4 J 'AILY OURNAL. VOL, XL-NO; 208 NEW BEKNE, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 w -i. IT 1J -p., t b. 4' :-Zl',J;.- ; -"Si"' . s -' BUSINESS LOCALS. JUST RECEIVED A lot of Fresh Cur rants, Dried Figs, etc.; i .f ' A. Nome & MoSom-et's. RIDING WHIP lost during parade last night. Please return to this office. LARGE Fresh Cocoanuts. :i vi.. . . Ndhn & McSoblet'b. CJfOLEN: Heavy, nickle, open-face g v-k?Watcu, stem-winder. Ubain attached. ) fiJ Llberal reward offered. 5,i:;';?;;i--';.i3 8t. E. M. Duouid. , , "MICE Large Bananas, J$1.00 and $1.25 'V.sm ver bunco (Couie early, only . 15 bunches left) HCOTt & MCHORLEY. IK-t rTHANKSGIVINO GOODS in great fresh: Mince Meat, A variety and all Raisins, Currants, Citron, Dried PeacheB. --jV-IhWI Apples,' Flavoring Extracts, Spices (around and whole,) Tapioca, Corn . Starch, Gelatine, Improved Jnlly, Choco-.f-.:rf:latel- Omm, Imported Salad Oi., Celery c'i I Seed, Mustard Seed, Catsup, L. & P. Sauce, Preserves, Pickles, Canned Goods ''jifTMl - kinds,) Macaroni, Cheese, White V: BetM, Grits, Samps. Oat Flakes. Buck - Very best Butter, Maple Syrup, rR Smoked Tongues. Chipped Beef, Corned :'vir' 'Beef, Pig Pork, Small Bams, Breakfast ' Btrips. 22 3 C. E. Slover. ft V. WHITFORD Dealer in Fine Beef, , ? . .V '. ,. Pork, Sausage, Poultry &c. nl8 lm. fll HE Celebrated Saboroso Flor Dc A Habana Cigars. Six for Twenty-five cent at C. C. Gbeen a Dnuo Store, dov. 2-6m. WATSON & CO., Dealers in Novelties and Household Goods. 4't Middle St., opposite F. 0. Duffy's Drug 1 1 Store, New Berne, N. C. o271m. TAPANESE GOODS Beautiful, Artis J tic -Just received. See Jno. Ddnn's ""?: Show Windows. 9 25 tf " "nUGGIES Light running and substan D tial. . Manufactured by Edward Long, ' -Washington, N. C. J. A. Jokes, stp25-tt Opposite Gaston House. ' n tisu. 8 aor a m e r a l, por r .nd 80UPPEUSONG WINtS far sale Jas. Ukdmond. CALVIN A 'H iFFEft"H WILD CHERRY RO K AND RYE. put I. pp pritBiy for thro.' n Innit dis- ., for sale by J ;tniM 'ND. DUFFY 8 MALT " ! " KY for Medioioal u-. f"' rf unyadi J - ,a ntr, JL the iwntN .tu' .1 For ait- i i I3URE CORN WMI t UK Kyim .ND. A AB KKIlKOND DUFF Gordon lvi. " Ml by Jab Reumund hH" tr, fot I M PORTED HOL VNitUtN Hurke's A Bconu for sale by Jah StDMvsu. AAA CIGAUM hi vr low ;, I uUUU flaurt" to wboi'HHlM and ; ratail trade for aalo h J as Redmond. 8 HANDY yi l ' .ARBETT'U COON AO iclf room. Fi-r ! by ' Exit the (samtMiKO : v. j Enter the cabinet fUte. nrd. J : ."v Thb JiepaMioane fnhnd hon T 'vil million earplux uttil ill, Uave Ji bttodred millioa' ! flmt. I 5 FLORENOB paper days the i ; Pope' Democratic proolivities will ' V-'-' ' in lle eleotion of an American ';"V'a Pop. - " THBX Sao. Francisco Examiner ' . 'v;': ''-. ! that oar Department of State - toveatlgrtln,; the qaestion of an- ; : - - nexation of Hawaii. ; ;ff;"; ;8KATOB v Goedow aaya be ,'- ,. would not leave tbe,Senate to ac- ' . v V oept a portlolia nnder Mr. Oleve- . land or for any other purpose. "L'fit'.t'Twodhlneea olaba of San Fran etaoo' hare declared war against l ; v eacbr other, and the police had to " :: i. nfofert to prevent a, pitched bat- ';: .: : ' iF-we bad had a many, votes on , :; ;.' oar aide a there no seem to be i-offlce-aeeken, the . Republicans wouldn't have carried a aingle :. CJYIL Ehoihbxb Pbaby, of. the ' jTATj nas baen ranted there years . 'jeave of absence in order; thatjie " , may make an ffort to , reach the j Korth pole. f ' -'-.-:-v;.-'-i; -V- .s " " ' A41, Sbhatob . Vbst happily Vpnta ifJIeveland'a position thus "He does not believe in cavalry charges : in the existing tarsff system." Ko ,.' ; wise statesman can so bellove?-Messenger.-- " '7; i ;4 . Look onil There .is threat ened deficit fn TJnoler Barn's Treaa nrv of 135.000.000. r 80 mnoh for Barrisonuim. . Cleveland left nearly tlCO.000,000 In the Treasury when te went out. Seel tVII.1 Messen- Not every one that says to Mr, C! ve!aod, Lord, Lord, and that 1 ud him of having eaten ahd L.nnk iu hia name and of having li Lis name east -out devils and C s many wonderful works, is go. V Z ta provided with a job, end V Rt'aOne tblnj certain. " : Diet is gettmgjjigu enoagh in C' i ""J to be alegal tender. Alot ' -X einare feet, re- "'!,. ' -I, Tr f HG5,- ' i.t. V! n J Thb annual report of Secretary ot Agriculmr has juat he'n sub. muted to the President. It seta lorth tlnu ol th $1,000 (100,000 of exporti for tbo -tuft fiscal year nearly 80 )r cent, vunsibted of agitcuitural piodnc mid ibo Uni ted States became the creditor of the woilri fur about $200 000,000. Iu spite of the increase of our im po tH during the pust jenr there wax a reduot.ion in tin- proportion of imports which con.()ee with Ameiicaii agiiculuin', hut the 8ecreirtrj' i, gaulsil ese imports as tiil to lrfrjn. U iiftitioiiH the eduction in Hihhm-h of cotton :ih :i grtitj ii-g inilicitii ii. mid l-io Ciillf atfeiiMoii iotli- .iH l iiii:eas: in the mount of ivt ti i.-.,. -i 'eil, free which la-; e.ir hiiumiu viI u $3,. 215.330. LOCAL XKWS. NE v ad n:irni:ui:.vr.;. Howard. M. E Whitehurst Humor.-:, etc. Nunn & JlcScirloy Nice bananas. Nnnn & McSorley Frcsli cooanuls. iunn & JlcSorley Currants, liga. etc Cotton 3-4 to 9 I-80. . Congressman AVilliams will m:ke a eon- test in tile Fifth District. Gov. Holt is interesting liiniself in de vising snnie means to prevent 1 ucliinu' 111 North Carolina. Read tho 13, l:l ami 1 ! cr(s 11I tin 14th chaptor of l.uUe, aail fnllow its teachings to'lny. Anion;; other tilings for m -ral lliapks- givin: is that t lie cholera l.iile l to aiii a loothold on American soil. The S. W. L. will meet nt the residence! of Miss Leah Jones toni lit innnet'iately alter prayer meetin:;. A full attendance is requested. There is some slight improvement in the condition of Mr. Moses YVliitchursl's little boy Henry, who accidentally swal lowed a small piece of tin a few (lays although considerable uneasiness is still felt in rcuard to tlieTcsult. A number ol our subscriber) from Pam lico, Jones and Onslow counties, who were in attendance at the celebration, called in and paid tluir subscriptions We much appreciate the many- kind words they expressed towards the Joun- NAI. The Sadie M. Rand, floating saw and shingle mill wgs lound by test Tuesday to be in good working condition and yes terday she le(t in charge of Mr. l'earce, one of the owners to begin work. The mills first work will be near Trenton. Today being Thursday we will in ac cordance with established custom suspend publication for one day that all connected with the Journal may have the oppor tunity to appropriately observe the oc casion. Hence there w ill be no paper tomorrow. Turkeys for Thanksgiving have been abundant throughout the week. They camo in both by boats an 1 carts. There has also been a larger supply than usual of geese. Chickens are scarcer in com parison with tho more general demand tor them and command very good pricos. The Durham Globe says: "Spurious gold coin of the $5 denomination is in circulation. Two of these pieces have been discovered in Durham. Persona who seldom handle- gold are more, liable to be taken in by them. It would there fore be well to watch out for these coun terfeits." . Mr. E. T. Berry hasjust performed a very pretty piece of work lor the Inde pendent steamboat line, the repainting of their - safe, so nicely that it looks better than the average new one. It is in glossy black with gold trimmings; and op the door is the name of the line and a hand some patnting representing a scene on the npper portion of Trent river, giving a lovely view .on both banks with the steamer Howard conspicuously near and two sail boats iu the distance. With the assembling of the Legislature the various interests represented in the oyster taking, cultivating and canning industry will doubthless come to tho front with full force seeking enactments that . will , further the ends of each res pective party. It is hoped that from the experience of the pst enough light will be thrown upon thet subject to lead to the passage of such regulations as will har monics the conflicting elements and lead to the prosperity and more rapid devel opment, ot this source of vast wealth to this region, - , - w- . " We have had the pleasure of being present during one of the lessons of the chemistry claw 0 the New Berne Col legiate Institute, . Prof.. Morton bat charge of the class and for two hours in terested its. members ' by a series of ex periments with apparatus belonging to it that demonstrated before their eyas the troths they had been learning- from the text books.' Such experiments fasten the lessons In the miuds of the scholars more easily and yet more 6rnily than words alone whether spoken or written could ,do. The presenting of truths In inch a way. That this school right In our midst affords such excellent methods ot in 'iMr-'mn is a t-.rt that should be borne ' : '' 1 '" r o'(':'--iih -who l ive Naval Reserve Officers. The commissioned officers of the North Carolina Naval Reserve, elected by the company are: F. Winslow, Lieutenant Commanding; E. K. Bishop, Lieutenant; V. P. M. Bryan and E. M. Green Ensigns. The petty officers appointed by the Lieutenant Commanding are Ralph Gray and J. E. Latham boatswain's motes; H. J. Lo'vick and M. Manly gunner's mates; F. E. Morton and J. J. Disosway, coxswains; 8. C. Iiragaw and Milan Howard, quar termasters. The Council comprises the commanding officer, treasurer and three members elected by the Division. Messrs. Manly, Lovick and Bragaw were elected members. II. L. Giblis was elected treasurer. Comiiifr and Going, C'npt. Win. Hill is back from Columbia, S. (.'. Sir. and Mrs. J. O. Whitty returned from Mori-head where they have been visiting since Saturday. 1). M. Jones, the "King Bee" of Bar ringtou & Baxter Hive at Beaufort spent yesterday in the city. Mrs. J. C. Watkins of Greensboro, who has been visiting her parents in the city, I' ft yesterday morning for her home, ac companied by her mother, Mrs. L. H. fuller, and Master Lycurgus Cutler on a visit. Mis. T. W. Dewey left to visit relatives in (loldshoro. Church Services. Thanksgiving services will be held in the Presbyterian Church at 11 a. m. The pastor having been absent on "Columbia Day" he will take this opportunity of diiv ling the thought ot the people to the great cause we have to be thankful to Almighty Uod in His goodness to us in rcsciieing for us such a rich heritage as his our beloved land, and Ilia guiding Hind in Hxing of our laws and institu- Baptist Church Thanksgiving service t It a. 111., conducted by the pastor, !ev. Ilul'us Ford. A collection will be taken up for the orphans at Thomasville. The regular prayer meeting service at niu'ht wilt lie omitted. Church of Christ D. H. Petree, pas or. Thanksgiving address and offering for the orphans at 11 a.m. All are in vited. Centenary M. E. Church Thanksgiv ing services at 1 1 a.m., conducted by the pastor. Tho public are cordially in viled to attend. Canuing Vegetables. A monster canning factory is that es tablished some ycarr ago bv the late bonis McC'urray, at Frederick, Md., and, since his death, operated by a company. 1 he property consists ot a tactory which iccunies six acres of space and employs 1,000 hands. To land devoted to dif ferent traits and vegetables comprises 4,1100 acres and turns out on an average 4,000,000 cans of goods, while in an ex ceptionally fine season, the output is 6, 000,000 cans. A good deal of capital was originally put into the business, but its present dimensions of course have grown clear out of sight of the beginning. 1 Ii 111 k ot an industry ot such extent, utilizing such a capital and employing such an army of laborers, In our midst. We doubt whether the Maryland soil is at all better adapted than ours to the growth of vegetable and fruits; and while the product ol the Frederick cannery may have somewhat the advantage in near ness of market, in these days of rapid transportation the difference u not great It Is not the Observer s purpose to go into the extravagance of advocating the immediate establishment of an enterprise on the vast scale of the Frederick can nery, but simply to write a few words on this line, so olten put prominently before its readers, of the advantage and necessi ty of giving more attention, devoting store tune ami risking a little more capi tal in diversified industries as well as the highest class of soil cultivation. Char lotte Observer. The above remarks from the Charlotte Observer hit the point pretty well. Any one who sees the fine vegetablo that abound around New Bene through the spring and summer season would not need much less to convince him that this State cannot be surpassed for the excel lence of these products, the quantity raised new is immense and is capable of almost unlimited increase 1 Wo have no doubt that a vegetable cannery would be a paying industry from the start and that it would grow rapidly Mr. Jas. Didwiddle principal of Peace Institute, has issued an address to the "Old Girls, Teachers, and friends of Peace Institute" stating that some of the friends and pupils of the noble and great Chris tian -teacher, Prof. Albrecht Baumann propose raising monument to his mem ory in Oak Wood- Cemetery and also placing a memorial of him in the Chapel of Peace Institute when for exactly twenty years be held his annual concerts. The address asks for contributions to be thus applied from every one of Mr. Ban- maun's pupils and friends. The papers of the State are requested to bring th fact- to' the notice ofj their readers, as many young ladle of State, former pupils of Mr, Baumann'swlll desire to help in the work. ;.!..;': Vh , T ', 1 11 V- . -n , 1, .- Latest Betarna. While the returns show an overwhelm ing matont? for the Democratic ticket which ticket bis tkattd the Republican majority and exit their electoral vote to the size or a Mir. tbe onlr hettt which ought now to be used In company with the great Democratic victory is toe one which entitles the bolder to ten tkavu and one tut of tho hair for t.00 at the (.in ton House 'Jartier tjliop. CALENDER Superior Court, Fall Term, 1892. FRIDAY, DEC. 2nd. Susan J. Abbott, Kx. Parte. W. II. Hill et alB " " Brytn vs. Weathington. Jackson vs. Wolfenden. Harrison vs. Lawrence. SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd. Boykin, Carmer vs. U. S. Maes. Commissioners vs. Randolph. Austen and others vs. Dove. Bryan vs. Johnson. Bowden vj. Ipock. Palmer vs. Hill. MONDAY, DEC. 6th. Fields vs. Ernul. Neefy vs. Duffy & Gaskill. Cohen vs. Jackson. Marshall vs. Smith. Hayes vs. Gardner. French vs. Green. Gilbert vs. Furguson. Pate vs. Nelson. Asher vs. Reizenstein. TUESDAY, DEC. Ctll. Rouse vs. West, Mace vs. Provident Ins. Co. Sultan vs. Provident Ins. Co. In the matter of the will of Ann Loftin. Barrington & Baxter vs. Bkinncr. Wiley vs. Wiley. Barrington & Baxter vs. Skinner. Hurst Purnell & Co. vs. Ipock. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7th. Kahn vs. A. & N. C. R. R. Edwards vs. Barrington. Smith vs. Palmer. Dougherty vs. Dougherty. Orinan vs. A. & N. C. R. R. Jones vs. Jones. Webb vs. Ireland. State Ex. Rel. Watson vs. Holton. THURSDAY. DEC. 8th. Schultz vs. A. & N. C. R. R. Jones vs. Daw. Davis vs. Smith. Turnage vs. Watson & Daniels. Hooten vs. Ins. Co. Stern vs. Cohen. MOTIONS. Justice vs. Justice. Bryan vs. Spivey. Green vs. May. Sullivan vs. Sullivan. Mitchell vs. Foy. Wallace Elliott vs. Cohen. Bell vs. Insurance Co. Tucker vs. Tucker. Hollister vs. Guion. Griffin School Fund. Manut. Co. vs. Gray. State Ex. Rel. A. H. Holton. Grainger vs. Foy. Griffin vs. Pittman. Commissioners vs. Jasper. Matter of Watson Receiver of Moulton. Commissioners vs. Smith. Wallace Elliott vs. W. H. Cohen. Commissioners vs. Brown. Green vs. Cavinor. Lee vs. Hooker. State Ex. Rel. C. S. C. vs. William?. State Ex. Rel. C. S. C. vs. Jones. Hancock vs. Commissioners. Hancock vs. Commissioners. In Re Iola Dickenson. State Ex. Rel. W'hite Sol. vs Powers. Pollock vs. Gooding. Boyd vs. Moye. Taylor vs. Lee. Trenwith vs. Smallwood. Commissioners vs. Johnson. In Re Thurbur. Hughes vs. Grean. Herring vs. Parker. Primrose vs. Bishop. Vass vs. Jones. Levy vs. Cohen. Eastern Building Ass'n vs. Ward Baxter vs. Ellis. Gorden vs. Blades. Harrison vs. Pigott. Harris vs. Richardson. Jones vs. Cotton. Whitford vs. Whitford. Beaufort Co. Luin. Co. vs. Dail. Pennell vs. Arnold. Foy vs. Commissioners. M. D. W. Stetenbon, W. W. Clark, F. M. Simmons, O. II. Guion, Committee. 21. 23. 88. 44. 61. 56. 57. 72. 100. 129. 131. 95. 5. 7. 11. 42. 52. 70. 88. 4. 9. 14. 15. 46. 78. 92. 42. 110. 12. 13. 29. 69. 76. 83 97. 132. 102. 104. 108. 109. 119. 136. 2. 8. 8. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 80. 35. 40. 45. 59. 62. 71. 73. 74. 75. 90. 91. 94. 96. 99. 105. 106. 107. 111. 112. 113. 114. 116. 117. 118. 120. 121. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 133. 134. 135. The ladies' auxiliary to tho Y. M. C. A are requested to meet with the executive and entertainment committees at the hall on Friday at 4:49 p.m. The Noss Jolltles. The city is being billed as it has never been belore lor tbe coming ot one ot the finest comedy attractions that has ever visited tbe Houtu tne floss Jollity com pany, which is known from tbe Atlantic to the Pacific and has earned the enviable reputation of doing all they advertise. They are a standard company of highest men i. aou lue new nmutigenieiit ot me Opera House gives s guarantee to refund the admission money at the door after the entertainment if it does not come up to what is advertised. The company ap pears here next Friday night in "A Quick Match. Goldsboro Argus. He that lives upon hope will die fasting, Franklin. If you live in tho hope of buying you a suit, and being satisfied without seeing us be fore you buy, you may "get left" We may have the very thing yotj want, it will do you no harm to try us. There is no urgent appeal to buy whether you want to or not. If we can't suit you we won't get mad about it All we want you to do is try us for Clothing, Shoes and Hats, Shirts and Socks, Trunks and Valises. ; HOWARD. '.- THABKSGIYIXe JOTS. Thanksgiving day U, almost And peace reigns overheat And mother's joyher own sweet boy- Is trundled off to bed. . Yet what are those unearthly sounds .That ninea the midniirht alrt And what's that throbbing noise we hear . Come rumbling down tbe stain It is our little household pet, v , Who tosses upon high, '-; And wages an unequal fight ' - V YVita turkey ana mince pie. -Life.- Ihe New Double Postal Card. By the time this issue of American Paper Trade reaches its readers, all, or nearly all of Uncle Sam's sixty odd thous and postmasters will have received their supplies of the new double postal cards or, to speak more accurately, the new postal cards with paid replies. At first sight they don't seem to amount to much or to be particularly convenient, but they "sorter grow on yer" after a while, and you realize that thoy may be a power for good in this wicked, wicked world, encouraging honesty and self-res-pact, and furnishing tangible evidence of the virtue which is said to be its own reward. No more will the anxious inquirer wait in vain for an answer to his letter in which he thoughtfully and very properly inclosed a stamp for return postage, which the "enquiree" at once stuck on a letter just ready to mail, while he laid away the inqufry to be attended to some day. No more will the busines man whisper cuss words when someone makes an in quiry, the answering of which makes necessary the nse of the stenographer, typewriter, expensive stationery and, most galling of all, the expenditure of postage to oblige somebody he don't know, has never seen and probably never wants to see, yet who has the cold assur ance to ask a favor and expects him to pay for the privilege of extending it to iiini. This man can be self-respertiny now, and be well thought ot for the ex penditure of just one extra cent, and he is pretty certain to get a prompt reply. It works like this: You want to make an Inquiry. You buy a postal card with paid reply. It is banded to you fiat and you fold it where the dotted line is, hav ing the line outside. You write the name and address of the party to whom you wish to send it on tuc face of the card, which is outside and which has printed in the lower left-baud corner instructions to "Detach annexed card for answer.'' You turn over this leaf of the. folder and write your message on its back. The face of the reply card is below it, and upon this you w rite your own name and ad dress, after which you drop it in the letter box or drop. In the course of time your man gets the double card, and after reading your inquiry and noticing that the reply card is addressed to you, and that he cannot use it for anything else w ithout its causing him too much trouble and time to erase, during which he would probably repent, he does the best thing he can and replies at once. You then get the answer or answ ers to your question or questions promptly, with no cost to him except a few mom ents' time and the wear and tear on his gray matter. Of course, the double postal card is a good thing and it will be very popular. American Paper Trade. Lost. A solitaire diamond ring engiaved in side V. to S. 5.9.75. A reward will be paid for its return to the Journal office and no questions asked. tf. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor,.. Wholesale Market Country Produce. Cotton, 8 3-4a9 110c. Corn, from boats 4'Z l-2a-17 l- new; 47 l-2a57 1-2. Field peas, 65c.atl.00. Seed Oats, 50c, Feed, 45c. Wheat, 70c. Hice 05c.l Hyc, 11.00. PeanutB, 00c. a80c. Apples Mattamuskeet, 00c. Onions, $1.50 per bbl. Chickens, 50a55c pair, young, 30u50c. Turkeys $1.25al.75. Beef, 4a5c. Fresh pork, 6c. Ducks, Eng. 35a40c; Muscovy SOaCOc. Geese, 00c.atl.00. Eggs, 16al8c. Honey, 40n45c; beeswax, 24c. Hides Dry flint, 5c; dry salt, 4c; green, 2 l-2c Flat wick lever. No clogging. Wick moves at a touch. The best liiibt for the amount of oil ever obtained. There are also OIL HEATING STOVfiS, Circular wick perfect combustion; does not smoke like an ordinary flat wick. English decoiated Tea and Dinner Seta. Fine Razors and Buggy Whips at cost. Willow and otber Uasketa. Beef Roasters delicious cookery. At M. E. Whitehurst's, Near Post Office. o24 dwlm E. W. Smallwood. Oeorge Slover. Smallwood & Slover, DEALERS IN STOVES, GENERAL Hardware AND HARNESS, Saslr, Doors Slixxds, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, Glass; end Pulfy, Lime, Plaster, Hair mm. P ROYAL i' J lip POWDER Absolutely Pure. A ciram of tar'ai bilking powder lliilhnst of all in In veiling strength. Latest Uniikd States Guvkhnmkm Kood Hki'ort. Royal 1!akisii I'ouiii ii f'o , 10(5 VVnl. St . N. Y, Bk.nei'tt oi St. John I. unci:. A.t the Kc.v Berne Theatre, NEW JiEliXi:, N. c. Saturday, Nov. 26, 1892 TMOSI-; i:VF.U l'OITLAIt NOSS JOLLITIES, 111 tlicir own three act Mmic:il Coine.ly, h Quick latch. This all racliim has become famous from the Atlantic to the Pacific. They do all they advertise ; ami guarantee to refund money, if entertainment is not. as repre sented, at the close of performance Tickets on silc at Nunn A JlcSorley 's. Admission 7"ic. No extra charge for reserved seats. X A.. eJones I-IVERY, SALE And Exchange Htables SOUTH FKONT STREET, Opposite the Gaston House, In addition to h:in 1 1 1 nt: Stock 1 have on hand a tirst-cUss lot of manufactured by Edward Lone of Wash ington, N C. Fresh Sfcck cf l.owncv's Fine ( hoc lalsMid lionlions, Stephen Whitman A Son's Fine Phila delphia Made Candies, Fruits, etc., etc., received weekly hy Sam. B. Waters. 10 lm New Berne. N, C. SOLOMON A. HARRIS & CO. CONTRACTOR, Carpenter and Builder, NEW BERNE, N. C. "lieing a practical Mechanic, I guaran tee satisfaction in both prices and work manship. Give me atrial ami lie cominccd. Can be found (when not otherwise en gaged) at in v residence on Metcalf street, between Broad and Nc use. nl(5 lm Barrington & Baxter. We havo Just received a New Stock of Olotliing: IN Men's, Youths' and Boy's Overcoats, Fine Shoes, Lata Style Hats, Men's and Ladies' Under wear, A. fine line of Dress Goods in Flannels and Henriettas, Ladies' Cloaks, A nice line of the-Holler Tray Trunks, Values & Satchels, and in fact anything that is to be found in a Fir.it Class lry Goods Store, all to be sold t bard time prices. Give us a look before buying. Horse Milliner. Any one wishing a First-Class Set ot ITnnd-niinln Hnrnnsa will do well to call on J. W. GVY, at Stewart's Carringe and Harness ucpoauory on Droau sireec 8recial attention paid to repairing ol all kinds in this line. a3 PUBLIC SALE OF A Valuable SAW MILL AND FIXTURES. The fine flaw Mill and Fixtures former ly owned by William II. Jacoba, situated on Adams Creek, North Carolina, will be sold at Public Sale to tbe highest bidder, without reserve, in front of the Court House, at New Berne, N. C, on Wednesday, Nov. 30. 1892, at TWO o'ctock, p.m. The mill consists of a 75-horse power George Page St Sons Engine. Boilers, Delta, fullcya, Tracks, and all tho equipments of first-class Saw Mill. I' $1,000 cash, and the balance in one and two years, with Rood security! bearing 8 per cent interest. Any on. whr wants a good mill come and purchase a bargain. vacuuajx n, vvjbLxna, ' nil id ,-i ff.,(-;fw-; Exesutof, Wanted it Once. Bids for THREE HUNDRED POLB8, thirty feet long, not less than sight inches at the top, heart cypress. Also, THREE T HOUSAND CROSS TIES, heart pine or cypress, either sawed or hnwed. Imme.iiato delivery New Bekke Water, Electeic Light and Railkoad Co., R. P. WILLIAMS, nl9 (lwlf Manager. Ii Shining Example Of what can be accomplished by deter mination and energy. Our prices and quality of goods ont- shino all others, and would-be competi tors pale into insignificance, Very respectfully, Haskbyrn & Villett. h New Invention. Having secured the county right of tbs Only Bed Brace on the market. I am now prepared to make SIIACKLY BEDSTEADS m FIRM AS M'.W. and new ones kep STRONO and SOf.II). All arc n -pi'i-tfullv invited to callat inv slon and examine for themselves. Also have ju-i received a BEAUTIFUL LINE of Pictures and Easels, in addition to my Complete Stock of Furniture1 ORGANS, Etc. Rcspcctfullv, W." H. HOOTEN, Middle St., opp. Citizens BankJ n 1 ." I w If New Berne, N. C. Fail Announcement. Wo liavo decided, in consider ation of the short crops and extreme scarcity of cash, to reduce our Very Large and At tractive Stock otZi MERCHANDISE.1 Within the Next 60 Days. In the beginning of this Great Slaughter of Prices, plenso remember it is for the purpose of getting the cash, and under no circumstances can we cha;gc these goods at the reduc tion prices : Dress Goods marked down from 70c. and 81.00, selling for 50a Diagonal and Brockatell Dress r Goods, IOC . ii Worsted 8c. Dress Flannel 15c. Colored Table Linen 25c, worth 40c. Lauudried Shirts made of New York Mills Muslin 2200 linen at 75c, unlaundried 50c. Undershirts 19c. each. Red Flannel Undershirts 40c. Ladies' Vests 25c. N. C- Plaids 4c. Heavy 4-4 Brown Domestics 5c. Novelties in Dress Goods and Trimmings. Kerr's Machine Thread, 3c. per spool. Hand Cotton lie perjspool. OUR. Millinery Deparlmcel is very attractive. We are sell' ' ing the best Ladies' Walking Hat in the city for 85o worth $1.25. tie sure you come to see ns. V Respectfully, - H.B. Duffy. Tor Bale, The Building, with less, of ground, now occupied by the Sanation Army, on th. comer of Broad and Hancock street. ' h, ,1 Apply to i '!."-. ; it. T.'BOBnrra. I HlB lm lsp 1 Ageuf fr Trr