"JOTJIWJi.' .mrouLTRTRAim , UTS. BUEEDS ASD flOW 15 JEOCEED IX THE A few Remarks lo Beg-ard to Poultry ; ' 'Balslnr. " - , "3. Editor? iltte retnarHablp t" t ft tbe present diy, in rhgrtoit i . lor wb.iV are termed ra- ; ions many good (stmw nwl laehanios are spoiled la endeavor ing to make lawyers, doctors or preachers of themselves when il lty had stayed on the farm thm might have filled honorable ami independent positions and sneers , ; have been. theirs. But we fiyd our farmers moving into tbe citien and -towns; and; "for what! " They Pay ' to educate their children. Would : -;HnOt pay best to board their ciiil- dren and tbey remain on the farm t ."'1 .They might have a borne where tin ' ; .'-whole family wonld be interested. , Sv- Givaa'few acres to the ndo trious housewife and children to ''. , the raisins; of Improved ponlnj ; r jar thero is nothing connewed witl ,v-y-' poultry raising: but what a lady : snanaga equally as well as the o-hei . ;w MX1 Jtt gives work to the children " : who greatly enjoy their nh au oi :H'tiMi daily .datiei of caring loi tin ' fowls. It is a business that mnko country life interesting and attache . .. US to Out rural Homes and tw.ke .C - them far more pleasant. Ai : i disposed j-s may find w'y men'. llPl Jiealtn and profit in tin n ib, ; they will undertake it rigii h a.-d t f!pnn tt diligently. a'-'Foaltrj'ratoingfor a profit i. -X iV light-Omployment, requiring o: A;r;'tjOBm-ttil regular and vm I- i attention which mnt be u'i-b !! .-C11! businesa to insinre mk.-i-i V"' ; Ths one secret of success is t' V ,Vnghne88. - The chicken him fewularly fed with a variety f Mir "A- Msfood Ad . fresh water 5 n .' .house '.'kept free of vermin. Mv "-''' houses are cleaned every ioitm ' s aad aprinkted with slaked I a. iVii''Wl keepe off vermin, I tin') I , ';"' the beat disinfectant I ever h.m-iI ' Poultry confined to clone qurfer ' Vvaiust be supplied with evervthitm , , aeoessary for their health, or thi s t.' viul will lose flesh, become diseased ami " s;Termla have full sway. Fowl- are 'T- provided by natnre with a supply ,'., Of bodily oil to repel the vermin 1 which they are subject. If heni-h they are not so much troubled w- 'I tbesejmltes, unless a severe w mi -. ; iV''; 4iMteibhee the supply or vrie ci vii v, food, when they become wrk ,r.i leaa the amount of natural :; weases and vermin increnst H. ""There is one tning wiucii 1 J.'Coetf.'BOt supply whieh U quite vaeeessary lor lowis 'mat 1 c 1 'SVTi Go!." Charcoal made of wo-d o '; not answer the purpose, i r l 1 - , taste of food, la not attr..c: fowls and is seldom eaten i r in- ii! i The best charcoal for r bcm in m t rbyputting ears of com in use ii ;'yand roasting n-itil tbe rr.ini -,-. , . charred, then mve to th- :--v, , i--? Thia will be fouud very h-i:eti.;-. . T- i for them, will tend to pi 10 tt,. m u a healthy condition, hfiicr- di-r-' , improvement will be mid in r. 1 ' 1 looks. AU pale combs will r-rp ui, . bright red. that busy fmt id' r Hag will, be heard .ii.i ii-; yu eggs greatly ioi-n u . d. ftri r 1 .. ... 1 1 .11 s-. quarters exorcice - " r ;;.;'' ed by throwiu f straw or hay for the It.-u-. i-. . ' v?iivWls like a variety ot ,'ot, 1 ; 1 I need animal food in winiec or t. ' A t I. nll T? . , OUUIUIVU 1U DUiUII jaiu.ii 1 11 Im email in - t summer, if allowed to ruu at it f ?, rr J they get it in the shape of i, but in winter where no in .-.- -.. ,i v r. a he found the deficiency urns i), pplled. i". VKeep fresh water in clean v. i l -4 betsre them. No one ni't-d t xin---M f tOsucceed in raisin t; pnnin 1 n w" lOWip HI" VID wuijriirii II iiiiih - JfrimfBtagnant pools. " Vp IUhiu . among poultry w.-ui. , rarely occur if tbe ki-epnin ..tut.. ; t give their fowls proper care mm-, T-'"'tWfnartltnlar. The difference l'- w. ( . "" 'J,aa egg laid by a plump. r t - ,, LI headed with good frewh f 1 11..1I,, tTMd n egg laid by one il.m. 1 1-. i , l'lte& U as great aa tin- ; if i- . 'N I between good beet and 11 . V ill. mM . I s - inwi ihu UII ifMiii iifr - 1 V with rcrt littli- t-r i HV f kind, may lay egg, to i. m,; . . ' . used for eake they w.ll epi. .in. .1 ; - ..weak, watery way over ci- ri-n '. v.jITitook a milky white, instti-nl 1 1. .v . ro'tng a rich slightly yellow r 1 1, a -.' 'T,'',?rtoi. igg". retains its t-it.n- " ; ;.tv,AifiB r.nii nAn.r.inir rir Tin. i m .- " " t with more resistance and rim m.u ''' . the conviction that on sie n-i-l. ''-'v' 1.1 . .V I L. i ,. n .1. .. rK' 7 0 : ,.iMS. water, - - . -t?"" Thoroughbred poultry h n e i kVgN IVI J call O W IVU " i v ri -T3Tcreasing tneu laying qaiuitie, ;i I lnMoA chair iilA. X havt been . racing fine It- I fowls for several years, have ., u-. .1 laBiost all varieties but have diomd , ed all from my yards now but pur Balls, Partridges, White Oocbinx, ' ElacK jjaagsnan, Barren riyinnm h ' ; Kocks, Silver ' Laced Wyaudof, White Crested White Pollrih. Tou .1 se Qeese and Bronze Tarkes I Lks these named the best of all t!i6 different birds for egg and ' "V h I chip ' fowls and ; eggs 'o na..y Etatea With success and have r ' many friends. a question has been naked 1 1 s reepingot pure bred poultry -.It will pay if conducted with t t -cr care that all buinew . 1 ia order to seonre; suo. Al.-iost every one whd,.say ' -n gone on successfully : -ic ess tbey understood, t!.o Atlantio Ocean.' J v4 ;,o comprehend its area and r.r wii d-iths. Yot that vast area was spanned by, and those unfathomable depths were made to vield to the electrlo wire, and now, these far on and unseen regions serve, put; to aid the telegrapnie agency in transmitting its messages at lightning speed. A rwpndrous illustration this of what man can do when, be says 'I will." t ' i .... '..,.,..... w. H. Beat, t ITeW Berne, K. O. Vfonderfnl Electricity. When we first saw electric oars propelled through the streets by tbe invisible current and first rods on them, it seemed to be a strange i.nd novel experience; but now rid iug ou an electric oar is adaily and (inn luonpltioe thing in nearly every city ia the United States. Nobody speaks of it as strange or wonderfnli The electric furnace or beater for heating up1' buildings will be jost.as common, in a few j p-tra from now as electric cars or rlectrio hells. Oue of tbe most elegantresidence unions of St. Louis is known as Vrtudeveuter Place. Arrange ments are now being made bj "bleb eveiv residence on this iilace" will be not only lighted mil: alt.o heated by electricity. Tbe in o.lt., who live on the "place," will have an eleotrio light, power out heating plant on an adjacent tre-.t. From there wires will !.mvy the wonderful current to i-ver.v residence on the "place' laming it mid beating it. i 1 1 1 bo wealthy inhabitants of iii-.- "iiiace" have enjoyed this lnxwn Kii while, it is possible li-ir it . iimj- ne cheapened enongb (1 hut people of modest means ' have their houses heated bj . WiViiciti. Word and Works. A Balloon for the Kaiser. i n - mi in of 50,000 markes (2 cm) ninch rbe German emperor ... j n -1 presented to tbe German s c 1 in i- 1 ue Promotion of Aerial .-. 4 lou l-r the advancement of -.:UMice is to be devoted to the c Mi .mil i qnipment ot a y , il .il.ioil. i' 1 - liKnin will be as high as a four Mtoriiid house, will be fifty .six leer lu diameter aud it will contain uo 1. hs than 2,530 cabio meters of g i.s. It will be made of Egyptian c iriou n t i 1 il', and will be coated vi h vu!eaiiiZLd gum, which is con Hidereit better thtu varnish. A r .-it her interesting feature ot Ii-.iIdou will be the provision o 1. . jcci.a v.ilveol'auew kind, which .1. d' i'i t he i;s pure for a longer i n., uud therefore sustain the . in .11 fot a longer period. It is jiiopii.-cd to make within a year no i.r.sth4ii fit y journeys with thebal i io'i :i 11 (1 to ascend as high as pos- -11 Ii-, 11 1 to 33,000 feet if necesary, ' ii iii-iticiid respiration. Ow r 100 will be expended in ' :.-nij; M'ientiGo apparatus lor ii., n.iiiDon. Experiments will, if :-'S : ! i i tiimulraneoasly made .ilier balloons to farther vl-- i.iii'ihe physical conditions t in ii-roospbeie. Pall Mall illlcL't-t. Interest Growing. Tli ii a considerable awaken- ,,,, ! i-g nil over the country on the sub-ck-' j "f rinidn. :-i!iiitiv Dur'ierow.of III i- iil M.ijuit to the- present - : 'nil to create a bureau h. to he underthe direction Sf-ererary of Agriculture. It d II- t lie duly of this bureau to I-.; information, to investigate nuking machinery, to collate i. 1 codify the laws of the various :.! h, from them all to prepare a tiunf-i ;:! law and present it to the Ii gisla'nres for passage. The hill names an appropriation ui $10 000 to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to make inquirers in regiini to the system of road in 1-i-iiit'tit throughout the TJni n r! 8' t.'?, to pursue investigations ;h to the best met bods of road mak in;.'. t j.r.-.nre publications on tbe uiij ei snitrthle for diatribution, .1 d ro ennhle him to assist the ag ruMilrniiil colleges and agricultural ex .eriment stations in dissemina ting information on the subject. Durham Bun. AT BIO IKE'S. I'i': Ik 's is the store, whose wide open ilror, fin IiiiiL'ly who's von to enter, n hi re h ii'L'inmi abound, both up stairs mid down, In 1 i-rniiiimd from circumference i.rntre. to lie will (rent you so fair, with dealings so H(iinre, 1 mi win ten nil your mends with amaza 1'iiey ciin do os they like, I will trade with Hifj Ike, from now to the end of ray days. Should n lnrue dcalcj fail. Bin Ike's at 1 1 lie Rule, And I Hive in the whole of the stock. lie ones nothing rash, just pays pays out ( tlic cash And 1'. he's as firm as a rock. Come buy what you wear, you'll have I cast) to spare 1 The hard times no lontrer lament Jfwith Hie Ike you spend, yonll nod in the end Ii was money judiciously spent. When he gets Mb steam ferry, we'll all he bo merry, We'll give him the grandest ovation We'll give him our trade, and have parade And hurrah lor Big Ike's legislation. , Jiotlee. ' Application will be made to tbe next General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the charter of the cityol New Berne.- : By ioMler of the Board of City Coundl. 'v.- W : ' City Clerics New Berne, N. O, Dec. 84thI8a. ! h THE NEXT rOTTOlif CROP. Probability of a Big Planting Conse- .' qoent ttlnt and Iow Prlees. . . JudiriDe from tbe Charlston News and Conner some of the; cotton planter of that State art loamtr their heads in con sequence, or the sdvance in tb : price of cotton ana are preparing to plant large crop tbe coming Spring. ' Some of our state papers report to tne tame effect, it is hard to make some men learn sens .by experience. ; Impelled apparently 5 by some irresistible agency, tbey will ran on in the same old rats, and if by , accident or otherwise they get out, they ..will get right back acain. , 4 ' ; ' There is no more doubt that the advance' in tbe price of cotton has been .the result ot the reduced production of the last year than there is that the earth receives its neat from tne sun, and there is no doubt either that the reduced production was the result, with other causes, of the reduction of acreage. There was an ob ject lesson that no intelligent planter could not understand, and yet there are doubtless thousands who, not profiting by it, will get right back into the same old ruts and so to wearing their finger nails off scratching gravel as they had.be fore last year, been doing for years. If only a few did this it would not make any material difference, but the probabilities are that when the few begin others will think it general, come to the conclusion that there is no use of their planting a small crop while all others are planting a large crop, and will do like wise, the result being thai, with favoring seasons, there will be aiothet large crop followed by low prices. Wilmington Star. Eupaps? This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it to fully enjoy life, Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thou aands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boom. And yet it may be hod by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to direct tions and the use persisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepay. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dys pepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold for 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by P. 8. Duffy, druggist. TUTT'S PILLS are" enemies to dis ease. ORDER OF UNITY, The Leading Fraternal Benevolent Accident, Sick and Disability, Sevan Tear Endowment Order. PAYS TO irs MEMBERS: 120 per week In case of sickness or accident, 1400 in case of total disability or death, 11,000 at the expiration of seven years. Read tbe following Testimonial of one of its members: Naw BiKica, N. o., Nov. 4th, WW. MS. HlBKI J. OKIEB. Dep'ty Uuprme Organizer. Order of Unity. Dear Bir and Bro. 1 lake tbl opportunity to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of Forty Dollar (110) In full and mttifactory Mttlement ot my claim against yonr Order for Uovukt' sick benefit. I with to ex pren my hln appreciation of the courteous manner in which I have been treated by yon and the Supreme Officers In tnli matter, and I auu'e yon that 1 shall not hesitate to say a good word for the order whenever an oppor nnlty pressots Itself. wlihlng yon every snooeas. 1 am. Yours In Fraternal Bonds J. G. BUTTON. Ladies and Gentlemen can join this Order on equal terms. Organizers Wanted Everywhere, To whom Liberal Terms are offered. Send Fob Liteeattjrb. HENRY J. GREEN. Pep3uB?eme Organizer for N. O., New Bern, N. O. C9LUMBIADICYCLES Acknowledged Best in the World. Record Mile in 2 Minutes 2 3-5 Seconds. W. T. HILL, Agent, 7 NEW BERNE, N. C. tf Assignee's Sale. The Stock of Goods assigned to tbe undersigned by Alex. Miller will be sold for Gash at the Miller Store on Broad street, on and after MONDAY, JAN. 9th Inst., at COST PRICES in lots to suit pur chasers. GEO. H. ROBERTS, Assignee. Jan, 6th, 1893. tf BED CLOTHING. By mistake, four times aa many Comforts as we ordered were shipped as. To avoid retarnlat tbem we are making a slaughter of prices. Uonre quick and get your pick. Hotel men and housekeepers, loot to yonr interests. , We eannot be ea nailed on BLAN KETS. We hare m very large stock at remarkably low prions. Among them are superior 11 and 12 quarter ,6; pound latobs'-wool blanketed vs. '. in All other Winter Goods on hand and will be sold at a Great Redao- tlon, Ui BarTingtonr & Baxter. Hardware. HEATING STOVES, a RANGES, also the,., i :' ,. r Famous FARMER GIRfis , , v t. ... COOK STOVE wPattDBAnEYiiv ; . , Boutb JP ront bt., ew lierns, H. C. ooorvoo - I 11' ot!-., n r 1 f w Dli.Ji l-I.v J L , bowel Mid mre ttiiquiiea m n anti- fj bUloiM mtxUciiM. Id maiwrita i (riots O their Tirta mrm widei raoofritiaed mw they poiMM yetmlimr property 4m U freeinc the rotten tmm tntU poieoe 01 Prioe, 5e. Ortoe, Pmrk Flaws N. T. USE-IUTT'3 1-Al.i Lrt;" QapwfwtlmltatloaiofiuitTOiteiaoii D I Ultlaaitwtlb Wo 1 per bam. tfAOAOO OO O O OATP'flB Valuable' Towri Proper Property.' By vlrtne of 'jndmnt 6f the Snnanor Court of Omvneouiii7,t wUl,oa g i Monday, February , 1893 T WBLVX olsloek. Uii at tbe Coat Boom In Newbern, aeu tne man an lxt, ii Union Point, now oeeapled hy Mr. P. C. Bmaw. , r j TermaOaatu GRAB, a CLaUK? , Onsamlaalor. Newbern, Jmm. t, 18Sfc ' v. r Wanted M Oss; Bids for THREE HUNDRED POLES thirty feet long, sot leaa than sight inohes at the top, heart oypress. Also, THREE THOUSAND CROSS TIES, heart ploe or cypress, either sawed or hewed. Immediate delivery, - Nkw Berks Watke, Electric Light and Railroad Co., R. P. WILLIAMS, nJ8 dwlf Maoatrer. Call No 4. Bonds of Craven County, North Carolina Notice is hereby given that the follow ing Craven County Bonds of the denomi nation of five hundred dollars have been this day drawn for the sinking fond of said county, in accord an oe with an Act of Assembly authorizing their issue, as fol lows: Numbers 8, 20, 80, 93, 98. 108. 142, 149, 154 These bonds will be paid, principal and accrued interest, to Jan. 81, 1898, upon presentation of the same at the National Bank of New Berne, New Berne, North Carolina, oh or before Feb. 1st, 1898. Interest on the above hoods will cease on and after Jan. 81, 1898. By order of Board of Commissioners. ja5 JAMES A. BRYAN, Chm'n. At Dunn's Yeu Will Find A LARGE STOCK, well selected bought low, and for sale at prices to suit the hard times. Call and be convinced. To my stock of GROCERIES I call the housekeeper's attention. It is complete in every branch, and a visit will satisfy yon that all vour wants can nere ne nued. . .... Special attention is called to tnv Fresh Roasted Coffees, the excellent quality of wnicn is arawing custom every day. I am also agent for Chase ft San home's Celebrated Roasted Coffees and Fine Teas. . v.. BUTTER The very finest only 80 cts per id. ARRIVING EACH WEEK A fresh supply of Van Derveerft Holmes and Holmes ft Coutt's excellent Cakes. Crackers, Wafers, Maccaroqns, etc. 1 BY EVERY STEAMER I am receiving Florida Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Cranberries, Celery, Apples, Figs, Raisins, Nuts, Dates, citron, uurrants ana mines. IN STOCKS Shafer's Meats, Vermont Maple Syrup, French Peas, Jockey Club Sardine.' , Macaroni, Fine Cream Cheese, Elai Cheese, French Vegetables in Glass, Asparagus, uecsers Prepared Buckwheat, Lemons, Cling Peaches, Plum Pud- ding, Olives. A call will be appreciated and satisfac tion in variety and quality of stock and in prices is guaranteed. - . . . My CONFECTIONERY department ia complete, mcca ana quality or stock J am sure win please yon. Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! Odk, Ash and Fine Supplied In Any Quantity, From one quarter ot a cord to one hun dred cords. V 4 : Apply to M. PORTER, Rlverdals, N. O., Or WM. COLLIGAN, New Berne, H. 0. Tab Notice! TAX PAYERS. That I hare bean ordered by Commis sioners of Craven sonnty to settle with. them tbe Taxes do for 1898, on - 1st Monday io February, '93 amd U somplfauMS with this etdet ( shall bs compelled to advertise at onVall par sons wbo bava not paid. i This Jan. 4th, 1898. .,1 JS dwlw W. B. LARB, fusrUi.-; Oeremoniei Attending t TIE IIlUQUSiTiqi DP B07, tai, " as w sV mter' 4 '4 A AA ' AT ' EAIXIQH, AHA G. f , TASSEHOJErArjfST. - ! . w - - - i.... ft tas ' VoaUAsentaA.AV.O.B.11. Tea an aothorlaM to avail' Tansr xa S t the aala of Boaad Trta f lokeu Aram na, staUoa. to UMdtboro and ratam ta ua aooT. xieaaw m aa ma jaa, ista M isia talaalva.vui v. tai, ,K UManaiTat uaoa w mm aa jaa. sut la. FAIta WOtTHD tMF. ft Morah'4 City S4 si I f" TnMarora Si a Srwport SmI T S.Uo Bavalon; .' 76 f -4 - i 1.7 - umui s-noi m iiinuM - i mi - KlranlaM S. I rallinf - newaara SW) Labmuga - .Tt From Hut's, tu ' -. PerefVoia Ooiuahnro to hi-'-i ans f. tOra.HliO, Hinirj .f.,.,.- , or mora, on on tiaLan n. i i n fur ronnStrlp' ,. , i o o o o S U t 'LL, (J. P. A ) .niZAD-TfllC! vr ItIIihtPa-youiOO ' or Ilore i ' Lotstof farmers low their meat for tbe want of good salt, so go to J. F Taylor's and get a sack , of that Turk's bland AlnmBaH and save your meat that tou work so bard to raise. Also, sare money by teeing him before jon buy yonr goods, Abnudaooa of Tobaeoo, ISo. to 20o. - Fins Wines for Christmas and ... holl-sys."--''"; - --ti' , - 5. Beat Cora Whiekey in the oity, recom mended by the doctors for mod loin al purposes, and s full atook -of Liquors for Christmas at the lowest possible prioes, - Dont fall to see hlm.T Siis&ottoo gnarsntoed. " ; ''' ' ' --.1 Foot of Middle street, weet side. ', -. Yonr obedient servant, -, -.!: J. P.-TAYIOBI E. K. BISHOP'S Office and Warehouse has been moved into the brick building at the rear of the Cotton Jan8 lm HORSES AND MULES. A GAR LOAD OF Select Horses & Pulas FROM ST. LOUIS,' The Best in the World For General Use, JUST RECEIVED AT F A.m Jones 8chedule'B" Tax. NOTI0E. 'Office or RkgIsteb Or Dbsds, Craven County, N. C, Jan. 1, '98. J AU merchants, traders, liquor dealers, keepers of ferries, commission merchants, auctioneers, and all others in Graven county who are required to liat their purobaaea, receipts or sales, as tbe case may be, under BobeduM '-B" of tbe Rev enue Laws of North Carolina, are hereby notified to list tbe same at ray offioe during tne . ttrst ten flays in January, 1898, for foods, etc., purchased since July 1st, 1898, to January 1st, 1898. W. BIO OLE. J410d Register of Deeds. A PRESCRIPTION t JX'-'sWa-4. Tss2i tjswreUa. i net is easy to tate, within reach or tne poorest, and is warranted to curs the wont case of worn-oat pocket-book in existence. - Equal parts of Selection, Tboroncfh Investigation. Honest Dealinsr. Fair Prices sad Enterprise and you have the great trade elixir. We compound tt and keep our patrons supplied. In stances in which all these an prominent ana msny.n - i 4 Very respsotf nlly, llssktrra & Wilisit. ' ITbtice - : On the 6th day of Janhary, 1898, then was stoten irom tne nnaersifnea 1 . . Five United States Bunds of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars esch numbered respectively M886, 8808, 93890. 95888, S889. ,1 Tbeas bonds were tn a band satchel together with other valuable securities, to wit: Certificates of deposit on Citizen an-floa. 108, dated April 14, 189 for S8i5 00; 1,009, same date, for $865.00; 1,010. same date. 11,021 CO, payable to tba order of Geo. 0. Bimmooa, exeeV Also, several notes and mortirages due and payable to the estate of 0. Stephens, dee'd.--- . "-v & V .t:, : Any peraon reooverinr said DroDertv or forniahiag avtdeoew npeo whieh tbe same mav be reoorarad, will, bs liberally rewarded,. GEO. H, Exeoutor of XJi fltanbani. - R.B Kriosi and W.Mooaav.aw, t i 18 lw 'An attonays.j i Ja 'satan ll4l.'ii -iff.?. -. irKI , fWiitV ... . iij nm .v -ye . : . f..--1' ' . .. . -.'.",'. - '- ' --, 1- '' , 'I. aa w .a i . J k-. mmWI f - i'n , .4 " ' i - ... 1 -I.-,. 1 - fit .rrq tpmut LS ' -V. . "V U -V. j-?';"JP"i- EVER'HEARdM I am now in a better condition to 7 help ' you than ever before. " , t 1 HAVE BOUGHT THE u Sultan Stock AT A" ' ' GREAT SACRIFICE! R A Y Will You Come Dojwn And try fcie. I will give TEN . away Hair Week, amounting to ' The man who trades the largest amount -takes his choice, the next largest amount his choice, and so on up to ten. , -'kiJi4. I ; This is worth jour consideration, -and if toil ' have ; a few'' dnlkra to snfinfl Vnti hud better try for. thef "prize. ' . rr.wnen you reaa tms over to some of your who can't read what (do for thern this Fair. : tm .... - - - l .-. ....... ' . Dusiness, DO W't Ul will nave the; 10 diflerent pnzesJJair -Grounds, so .all ;. can. see them:' "I -mean To come to the Fair. A visit to BIG IHS STORE ; will r pay your i expenses Bc-"3. our ;Faif will be the best we hate ever 1 .d. --. ji M : ay ,U.fV 'aif -; -.yur .' ' -;. ' Out )) t ' mn:in.i . :acuiT;DjB ... , 1.: v - i ." : . . Hi. rjr . DIFFERENT PRIZES . - - . ' -.- "a i l . ',- ..., -;i, please turn ?tne paper friends, and, tell; those , BIG . IKE ia , coins: to . - w . rjr -, . "'" .. '. tvi . ii .v .f . , -. ' FAIL i ... w . V, -' -A N.u JV T" 1 -r-'t r.'k1 Bra J. ,J L . . Ji v..i ' ...... r V