Daily HE OURNAL. VOL.' Xl.-'-Ki 249 NEW KERNE, N.C SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS- s if T t-- 1 ' BUSIlieSS. LOCALS. . " iotJCKWHEAT, Mlnoe ' Meat, 'Codfish, . ' Djfaple .Syrup, Comed Beef, White , " , Bean a, BmM Hams, Beef Tongues, Very t " ' beet Butter, Pure Lard, Sweet Mixed ."i Ptelrtes Preserves, -Jellies, Very, finest X .."Teas. Fresh Boasted Coffee, at s; i f .f '' 1 A NIWHER mw lot of Books Just re ' ' I -weed hi, HALL'S. sSoroe'bf ftem are gem ot beauty and value and will be ' - " TiyDB'Co. R. P. Oats, foraeed a spec ks v " , , O-Mltf, I At a -Hill's, East si . ; ' market dock.V ' J18dwlw. XJ POLTIMBIA BICYCLES. More money, ' brains, kill and patience are expended s. - " in keeping; up their high s andard of , excellence than of all other wheels com fs biped. .Prices 1 110, to $160. Cash or v v installments. Art Catalogue free. , ' 4W , : . W. T. HILL & CO., 'V ci 1 - ' Setf Agents. QO To Street's Horse Store for Livery. THE Celebrated Saboioso Flor De Habana Cigars. Six for Twenty-five , v cent at C. 0. Gsbbk's Dbco Store. DOv..8-8m.. JiISE roadster's at Street's horse store. - TtSE .DUFFY'S COUGH KILLER J cares Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, , etc. Excellent in all affections of the ; Throat and Lungs, inducing healthy ac- i- tion of the mucous membrane, soothing and bearing the same. Is an antiseptic and emuuciDE. Prices, 10c, 25c. and . SOc, per bottle. I? LEG ANT Saddlers at Street's Horse , 8tore. " nEBTTFICATE of Stock, No. 81, first . . v aeries New Berne Building and Loan : Association having been lost, notice is hereby (riven that spplication will be made for a duplicate. 0281 in DANDBUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin iPisease pared by the use of Duffy's ttob Ointment, for sale by 1 p. a DuKrY, Druggist. THOTJR ROOM8 in mv residence fur M Bent Also Good ORGAN for sale l .decatt, ! ;Mb. M. M. Hanff. . BOARDEBS Wanted Mrs. W.I B. ' D Smith will take aiewboarders or let ' om - after Hot. B. Apply at resi dence, Oaksmith building, East .Front i street. . ... If ISH, Sacramental, Port and Scupper? ' m' iong wines lor saie ty (Jab. Redmond , T CALVIN Schaffer's IWildi Cberrv Xt Rock and Rve. put up expressly for throat and long diseases, tor sale by Jab. Redmond Tt UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Mlicinnl rmfun, for sals by Jab. Redmond. TTiUNTADI Janos Mineral Water, the XI beat Natural aperient. For sale by J as. Redmond. FVRX Corn Whiskey for sale by Jas. Redmond. f TJTT Gordon Imported 8herry, for sale by Jab. hedmond. ' T MPORTED Holland Gin, Burke s Bass 1 and Burke's Guinness' Stout, jfor sals by Jas. Redmond. IK nilrt T0ARB at very low figures lt,VVW(or wholesale and retail ' tiade for sals by - Jas. Redmond, 0ARRETTS Cognac Brandy used very Mck in the sick room. For sale by Jas. Kbdmond. THBBB are nor 3l5stndenU ' , present at tbe State University 'V President Winston seems to be the ' right van at the right place. . TM Ubioago Fair is hard to beat, bat Jast now The Pew Berne . " Vair han tbe oll. For particular ' New Berne Jottbhal. - , VJX ROalB ol the State papers are J ivrik oA (joTernor Holt for pardon . . '"' In f BtotitA. ' Tbe Governor mar : t .'fcate done wrong, 'bat In oases of ; :U " V 4dnbt ' merer has ' the- superior :."r GARZA ' U again on the r Bio .-' 1 ' Grande. If he J not careful he will a party to a picture of a rope . vttt limb at one end of it and JC! tVolafiheotber.y1" ' i.n eiohargesay ',A- Thousand " ? 4 hands mm gradtng tbe new rpad . ' i between Jaokapnrille and Savan I ah.-, Thai's the way to do ( it, 1 he xaniple,i; oommended to . . some "'new' roads in'Uortn Caror '' ' mNbtb mind the weather so the - wind don't blow" that It nnti iMuTlaa.lt Is when the wind don't I - V (S aI mt ThaY Trasta Khat kill c-f fcaltc end lthere oar floe;s. Hsmember the poor no matter. bow ' 'T2Aac l tottering to iu fajy 4 -;s a Contemporary. Not a. bit cf It. Oaroot has steady nerves i- 1 a srong hand, and France is tt present ripublloan. The Vreneb r i a mercurial people, but no man i 1 ever fioubt tke patriotism, of r TV' "'man. , ...-' j 't il rraeefal thing, in the : ; " 5 ?j elect yonng Baln ii "rj-shlp tbat had bees ' j I i f '.'.. ( with the r i cf t" frater- ! i . " -;it the sun Thb death. t SeDator Kfnnn, of WbsC Virginia, removes from the Senate one of tbe youngest ttnd ablest of its Democratic memberH. There will be a nontext (or tbe taeaot eat indeed it is now going on whioh we hope will res-alt the election . of Oongressman W. L,' Wilson. It was not to be expected that the people of the South would nbed many ters over tbe death of "Old Ben, Butler.1' But, now tlt be is gone to judgment, it into be admit ted that be was an able man. Binner sis he whs, we h he is wore comfortable iban he was when Beauregard had him bottled op on James River. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. Application ftir charter. Application for charter. C. E. Slovcr Buckwheat, etc. At Hall's Another lot of books. At ten o'clock last night the thermome ter stood at 21. The Early Communion at Christ Church will be oinmitted next Sunday (tomorrow). -t Yesterday W. G. Brinson, Esq., changed his judgment in the case of - John H. Thomas, col., the slayer of James Mon- john, col., and placed him in jail without bond. The Wadsboro Messenger says that Anson county can boast of two one-legged com missioners, a one-legged register oi deeds badly crippled treasurer, a one armed coroner, a one armed keeper of the coun ty home and the fattest constable in the State. JUtr. Frank nsdale determined to re deem bis reputation as a sportsman so he went out again yesterday a little way up Neuse road. He was only eons from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., but his hunt resulted in his killing and bringing in alont 80 robins. Mr. C6mpton, of New Jersey who has been at Riverdale and later at Newport enjoying the hunting, came up to the city yesterday, bringing aj,'ool number of fine ducks with him. He expresses liipiself as well pleased with his sport, hoth in duck and partridge hunting. Here is what the Lenoir Topic has to say of the cold weather- In Watauga county the snow was front four to five in ches deep last week, the mercury from 3 to 8 degress below zero, and the wind howling. Tlio horses driven through here Friday all had icicles on their fet ocks, wnlcn jineled like slcigli hells as they trotted along. Messrs. J. H. Crabtree & Co., sent out from their works yesterday for shipment on the steamer Albemarle, a supply ot saw-mill machinery, which tliey have jnst made for Messrs. Jones & Co. of Eliz abeth City. This speaks very well, for the firm that they art able to uianatacture and sell to industrial plants that are as nieh to larger cities further North as those in Elizabeth City arc. A City Without Fael. At St. Mary's O., ou Thursday. Jan, 12 with the thermometer hugging Hie zero mark and the natural gas pressure down to nothing, came tbe startling report that the main which? leads into that field burst from tbe intense cold end shut off the supply altogether, thus leaving the in habitants of that elty at the mercy of tbe frigid weather- The suffering caused by this unexpected emergency is undescrib able, as there li neither wood por coal in sufficient quantities to be had in the city Coming ana Going. Mr. C. E. Goodwin president ol the Stireson Lumber Co. and also president of tbe Biddeford, Maine National Bank, ar rived last night to spend a short time in tbe city. He is stopping with Mr. S. Hamilton. Prof.W.R.8kinner, Principal of the Clin ton Military Academy arrived last night to muko , the preliminary arrangements for re-establishing bis school in this city, Mr, Byron Carroll, who ha been spend. ing a few weeks with friends ia the city left yesterday' morning returning to his home m Texas. Mr. Herbert Simpson left for Texas. f Mls Annie Rumley.of Bean fort, ii for, mer CupU of the N. B. Collegiate Insti line yiww urvnKU ou muw w bivcuu a Al 1. u A- -LL 1 Llttletmv Female College. Her brother Revf Juifss Ridley is statlooed at, Lit tleton this year, i- Miss Coa BbJelds of Scotland Neck is visit.ng Mn. W. B. Boyd. ... I ..(Vis Notlee.ef Application for Charier, an . Notice Is hereby given that application will be made to the General ;Assemby of Nortn uaroana ror an .act to incorporate tbe Supreme Lodge of Harmony of North Carolina, . - 1 ; - , New Berne, N. 0, Jao, 14, 180S. ' I S .;.., f.i- jUaod. . iDDlleatloa . for Charter. ' i ' ' Application will be made to' the' pres ent Legislature for a charter of a railroad Vxxaa from or near Riverdale to Bwans boro via Stella; rnnning through the counties of Craven, Csrtowt and - Jones; sod to be known as the ivine and ! wniu COLD SPELLS. The Present One and Reminiscences of those or '81 and '57. Not since Saturday and Sunday Janu. I ary 6th 1884, has such cold weather been known as tbe present, and while that surpassed it in severity'the present spell ahead, for long duration. The ice Is now just getting so that skaters venture on it. A few were, out yesterday on Trent river at the foot of Hancock street. A little continuance, even should it not get any colder will make the ice firm enough to attract good crowds on it. In 1884, it froze so that Trent river was crossed on the ice. On Sunday January 6th the coldest morning of that winter the records of thermometers of postmaster Manix and Mr. Win. Hollister were 6 degrees above zero, that of Dr. Charles Duffy was 4 degrees above. Mr. Taubenspcck, at the National cemetery reported that on the next morning his thermometer, exposed tojthe northerly winds, recorded 4 degrees bebw zero. Col. Pardee at Wniteoak, Junes county reported his thermometer as going 5 degrees below. t he coldest winter of which we huve any Knowledge was tnat ot iboi. mat year we learn that the " thermometer in front of'Mr. Alex Miller's store was 5 de grees below zero. Duriug that cold spell Mr. John F. Jones, (brother of Mr. Asa Jones) and Capt. Clark walked across Neuse river on the ice. While on the subject of the cold weath er it may he interesting to go back aguin to the winter of 1884 audto recall to the rough experienoe that the mail and pas senger train on the A. & N. C. R. R. ex perienced in making the run from Golds bo ro to New Berne on Saturday evening January 6th. The train to begin with left Goldsboro somewhat behind time having been de layed to make connection with another train that was late in arriving. It left Goldsboro about 5:30 p. m. and did not reach New Berne until about noon the next dav I The reason of the slow progress was that there was ice on the track which be came so hard on the iron that the wheel ot tbe engine would slip as fast as it reached the ice and would exhaust the mer given by the steam and the train would stop. They would then run the train back several hundred yards get un der eood headway and try to drive the engine through but to no purpose, for when the driving wheels would strike the ice the slipping would commence again and the train would stop. When six miles from Kinston the engi neer discovered the water was getting low and uncoupled and pulled out to replen ish the supply, hoping also to break the ice somewhat It took one and a half hours to a" the six miles. He L'ot back to the train and pulled it into Kinston nt 11:08, and then the expedient was resor ted to of putting a loaded car in front hoping it would break tbe ice and help the train forward. It didn't work. In the run from Kinston to the bridge the driving wheels were making revolutions at tbe rate of thirty miles an hour while the train was ouly moving at the rate of one mile an hour. The engine was re versed and the car taken back to Kinston but it took until 3 a. m. to get them there and there, the train remained and until the next morning when the bright rays of tbe warm sun having somewhat softened tbe ice, the train with the assistance of another engine which Capt. Powell who was in charge of the train had telegraphed for made a pleasant Jtrip o New Berne arriving as stated about 12 o'clock. The above "run" may have passed from the minds of some ot our citszens who only "heard of it" lut we will warrant that it will ever remain fresh in the minds ot all who were "in it.'' THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SENATE. Mr. Leatherwood introduced a bill authorizing railroad companies to grant passes to orphans and to persons travel fne in their aid. CiMr. James introduced a bill lor trie benefit of laborers. Mr, Posey, a bill to amend The Code regarding the carrying of concealed weapons. Mr. Battle, a bill to amend chap. 187, laws of 1889, regarding the sale of seed cotton. : 8LECTI05 Or A BilLROiD C0MMIS8IORU. The hour of noon having arrived the President announced that the election of a Railroad 1 Commission to succeed Maj. J. W. Wilson Was now ia order. i ' Ux. B. L. PattersMij or Caldwell placed iu nonlt)t(pn Haj. J, Wm- Wilson as his own eoccesBor. V - I The tellers' reported that Mai. Ji W. Wilson had 118 votes in the House! and 48 In t he Senate, no votes being I east against bim.1 Ha was therefore Cecarea elected fcr the tens ot six yeers,;. , :m . r"'ptoei I for every thing"fS" 'And everything in Its ptaoe.'' Tbere should be a-' pleoe for everytbUg," There tea 'phuty to bay your Clothing, Hats and Bhoea that place is at Howard'. When yon Deed any of thtxM things! call on OB.- Our idea Is to give! yon your money's worth every ; time. We have Jnst received a new Ipt of Gloves, kid, tnooua and cloth, j Do yon new d a cuit. Il bave s"y to New Berne Fair Premium List. Class D. Live Stock Department. E. B. Hackburn and J. AV. Stewart, Directors. Hones, Mare and Colts. Thoroughbred. Best each, stallion, 2 years old and over $15; second do. $10; brood mare colt by her side $15; second do. $10; entire colt 8 years old and under 4 $5; entire colt, 2 years old and under 3 $5; colt 1 year old and under 2, $5; filly, 3 years old and under four $5; do. 2 years old and under 3, $5. For the above, pedigrees must be shown. Horses, Mares and Colts. Other than Thoroughbred. Best each, stallion, 4 years old and over $15; second do. $10, brood mare four years old and over, colt by her side $10; entire colt, 8 years old and under 4 $5; entire colt, 2 years old and under 3 $5; filly 3 years old and under 4 $5; single harness mare or gelding $5; pair double harness horses, mares or geldings, $10; best sad dle horse, mare or gelding $5. colt under one year old, $3, Mules ami Jnris. Best jack $5, jennet $5. Note. Premiums, to ,!e awarded to none but the finest quality of jacks and jennets. Best mule colt, il years old and over. raised in North Carolina, $."; mule colts 2 years old and under three raised in North Carolina, $5; mule colt 1 year old and under 2 raised in North Carolina $;t, best pair of mules owned in the State 12 months $5. Cattle. Thoroughbred. Bst each, bull, any breed, $10; second do. $5; cow for dairy purposes, $10, sec ond do. $3; yearling bull $2; yearling heifer $2. Cattle. Other than, Thoroughbred. Best each, cow for dairy purposes $5; second do. $3; yoke of oxen $5; second do. $8; pen of fat cattle, not less than 5, $15 Hogs. Best each, thoroughbred boar any breed $3; sow $3; boar not thoroughbred $2; sow not thoroughbred, $2; pen of fat hogs not less than six $5; pigs under ten months old not less tlian 5 pigs, $5; glar gest fat hog to weigh not less than 400 pounds. $5. Sheep and Goats. Best each, thoroughbred buck $3; thor oughbred ewe $3; native ewe $;!: pen ol this year's lambs not less than 5 $; l t and largest exhibits of thoroughbieds not less than ten, $5. Note. Judges will be particular in ex animing tags, and only award premiums as entered for. Pediirrees will be re- (piired on all thoroughbred stock. Speeial Iluh's. No animal will be sinned a place until properly entered bv the Secretary. Animals not ready ii time ami place will lie ruled out lor com petition. Comfortable stalls for horses and cattle and pen for hogs, sheep, etc., will be furnished. Feed issued to slock every morning and evening, during the Fair, free ol chirge, and particular care and atten tion phown them. Class E. Polltrv Dkpahtmknt. W. II. Bray, Director. Asiatic. Bast trio light brahmas, dark brahmas, buff cochins, white cochins, partridge cochins, black cochins, black laugshaus and white langsbans, $2 each. Games. Best trio black biea ted red, brown breasted red, Indian, red pyle and white, $2 each. Hamburg. Best tlio silver spangled, golden and golden pencilled, $2 each. Mediterranean. Best trio brown leghorn, white and black leghorn, white face black Spanish and minorcas, $2 each. Polish. Best trio white crested white, gulden bearded and silver bearded, $2. Bantam. Best trio Pekin, white, silver seabright and game. $1 each. American. Best trio barred 'Plymouth rocks, white Plymouth rocks, golden, silver and whito wyandottes, black javas. white jnvas, Jersey blues and dominiques, $t each. Best pen, of thoroughbred fowls, not less tban 8 hens and 1 cock, $5. Best and largest collection ot above named fowls by one exhibitor, not less than 7 varieties, $10. Turkeys. Best trio bronsed, $3; brown and white lleach. Duck. Best trio rouscovys, Pekin and Rouen, $1 each; puddle SOo. ' Otm, Quintal and Pi a Foul. Beet trio toolouse, breroen, china, hong kong, poland ' snd wild, $1 eafh; pea lowlt, $8; white guineas, $1; native, do. SOo. "'. :..-;V' j - -' TotsVompeteut tart, will t in charge,' and particular cars and attention showa them."' 4 " y Class?. Ccxihahy DxrAjmnacT. ' ; Alex Miller, Director. , jA CommitUe: Miss Mary Roberts, 1 Mrs. O. Marks, Mrs. Dr. Primrose, Mrs. B. B. Wafers; Mrs. John Dunn, Mrs. 8. R, T' '.' V . T. K. C -v E. Pantry Supplies. Best 5 pounds North Carolina butter, $2; second do. $1; 5 pounds suet $1; 10 pounds beeswax $1; 1 gallon strained honey $1; 10 pounds honey comb $1; best pcc!( each dried by natural process, apples, peaches, pea.is, figs ' and berries $; best and largest display of dried fruits, four or more varieties $2; gallon of North Carolina apple vinegar $1; North Caro lina hams. 3 to be exhibited. $2; smoked hoine-ma le sausage, 25 pounds to be ex hibited, $1; 50 pounds stand home-made lard $1 . Jellies. Best glass apple, black berry, grape, peach, pear, quince, strawberry, whortle berry, cranberry, orange and lemon 25c. each. Best and largest collection and display of jellies, not less than 8 varieties by one exhibitor, home-made $2. Vet nereex. Best jar preserved apples, peaches, pears, lonmtocs, quinces, plums, mul berries, strawberries, citron, gr.ip.'s and ligs, 25 cenls each. Best and largest display of p.-.s ncs nol lt"- iil:i:i irs by u:i,- ;,; c. liiliilur. ! i , in ic ic. 2. Jlii riiHiliitli . Hist lipplc and Murkbeirv tinni; li.uli or j:o,:, 25 cents c.icli; do. i;c!i .iid quince nurninia'le 25 cents e ieli. t'uttl;'! ''rititi it, id Vtijil'ihli .-. li,--t canned peaches, pears, quince-, tomatoes, (-orn, lima beans and peas, .() cents each. Best collection and display of canned j;oods, not less than six kinds by one ex hibitor, hoine-maile, $5; best anil large! exhibit by Noith Carolina factory $25. HVdC, Cider and Iirandij Fruit. Best scuppernong wine, not less than three bottles $1; apple cider, not less than three bottle $1; wine from any other grapes, not less than three hot ties fl; best blackberry cordial, cherry cordial. peach cordial, brandy peaches and bran dy cherries $1 each, best and largest dis play of above not less than 4 kinds $2 Street Pcfjles. Best swsct pickled green tomatoes. watermelon, peaches and pears, 50 cents each, best and largest display of above four kinds .',' II PieUen. 1'ei-t j ir cucumbers, onion, cabbage, green tomatoes, artichoke-, tiiatmoe pep pers, tomato catsup, pepni r ca'sim and chow chow, !, ( lion and il kinds Hir. 5(1 cents each, best I spin-, of above not lc-s tlmi f.tl.r. fruit i ke $1: t.id Ilre.td. ake. 2; c, Best each chocolate c ii. ut and pillMld, jelly. :e 75 cents each gold and ilvcr ( Best and large ake 7: t dis, f c.k not less tlnin 5 kinds if'2.50. Best lo. il bread oil cents; doi-ii roll- 50 cents; plate of biscuit 50c, and !e.t and largest display o' bread by one exhibitor in t,ii- "!-; ir:- nient $1. Jhf t'li'tld rrti I'tnltr l' Yt'tf.i. Best loaf bnad, dozen rolls, ii.se, lit. pound cake, jelly cake, prcsirws lain variety,) jelly (any variety.) sweet pickles (any variety.) sour pickles any arioW, 25 cents each. Best and largest exhibit by i. child of the above articles, not less than live kinM2 Best and largest displav of fancy dishes by one exhibitor not less than ioiir kind in this department $11; second do. $2. WEATHER SEWS. A (irueral Fall of Snow, and Severe Cold From Maine to Carolina. Advices from Washington state that according to telegraphic advice received at the Weather Bureau, a storm started in northern Montana Tuesday and came slowly eastward over the Middle Missis sippi Valley, where then- was but little fall. Il centered Wednesday night in West Va-, and gradually took boutlieai tcrlv and iiorthea-liTly courses, spreading over Noilii Carolina. Maryland. District ot Columbia, fenns h ani.t. Niw Yolk, and all o) New England. Tin re was very little wind, mid the llieiinoinetcr did ,i tail orcaily eNocj.l in n:'a,lie iustaace,. but 11 will be colder 1 miollo.v all over the Middle Atlantic and New England Stales. Olticials of the Weather Bureau wit this is the deepest snow that ims fallen in the sections indicated for several years, and they anticipate much interruption of railroad traffic. The snow is four incites deep east of tnc Allcglmnirs from Maine to North Carolina, and it will lie six inches by nightfall. A. A N. C. R. It. Passenger Department. January 13th 1893. To ail agents A. & N. C. R K: Helernng to circular dated January 11th, 189S, in regard to the ceremonies attending tbe inauguration of Governor Carr. The date of the inauguration should be January 18th. instead of Janu ary 80th. 8. L. Dill, G. P. A.Q Proposals Wanted. Proposals to furnish water to the city of New Berne, will be received Op to and incIudingiJanoary gut 189S. M - . O. WALLAOSJ, ':. s r - " '',": ' City Clerk EOIBTTQ L01H it 4?er0int IITERliT ON EIGHT TEaKST TIMB.:; ' - Come vonrself aud learn th narticn lars, We loan on Real Kstate security be it In towu or la the eoiintrv. Apply to ISAAC II. r ITIT, R. WAYSini; NOTES. FROM UKV. KUWAKI) BILL HIS FAIR TRIP. ON Charlotte and its Attempt to lie "Dry" - Itnf heifoKlton. Charlotte poses as tlu tjueen city, and with her twelve or thirteen thousand peo ple, is pressing closely upon the Capital city. If life is worth living, Charlotte is a good place to enjoy il. Here a man can do good, and get good and make money. A year ago we were nt the Bulbrd Hotel. It was the last night of the last day of "91 and the lingering sands of the "wettest" dav ol'all the round year were fast running out. At the stroke ot twelve, a new and "dry" era was to In-gin And so a multitude hotel and out ol' it Una! moment v. i,e:i their la-t "iiigol cap well to tile ,!ea! oi, union ur.ate I li'i'iu e of ." , e! e -v mi a tie iplc in the waiting the ht put oil v said lare 1 it It 11 that -o in . 11 v on t'e-ir "I ,; the la . ! 1 1 hat i'.i e.11 -.0 :.- ti ' ... . 1 .1 - I Cil.ii ' -'Ull'.l'l oil I' telllpel-iai , 1 lllelll. II! t driiikii'v. Ii ,; it' ,1 I'll'. I -. 'i;.rt -lilt 1- n o) I ti ll I! I ia ,th i 1 tain told g ,.l 0, t: grei 1 , pial tb 11- I:. 'I'ellip'M is legi;.! I and will nt 1 ; 1 1 1 ut e. That (ICS ,ro rhey are conftont- Mlice li tion re. legislation 1-- a- !i ,uniati ngaiii-l liiuhwav i d il , r v , be a effective when public supports it ill I lie same de time is coming. lJr ihibili-ni libit -the "antiV ' know that. not fighting a theorv, that are ing a condition. Vcrv little is doing to arouse a'ld Ncal de Don velop the public .-eiitinieiit. aid thai bclnri the Maine lav Vfft- cnae ted, "the slate was sown kmc deep with teiiipi.'ianee lioeiiiiieuls. ur)i a sowing in North Carolina, would weld an alniii- daiit hai'Te-t. A leinpei am i- literature iinperativel., iliauanded. And public s.ntimeiit i wrong oiijee livi ly. It is directed against drunken u s. and not against itrinking. II men will drink, they will gel diiuil. that ia niot of them will 1 he wrong i- in llii: lira article, n,, in the s' cond. The ciiiirchcs discipline lor lntoieat ion, not lor drinking. John B. (iougii. tue mosi eminent and ttloipiiait ot tempi rain e oratoi, sai 1 that i was altogether w lone, tnoi-i ot the tem perance nu n are a ! oi tliat opinion. One uienibrr driks a I, ,v tiim-, I met in toxicated, and i-. I'iniel out ol the eliillcli. liot lie: -b lill.s t ,v ice in hilleli, but as he can cany il he :., lint :in good standing. The ipn st ion i - , in id. , I. not in the merit of grace, ot the ,uk of it. of it, but in muscle cm ,i though iod sa s ill his w ird, that he ol a man. a man of 'e .!" r.-ie, lire III tile le; We heard i.il not lit ' three pl.M' lier him on ClirUlma- d.i illing "Die k Moi .i igoroiM leiiiperance aeiiuired more t lian peri ap- it sllollel ie allowancf. Il il n,,t Ii Tlir tel'ipel.nae ivloll.. milted lo the church the and social c'lstoin lion ia not be nipporleil. even fur outside the church, if thev ported in it. The best man can do is t set a may and ought to do much , nothing can oll'.rt in store lor toward inlliicncc of an uiisali The use of wine is at tin bolt subject, 'flic proper interrogation is what we shall drink, I ut w tietiit r shall drink. ' Thou that ah dost thou commit sacrilege and ever rrccrring ipicstion. we reach the musses '," w ill ,.111:1 1,1 The vital "How lull be hi ri. , I far toward its solution, when Christian men. ol high or low dcgr.e. arc Hiding to accept and act upon the high principle, that they "nill ,!,i:ik while thi' world stamleth. it it brother to offered. '' , Hrnililll'ollDToN lliitherlordloii is a line little nearly a thousand piople. sinial. the "liill country,' lull in s'.gh! tilul iiiountaiu ranges li i. a'.o iniics from Charlotte, am ! I ho I '. i u 1 1 i.i to w me I, ,un ol o ...ill ciglu;. rout b. out "I the I is -kill ' I nice ;lt- the I 'arolina (Vnlral. t.iki sand and into the re.i e'a with 1 1 ' 1 1 - villages w .1!. '. ,1 in ti i s I I' Xw Ni-v ::!. ..:,. I'ci inauenl and I musical Hoiu .!. ,sf I I, UlS K.i t-"lass I'ablc ! New l lea . le.ls Wh"':l T"ll come to the t II dou r t'.ul io CtII oo us. Stables ami shtdicih vpeival aiiiiugeiiiciits mn le 1 nee .in ItooiltS uio'latiou of vihit, rs lo t ho r'aii can be engag'ai in ndvai.ee Meals served at u I hours Mb Is, la to 2Jo. Lodging, 8rc i: C. IiMDEN, JlOdwtMarl I'lopiiotoi. The firm heretofore itjnr as Har- sod iSfc Basdtn has been dissolved, J. I) Parsons retiring and ) C Basden r mainlng in oharge AH claim held by the former management are required to be settled with the present owner, 0. U liaaden , Attention, Look To Your Interest. ill no pleas- n 1 tinnnci.il and I j S j Mietin-.'. mjIWMWI II Wile T It II i a he .is I man ol s.i. 'n 1 :pie. .1.1,. l.aTej al leplital ,on. , i',i w nil - M.i.-; i l.e t ; 111 . - " Itioll is I o,- I I i j , 1 i i ng hlil'ii - j Miglle, ...ml j a brief tl:,.'i a.r, not sup j any Clir!s;i.ui I I C.ll.lle lie' ., S .ii not , Br ailing at the store of - ALEX. MILLER, on Broad street. The entire stock will he sold CIlEil FOB CASH. Crcc': , 0WDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, liidiest of all in leaveniog strength. I.atfbt United Statics Govirhhmt Koon Bki-okt. itovAL Bakino "Powdkb Co., 108 Wall Mt NY. m, Yin. TBOS. DA!lEU.Ilsi rrMa. G. B ROBERTS, Cashier. The National Bank, NEW BEENE, N. 0 1N0OB1-O8ATED 1865. '.;nt?l, ir:iius $100,000 .its ProStB, - DlBECTOBfl. " A. Bhyan Thos. Damtsm. Hif. 8 P-HT AN J. H. HaOUOBH, J.no Dunn L. Habtbt, O. R. KOB1BTS Oi iOSiVAY ft BRO. Stationers and Booksellers, Hive on hand a large stock ot Blank Books tabids & Carters Inks Typewriter Supplies. Drauhtman's Paoer, Document Envelones, xninnon' Fibs and Binding Cases A'. 'ej il h the finest line or VV rir.i rAg- Faper in town. A: '; p-.i-K and Periodicals blX'EIVEl) DAILY. eceived L' r LAPSES' -'a' eh Will Be Sold y ry Low CASH!! Call early and, SAVE MONEY in the'Mauri iioiv. Itit -! the 11. i cxan.pie. mi ol tiie I . .. .. I. : 5 N!t!''.'i'; ' ; chaie ot a hanitonie Jacket' am 1 -ro r-Mroad. C-'i'il'-rw:, ' .1, K', i ' H, "'t i wi-l r a f' .' .... J jl'J ly flnn'l ?' r., Kew I o, A. C.