PUBLISHERS' ANJiOUM'EMFXT. rmWAILYJOURNALts published Dally seept Moaday at f 5."0 pr e ir : 12 40 for ttxmoatbs Dellvured i oitj subfinrtbrr ' n 50 watt par mouth. tH WKBKLY J-JOriAij published Try Tborv t Slid prr i num. - Cfotloeso. Marriages or Daatbs Dot to ex jsA Mm-HtxM will be Inserted free All a.l .Ulloaal lUUti will be charged 5 on. per - 'ID. , t f t'avm or transient advertisement), "mi"-In advanoe. Ke?ular advr-t- eameatawUl be eolleetecl promptly at Ui nd offc BoHth. Oommnnloatloni coutau li news -f suit'.- o(en public Interest are boikhu-iI. M cimi muQleetlOQ mult be exp.cted to be publtsii ' e 1 that eon tains objectionable personalities, r Withholds the name of the mi'hor. Anl- longer than half column mnjiifM or, Any pron leellun agKrleved alary a;i- Oarmoos communication can obtain ibe . 4ieme of the antbor by epiihr-atlon k tli' ' iffloeend .howm- wuereln liie grlev:.t.e t. Ut.. t . THE JOURNAL. C B. HAHPBB O. T. HANCOCK Proprietor, f.ot-al Keprrtr. WKntere.l -ST. 0 as second- . at New Her ., .r alter. 100 M1L1S AN HO'J Great Tilings Kxi:'c!nl of )bs- cbanic Ricliardd' .Vw l.rm- i. A working model of the : breajtin locomotive, iuvi-nti 5ateta by -Muster .Mo acKsdn' lUenanK of the R A a;u llMMi. 'ilin-. Railroad, hits boon placed on i hibition in tho hall of the l.uil.I.-r-; Exchange, Philadeljihia. A lavo number of engineers. lKMin t i v expfttand others interested in the increase of speed on rail ro id . visited the hall (luring the day. Speaking of his invention. Mr. Richards said : "If the new en gine I am about to construct for exhibition at tht World's K.m- in Chicago cannot mak" over .m miles an hour I will give it ;m in to tho first person 1 meet. I do not claim that it will be 1 1 j - - higii- ; est rate of sj)eed it will be i-.-iiiil-of making, for I Ixdieve the stwe.l will be practically unlimited. I!y that I mean the engine wiii be .i pable of going much faster than anyone would care to travel. if the machine is successful. ,i- ! firmlbelieve it " ill be, it will rev olutionize the entire con -if rue! mi of all the high-speed locoiu .:ives of the future. I have been working on this invention for over tell year, though the drawings were only completed about the 1st of Septem ber. .-After this the patent wa applied for, and as soon as it w.i- granted I had the working inn;l--l, now in the Builders' Kxcliango. made for the purpose of i--.hi'iit;:r: jt to the public. "Tho new inventions will enable a gigantic stride to be taken in the matter of high speed locomotives, and it is more than likely that tb timo between Philadelphia and New York will be decreased i. e,s than an hour. 1 intend to make the first trial trip between tin and Chicago with the engine have built for the World'. I' 'In outward appearance t comotive will not dilfer male from the speedy ones n cv 1 1 -si our company lictween 1 1 i - ancf New York. The di whCels will be a trill-- laig -r. sixftct high in place ,,t h ,, eight inches, as at i-:.s. ni tho engine will weigh !ity to small increase over ibe p wii i 1 1 i i 1 1 loot weight, lhe jK'cuua'it y Btruction lies in tin- fact stead of the two cylinder used there will be four. ol 1 ' iia i "Ono cylinder will l each side of the loeom as at present, and tin will be cast on what i the cylinder saddle, cylinders are to be c piece, and will be h tho outside ones. The ders will entirely over is known to engineers ; ' I-:.-.,' i ' i e ; r : ot!e t . known Tin- m--a-t in i ..,-ionta! loll! bli the de center, and the engine will be per fectly balanced without .my coun terbalance in the drivin.; wheels. 'I'l.v I,.n. irr. .. ill I.. A un xcki wi iiiirnpHiiii ii; i mi 11.1 the means of saving from thirty to fifty per cent, of tlw piv;--nt we.,,- and tear on the roadbed. dotway with the vicious which has proved so de-a modem roadbeds. "Tho engine will glide It ill muling OllVe o and easily along and there will no bo any of tho sudden star!-, am jorks so noticeable m tho I the present time. These are pecially noticeable in the starting, wlu n it is necoHsary to reverse the ei.g-ine bofore a start can be made. In my invention, owing to th p, i- foct'balaiice, this will no! b nee ossnry, the engine starling- for ward as soon as lhe de is opened. "You can see how smooth and easily the engine works by the model. This, though it has been i mining ioo nines an nour ror over ft aay, and inougn u is niaceii on ft moveable suiiport without ,-m' fastenings whatever, has not ahiftul ilitrlm. II, of .... muiiuu uui iii iiirti t inn iim yu.4k ..f : i. r . .t M7t311l.ll Ul till INCH IIOII US 1 1 IS I. V position. An p.isy way to iieserioe mv luwuiuuvu wouiti oo to say n is two engines consolidated into one, V adjusted that when th- balance 'of one's driving wheel is on top A thatof the oth(tr is ben - tb. and rioeTersa." " . The Popnlstlon of New Berne ts 4boal-diM thousand, and we would . tf St least one-half are troubled with wmm affection on the Throat and Lungs, ttthoae ootnplainta are, according to sta tistics, mors numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to ne Ktoot the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle or Kemp's Bal aam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Large bottle 50o. and II. Hold by all druggists, - - , : - A , -i ' "T Cry for Pitcher'tf Castorla.' Iiitorostiiiff iiiforiii'itioii. lmiortiiti)ii of patent modicinca is prohibit-.-;! in Turkey. Tliciv lias been no chungo in bl'icksniitln' tools for 'MM years. At Quito. .the only city in the world on t!ii! line of the equator, the .-iun rises an A sets ut 0 o'clock the v;.i- !-.!::.'!. The K.;i!:.-rM-f China chooses his owv. .v.'cn-ssor, whether the person ruo.M'ii s a member of tho rovftl f'.o.iilv or not. When Jumbo w.-is dissected, a pint MM 1 a half of gold, silver, and bronze coins were his stomach. J n tlie lot re c.-ins of three kingdoms, iblic, live dukedoms, two louiul n !h. .-n t Wo rep: prmcip:'. ( )ne milk Is i artili- ia (-p;cl ir 1 1 i I k i i iec .1 I es and one the us--, !r- niami: orv which A !e.s the o: 1 with i I i-:b eo -pendency. of skimmed e.ctare of ;:ll in every v iginal. The rax and sub ssiiiv. The for coinbs. ri!e nioiiih- .1! III. ami i1 1 ( :lti- ('ow-ilnit' ii r.n'iin. i tiie loveli- ! a. c 1 1 ,. -ii i in; .-una i ; i . w i i ; i i i .11- e ilU -vi . -N . . f t i -. - I on su i to lla.e ((Hi lu be.-I: ili.'.t tin groall A SO ip i ,p;. - - of i' e' . :. i t.v servm ' .:: o; dainty Kl d.-li.-ii.c sii.-in-; or ; n ri neb , amai sp -ciali .- ::j pe' i.:ug liie l-'reii-li china, pu.vos oi- broths in.iy Tli-- old ( 'an ton as nnv A salad laced befe plate decor a'e.l wi'h not the same dish a . w r e(l m while thick is well be in other ware, re oar on u bah blue is hen it come? on in French china wiili a touch of dull gold or pale given or buff for decorations. . ... taifi Klet-lrlc Umers. TLis rem- dy in b'-eoinioR so well known a d so i oi)ular a" to need no special men tion. All who iiive U"ed Electric Bitters sinf,' tlie cam-souk of praise. A purer mi-ilicine iiniKn..t exist and it is guaran teed to ii i nil Unit is claimed. Kkctric Hitlers wi-l cue all diseaft-s of tho liver and Ki tneyn, ill remove pimples, boils, salt i Ileum and oilier allec-tions caused by impure Id :(1. Will drivo malaria from the syHteiii laid pi. vent as well as cure all mnluri;il levels, l-'or cure of headacho, constipatimi and indigestion, try Electric Haters. Entire hatisfaction guaranteed or nn.uey r-f undid. 1'rice 50c. and tl. 00 per qottle'at Y. S Hutly's dmg store If you ri;bt. w.iijt to feel rigbt, do Ob, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. Xht signal perhaps of the sure approach ol that mora tenibie diseaau Consumption. Ash yourselves if you can alTord for the sake of unrini; 5tl , lo run the ris k and do nothing for it We know from experience tb .-. 8uiloh's Cure will Cure your couith. Ituevrr fails. This ex plains . liy mori) than a Million Bot tles wiro sold the past yiar. It relieve croups aad v.ho(ipini oouh at once -Mothers, d i r. he without it. Foi lamo tack. -id- w rlieet i!e HhilohV H.-.r.-.ns pU'.-tt-r. '".Id by N- I'.i-mi' Urun i ') A l.t'le ten is as bUck as a big Iinprpy This h what y.-.u ought to have, in fact yen inii:-t have it to fully enjoy life, Tho' lire searching for it daily, and mourning because they rind it not. Thou sand! upon Thousands of dollars are spent ;nniii.l)y by our people in the hope that tin y amy attain this boom. And yi t it may be hud by ail. We pnarantee that Electric liitli-rs, if u-ed according to direct liens ;ind die i;sn persis-tul in, v ill tiring "u good 'liut-stion and oust tlie ilrmoii I'vsjM-psi! and install instcail raipepsy. We T'Comineiul Electric Hitters for Dys-t-psia and al I diseases of Liver, Slomuth and Kidneys. s,i,i f,,r r and $1.00 per bo-tle l,y K. S. liull'y, druggist. A t-ute way to punish jeurselfis to hate other people. Some Foolish People Allow a eolith to run until it gets beyond the reach ( medicine They often say, 'Oh, it will wear away," but in most discs it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine culled Kemp's 1'iiham, which is 'told at a'positivo guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excellent effect after taking the first doso. Price 50c. and $1 Ti ail .size fiee. At all druggfsts. mar22deod weow The hhortest cut to happiness is to try to Rive it. Waste, and Vant. A ;istc of flesh anil a want of diges tion. These go together. People who cannot assimilate the food they swallow must of necessity lose bodily sul stance. I'd remedy this, render digestion easy and thorough with Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters, h tonic tinned the world over for its -trcngth ami flesh yielding qualities. Ap petite nnd sleep arc both impaired by indigestion, which begets nervous symptoms, heartburn, flatulence, irregu liiritV ut the bowels and palpitation of lhe heart the latter often being rron I'oiisly attributed lo disease of that organ. All these manilestiitions disappear w hen the liilters is resorted to. Malaria, rheumatism, liver and kidney trouble are eU'ertiiallv counteracted by this superb corrective, whic h i" not only effectual, but permanent. h ffow Invention. Having -K iircd the county riyht of llin Only Bed Brace on the iiiiiiki t. I mil now prepared to make HIACKLY JiKDSTKAIJS in FlltNf AS NKW. and new ones kej) STHOMl and SOLID. All arc respectfully invited to cull ut my store nnd examine for themselves. Also liuve just rrm ived ii HEAITIFUL LINK of Pictures and Easels, in addition to my Complete Stock of Furniture ORGANS, Etc. Respectfully, ' j '? f '. xW. H. B00TEN, b Jliddlo Bt.,"opp. Citizens linnk filSlttlf'. New Heme, N.C. DR. G. II BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offioe, MukU church, dec31wtf 'itroet, opposite i'ii.ptwt I SEWBEBN. N. O. HR. J. D. CLABK, DENTIST, 8W BKHNE. N. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOtt K Y A T A "W Craven St., two doors South of Journal ofBoe. Will priiettee In tho ('ouotics of Cruven artevet. Jones, i 'imlow nnd INiu.Hco. I'll tiHl "Hues Com I at New llcrno, nnd SnDremp 1 -curl of tlie Htata. Hay. :i -. r . with you? I) ; :. ' tion? No, I ut I r."'- - e e ! thai don't nut-, ia -.c .( Whitty & Co. bite j is; t-. of those ('Hli'l i-tti 'I r- re. I am olwsys doit- ju I not. Tube niy u-IvIlv nc to Wbittv 's in 1 K-' t ' noesec Wheols dnd you i can't. .I Mi Hi- i. Wt . at- w J. C ;i iupi-1; ' vVh.-le ' I o'Jijhi C.t O10 .ic Tin a :;.. if 1 M0SE3 T. BiliyAN, A a.... r- "i 3S HrilRH JObT Of RpHti l!r; B ii t iB'taellOIi k'U-trHiitOMl May be found wlirn w.- i 1 Mj'd i Ri tt r. lev Karlovy. Ito orB to tLriX oia:w' ah u rzc. nm) oitrctinnlc. !u(.!i-.(f mm READY FOR Cheaper tii.iu iit.v can Fvirnii!: otht. a r ! JiCVIO. I've got em nail v -aa :. Apply to w. r bi'kkl.-i, i. . m. i'(kti:k, j:ie7 dtf : lie, or Itiverdale, 8. STKKi; i it. General5! NEW S. K. C. Who'osa'.e miu 1 1.: I i! i) i General Merchiuidise. Consignmentj cl' Cotton Graic, and ovl" Produce eolicittd. Prompt atteatiou guaran tood- Cottou Bafrcir.rr and Ties now ia stock. Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snuff sold at Mauuf icturor'a Prices. K. a. JONES, 9 u aw New Berno, N. C. Thus. A. (1rfn. I'rrs. c. I-:. Kov. Cat tiler, W.M lit'NH, V-ice-l'lt.lI M. UitovKH, Teller: CITIZENS' BANK OK KF.W BERN, H c. DJ A K N F.HAL BXNKINO Tlie Aoo lUTitaof !tanfe, HHt.kera, Corporeal iioui), t aruiern, Meichaii'Q inu o'nurs re ol ved on frtvorahl-) leriin i'r tnpt and cref nl alionl ton glvt-n 10 I he Inl'-r -m of our CUNloiucrw ltOA'KI) OK Hthl'CTORH, iririch, K II Me lOWM, J. A. .Mca;iWH, t Ii.h. imiiy, Jr J trues Kfciltnf uH, i i H- lit' I. -nsu-ln Mjij ?r H'liti, ') hoe. . .i ret n, Hiifl W. Ip ok, Chns (I Kowitr, William Ounn, K. W. HiiikH W(Kd, Geo N. 1 Vf NOTICE. If you want tho easiest Bhavo you ever hail, and your hair cut in lhe very latest style, he sine and call on I'ltiNCK of Walks at the Gaston llouso Barber Shop. Kverybody says be is the best tarbcr in the city, ana lie lias no one employed except lirst clrss harheis. T. U It. lUCITAltnSdX, Proprietor. ' (ll- TUB North Carolina State Grange PATRONS OF lH'SHAXDUY, Nashville, N.0, Dec. 12 to 14. PASBRNCUt llEfAUTMRKT, November 28d, 1862. ToAgealeA. & N. U. H. It.: Yon will sell tickets from your station to Ooldsboro and return to tbe above at Tariff No, 4. :, . .. ... .- ... Y 'iTloketa to lie on tale Dao. 12ih.l8th and 14th. Good to return fintil Deo. 17th irelusiva. '-c '. ; .-. ' , ... .tt, tl BILL, O. P. A. .i jfiAi n LuULU WAVE Comin! We have a full line of mmm mm. L. H. Cutler & Co. mum Mm ioiss, 1 hve just received s FlNitl LOT t-f Wt stern North Carolina HOUSES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE- LOT OF BUftGIEb, ROAD CARTS AND HARNESS. -Vll of whioh I will sell VERY CUEAP for cash or approved paper. Qive me a trial. E2. E3. St3root st' Our Mammoth Catalogue of Bakk Counters, Dusks, and other Opficb Furnitukb for ISftS now ready. New Goods. New Styles in Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases. Cabi nets, &c., Ac., and at matchless prices, ns above indicated. Our goodo are well known and sold freely In every country that speaks English. Catalogues free. Postage 12c. pecial Notice I Owin to pressure of I!u--iiic?j. sue any postal Curds. lid not Tl'.ADK l'lease remember that all free Kljicr cent on Lorillard Snnff within the Limit, will Ik-grunted, by WHOLESALE QE00EK, MIDDLE STBE1T. BW BVBKK. N. 0 Best, Cheapest and Toughest lUNOINO FROM 15, 20 and 25 Cents. I inn hcadqunrten in New Heme fo. Toliacco. There is no discoiintinir this A full line ot HEAVY ABD FASCT GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Ncte, Twines Ropea, Waterproof Suit?, Ship Supplies, Paints, I've t'ot what voii'v.anl ar l ean'l 'e he:it in jirites. J. F. TAYLOR. m mm feedi BRADHAM &:SMITH, SEED-KYE, WHEAT, OATS CLOVEE3-GKA3SJ SEEDS LAWN GIUS8E3, HERD GRASSE'&u. A FULL LINE" Corn, Meal, nominy, Qrits, Bran, Donee, Mixed Feed, Bag, Burlaps. Barrela, Pea Grates, &c. &j. CTATK f)F NOHTII CAROLINA, Craven County. In Office Clerk Superior Court. Notice is hereby iriven of tbe incorpo ration of The Clark Lumber Comnuny, that the names ot the incorporators are V. B. Blades, James B. Blades and Jo seph II. Clark, nnd such others as they nuiy associate with them ; that the prin cipal place of business shall be in New Heme. N. C. nnd its ceneral pumose nnd business is to buy ana soil land, and tim ber, the marrufaeturc and sale of lumber, constructing nnd opensiiu steam saw mills merchandise anil running nod op- crntine- steamboats, that the duration of tbe corporation shall be thirty years; the capital stock is thirty thousand dol lars, divided in three hundred shares ol the par value of one hundred dollars each. W , n 1 0 W.M. W AT80N, C. 8. C. 8" TATF. OF NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County. In Office Clerk Superior Court. Notice is hereby iriven of ' the incorpo ration of The Blades Lumber Company, that tbe names of tbe incorporators are W. B. Blades, James B. Blades nnd Jo seph B.Clark, and such .others as they may associate with them ; that tb prin cipal place of business shall be Id Eliza beth Oity, N. 0., and ite general purpoee and business is to buv and sell land and timber, the manufacture and sale of lum ber, constructing ami oparatiflfr steam saw mills merchandise, nnd. running and, operating steamboat,' that, the dura tion of tbe corporation" ahall be thirty1 years; the capital itock la one hundred and fifty t. thousand . dollars, . tli vided In fifteen btiridrerl nhnres of the ; ar Ttilue 'of one hundred dot!- . fllB AV. '. C. High mMm c .' i an, I have fought High Prices contine. ally, until at last I decla,.oiiiJ.,.Tf tlio CONQUEREU. Therefore I am now prepared t-. ofTer the public THE GRKATFST l)AU(i AIN8 () UII' SEASON, IN VL ITIllNl, DRY GOODS, !':.!i:!!i;!.!.AS, ROOTS AND SHOWS', inrNKs an) ;d v.m 'i-i i have just North with rot ut i. '.1 from tin- OC1C ol all tho will pell ali0vc uauicd aitieli s ami LOWER THAN WW LOWEST. Hoping you will give me & call, a ;d thanking you for pact pntrontitie I am truly journ, AVAL SULTAN Oppnaito Ed. Street's sale sialics NEW RERNi:. N. V. AD0IPH GOHH. I'EALI-.ll l Pianos and Organs, Tito Mohli'i High Grado stid Newby & Evana Pianos. Liown. Queeu end Necdham Parlor Or;:; NEW BEENJi, Tl.c : WHH Ot-' ' otdnal I.- bnrvlvLne . - ; . ; a : who Lift' b ' j..,a ul il ' AiuMC hliti.l'.f: for the putt ten emu uuil Is now lonated on uraveu ireet, inree uoors below tbe City Hull. I would be pleaatd to lufonn my frlendf, p irons anil lhe pahllo KtiTally that I have aeoured the large ttort elPKniil brick bnlldlng formerly occupied by .John Patterson, deoeasfd, wherp 1 have ample accommodations for properly oontl'iottrir my jarneana lnereastcK business, and wlA oonstanlly keep on baud Upright and Square Pianos of the latent design, lasf lne lone, wnp irior workmanship and or leatllnic ruaunfi.eiiireiB and the best material, A.'so u gojd lupply of 8d D.K r MUHlU. And 1 will endeavor to mate my InisitiPBH ai popular as the old linn iihorl tu be, mid one that will, give satisact on to my nume rous pstrors. The proprietor, Adolph Colin, ttouM take this occasion or returning hli tlinnb lo thoe who have taken an 1 titer. Ht in his welfare, and wonld reBprctfiilly solicit the continuance of the fclndly feeling ut his friends. Respectfully, A. COWS. KOTICE. All persons having elalnis OKSh st '.'h&Hea Hlover. dnceased. are noliflciJ text1i u i ri same to the nnderslaned on or before lue sib day ol November, A . Inn All pftisons Indebted to him r;' reijupiido to make Immedlstr pay men. (4DOHOK HIiVKa O. E HLOVKIt M. UaW. HTKVITN80N. Fzeeutors of Charles Hlover Nov. Ilh im, Uw Basil. Maslt. W. A, McIktoji Hew Derno Iron Works Buooessors to J. H. Orabtrce & Co. Engineers, Founders, - -i-AHD . MACHINISTS. Manufactarers and Dealers in Machin ery, MaehlaisU and Hill Bupplles, Ec- eluos, ilollers. Haw and . Urlat Wills, Aeents for Satcamln's Indent ruo'ihle Mica Heatea Valves, Ibe Aaieiicon Haw Po. and Pieaoott'a DiiecAotinc tj(eam rfrt( . ( ...... A- nu via.. ' We have Just erected a larp-o Ware-' house adjoin In? our Works, ahem im will, keep i a fiiil.toek of, Mcbmo and Mill Hupplieii, 'Orrliirtf for Wrk inr 1 hialAMAl ' nt nnv kind will be promptly executed i lfHlal ilal" 1 Ti t P" Jf?K' Mrs tbe'nealtU or jntyrAre with o'afiutiiioMt ot icaFure. is dhikih np trt iinnrnTta ins j IcaFure. It build np S'-HCTa. n wriitk ur, JliiiitMiifl tvllofv tlii trcMUnnt 1 ndnrwtt uv iktiH win )t juunir" i ty luilki, FinrNTIAt. -r i.-rtl. nla t i Hi- To the '.s M..k I,? .-.isv. liOc Hit -ONLY n til Jan. -FOR TIIE- EiCLY NINE COLUMN FOLIO LAUGH AMOUNT OF RFjADfNG); The i)aily W $5.00 Per Year. C'ircuhitoR in every direction iaily mail, and ia a splendid medium for ;ii!vertUser, , Liberal idverfising Rates. We have just received a la rtre lot. of AewVT ad Handsome Books, which wa club "wlthf ' both the Daily and Weekly IditionV 'Call and"4 see them, and get one by paying' oH-yeallfe advance for the Daily. By paying $1.251 fox i the Weekly one year in'Jvaxieei ;i:!jS?fti . ... ; v.i ir-i , ax 'i-ffis'-'tv; JOORiNIAL In couaition with th-, Journal". hero 'isV'Ilia'ftCftikkll''9 '.i . '.- ,., a i '' I ,!.: Jlt-l THAU'S ' ": -' t ;' . ;.-! -,-.-' " ',-':.f;'.ili ti -' JOB DEPARTMENT. All kinds of W&9$f,tt '( WW , I . .?-.'o !(sd ".m'di-fi"iM(i .. I J;-.tvu;o,i,. ,; j;J; mv ,1-itJfl i'wlu cf um h'i "Si '"'-''l-.v.l - , .' t i L ,( ); Ijfi k. tor b i.lontl; IS: . . - it-! ii ' r x irt , : -)-: l-. 25c. 1st, 189B, JOURNAL, Journal :- . t -flit !o )rt(llJ -f4 ' :' ' ' i.' t to 'Mill; 'HU't ' 1 ri v .1 L, '-. ; s.iu;! 50c. Per Month. -1 . ..-:.. . . , - -1 ; ; . il Wif ii i h... . i . j , f) from New Btirn'tf, whfero thrt ia st'"''! ''. 't(iri 4 V" A. ' . ..Jr."': ""'" --o'-r.iM,dJf'r, ' Mown.'-' 't.mH),((it'f 1 .'ft. wr-'. l(J Vji.K, 00 jrd)( ! t jilts o i r fd j' - Atod sltldodi twf., , . , .' I lo '-..-X' v.'v v' ' ,-.-t(fl tflll.TK? ' 'rt-' It ii i It :;l 7 T i. ):- - i t-i u '1 Mlt Iflil

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