'-.A ",:. -,-.; "OP OURNAL. VOL. 5lL--NO. 197 NEW BEKNE, N. 0... FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1892. m 5 VENTS. V ... . . r V. "V , j. . i v ' ' "l ' ' btjsiksss Lorn.; V, TTJ8T Roccivod another lot of ItOY 'USTEIt'S HON BONS ami fine CHOCOLATES, wo also handle 1st quality Glazed Crystalizod FRUITS. llUKN & McSOELET. MRS. M. A. LANE, who is an accom plished Dress Maker, understanding the latest designs, both in style and pattern; and prepared to satisfy the most fastidious, is residing on Craven street, opposite the court house and de sires the pntronago of the public. '-.nov81w THE Celebrated Saboroso Flor De Habana Cienrs. Six for Twenty-five cents at C. C. Gheen's Bnuo Stoke. nov. 2-6m. $ CAR LOAD WESTERN BAULKY CLIPPED OATS just arrived, octaatf BttADiiAM & Smith. JB. WATSON & CO., Dealers in Novelties and Household Goods. Middle St., opposite F. S. Duffy's Drug Store, New Berac, N. C. o271m. HOUSE FOR RENT. Dosirablc Loca Hon on Middle St. Apply to oct8tf F. DlIKFY. JAPANESE GOODS Beautiful, Artis tic. Just received. See Jno. Dunn's Show Windows. 0 25 tf TUGGEE8 Light running and substan A tial. Manufactured by Edward Long, Washington, N. C. J. A. Jones, scp25-ti Opposite Gaston House. fcTISH, 8ACRAMEMTAL, PORT and 1YA 80UPPEBNONG WINES far sale J as. Redmond. I CALVIN SCHAFFER'8 WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for throt anil lunR dis oasas, for sale by J AS REDMOND. DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY for Medicinal usn. for salo br jn26 Jab. Redmond. nUNYADI Joooe Mineral VTater, the best Natural aperiont. For sale br Jas. Redm jnd. PURE OORN WHISKEY for sale by Jas Redxokd. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for ale by Jas. Redmond. IMPORTED HOLLAND CilN. Burke's Ban' Ale and Burke's Guinness' 8 too i, for sale by Jas Redmond. IK ((( CIGARS at very low I JUUv figures to wbolenalo and retail trade for sale by Jas. Ricdmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY nsed very moon in Iho ciok room. Fur Bale by Jab Rudiiobd. Thb Norfolk Virgiaipn says Cleveland bsa 205 electoral rotes. 223 elects. Teleghafh cost I ho world messages in 1891 four hundred and flrtv millions of dollars. v A Texas wouiau owns Bevvn hundred thousand acres of land and one hundred and three thons and bead of cattle. FiVE male and four femaia an archists have been arrested and Imprisoned at Lillo, France, as common thieves. Osman Dion A who has been killed so often, has come to life again, and is raising the old Uarry somewhere in the Soudan. ' WK congratulate the Demacrats of New Hanover on their splendid vlotory. The Messenger, the Star and the Review contributed great ly to the glorious result. Bstubns indicate the election of Black, Democrat, over Watson in the 10th districl. Richmond coun ty gives Black over 8,000 majority. The Democrats elect every member of Congress in Georgia. ' .. Well dono for North Carolina, that she repudiates so sternly such .. men aa S. Otho Wilson and A. O. Green and Marion Butler, who set .them selves np as leaders oi the peo--pW Let them retire to their holes, aad pail the holes in after them. In Baptist State Convention wfllmeet with the Tabernacle ebnrcb In Ealeigh, Tbnrsday, Deo. . tb, at 7:30 o'clock, p. ro. EeV. J. S, ; - Ilardaway of Oxford Is to preach ''; the Introductory sermon, and Kev. " Rufus Ford of New Berne is the "," "alternate. ' t . Col. BOBEEX UtrNTBB made a eood soeech at .Charleston, West Virginia, on Ootober 21. In de , v' aorlbing the vain efforts of the ' ,V Third party, he related the parable ' of two sportive darkies, who went , coon hnntine... Bam arnlfhed gnn, ' ammunition and dog, and, after an .' ' exciting . chase, the V coon was . treed' and bhot.. Then said Tom 8m; 'we'll 'take and 'vide d ' ' lB0on.,, 'Vide de coon t" says Bam; ' v; "you foot niggerl I. furnish ebery ting and also kill . de coon. - Yon V bed do coon bunt, but doan' git no . ' Toa grain shipment from. New . ' Orlesns for the year ended August 'T, 31, show a notable Increase oyer the prevlons year. According . to ; the & gnrea furnished by the board - -, of grain inspectors of that city, " there were flipped to foreign ports - during the last commercial year 6,921,113 boehelsof corn, 14,017,124 buRheln of wbest imd 661,942 bualiolri of :f;:;riiiii;ii 1Q ill 21,600,141 biiiUdu ti Ki(.ic,:.paiiiBt 7.259,301 mudiela dnriiij; llio previ ous year, n gaia of 14,340,8-10 bushels. There "iiipraents of grain went to all parts of Europe, although the north European ports received the groat bulk cl tbo total amount. NEWS. v,v; ir ad vunrir-EMEXTs. Howard. Saw mill for sale. Thardiy for one thinr; anyway. Cam paign poets nnd singers tiro alu-Ived for awhile. This appears to be a phenomenal year in politics; every e lection held is claimed as a victory. Mr. J. F. Ilantl, is preparing to erect a dwelling opposite tiie new residence of Mr. T. J. Turner. A Cleveland &, Carr ball is being gotten up to be held Wednesday night nt Lothrop Hall. The ladies gymnasium chis-s at llo Y. M. C. A. will meet at ' four o'clock this afternoon. Tlic price i-1 fifty cents till the l3t of January. Beaufort, will rclebrale the gn-at Dem ocratic victory next Teiisday niglit, by a torch-light procession, illumination of the residences, and public speaking. At Newport al.'.ng side t'.r; r .:l oad track a large grave about let) fctl h'gh been built up out of cross tics, li-liears a placard on each cud with t'.e ins: rip tlon, "Third Tarty Buried Forever." Mr. T. J. Baxter, the jewik-r, has a novelty in his window. It is the works of a watch on n ercatlv enlarged scale as large as an ordinary clock'. Tlicv are kept going all the lime and attract c-it:- sidcrablc attention from (lie passers. Ihttting signs at street con crs btarii the names of tlic streets, which work is now in progress is a good move. It will be a convenience to visitors and not w ith out its advantages to residents, but few people can be foii id to v':oia namcB of niary f the ti-; !.; an miliar. the fa- A call uicctiii' of tlic CUcl:'.ai 1 an 1 tr.',:c the Carr Club, i' uov; in nr.: t, initiative steps ii.r a i.'ran the great victory, 'i'o liav. from now will !;ivc ;ood i clcbtatioii c! it about a wee!: opportunity to get it up, e.na tic; wu '( n t oo., nine for it. Appended are two jtoints, said by The Western Stockman and Cultivator to liave been proved in the experience of tin; most success ful growers of cabbage; ixt tbt plant quite deep, cove riii:; the stalk al most or quite up to the lt..vi . It' cab bage maggots cr other root w.m.v; infe-t tho soil liberal soaking with water in which potash has been 'dissolved is tin cflcctivc remedy. The water may be made as strong as week, lye from wood ashes, and while it will not injure the plants it will kill the worms and make one of the very best fertilizer. Lecture at Y. M. C. A. If arrangements can be completed the stercopticon lecture by Mr. P. K. Jack sou will be given at the bail tonight at eight o'clock. Admission S jc, children under 14 years 15c. Look out for post ers today advertising the lecture. Coming and Uoing, Miss Addio Sue Harris, stenographer, who has been spending a few months in the city left, returning to her home nt Raleigh. Mr. A. L. Butt of Charlotte arrived last night to visit his father, Ilev. J. F, Butt. He will remain through the pro tracted mcetrhg which began in Hancock Street Church last night. Mr. J. J. Wwlfcndcn returned from Raleigh, where he hn.s been on a business trip. Mr. A. J. Pleasants of Early, arrived to visit his father, Mr. A. J. Pleasants. The Dangerous Cigarette. Tho Wilniington Messenger tells of a sad death caused directly from cigarette smoking. It says: Two years ago he was n bright strong lad, but tho persistent inhalation I of cigarette smoke ruined his health, affected his lungs to a remarkable degree and gave him consumption. Professor J. M. Laflin the alhlcto and trainer, said to a reporter: "Think for a moment. There are flvo ingredients in every cigarette, each ono of which is cal culated to destroy human life. First, there is the nicotino or the oil of tobacco; next, the oil in tho imported paper,! which is nearly 'as destructive; third, the arsenic introduced to mako the paper barn white and add a peculiar flavor, fourth, tho saltpeter put in the tobacco to prevent It from molding and finally tllo opium that is sprayed on the tobacco to (rive it the insidious influence which it possesses over the brain. Can yon wonder that the animal life of a young man is killed by such mixture? In the-cigar or pipe we have but one poi&uu--luwuue, uuwt ie nut juumuu. Harried. : - At Rivordalo at the residence of the brido's mother. Nov. 9Hi. bv Bo v. Henrv Win8old; - Mr, F.C. Hodges to Miss Li- May there fino and 'Tiappy appearance bo the foreshadowing of their future; MIGHTY UPHEAVAL OF DEMOCRACY ALL OVER THE LAND. Ohio, the Home of McKinley, Repudiates the High Tariff Dictator.. REPUBLICANS LOSE TIIE SENATE. The latest returns not only verify former reports, but are continualy swelling the Democratic column. North Carolina has surpassed herself in an undreamed ot majority, antl all other Southern States have acquitted themselves nobly, clearly showing what Iter people can do when they have been so thoroughly aroused as they havo been in this campaign. Grady is undoubtedly elected, and very probably Potter and Parrot also. Old Carteret elected all of her ticket by 700 mnjority. The Democrats had a torch light procession the next night and everybody hurrahed for Cleveland, Carr and Btanch. The Third party has carried Chatham and Nash counties and probubly one others. Very careful estimates made tonight from the election returns show that the political complexion of the Legislature will be as follows: .Senate, forty-five Democrats, two Populists, ouc Repub lican, and two districts doubtful ; House, ighty-nine Democrats, twenty-ono Re- mblicans and Populists, two counties in nibt. This gives the Democrats four th;', on joint ballot. Every Northern State has created great urpnse, and startled even the most ueious and wily politicians. Kansas has elected a fusionist Governor and Weaver elactors. California, has a Democratic plurality of seven thousand. Democrats still claim that Ru3scll has been elected Governor in Massachusettes. Lnter returns from Nebraska, indicate or Harrison by a small majority instead f Weaver. (iov. Grny says: Cleveland has canied Indiana from ten to twelve thousand. Weaver electors have .been chosen in Wyoming and Nevada. , private telegram received in the city yesterday from from the editor of the New York World reads aa follows: The returns give Cleveland 303 votes in electoral college. W. n. Gajirison. Here is another telegram received in tiie afternoon : The New York World of this morning says that Harrison and Reid are worgo off iu tho electoral college than any men who ave ever run for the Presidency since Iloro'ce Greeley's campaign. Cleveland nnd Stephenson will receive moro votes in tho electoral collcgo than any candidates ever bofore had. Addition of Ohio to the Democrats raises Cleveland's voto to over 300, and reduces Harrison's to a little more than 100. The last report is that the next U. S. Senate will be divided as follows : Repub licans 40, Democrats 42, People's Party 6. California is practically conceded to the Democrats. Republicans claim Ne braska, but the Stato has undoubtedly gouo for Weaver. ludiana gives Cleveland from five to ten thousand majority. North and South Dakota still in doubt. The latest returns give Cleveland 803 votes iu tho electoral college. NEW TORE. New York, Nov. 98 o.m. -The re turns are in with but a few districts lack ing. Cleveland carried New York county bv 73,009. King's county by 28,987, Queen's by ,000, Richmond by 1,800, and' Harrison came down to Harlem bridge with about 65,000 plurality. Cleveland wiped that out and polled a democratic plurality of 41,000 in the State, but little short or Flower a plural ity last year. Card of Thanks. We hereby tender our thanks to Capt. T. J. Teller or.d crew of Currituck Life Saving Saving Station for the assistance i , ., ' , . - r . . ; renqcreu mo crew oi rue scneoncr jnaiuv E. Hilcs that went ashore on the beach Oct- 80, 1893, and also for the care and attention to said crew while they re mained at his station. Roberts &.Bro, Vandcrbllt's Interest In His Employees. A room adioinincr Reed's store at Bilt- raore has been hansomcly fitted up and will bo devoted use as a reading room for white workmen on George. Vanderbilt's estate. This move was autnonzea Dy Mr. Vonderbilt himself and the place will be maintained at his expense. All the best newspapers. .Northern ana ooutn em, and the standard periodicals, will be kept on uie tor tne free use oi uiose wnom the room was intended. This is another evidence of Mr. Vanderbilt's generous spirit Ashcville Citizen. Died. Mr. Robert R. Roberson, one of Beau forts most enexgotio businessmen departed this life Nov. 8th 1893, at his home in that city after an illness of several months. Aire 81 rears, v montus ana 15 dan. In the death of Mr. Roberson, Beaufort loses one of her I best citizens. He leaves a young wife and seed father, one broth' er and two listen and numerous friends to mourn his loss. " ' ' Ml, Morehoad had a grand Democratic cele bration last night, r j 4; . t COUNTY COMMISSIOKEIW CEEDINUS. The Board of Commissioners of Craven county met iu the court houso iu New Berne, Nov. 7th, at 11:30 a. in. Present, Commissioners J. A. Bryan, chairman, 13. W. Sninllwood, J. A. Meadows, and Daniel Lane. Ordered, That the tax assessed by Graham Daves for Mrs. June Hughes on the property listed by him on Middle street, city of New Berne and valued at $3,000 be remitted, the same property having been listed by said Daves for Mrs Hughes under the head of Middle street and storc3 and valued at same price. Ordered, That the assessment against Graham Daves upon 10 shares of Nation al Bauk stock be remitted, the same being an error, and that he be assessed upon one 3hare of A. & N. C. R. II. stock valued at J10.00. Ordered, That the value of property assessed to "R. P. Williams, iigt., New Berne Electric Light and Power Co., be reduced from $10,000 to $6,000 on ac count of error. Ordered, That liceusc be granted John S. Baniett to retail liquors in the city of New Berne at the place of business for merly occupied by T. C. Howatdon Middle street, near Market dock for six months ending Dec. 31st, 1892, before payment of the proper tax to the sheriff. ' f Ordered, That Alonzo Williams be al lowed to change hi3 place of business as retail liquor dealer froui his present place of business on East side of Market dock near J. C. Rigdon's to James City nt the house on the street known as Water street owned by Abrani Harvey and re tail liquor at faid last named place under his present license ending Dec. 31, 1892. Ordered, ' That the chairman of this board is hereby authorized to purchase for use of court house one dozen chaim. Mrs. O. A. Mcintosh having stated to this board that the store on her lot valued at $1,600 located on Broad street has been destroyed by fire since last assess ment of property, the assessors of tow n- ship No. 8, city of New Berne are requested to report to this board at its meeting on the first Monday in Decem ber next what redaction in the valuation of 6aid property should be made by reason of the destruction ol sa'd store. In compliance with written request of J. B. Gordan, cliRinunn of the Fence committee of township No. 1, it is Ordered, That E. F. Adams be ap pointed to fill the vacancy on said board caused by the death of R. B. Nelson. Ordered, That the chairman of the Board execute and deliver to James M. Harrison a deed attested by the clerk of this board and the corporate seal of the county for the land bid off by the county for taxes in the suit of Board of Commis sioners vs. 11. Chance, lor and in con sideration of the sum of ninety dollars appearing to be the full amount of taxe and costs (except penalties) due the county in said suit. Ordered, That the poll tax charged t A. G. Bell for 1891, of township No. be remitted and tho same be refunded to tho sheriff, he being a citizen of Pitt county. Notloo la borebr Riven that the following oraer was passed Dy ine unaru or uomram loners of Craven county, on the Fmt Mon day oi novemDer, imi : Wneroaa. by an act or thn General Amem blr of North Carolina, chapter 5, Acta of IKHj. amendatory or teciume 72 and Mia or in uodo. ana an aot or aain uenerat As sembly, ebapter 89, Acta of 1X1)1, amendatory of aatd Aot of 1SH5, the Hoard of Commis sioners are authorized and empowered, at tneir meeting on the nrst Monday or o- vemoer, Deroro any election ror oonntyom eers, to lnorease the bond of the Rcg'sterol Deeds to fifteen Thousand iJonars, ty sWIng twenty days notloe of the amount r the bond to ba demanded at the Oourt Houso door or in some newspapor puhllsiieu In the eounty: and whereas It is further provided Dy aaia acts, mat tne amount oi sua Dond when lnorf aed shall bo and rtmalu as Iliad by said Board of Commlssionrrd until changed by an order of said Hoard. And wnereas a leonmeai question nas Df en raiata as to the validity of tne notice of tho Inorcate of said bond, given pursuant to the ordor of the Board at its meeting on tne nrst Mon day of November, luce ; it is now ordered Dy tie iioaru oi eom mlsaloners of Craven eonnty. by authority otihoAct aforesaid, at us meelluK on the nrst Monday of M vemner, uwi, inn sod meeting being prior to he general elvtlon for National and Htata, and eounty ofnoers held In said year, that the official bond of tne rattisier or ueeis do nxea as pineen Thousand Dollars, and tbat the bond of said officer be Increased to said amount, it Is furtaer ordered that tlio Olerk of tins Board post a notloe to that effect at tiie Court House door of said oounty, and also publish a notice thereof in tne new iiurne journal a newspaper published In said county, in the elty of New Berne that bood or p oteen Thona&nd Dollars be demanded of said officer. And the former order of lha Hoard panted at Its session on the nrst Monday of Novem bar. 1M. Is hereby ra-enaoted and ratified y r-enaoted antl ratified latea to said Bond of Aegis so far as aaraa tar of Deeds ol of Graven oounty. By order Board of oomnitsstoners. ntoaw JAMKtJ W. BIDDLU. Clerk. Dr. Leinster Duffy having stated to the Board that tho store on his lot on Broad street bos been destryed by lira since the last assessment of property, tho assessors of township No. 8, city of New Berne arc requested to report to this Board at its meeting on the first Monday in December next what reduction in tho valuation of aid property should bo made by reason of the destruction of said Btorc. Oh motion the Board took a recess to Wednesday, Not. 9th, at 11 a.'m. Wednesday mornine. Nor. 9th. 1893. Tho tioard met pursuant to adjourn merit. Present, Commissioners James A. Bryan, chairman, . W. Bmallwood and J. A. Moadows. Dr. J. A. Oaton submitted bis ac counts as commissioner and trustee of sinking hind for examination, whereupon the chair appointed - Commissioners Meadows and Bmallwood commltteo to examine the same. It it ordered by the board, That the chairman of tbi board, James A. Bryan, be and he is hereby authorized and em powered and he is hereby instructed to assign to any person or persons wishing to buy the same pursuant to section 87 of the machinery act of 1891, any certificate or certificates of purchase of real estate issued to the county by the sheriff for lands sold for taxes and bid off by the county for want of other bidders as pro. vided in said section. Provided, no certificate shall be sold except for the amount expressed on the face thereof and interest as provided in said section, or for the total amount of taxes due on said real estate and coals incurred by the county on account of the sale for taxes and said certificate of sale. Whereas, W. F. Crockett has been twice charged on the tax list of 1892 with $1,000 worth of bank slock und $3.35 on poll, it is Ordered, That the tax on $1,000 worth of bank stock and poll tax $3.35 aforesaid be remitted. The minutes were read before the board and on motion approved. Infant industries. To some, the plea ol "protection" for tho "infant industries" of this country, might have aoine weight, but a study of these industries, the value of their manu facturers, must quickly do away with the Republican claim that they need protec tion in order to live. With Cleveland and Heform we now have an assurance, not for free trade as you occasionally hear, hut a great modification of this vile dis crimination. From an English statistical!, said to be the highest authority in the world on the subject, the value of the manufactures in 188S, in this country, were over seven billion, two hundred million dollars. This was greater than the combined manufactures of Austria, Germany and France, and nearly double those of Great . Miritaiu. This showing ought to indicate a robustness which could do w ithout a further McKfnlcy tariff, and the Repub lican tariff, and the Repubiican cry against tariff reduction is moro infantile than the industries they strive to foster for irty ends. These "infant industries" demand a protection" at home, but the p)holdly go utsidc of this country and with the nd antage in favor of the fori ign tnantifac- urei I eat the loreigner m ins own, nnu thrr markets. There would be a National pride and satislaetion in thus being competent to produce such results, if (lie American uyer could share the bem lits ol the ran petition, but the home buyer pays both the priei; of the article wanted anil th bounty,'' or tariff on the same, w hich the manufacturer, not tin1 liotcrmucnt, rc- eives. 1 lie Democratic claim again.-t Hns in justice to the home customer is a right eous one. 1 here is no reason why an American farmer should pay eight dollars lot a steel plow, which the manufacturer sells iuSpuin or South America for four lollars; for a bay rake, twenty live dol- ars which sells in the same countries for seventeen dollars; or tor a lecil-cutter. twenty eight dollars which sells abroad for sixteen dollars. Why should the American mechanic pay more for bis tools (han the name sell for abroad I American protection should benefit all classes, not build up the manufacturing ntcresls to the destruction of the fanner and mechanic. HL'UKAH FOR CLEVELAND AIll THE LAKE OI' TUG DISMAL S'.V.VMP. Hark to the ringing bugle call I 1 lull, hail the glad retrain c In Democratic hearts of all " From Florida to Maine ! cnontis. Hurrah for Cleveland and rei'orui, '. Hurrah ! hnrrah 1 hurrah I He tow'rs abouc the rising storm To crush tho tariff law. Ho to tho front triumphantlv Our party colors lnirc; -He served the Nation faithfully. Her highest honors wore. Chorus. Despotic rule we need not fear In any sovereign State; His utterances arc strong and clear On every issne great. Chorus. Now shall no honored soldier's faine. Through pension fiaud, be turned Into the mendicant s base shame. By lowest menial spurned. Chorus. For Cleveland and for Stcvcn.-on We'll raise this battle-cry, Till from the domo of Washington Our banners proudly fly. cnouous. Ho for our leaders and reform! i Huriah 1 hurrah 1 hurrah I They tow'r abovo the rising storm. 1 To crush out odious law. "Give evory man thine oar, bust few thy voice. bkakespeare. Friends, lend us your care for a few moments, we "want to tell you where to buy your fall Suits, your fall Hats, your fall 8hoc8; besides you pant other things we havo, sue h as Neck wear and Unden roar. We would also call yoi ir attention to our line of Ingrean Carpets I Oil cloth, and Rugs. If you need a carpet give us a call, we'll make tho price to suit you. J. M. JIO WARD mm Absolutely Pure. K cream of taitnr baking powder. llij.lfst, of all in loavcniin? iil renirth. bvfi UKITEIi OT.VIT.S Govtil.NMUNT Food ... l'oicr. Rovai, Baui.no Pow !),. Co., 101 Widi St., N, Y. A TALENTED DESCENDANT Of a Distinguished New Beiiiian. A few days ago we announced that Miss Margaret E. Budger, of Atlanta, Ga., had captured the Dcmorcst diamond medal in the oratorical contest before the national nnd worldV convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Denver, Col. This was done against ten aspirants, one of them a carefully trained orator twenty four years of age. ; At the time we made the announce ment we had no idea that the successful little lady had any connection with the old "Athens of North Carolina." but the Atlanta Constitution iu speaking of the incident gir.s a short !. tch ol Miss llailger and mentions in il that she is a rand-daughter of lion. Ceo. K. Badger, the eminent American statesman, jurist and orator who was born in this citv in IT'J.'i and died May 1 1, lHlKi, and whose successful career shed so much lustre upon the place of his nativity. While on this subject it may nut be amiss to say a lew words again about these medals. Tlfcy are the L'il'U oi'Mr. W. Jennings Demorests, a zealous prohi bition advocate who seeks by promoting recitals of temperance selections to incul- ei e such leaching in the minds ot the youthful contestants and nl.-o of the hearers. In lsso Mr. lk-morcst first joined hands with the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union by ottering i rc lal to '.he person delivering ll.e 1k-s. . !:,!'. "n btforc the annual convent:. m tiie c.intt it to be conliueil to chilihvii mMroe.n people under twenty-live e;i i.l i. e. 'Ine plan worked o well that Mr. I)e::i"re-t made his prop'.i;:.i;. ,;.).,! f..-i iii.,a: the same time an unding it i-oas to make it better, liv tin Uri .- ; ie:e arc tour classes of medals. o.,e silv, i, :!:o ?econil snuill gold one, the third a large band sonic gold one, anil the I'oi.tth a beauti tul diamond medal. Kvei v one entering tho contest must begin vsith tho silver dal. After having v.o.i that the party can contest for the sm.il! gold medal but for nothing mon 1 Jawsig won the small gold medal th enter for the 1 1 eon;, slant is eligible tc gold u 1 . ic and if again successful the di or her grasp. j is vt i thin his Once mon: ' uggi si the liohiing o: some ol these contcsls in New Heme possession of even the sib. tr medal ill be a source ol pleasure to th winner, ana any young person v.lio sue- ceeds in securing either of the go! 1 medals or the very beautiful and vuluabl amond mciiat lei; something to truly proud ot. What one ot our New lierno tcacheis will take the matter i: and and be the first to have a Dciuorest coolest in New IJernc ? List of Letters. j Remaining in the Post Ofiice nt Now Berne, Crav eu county, N. (,'., Nov. 6th, 1883. H-Miss Elizabeth liooebe, Mrs. Mary . Rroik. C .lane Collius, Miss Alvcna Coflie, Mrs. Kliza Chatmau, Miss Nallia f'hat mau, Hannah Chatinan, Mr. A. S. ( bad wick, Mr, Gryu Clark, Onskill t'orill. D Mrs. Jno. Davis, Miss Mary Emma Edwards. E Mr. C. II. Evans. V Miss Iris Koy, 8. J. Fisher. (1 Mr. Jesse Oreen, Sister Orecn. II Miss Winnifred Ilolton, Mr. Oco. Hooker. Mr. T. A. IIsrr;s. N Mr. John W. kjoal, Mr. (ieorge Person. P Miss Emma Tolkcr. S Mr. Noah Small. Persons 'calling for the above letters will ploase say advertised and give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected ou the delivery of each advertised letter. Wu. E. ClakkK, P. M PUBLIQ SALE OF A Valuable SiW LULL AND FIXTURES. The fine Saw Mill and Fixtures former ly owned by William If. Jacobs, situated on Adams ureek, JNortD Carolina, will be old it Public Bale to the highest bidder, without reserve, In front of the Court House, at New Berne, N. C, on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1892, at TWO o'clock, p.m. Tho mill consists of a 78-horse power George Pago 4 Sons Engine. IJoilers, lielts, l'ullcys,. Tracks, ana all tho equipments of a first-class Saw Mill. $1,000 cash, and the balance In one and two years, with Rood security, bca finer 8 per cent interest. Any one wur wants a good mill come and purchase a bargain, VAUGHAN S. COLLINS, nil td Executory Sail alriiiiiunstimsnt. i We Iiavu tlecided, in consider ation of tho short crops and extreme scaici'y of cash, to reduce our Very Large and At tractive Btock of MERCHANDISE Within the Next 611 In Hie beginning of this Great Sap nt Prii please remember it is for the purpose of getting the cash, and under no circumstances can w charge these goods at the reduc tion prices : Dre"1 'ods marked down from i 1 11.00, selling for 50c. Diagonal and lirockatell Dress Goods, 10c. i Worsted 8c. Dress Flannel 15c. Colored Tablo Linen 25c, worth 40c. ! 'undried Shirts made of Now York Mil' ; Muslin 200 linon at ;"e., uulaiiiidrt'ed 50c. Undershirt l'Jc. cah. Ked Fi-iniKl Uudorshirs 10c. Ladies' Vests 25c. N. C- l'la:ds 4c. Heavy 14 Brown Domestics 5c. NovtJ'.ies in Dress Goods and Trimmings. Kerr's Machine Thread, 3c. per spool. Haud Cotton ljc. per spool. OUR Millinery Department isver r.tiractiv, We are sell ing tho best L:n!i: s' Walkinor Hat in tin.: city J i i e., worm 1 .vJ. B.l Slirc Ci'liK to see us. Respectfully, mm to eyy. flKAT TO BUY! how mm to p&yi j Tluvo aro thoughts that most concern peoplo when they have mado up their minds that they want oods, rv g Gssds, Clothing, Etc. You will not make a mis tako in coining to our place to buy. We will show you what tx buy. The amount you'll bo asked to jiay will bo satisfac tory. The Best Gsods, Tda Largest Sleek, Ths Vary Lowest Prices Thcso are tho elements that enter into making our store the) orite place for buying. Our pi.ees arc so low that we Hivj Gan.pgtit.on T in Dry Goods, Clothing, BooU, Shoos, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Yalises, otc. V We have a nice line of DRESS GOODS in plain and fancy de signs, which wo will Roll at th lowest prices. If you wish to savo money, we ask you kindly to gir at ft ' call before purchasing else where. 'V-"J. Thanking you for past patron ago, Wo romain, yours truly, DO J THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, MIDDLE STEEET,, , ' Op Baptist Church, cor. Alley. NEW BEBNE, . 0. i Days. Children Cry for Pitcher's Ca:!; ' ' 1 -,- '

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