s 5v 1 ii', ' ; V 'M . ' I s. J. 'Wit : A PRAYER. roiii father to Hoavea '' ; ' We lift up to Thee K 1 S,.. V A salm oTrlaataalrinI- SAprwwotafte.:.''A-y.v-' Protect us, preserve us v . ': From every known snara, ' trom wilce that assaU us, ', " Give Freedom from ear. , Assist ui with dufy v . Wherever It be. And acid love to longing; ' For freedom and Thee. .- Through mercy and Justice 1 t 'Send thou the light giveu . To those whom Thy radiance t . Transmutes to Thy Heaven. Katbabikb a Blub, In Boston Budynt. Random Note of Interest. The smallest known quadruped 19 the pigmy mouse of Siberia. . Chinese control almost the en tire shoe-making business in Cali fornia. - In India there is n, species of crow- that laughs like a human be ing. ; , There is but one sudden death among women to every tan among men.. : Tennyson is reported to be the 1,173d person whose body Las been deposited in Westminstor Abbo) Glass in oven doors is a new ; oontriTance. It enables cooks to ,watch the food without opening th doors. . t The Dead Sea is nothing more than a small but very old salt lake, Bow in an advanced state of evap oration. The longest word in the new Century Dictionary is palatophar ingeolaryngeaL The next longest is transubstantiationalist. There is a tooth of Buddha, pro served and worshipped in an Tndiftn temple, which probabl y all the gold in the world could not buy. ' Herculile, the new French ex plosive, is so powerful that half a pound of it, in a recent test, dis placed a stone weighing thirty tons. The smallest inhabited island in the world is that upon which the Eddystone Lighthouse stands. At . time of low water it is only ;)0feet in diameter. The Czar of Eussia is the larg est individual landowner in the world. The area of his Dossessions i f , is tar greater than that ot ttio en -t-A tire Republic of France. m- r Treuuinir jhiuuuuih. An English fashion for wedding bouquets is what they call the "suray bouquet" It is of enor- t l mous size and is made to bo sus- y pended from the waist at the side, I' the prayer book;which an English & bride invariably carries. The f effect of the beautifully grouped ' flat arrangement of flowers is very 'y ; charming against tho rich whiio featin or brocade of the bride's dross, and the decorative effect is still "further heightened by long loops !of white satin ribbon which minglo -with the flowers and maiden's hair fern and hang in a gntivful jascade down tho entire length of the skirt. Willing' to Compromise. "No," said tho young woman, "it can never be. I wish I could have spared you the pain of this refusal, but let mo say " "Don't say you will always bo a sister to mo, Miss Korleigh," howled tho disappointed man. "Anything but that." "No, Mr. Wellalong," she said gently, "I am hardly old enough for that. But I might bo a a niece or something of that kind. VOU know." Chic.ig.) Tribune. A Great Success. Featherstono 1 hear that you have written a play, and are your self v'-'hg to tako the principal part '"Do you think it will be a success? Billboard It lias alroady li :i a success from my standpoint. I appear us a rich banker, and the manager has alroady had to give mo a new suit to fill the part. Too Mild. Jack (sarcastical ly ) W 1 1 1 1 1 v o u . socks come from tin; l.-unidiy do you darn them yourself' Frank (promptly) No ally use a stronger -.p Truth. Disappointing. "How did tlip el.-cti your district!'' I g. iicr-i-s.-imi. !i g.. in "Dry. The train that was to bring tho jug ran of tho track and broke the last 0110 o' them!" At lanta Constitutijn. Useful Houscliolil Hint'' Milk is bettor for b:-ing kept overnight in small tins than if a lararer quantity is kept over night in one vessel. It is hotter to keep baked pas-' try in a cupboard than in a re frigerator, as it would be ant to get damp and heavy in the latter place. To keep jellies from molding i cover them over with pulverized sugar to a depth of a quarter of an loch. They will keep for years if ' this is done. c . ' Latest Return. eg While the returns show an ovcrwbehn Jng majority for the Democratic ticket, hich ticket has ihated the Republican jority and eut their electoral vote to size of a hair, the only ticket which ;ht now to be used in company with a (Treat Democratic victory is the one 1 li entitle the bolder to ten than lone cut of the hair for 1.00 at. the ton House Barber Shop? , ' " , Tver's Cactortsr Bandanna IWditf ir If you have any friends in New Orleans ask thora "to send you few yards of the gay bandanna plains in French gingham.f, which we do, not find in our own shops. .They are in rich Creole colors, combining soft reds and yellows, which seem to blend one into the Other, and they make the prettiest kind of blouse ' waists. The only decoration they require are gold studs or buttons down the front and gold links in the J nuns, i ue uiurcy 01 mess pimus does not end here, for they like wise serve as perfectly charming covers for lounging pillows, with gathered frills, of the same all round their edges. . Cholca "Recipes- Rick Pudding. Two quartsof milk, "half a cup of rice, two-thirds teacup of sugar and ono cup of raisins. Bake in a slow oven over three hours stirring occa sionally. Parsnips Stewed. Put on a pieco of pickled pork and boil un til it is aoout half done or a little more. Then scrape and wash vour parsnips, put them on in as little water as will keep them from burning, then add tho pork ; when the parsnips are soft, dish them. Kisses Take ono tablospoon 1 id of sugar to tho white of ono egg. Flavor with vanilla, and boat with a spoon until quite light. Drop in littlo heaps on whito paper and bake in a cool oven. Tuoy must not get.brown, nor oven yet low, lutt:?r inn bo hard 0:1 top. l'iiTi'i! S..!.Ai).- IJoil six pota toes until very soft: peal and mash thorn w'lilo hot. Season to tasto with salt, popper and spico. Add 0110 tablespooiiful of buttor. Boil two oggs, and dissolve the yokes in two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. P.imi- ll over the potato,-; and mix well. Pour them on a plate. Slice the whites of eggs in circles, and place them over tho potatoes. TaI'Kk-a Puddin.!. Soakthrej f tablesjHKHifuls of tapioca in coldjj water over night, noil ono pint of milk and a-ld the tapio.u, let ting it coo!. thro3-qa:irt-.rs of he hour. Add the yolks of two eggs and a half cup of sugar. Wh.n thoroughly conked and creamy, tako iioiii the stove and flavor. Beat th 1 two whites stiff and add half a pint of whip:e 1 cream sweet n and llavor. ami pour over tho tapioca .T"am. (lit P.; vk.-. --Sj'uct large. ..v'l-rip'ino 1 fruit. pic:c t'K.m i!i st.:n.s carefully reject ing uv.'.rijie and moldy ones. Pulp tin fruit, placing the skim in on ves-sel an t tho pulp in u sl ot her. I il the lattor, without addiiig any water, for le minutes, thei ru'i through a wire r'ievo. During l!ii niieration: cnek t'.io akiu-i u. ltd ! nft"r a I ling a little e- .r.-r. A !.! t!ie pulji to tho skin - 1 in ..-are. allowing I lire j fiiui'd! , i a land of sugar to each pi.if. and hail together, stir ring cia '.illy fur 1" or .' nnri- Ut'.v . Sji were us",l b' the i'vgvp: ians in the irtli century before Christ, and have also been found at Porno but this utensil was not :.; u . ejly i'.;ed in l'raiice un til l! ! e ..(' iii.. I Ith ceiilU! v. To Iveep lU'frifreratorg Sweet. This is ono of the most import ant duties of tho housekeeper. No matter how many servants she may keep, kIio should givo this matter her personal supervision once a week. Tho refrigerator should lx in jierfect condition. If the lining lo broken in any part, so that the water soaks into tho wood, attend to the relining at once; or, if tho refrigerator be not worth that, discard it wholly. When Missible, avoid having tho drain pipe connected with the plumbing in tho house. Have the refrigerator placed where it can bo Jlooded with air and light when ever necessary, but, of course, in as cool a placo as possible. Once a week have everything removed from it. Tako out tho shelve and wash them in hot soapsuds: then pour boiling water over them. Place them in tho sun, or, if that fails, by tho range, that they muy be perfectly dried. Now take out tho ieo rack and wash and scald in the sanio way, except that, as there aro groovos or wires in this, tho greatest caro must Iks used to get out every particle of dirt that may have lodged there. Next wash out tho ico compartment, running a ilexiblo wire rod down the pipo, that nothing shall lodgo there. Put two ablespoonfuls of washing soda into a quart of boiling water, nnd on-tlie firo. When this boils, pour it into the ico compartmont; follow this with a kottleful of boil ing water and wipe dry. Now wash tho other purts of the re frigerator with hot soapsuds and wijx) perfectly dry. Bo careful to get tho doors and lodges clean nnd dry. Leave tho refrigerator open for an hour and then return the ico and food to it. I plan this work for a day when the ico man is duo. The work is dono immediately after breakfast, so that the refrigerator is ready when tho ico comes. Should you, after this care, still have trouble, do not use the refrigerator. It will be far better to get along without the comfort it affords than to endanger health and life by using r a . contaminated : article. Food should never be put in ft re frigerator while warm, because it absorbs the flavors of other food and also heats the refrigerator, y Children Cry for Fi;cncrVCrorTa! Remaimn iH . the: Post Office at New Berne,- Craven : countv; N. CM Dec. 24, A M.n.'Wtn. Addorn." . AB Bristes Bryant, Mr. Landon Barton, Misg Susan Banier. : :. . C MtssMana A: Churchr D Mr. Wow B. Daw-eon;' Mies Julia Dawwn, Miss Didly O. Doesen, Mr. A. Daimiano. -'' ' 4 CU-Mr. H. W. GibU.SE? H Mr. Liman Heath, Mr. G. W. Hop per, ji-; .?!- K Mrs. Emily Keoada. L aiihs ixintsa. M Mr. . Bill Morrow, Mrs. Mary J. MUDdell fcoh. Mr. Formnn Afnrris Mr Lewie Moore, Mr. Benj. Neal. r rresiaeni 01 lersKigoe Wormal. R Frank Robenson. Mia Manraivf' Roberts. 8 Mr. James Smith, Mr. John Law, Miss Easter Shepard, Mr. L. Liminerman. T Annie Tucker. W Mrs. Julia Waters, Miss Minnie Williams, Mrs. Minnie Willis (col.) Persons calling for the above letters Will Dlease sav arlvertiai-il nn rl iHre Aata of list. The regulations ikiw require that one cent sunn oe collected 011 the delivery of each advertised letter. Wm. K. Clauk . P. M. Tim N TAtiK A.B T1J If. H l.i i l liev. f. M.Siirnut, I'aior Unnui Kret.'i ren C'Luicli, Uaio U uii;'.. Km , ;s: "I feel it mj r.uij u i.-li 0i ursDr. Kind's Xi-n Mmvvc v I t 1 'if i. r m: My i.'ii.!; . hwiiy .... ,-. . r , ,1 r,iy pa r..i, ! . il iM.fl.l I .... i.t . ,.ly a few w i',..-.. I io.k liv.. I.utiim 1. i)r. Kind's N v. i'Ssirvry ai:it i.i! nnd weil, . ioin-r 'ti 1: iu v i, i:: jj:''!.!!.- .VaLBgl r l.u-.,'.- I'..UJ Folk. l i'iiil.ir. win, r ; -Afi, r h il or- oni lit::i ai ; . ivihi-ii p 1 1:- !(, 1 am ooLti'ii-m I'r. Kh.g'h i , (.vi tj fuj Coni-uint'iit 1. t. is n, nil . n ,-u- lien evcry liii.!- , i- ia ;h I ), n,., i kjml tiesblcr.i, 1. il, ;. :i.i,.T.i 1! Im-i ds is to uige i 1 ( trj :i .' I u , tin i Ix.ttit-s tit F. S. Doli. (i: iu; k:,-;-. . I.rfu if r 5(lc. oiiil $1 iiu. Ti u; li i- ,i n .. : ( 1 : w ,th itselt i.ml tiff iti i.tihi'iu 'ukni u oat. It ih im, m m .1 h. mi. and Hit h upon our lip.- im i i.h i, .::)y to drop cut beforM awan ji In-re an n In- i tii.iil:i.ii!c fiiidj ieis NIC li-ner w 11, 1 ,. n,n ,.,1 : t: rack, r.iiri (Hie luck i.i dt. :. i. i'.t manj more to make it it;.-.i. Ul'CKl.Bfl'n AKJ:;.' ;i.f. The Best Salve In the norM fui Cut, Bruises, Soies, UIchih, ISait Kiieuui, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chuei! Hands, Chilhlainr;, Corns, and all Skin Eruptioue, and posi tively cures Piles, or go pay ruquired. ll la guaranteed to give perfect sitistaction or money refuudf-d. Price 25 c-nis per box. Forsale in -bern i K.N i"i!i'y, wholectale wid reuil (IrocKlw. Ali 1 ho gocd of which l.uaiiunty is capable is compiifcd in olii-iii-enco. Yon have no choice. This ynu must do, tu.'d n t oiliei wii-e. Whatever is not a dutj in a tin. ForOv.r Fifty tmi Mkh. Wispi.cw'b PccTr:ia t-Yhcr fcat been unci lor ihildnn teeth itsg. H wotbes tho cnild, soflens the gums, illavs all pf iu. cure wind colic, slid is ihe beet remedy for I)irr:ha?a. Tweu'y lvr ccnis a bottle, (iald bj nil Atrip, r.!sts ti.ruutriH'ut tha world i-.O.'&u -1, To know how to prow old in the master woik of wihdoin, and one ol the most difficult chapters in the erent art of living. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not woitb the crcMI price ot 7!c., I to (ite journ if of evi iy symtom ol bae tiihtttSHioi; con.plgints, i( jou ibinksocail at our More and Kt a bottle of Hbiloh'f Vilnhz. r, oveiy lioltle napiiun d cunrau'.f-o oti it, use sccordiiifcly und if it dt eo ycu co Rood it will cost you nothing, biu Id by New Bcruo Dru Co. Seme one bas well tsaid: '-It in the business of the propl.et to prociaim trntb, and let that truth crystallize as it will.'' When Baby was tick, wc fraro her Castorln. "hen she was a Child, she cried for Castorlc When she became Jlisa, she clung to Castoria. Wiwn she hail children, oho gave them Castorio. Wholesale Market Country rrodecr. Cotton 8 25 to 0 25. Corn, from boatB 42 l-5a4flc.. Field peas, 60a6Sr. Oats, 45c. 'f Wheat, 70c Rice 55c. Rye, 70c.. Peanuts, COc. a80c. j I Apples Mattamuskcet, T.'n.1 Onions, $1.00 per bbl. Chickens, 45a50c pair, voting, o0;i-10( Turkeys fl.50al.71. lJecf, 4a5c. Fresh pork, (Ic. " F1 Ducks, Eng. 35a40c; JIuccovv SOaCOc. (ieesc, 75c.a$1.00. Eggs, 17al8c. Honey, 40a45c; beeswax, 22 l-2n2:)r. Hides Dry flint, 5c; dry sail 4c; green, 2 l-2c. Notice. Application will he made to the next General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the charter of the city of New Berne. lly order of the Board of City Council. , W. I). Wallace, City Clerk. New Rcrnc, N. C, Dec 24th 1892. d2430. National Bank New Heme, N. C. The annual meeting of the stockhold crs of this Bank, for tlie election of Dircc tors, and tbe transaction of rucb other business as may come before them, will l held at their Banking House on tbe 2nd Tuesday, being the 10th day of Janu ary 1893. The polls will be opened at 12 M. to he closed at 1 p. 111. l8td. 0. II. Roberts, Cashier. Hardware, HEATING STOVES. 6ARANOE3. Also the Famous FARMER GIRL :,r:;?rVJ; COOK 8TOVE !'.' ..V"" -;."J. 90 tall T ",' tonth Front Bt., New Berne, N, C. d 18d aim . . O OO OOO OO o Provided the great Organs V of the body are not lareparably iiJiur- O d, there are few disMses tba lllJTT'Sl" Tiny Liver Pills o wlll not core. By thelp action the Liver, the Spleen, the Heart wid the A Kidneys are brought Into harmonious w action, and health, vigor of mlncl and body follow their use. Don ninall. CJ Price, 5o. COico, lt to 1M Wuk'i St, 1. 1. eooos 000 Fancy Florida Oranges - Pe sure to see as before vou buy, a we will sell them CHEAPER than any house in the city." A laree lot ot tbem and they MUST GO. ; We also have an- Elegant Line of Xmas Candies, Nats, Apples, Gran berries, Kaisins, Oarraots, Prunes, Citron, Mi etc Meat, lu fact all the good things for the lESQlidaSty js- N, B. We will make special low price on Orai)cs at Retail. Be sura to sail as we will save you money, Very respectfully, itechiH & Parker, Broad St. Grocers. For R.oxit, DWELLINGS centrally located, in cluding a spacious double house, de sirably arranged for two separate families, with moilern improvements. Also, City Lots and small Truck Farms lor puIc. K. W. CARPENTER, li lin Real Jstate Agent. W&sfeil At Ones, !!K.U l,.i THREE 11UNDRKD TOLLS tliiity fret Ki, not lets iban eight in; lies at I lie tup, lieait cypress Air... THREE ItltiUSAND i.'RO.8 'il KS, lieait pine r cypiecs, cither Bawed or bnwod, luiineJiate delivery. Nk'v i Him: Water, Eleitmc Lioiit ant) Hailkoad Co , I?. P. WILLIAMS, ! ! S cl I f Mnnnt'cr. Meetirg of Grard lodge or K-.-s r (i North Carolina, 'i IH l AUllltNT, rn-cn. hi r 6 162. if Am ni A. 6. :. i: K. It. Von lil fceli i.clsrii fr ru your siatlon to olU8t)cro and return for tb above at Tariff No. 4, 1 )z Tickets to bs on sale January 9, n C.i od 10 rrtnin uulll Jsn, lull KOUND Till P. h in .Moielrd Clly t4 Sii I fn- lubcttlora J2.7S vllilwo-d i ah I 1 ore I'rftk 2.15 Newport I.i-'" ' Dover 1.9e Have!o;.k l.lo Cskwell l.e I'roalsn Z.iHi ' kluhion 1.06 Ulveulale I kIIIi k C"k I.I" New tiern S Ifl " La Urattgo .76 Kicm Heat's, lb M. I., I1LI, Cl. r A. Wc-- ,! WooCiV. Wood!!! 1 Odlr, Ash and Pice Supplii'u J.; Any Quantity, rromoi.e (jui.rlcr rl' :'.(rrdlo one hun dred cords.J Apply to M. I'ORTEH, Rivordalo, N. C., Or WM. COLLIOAN, New Ecrno, N. C, i Ksw jnvsniien. Having secured the county right of tha Only. Bed .Brace on the market, I ami now prepared to make SHACK LY BEDSTEADS as FIRM AS NEW, and new ones kep STRONG and SOLID. All are respectfully invited to call at my store and examine ior themselves. Also hnvc just received a BEAUTIFUL 1,1 K ol Pictures, and. Easels Jin addition to my Com lete Stock of Furnituro GROANS, Etc. I(cspectrullv,5, W. B. HOOTEN, .Middle SI., oi)p. Citizens Bank nlSdn If New Beme, N. C. Notice. llj virtue or tlie powers ooo'erred on us, the undaialKned, Tmsiera ot Kldalltr Bnlldlns, Loan and loduatrlal Anoolatlon" of WaarilnRion, U. O., by Matttaaw Yorknd hla wito Allle Tork.br deed of trnataxaon led Kid day of April, li'tS, and raglatered In Hegibirar ol Deeds office for Craven county, N.O., Honk IMS ro.lo.iil7, eta., we will expose to axli at t'nblio Anetlon, at tbe Ooart Bonae door in tbe city of Mewbeto, M. O., on t Slat day of January, lKKIt, at Twelve, M , tbe following deaorlbed property, to wit: One lot of land in tbe otu of Mewbern, be ginning on tbe east aide of Berne etreet, at a dlalence of (,7a) one buudred and seventy elxht fa t from tbe norlbeaat ecu narof Dnnn sud Berne straeta,and running nortbwardly arltb Berne street twentv-nve (26) feet, tbanee eaatwardly and parallel wlib Gard ener alley nlnetr (VO) feat lo tbe lut ol Vlraii Wind ley, runs thence soathwerdly wllb said Wlndley'sllne twaniy-Ove (36) feet to H. . Moaely's Una. tbenee westwardlr with Mosoly's line ninety (W) feet to Berne street U'6 p'aoe of bealnnlnf, ' Terms or aaie, uean. ANDREW WALL, J'lHM . fMlTH, ' ' TruaU es T. B L. and L AasoalatlOB. U J. Mooaa, Attorney, dxl id r .i,ii1 11 Caveats, and Tnde-M arln obuincd, and aU i'at-1 tnt buiiiMMeonducled for MoDraT( Crra. Oua Omet la Oaeoerrc U. a. p.tcnt Orner and we can secure patent U less ttme UtanUwaa remote from Wailiington. , -Hiad model, drawing or pnoto., WltB emerlp-i tfou. We advlae, If patentable or not, free ul ) fjurge. Our fee not clue till patent la iMKured. j A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain I'.leni.,' withi aoet of Mart In the V. 8, and lutein suunuia ; aant free. Addreaa, . , C-A r c ! CifP. fJTrir Or'ir O ' it f; iff "- - -1 in fllicllFtiiiJi Just roceived from fiumterville Can sU CHEAPER than any Firm in the city. : ,;and.'e8,'..,v.'.-,..vi.i. , .., Paisins Kuts. . Apples and r . Bananas, etc. AT HoGk SI Malaga and Concord Orape , , A SMALL QUANTITY OF A. A. Vantine & Co.'s JAPMESE OdOBS LEFT. WILL SELL VERY OHEAP. AT ROOKY MOUNT, IT. 0. I'Vl tl.e convenience of the iublio there will te open,d in liocky Mount, N. C., January 1st, 1(93, a Branch of the Eeeley Institute of Greensboro, N. C , fcr tho treatment of the Liquor, Opium, Chloral, Cocaine, Tobacco habits and Nerve Ex haustion. These are the only regularly author ized Keeley Institutes in the State. AJ othera claiming to be such are'frandulent ROCKY MOUNT , is tho most accessible point in the State. On W. & W. It. R , and terminus of the N. & C , of the A. & K , and Bpring Hope roads, 3 hours f n m Norfolk ; 8 from Petersburg; 8 from Bicbmond; 8 irom Wilmington; 4 from Raleigh; 1 from Goldsboro; 1 from Weldon; 8 from Fayetteville, and 5 hours from Eden ton and E. City over tbe Norfolk & Carolina R. R. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. The town is progressive, high, healthy with good wateraud hospiuble people. Dossev Battlk, Manager. Dn G A. Rajuatjr, Physician. Sealed Proposals. Scaled proposals will be received bv the New Beme Ice Company until De cember 81, 1892, from parties to furnish tbe said company Pine Wood for the ye ar 1893. Bids should specify kind of wood, viz., cord wood or slabs, price at wuart, mills, or delivered at factory, and number of cords per month that person making bid can furnish. The company will want about 8,000 cords during the year, jmus win De considered lor a part or the whole. The company reserves the right to re ject any or an Diets made. Mark proposals "Bid on Wood,n seal and send to d9td B. S. GUION, Manager. ItlMi-LLfttj iou$lGO or BloieJ! Lola of farmers lose their meat fer the want of good salt, to go to J. 7, Taylor's and get a sack of that Turk's Island Alum Salt snd save your meat that yon work ao hard to raise. Also, save money by seeing him before jou buy yonr goods, ' Abuudanoe ofiTotacoo, 16o. to ?0o. Fine Wines for Christmas and holi days. Best Corn Whiskey In (he elty, recom mended by the doctor for medicinal purposes, and a full stock of Liquors for Christmas at the lowest possible prices, Dont fail to see him, Satisfaction guaranteed. Foot of Middle street, west side.; Your obedient servant, J.F. TAYLOR. Proposals Wanted From responsible parties to take Plue Timber from tbe stump and deliver it, sawn Into lumber snd kiln-dried, on dock or aboard vessel or cars at Moreheed City, N. C, as advertisers may specify. For further particulars address SYLVAN MILLS COMPANY, West Sod, Jersey City, N. J, ; dlSdaawBw v , Pure I Brilliant I Perfect I TJnro Evirtwhjcbb, aho Emdobsbd Whkhtbb Ubetj. :f- ; : TK lfo$t Popular QIommJ th U. B. new er dally won end are warmly iaea ny tne soua KEriiKHENTA VE MEN of this ooontrr. sasn of tbem being of National fame. Tbe list embraces Bankers, Merchants, Lawyers, Governors, Bens tors, Foretga Ministers, ataebtnioe, rreacbers, . , MEN EMINENT IN ALL PROrES- 4 ,i, SION8 AND TRADES. - f PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND TBEM BUT K05E BUT THE QE5UEIE. ' TheeeVarfsot Qlasees are aocurstelv sd ' jiietcd to all eyes at tbe Drug, Store tf F.S.Bl'fF, r-;E:r-r. a--ijl& '.'i, JUST ARRIVED! A large supply of Extra Good BOSSES and ZIULES. Several first-class Mares, onn? and sound. Bought at first hands, and wilt be sold for less money than ever before offered .on this market. ; ,' ' .'v If you want bargains, now is the time to call' fortheni. J. W. STEWART, .'.'JiV Assignee's Sale. H Everything to be found at a FIRST-CLASS mm .. w seal mm mm mm mm mm l'bv .-'.i CLOTHING HOUSE SOLD BELOW COST time.:: ' li a ssrT?" CLOTHING HOPE. WEfl. SULTAN'S d Opposite Ed. Street's Sale ft?ble. Botji situ uated on.Uiddle Street. lf V . Assignee of Win. Saltan. TRY BIG IKE THE CLOTHIER. BIG - IKE Bio THE CLOTHIER, Ikb Bio Thi Tery .bell Im - , Bio Rings out jHie ' knell In , Bio of prices high, now listen Ikb' Bio well. Good people who in :. lis r Bio New Berne dwell, To its dinff I . i Bio , donff, both loud snd loni. My ,; li J . , ' Bio country friends, bark to its sonp;, ; ImJ r ? Bio And trade with me in nnmbers strong! , . Ims TRYlBIG IKE Come all, snd TRY BIG IKE this Fall TRY? BW TEA E9 He. bas one price for each and all. .) Yonr notice to this fact I call, j j V v ' ,' . He rings ont old, he rlntrs In jirw, ' . . t -1 . , He rings out false, be rings in true, ' f '. V ' , And tries bis best by nil to do.- ; I '! Come all, no time is to be lost, - f . v. -';, v, -ile is selling Bhoes, Hats, Clothes at cost,' C V All thick end stronir, foes to Jack. Frost. f , -- - i , " He'll treat yon right, DInff . Dongl .1 call . BIG BARGAINS at BIG IKE'S m toSg. ! , DING DONG I DING DONGI ALL COME AIONG. '.; TRY .-.-: -t . :: '.. . big ike. " r ,! ' - f rtnTttCZtWE want one A Scientific Muchlna HUieir cost' s dozen times a year. .' It it not mn: y t r j A chnd csn operate it Bells' etVght. cBcnd f f ; ' disconnts. 'v . '1: ' ' ' i '. tZzlizi Ico Crcaa in CO C::c- " f-' . : " . t- n ) J n v- do no marl wrong, j yon all da? r lonu. f in every tov TOWN T l"" ITO HANDLE THE :. , -, H ,L niafla An rVlnfifln V,:.

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