What is -i . . - V 1 ' Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants' and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It la a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria d estroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, euros fbnstipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Ctvstnria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its pood cited upon their children." Da. Q. C. Osooad, Lowell, IIars. " Castoria Is the host remedy for children of I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria f n iscoad of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending , them to premature craves.'" Dr. J. F. KiwcnxLOB, Conway, Ark. Th.e Centaur Company, 77 M KOHFOLK, HEWBEBH & WASHISGT0I DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. Til orttar to make nv-re convenient nnd QWUUIUIOM UIW U1 MID V OSBI'ID UWW OIIIIUJVU o oe North Carolina oervto. n ml Lima to . ktttf Sim the Interests of Shippers, tsia 01 yds Line and OK J.-minion Htenm "' shiti Ooiumdt -iiave oonrln.ieil t-i me rue Uiulr respeeilve Maes Uiw- n Newborn. N. u,. ana norcoiK, va, into tn hm, iniiHgiv B paaaemcera and trunk hiii. i linen trips neb week: between Ntb,in ;ud Norfolk U Waaliliiffton. .... m . it ..tji.ji .. rait.,... av iviiM.r. i.i nun Oaanda(tarTHUUiAY. Aim. 2fih. IH'3, antll farther aotle n- gtunir IEWBEKF, 5 i: Qthg.te. Steamer DEFIANT, ip'.. Bargess, A '.I Stsantm ILBEUARi.F Gapt Rhodes. will all fromNorr.iin, v .. r..r w heme dlraet, every Monday. nnr-iUf and too AtUntls and North '-.. im . Killrosd, and the water linen on "run.. ami Trent river. Ketnrnlng, will sail HO It MKWRKRN for HOKKOI.K. Va , via Koanoke Island wharf, army Tuesday, Tliuri.my and Hatunlay at IS It., making eouneotlou at Norfolk with Tha Old Bar Line, fur Ualtlmore. The Clyde Mae, for Philadelphia The o.d Dominion riteamsblp On., for Sen York. The Mr a laoia'aoil Miner' I.lue for PruvldPiion and Houo,and The Water Line fur Wa Inn .fl loa, J. U.. and Klohraotid, Va., tlniR giving all water, route to all .Northern -..Vad Eastern pouts'. Jao sonneo'ion ni d won the O. at O. rK.tH.und.N it W. II K rr ihe Wont. ,'aaent(era w II nn I a " 1 Uhle, oomrort gtfthleiaaoin. ami aerv e,iiirtat.v anil alien ation will 0 paid iliern by Hio "ill cra Order all oxiR. rr or M N . W Dlreot MP. 'urf'dk. Vk. -; i . H. OKAY. Alteut E5. o, x: Eastern Carolina Dispitch. rat Passenger and freight Una. between stem North oarollna Potnu.end all con nection or the PKHNSVLVAIIA RAILROAD, iholddhio "T ffrk. Pklladelphla, Norfolk, Hal tiaer ia loi(oi. Trt-Weekly Hsw Hern. Line Oat of ; W APD KLKAWTI.YltiOIFrKD all from Raw Berne .0NAYS, W1DHIDAT1,: ... raiDAM, Jk.1 4.BO X.ZaX .luu nnuMH isiana nwn wbt iuu toraiing eloa eonaeollon with the v Norfolk coulhsro Kali road. ' M. M ra.iul.h 1 .1 11M MOIlSl Btl OR Of in Wilmington 8. 6. Oo.. Wortolk Moulhern ' : st. B NewVork. rhlla.and Horfolk K. B.. i, and Pennsylvania B. BY, form a reliable and ? tegular line, oirerlnR superior faolllltes for sulek passenger and freight transportation. -. No transfer exoept at Kllaabetli Oily, at - . ' whleh point freight will be loaded on ears to t' stireot ait Roods to be slipped Tla,ltastern .teollaa UHpath dally M fonowai , K.osr New York, by Penna. li. JR., Pier S7, - North Hirer. .. . rmm Ph lade nnia, ny rnna., V' ul BlVMbULSLitlnn. Krom Baltimore, by Phlla.. VH.-and Balto. " H K., President Ht Hiatlon. ;; . from Norfolk, by Norfolk Hoothern K R. ' . du. V. iiMhtnii A Miners Trans ; , portaUon OO.J New York and New Kngland . eKstasaa low and time quicker thtn by ,-isy other line ... . C . for further Information pp'j;U)( . W . n. J u i u (inn i -; P,RR.enMaJTrame Agent. ' .Uima. Stshirhs. -Iilllnlon Vrelght. Agent. '. A W. at B. K. B., Phlladelpnla. M. H. Oookb, OenH Freight Agent., 5. I. ' i..n Hnnaina Ueaeral Freight Agent H.. TheN. 0. Conference of the ;:iOD!HEl! METHODISf CHURCH. AtGold8boro,Dec.l4th Atlaotio andN.O.R.R. Co. : - V . v , ii 'Nor. 14tb, 183. Ts alt AmntA A. Atf.O. R.R- ' ' You will well ticket to tn 'bore from your itatloti to (Joldaboro .nd rotarn i,e following named tea. Tariff No..4 n .... run inth. 12th. 13lh. ii !. .,.d i rst.h Gund to return until Pop. ZU inolnsivd. , ' : r S ! U "l UOUSDTEIP. ' : v "', - -..si oity..lt wifinre Oree,. i ! I ver ...... 1 JJ Z I Castoria. " Castoria Is so wel I adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.' ' Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their expert ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are freo to confess that the incriLs of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Ukitro Hospital and Dibprmrart, Boston, Moks. Aixen C. frrn, iVcs., array Street, New York City JOE K. WILLIS, proprietor of Marble Works NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American MarbU QuaSHa of Material Order solicited and Riven prompt at tontion, with satin faction piaranteed. Terra Cotta Vaon for planU and How erg furuiehed at the very lowest ratca. IT 18 A DFTT ya ewe yonmelf and fern. Ilr to Ret tho aest value for year money. Economize In your footwear bypsrcnanlnR W. I.. llouRlns Hhoex, which represent the beat vnlue for prices asked, as thousunaa will testify. 13.00 250 42.00 f OR LADIES 42.00 41.75 rOR B0Y9 I4I75 W. L. DOUCLAS THE BEST 8 H O E W TIE WORLD FOR THE HONEY. OTHKIi HFEC'IA IsT1KF in loocwear are 01 tM uma hitrh trraulA. Avnd nnraiipnt a morioT vaiae far btTjoDd the prices ohanted. Bee that name and tat a li 0 list MiiDuinimiTfiiif W, Donglaa. II reck to a ftlaaa. Sold trj BARRINGTON & BAXTER GEO. I1ENDERJS0N, (Hneeetsor to Boberta At Benderton), General Insurance Agent Kamvsentlnc Insurance Company of North imerloe. of Philadelphia. ' rldmelnsnranee company, or new iotk. OuMn IninrftnMflrnnnanT of Enstand. Ilartrord Firs lnsurahoe Company, of Hartford. North Oarollna Home lnsureonr rnmpany )f Halelgh. Ureenwllch Insurance Company, of New fork. Pheult liunranoe company, or Broosiyn. Oul'ed Underwrl'ers Insurance Company, of Atlanta. Huston Marine insuranne iniimur, rtosion , lulvldwtf HUMPHREYS' Dr, Hnmphreyn'si perinea are scjentlflcsllysnd eueroUy prepared Hemedles, nsed for ynus In sw rrloOo? and for oTsrthirty years byOio nVaple wlUi enure saceess. Brery spuils Sjeou1o aspeolsl oars for the dlsesse nsmed. TEeycnra aitbont dnuwuig, porylnR or teiraenuf theiyinnniandareln fact and deed the Horeretta Heaseaiea ef Ihe World. 1-Frrera, Ooogestlons, InflsrsmsMna... M -Wsrais, Worm Forsr. Worm OoUs. . . . M S-TeatklsRt OoUc, Crying, Wakfnlnasl .99 4 DUrrkea, of Chudraa or AdalM 39 7 -deaths, Ookat, Btnaeattls M 5- Nearalaia TooOiacha, rsossche. IsS w-Headaebee lUck Headacha, Ysrtlto.. .'ii -Pyaaee.l. BukissTMMS.OopsapaUoa. .83 Jl-Sopreaaed or Pal.fal Perteda... .119 I'-Wklte. Too Profuse Periods .V9 13-Crea., Iaryagltls, Kosrsenasi M 14- all atheaas. Eryslpiass, BitidUoos.. .99 O-Bkeassatl.. KhsumatktPaUis M 15- lHalarla, Cauls, lVrer sad Arue M IT-Pllea. Blind or Bleeding JI9 1-Catarr., OoldmthaHsed. Jt -WbeelBOegli Ja ST-KUaey Dlaeaaea SH-Nerreae Peblllty ......1. Sa-t'risary WeaJueaa, Wstttng Bad.. M amraaswaawiMajillasiasawwama. asn'sUasaaOMsaaaWauuwraaa a oa. til am waan.,ya. SPECIFICS. " . NOTICE. ; . ...i..al. W srrlet ICHIeon. has Aulf ..nfii .xanutrlx of the estate of itatli.w .Ellison, and hereey glres notlee that she requlrs all pera'tng k n'Jrm against lha estate of the said Mathaw J.I1I ihem to the asld Harriet Kill. son duiyaiiihantlcatrd, for payment, on or before the aim day of Oetnbnr. Inwl , or el tuts nollne will bo pipaaeu in uar oi r..v ,- a I...! ' ' I '' 1 " r' ' ' Ikl Ann XI 4 sol Ssi;;,Kisiiia!'l Z.5U feiIP 2.00,1 THE JOUKNAL. 1ABLE MANNERS IN RHT1E. It is sw hurd lor the little folks to be polite and orderly at meals, and they so often forget the rules with which papa and mnniina try to help tbem to be gen tlemanly and ladylike, that it would perhaps be a good tiling for children who aie troubled in this way to commit to memory these rhyming rules from the Philadelphia Iiiquircr: In silence I must take my sent, And give Ood thanks before I cat; Must for my food in patience wait Till I am asked to hand my plate; t I must not scold, nor whine, nor pout, Nor move my chair and plate about: With knife, or lork, or napkin ring I must not play nor must I sing; I must nut speak a useless word For children must be seen, not heard; I must not talk about my food. Nor Irct if I do n't think it good; My mouth with food I must not crowd, Not while I'm eating speak alouil; Must turn my head to cough or sneeze, Anfl when I nuk, say, "If you please;" The table-cloth I must not spoil; Nor with my rood my fingers soil; , Must keep my seat when I have done; Nor round the table sport or run; When told to rise, then I must put My chair away with noiseless foot, And lift niy heart to Ood above, In praise for all his wondrous love. I.KM0N CLIXIK. A I'lcAsant Lemon Tonic. For IJilliousness, Constipation, Malaria, Colds and the drip. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness, Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Disense, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Moslry s Lemon Elixir is prepared rom the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. !0c. and 1. bottles at lruggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mnzley, At- anla, !a. At tiik Capitol. I have just, taken the lust of two K.ttlcs of Dr. II. Mozlcy's Lemon Elizir for nervous headache, indigestion, with dis used liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found it the grentist medi cine I ever used. J. H. Mgnnioii, Attorney, 1225 F Htrcct, Washington, D. C. FltOM A rilOMINENT LADY. I have not been able in two years to walk or stand without suffering in great pain. Nncc taking Dr. Mozlcy s Lemon hlixir 1 can walk half a mile without sul- cring the least inconvenience. Mrs. It. II. Hi.oodwortii, (iriflin, Oa. The most tired people in the world are those who do not half work. There ia plenty of scripture to show that one way to get more fdst is to do more woik. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small prloe of 7fto., to Iree yourself of every symtom of hese distressing complaint, if you tbiok fro call at our store and get bottle of Hhiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle bag a printed guarantee on it, use aooordioKly and if it doe yon no good it 7iit cost you nothing. Bold by New Berne Drug Oo. The man who makes the right kind of a prayer for a corn crop ih the one who does all he can to keep down the weedH with plow and hoe. Tnc Handsomest Lady In New llerne Remarked to a friend tho other day that she knew Kemp's Balsum for tho Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as It stopped her cough instantly when othei cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its morn any druggist will give you a sam ple Kottlo freo. Large size i)0c. aud 81. Aim tobebuppj five njiuu'esnt a time, and yon will be surprised to find how e tt-y it will some to rejoice all day. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see aioimd Uei m to prefer to suffer and be m ide miserable by indigestion Constipation, DizEineae. Loe of Appetite. Coming up of the Food. Yellow Skin, when for 75o. we will sell ihem Sbiloh's Vital leer, guaranteed to cure them Sold by New Berne Drug Co Perhaps all men can not be hqo cesafnl, but every one can make op bis mind that be will (biserve to be. BlllCKI.KN'tf sUllOA B-ALVa The Best Salve in the world for Oule, Rmi.M Hmu niura Vt.lt klkutim Vuvur Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud pnel UvelT eurea Piles, or no it required. It IB guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prise in eenta p.ir box. rorsaleln Newtiern 17 r. n uoujr, wholaMile and retail trairlHt It is never hard to do the right thing. It ia in deciding to do It Hn t the tog oo men. When Haliy was nick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Ofclld, she criod for Castoria. Wbon she became Use, she dung to Castoria. Wlum she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Per Over mfty fears . Ubs. WlH BLOW'S SOOTHUd BtBDP hat need (or ehildren -tethlai(. It aooih ea th child, softens the ivmi. tllays all pain, oures wind eolie, and M the beat remedy for Diarrbcea. Twaaiy 9e oenta bottU.- Bold b all draf r,toUl throuKbout the world. juNtah : Yoa now and then meet folks who have all kinds of senie eioept common sense. , . We hkT (oewdr nnd posltlv owre Wo.- oatarrb. diohtherla oanker moa and Mlaoh). InBUlLWHUCATAUKU HEMEDY. A naaal Injeotori free with each bottle. Use it If yoo desire health and awent breath. Pilot 50o. Bold by t w Pnrne Urnt! Co, I w I pitIACHERQ I oWnufactured only Br 'I a G. I. HARBISON, Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of ami Dealer in FIRST-CLASS BRICK. 800,000 now ready for tho market. Will sell as cheap as any other man. jc iiilf For Sale, One very large Iron Safe, Hiiilnlile lor Banking business or a large Commission msiness ; weight 5,(iOo lhs. Manulac- tured by Mosler Sale and Lock Company Cincinnati, (. ( ost time liinulreil and forty dolla..-, delivered. Can buy or exchange smaller safe bv eorrcspondiii" with or culling on I'.K! IKK, New l!cnic, N. C. Also, oni! Safe, cost ninety do 1:111 at I Cin- factory of Mosler, Hohinan .V Co., innati, . I hese sales have not Itren out of III.' I look factory only a very shorL time, ai as well as when first made. COME AND SEK ME! Barrin2.cn & Baxter. We have just recoived a Now Stock of OlottLing: IN Men's, Youths' and Boy's Overcoats, Fine Shoes, Late Style Hats, Men's and Ladies Under wear, A fine line of Dress Goods in Flannels and Henriettas, Ladies' Cloaks, A nice line of the Holler Tray Trunks, Valises & Satchels, and in fact anything that is to bo found in a Fit.it Class Dry Goods Store, all to be sold at hard timo prices. Give us a look before buying. X. A. Jones LIVERY, SALE And Exchange Stables south yiioNT 8iiti:i:r, Opposite the Gaston douse. In addition to liandliui; Hio k I have on hand a first cIukh lot of IBuLgrgfies, manufarturrd by Kdwanl I.orii; of Wanh ington, N C. E. W. Sin illwiiil. I leui i;!' SloviT, Smalbcod I Stavsr, DKAI.EIW IN STOVES, GENERAL Hardware AND HABNES8, Snsli, Doors PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH Glass and Pulfy. lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement. First Class Barber Shop BRI0K BLOCK, MIDDLK ST., Nearly opposite Baptist Clinrch. Apartment neat and tidy, and only competent assistants employed. II. L, HANKH, deed' Proprietor J.OENT0N,MJ).,iOT rrasiioa umiws to nnaiatlva aad M- etaanlnal Ueatlatry and itanlsU Haii7 1 Tsth axtraeted without naln by th ns of Nltra uxld usa. In lha Una of Dsntlstry don Kl !"n f nsranlfMl. . i.r lanil (. (liiral rt I U. "When you are gitten, git five X for ten," says I. " Them's my sentiments," says you. OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS Pill the Bill. Rich, Mild and Sweet. Five for Ten Cents. I. liRYA!,, Trei. TIKIS. DASIEh.liti I're; . R. !l. EOBF.RTS, Cu fsiir. The National Uunk, OF NEW BEENE, N. INOOKPOHATBE 1SHR. Capital, Surplus Profite, $100,000 DIRECTORS. Jas A Hhyan TriOH, I)Nirci,ft OlIAS H. BKVAN J. H. HiCKIU I'N. Alsx Mu.i.rn. Ij IUhvi'v. U U KiiriHKTr THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BERNE. N. C (rrj?n:zri onH jt"ir v', ( vriTAi, stuck , ;.',mo.m liividond . . . ::, 75O.O0 Surplus and Troills . :!,!!):!. OFFICKIta : I.. H Cdtlkr, . rrfidrDt. W. 8. Cmadwick Vim -Frfsirtont. T. W. Dkwky, . ' Ctidiier. A.H. Powku. . . Teller. DIKECTOKS: Wm. Cleve, P. H. Pellcticr, J.W.Stewart, V. 8. Ohadwioh. John Hutcr. O. Marks, Ii. li, Cutler, E. B. Usckburn. Uofidquartern (or Nickel Saving Stnmpr Your buiiiiicHs iH roapoclfully aolicitcd L. XXeEtll. BOOK STORIi AMI Bhuik Hooks, ami miw lot Stanilrril Works of Uonowncd AutluiiH. Prayor and Hymn Books, Ladles rumen, Pens, IYncilH, etc. Also, I.ato PaperH anil PerioiliealM re ceived daily. l')t f Capacity 400 Machines per Day FOI TKRMfl, ETC., AODltEM DAYIS SEWING MACHINE CO. BATTOV. O. OHtOAQO. XLSa DA.ILY. AND WEEKLY JOURNAL! B DtJCED RATES. Weekly, or yai 81 Oo " for six months oil Daily, per yar WOO " por six months 2.50 1 pertbroo months 1.50 Subscribe now and keep up with tho Campaign movements. Hews glTH) front, all sections ana on all qaeslloni. - Wa are now on tha era of one of tho Most Important Campaigns known In the hlatorj of the country, and erery oter ouht to know what la going on. ' : 1 . - '" -. . , The above rate are payable In adtaDoe, KIT B1CF8 OF DAVIS SZWIXO MACHOT 00. anil enn be ro!y. forwarded either nn ney or U r or r imd, loiter. ELOfi COLLEGE, LOCATED ON N. C. R. R, Eifgant new buildinys I.:ii:c and in creanini; patronage liotli kcxrs. facul ty of twelve nil mbei.s Ciirrieiiliiin oiiial of Mule ColU'ircs, Academic l( partiiK nt, Music, Art, Commercial. Murals of Students riisurinsHi-. OpoiiK Septenihei' Kst, 1!9'J. P.ir I'ni'iliei' inf.ii niation or ealalogue Ai.ly to l(iV. W. S. LONi, A M . , 1) f). I'lesidcnt, Klo Collide, N. C Ij lli dwt.l RALEIGH, N. C. The Ailvenl I'.-i if il:e Pilih Annual esMnii will ; rj Si'ilcinln'i 'J2il. For eoUloj-'ii,. udilres!! Kkv. li .vir.HK.-. ,M., jiri il:'.oi High Will Begin on th Ti.-ul Monday iu rScpt.,ia tho Hiyh (liooi I;uil(iiii. Tuition l-'rctu sM.-'it $3.00, r.tsil $5 lo $7. For t "ii l.her I :i'.r i ion ruiii' i-i-H ; r.nout.s. j RINITY GOLLEGE UuRMAM, NlilH CAHtl.NA. i r'..r fttl..Hnii' uiI.I.'.km 'rnnliliii .i....v.H. i'l. :t Ooilsgiaie Insflfuf, iIIiSON, NORTH ('Al;()j! A. l hi: Strictly The Forty Non-ScctariLvn. l li i r . I S, p.. MONDAY Sl'TTEMUKR 1,N'.)L in. -1 Hi. ,i:ilnrv in 4i;ile In le i.lii - t t 1 1 I i t i H'lr-h 1 1 1 I . Ih VUlll .1 Ih.. I . v..- n' -I u. 1 . r-e rijiial In in l!n Smith I'm I lie -i ml int: of Mi ml Art. SlMII.I: I,. III. nl of S,l lllil'ul lo. . -1 , I inn. i mill r.uii.i I -. 1 1 1 1 1 i.illv lii: II:-. :illi ; lll.'lle.l. ul t in nl:i '',.".1 iiiinls 1:iil: ..Ii rule i li i -'I 111 I I IT III SI I. AS V.. ul ( il:ii tin II 'I'I w ai;i;i:.n i'i in. i EDUCATE Your 15 oy n Ihe bent and eafent my nnd wiiu the loaht lioublo and e tss Ljr lending him to BARNES' ACADEMY, A home school for twenty boyp, in ont of the heallliU Hl Bnd moat moral towni" of tho Stale. Tho boyn Btudy in the presence and under the direction of the Principal. Patronizod by the bent fam ilies. Terms moderate. Write tiarly and secure a plnce for the next year. E. L HAKNKSJ. A.H.. l'rinoiral. l.rnoir, N.C. IR f.-ri nrcp: Fnculty of Davidson Col lege, N. C. ; Hr. E. Porter. Hocky Point. C-; Hon. John 1' Ficken, Mayor of Charleston. 8. C. , Rev. U. P. Hmith Blackstorkn, 8. (J.; Mr. K C. H-.okes Oral Oaks, Va -. Mr. W. M. Brown. Cashier Bunk, Florene, 8. 0. ; Rev. halmers FrRKi r, Ailacta, Oa ; Sunt. H. Archer, c f the City SohoolH, r'htrlef. on, 8. C. Dtceto. y21 if, DOTOIT WANT TO ADOPT A HAflYT Maylie vnu think IliN l:i n nrw luislnefw. senillniriiiit lutl.ti'M nn niiilu-titl..ii ; It Ii;l. Iiei n ne lier.in', however, hill never ll!lf Ihntm fumtfheil tn-i-11 Hi nejir Ihe mi'tieil M;iMi.eitH this one. lCvermie will exi'liiiln. " Well t Ihut'H Ihe pwiN'lest Imliy li HThimT' Tlilr little bliM.k nml-whlle enirnix Inu enn irive you outtt liunt Mini ol lUecxijiilrtileorunMiil, i aiBMMnsiasa liisiarM I'm a oaiby. rhleh we prop.w,'' fo penil UM-nit. trnnppor al ion nil 1. 1. The llltl.i fl.il 11ml' reft nirnlllHt n pillow, nml li I" I'"' "i'i ilmwIiiK i. It IIS 111 II K MiftK, the mill.' nr wnien niu m'ii ihiiiii nfT sml rlimir imlile Willi ll tiliinn.hiint coo. The tlihtlnt ure i"'rfeel, nml the eyes follow you, no miittor where yim stiinil. Theexiiul slterejiriKluetliiiiBnf this (jntite! palntlnu of Ida Wiiutrli (tho inont outelrntit of miKtern nalntomof tiahy life) nm to tie given to thuso who Riiliwrllio to Demoi-oHt'd Hiinlly Maim Itno for IS'.tl. Tho miinxlurtlons nmnot Ik) told from tlio orlKlmil, which ooxt $4KI, nnd mm the uimo size illx'S llirhiil. Tlie lmliyln life slw. and nheolutely lifelike. We Imivo also In preparation, to present to our suh- oriliors during IRW, other gnat iikiurr by silchartlstaiiMl'erx-y Mornn.Mauil Hiinmnrcy, Louis loschnmr". end othennif wi.rlil-wl.lii Take only two ojsmiilc of what wnHlil dnrltiir the llHHt Veil 'ear, A i sni oi i-an- Sles," and "A Whlto IlousD Orchid " by wife of President Harrison, and you will what Atir nrtimlsen mean. Tbosewhosiinacnno ror iFeirnirmi rnmuy Viursilno for Wfl 1 Ul possess a tfnnory oi er aiilaito work of art of an lairaxlne that cannot be f groat vnii i ties roes ealliued I'V I Xty any In tha vnrld for Its beautiful lllustrntlons and subject matter, that will keep everyone post ed on all tho topics of tho day, and all the fads and dmoroni items or iniorcm aunui mo household, besides fumlshlnir Intomstlna; roadina- mnttor, both grave and rny, forth whole family, and whllo Demorast's la not a fashion Muirnslne, Its fashion pac are per. foot, and we kIvo you, res of sort, all the pat ui In any slae you ohooao. Bond In your sub. aniiptlon st onoe, only IS, and you will really ret over In value. Address tho publisher, w. Jennings neinoreet. It Ba Hth Ht, New Terk, If ymi are unaiypminUHl with tha 11 iikuIiio, seud lu ocnut for s Byuoiiovo ooiy. -. t. I. K p ii" i J. I... tr r jf n - 1 "f mi On and After rionifay We will be able to fill all orders, BOTH FOR Hand AND Machine Bricks. WANTKl) TO PUKCHABE 100,000 Busliols Good Clean Eice. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND l'HODUt'K PURCHASED ON COMMISSION. ALSO COTTON SOLD ON COMMISSION. !ie ii .i call. W. P. Hasnus & Go. MAl'.KIOT DOCK, Opposite Old Stand, Tn'DW r.KUNK, N. c. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Ht jU'm ol Boots and Shoes ruarlo to order ou short notice. Repairing a Specialty N. AKPEN, - it vfi pt.pftt. oi ponlte JonrD4vl oITIm. TKi. STURtTvaNT HOUSE NEW YORK. o oo A M liKK A N KUROPEAN I,LA I'LAN 4.50 TO .1 r.o i il.ou m Day i Kit l'A . ', UPWAHD. Till., mi ii '' i t m ... a u. .a the most cnnttai in Hie city! near all ale vate.l roaila, atreet cai iu.es, prlncl pie place of amusement and laifcKo.ii stares. All tho ('omTorls "f Hon. wm, tlie d Uooul eonvenleiieofl oi l .lj.o11 oITored our iitU'HIs. TIIK KTI'KTKVA.M HOb Hi nn. I way, 2gtb V Illth New York, Atlsn.u; v r. C. Rallrotd Tlfst TABTJt No. 22, Kftrcl 1.30 P.M., Friday, Ooi 17. iyo. Golfc'G EaHT . 80UKDULK. UOIMB Wall o. 51. i'usaenLrcr 7ram. No. IU. Ar. Lve. Station. Ar. I.i 8 30 4 09 4 40 6 Of f m Uoldsboro 1110 a m La Orange 10 22 10 IS Kineton 8 48 8 IS New Berne 8 17 8 80 Morehead City am (47 Dailr. Ioino h S0I1KDCLK GolNOWllt No. l.t litcii Ft. & No. 8. Mixed Ft. ft Paea. Train. Puns. Train Stations Uoldsboro m ;:u 7 20 6 24 5 54 624 4 86 4 0C 8 20 2C4 2 24 2 08 10 38 0 41 8 88 8 59 8 17 6 00 6 : 57 7 05 Beet 'a La Orange Fallinft Creek Kinaton Caswel! Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark's Newbern Riverdale Croatan llavelock Newport Wild wood Atlantic Morehead City Atlantio Hotel Morehead Denoi iu 6M 5 8 49K i 1 11 IN 141 8U 19 8tT l5 f Da 7lt 718 20 7 30 4H 7 53 11 8 ISO 50 8 55 15 10 01 31 10 3d 1 00 1 1 05 1 17 11 41 ia 15 3 00 3 37 8 42 3 48 U 50 4 n 4 42 4 55 5 01 5 21 5 28 p m 08 37 4 51 5 01 S 16 5 23 7 47 717 7 05 531 am 700 Mini. lay !A ell nenilsv atiri h'rlttw - i-TiieKda v Tiuiradsv sn.i Hatnrday, Tiiil n SO nnnnaintsi with HfiiMia.aru. a don 1 1 win LH-niiU North, 1-Tlnr QoldatMir il:'o a. in., a. id with Richmond A DntUI TrlH Weit, lavliit Guldaboro 3:430 p.m. irain oi cnnDttcm whd Kichmood A Dsvll a iiu,arriTiitjr BI If OIQSDCro VllVi p.m., Md Wit. R aa a u TT CIJUU A IMID ITftM ?iortii at p.m. Tmlfl 1 OflnttsWit With Wl I mlaiartu aad Weldoa Througrj Freight Traio, Hortk 8. L. Dill, ioriaaadetiJ "the WATOII TOWER I'n'.lislieil Semi-Monthly. Quo Dollar a Year. Ihmiteit to Apostolic Christianity, Ed licit ion. tieneial lutelllKoncc Seini fur S.miie (Nipy. Ulll.-e of piilillcntion, Oreenvill, N.C Kdit.nal ullxi, Washington, N. a I. L. WINF1KLD, Editor, W. ' WM. At. ao OLINTON mwm INSTITUTE CLINTON, N. C Kail S4-Hsion boKtns MONDA.Y, SEP i h.MUlUi I), 18'J?, All tniU'llOrM 1l.UA 1 1 Oil AiAllasvlot Vaa.I.. uifc, prepurpu sp)cially for teiwhlag. A HltlUMH.! rniltA ftl Ratar k-sanlnn sfkkM. , .. ... ... nt piuKa VlWf. mciumi tin tt uaiineroii AnLanwtM PoDmanflhin. Telpirr&nhv- HtMnerrmt and TypewrUlng. . YOCIL MUSIC indciLininicsnD No additional cost for OlaMiot, ' ' TtoArrl Washlno T.ll,t ir.ul $7fl.00 per five montn ' . 1 . iFai1-?..?"! ''. lO.OO,' IttfJ, 118.78 and 114 1I0. ;: y- v.1."' Jf - i uiuon tor uay Pupiia 111 1 81 6 2 00, 8 00 and 84 .00 pet month For further partieulara d Ireai t' Prinolpal. 1 w. n