What 5s , a. ' . -'' . ""aw 4 . V fV IL. 'J lT4 C 4Mb" hki VWW-- i i i i Caatoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription lor Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor other NarcotIo substance. It Is a lianulcsa stiostitnt for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrupy, uud Castor Oil. It is Pleasant, ,11s guarantee is thirty years -o hy Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms osul aliays fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Kcrnr t'urtl, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Caatoria- ro)foTi teething troubles, cures coustipa'.iou .-.til I'atuloiicr. Castoria assimilates tho food, I'cir-JJr.tcs M sti-traWi and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural S,cn. Ciu torias the Children's Panacea--th aTctlu: j i. rjr.ud. Castoria. "CaiStorU Is ao excellent medicine for chil dren, ttothon have repeatedly told me of It Rood effect upon their children.1' Dr. O. C. Oflooon, LOWetl, BlAH. Caatoria la the best remedy for childmo of which I am acquainted. X hope the day is cot far distant when mothers will const. lor the roal Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which arc destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agrats down their throata, thereby i-uiiug them to premature graves." Dr. J. F KafciTBLoifi, Couway, Art. Th Centaur Company, T7 Murray St-oot, fi-- I0RF0LK, NEWBBRS & WASHINGTON DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. la order to make mnro convenient and economical use oisthe vessels now employ fit lu lb North Carolina eervloo, and thus to tier Serve the Interests cf Stoppers, lb, Clyde Line and Old Dominion Htesm- Hills Company bvre oonoliirie.1 t merge ; tneir respective lines between wewneru. cv. O.. and Norfolk, Va, Into one line, thus glv IB passenger, and truck shippers throe trips mob week, between Newberu and oifoik vie Washington. NO ADVANCE IN RATES. Oa mil Bfler THURSDAY. And. 25tli. w i eolU further notioe. the lam KEWBERKE, CapL Seuthgate. Steuner DEFIANCE, Ga.pt. Eurgass, All Ste&mn ALBESiRLE, Capt. Rhodes. Will ml from Norfolk, Va., for Nnw Berne dlreoi, Try Monday, Tburady and ttelnrday, making connection witb in Atlntlo and North Oarollna Railroad, and tu water line on Neuao and Trent ttvera. Keiarnlng, will all VKOM NEW BURN for ' NOKKOLK. Va., via Itoaaoke laland wbarf, Try Tueeday, TbnMday and Baturday at I Ii., making oonneotton at Norfolk with Th Old Bay Line, for Baltimore, The Clyde Una, for Philadelphia, The Old Dominion Sieamablp Oo for New York, The Mer enanta' and Mlnere' Line for Providence and Boelon.andThe Water Lines for Waaalnr tos, 1). 0., ao4 aiohmond, Va., thai giving an all water route to all Northern and Eastern potntc Also connection made with tho 0. A O. It, R., and N. W, K 11. for the West. feeeengen will Duds good table, oomfort ble noma, and ererr oourtety and atten tion will be paid them by the o Itinera. Order all goods, eare of N. 11,(1 Direct Una, Norfolk, Va. r B. H. GRAY. Agent. Eastern Carolina Dispatch. . fast Pmaaengsr and Vrelght Line between axtern North Carolina Polnta,and all con neotlona of the PBHSIYLVARIA BAILBOAD, IHOLDDIKO Mew York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, ul tlusere emd Boston. ' u mm vw b m TriWeekly Hew Kerme. Line Oat of rBNK AND ELEOAHTLY EftDirrED QTITA U V.H ; "JSFQUL!3G" :4' :" , . . Salts from New Bern; MONDAYS, WKOIfKSBAYI.! ': ' FRIDAY!, pplng at Xtoeooke Island eaoh way end s r . loraalng eloae eonneetlon with the ' ; ' ' Norfolk Uonthsrn Kail road. . Tv,.,f nie aatern Dlanatoh Line. eonsistlna of . he Wllmlnrton a. a. Oo.. Norfolk Hvnthern . . - av k.. Mew York. Thlln. and Norfolk K. It.. and Pennsylvania R. B., form a reliable and '' lean: niaa una, onering anpenor laouiues tor .1 4olok paeeenger and freight transportation, i SftlMnif.. Mnl At IflWlli.lll 41II.V &t. in Dt irfifle! , , sain pvio tmeu will u wweu uu ui.i w i ao throuah to destination. r Ulreet all goods to be shipped vie Eastern --i ' fWnll.. IllanAth del 1 v mm follows! - i trom Philadelphia, by PhUe., . I. V r.IL. leok Ht. Station. i Hmn lu.n. . , w, ana jiaito. from Baltimore, by rhllaw WlLiand BaJlo, : Mi k., rreaiaeni hi. bwuob. . . Prom Norfolk, by Norfolk Honthern K. B. attorn Boston, by MerebanW A Miners Trans , eortatloa l)o.; New York and New Kngland i't Al . . AeTHatea as low and tun (jnioker than',b 1 .1' t ether line - - . . For farther Information apply to , ' W. B. Joroa (Oen'LJ'relght Traffla Agent, p. k. H.) General Trame Agent. ,.'lj.;Ono, BTBPBBiia, Mrlelon Freight Agent. S, 8. Coo i. Qen'l Krejaht Agent., N, f. ' .: H. 0. annains. eeaerei Freight. Afsnt N.8' H.B., Norfolk, Va. OBO. BKNDKBHON, Agent. 'i New berne, N. 0. l : EOCKY MOUHT v. ' Ipicjltuil h M. cliiJaicaJ Assoe'a Fiir. . :r'. at ROCKY MOUNTS N. C., ! lndv. 8th to 13.11,1892. ' .r ' - ; V v Paskoiib Department. - " 1 r v. . October 29th, 1898.', : . To AgeoU A. V. O. R. B.t The folldwlns rate will apply from ftRtiong named below to Rooky Mount ' ' and return, inoluding one admission to I JheFalr. , " - Tlokeu to- be on sale Not. 8th to Kor. - ilth Inoluslve. . Oood to return until November 18th, Si ... ... . -. t woern to Koeky Mount and return. 11.70 1 .ir.rora, . . 1160 , ...eVreek. '" t " '' i ' r. , ' : , ' .86 1 wall, ' ' ; . 11,80 "" ' v- 'r;r,.ry-"r?-.".':-r ti . "sOresk, . kit I .. .i.ge, . . . . :: .. 1M .,, .. . - " ' 1.7 . a. u Dill, a. v, a- r. ei n . n. ss., punK, m. en? m I i-ecciiuin'i It .. koo-vu U. i-t- ill V ' ("it:-- pv -.i' Will; l:i :I.;m nift nlUi"i-r v. rr.f.1 ..'.! r:; y, a fieri tn nf t-isuj.. favor v.-.svi ii i-. ;r.:l,xr.Y JOE K. WILLIS, Eastern M Mi NEW BERNE, Italian and Amtiicoi ilarble Ordors col'rilcd iri'j ; tontion, with mti.sf, '!: -::s en Terra f.Vt'.n Vase i ! a:,l ! SIlT-i lO'At Ors furuishorl at t!io vrrv ra'e GEO. HENDERSON, (Buooensor Ui Hob.jiis A lit norpi-.n), General Ins'orance Affent Uepresentlnn InBuraiicaCoinpui.y of Worth imerlca, of Philadelphia. Home InsuraDco Company, cf Ner York. Uueon Iiisnrjirci) O.nipHiiy of Kt tlfti.il. Hartford Flio lflLaritnoo Coinpiny, of Uartfonl. North Oa.ro i In a Jiouio 'itrmcrtnor inirtiy )f Kakigh Oreonwitch Inanraucf Crii naiij, cf New fork. Fhertlr Jnviran"? flomf-nny. of Rrnrfeiyn, Onttcl Uud-jr'trV rlters liiu:.i.:C'.- ' ouipauy, of Atlanta, Botin Adarlne Insuranoo i ompuny, of Hostou. Ialv2Jwtf VETEOIHARYSFZCinCS For Horsos, Cattle, Sheep, Dog, Ecl AND FOrJLTH COO Page tin flit on Trent mem ot Auluf.lr una Chiirt rtent Vrve rmKij Fevorn.rorffepitlnnfitrnf1nRitnn!ks A. A. 1 tSplnn.1 AlfmlimliU, MMh Kcvi i, D.n. HcrnluH, liBiiinf)t KlipiitnAticm. n.l. Hols or (Jrul, Worms. K.E. onKbti llonv, Hr.ruincr.ti. F.F. Collo or -rl.K, Jlfllyurht. 1.J. M incur riuae, Hnmoi-i ha 11. He Urinary nnd Khim-y iU?ncs, 5.2.RmilTT DlnouHp.. RTruqo. .K. IXneasoM t Dlircntlon. Faralj-j!. R Initio Uo(t)o (over 50 doncs, - - rV Btablf 'nsc, with r3jv.ct.Vp. Mim-il. Veterinary L'uret HI D'I HI. illuilur, 6-ftO Jnr VoiLTlnary l ure Oil. - l(OQ Svlsl bj IhnRUlAt r ait prpat!l atifwhtrc aoU is 3f jfjutltT era rr-K ml ftltr. ucurnnrYH' mbu. co. , 1 1 1 1 1 1 a r,u l , i. w tort. SPECIFIC Nflido Id ihsb 3U wanrM. Tlie ouIt nrcfiMfnl remedr foi Kervous Debility, Vital Weakness, Sod ProetntloD, from over-work or other cum Bl per vUl. or fi vials and larro Tlul powder, for A Soli 7 UrtlgKl.ti, in ...lit rMp.!dun rMi.l. of prlM. nearHUKTS' BK a. CO. , 1 1 1 1 1 1 WtlUa. bu, S, lark. Commissoner's Sale of Valuable Land. Pursuant to a Judgment ot Foreclosure of Mortgages, and an Order or Hale, at Kali Torm, 18H1. of the nuportor oanrt of Craven Bounty, north Carolina, In the olvll action entiuea ureen, roy sui vs. w. J. ii. uav iner,etaln ,a oominliulonorduly appointed and authorized by the sr.ld tudxnient and order of sale, I will sell to trie hlguoit bidder a ine oourx nouse aoor or i;ravon ooumy, in the out of New Heme. N. n.. on the iwth day of Noeurber, 1802, (being Monday and the first day of "allfrm of Uraven county Superior eunrtl at 13 o'clock, noon, or as soon tDereaiierBeiuvooura suaii taae reoees, all the followlDB desorlbod land! Lying and being In Graven oounty, North Carolina, nn Olubfoot's creek, and bounded oaths north br Clubfoot's ereek, on the east by Adama' ereek road, on the south by the New Berne road, on the west by the lands of the late Rufus W. Bell, containing one hundred and fllty aores, more or less, being the same tract of land formorlr owned by Stephen I OevTlner, and well known aa the uaviBer tract of tano, -isrms oi eaie , oasn. This Oat, iatb, IWA V. It. TUOM AS, Oomro Usloner. : ; Notice, ' '' ilaving duly QunHlled as Administrator of the estuto of Chas. K. Jones, deceased, all persona having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present sums to tho undersigned within twelve months from this date, or tin's notice will be vlcadcd in bar of their recovery, -v All persons indebted to said estate wilt please make prompt settlement. ; r- , : JAMES B. JOKES. . i.r : . "Adm'r of CbaS".. K. Jones," Oct. 4th, 1893. :: ; 6w iivfl(tiuiuw8jirs js.-w.av Ma N. C,l i L.ni jil ai- tii l.'l'Cil. rl St THE JOURNAL. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS. ARTHUR WKNTWOHTn EATON Proud, languid lily ot the sacred Nile, Tis strange to sec thee on our western wave, Far from tlioae sandy shores that many a mile, Papyrus -plumed, lie silent as tke grave. 0 it dark, mysterious pool and sheltered bay, And nnddt soft-sleeping laics tii; leave expand. Where Ale and nun barges plough their way, X till freighted to tho ancient Theban lurid. On Knrntik a lolty columns thou wert seen. And Luxorta walls; spacious temple-palace Knch royal PharoaliH cmernlded queen Chose thee to deck her glittering ban quet nails; i iliuu art blossoming in this fairy lake It- r'-i;i1!v, amidst the common thin on the shores where Nile's soft rip ples brenk, A n the halls; of old Egyptian kings. Thy beauty dauy hii'cs mens curious yes; iK'.t he who I'iclu st least: limls in thought his ii.'kir.g :it tlicf, sees ttnttly temples rise Ahout nun, iiml long lines or white i)!.'( jir.L'stii. Ti . limit !-trii!ipe music ns they slowly 1" oltur.ned nifties, hears treniblin" overhead ii hoes thut lose themselves in that vast sjinee, i n' Eirypt's Boleimi ritual of the dead Ayr, deeper thoughtB than lheee, though u ndi fined Wake in icllertive souls at siyht of thee, For tliis majestic Orient faith enshrined Mun s yearning hope of immortality. An I thou wert Egypt's symbol of the power i ii.. I iiiuiei all deciding forms lies hid; 0 Old World worshipped thee, 0 I.otu- (lower I Th n carved its sphink and reared itl pyramid. IJCMON ELIXIR. A i'leasftiit Lemon Tonic. or Billiousness, Constipation, Maluria, Is and the drip. for Ii.diiri slion r5iek and Nervous Ilriidiuiie. Nervousuess and II. -art diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Disease, tale Lemon Elixir. I.ndic?, lor natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Me.olt -h Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fi.sh juice of Lemons, combined with oil.;" v.getable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of tho above nnuicd di.- eaees. fiOc. and f 1. bottles at druggists. 1 reparc! :1 i. La. only by Dr. H. Mozlcy, At- At tiik Capitol. i '.iavc just taken the last of two bottles f Dr. II. Mozley's Lemon Elizir for ervous headache, indigestion, with dis- s.ii nvcr ami Kinncys. mc Elixir i red me. I found it the greatest raedi-.i-I ever used. .1. II. Mennicb, Attorney, 122.i F Street, Washington, D. 0. From a Phominent Lady. I have not been ablo in two years to ,alk or stand without suffering in great miu. Siuce taking Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir I can walk half a mile without suf fering the least inconvenience. sirs. it. ii. bloodworth, Untlln, ua. Every man defends himself nn- consiously. For Over Fifty Years Mas. Winblow'b SoonnNO Bntur has been need for ohlldren teetbinc. II soothes the ohild, softens the fums , Ulays all pain, cures wind oolio, ana is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty- 'lvo cents a bottle. Bold by all drof IsU throuKhout the world. janvdswlr The vain being ia the really solitary being. 8omo Foolish People Allow a couch to run until it gets beyond the roaoh of niedloino. They often any, ''Ob, it will woar away," but in moat aaes it wears thorn away. Could tney bd iuduoed to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which la told o a positive guarantee to cure, tney worn immediately Bee the excellent effeot afte taking the tirat dose. Prioe BOo. and tl Trial sizo froe. At all drueglaU. mar22 deod weow Truth will ever rise above false- hood like oil above water. Special Notice. We beg to notify our natrons and the public generally that having purchased the good-will and fixtures of "John Brown, the Barber," we hope by polite and strict attention to business (no "I'nnce ot wales" airs) to merit a con tinuance of the patronage so generously bestowed upon our former employer. , Kcspectlully, II. L. Banks, Proprietor. Children Cry for Pitcher's .fotoria. CLINTON IMITARY INSTITUTE CLINTON, N. C. Fall Session begins MONDAY, BEP. TMBEB 6, 1893. All teacher hare bad oollegiate trala Inar, prepared eapeoially for teaohlng. . Preparatory Course a speolaltT. . A s peolal oouiae In Book-keeploir, Com. meroiai Law, Commerelal Arithmatio, Penmanship, Telegraphy, btenograpbT ana irpewnnng. : - , VOCAL MUSIC ud CiLISTMCS F1EE. No additional cost for Olwiot. Board, Waahing, Light. ToiUon, to 475.00 oar fife montha. . - Uniformi wiU , ooat $10.00, ltM, f i. fo ana 14.00. Tuition for Oay lplU wUlUIMJO. 13.00. 13.00 and 14.00 par month. . i For further parUculara addraaa tha W. SKINNER, II and even 0. I- EAUBISON, Thurinan, N, C, Manufacturer of and Doalor in FIRST-CLASS BEICK. 800,000 now roady for tho market. Will sell as choap as any other man. je28tf Foreclosure Sale. Btato cz North ('arollua.Mi relation of the Clark or tho Bnporlnr Court of Omvuu County, vs. Oeorge Wtr.lnmn. By virtue of a Judgment of tlio Superior Court of Craven oounty. made ft it fall I'erm, 18Dl,of eaU court In the auove entitled ac tion, the naderslpiiefi CommlHStoner, tiuly appoints in una by wld Judgment, will on MONDAY, tho 28th day of November, 1892. (being the flrnt day ot KhII Term of CrnvAu Hupeiior Court), at 12 o'clock, sell at the Court House door In the uHyof New Bern, R. O.i for Ciuh, the laud doecrlbed In tno com plaint in Bald action, and ordered to be old a aforesaid, and uhlch Is situated In No. Tiro Township of Craven oounty. ad Joining the lauds of Noah Kutaher, Thomas Btapleiord. and others, bounded and ue SOrlDPd as follows to wit: Beginning at a light wood stake on the main road (known as the Purify road), thence In a sou the aatern direction to a new madV stake on the boundary line of a trao'. of 9 acres bought by Alex. Moses and Geo me Williams of Noah Kuloherand Marv A. Fulcher, his wife, by deed bearlng date December 11th. 1KM. Also, deod from Alex. Msfs, and wlfo Penny Moses, to George Williams, contain ing 29 acres more or lss, together with Im prove menu therein. H22U1 Commlseloner. PUBLIC SALE OF" Several Tracts of Land. Pursuant toa Judgment of iho (Superior Court of Craven county rendnred In the! peolal proceedings entitled: "J oh. Har-1 Ison. Administrator of John 1. ipock, vs. ' Thomas Bowden and othors," tho under-1 slgnediwlll, on Monday the 28th Day of Nov. 1892. being the first day of Kail Term of Craven1 Ho per lor Oourt.) at the Court houe door in new Hern, uraven county, at i- o ciock, noon, sell at publio auction, to the hlghtHt bidder, the following tracts of land, to-wltt One tract contuinlng acres, more or less, lying and bolng In No. 1 Township Craven oounty, N, (J. adjoining the lauds of Edward Whitford, li. V, ntnktns and others, known as the ''Katie Ilea man land' , described In a deed from Jame K. lleatb to John P. Ipook, dated Nov. lli, lHttH, recorded i in uraven oounty records, hook no. w, ioiios m and mx One traot oontalmnif 1H4 arres, more or leas, lying and being In N.. I Township, Graven oounty, N C, adjoining the lands of as: Krank Heath and Hardy B. Willis de scribed In a deed from Knoch Wade worth and wife to John P. Ipook, dated frept. 8rd, 189, recorded In Craven oounty records, Book No. 101, folio 86. one other traot lying ana Domain no. i Township, Craven county, N. C adjoining the lands of Rachel Ireland, K. H. htewart, Jalla A. Aakln and Jessie Bebeo, known as the "Crane pond land," being the same land conveyed by John J . Willis to John p. Ipook by deed recorded in Graven county records. BOOK no. y-, ioiios Bio enu nin, ooni-aining 3 acres, more or less, excepting therefrom 110 acres sold ofl by John P. lpock to Jeosle Bobee by deed dated Maron hi. iwhi, recora d in Craven county rocordB. Hook No. 1, follof 4DI and 45. Terms of Bale: CAHH, JAU&HO. n.KKlHOV. Administrator of Jonn l. Ipocfc.dec'd. Hew Bern, N. C, Oct. 15, "M, Furniture, Eattressss. OO TO W.P.Jones Bouth Front St.,opp. Oaston Ilouso, For Furnituro of All Kinds. Uattressos reido to order and rcno rated. PRICES VERY LOW. yl0 dwtf For Sale, One vcrv lanrc Iron Safe, suitable lor Banking business or a large Commission business ; weight 5,000 llis. Manufac tured by Moslcr Safe nnd Lock Company ot Cincinnati, U. Cost three nuiKirca and forty dollar j delivered. Can buy or exchange smaller safu by corresponding with or calling on Mti 1Kb, ew llcrne, N.C. Also, ono Safe, cost ninety dollars at factory ot Moslcr, Uonmun & Co., oi Cin cinnati, O. These safes hare not been out of the factory only a very short tune, nnd look as well as when first made. COME AND SEE ME I a3 Administrator's Sale. Kerth Caroline Or area Oonnty. Jas. R. Jones. Adm'r of. Obas. K. Jones, ds- esaaea, ts. jus tin si. J ones ci ai. Pursuant to a I adamant or order of sals of snpenoT uouri oi saia eoaaty ana ntais. id ahe boots entitled SDeclsl oroceedlnss. I will sell to the nigbeet bidder, lor ash, at the Court Hones door In said ooaaty, In lbs fit Of new Berne, on . Monday; Deo. 5, 1892, at Twelre o'sloek, moon, the Ibllowlng i HribM BroeertT. to wit i .a andlviuwf one-third interest In tb lot laad lying aod be lag In sam silyof New Herns, ana suaaieo on tos wee. siae oi urs en street, being the lot known In the slan of said nty as ImI Ho. Vlfly-OTe (M), bound ed oa the north by us lot or land oocnpled br.B. Oes,oa the west by Bote! Albert lot. ob tns eoatn or ui. tot oaooDiea or j, U. Orabtree A Oo., being the asms wnsrola jH. JOnesBOWrcenies. . . AJtau at. jvois.aga n Hor.td.lWS. M ".nirmaa la ABV 1 that An no. III-!'. ' lore the health or luterbir. with one's anstneas ot pleamue, It bullils sp and lrnprovns the imeral tuith . MMth.dilauiil beentlnostlioooliiDlexlon. fa wrinkles or Habhlnnes fnllnw this treatment ndnraed br phralotans and leedlns snolety ladlue, PATIENTS TIEMtB T pan. COBf lOlBliau ii. i . r. Mini, inwii miikh wui hi. It is Like Skinning a flint worth a sixpence and spoiling a knife worth a shilling" ( For a man to carry a foul smelling pipe It, his best suit of clothes when he can enjoy the fragrant aroma of OLD VIRGINIA GHEROOTS, FIVE FOR TEN CENTS, offend no one, not his wife. 22 Commissioners' Sale. North Carolina Uraven county. James C. Harrison, Adm'rof Mni J.'om Jiain, deceased, vs. luke ilnni, ud others. Pur&uantto judgments and ordeia of e.ile or the 8u parlor Court of hild county and HLatH, In tho ahovo entitled special proceed ing, I will Hell to the liiKheathidder. for crp h, at thn Oourt Utilise door nf Hild craven county. In (he city oflNew Berne, N. u., on Monday, Nov, 7th, lKif, at 12 o'clock, noon, tha following dettenhod tractaof laed: A certain tratt situate on the north fide of Nhuqq Koad in Townshln No. 8, i raveu oounty, North Carolina. adJolnln the lands of Samuel lpock and others being low amu conveyed by W.J b'rouch to the said or dHcal Ham, by deed dated Nov. lMh. IK7I. a-'d recorded In the Record b of Graven county, Book No. 7rt pages iCifl and 2.17, con -talnlug cevontoen acre morn or Jens fully desorlbed in said deed and the pe til Ion In said pt ooeedlng. Also another tract lying on the south side ofNcuse Hoad in said Township No. K, said county end Htato, being tho Name conveyed to the Bald MordecalHam by Henry B. Oracle and wife by deed dated January 22d, H7.i, recorded lu the Becords of (lraveo county In Book No..S, pages S(7 nud 2H8, folly de. rlned in said deed aud the petition, excepting therefrom toe varlou tracts or parcels or land sold off by Mordocnl Ham, leaving a balance of eight nores in said last tract. This Oct. 3d,lH!r2. C. R. THOMAH, o: td Commissioner. Land Sale. Ity virtue of the powern of sale con. tuinc.l in a Trust Deed from I!. I). Iloilgca lo W. T. Cuho and recorded in I'.ook 111 of deeds pages 350 357; S',S and 3011, Iierords oi' l'umlieo county, I shiill exposi' to pul.lic s:ilc at. the court house door in I5ayloro, Panilieo county, on Monday the 7tli dav of Novcnihcr; lHiia, at 12 o'clock. M., All the lands dis crilu'd in said Trust Deed, lying near Tmith's Creek and known as the Davis land, containing 20!) acres, more or lew. Terms of sale, fash. W. T. f'AIIO, Trustee. This Oct. 1-t, lH'.i:?. STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA. County nf Craven. Hupvrlor Court, Full Term. 111 i. Kllz.ilbflh Klack vs. 0. Kennf.lay lUmllUm. Vligiuis K. lUiall lori and James O. Hamilton, Klla K. Htiand ami John M. HlmnO; Wlllus KIqi; auil Kicbard 11. King; ltacliel o. Brioklloid and Jas. W. Waters. The Defendants O. Keiineilay Hamlltor., Virginia K. Hamilton anl Jhs U. llamllloo; Klla K Hhiind and John M. Hhaad; Wllluse King and Klchard H. Klnn.W lll uke notioe thai an aollon eulltled as above ban been coinmcnood In iho Superior coart ofOravun connty for the pu pose or foreclosing a Mortgage on a csrialu traot or prroel oi lend situated In said connty. executed byKmmet Ontbbert and wife to tlhaa. H, M. Hlauk, r corded in Book HO, folio 6I, and therein fall) described; And the sad defendants will farther take notice, that tber are required to appear at the next term of the anterior coart of said county to be held on the 12lh Monday after the 1st Monday In Heptetnber. 1KB2 ,t the court house of said oounty In New Berne, M. C.. and answer or demur to the complaint In the Bald aollon or the plalniur will applr tn the com t for the relief demanded In setd complaint. mis 1 1 in uoi. ib Ti. ff. M. WATSON. C. 8. O. NOltTH CAKOLTNA .Craven Connty In the Baperlor Court Special Proceedings, Thomas Bowden and wife Penlna fk.wdcn, luiward uwDorn and wlfd Wannle Law horn, William Tingle and wif Molllt. Tingle, Clara W. Brlnson and Oscar K. Urlnson, heirs at law of KIl Hrlnson, doo'd, by their next friend, A. V. Hrluo.ni, l'lalntllls, vs. T. B. lpock, John L. lpock. Earah J. Iooclt. by Churchill A. lpock, her guardian ad litem, and l'earl D, Ipook, by T. B. lpock, har guardian, uefontlants HOT1CS OK BALK. lu pursuance of an order anchdecree In tho above entitled special proceeding man. jannary zutn, leiri, tne unaersiRned Commis sioners appolntod by the conn will sell ,'or tne purpose or partition among thn heirs at law of Rachel Ipook, to the highest bidders for cash, at the oourt house door of craven oonnty.tn tbe elty of New berne, on Mon day, November at, lMii, at 13 o'clock, noon, all tho estate, rluht. title and Interest of rucnei ipook, dec 11, euu which deac. nued to her heirs at law abovo named In and to the following described landt: l. The tract well known as the Hlmon Bright land doaerlb.il In b deed from (jeorge Keel to Arthur lpock. i All ber estate In Leach's Islaud. Also In the Island at tbe Western end of said Leeo'.'s Inland. .1. The traot well known as the ninal lpock land.desorll.edln the division of the iiariu wnurora estate. 1 Also all those landa Irlne In James nerKBDUino rora oi wift oreea.io wit; Tbe tract well known aa the Jsmes Willis Patent, containing 100 acres more or leas. ino tract wen anown ae the Htenhen Willis Patent, containing 135 aeres more or less. Tbe tract on both aides of Beaver Dam Bwamp, containing liuaores more or less. And the tract auioiniug the upward uai- Un and Geo. Fisher I'aUnt. Tbe two last tracts or lend beini lote isoa 1 and 1 In the division of tbe lands of Hldney Herniate. New Berne. N. C, Ucu 13th, pi. O. B, THOMAS. W.T. CAHII, Oommlsslonera NOTICE. Bavlntthls day nuallfled as Administra trix of John M. Kllburn, deoeased, I hereby notify all persons who have any claims or demands against tbs a stele of the deceased to present tbs same tor aettlemenl to me, or to KobertO. Kebos. my duly authorised sgent,attbeofflesof H. O. Whlteharat, at torney at law, ou Craven street In Newb.ru, n.u.i witnin ui psrtoa preecnoea oy taw, tnia notice viu no pieaa tn oar oi reoov. err. All persons Indebted to tbe said deceased are required to make immediate payment. swDsrn, n. vj.,ttoowrBui, MAHTUA A. KILBORH. (W Administratrix. t, 1 BET1R, Pro. TIOS. DlllIELSJice Pros. S. L lOBUTI, Ctuhier. The National Bank, OF NEW BE&NE, N, 0. . IiiooaroaATD 1685. Canital. - - 1100.000 Surplus Proflta, - 98,168 DXBB0TOB& 7A, BaTABI, i THOf . DiaTBLA. OHAB. B. BATAat, J. H. HaOUTJBH, A lax. MiixaB, . -.a is, HaitbT, u. u. sosai ELON COLLEGE, LOCATED ONf N. C. R. R. Elegant new buildmB Large and in creasing patronage Both sexes. Facul ty of twelve memliers Curriculum equal of Male Colleges, Academic Department, Music, Art, Commercial. Morals of Students Unsurpassed. Opens September 1st, 1892. For further information or oatalogue A pply to Ukv. w. s. LO.NO, A.M., I) d I'lesulent, lyl6dwtl Elc.j Co'Vt'e, N. C. St Mary's hcStDoi, RALEIGH, N C. The Advent Term of tne FilYn Annual Sesalon will begin r-eplembrr '-"W. For catalogue adiiis Rkv. D. SUEDES, A.M.. ,i y 1 5 dw3m Kali-lcli. N. C, Trenton High itiml Will Begin on th First Monday in Sept. iu the M'w High Hchool Uuiicing. Tuition From $l,5o u $3 00, autl Bvstil FroiL $5 to $7. For furthn Inform.. W. I I. Jily lndviiu. RltllTV COLLEGE Ourham, north Oarolina. Nw bulMinpi. All modern improYfmpnti. Klpctric liffhlM, Labni-fctorifP, librarln, nm. nftmi. Halthrul r It mate. Lare krrouDdi. Superior forultr f upiw-ialista iu sack dopartmeot. tsfveii ilf partiuci) Lh if i untrue Uorj. Opt-na Stipl. I. Expnrtr.t low , For ralmloaroc addrrae John Kranltllri Crovyeil, Prea'l Wilson WILSON, NORTH OAEULINA, FOll YOUNG LADIES. Strictly Non-Sectarian. The l-'nrty-Tliiid Session Kcgin.i MONDAY, SbTTEMHEK 6, 1892. A most thorough and coinpreheiiHive lircparatory course of study, with a Full Collegiate Course eou d In tin.', oi anv Female College in ilic South. Ik-st facilities lor the sunly i.f Music and Art. Stiuiuaiil i.l Scholarship unu sually high. Uiallhlul locution, liuild ings and grounds large and pi. ,.,antly situated. Mnilcraie charges Ciituioiiiies and ciri ulars sent lice nn application. SILAS E. WAURKN. .1"-J'J Principal, EDUCATE Your Hoy In the host and so feat way and wiui the least trouble and expeoso by eeudinr; him to BARNES' ACADEMY, A home school for twenty boye, in one of thu heallhieet aud most moral towns of the State. Tbn boys study in the presence and under tbe direction of the Principal. Patronized by tho best fam ilies. Twin ft uioi'.orr.te. Write early aud seeuro a place for tho next year. E. L. IJAKNEij, A.B., Pnneipa!. Leuoir, N.C. References; Faculty cf Davidson Ool- lc,;e, N. C; Dr. E. Porter, Ko-. ky Point. N. 0.; Hon. John F. Fiokeu, Mayor of Charleston, 8. 0. ; R-v. R. P. Hmith, Blackstocks, H. O.; Mi . E. C. Stokes. Oral Oaks, Va.; Mr W. M. Browa, Cashiar Bank, Flortno, 8. 0.; Iter. Chalmers Frar, Atlvjln, Oa.;Supt. H. P. Archer, cf the Cily S ihoIs, harlos on, 8. C. mc.oto. , 21 tf, HIE MOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE CF Agricaltare a,nd Usciiiuicil Arts, Will begiu its fourth session Sept. 3, 1893. County Supi iintendent of Edu cation will examine onpiioiuts for admisBioa. Total cost if 100 year. Address ALEXANDER Q. UOLLAUAY. Presideut. j9.1wlm Ralaih, N.C). UNiVEHSITY OF NORTE. CAROLINA, Instruction is offered in four general courses of study, six briol course, large number of special courses, aud in Law, Medicine ana bnginoermg. . Tho Faculty inoludes twenty Teachers. Scholarships and loan fund are avail able for needy young men of talent and character. The NEXT SESSION IJI-lilNS SEPT. 1 For catalogue with full information, address PRESIDENT WINSTON, jo23 dwlm Chapel IUU, N. C' Sal"m Female Academy, 8ALEM, N. C It, Oldest Finals College in the South. Tha 81st Annual Session beglna Sep imhe lat Raviatar for laak Tear IW. Bpeoial features ;-Tl3B divixop- Miirr or Bsaltb, cbabaotbb and IinxEOT. Buildings, thoroughly re- modstlsd. Fully quipped Preparatory Oolleclata and Post OradaaU Depart- msnts, besides nraveiaas sonooia la afona AM. LAaoAUoas, Kloodtioii, OOaTMIKOlAI, AHI lUDUBTWiL BrODUS. JOHN H. OUWELli, JlOdwla - rilaoiiial. Clrenlt ronit of Iho United States. 1 ' Kastsrn District of No rib CsrollBB. ; No.fl Libel. . '-: Uu:ud rtiBtea ' Afhtlist lv pceges dle-!:!uii spirits, contalalag ' osHgalUcs Sold aillls and Piping. I wood t.nmban 1 1 tnb, clulmed aa tns propertr ff Juines tt. Ke.s. Notice t i Jelsore aud Libel. T.iJameK . : "taint . t;i a; whom oonoern (JeeT-T g: Notice .iil'v glvo, ThJt the aeoTt mentioned properly wai selasd bjr W. J Pope. IJap.Hv Collector of Internal Ueveaaw for the Koui tb L'oiieotiun District of NorUt ironna on the 3d day or Angust, UM, as for'elted to tbe ises o the United States, far violation of the Internal rUvenus Lews, ad tbesau.4, m .u.u in Bad pi o. eon ted In lets . ( IrClllT. f Trillr f. if ' 1 ' nit A Uf.,.. au. .. ' domnatloq for o p ..nTises In tbe aalal llbsl of I lu'orrn-itlon eel 'tilth- and tbat tbs said oeuis:n vtiuBiaij'j .oi itjbi at IDS UOVrt SUMMa of said Court, Ln the ony of kaletgh.on tbs lat Monday of N ovcmlitr next. If that bs a Jurisdiction day, anr iruot, at tbe next Ida of Jurls.lictiou lberaiter, when end wners yi.u and ail persons ars warned tn appear to .l..' c.t.4'- wi condemnation ahoold BOt ' dec. fi, - juijmei l sccordlrgly en-i.-y. , i--';" !-'.('vise for tbelr la. U-tst . at office ln Raleigh, IS93. J. B. BILL, U.S.M. this 17th iluy of Auuat ocS 4w DA.ILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL! K .UUftED KATES. Weekly, per .i .. $1.00 for '' i.iouths 60 Daily, per year $5 00 " per six months 8.50 " per uu -e mon'tis 1,60 Subscribe u. ,tm; i'.'n mov. ,.. s given p,.-,'. ).... 'A . - . ;:icy , iv ami keep up with the lllei.t-. troid i.l tectiotin and on i of one of tbe Campaigns MoMt Iinportaiit kv'.w u iu !. i:' ,i..r-.- i 'he country, and KiiO'i what is going i icry v.ter ou." uble in advance, icv.arded either by u ud letter. NOTICE. 81 ate of Nor II: " .1 The Mibserlter 'Ina Craven county. c; oualitled aa Ad- mmlatratoror U:e wuin oi John K llairh. (Id.-oahb... ou IL.- J.i.. d.ij of July. A.D. 1SS1, b. r.ir (be Cers uf r,r .-)uerlor Court of ( r.veu c.untv. h. ui.r ..ollUes all persoB, haviug " uiuis touk' tlie said estate, to rjsei.i (hem ici pt ihhui on or betors lbs 4 h di.y ..I t ... ei.i .. r, 1M)3, or ibis noltes v.! 1 I c i''.ea! -1 1r I ft "Mh-lr reootery. Por.ons iii'. -ou' I to He estate moat ear wltbc.it it.-li . O. HAKK180H. " 1'i.bllc Aamlnlatrato Boot and Shoe Maker. All St; leu of Boots and Shoes mtuta to order on short notioe. Repairing a specialty 1 ii utruN, I'riivuii sliest, uppusl'.e Journal offioe. fni ""sWrtevaht house ?,V'W YORK. o oo- I AMBKIOA'S I 1'Ij.VK ' I EURO P E A PLAN ,:.o j.jO I I ' I'U- . .ou I'er Ilay L I'WAIlD. o- 'iill.:..- i.l i VAST IIOVSK :!-9 "'-'- ' ' ' - 'uearall sis- !c(i road, ii' i.et .i in,, principle places . . .nutoi....!.. si J, la. .e.fl,e'.i stores. At' loot, tii' rts..r ii. it on, tn d C'UUl OOUVeulOLt CL ej l(..Oll oUered ou. : e.v-v. TltK SrilllEV.tWlIOl. Biomlxiay, VStliASSth Nevr Tork Atleiutic ti. c. Railroad tlKS TABU! We. 22, u .aCiot 1;1!0 P.M.. fridaT. Oo 17, I860. OoutqEabt. Boukddlb. Qoina Wm No. 61. i '(fcwmjer Truint . No. 60. Ar. Lvs Stations. Ar. Lta. p m 8 8 uoidsooro 1110 a a La Orange 10 S3 10 U Klnston 9 48 lit Hew Berne 817 110 lioiehead City am 6 47 Daily. Scutnu QoncaWm No. . 4 06 4 09 4 40 6 08 i 8 6 OO .sa "CAr o. 1.1 Mtiod Ft. .' Mixed Ft. I das. Train. 7 90 p Bl 6 S4 6 84 s. Tri.in rt.uttciii. a m n l'U UoUi. boro 6 57 7 Of) 13.irt'n 7a0 7 : LnOrai.ae 004 604 5 24 6 80 4 26 (CO 400 406 8 95 8 40 954 800 2 !s4 IN 9 08 lit 10 88 1 80 9 41 9 44 9 88 6 88 8 69 8 04 8 17 8 97 8 00 8 08 7 47 7 68 717 787 7 4 7 1) liV.iia 'rtk 8 11 K IS 'J Musica 8 50 8t-.i tt.nrll 9 15 10 C.J Uovrr 10 31 10 lit- Con- Or. .-h 11 00 11 05 Tce.earire 1117 1141 Olas 19 15 b 00 Newr.ern 8 87 Hi Uiveidaia 8 43 8 bl) Croatan 4 0.1 i 18 IHvelock i ." 4 'i Newport 4M 4 if, Wild wood 6 01 I ti t Atlantic 6 10 6.1 MorehAad City 6 23 6r; Atlantio Hotel 706 7 16 5 81 p rn Morehead Depot a Da 7C6 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. tTuesday, Thunder and Batordar. Train SO eonneetswltbWIlaalBBtM a w.i aon.Traln bMnd SorUi, leevlug 'J-H.Hi li.-Du m., .uu ,iw niDnmoBS at USjSkTllI Train West, leaving Ooldsboro Is) B. aa. Train SI eono.ol. wllk KtehBesul ettsiflllf Tiala, arriving at Croldabcrol.U ML,,aa wit. wumuiEion ana weiaon xtbib rroSB ta ' North at 3:10 p.m. Train 2 eonnecta with VUmlnataei aaA Weldoa Tbrougb rrelght Train, Korlk bound; loavlr.g tioldsboro at 1:60 " 8. L.. DUX,. batiarlatoadsM THE WATCH TOWJKK. Publiahed Beml-Monthly, V finft Tinllor a Vftor waav e.waawa m a vwei . Devotod to Apostolio Christianity, Kd ucation, General Intolllgoncf ' '-.; : Bend for Sample Copy. . . ?fV:. f Offloa of publication, GrosarlU, N. U. Editorial offoi, Waahlogtoo, If. (X J, JU WUfFIKLD, Bdttor, W. D.OlYia, A-at AO -It ih - "- -v - - - -' .., . : 's . ...

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