A ;.v ? .: J-1 1'?:.- i :::: it vx a What bs " i'Jjt 11. . . i :, . . i'.V.t'jj- :V. Cryorla is Pr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ftml Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. Itia Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years' use by Hilllons of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fererlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Caafcoria Is an excellent medlclno for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of iia good effect upon their children." Dr. 0. 0. Osgood, Lowell? AIo&s. M Castoria Is the best remedy for children of vhlcb I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the Tarious q uaclt nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature grates." Dr. J. F. Kihcbkloe, Conway, Ark. The Centtvar Company, TT Moray Street, Now Ycili City. XORFQLK, NEWBRBH & WASHINGTON DIRECT LINK Tri-Weekly Trips. Iu ordtr In maka m re convenient nud Msoi.o nlo&l ntte oi toe vttae: uow employed y the twurtb Onrolina aerv.o, mm. thus to MUr Serve tb9 Intsrusl.s of ubippsrs. She Clyde Line a v.' oi 1 h in nun Hie:. m skip Oompaay bu v i t Oifrge 'cwberii N. tiir, thus t?lv- tJilr rMD0'.ive ilaHH i. a ttod tforfmr. vu tut-i ' muMf-siaem nd n ii -r -1 :.i bo iub eb week oeiween - 1 1 t .iid or foil U WMhliiKion. JiO ADVAMK IN KlTKS. and aflr TMUK :.iV ('. v,u, i"-2, atU rarttaar notion n .M.n9r HEWBER" 5Uimer DEFUiv :t ?Drgess, A Stem kUim: Plinoo j jj . 1 uuuro. Will sail from Norfniv V .... rr i-w berue 1 llrael, Try MuuUHy. iiirily sort ttoftturday'. mitkiii' ouwi't on with j lb Atlautle aud Nrf)i arolmi Hillroiid,, an)! the water lines ou turn mid Trent rtrera. I tteturnlng. will sH V llo SUt'HKKN for 1 KOHKOL.K. Va., vl lloa i kr ' hhiI liar', Tuee-iay. TUur- or mi t -Hiurday at IS M making coiiiiHe''o' vif:k uh' The old Bav Uue, fur BiM n re I'ik. h';e 1 l.lue. for Phllad.lphU Th il r mlnlun ' rlMainshlp CIo.. for New Y') k. r,o Mer ,: aots"aod Miners' Ijlne f. r Pr vt ienoo atd Uoatou. aod The w Unoi tn 'n ir . K u.,ana monrnouu, vs.. inun bivii.ji i.roVoUoute u' "" "theru nt1 BsUtsro do1 1 B. St and N A W. It n for ih est r,l T.v - r-ssMDfersw II Snl a mol nhU, comfort- iUSECrS.1 irSuI.;. abla rooms, aat eer e-iuitetv aud atten- . lion will B paid thrn by lliei.tll rs I 1'apr.sentli - Itinrsni- i .u Order airnools. rare ot N N Jt vV. Direct Vinerlca.oi i i.li.l i: tini. Mn. Norfolk. V. 11 '"' 'iisiirsi -ee i ..m, -n ,-, . S. 4. 6HAY. ADt. I liueon liinin ' iim. emu i i llot'orii rue l:niir.-:."o ' Mrtfnr.l Eastern Carolina Dispatch raat Paawncer and rraiiht Line between XWC BOANB, jtasUra North Carolina Points, and all con i i tSkaafclors of tbs rBsTHSI'LVa.tilA RAILBOAD, woLUDiaa NSW Trk, rkUadalphU, Norfolk, Bai; tlsaore sad Boston. r, fiMVt TrI-Werkly 1.1ms Out of ;it."! aw MarsM. TH-C AND ELEO&lTLT BdUIPPKD 1 aalls from New Bern MOMJmVa widhuditi,: " r-T-''T raiDAYS, t javn? -a.oo z.c.. pplal at Koauota Island saon way end furssics eloae coo .aotion with tns Slerfolk oaihsrs Railroad, rke- tuUrs Dlspalen Line, aoiislstlng of .as ttUatlintoBi a. U. Oo.. Norfolk 8 .utbern st, R.. Hw Tork, Xbluwand Norfolk B. H.. "ma Panosylvanla a K , term a rellaole and faala Umm. af.rlnc superior faallltles for i -1 aolakjpaaasnaer and f reUjbt i ransportatlo .. , Molraasrar naspt at Wiaabeth Olty.at waiptv pviat iivmid w iws- go inrmi(ii sa,"-viB. Uiraat all cooda to ba salppsd via eastern OWI V WW SIM" m stskAlraa fi DaiolMS DisDatb da IV as loiiowsi nom lsw . York, by Panna, . ., ner u. UAfdittlMvL ' ' ; rroraPblb-lelphla, by Fhlla.. W.and BaUo. - ! -f. K RT, Dook SJt.Stattoa. t rromeimnore,by Pblla WIL and Balto. "is :i'r' st-Hraaldantlst B'atlon , y : . Vrom Norfolk, by Norfolk Boutbern 1 . . . ' Z ,..V.u..Mnli Miners Trana- ; . .aortaUoa 00 Hsw York and Raw fiuland J '. M- Rates as lov and tune quloker than by ay osuer Una ' I ! , . -.'v.. For furtner inrormatt"n apyij ; W, H. JoOSHOan"l Frelf bt TraffloAgant, Vi! p, ivH.) ttonetal Trae Agent. .m. . - ' Oam, BTPHSa, WWlslon rrelgbt Agent, a' W. A B. K R., PhlladSlphla. ' U. B, 0OOK, Oan'l Frelgnt Agent.. F. T. . rfoki.-w. ..... r IS, O.'JBunorKB ueasrai m reu - fOs'H5DBIWOIent ' . . t t '.t saw berne, H. O. v The' N O. Conference of the ; ,-mTHERf KTBOBI.f CEUROH, At Jllildslwrb, Dec. 14th AtlaDtioand N. .0. R. R. Oo. ; T,,.. -liv-i X lth, 189, ' TiTall AaouU A. A K. 0. B. H. : will tell tlokett to tb hore from your station to Ooidsboro and mturn.t ; the folli.wius; btmed tales. Tarlft a 4. - Tlnkatann sale Deo, 10th. llltH, 13lh, Htb and 15th. Good to rotnro onttl ' Uer.23'1 Iboloslva' lji .T.i,i . i-V-s ROTJ-UXTRie v-f A' Mor- h(9 fclty. W en Oore )rerkk.-S J "' 1 1 I ' " 1 ; N .i t .4 Nil I I WBll .. - J l .. k ...4 11 I ! iiitou...-. W . H U iii(l)lHk..,.l .Ha.. i Castoria. " Castoria is so well a-lnptpj to children that I recommend Jtassuperior'oauyprcacriptiou kuowo to me.1 IT. A. A no hek, M. D., Ill So. Oxford SI., L'roojiJya, N. Y. "Our physicians iu Uio clnMren'a dopart incut have spoken highly of lln-ir ez fieri pneo in tlieir outside practice v itli Ca&loi i.i, and although we ouiy havo a:roi:;? our medical supplies wluit known u ivruhir products, yet wo are free to confess 1 hat 11 m meritrt of Castoria has won us to look wi:! favor upon it." United Hospital inu Disi'knsahy, Ito'toi), Mti.'t;:. Allen C. Smith, Pres., JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF mi mi uarouiia Uniifl arble Works NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and Americm Ala bis and M Qualities qf 3f.iir. :.. OrJurs RnMritfl rivfi 'n uri at tontiini, v 11 h s it isr-' i ' ' ' 1 1 Terra CuUa V:m:s I ' ' 1'. eis furuUlieil at tH! i i !.'.! 1 t -i-rirv n1',iir fv ' ' GEO. IShiSDi': (HuncHuior l ' h r' 11 T i.i Nortu .-. V.r. ml. M,- i-y, of Noliil I'rtioilnrt Fl lir; i i'-l in pan y of New if lli'elah i.rPli wltrti lliiil Ifori. 1't'iiitT Inwuriirro ' oei-nn-. i".r Vri" klyn. fj it'j ll.iil"rrl i-iii hi-.inni.ii- iH::npny, jf Ai'nota. I'.i.i-t"ii 1'j.r'iin 'iiiiur i:,'-. .l ' i ..Ol. 1 ! -'IWlf HUrflFHREYS'J This rnrnous Ointmkt is the triumph o( !-'c ii'iililic Medicine. Nolhin!; Ins ever bet n prt nhicctl to equal or cini'.i:v vi.h il i.s a i k.viivk and HEALiMi Ai'i'i.if i :x. Uhas lccn used over -to years, and always affords relief end always fcixes satisfaction. For I'il.-s- I-Atcrn.il or lot- rml, I'lind or llli-ciliin; ; I i-.tul.i in Ann: ltihinu or lllccdiiiK of tlic Kctluni. Tim rtlicf is inimcaiate-tlii; euro certain. mim mm oil For Hums, ScaliN anil Ulceration and Contraction from ISiirn. Tin-re lief is instant vthc healing woiulerfiil ami niu'iualf(l. For H.ils, lint Tumor--., Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sons, Itdiinir l-"ruilions, Cliafnn; or Sculd M.nil. It i; lufalliMc. For Inflamed irC.i!;il llicasts and Sore Nipple?. It is lnvaiua) h: Vrke, 50 Cents. Trial size, 15 Cents. Siild bt DriiBfUI., "r . nl p.it-i-.i4 nil mr.li'1 i-f prlr. IMISPIIRSlS'aKB.CO.,11 . IUWIIII.B SL.KW TOKS THE PILE OINTMENT NOTICE. The Undersigned, Hsrrlei Kllnon. hits duly m iiiiori sb exeenlrix 01 in" esioie iAmth frnianu. .Ail lirr v stvea rotl tuat she reqoir.s all pnrs ns liavlng 'lalns against ineemave 01 inn ni :'',' .r, ni.m ihnm-ti 1 lie s Id Harriet tall- son, du y iilhentioiitil, 101 pny nt, on or before the ZIHh daynf netobwr, m or 1 this notice e 111 he piranm 111 ui.ruir.iu- ery. re ersons Indebted to llie riitiito nitist pay ltlioul delsy. IlMMIItT i:i.uii. -r.n ou rlx. OOH7SW IT ISA DITTY roil we yonrselr entrant- ny io e.ne. - . - II T le set tne ei Keaeajiaw . , will teatllV. . ... 43.00 42.50 2.00 FOR LADIEft 42.00 - 1.75 ton boys '7? . 7; L. DOUGLAS C3 SHOE OENfLEMs?MT THt BEST8HOS INT.IE WORLBfOH THfc KOlftl OTilK.lt pPEClAl.Ttlw ttieiMiiehlRh srs;l. and n-ine in frmtwear am of the piieescnarKtid. but that name aud wloearo'".''';V,.n.T,i':','.ar.rH- prloe ar puuuius, kiurUlun. SI"", told by W. 1 1, r" Eas .... A a 4 St fit.'? -B 2.50fiV5,rl re xMLP . Um! . 1L1'X i-myn h A $jf V- -l&Uiu., THE TONE OP VOICE. It is not so much what you say, As the manner in which you say it; It is not so niucli the language you use, Ah me tones in winch you convey it. 'Conic here 1" I sharply said, And tlic baliy cowered and wept; 'Come here I" I cooed, and he looked and smiled, And straight to my lap he crept. The words may be mild and fair, Ami the tones may pierce like dart; The words may lie Bolt as the summer air, And the tones may break the heart. For words but come from the mind, And grow by study and art; Hut the tones leap forth from the inner self Ami reveal the state of the heart. Whether you know it or not Whether you mean or care Utiilleness, kindness, love and hate, Envy and anger are there. Then would you quarrels avoid And in pence and love rejoice, Keep anger not only out of your words, lint keep it out of your voice. Youth's Companion. I.- .MON r'MXIR A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. I'm- Killioiisness, Constipation, Malaria, Coids and the (irip. I'm- Indigestion, Pick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness, Nervousness and lie. ut diseases. Fur Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Disease, lake Lemon Elixir. Ladies, fur natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Moslcy's Lemon Elixir is prepared from iw fresh juice of Lemons, combined with oilier vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of tho above named diseases. 50c. and $1. bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, At lanta, Ca. At the Capitol. ' I have just taken the last of two bottles ol Dr. II. Mozlcy's Lemon Etizir for nervous headache, indigestion, with dis eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest mcdi cine I ever used. .1. It. MuNNicir, Attorney, li'-i't V Strut, Washington, I). C. Fl;oM A PlIOMINEKT LADT. I have nut been able in two years to walk or stand without suffering in great pain. Since taking Dr. Mozlcy's Lemon i;iiir I can walk half a mile without suf- leringthe least inconvenience. .Mils. H. II. I!i,ooDWonTH, Griffin, Qa. .Them are ho inny reformers w ho want to go as far away from home aa they cn to begin work. 1.1 cd of a perf mly safe and al i-tiHl.le remedy for the peculiar - n 1 f summer n universal. As a ii- I'm y for the household, effioe, on tin farm. 00 shipboard aod for travel -rn bv Unci and sea, WiDkslmaoo'i Dmi re and Cholera Remedy has ; i ..vi ri iffi Inestimable worth in the (iiwuiit relit f and curs of all disorders ri;ii aiuiK iu the stomach and dicea tive MHtem, such as Cholera, Cholera Hi.tbcs. Diarrhoea, Cramps etc. Be vicenmu under all conditions, always r .idy for use, and perfectly safe. J" "jgfc Pno 2r:-. at all druKgiets-B i;i;t4rt& 1 . It n haul to bblieve that a sin s-.ll 1mU whnn it comes to aa with ! in its teelh. For Ovtr Fifty Years YlHH. UlSllLOW 8 BOOTUINO BYBUP bas bei o uriid (or children teething. It ml lies tli" child, softens the gums, tilayn si) piiiu, cures wind ooljc, and is lie bi,Bt remedy for Diarrhcaa. Twentj- v o'U's a bottle. Bold by all drua- Istn throuKhout the world. jun9d lv Th ouly people wbo are dica Ti-ti'i'it are tbone who are not doing hi'.r whole dnty. IICCK1.KN' AKHICA IALVB The Bust Salve Id the world for Onts, 4rumi. Won-b. Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Ferer ri-c, TuUhi, Ciutpped Hands, Chilblains, urub, KDd all Hkln ErnptioDa, and poal- tlvuly cares Piles, or no pay required. It is Kui.r.inti ed io clvf perfect satisisetloa r innnry refandeit. Prloe US cents per mx. roraalf in Newbero by F. B. tany, vholmtsle and retat drasxist. With a id more mooey meaon m on- to vat; with a woman more to wear, l-.pi'psia and Liver Complaint. Ih 11 not worth the emnll prloe ol 7 bo., 11. fr- y.iuiaelf ot every symtom of ht.j (li-ireseinK oooiplainta, if you hi.-ih so call at our store and art lottlu of "hiloh's Vitaliaur, every bottle mi o a piiuUrl cuarantee on it, net- ncordinnly and if it does you no good It ill cost you nothing Bold by ne Bernx Drug Co. It la a good thing to know right principle", bnt It Is a better thing to have them. Inferior Hood. The only safe way for purchasers is to insist on having the genuine article, and not allow themselves to be swindled by hnolnrt nlaatav. ai1 .ft hj ttiat fmftfl 11 'i'h I""- ". j ----- p. or "contninind superior lntfredicnts," im nosed upon tnem. These are only trtcics to sell inferior eoods that no more com pare with Aalcock's Po'bo0s Plastkrs than copper does witn gold, tme trial of Ailcock's foBotJS tXaSTBBS will con vince the most skeptical of their merits. The eminent Henry A. Mott, Jr., Ph. I)., V. O. B., late Government Chemist, certifies: "Mv investiention of Allcock Por ous 1'lastkb shows it to contain valua ble and essential ingredienta not found in any other plaster, and I find it superior to and more enicicnt tnan any otner pias ter'Ejai Ask lortAixcocK's, and let no solicita tion or explanation induce yon to accept a substitute. , FIVE DOLLARS PREMIUM Will ho liven to the person who com nnsva the best three or five verses noetrv conttilnlnB the name of Ilia; Ike in each yeTso: diirmg the next thirty days. No person under ten or sny over sixty yearn old will be allowed to- enter tne contest. Each composition will be Vleced before committee ot three of the most prominent oititeDi of tho city of New Bene. - Here tho' youngest tncl the ol lest bare the nne showino;, each. rewarded according i-l merit. trlK "The Sales I RWHITLOCRICHMONOM is Q. L. HARDISON. Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of ami Dealer iu FIRST-GLASS BUICK. 800,000 now ready for the market. Will sell as oheap as any other man. je20tf Furniture, Mattresses. GrO TO W.P.Jones South Front St.,opp. (laston ilouso, For Furniture of Alt Kinds. Hattressos irirle to mil.' vated. Hint it: PKICES VERY LOW. Jyl9 dwtf For Sale, One very lure Iron Safe, suitable lor Banking busintss oralari;e CmnniisHion business; weight 5,600 lbs. Manufac tured by Mosler Safe and Loek Company of Cincinnati, O. Cost three hundred and forty dollar delivered. Can buy or exchange smaller safe by corresponding with or calling on U1Q IKE, New Jicme. JN. J. Also, one Safe, cost ninety dollars at factory of Hosier, Bohnian & Co., of Cin cinnati, O. These safes have not been out of the factory only a very short time, and look as well as when first made. COALK AND SEE ME ! afl Notice. Notice Is neroby Klventhat the lollowltm order was pssed by the Hostel of Commis sioners of Craven county, ou the 'lrst lion day of Movem ber, ln92 : w neress, oy an aot 01 tne uenerai AMfim blv of North Carolina, cbapier 2l;i, Acts of 1816, amendatory of sections 72 mid ;H of .uv vwn. .uu VI , v. ..iu u.ii.1.1 nn- sembly, chapter 89. Acts of IHIH, amendatory of said Aot of 1KKS, th. Board of Commit aloners are authorised and empowered, at their meeting- on the nrst Monday or No vember, before any election for countyotll oers.to lnciease the bond of the Rpg.sterof ueeds to nileen 1 housana iwuars, by givinif wenty days notice of the amount nf the band to be demanded at the Court llou.f door or In some newspaper puhlistied In the nounty; and whereas It is further provided ny said acts, tliat the amount 01 said oonn when luort ased ahull be and remain ss flzd by said Board of Commissioners until chanted by aa order of said Board. And wbere.s a technical question has been ra -u as to the vslldlty 01 the notice of the increa. of said bond, gWeu pursuant U the order of the Board at Us meetlrg on the nrst Mon day of November, IHfcfl ; It Is now ordered by i"e Hoard or com missioners of Craven couuty. by authority he Aot aforesaid, at lis meeting on the flrst Monday of November, 1KU2, the said meeting being prior to .he general electlou for National aud btate. and couuty officers held In ssld year, that the official bond of the Keglatsr of Ueeds be Hied st Fifteen Thousand Uo'lars. and that the bond of said offiosr be loci eased to said amount, it Is fartaer ordered 111st the riers 01 tins Hoard post a notice to that effeot at tne Court uousedooror shio county, .no aisopuuii.u notice thertof In the New Heme jouknai.. newsnuiM-r Dtibll.e'l In ssld county, in theeitv of New Berne that bond of Fifteen ThODsuna Llollars be demanded of suld efnesr. And the former order or tno nonrii pa'sea at Its session on llie flrst Mnndny of Novem ber. 1H80. Is hereby re-enacted null ratined. so far ss same relates to said bond of Regis ter of Deeds of Oraten countv. By order Board oroommOKioncTR. nlUWd JAMK8 W. Bl UULt. Clerk. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle,' Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. fiOt Faae Dopk on Trentment of Anlm.ii. aad Chart Heat Free. tmassiFevers.CoBf est Ions, tnflnmmntivi A. A.IHplaal Sleulnsitla, l ilk Peter. B. B. Htralaa. I.aaneaess, Uheumaliui f'.J.lfteapev, Has I Ulwharses. !.!. Hots asr rab, M sruis. K.B.'aa8kat Heaves, Piienmonin. F.V.Csllo ar irlpr. Hell) 111 be. Aliaerrla(e, llrinorrhnires. H.H. llrlaarvaad Hidiieii l)lei.ei. i.IKratlve Dlsesf.es. Muuse. K.-liseases of Digestion, rnrnly.ts. Single Buttle (over 60 doses), - - Stable Case, with Specifies, tfanuitl Vuterlnary (lure OH anil MfHlluiiuir, 87 lit. Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - . 1 -1 MS fc. SrVBtUUl 9r tnt pnialil .nnhrr .ad ' v. fMallly wnmipi f Bt'BraBSTS'aSaS.CO.,111 iiiini'iiiiii.. HaHaaBaavaawsBasaas.aaas.MSW..MHWM.& HOKEOPAIEIC f to SPECIFIC N0.6O Ik M JQ yean. Th o&Jt noaetnfal remMl lot Nervous Debllitr. Vital Weakness, Slid Praetrattoa, trim' owr work or otlisr om. Bl pw vial, or Svitlsaiulisrsa '11 poilr, lur f Ik SW4 l.y Ui-stBi.l,iir.At ya.tp.Mvn ..dp 01 prler atiruurs' as a. oa,,tiisin muu- st., north Cuolini Biplist Stiti Ccnvention, TONVKNTNG AT RaleigK tT.., Deo. 8. 1892. Pawkhh a DitfanTsiKKT, - INownber X8. 18U3. To A (rente A o Df. Ot . B. j I oo Will Mil, voaets to tne aoove iroin ststlnns named below to Ooidsboro and return at TawMF Ko, 4. as follows Tickets to IJeMi Bale Uoo, Sill, 6tb ami 7th.. UoorVto Kiraro until JJoc. I7tb ' t: R0OKDTRIP. from Morehvad City, Wild wood, " Newport,v0 " Havelock, ' ! Craatan, r Rlverdaie, ' NewBerfi, Tnsoarora, 1 v Ooie Creek, ' " rPoTer, . -, " . , Caawell,' 1 (4 80 4 R5 4.80 4. OA 860 860 8 in 9 7S 848 1.00 169 1.65 ' :" Falling Owek, :!f '"; Y I IM0 Brt,--A- - ..-.88 8, L. PILL, G. P, A, . . ..... 14, ? Of Virginia Cheroots Have reached 200,000 $ A DAY, and are CON STANTLY 1NCREAS INQ. They are made of Carefully Selected Leaf, and smoke Sweet to the End. FIVE for TEN CENTS." 26 J. A BRYAN, Prei. THOS. DAJIIEI Xtt. Pre 3. G. H. ROliKKTS, Cushitr. The National Bank, OF NEW BEENE, N. C Incorporated I8C0. Capital, Surplus ProStB, $100,000 98.1G8 DiBECTORB. Ias. V. Hkyan. Thoh. DiKinii1.. OtlAft H. H8TA J. II HACKIlUltN, Ar.itx. Mn.Mii, L Hakvity, U. H. liOllEBTP THE Farmers L Merchants Dank NEW BEENE. N, C Or(ranizet one year ?-. CAPITAL STOCK , 75,0)0.00 Ilivid.iul . . . 8,750.00 Surplus aud Profits . :t,i)0:i.'J8 OFFICERS : '. .'i ' ITLKR. . . President. 'A. :' ' hadwick, 1 Vioe-Preeident. T. V-' iKwby, . Csshier. A, U. Powell . Teller. DIRECTORS : Wm. Cleve, P. H. Pelletier, J. W. Htewarl, V. 8. Chadwiok. John Suter. O. Marks, L. II. Cutler, E. B. Hsckburn. Ueadouarters for Nickel B.ving Stamps Your businoss is respectfully solicited L. Hall, BOOK STORE AND 1 2 1 i o 1 1 e ! y . Blank Honks, and new lot St-i'iilr.rd Works of Renowned Authois. Prayer and Ilyinti Dooks, I.ndieH Pursen, Peus, Pencils, etc. Also, Late Tapers aud Periodicals re ceived daily. UHf MIT STOPS Of DA, VIS HTOtO If lOmtB OOl' Capacity 400 Machines per Day FOB TXBU8, ETC., ASDBBU DAYIS SEWING MACHINE GO. MTTOaT.O. oxioaoo. n DA.ILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL I R DUu'ED BATES. Weekly, per yoai 81 0c 14 for all months till Daily, per year ..85 00 " per six months 2 50 t per three months 1 50 Bubeoribe now and keep up with the Campaign movements. News nlvon from all sections snd on all qaestlons. We are now on the eve of one of the Most Important Campaigns known In the btatorf of the country, and very voter ons;ht to know what is (iotn. 00! n- I--... ' -. - r M I. . 1 - . . ( , , , . insKDHiBnuiusnifuiHiBunnM. r . The above ratei are payable In alvance, and can be safely forwarded either 'money orderor reKiMered letter. M, ; 3 6 - 1 : -wu-s it, Wh. !..) i LOCA.TF D C. R. R. 1 ' EVnni pe- linil'liiii.'s i.ir. ::; :ind in- j crossing iiaimnaxn H-.tli si-xi s. Pacul. ty of twelve iiif:iiitL'is. Ciirriciiliini rqnnl nf Jfnlc ('ollpijcs, At itdcinic Deiiiirtiiient, Jlusic, Art, Commercial. Morals of Students L'uiirp.iss d. )i.iH Septeniber lt, IS'J'?. For iuithei- infoi'inatiou or oat.i! igue A)rJ 10 Hi-.v. V. h. l.'IN'il. A M . , L) D. I'lrKiilcnt. ' lylli ilw'.f Klo-- C.ileue. N. C ' Si. Gary's Sc.icsl ; tlALLiGH, N C. J The Advent T.-. i i' ilie I'il'tli Anuiul I I Sessiou will hi-jMii iiicmbcr "2d. For cat.iloL'iie aio'iciiiH Rtv. i;. ;;KDE.S, A.M., jy!5 dwilm Kali mli. M. C, Trer.fcn igh uci Will Begin on th Fint Monday in ti jt.,in theAew High School Building. Tuition From $1.0 to $3.00, and Board From $5 to $7. For further Information ad jriss W. H. HHODI f?, Principal. j.ayrwi-.'jin r Durham, North Carolina. Kw iniil'thik's. AM itn"iirn iriirruvi'Tiifri". Kl-'tm llaflltx. l,ll'iftt(iriiR, 111. Mil H-fl l:i'. en in Hi nlthful clilinittt. I. hi l'i- tTninnN. Supri"r farnltr "f p'i ialitM in at Ii hi i m. i,t. Sfvfii .tt-parttiK'nl t.f in I ru (ion. (p.i . 't. 1. Exp-riii.) luw l-'or faaiMldvue aJlrtM Julia l-"rarik.lijii Lruwall, i'res't Wilson Gcllegiata Institute, WILSON, XOHTII CAROLINA. l-'Cllt mm uoiESa , Strictly Non-Sectarian. Tlic Forly-Thinl Sc---inn Hi 'ii., MONDAY, SlTTKMIiEH 5, S'J2. A i li i iin-l i ;il -tti.i-. .iMi-i, : Willi th.. I -ll 1'ul liri-p.ii.ii, v i n (iilr;.,rili: r CiMil-c I t'C'lllllli ( ulh , Ih tin Iti-t liiriliiir- lor ill.- 11. !y 1..' .Mil 1 in I.I 1 Ilij) Mlill Im .1: 11 .11. linii.l inul iia -i-.-.-i'i nnl Art. M, ,i-l nl t:. ' I . i T . II.. nil, 1 iit anil L'riHih.l-; hirm- itu;ili-.. .Mo.ii r.ii i- i Inn-.'. ( ii mil cirrii iars sun n-,- mi amilii at inn. sii.as i:. w a i : i ; i ; n . iil I'm.. 4..1I EDUCATE Boy Iu lb.' best a..l safest sv an 1 '.viiv, ;!. Ieut trouble and up. line by stud inn him to BAEHES' ACADEMY, A homu c,uool for i oyc, in ont of the noulihiiMt i .1 m .i-i oioral town, of tbn Hcaie. 1. boys study in tb prtstnee uod nr.aur the dirrotion of tbi rrinoipnl. raliomz o by in best fam ilies Terms mocl.i.n Write early and eecur" a place f r the next year. E. L. BAKSth. A b . frinrusl. Lnoir, M.U. fllttf-rtnees: Faculty of Dividion Col lege, N. C ; Dr. Ii. Porter Rocky P-.int N. 0.; Hon. .i :m F Fiokeu, Mayor of Ohnrleston, H. C. . H v. It I' HimlU I'li.ckstocks, H. O.; Mr. K C. 8 oke Oral Oaks, Vs.: Mr W. M Brown Cashier HsnK, Morene, H c! ; It halmers Frasr, A Ucta. Oa ; Hupt "l. P. Aicber, tt the ( Schools, ( hnrlei ou. 8 C.oto .i to. j21 'f PO T0U WANT TO ADOPT A BABY? Maybo yon hi-h t lii H n now htislne Kntliajr out ttal'ir- n appln aiitin ; It uh (muu done tnfirv, however, hut never liuvelhose furnlahou' been so nr t lie ontriiml naiupU'rW this ono. Everyone will exeliiiiu. " Well t ttiat's the sweeiet lmly I ever saw I'' Thla little black an-l-whlie entr ravin ean k'vb you but a raiut ideaoi toeexqumueoi igintii, 'A1 .si ,.IT r' - it, r art- "OV I'M a DA1BT." whlota we propose to send to you. transpor tation paid. The llttlo darling rests airalnst a pillow, and Is In I ho art ot drawing off lis pink sock, the mato of which has ben pulled off and Suufr aside with a triumphant coo. The floah tints are perfect, and the eyes follow you, no matter when) you stand. Theeiqul Ittereprodiictlonsof this arsalest palntlns of Ida WauRh it he most celebrated of modern painters of haby lifei are to be vlven to those who subscribe to Dcmorost's Vsmlly Mata Elno for ltsjo. The reproductions cannot be told from the orlirlnnl, which cost HO), snd in ttiA uma sln il7x&! Iiichesl. Tne bstivls life site, and absolutely lifelike. We hava Iro In oreimmltnn. lo present to our sut- scrllwrs during Isttl, other great pic tures by such an. stxnsPert'y Mornn.Mainl lliimplinv, Louis Host'hamps. nnd others of world-wlilp renown. Tnkn only lo oxuniplcs of what wedldnunnir tri" niuit year, a i urn or i-an- ties," and "A Whito llmiso I nnl by by the lleor I'resincnc ii.u-nsou, auu ou wm see what our promlnc. mciin. -ho sniiscrino for nrmonvi n ramny Magazine for 1W will poHcs a gallery of ex- ir be quHite worss ol sit ot ureui vsiun,tjesiues a Magiislne that cannot he equaled oy any In the world for Its beautiful Illustrations snd stihlnot matter. Ilnit 111 keepeveryone post- ed on .11 the tonics of tho day ana an tne fsns ami dlHorent Items or interest about tae hnusiiliold. besides lurnlslilDg iiiterestine muling matter, both grave aud gay, for tbe whole family; and while Deraorwrt's Is not a fsshlou llagaxlne, IU fashion pages ar per fect, aod we give yon, frt of enat, all the pat terns you wish to use during- the year, and In anv alas von choose. Bend In your sub lod we give yon, tmt ol tn you wish to use during tl v else yon choose. Bend Ion at onoe, oalr tX and y scription at onoe, only tX and you will really I . . . Mln u.lu 1 . t .u est ovst IJt in value, sooms tna puonsnsr. by: JiSTwiSrlSlVt i I HacaslMaoadlOeenlsoraaiwuliaea t..waf ti the fter UcnJai Wo will i.c alile to fill all orders, BOTH FOR and AND- lachine Bricks. WANTKD TO PURCHASE i 100,000 Good iJlean Eice. ALL KINDS OF "GRAIN AND h.O! lT;E PURCHASED fN COMMISSION. .V'- ) (A)TTON SOLD OK COMMISSION. live ii a cull. W. P. Burfus & Co. MAItKKT DOCK, Opposit - Old Stand, m;v ukunk, n. a Boot aud Shoe Maker. All Styles ol liuotn aud Shoes niala to order ou short notice. Repairing a Specialty N. AKPBN, Oravab itiet. opposite Joomal offlo. THE rrURTEVANT HOUSE NEW YORK. O -oo- AMERICAN I I EUROPEAN 1 PLAN PLAN 2. 00 .1.50 j I - l.OO Far Day I rue im. v. i UPWARD. o oo THS STlhTKVH UT ....I mm is the most oentia. lu the oltyl near all al vated roads, sireet car in.es, prlnolpla alaaes ofamusemeut aud Uieciikll atorss. All the Comforts of Hon. w U ta. ad tlonal oonvenlSDcea oi iu tci-oU offered our guests. TUB STI R I KV A NT ilOb Broadway, 8th Ai 291k N.w lark Atlantic t. N. c. Railroad i:LJt No. aa. Iu -,r- i 1 :au P.M., Friday, Oo n. iao. '"""'""t;. c;ijgDcia. Ooinq Waatt w- -'Jl- i'u.i.eyer Trainr. No. 5. Ai. L-e. btalions. Ar. Lts p n. a 30 Ooliieooro 1110 a s 4 ( ' UK Lu Grange 10 aa 16 M 4 -Jo . lii Kinstou 9 48 t 6 00 0 08 New Heme 8 17 8 0 7 as f in Korehead City am I 7 Duilv. .Jul: oi t.iii ri.KULLK OomiittHk N o. I t K., 1 a 'uin. 6 ;:o Kiations. a m 6 57 7 48 8 11 Ooidsboro Host s '- urange .- ailing Creek Kiusiun t'ssw.H Dover ' ore Creek i n. carora Jlark o I-e bern R. erdale ' loatan t , vnlock vvport T Jwood 7 ,0 7 '.a U 15 10 10 :il V Ou 1. 41 R 00 8 42 B GO 4 li Hi 4 05 6 Oi 6 21 6 28 p rn t. . I 8 o7 o 4e 4 OH t 37 4 M 6 01 5 IB 0 28 5 ill utio ad City Wjre: A'laui Mr.- . Vfedn liotel d Depot a iv ao-l Krldav. 10U(lBV, rTu.,iiav, 1 liurKilT an avurdaj. ITai b .in MinnnL. & .. ofiik,. . ton Train b.-iud .Noith leaving Oolaakar ..i lu n-ionmona uaavlll tain Wost, leaving aoldsboroj 40 p. as TralB 61 . onneoi. w .; I'.lchmoad VDaavlDe rait a.ri.n.. .,OnM.i -i.tc . V - Vlimlnglun aud Wel Jon Train fro 4aT orm st .l:iu p.m. " lYitl'- '2 iNinnnta with WImi..i eliliu. I'linui.,1 ti.hi . s.. , ....mi i mm HBnB ouud, leaving Uoldahoro at 8:60 p.m. 8. L. Dill, taoerlBMadaa THE rulilisheil Hemi-MoDthly. One Dollar a Year. llevntcl to ApoHtolio C lilistlsnity, a4 ucatiou, (.ieneial InleUlKencr 8eud for Sample Copy. Ollloe of publication, Greenville, K, 0 Editorial ofl;o i, Waalilngton, N. 0, .1. f.. WINFIKLD, Editosa W ' l D.VVH. t CLINTON " MILITARY INSTITUTE CLINTON, N. 0' Fall Session boning MONDAY, 8W5J Mlitd Ft. Pass. Trabju 7 20 aa 0 24 ill 5 64 ffi BS4 ( I A 40C ll J ?c jet tu IN IU ll 3 OS 111 10 88 IN 41 l tn 8 58 8 17 I ft 800 8H 7 47 IN 717 TH 7 0S 11 id Tr-.MUKIl 5, 180?. All tcaclicrs have had oolleglate tralav mg, prepared especially for teaohlng. " Preparatory Course a specialty. " A Htlocial COUtso In Bonk kaanin " mercial Law, Commercial Afith'raatkv , I'enmAnnhin T..h i,n, .,1, i..-nAZT-v3 and Typewriting;" " 77' VOCAL MUSIC tod CALISTSSIICS TOSS No additional cost for Olaasloa, .', -ii i Iloard. Waslrlnir. I.lirhta. T.ltln. 'i - 4 7 .00 per five monthe! . TTT?;.1 '. unuorms will ooat flOOOL tU.Uk IIS 79 and .14 60. . .; JToitlonfor Day PupUa win UMJOL ' 3 00, (8 00 and 14.00 par month Foe fnrther partlonlara address "tm-': Prlnoipal. -. - - W. R, tKINK!,