaatal Uar... f J TaeUi exttaet't I , without pain br veryttalns; la tbe line of ttonttatrv B the Beat (tyie. natitfaetlon tur . Orora, oor ner of Middle miataa4 . 4lley,paeattaUMVuunh, . 1

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