The Daily URNAL vpiSmi-m :23o NEW BERNE, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. ' " , BUSINESS LOCALS. B UCKWHEAT and Maple Syrup. SAMPLE LOT of Gold Neck Chains on sale for today only, at wholesale price. Get a Bargain now Silk Mufflers and Hew Una of Hats. Try the - it j v ;' ' Baboais Stoke. FRESH fjneoanuts, Candies, Sweet Florida Oranges, Apples, Mince Mat, Plum , Puddings, Dried Fruits, Cran . berries, Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Vliea J) IRS, nettles, rowa.ereu ougar, Thh Mexican Government offl- oially notifies our Government of 1 (he raid into Mexico by Mexican Coming andGoInr, Mr. John Stanly Thomas, the recently elected Dean of the New York Trade CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS. New Biciink District F. D. Swindell, PnissinrNo Ei.dkh. revolutionism from rur aide the I c'10o yesterday morning to enter I ew ncrng Centenary, R. A. Willis. . - ' . . . , I upon the duties of the position. " Hancock St., Supply, J. F. Butt. Bio Grande and the Seventh caval ry has been ordered to that fron tier: Rv. J. W. Horn Mm Rnntist nastor of UOldsDoro, St. Paul - i - " r a l ti Oi t..i. Pino T.ataI TAhnain Annnrv ia arkfmrHnfr I a.-.., """" w.-j, r o Mt O ivp o mn f a lew days in the city. La Grange circuit, Rev. K. A. Wilha and Miss tannic Snow Hill circuit. Willi rptnril frnm lftftt KlDStOD Station, The following ministers passed throuh joneg circuit the city last night: Rev. M. T. Plyer.l of Carteret circuit, All well conducted cton mills in the South are ttonriahing. A telegram from AngvmU Ga., Deo. 17Ui nasi-: O vim- to Mm inrae de- . TT 1 . T, . L uut lioai BUtrar. DPices. ery uosi iiuvici, i ,, .... ., .. . . i D . - .---. Fresh Roasted Coffee, Finest Teas, Maple 1 luu ""-"'J Wilmington, enroute to Newport; Rev. Moreneau station. IUI1 Wtn C.O'IIIII IlllllH HUM) UUVB TJ M Wtn nf nimnel Will nrnilt to ""' num."', J . 1 . . ; , e .1 - I - . . . r n ... r uuvni,u( ii mo pi iun ui k:uu5 uc I Morelieaci, ana Kcv. U. W. omnn, o straits circuit. .las. I Pate. quarter of w cent per yard. Greenville and Rev. Julian Rumley of Core Sound mission, Supply,.!. M. Carni Henderson, en route to Beaufort. Capt. W. S. Simmons, of the revenue Syrup, Imported Bay Rum, Hams, Brcak- igst Strips ana uornca ueoi. -C. E. Sloveb. B. R. Hall M. D. Ilix. N. M. Jurncy. It. II. Broom. N. 10. Coeltrane. '. M. Shambiirger. J. C. Jones. J. G. Johnson. R. li. Gilliam. Geo. W. Starling. W. E. Edmonson. R. F. Bunipass. i T EAVE your order at F. S. DUFFY'S DRUG STORE for fine French Can- dies, made fresh on short notice, or gran . " ulntod sugar. Also, smnjl amount on r- - hand at retail. d20 TUB Brooklyn Tbe-nulr, Rev, T. DeWitt Trtlinagf, paster has cuttcr winona, returned to the city last been oeized by the t-herin to sat- nieht Irom the north. way. GoUsImjio circuit, M Wasiiinoton Distkict- PnESIDINO El.DElt. M. BL farlimd. U. I John, Result of an Advertisement. Au answer to an advertisement in a matrimonial publication has not Miss Maggie Hyde, of Georgia, in n peck of trouble. Some months ago Wilson Timlcll 'of Gumbo, Sussex county, Delaware, in serted the advertisement in question. He was pleased with Mips Hyde's answer, and the correspondence continued until Tindell made n proposal of marriage, which was accepted. Tindell went to Georgia where the couple were married. The couple returned to Sussex county where they lived happily for several weeks. Last week Miss Hyde discovered that her husband was a very much mar ried man, having two wives from whom he had not been divorced living besides herself. She at once packed up her goods and left for Georgia. A HANDSOME DISPLAY. copy mon Prayer in a few days at28c. a ained agiiiNt tbt church by E will have the new Edition of Com- C. DiaoswAY & Bro. TANDRUFF, Itch, Mancte, and all Skin II t; lUik.",,.. r.t rii.flV'o Itch Ointment. For sale by F. 8. Duffy, Druggist. ' T1LEGANT Editions of Wavcrly, (12 JJtol.,) Irving (6 vol.,) Shakespeare (C vol.,) and Ancient Classics (8 vol.) at as- -timishingly low prices, ah large ana clear print. II L. HALL. Ti OOMS FOR RENT over Farmers and "Merchants Bank, lurnishea or untur- nished with or without board. Apply to . MnsW. T. Lane, at Siueer Mfg. Office on Middle St. (Former Custom House.) , d!8 sun tuesthur and sun. A FINE lot of Dressed Turkeys. Lucas & Lewis. . TIOUB ROOMS Rent. dec2tf isfy a jiidginut. of $1,104 88, ob- Al ircil It. b uiir. n d''coiato." nnd pain! ci', 1 1 n- uuik dune m lh i'on- iUucihiii of r il'crn icle. Miss Fannie Burkhcad, of Raleigh, arrived to visit Miss Emma nenderson. Washi A l.lvorcc Case. The Defendant and Plaintiff in the Breach of Promise Case have com promised by marriage. Dedbroke I ( ) ( ' A I IV YV Si refusing to support himself and better- Dare circuit, nan. Mrs. Jjccioroice uas enterea suit lor ,. ' , . , . , . . , ,1 Kennekect circuit, divorce which will be tried December n , , .,', ton station. " circuit, II. Call, sup'n. Greenville station, circuit. Jonesvillc circuit, Plymouth station, Roper City station, Columbia circuit, W. S. Davis. . W. Wallace W. At the Popular Drug Store of ('. Green's. Geo. F. Smith. R. L. Wnrlick. II. E. Tripp. W. II. Willis. NEW A D VER TI8EMKNT8. Howard. Bargain Store Gold neck chains, etc. Farmers & Merchants Bank Condition. C. E. Slover Cocoanuts, candies, etc. Nunn & McSorley Orangos, etc., etc. C. E. Slover Buckwheat, maple syrup Wonder if that Missouri farmer who turned looso 22,000 on the old thread- rvrtMO J f ..... .. , UUUIIblV 1UIIO IU1UUUII WCBLCIU ilUW lUlk w M , - OOMS in my residence ror bare gold bnck trick was one of the men nd into Pennsylvania along Lake Erie, Yates ; Fayettevi lie di Mns M M II anff wb0 C"uU1 not affor'1 to 9,is(,ril,c for 8 'ng tt be' of land "hieh annually Rockingham district, A Bins. jh. ai. iiahck. :i,i (t so nnn AO nnn inn. nflaUo b ' li OARDER8 Wanted Mrs. W. B, 1' Smith will take a few boarders or let rooms after Nov. 30. Apply nt resi dence. Oaksmith building. East Front street EE J. A.. JONES, FOR LIVERY n29 Jar. Redmond. Schaffer's Wild Cherry newspaper? yields from 50,000 to 80,000 tons ot table ,, . r , i i grupes lor inurKci. Y uiiu mis reprcscuio The ringing of the depot bell will be tuc am0Unt sold in the market as tible missed for a day or two. The reason is grapes there are many thousands of tons that it was taken down yesterday pre- in addition which are utilized in other paratory to erecting the new bell tower, wnP to rot on,.th vine9- f. , J ,. .. , . . .. ' estimated by growers that over 50,000 me imiiie ui wuieu 19 in reauiness. ... ,ot,.l o ih rn,ir.o in that. m. There were some of the finest ovsters in eion. and the numlier of vineyards MISH, Sacramental, Port and Scupper- fl mHrket terd that coul(1 be found increases every season. Probably no nonir Wines lor sale by ... , , , , . , part of the country offers better facilities . tn KnnunNn I k",v n... .... n,i rlpilri. rrronn nml inn rnn Dp Innnrl dcu at ueiar lsuna ana were purcnascu there. by Messrs. Carmine & Wadsworth. What about North Carolina as a grape . ... r erowinK section 1 Arounn itaieign 1 nereis a movement lor an increase 01 WCU. Derhans. as in the cue puoiic scnooi tax irom 10 centB to u tamed "grape district. cents on the $100 of property. Up to two years ago the tax was only 12 1-2 cents. There is need of more money for the public schools. The Orphan's Friend hopes that kind t.: , 1 ,l. t .. 1 a 1 TkTnrnrnm Whiskev for sa e bv - int-ms .i. trm. ...uwa.u.u j,u... X Jas. Redmond. I money enough to purchase each of the i trvv n.,w. T....rt.i Bt.nrrv fnr 215 children a Christmas present. It recognize U gale by Jab. Redmond. puts this as a special appeal and hopes it T MPORTED Holland Gin, Burke's Bass' answered liberally by many. A Ale snd Burke's Guimuss' Stout, for The Democrat says Mr. T. L. Ward, of la by Jas. Redmond. Cove Creek Watauga county, raised 350 7C AAA CIGARS at very low figures bushels of corn, 75 gallons of molasses, I w,y v v ,,r wholesale and retail a50 hca(8 of cabba0 a( trade lor salo uy jas. hedmond. .1. J. Porter. J. R. Sawyer. J. A. House, circuit, I). A. J. D. Pegram. J. P. Jerome. G. D. Langston. L. II. Joyncr, Jr. J. E. Bristow. N. L. Snabalt. A Grape District. Th j:,,.:... i..v. ti. fniow;n(r A New York writer says: "The largest ... ,, , . , ...... T . vineyard area of native grapes in this Pre8lulug emera : "",e'" country runs through western New York Cunninggim ; liurliam district, h. A. district, J. 1. (Jilibs ; W. H. Moore; Wil- Ocracoke and Hatterns 28th, at Y. M. C. A. Hall. The prologue Watkins. and evidence in the suit will be entirely I Mattamuskect circuit, different from Breach of Promise Case. Fairfield station, The attorneys have been engaged for the eZZh ' case. The prologue is being arranged. I a rorft circuit ' Vanccboro circuit. A ve ry full, choice and select line of Holiday goods and Souvenirs suitable for Christmas presents. A glimps into the show windows reveals an array ol the J. T. Finlayson. '"'cs' designs in Purses, Card Cases, Cut I. A. White, u lass, and Pcrlunicry ol all kinds, an elegant assortment of Smoker's Sets, Photo. Cases, Manicures, Lubin's extract. Flacons of oxtract, Mirrors, Coudray's Lavender Water, Fine and Large lot Toilet Soaps, Whisks, Sponges, Pocket Books, Pnzznnis Powders, Chamois Skins, also New Stock Hair Brushes and Combs, 4711 Calogne and Soap, Odor Cases. Come and choose early, before the most desirable articles arc sold. A cream ui Highest of all Latest Unihoh Food HicroiiT. Royal Bakiso Towdkii St . N. V. r CALVIN Rock and Rye, put up expressly for ' throat ami lung diseases, lor sale by Jas. Redmond. T UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal A-' use, for salo by Jas. Redmond. - Tt UNYADI Janos Mine ral Water, the .be Natural aperient. For sale oy Jas. Redmond. URE Com Whiskey for sale by cabbage and three bushels of onions on five and threc-auarler acres 1 1 ARRETT8 Cognac Brandy used very Qf ,and Th(j Mme whcn gowc(1 . mucn in tnc bick mom. ror aaie oy - tq liirnunNn I wheat produced 114 1-2 bushels. Saturday, the freight train will stop at i.x brewing in New Berne instead of going through to Morchcad;' This will be to cnablo the employees to spend Christmas day (Sun day) in the city. Tho train will, how- Jas. Redmond. .VlrlOBR Civil Wir South America. ; Jr j 1 jj- . CDS Control at Hamburg noti the Oovernuient of cholera in that ever, go down to Morehead Snnday night BY March 6th there will be about ixty vaoanciea from expirations ' and resignations in first clas post- " maatrsblpa. m order to resume regular schedule Monday morning. Tho Presbyterian bazaar and festival last night was quite a succets. Tho at tendance was good throughout the even ing, and both the fancy articles and the edibles sold rapidly. The ladies have mington district, W. S. Rowe ; Warren ton district, S. D. Ananis; Wilson dis trlct, G. A. Oglesby. Space forbids our publishing the luil list of tho appointments at a distance, but wo civc a few names of those in which we believe a good number of our people feel interested: hi 1 1 tor Raleigh Christian Advocate, F. L. Reid : Superin tendent Oxford Orphan Asylum, W. S. Black: President Littleton remale Col lege, J. M. Rhodes; Conference Colpor teur, T. J. Gattis; N. M. Watson, Chapel Hill station; Rev. A. I). Belts, Max ton A. R. Raven, Kcnansvillc circuit; Daniel Reid, Brunswick circuit; ,1. L. Rumley, Littleton circuit, and W. II. Pnckett, Snilthtield. The Meteors of November, ISilJ, Those who had the good foitunetn view the star shower that occurred about month ago are not likely soon to forget it. Thev. as well as those who know ot the showers simply from the1 description nf tliA n n t lira in nil liLrAtn fllltililt I'llllr Aaun nml r rn i ftmica Imnnif nnliVftl . r J r.u. b light as to its cause. We tlierelore give varieties like the Scuppernong, Liatnam, the following on the subject Irom the etc., these qualities being specially Scientific American winch is counted one oi,nn,ot..ri.t;. lot" tho most reliable authoritives iu . ,1 .1 0.-1.. line 111 tnc country " ' (,"!"- - " 1 within the mcinorv ol nersons now evca when only ordinary care is bestowed iiTinjr th3 meteors called shooting stars upon them it is a little remarkable that were regarded as gaseous matter gener- -.r.r. motl n inner pnMont Toith atod in the atmosphere, iheir tnu simply supplying their families and home m(lflc n0 aUcm'pt to account marKCts, witu tins one 01 me uiiesi auu or tilejr origin. Fortunately such most easilv raised and most profitable I phenomena arc now tietter understood nn ia mmintr I Persons who liappcncd to be in the n i- . ,1 j I open air on Wednesday evening, Novem aiwiiuu.. i.l,ub,uiUCuiu..uuU. ber23,had the privilege of witnessing to raising a grape crop for the Northern a phenomenon of more than ordinary markets and we are satisfied the day is interest. A brilliant display of celestial not far distant when North Carolina will fireworks commenced about six o'clock, STATEMENT OF HIE CONDITION OF TIIK Farmers & Merchants Bank, At close of lnnincBs, December Dtli, 1892. RESOURCES. Loans anil discounts - $114,727.37 Banking house and fixtures 0,081.24 Current expenses - - 485.47 Overdrafts (mostly secured J 1,025 00 Stocks and bonds - 24,412.50 Due from other banks - 40,016.0.") Cash ip vault - - 21,221.01 Of course the New York belt has many advantages in the way of markets, being so near the great cities, but they grow as well here, the flavor is unexcalleu, and the tune will come when it will be a profitable usiness here. Progressive r armor. Those who have ever given grapes a fair trial in North Carolina cannot fail to their surpassingly delicious LIABILITIES. Capital paid in Surplus and profits Due other hanks Cashier checks outstanding Deposits $21H,4(i0.24 75,000.00 li, 111 Mil 3 147.7! 50.00 1:14,070.84 218,400 24 Deposits at close of busine-i, December 20th. 1802, - If l.r2,58M.87 I, T. W. Dewey, Cashier of above named Hank, do solemnly swear that the fore going is a correct statement to the best o my knowledge and belief. Kcspcctlully, T. W. Dhwkv, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me tin: the 2dth day of December, 1802. P. H. PuiXKTiEit, Notary Pub! test: J. W. Stkwaut, ! L. II. Ct'Tl.Elt, I E. 11. IlACKiit'iiN, J Dim P. II. Pei.i.ktikii, I Jno. Suteh, J rank among ing regions. Names Wanted. Again we will tho foremost of grape grow- 5,000 Nice Florida ORANGES and lasted several hours. Meteors at the rate of several hundred per hour were watched and counted by numerous spec tators. The writer, at early twilight, counted 150 meteors in thirty minutes. Later, a neighbor made . the number 700 .liter r.ipoii-Pil from Snmir rvil Ip Pmii sp! I act that names 01 parties oaisiuc 01 1 per tour, and tho whole number seen at a CIIKAPKU than any Finn in the city new uerne, are wanieu xo wiium it ibuc-iai;i biuuuu uum w i.i i ei,n jiTna have amounted to thousands. How are DIIUUIU W DCUU a ll'it UI fcUC I , i -i v call attention to the I IVTVIIVUU VTCIl BUU tUCll CUW1LO UDOCl ICU I , , ,, , - , , e I HID UUCUUIllCIIU W WS m-V-lUllHiVA ion Jioii the appreciation shown by the ready and fwr PreD"ura ,lt1 D thmk tf" frequently do they occur? and when may i n ley ue itjgruu I'Apwwui wuiu jutu'na steamers. Thb Chesapeake and Ohio Steamship Company has been or- - ' vinlcAd in . London and contracts ,!. i .i fer to send the books to those you dcsig . .. eicem-ni puiro age. . . , mnrin in vnrt and hold I noVod hv nmnv observers durinsr the (lis- awaraea to uiiae cunaers ior btx , ""tv - - . ---- r.r i ..:r.:. . D v i pacK witn tne icar tnat you may uo liu-ity that un to this time about 16.385 war- . r Agod persons remember Biela s comet i uustuu uu nuuu uniuic, vu iuo wumw i , i ., i i i. . . ... t . . , . v o - I ft UilHHCUUlt; LMJ11V UUV1IIU I'Vl IUU ui an years and eight months, or thrco periods and in twentv vears. One of its returns was i r. -n... t.: ii I rlnn in tne latter nart Ol 1B40. instead Which hfl eajS he would accept D over 154.000 on hand. There are some ' ' '. , ' of appearing alone, as on former returns, AAliialii tlu otrt nf IKa nnnnlA nfli 1.1 i i. i,. .ii..i: I re nn nt .n,,nv fVionda nr reai-1 it was seen as two seperate lwdics, as far vuiw v b'." w " I I - UIHIUUI Auunn w uuuiuiuuujg, a. uj . j --- - - , , . . Tli : South Carolina. ' but four more years are leit in which to dents of other cities iail to receive a copy "r '" o( T n(ierfui body had . . . present them. of the premium list of tho New Berne therefore commenced, and the return (in . TBI people nave commissionea . . . , . . . . th 1Hf!2, .Ccordimriv looked for with nemooratloGonffresa and Admin- ine mne nmes says mat jnocitsvnie - - ,:.. -uil increasing interest. Itcamo true to . , i ii r I TV 111 un buuuiicu uuwu ojubiuk pp i v. POWDER fD! Absolutely Pure. tartar baking powdi r. in leu'euing strength. Statks iJoveunment ', 100 Wall 5,000 TO ARRIVE TODAY. I'o suns to s;,e us iMfore vou buy, as we will sell Iheni CHEAPER than any liouso in tho city. A largo lot of them and they MUST do. We also h ive an E:pg:iiit Lino of Xmns Caudics, NlHH, Apples, (Jrim bcrrit'H, K.klHillN, OirrHiiti, I'ranos, Citron. Micco Mea1, In fact all tho good things for the Holiday s- N. IS Wo will make special low price on Or Aiica at li -tail. lie buio to oll as wo will s.ivo yui nnnu'v. Vtiiy respt'ci fully, Churchill & Parker, Broad St. Grocers. G. 0IS0SrAY & DM. Und r Hotel Albert, Would call your attention to the elegant line of goo Is they have FOfL CHRI8TMA8! Presentation Books, 25c. and up. Sgrap Books, S.dard Boo'ts in sots, Bib, Lap Tablets. Music Rolls, Playing Cards in cases, Prang's Xmas Cards and Hook'ets, Brownie Stamps, Photograph Outfits, $1.00. f'icturo Frames, hand painted ai-d other styles, Reading Glasses, Ink Stmds, Writing Pads and Tablets, Along with thh most elegant line of Writing Paper ever brought to the city, A nicu lot of Japanese Ware left that wo are selling lower than ever. Hardware, III' ATI NO STOVES, IiANUKS. Also tho Famous FARMER GIRL COOK STOVE K.iltSAI.E I1VI P. M. DEANEY. Ninth front St., New Heme, N. C. lm Qhrsstinis Is Coming. READY For The Rush. In every respect is the assortment of Xmas (ioods just received. This is the universal verdict of all who have looked and examined. Matchless in design, in quality, in price. As usual, we go ull competitors con siderably better. We tender our : incere thanks to all our customers, and assure tlicui we appre ciate their very liberal patronage, and hope they w ill continue with us during IH'jX To those who do not trade witn us, please allow us to say they arc mak ing a mistake. With lust wishes for a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Veal to you all, we remain jgl' Very respectfully, Haskburn & Yillett. ; : fiM WIDE HAMPTON writes a ranU for trting direct taxes have ,igU m , he, to th Fair '''itUSln l"."" to 350,0O in them in promptly to the secretary and UttW to one Of hUvOld soldiers in numberg This leaves the sum of Vt, Vn,. iuj. andie3, Raisins, Nuts, Apples and Bananas, etc., AT I. . l IWlll UO &UUUIICU UUUU UJUftlUK iiuuiivn- istrationtorednce tariff taxation, a yng ,. - to M;; chag.-ReiMngtciIrgecwury and that doty neither cm be nor Dcno? " -" r, . and treasure, either in person or by mail Will be shirked. ... . ,, . Anrt limB free of charge. I ' I . en TI,. r.l.r nf tlio rhiA ran il nnfl of I 1 U6 OmCeiB Bock Bsttom Prices. v ; A IX the . Christmas should not be in the stores T 1..1V...U. jear. ; jour jiwhiuwm m t-jH, opened 10 maae una u nn vi i ur iiome poor enua. ' - 0, of the Craven county time, but the fraements still further apart. That was tho last time it ever appeared as a comet. It was due in 1858, 1005 or 1866, 1872, 1878, 1885, and in Novemijcr, 1893. This process of falling to pieces began, i I Attn openings Tt Bible Society re-elected at the meeting iu ,,!; filial r "i 1 4i t t l i i. c..jhm I , ami a. . - u Malaga and Concord Grape3. ......... ... I VMohvlanDn llltiffVll RlinitaV nlfrtlf I ... .a nnnr till tha frairmnnla ttfiftllTlC tjn seems that tne twin business runs in me ' , o i j j are: President. T. A. ureen: uorrespona- smau w oe luuiYiuuuuy mxu, x ucjr townsman, A, has A SMALL QUANTITY OF , I BID, A KMUVU Viwu, wbwvmw I " . I I ..KsiSSr fejWKWSSU. A. Vantine & Co.'s JAPANESE GOODS : entitled "Comets and Meteors, J r 1.. i.. tt t nff w w , ,!v.j , ,.: :i,i r--.-rrT- . . ' . t . form . of ih miHUrr riiinr of hia " wmm.v . ... psu,uuN r TUB French Uaoinet believe mat -" ' " , " Barrington, N. S. Richardson, Dr. J. D. of this shower's predecessor: 1 ms the only .afet, for themselve. and Uf Jfclfi OMfc "i- Presidents, Judge lahftJ-JH , 1 A.1UALU VWVIUIS) wuhuuivw Mtra wt mw T TT ru.Al. f ni-t I w LU' aww 'uw ' v,...-, . pernspa m connwy ucuus - rf Wolntlon togetlltr wlth oejmour, u. v., v. - 189a. Another brilliant meteoric shower rJearia away all miattry OOBCern- Iocal fc,. hktory. Pe""- 11 tninistors of the c ty ra,y therefore be expected at that . - - mi.iw"""j'' . arn .ign considered Vice lenoch.". This is the shower just seen, iuK t .-.u.. ...... , , H veu ,or won nag in man toutobih ..,!. 1, n u nredicted in 1878. The study ot these penodio snowers nas esiaoneucu LE5T. WILL SELL VERY CHEAP. iiiimii a si HAni ru Xaa nywai ul ,"m"IS"-i I . ...I Ti,. rlnwn.nnnrtnir lln of Mondavi i t ,v,l. nh.nnm.n I . ... OottonMill. at Angnsta, Gm M w lb. Improv'-nw Wfound i7rec If T SH ILL And go with the crowd to Edfon's Jewelry Store, annonnoed b, tha present, 1. tj ;SS made by putting down marl on, astronomy ts doubled. TbeynowronxlOjWr . M to wmota genmUont, and on South Front snd Middle streets, .rrience jolnic spindles wlcn 400 employes.1 AND BBS TUE T! 1 connections .to remote aenerations, and on nl11 roo uu "Experience Joined witn common sen so yt oftotiumda pro? voiuaow to tn - 5 v i -v - i . . . i haMMi mnn ' inommrn. iae . nnu-na i In Eepublioana have spent nijuenioi yjr. irv tood the test well, tnd was in eood eon- Now. when Toueotomake t .ach time flgnring on how to CO?- The sewerage system now sums com- option yestorday, the water Mngymn - pre8enta for Christmas, use Largest & Best Selected StOCK . i a. a i rviAPa iitnonor bttmk wiu inii, lur un mi wiliiiius wnnuuiu au v k utuw uuiv - - v rr a treasury, aenplt. ne, Mwry - , mf ,hown in thlscity. consisting of d the Democratic party la that the - . Pront ltreet to mk, the work complete, and give BomethinK usef uL Do wteh. i"el?j, ?Tg or . ??? , . . - jnit I. t Monday, at oneoclck, and thenthe long ..... - bto each side. . A v.. v..n Solid Silver and Plated Ware of all kinds, ir f nj w UKUuig , rf,i, Imi y, ,u U dfrom " "ii-r. .Xnit .nniiMttnn I DOS KITB irasn. uui uuj wuwd 91l, .,. -nd rr, pint Nck ' "th. Linr iv.n.1 rinrit um root oi ur (ha miri nn tna ma vuu. lnecurn I ana vjulih. iioi.Troai. uuw i ijnanus. oam xthib. in mix trerj iau w New street to Ramsom's channel by being ing will cost but little and will aid mater-1 wear. He ad wear. , Footwear, QoolH kcP ' F'rc'?f ,ee,7 Hew street to a 7 ' : , pregerying both the walks and W?ar j : aX.J TTlf 8tore-Md loU of Good be,id 0011 1 floted ont with the ends . closed hntll It I ii! r n wsfnC ta aba diflenmea I Gloves. Handkerchiefa, , Half- mention it but I bonirht for Spot Cash. was directly over where it was wanted to ,ook on Middle and the portion of Crav- h080, Bhir t8,' Mufflers, SHpperfl, and can sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, lie tnd then the ends were opened and en street, below South front, wnrcn nas Rnm. We have received an2JLi"ile lower'. ... tri.-j.. 1 1 -mi nrfwl and than mi Sonth I Mu ""a"0 " " w I . . . t-?7" Come and see me. Come eurlv itovi. v " T " . ' I . , . XL... maka if ) ' " .... . . ... - My stock of TOYS i., very completejin all lines, selictcd with great care, cm bracing all varieties ol Staple (loods, and all novelties known to the trade. Fancy Goods, Plush Cases, Dressing Cases, Toilet Articles, Japanese and Chinese Goods in (.great variety, In fact A LARGE STOCK, well selected bought low. and for sale at prices to suit the hard times. Call and In- convinced. To my stock ol GROCERIES I call tho housekeeper's attention.') It is complete in every branch, and a visit will satisl'v you that all vnur wnnls can here be tilled. Special attention is culled to my Frcfh Itoasted Coffees, the excellent quality of which is drawing custom every day. I am also agent for Chase it Sanboriu Celebrated Hoasted Cnffcs and Fine Teas. BUTTKH-Thc very lines! only 1)1) els. per lb. ARRIVING EACH WEEK A fresh supply of Van Dervcer A- Holmes and Holmes & Coiitt's excellent Cakes. Crackers, Wafers, Maccaroons, etc. BY EVERY STEAMER I am receiving Florida Oranges, Malaga drapes. Bananas, Cranberries, Celery, Apples, Figs, Raisins, Nuts, Pates, Citron, Currants and Prunes. IN STOCK: Shafcr's Meats, Vermont Maple Syrup, " French Peas, Jockey Club Sardines, Macaroni, Fine Cream Cheese, Elam Cheese, French Vegetables in Glass, Asparagus, Ilccker's Prepared Buckwheat, Lemons, Cling Peaches, Plum Pud ding, Olives. A call will be appreciated and satisfac tion in variety and quality of stock and in prices is guaranteed. My CONFECTIONERY department is complete, fnees ana rjuanty 01 siock i am sure win piease you. Wishins you all a very Happy Xmas and a prosperous Wow iear.s I am, yours truly ,J t) Lave one. trns Tribune haa a thrilling ao- ntof bo "two highwaymen ' t a Wyoming; town.V The lil'iortnot say so, but the J ry t very plausibility' be 1 1 j t' o HI eiai-'ple oi i t '" -las ia the xesterosy pecn we.. cu.w., Q A trnrwfa and if Z Z. r roni streci, wnonj ie mi iv w" o 7 iun .itnu w. ww... ny 01 mem, iry ua lall the time. ': J. M. HOWARD. the pips allowed to sink. . . . , . it.. .1 . the connection 01 me pipe id vuo -.- . ,n th. h,,,.;-, with that on tho land was made and tnis rt,on of th cUyi until it is sll Uu good . . . X, th , was tho fl..L.I.n;r stroke so far as the (!er, and then keep .right on JwitE the t, last and alUhetime. i'-m-r-l 1 I ' concerned.-- I woitt 1U tuo rcsuiem poiuou ui w vny. you need any of them, try us, JXON the JEWELER. X . i l.nlAnft.11 Ilia fimA . -. - I . nlM ' ' iUOULK Bl'KJSJtT, doc7 dw " Opposite Baptist Church, Fall Announcemtnt. Wo have decided, in consider ation of the short crops and extreme scarcity of cash, oto reduce our Very Large and At tractive Stock joC MERCHANDISE Withm.the Next 60 Days. In the beginning of this Great Slaughter of Pricos, please remember it ia for the purpose of getting tho cash, and under no circumstances can we chaige these goods at the reduc tion prices : Dress Goods marked down from 75c. and 11.00, soiling for 60c. Diagonal and HrockatelUDresa Goods, 10c. i Worsted 8c. Dress Flannel 15c. Colored Table Linen 25c, worth 40c. Laundried Shirts made of New York Mills Muslin 2200 linop at 75c, unlaundried 50c. Undershirts 10c. each. Red Flannel Undershirts 40c. Ladies' Vests 25c. N. C- Plaids 4c Heavy 14 Bro wn Domestics fie Novelties in Dress Goods and Trimmings. Kerr's Machine Thread, 3c. per spool. Hand Cotton ljc. per spool. JOHN DUNN. dcc!7 For Rent The three' story Brick Store at foot of Craven street, at present occuptou vj is. K. Bishop, v , 'z- ?i i '!'! . Apply to - " Dr. CHAR DUFFY. Or F. 0. MITCHELL dl8 Iw OURJ j Millinery Department is very attractive. We are sell , ing the best Ladies' Walking Hat in the city for 85c, worth $1.25. lie sure you come to see us. f.' Respectfully, -. i ;.: ;"-'. H.B.DutK -- - P0V8 igtp -;"v.-.,, . Grocery and Restaurant To th Pobllo Too kra' nana,rn1l ta. Tiled to mil tt H. V, UU.U VHOLfcriA I.K OHOOKUY BTORa, lor Unl Ui Urn. esrlM. Also riR8r-CLAK y, -tail BA,Nr n opn4 Up In th rr oml at tt V, BlU's'Stora, with LODUlNO wuta. (.... Ufaotlna tuanratWHl. ' froprlctut H. V. Hif.TGr- ym4. OH i iv Tin1 iii, wrf DaVUOM Y A KuiyUaUtttit 4