What is nun r-ri. arr--iniai iimn -ihmiiihi-.ii nmnl'i'iiiiin .1 -i vM--nrv' Owtoria la Dh Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ' nj& Children- It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless suhstitute fr Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. II is Pleasant. - Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ' Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays 1 "fcTerishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, tares Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures .-constipation and flatulency. ' ; Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas ! tori is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. T .t Castoria. ''"Castoria Is to excellent medicine for chil Sana. Mother have repeatedly told me of Ub ee effect upon their children." Da. Q. C. Oeooon, " Lowell, SlasR. Castoria la the best remedy for children of I am acquainted. I hope the day is not distant when mothers will consider the real of their children, and use Castoria in stead of thevariousquack nostrums which are seetroylng their lored ones, by forclngopium, saerphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful arrets down their throats, thereby sending km to premature graYes." Dr. J. F. Kincotxok, Conway, Ark. The) Centaur Company, TT Hurray Street, New Tork City. CnU. tfiVlEII WiSHtNGTQS ' ' 3Jt5XGf mm. rt-Weekly Trips. mr oonraoliDi and 9mm ti t in now ampiored k 9rTl. ni ihm to Vwkrn Um IiUtuU if .Mpptrs, . asyeaiMaM ami OK Ifcjra qieem k UMilMf mm eaie,ie o morse It (MOiaUTe Meee seiw.ea Pewbern . I m Imml a. tet iie, ibbs f w rata trsjel arrears terse trips eaej eeaw aaa a nrloix ADT13CB II E4TES. uus. au, iKi(2. aeaaWasbiaa. s uiiiuh k iithtti !a 1.1.I11LI hit. Ihodos wl M Trstat Sortvik. . tor Slew Hern "es enery Hiw 1' .rainy - 4nsr,i aaaKr? eaneovon Wltn . I a. Stall and -rr iHiolmt Railroad, 4 aeev llaee eei Se-eee fn Trent P:wbui. wui sail nt ft r. w hahii rer nnwif, Tnnreiaf eas sr-mrday at saaklka oonneoltna at KmMIH with kfft ! jlti.. for HHiliie. Tin Clyde , ssr rsiiaa.iyuia i- -'u LKiminion i ror io'a. rue Mer- rssiapinsrs' iins r--r rroTin.noe ana i.aaSTfee Water ljlnes for Wasnlns- . S.S..MJ NUhmond, Ta., thnt slvlng waver roava . mi arinetn rnipM.it. nnaellon mid wltn the O." A O. . a Bj W, tl n fur the eat. Maaertf will fltid a sood table, oomfort- ineal, bad er.rr ouurtetv andatten- will M Mid th.m by tha officers it Ml teoiis, care at r w. w. uireot , JfAL.ru !. AetlDg Ari,t. Xista : : C-n 1 Carolina DispatcL aajer M4 freight Llae between . r JO J3 JBX.X-jg, yarih Oarollna Points), ad all eon- naetloea of the niTLTAMA. RAILROAD, ;, rnlladalphia, Norfolk, Bai; sjiaaor and Boston. f ! r I'l-Weekly E.le 0t of ew . Bum, . TO RLEOARTLt KqOIPPKD BTKAMKB saw from New Bern ubdnmoati,!' fridAt. '4.80 3P.AX., " fssuisj at RoanoK Island each way and ' Wsalnt close connection with tua Hrrol Honihern Railroad. IfWb kaatern Dispatch Line, conslstipg of mm Mmlnaton S, B. Co., Norfolk Southern . MM flaw Tork, Thlla, and Norfolk R. K.. t rnsyivania 14. it , iorm a renaoie ana Am Una, air.rlns superior facilities for .si aasaenaerand fralKht transDOrtation. fea sranafar axsent at Kltaabeth City, at r iiSi aolnt frslrht will ba loaded on oars to 4 saraufh to destination, Mrvat all soodi to bs shipped la.Kastern C rwlisa Dlapath daily as follows: as Haw Tork, by Fsnna. R. R., Pier V. Jiarstl BlT.r. wfimm Philadelphia, by Phil., W. and Balto. sv r. Dk St. station. -ff-wsfsHltiniora.by Pblla., wll aad Balto, at Bw President Bt. Btatlon t m Farfolk, by Norfolk Southern R. B. I m aostan. by Merchants eY Miners Trana' , -TMlea us).; Mew Tork and Hew HnUud .. M, ' . -. r nana M low and ims quicker than-by - ataer Una , , . farther tformaHnapjTto , J.Toa (aso'l rrelitt Traffls jant, v .:, ) steneial Tramo Agent. taas. plTlslon freight Aaat. . ... .,Pnlladlahla, , O.a'1 Pralgnt Ap.i. . T. . sa X, Harfelk, Ta i a.eral Vtelgkt AstMll . . Jiew beiae, M. ff. -I- f -am. ; Wm,' A. McIwtow . ; Ir:3 7crb ;::rj,'ltrcTindcra, AcninisTs. -nnd 'I alerg la Kachln. .s and J )1 Pvippllea, Kn ., Bva Mil OiUt Mills, -m' i Tn(ltmtrat!l)Io v , Ti Amennan Baw t Ditt Ac,.! ttnnm af" St Castoria. " Castoria is so welt odfcptcd to children that I recommend Uusuperiortoany prescription known to me." n. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in tho childrea'a depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only hiLre among oi;r medical supplies what is known oa regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won ua to look with favor upon it.1' United IIosittal and Dispensary, lioaton, Mass. Allen C. fteiTn, Pres., JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF arble Works NEW BERNE, N. CX ilaflm and LmeHoan MmbU and sal Quallte MatrtaL Orders solicited and given proper at tention, with satisfaction pumanteed. Terra Cotta. Vanes for plants and flow ers furnished at the very lowest rates. IT IS A DUTY yon owe yonrself and fam ily to set tho bent value for year money. Keonomlse In year footwear by purchasing W. L. Ikouglae rihoes, which represent the best ralue for prices naked, sub thousand will testify. 43.00 42.50 42.0O FOR LADIES 12.00 1.73 FOR BOY I.-75 W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENfCstMEN.' THE BEST 3 H OEM THE W0RL0 FOR THE H0NET. UTtfKU MfBtJIAlVrlBS U IDQCWW VOW theuume high grod,an4 represent a money value Car beyond the prices ohaffged. Bee that nam and TMtoa are atampM on bottom of each thoa. TAHB NOUBSTITIJTR. . W Jim Donglaii Brackton Ittaaa. Sola by BARRINGTON & BAXTER GEO. HENDERSON, VBneeessor to Roberts A Henderson!. General. Insurance Agent Representing lnanrance Company of North imerloa. of Philadelphia. Some Insurance Company, of New Tork. Sueen Insurance Company of England, artford Klre lnsnrauce Company, of Hartford. North Oarollna Home Insurance Company lfiUlelgh. Ureenwltch Insuranoe Company, of New fork. fnonlx Insnranoe Company, of Brooklyn. Called Underwrliers Insurance Company, of A,tlanut. Hnston Marine lnsnrauce Company, uf oston. lulvidwtf HUMPHREYS' Dr, Huntphreva' gperlflrs sreaolonUftceJlysnd eareraily prepsnd Uemedies, used for years In private praotfee and for over thirty years by the a aiMlal cure for the disease named. Tbey core wnnoui thA antam Ami AM lr it drugging purruui or fednemg Heanedlee ef tha World. in w, muu wmu we aw CHiverelsa SOTorrfjuioirALaoa SDaas. rue ML 1-Ferera, OongestlaDS, Inilsmmstlons.. - 418 " S-Worsaet Worm (erer. Worm Oouo.... .113 tV-Teethiari Oouo, Crying, Waksfulnsst .BS i V Diarrhea, ot Chlldran or adults, M . T-Ceagke, Ootds, Broaobltls , .as ,', S-Hearalgla. loolhaclie, raoaaohs. .9g -BMduhas.llekBeadaeae.Tartlgo.. .113 1 t-DrapaSNila. BUlownaM, OonaUpstloa. 1 1 fiapprssaed or Palafal Periods... .AS 14-WkllM, IWProfua.lwleds......n M 13 ' reap, LaryBsills, Hoaraaisaa.,.. .99 Id-Salt RhaastH Erjalpaa. ImtiUoea. K .93 13-Rheaaaatl.aa, WmunaUs Palna...... .'it -m alarla, Oklus, Psret said Agus...,,. M IT-Pllee, BUadorBlaedlnc , M Ht-Tstarrk. tnnuena,Oolil laths Bead. M ttO-WkeeplncCoasb. , .!3 QT-Kldaay lllseasea. DH-Merrsas Debility 10-IJrlaary Weakaeae, WetUngBad.. ,M Ids hr nnmtrta, er am peatpaM aa rmtai af snasi .umMmrumM(iVKim,)mmMn,' tiaraasTr mam, ee., lit a lit wmm m., awtam OPEC I FIG G. NOTICE. Tb nn.riirne(l Anita H. Manly has duly niiii(d aa Admlnlutratrlx of tha eitaleof fct kiiI. and haraby Rtvaa pottoa !... i nh requlrAi ail pwia tm having of! ma f . Mat, tha amuva of ths h11 Hml Wmiiy nt tnm iiO anna u. jV'ni7 i! . . iu'hi t"-i r v Mimic, on tr wS.DDsf!P 14.00 1 Tk 2.50f ?AM 2.oorAOk roil mER r. i.iaHt ' THE JOURNAL. METEMPSYCUOSIS. DDPFTELD OSBORNE. TIioh wert a shepherdess witb fawulike eyes; I but a linnet swinging on a spray, Who Bang to thee of love the livelong day, 'Neath the deep azure of Ionian skies, And thou didst throw me crumbs and smile upon The rustic wooing of some Corydon. Thou wert a princess in Provencal towers; T but a hunchback minstrel of her train, Whose beauty tuned my lute's divinest strain J To sinfr its master's love to pitying flowers; Yet once, led lorth a monarch's bride to be, Thou kissed the dead lips that bac snug of thee. And now again I sec thee as of yore, In charms mysterious, fadeless and supreme, Still must I chant the love slain min strel's dream Still weave in song the linnet's passion lore. And thou? Hast thou yet nothing more to give . Will thou not love me, sweet, while now I live ? LEMON KLIXIB. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For Billiousness, Constipation, Malaria, Colds and the Grip. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness, Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Disease, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley's Lemon Jilixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and f 1. bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlej, At lanta, Ua. 'At tiie Capitou jI have just taken the last of two bottles of Dr. 11. Mozley's Lemon Elizir for nervous headache, indigestion, with dis eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest medi cine I ever used. J. H. Mennicii, Attorney, 1225 F Street, Washington, D. C, From a Prominent Lady. I have not been able in two years to walk or stand without suffering in great pain. Since taking Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir I can walk halt a mile without sul fering the least inconvenience. Mrs. R. II. Bloodwortu, Griffin, Ga. II is no point ot wisdom for a man to best hia brains abont things impossible. Stood the Test. Allcock's Porous Plasters are un approachable in curative properties, rapidity and safety ot action, and are the only reliable plasters ever produced, They have successfully stood the test of over thirty years' use by the public: their virtues have never been equalled by the unscrupulous imitators who have sought to trade upon the reputation of Allcock's by making plasters with holes m them and claiming to be "just as good as All cock's," and they stand today indorsed by not only the highest medical authori ties, but by millions of grateful patients who have proved their efficacy as a house hold remedy. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or ex planation induce you to accept a substi tute. Everywhere endeavor to be nse fal, and everywhere yon will be at borne. Tnc Handsomest Lady in New Berne Remarked to a friend the other day that he knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as It stopped ner cougn instantly wDen otnei couch remedies had no effect whatever So to prove this and convince you of its merit any druggist will give you a sam ple Bottle free. Large size SOo. and $1. Inconsistency has the SDeoial evil ol patting others in the wrong The Homeliest Han in New Berne As well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to all on any druggist and eet free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is gelling entirely upon its merit, and is guaranteed to relieve, and cure all Chronic and Aonte Coughs, Asthma, Bronohitis, and Consumption. Large Dottles ou org. and tl. mar22 deod weow tiie oreat;exhibit. Big'Ike, when entered at the Fair, Will surely take the prize, And make the people gape and stare At his uncommon size. e His eyes are of a navy blue, The finest of their class, In stocking feet he's eight feet two And baa a cheek ot brass. Besides he has a silver tongue That does ot wag in vain, But pleases all the old and young With bargains on the brain. Be Is a sight that' all should see ; One time at least or more, So catl-where he'll not (ail to be Down at his Mammoth Btor. Chlldren'Cry br Pitcher's Castorfa. M. STORTvBOOKS, Photo and ' Autograph "Albums,' Drams, large Kid Dolli,, Toy-Castors, Wagons, Vraaiet, carriages, vans. , For this -week ' only, to make ltoru- Tnuirftn. rMn fitlin Jam Si AK rAnwol. ti.25: Tut Conee Pots, 1 qt., Sc., t qt, lo., qt., loc juock tin:Conee rots, l-U gal. uo., l gal., too, Stone dec. CuBpidores, reduced to 40& New and fine China Dinner Bet in oolor and void. - Japanese Sugar and Cream Seta. Also Japanese Teapots. , - Odd pleoes of Havtland China. ,' ' Bee display of ' ' . " '' :. ITct7 Christmas Goods K'"B Payors and B"("y Whips at cost ? H'-ii oHmr 1 'i's. M Smoke I P Suited t0 thC TaStG f 6Ver 1 I Px ladies Do Not ect 10 Them" I I HilS Pure Sweet I I rPSiCl Smokes I twHlTLDCiRICHMOHD.Vj rv2Krrc I M A A f ! A A 7v 1 ci CtlNIr?. & G. L. HAEBISOR. Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of and Dealer in FIRST-CLASS BRIpK 800,000 now ready for tin- market. Will sell as cheap as any other mm jc'.'titf One very hirge Iron Safe, siiilalili- lor Banking buainesa or a I n i 'c ('mnniission business; weight 5,00(1 lbs. Mamilac tured by Mosler Safe and Lock Companj )t Cincinnati, O. Cost time hundred ind forty dolla..-. delivered. Can buy or ischangc sinallfl safe by corresponding with or calling on BID IKK, New Berne, N. C. Also, one Safe, cost ninety dollars at factory of Mosler, Bohman it Co., of Cin cinnati, O. These safes have not been out ot UK factory only a very short time, and look as well as when lirst made. COME AND BEE ME ! a:i E. W. rinmllwooil. I'l-ore Slover. DE.vr,EKa IN STOVES, GENERAL Hardware AID HARNESS, I51iiTcls, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH Glass and Fully, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement. First Class Barber Shop BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST., Nearly opposite Baptist Church. Apartments neat and tidy, and only oompetcut assistants employed II. L HANKS, decO Propr;etor. J.H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S rraotloe limited to O pei alive ftr.d Me eliAiitottl Dootlfitry and Deutal Huiger? Teeth ei t raoted UboDt dhI by the one Niiro vxla Ottft. wnnMitng In tha line of enllntrv linne Off., emnmr of Middle Hxreel n-i i edcra Alter. Vporfta BapM. i CONSUMP11 It has permanently cured TnotisANDe of oasea pronounced by doctors hope leas. If you have premonitory symp tom, aoh as Coueh, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac, don't delay, but use piso's Curb fob consumption tnunedlAteiy, By Druggists. 25 cents. Administrator's Notice. Tha nixderilfDSd baying this day duly Snail Bad as Administrators of Sylvester H. Iray , daoaaaad, lata af tha ooonty or Oraven, llortn Carolina, this Is to notify all persona boidlng alaims against tba sstata of aald de eaasad to sablblt tham to tha undaralgsad on or bafora tha 8th flay of Deoambar, IBU3, or Ihls nailoa will ba plead In bar of their nMrary. II parsons Indebted to said eatata will plae make Immediate payment.! , Stale 7Ut day of JJeoember, lsva. . ,. .. . RALPH GHAT, 'J. 1BA K. HICKH, ' JastU V. Watses, Administrators. ' , . : Attorney. da8dlmwtf NOTICE. Tba undersigned has daly qaallfled as Ad ministrator ot tba eat ate of flaweom W. Uall. aad liareby (Ires notloa that be ra qnlree all persona having claims aaalnat the asMie of tne said Nawaom W. Vail, to Bra srnithetn to the said Administrator, only H!hn) seated. frr navment. on or before tli t h it.voi December, 1KMS, or elae this nn-. win pienriea in oar or raoornry, I . .. i -i.iiKj to toe estate muatpay J (1, V fl'OK, Mmm l. I SiiiV-'i.FMt.Tiiili 0AM I L .. a it y lit ,i I w, i.U'iiii-f Tltc National lUuk. NEW Bltv. r: J A " A K . ,.:. t'flA :; I. Alrs. M:i.i,.-'.h 1,10 ,1 u M ' Kl'l l I. :! : V. THE Farmers & Merchants Bank PKW BERfyE, N, CAPITAL STOCK , ,7.-,,000.00 Dividend . . . :!,750.00 Siirplu.H and Profits . !!,!)((;!. 98 L'KHCEKS I.. ;i Outleb. . . Prl,i-nt. W. 8 i HADWiCh V.-.. r ri ci'lent. T. W Dkwky. n.ahier. A. H P w k I.I. . Teller. 'il'rti;- MOiCt-. : Wm lllavj. P I! p.j(! J. ' K.ovr.ir, 'V. H. Ohsit i.-a. Jor.n 8utdr. O Mr.rhe. L R, f'atlor, B 1? riEchbarn. Hv:..lQt.i-rM-tr I.k N'l.-tal Bavirg H'.nmpt Vuiir ImsineMM i nuppctfully solicited ZEXsSll, BOOK STORE ANU t o it (5 x y . Blank liooks, and new lot Staudr.rd Works of Henowned Authois. Prayer and Hymn Bookn, Ladies Purses, Pens, Pencils, etc. Also, Late Pnju'is nnd Periodicals re ceivedd ally. lOtf KIT 61I0P8 OF DAVIS CEWIH3 KA0BISII 0&' Capacity 400 Machines per Day FO TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS DAYIS SEWING MACHINE CO, SATTOV. O. OHIOAQO. ZL DA-TT.Y AJST1D WEEKLY JOURNAL I RDCTCED BATES. Weekly, per yet? $1 00 " for six months. 00 Dalljr, per year M mttssli est .......5 00 " perglx months....u..... 8.S0 ' per three months........ 1,60 New glen from All eotlons nd on all questions. r t . 1 ' The abore rata are r'hleitt a1vaneo, snl ci'n lie', 'v (' 'od either by o i'1-. ... ' t 6 TfelEHE. WASHINGTON, D. C. .."t Natio?ai' TraeNB In now entering upon It ISth year of pbanomenM aucceaa. Mo oUier ttimllj' weeltlr In the country hu had auch growth, and malntalnad It ao aWadllr k 'U10 Jve!I Couitr In the tnlled Statu, an "V. kttb" .f !!ib.fI"c at nwr1 "T Poatofflce. I ivfi'l18!1 tnl",Prul poaltfon aolelr on lis marlH aa a hlghlr-lnteroatlng famllr uowspaiwr. Frti7Lri893. ft will be mado much better and more attrnMlT Uirii over, while reLftliilnjr nil of Its present popular featuroa, it will oousLantly add new ouua. TA", JI(,Tl'BEN. by TIiot. Nast, tho famous WAIt HISTORY, hy men who actually served and fought In Hit) r triple. (1IIOHT WTOIIJKS of Iturnarrre, Travel rxpert 0 pnai tmd Advutiturn, by loading wnicrV WAKIIIN(.TO. NKIVN. V,i!l ucronn' n( wlmt Is Uikini? pliu-11 t Uio BPfil of fJ.ivtTiiiuert ' ;a refill ropnrW of nil Important iiuitdTS In Cm- ni kui the iLxuuutlvo iK-purUiiL-iiLa ; fiip about public HMM !I(iM) lriART-tirN'T. i: 1 led bj ri.A.ii., m.iim.. or v. vh iiion- lull un 1 l um.ilub' llian pii!.;:,,'! I a-iy Bthcr pap'?r. " ' ii II 1 " 5'I.Tl" !t A Ci IF IM RTJHM, tart 1 V HolV fil!. , i , ((,!.', . , !.'.. TrS $1 a Year I! -!nti, 1 1 1 Of I I, t, .'I'll' at'l"'"!"''1' i ' i.T p,-' or holl.'i.i.luu. iniiir.' I 'f i'. i n 1 ) a., no ajnUit i,!e II i m TIIF. NATIONAL 1 li'DUr, w 17?9 f.v . t!!.. ..!!. .,3! ' .fv.n;N. D. c. M x it it;, .e. jj .jii.jju f Tuffs Tiny Pils ToctiroTnihtipati(ui purlin t hv how- elHSllOUlll ).. llV.lill.li ; 1 1 ,1 , U , i,lh, ir power of motiuii. A full" apiii. nl ffif nhct Is only requinii. Tutt'., Tiny'1' l iiisaro pn pnri il Willi e jmial viuu'8 to the pcruianeut euro of , K " COSTIVENESS and HCADACHE. 9 Thoy nro miltl anil riiniiiii In tlio srs-dt) ti-in until tlicvni't on tin1 livi-r. , a natural Now ot'liilp anil tlii-ir touir liriiiicilli slinpurt pmur to tlio l,.,u- t'lH to ri-inovo unlii-allliy acriiunila Hons. ;oml appi-tito mill ditr,.stiii result from tho usoof tliese lit t lo pill,, i"rlce,oc. Office. HOtn IlUViuh'n SL. I V. Nctic-i'. i. .I-!! . V, i! , , , , , ,lT(j ex -imiu-io i .i I K i.i i l.e I!. i,,,i (,r ( t y i , ,, . Ill Ins! i .11 e r H I 1 V It r:i r, ,-IJyi r f1( , , . tlfy Hint liie folmu li j )n ,.i,rrrc; ntateinri'it of s i rompciiBiilK n hmiIImI l,y the mi'.i! oui.ru in 1 I n 111 1 . 8 ! f ' U ( 1 H t'l tie Jiimli'I. Liieirpi. .ewruuy, in. ruiiil.ir of Mtiiwthe llooiil whk In hi H.Hloii, Ami ti e iiiNihuc,, irav eleil (- II... inemliers i I snia I nurd reaped. Ively mil I'Mirii, ,1 f,,r hi leii.l.ip- :i"t,.ii,,e 'luruit' ! lie . hi ( p.lli L- ,, , . , r re, oi il ' ot m ;.! rnnii1 . .w.i :' .1 ,M1.- Alter. iti n -I, ,l. , li! .i.: Sly 1,11. I ' 1 1 ( ! . l V Ml Inlntii t; 11 ,. .il pen I Irt , . I . " 1 1 1 1 ! . 1' I. t 1 :, r I ; ., i i ii tlillll. VI, 11 l!t- s, ti-XHinlMiiiv J r. hi. t -oipcl villi y. i oi, rt li it l-.vt lnnu p. .or li. l 1 . ,v , i . I ' . ' I' i I lie Huh 1,1, Altti(Unce i t in niiii.jK i i:,,. in mllex at ' '. Wn.l.iAM Ci.tA a. Attendance at rr eetlnia of Uie lloaiil, H2 aj 8 at fi.tyi, MO mlln at ,o. 1H ferrlngee at 'jc. 8II.HI J . A. M EA1IO a AUenilai re at meeting of the Hoard, Z! (ii ut 8J.' li, Suoci vlHlou oi bil.lgi r. ; M ; li l.iil) I further oertlly that the 1 oaru ,es Blon thirty days, ar.il thst no uuventlul ac counts were i udlti d in wit in kb w hereof I t,i, hri nnto .ul scrlbid tny name atollloe i NeHlieru, N.t'. 6lh day of 1-iec , 1MIJ. .1 ah. v. u;i.ui,k dli Hcg. of De,f Us ami ui'U B'd Lu. (loins. DO TOU WANT TO ADOPT A 13 ART t Wnylw you think this Is n pew lnislnew, Sendilurotit linl.ies on u 1 1 , I c:i 1 1 n ; If h;i.s h'ii douo before. Iiowcv hut ni-v i r liH e those furniflhod bi'cn so nciu the i .riluiil unpleas thin ono. liM'iy will r x i ' In 1 1 ii . 'Weill that's the pwcclest luiby I ever i iiw 1" Tlnn llttlo black iind-wlillo i-ni:r:i Inr run irlvy you buta iaiut Idea of tiiociquiwti'oritrrniil. U A PA1KY." which we proposo to send to yon, transpor tation paid. Tb llttlo dartluu: rosta afruinBt a pillow, and is in tho act of drawing off Its pink book, tiie mate ot which has been pulled off and lliinfr asido with a triumphant coo. The flosh tints are porfoct, and tho cyi-s follow you, no matUir where, you Btand. Thoeiqul sitereproductlona of this urcati't painting of Ida Waugh (tiie most oolebratod of modern painters of baby life) are to bo given to those who suosoribe to Deiuomst's Family Muga aine for IHSH. The reproductions cannot bo told from the original, which cost $400, and are the same slzo illxzi inchest. The baby Is life size, and absolutely lifelike. We hava also in preparation, to present to our sub scribers during MM, other great pictures by such artists as Percy Moran, Maud Humphrey, Louis Deschamps. and others of world-wldo renown. Take ouly two examples of what we did during the past year, " A Yard of Pun sles," and "A Wblto House Orchid" by tho wife of 'President Harrison, aud you will Bee What our promises mean. Those who subscrilio for Demomfs Family Magazine for IMS will possess a gallery of ex quisite works of art of groat value, besides a Magsxlne that cannot berauaied. by any In the world for its beautiful Illustrations and subject matter, that will keep everyone post ed on all the topics of the day, and all the Eids and different items of Interest about the ousehold, besides furalshimr Interesting; reading matter, both crave ana Ray, for the whole family I and while Damorest! Is no a fashion Hagnxlne,.1te fashion pages are per. feoL and wa irtve vou. free of mat. all tlu net- sterns yon wish to use during the year, and ' . u i y " 1 i I' t- - is in any si you cnooso. eenn in ynur sub. Sflrlptkm at once, only M, and you will miilly (rot oyer t'Sln value. Addn'sa the puhllnlier, w. Ji'milni hoiuoreet. ir, t ,s,.t itih i-t,, T.iii.. u y.! iim! tin.., ..I v ii ! On and After i.lcntffly We will be able to fill all orders, BOTH FOR Hand AND achine Bricks. WANTED TO PURCHASE 100,000 ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AN J'RODUCE PLUiCBASW K COMMISSION. ALSO COTTON SOLD ON COMMISSION. Oivu u . a tall. W. P. limus & Go. MAliKEr DOCK, Opposite Old Stand, Ni:V HERNE, N. 0.4 THE bTU.HEVAKflooii NEW YORK.! IAMEKICANI I EUKOPBAf 1 LAB .00 rer Day Upwab. l 1: 1 1 o- -0 0 I I'TKVANT UOIIK ii. i l.e clti.'near all ala ;' .ii.ts, principle plaaw ' 1,1 : 'i"W',itil stores. "''"i.nf htit vttik tba ad ' Hi! I. ceo oi u L. ; .lens. H ii t IiVA'T .lOb i .-el kj , H8lh & 20th New lotk Atlantic & n. C. Railroad f TABLS, No. 2, frl.i, j , Out ItiMMi VV'MT phi. Wt. Ar. fevb. 11 10 am 10 22 II M 9 48 B 8 17 IN am 6 47 At p n. 4 06 4 35 6 00 7 to Stanoiif . vioiilhUoro i U range KiUltlOil .'tow Berut; ilor6head Citj J Hi. 1 ou 4 40 ti OS ni umly. Uoino Kaei i0. 1.1 Mixed Ft. it Pass. Train. no. . Mixed ft. st I'ase. Train. Hlatlocs lioldsboro a m 6 57 tl 20 f7 4K .8 11 8 50 BO 7 SO 7 05 7 30 7 5a 8 HO 8 56 Best's 1-A Grrange Kalliug Creek Kin:on Caswell Dover I- ore Creek Turcarors Clink's 5' w berti ltiieidaie Cio&'ari a:, -lock Ntii port V : . d w ood Atinntio Mortb ad Citj Ailani.j Hotel Morehead Derot 14 6 64 5 2 4 3F 4 0a l 3 &4 fl 15 10 03 10 31 10 38 H 00 11 or, U 17 11 41 VI 15 3 00 3 34 3 03 10 38 141 S 38 8 B8 300 IN 1M 3 37 3 4 4 0 ') ,17 4 51 5 01 5 16 5 23 5 31 !!4l! 3 5u 4 U 4 4 4 50 5 01 6 21 5 'iti 14 IM 14 8 17 8 00 7 47 7 17 :s T W 73t T 10 7 06 Monday. id:iMl.r i.'.i Tnosaav,Thurt(' ' n.j 8Mtordj. J'"113 bi-uud ti. leavlnl SJoiVi li.oo a. m., aud with .iiohmond A standi r''n'1' lfviuUoldsboros:iO p.. Trala 61 ooiftiecla with Richmond at KBslka Tram .rrl.la, el OoldabcroJlM p.m., and CT.. T!TAn. Wol4on Tra- " Wldoo Ilirur.tt, Frelubt i'rT HsKh bound, if,. l:ix i..-,ldi.boio at8W p g. L. Dill, fHBArfntasdrn Ci LIN TON CLITON, N. C V-.i'A S,h-;ii) bcKiiiB MONDAY, ThMBKli 5, 1802. All ti'.-irl.ri ,;,vt. hud eullegiate tsaia iii, iiii'i'iired cspeciiilly lor teaching. l'n i.i: tit i ii y Lduisii u specialty. A siici;U emu st In Book keeping, Com. nn'ieiai l.mv, ( . uniiirieial AritLroesic, IViMimnsiiip, T, leiajihy, Stcnosjraajby iinil Ty;i 'vw ttlti VllLKDSIC and niLlLTHOilCS FREE' N" in! 1 li..: a! r ,t fr Olagaiog. I; V.ii,i:,;.., .,:hu. Tuition. te... lit' Ill-Mil I . , , 1 ii'i.irut, r.. si siu (ki. ill . Ml i 1 ."ill. 1 ";" r !).u I':,i.s will tK1 $1.10, bi! on, : ii i mi, ; 1 oil ,., u,,ai, Fur nutli. : .,ir: ;ni!ai adilres.- the I'llii.'iinil Clinton. K. (! Boot and Shoe Maker. All Bij l.-h oi Boots and Shoes made t order on short notioe. Repairing a Specialty . N. ABPEN, "'avan atiest. opposite JonrnaPoglee. THE WATCH TOWER Published SemUMonthly. j . Ono Dollnr a Vor . Tl w VHS S-. ' l)evoted to Apoatotlo.Chtfatianltyl W .? noaUon, General InteUlffenoe; ' , ;.' " Bend for Sample Copy. . -, n,,A '. , . Offloe of ptiblloation, QreenvUle, K. O Editorial offloi, Washington, K. O.