- I f If J y I, I 1 I OURNAL. VOL. "XL-NO 260 NEW BERNE, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1893 PRICE 5 CENTS. DAILY H JELBj 7 IT J' r x BUSINESS LOCALS. HANDSOME LINE OP BOOKS in stock. At H. L. Hall's FOUND on tbe street A nickle-plated roller about iwo feet long and an inch in diameter. 120 2t. WANTED First class traveling sales men and local agents in each section to handle onr lnbicating oils and grease '-""as a side line on commission. Columbia ' Oil and Grease Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ' j262w WANTED traveling salesmen, we huve good side line. Give reference. Thb Standard C'ioar Factoky. j26 lw. Lynchburg, Va. 1 'OLUMBIA BICYCLES. More money, ' 'brains, skill and patience are expended in keeping up their liirh standard of excellence than of all other wheels com bined. Prices $110, to $100. Cash or installments. Art Catalogue free, dlltf. W. T. HILL & CO., Solo Agents. 10 To Street's Horse Store for Lively. ffl HE Celebrated Saboioso Flor l)e - Habana Cigars. Six for Twenty-five cents at C. C. Green's Duca Stoke, jiov. 2-2m. ; : .; F iINE roadster'sj at Street's horse store. USE DUFFY'S COUGH KILLER cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Thront, etc. Excellent in all affections of the Throatand Lungs, inducing healthy ac tion of the mucous membrane, soothing and healing the same. Is an antiseptic and .germicide. Prices, 10c, 25e. and 50c. per bottle. I ELEGANT Saddlers at Street's Horse yStore. CERTIFICATE of Stock, No. 21, first series New Berne Building and Loan Association having been lost, notice in hereby given that application will be made for a duplicate. dOSlm DANDRUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin Diseases cured by the use of Dairy's Itch Ointment. For sale by F. S. Dui ty, Druggist. FOUR ROOMS in niv residence fur Rent. Also Good ORGAN for sale dec2tt Mits. M. M. IIanfp. BOARDERS Wanted Mrs. W. 1!. Smith will take a tew boarders or let rooms after Nov. 80. Apply nt resi dence, Oaksmith building, East Front street. S ISH, Sacramental, Port and Scupiier "- nong Wines for sale by Jas. Redmond I CALVIN Schaffer's Wild Cherry A Bock and Rye, put up expressly for throat and lung diseases, lor sale by Jas. Redmond. r UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal use, for sale by Jas. Redmond. H UNYADI Jnnos Mineral IWater, the best Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Redmond. PURE Com Whiskey for sale'by Jab. Redmond. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for sale by Jas. Redmond. IMPORTED Holland Gin, Burke s Bass Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, !kfor sale by Jas. Redmond. '7f 000 CIGAR8 at very low figures 1 llVvV for wholesale and retail trade for sale by Mas. Redmond. (i ARRETT'S Cognac Brandy used very raaeh in the sick room. For sale by Jas. Redmond. Senator Smith, of New Jersey, ODght to shine at Washington. He's a patent leather man. An esteemed exchange prints half column editorial asking" Wuni u heart failure anyway!" It is death, me boy, " DOES the fulling off in the number of gentle-men 'intmtiouM(l - .for the Cabinet" mean that the jaw material is exhausted! Uncle Jebby -will have one satisfaction. Tbe next Secretary Of Agrloultnre will have to hump . himself to produce a more wintry ; article than the country has had this season. THE manager of a Naples bank ' was arrested the other day for tak ing 2,000,000 lires. Be might have taken doable that number of liars from the United States and been in no danger of arrest. i A Gbeat to do is being made in flome quarters because the politi cians are fighting over patronage. There is nothing new in this fight ing. It has always been and probably always will be when there la patronage 'to distribute. IT was. really unkind of those who eonooot the swell sooiety news for the country to marry' Mrs. Senator Hearst to a gentleman with whom ': the ' has no .. personal - acaualntaooei Even the most remantioally inclined woman wants to meet her future husband ' before the. marriage ceremony is per formed. S"r-" " Thibb - is $ food - for serldos thought In - the . fact ' , that . tbe poverty of a Senators Bepresen tative In Congress is constant! brought forward as a proof i of il honesty, While . ; this does DotneooHsarlly imply that the rich c- i aredinbonest it comes near - 'i t it to make a guilty man Gail Hamilton continues to throw dynamite at Fort Gladstone, but some how the "grand old man1' continues to hold office and Mrs. Maybriek remains in prison. Oail might get a pointer from the fable of tun Btorm and the sunshine. Suggestions for Congressional mortoen: Henry Cabot Lodge Give me exelusiveneHs or give nu death; Buck Kilgore Open the Door cr I'll kick it down; Jerry Simpson Sock mninro the Senate; Senator YVashburue Less gam hlinrf, more prosperttj: Senator Mills Hoggs are not needed at Washington: ex-Speaker Reed Teoiporiirj crownn are no good; Bailey, of TVx:s No work, nopty (in public); Speaker Crisp Qiipiirty tn the ueoK that wears an il'-titting collar; Senator Teller No music is as sweet as tbe jingle of fiilvei; SeDator Carlisle Deliver us from temptation; Senator Ilill What's in a name so long a it Winn; Representative Holman The l.-ss jon spend the more you'll have; Representative Hoar Tears, vain tears; Springer, of Illinois Doti't strike a man wheu he's down. LOCAL NEWS. NK W A 1) VKlirrsEMESTS. Howard. L. II. Cutler To formers. H. L. Hull Handsome line of books. A basket party will be given by the ladies of the Disciples Chnrch to night at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Hill. The trustees of the New Berne Acade my will elect officers at their annual meeting (Ins afternoon at 4 o'clock. Prof J. Hart gave an exhibiaion ot mystilying tricks last night and dis tributed adveretised gifts among the audience.. Another performance to-night Mr. R. B. Nixon who has been very- diligent in the search for the missing bonds and other papers of Geo. II. Sim mons executor haB succeeded in recover ing them. Tile Morgmiton Herald says the Dani vmit cotton mills will begin building an addition of 100 feet or more to their present plant as soon as the weather will permit. There was a wide range in difference (40 degrees) between tbe two extremes of temperature for the 84 hours ending at G o'clock last night. The lowest was 24, the highest 64. The steamer May Bell arrived from Jolly Old Field yesterday evening and reports upper Neuse river free from ice. The May Bell sails at 9 o'clock this morning on her return trip. Fowlers ferry is temporarily being run as a steam ferry. The Bteamcr Nettie W. was put on when the weather moderated enough for her to make her way through ice and she is still kept on. The Charlotte News says: "Farmers who were in the city to-day confirm the re ports about the birds being killed by the weather and hawks. There will scarcely be any partridges left for seed.'' Ur. R. A. Richardson returned last night from a hunt up the railroad with fifty -six quail, killed by a frieud and himself on an eight hours hunt. He hunted his Irish Setter "Larry," Very fine sport indeed. Jas. Henderson, a young man who says he is from Onslow covnty was arrest ad and jailed last night for stealings teer from Mr. DaVal, near Pollocks ville. He sold (he steer for $25 to John Alfred Boone, a colored up-town butcher, and when arrested had spent nearly all the money. Wood is noW arriving daily in suffl cint quanities to meet all demands. About 80 cords come in by railroad yes terday; the day before there was nearly ISO corda, and more is expected up on today's freight It is beginning also to arrive by water for the wood yards along the river. One or two boat loads came up yesterday. Louisa Hilton, a colored woman of Washington city favorably known to some of our best citizens has been in the city under the treatment of Dr. K B. Prim role. ;Sbt UM Considerable means and ays ihe has tued a number of Northern physician! but has found more benefit from the treatment here than from any ib has recived before. The citizen of Fayettevillt in meeting assembled completed arrangements with Prof. Tesei, now of Davis military school for opening a high, grade military ichQOj thefe ofciua ltftof September. ' It ii intended to be run oa a high plane and 919 ;tpt4 jjthafc) ,thrj im ttaaon to believe that two" hundred pupils' will ; A Spillman correspondent of the Twin CUJ Spptind frfui tt Waif tprjrfjfl cold weather that we hart yet heird ai follows; CMilgl&ttB ?r?9tJrlts across. Deep Greek at the ford, clots to the dlL HolodrfiblMiBrXst S fftluraaj. When about half way oyer his .wagon froe fast and ne had toleaVelt ' standing in the rrr'V.. That must have b-n a KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. A New Berne Beneficial Order That is Likely to Expand. The above order which originated in this city May the 22d 1802, by six work ing men banding together for mutual pro tection in the way of small insuiance of such limited cost that any one could meet the payments is becoming ouite popular among all classes of our citixens,and there is a bright out look for its early develop ment into a strong organization with a Supreme Lodge, Grand Lodges and Sub ordeiate Lodges over the country .though at present the operations of the order are confined to this city. The benefits, which membership in the order confers, are $21 for the burial ex penses of each member, and a futher pay ment to thi) heirs of a sum equal to f 1 from each member. A reserve fund suf ficient to meet both payments is kept con stuntly on hand, the intention being to pay the amount to the family of the de ceased member as soon as his death is brought to the notice of the treasurer that the family by this timely aid may be saved from any financial worry so liable to oc cur at times of such bereavement. The expenses connected with member ship, are 50cts. initiation fee, 25cts. per month or $3.00 per year dues, and an assessment of $1 each on the surviving members whenever a death occurs. The membership is now about 150, and is constantly growing. There are accessions at nearly every meeting. At the last meeting three joined, and at a previous meeting there were 15 applications.There has not been a death among the members (luring the eight months since the Lodge was organized. The order, as we said started in New Berne last May. The originators were S. A. Harris, J. T. Lincoln, F. B. Pctta way, Wm. T. Hough, W. II. Bishop ,nd Daniel Kirknan. The officers are 3. Ii. Ball, President J. T. Lewis, Vice-President; M. T. Roberts, Secretary; John Hall, Treasurer; II. H. Tooker, Marshall; G. D. Bowdcn, Deputy Marshall; Jas. Hill, Guard. The Supreme Lodge has been organized with the following officers: J. S. Manix, President; J. K. Willis, S'ice-Presidont; W. B. Bovd, S-cretarv; T. II. Davis Treasurer. II. II. Tooker, Marshal; J. T" Lincoln, Deputy Marshal; J. L. Qtiidlcy, Guard. A charter will be obtained from the present legislature and thon the order will be in shape for spreading out to other communities. For tlise who wish protection for their families at a lime when assistance is generally most needed and appreciated the order offers very good inducement. Coming and Going. Mr. Mark Disosway left yesterday morning to visit his sister, i Mre. Alex Kirkland, of Old Fort. His niece Miss Jennie Curtis, of Old Fort who lhasj been attending Mias Janet JHollister's school accoin panied him on a visit home. Miss Olivia Waters left to visit her sis ter Mrs. C. T. Randolph of Kinston. Mr. J. J. Disosway returned last night from Kinston where ho has been on a business trip. Mr. E. Danenburg retumod from a trip combining business and pleasure. The Washington Progress says: "Some of our aged people tell us that this has been the most severe long spell of cold weather that they have ever seen here. The ice on the river is about eight inches thick and we have seen over a hundred people in a very small area of space and it did not crack. While it has not mel ted much yet we think that the sunshine for the past several days has rendered it unsafe." We do not mean that every farmer should tum his farm into a stock farm but we mean that stock raising should be a part of tbe business of every farm, says the Warrenton Record. It is something which has to be gone into gradually, and our profits do not begin to come in under two or three years, except in the case of sheep, but a start must be made and there never will be a better time than the present. One of the greatest profits growing out of stock raising is tbe ma nure it enables the tanner to make. The east is raising tobacco in much larger quantities than is generally sup posod. One thing that shows this plain ly is a statement in the Greenville Reflector from the agent of the Atlantic Coast line as to tbe quantity shipped from that place in the last five months of 1893. There was over a million pounds, The total number of packages, averaging about thousand pounds each was 1,184; the exact total weight was 1,275,274, Tbe largest aggregate shipments to any one city was to Richmond, Vs., 890,844 pounds. ' The smallest to South Boston 1,150 pounds. - Henderson purchased 87, 814 pounds the largest amount of any point in the State, Rocky Mount came next, she received le8,491 pounds of it. The; shipments to Durham footed op 108,401 pounds. )' , , "A JfoleadM Sew Sons;. u ."Grandma's Lullaby," by a W. fltraub, Is' a vary sweet and charming song, Tbe words stir the kindliest feelings of- the hearts, while the molodv . is sssv and Bowing, yet full of tender pathos. The publiHhcra, a W. Straub A Co., 848 1 te Ht., ChicBirri, will mail copy to a 3 p. ' ! ion i ' t of S Q. It GENERAL ASSEMBLY-18th DAY, SENATE. Mr. Olive, by request introduced a bill to establish the North Carolina Re form School. Education. Mr. Olive said he was in hearty accord with the spirit and iatent of the measure. By Mr. Atwater, a resolution of in struction to our senators and representa tives in congress requesting them to op pose the repeal of the Sherman silver bill, unless some act providing for the pur chase of silver by the government be sub stituted in its place. Banks and Cur rency. Senate bill 72, in regard lo the carry ing.of concealed weapons, was jiasscd over informally. Senate bill 115, to amend chapter 84. section 8 of the laws of 1889, was taken up. This regards the felling of timliei on certain river lands. The bill then passed its second and third readings and was ordered enrolled for ratification. Senate bill 168, to amend section 180ol the Code relating to proceedings against infants, lunatics and persons non compos mentis, was taken up and passed its sec ond and third readings and was ordered to be enrolled for ratification. Bill to protect the revenues of the State, by prohibiting druggists selling any liquors except upon preM-rijil'mn, and requiring all physicians to take oath not to prescribe liquor except tor bona fide medical purposes, being reported un favorably by the committee, Mr. Sandifer, moved that it be laid on the table which motion prevailed. Mr. Allen moved to print the bill i on ccrning the homestead exemption, a:,d make a special order for net Tli;ir-.!.'y. at 12 o'clock. Carried. THE WARREN-VANCE COXTKSTKufcl.i:' Ti. IN CASE. The lieutenant governor annoiim-. d lb -special order, the clerk read the majorit;: report of the committee, stating ih il Leach was entitled to the seat. This stated that 1,020 illegal votes hud been cast for Henderson. This report John P. Leach, 1819 votes cast; Henderson, l, IJi votes cast. Accompanying the report were two resolutions, one seating Henderson and the other seating Leach. The resolutions stating that John I'. Leaeh was entitled to a seat in the sciate was put by the speaker, the vote on tliin standing, ayes 28, noes 19. Messrs. Armstrong, Davis and Brown, in a few remarks, explained their vole ;. Then the president appointed Messrs. Day and Posey to conduct Mr. Leach lo the bar of the senate, where the new mem ber took the oath of oflice. It was also announced that a mu-ic.ile, complimentary to tho members ol t!.e General Assembly weuld be given at Peace Institute rriday evening. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. For .bill to divide the crime of mur der into two degrees, Mr. Allen often 1 a substitute for the committee. Bill passed third read.ng as amended. Bill to repeal chapter 43(1, laws of 1msi so that sureties of all public bonds shall be held responsible even in the eases of insolvency of bank, passed second and third readings. Mr. Hay said that the present law giv ing jurisdiction to magistrates in cases of concealed weapons, Ac, was a failure. His object was to restore jurisdiction to the Superior court. The bill passed second and third readings. Bill to restore the right to give and receive free passes came up, Mr. McCurry moved to table. The bill was finally referred to the com mittee on railroads and railroad commis sion with a request that the coinimtb c re port a substitute. Bill to repeal so much of chapter J;,. laws of 1891 as relates to Craven county, passed third reading. The Country Roads Convention. The country roads convention that me at Raleigh on 19th inst., was well atten ded, eighty of ninety six counties being represented. tins was a good stall. The resolutious adopted are to the poim are practical. Ti e principle embodied is to work the roads in each countv part ly by taxation, to use a certain propor tion of the convicts, and for each county to employ a competent road engineer. This will boa good beginning if tin Legislature has grit enough to adopt tin recommendations. Good roads nuisl come. Make a start. Rome was not built in a day. If ten miles are con tructcd in each county of macadamized road it will be much. In ten vcars there will be a hundred miles. I'se stone freely if you would make a good, solid roa that will last for decades. Road conventions are beco-ning fre quent. One met in Maryland a tew days Sgo, and another is in session in Wash ington, the attendance being from many states. All this shows that the public mind is thinking of the improvement of country roads and it certainty promises well for active work-in the near tuture. Ex. From Ashevllle to Chicago by Water. Walter H. and G. W. Vaughan, two Asheville young men, who formerly lived in Concord, as soon as wanner weather sets in will try to go from Ashe ville to Chicago by water. They have constructed a boat 10 feet long and 3 feet wide, weighing about 400 younds. The trip is to be made by way ot the French Broad, Holstoo, Tennessee, Ohio and Illinois rivers, and tho Illinois canal. They expect to reach Chicago by August 28, North Carolina's day at the Exposi tion. -Concord Times. Til Better to Hope. Better to hope, though the clonds hang low, And to keep their eyes still lifted; For the sweet blue sky will soon peep through, When the ominous clouds are drifted. There was never s night without a day, Nor an evening without a morning, And the darkest hour, tbe proverb says, Is the honr before the dawning. v-, : Detroit Free Press. -, , . Trutees Meetlsf. The snnnal n eating of the Board ol Trustees of the New Berne Academy will be held at the office of .. the " President th is afternoon st 4 o'clock, Election of Officers, j. 3;,vi'' ,..'.:-,..-, .. By order of the President. -:' ."at ."W 1L Watsoh. '' - f u 4.. Jt fccy. M( lW;i , : i a i ii ii v . i Children Cry forJPitcher's Castorja. NEW BERNE DISTRICT. Appointments for the Rev. F. D. Swin dell, Presiding Elder. Carteret circuit, at Newport, January W and a. Straits circuit, at Banks, February 1 and 2. Core 8ound mission, at While Pcint, February 'i. Beaufort station, February 4 and 5. Morehead station, at night, February 5. Pamlico circuit, at Oriental, February U and 12. Jones circuit, at Cypress creek, Feb ruary 18 and 19. LaU range oircuit, at Piney Grove, February 25 and 20. lit. Olive circuit, at Fuisou, March 4 and 5. New Berne Centenary, March 1 1 and 12. New Berne, Haucyck street, at night, March 12. Craven circuit, at Lanes chapel, March 18 and 19. Snow Hill circuit, at Ormand's chapel, March 25 and 26. PAMLICO SOUND. Vessels Shut in thy Ice People Along the Banks in Distress. Advices from Beaufort state that ('apt. Btheridge, Superintendent of the Life Saying service, and Capt. Gaskill ar rived there Wednesilay evening from ( leracoke rut the beach in a cart. They report that vessels at Ocracoke are shut in by ice and if it breaks up with the present -oft weather, vessels will be in danger. Some are already cut badly. For miles ml l'.nnlico sound in frozen hard. Peo ple along the banks are in considerable di-lre-is. Don't Take It For (Jrauted. Merchants anil busines men too .often take it for granted that they will be found out without telling the public whit they have to sell. Don't take too much for granted better tell the people you are in business for their trade and not set around waiting for some one to conic in. l!iir!iiiL:ton News. (.0 TO BIG IKE. Whenever vou have any money. And want to spend it right; Don't "o and spend it at the first store you tim I, Hut eo straight to Big Ike. Vou w ill lind at his store, the best bar gains r man and woman alike; Fi when you have any ready cash, Just go .straight to Big Ike. l'.i L' ike's the man to trade with, For his bargains are the best; get in the swim with the wise men, And go there along with the rest. BROAD STREET FKl'IT STORE. As 1 here has been a 'scarcity in many articles among the merchants, I take plea-ure in announcing the arrival by rail ol a new lot of Oranges and Lemons. ALSO I have just received afresh lot North ern Cabbage, Rutabagas, Turnips, North Carolina Irish Potatoes, Armour's Pack ing Co. Bologna Sausage, Cabbage IS to '.'0 cent per head, IKutabagas, Turnips 2H cent per peck, Irish Potatoes 411 cent per peck, Oranges 20 to 2.r) cent per dozen, Lemons 20 cents per dozen. lo my incnds and patrons while pass ing Broad St. please call. Any nrticl purchased of my stock not as represented, the money 1 will refund on return ol any article. 1 hanking you kindly lor past favors hoping to receive a continuance of your patronage. Broad Street Fruit Store. Second above Middle, next door to Mr. Swert's beef stall. James I). IS.uikiki.d, Proprietor. "A place lor every thing And everything in its place." There (should be a place for everything. There is a placo to buy your Clothing, Hats and Shoes that place Is at Howard's. When you need any of these things call on ns. Our idea is to give yoi your money's worth every time We have just received a new lot of Gloves, kid, mocha and cloth. Do you need a suit. II . have any to suit yon, will name a clo.sei figure on all winter clothing. At UOWAKD'3. Wholesale Market Country Produce Cotton 8 7.r) to 9 2?. Corn, from lioats 50e.. Field peas, 00a(l5e. Oats, 45e. Wheat. 70c. Rice .').'('. Rye, 70e.. Peanuts, (iOc. a80c. Apples Mattamuskeet, $1.00. Onions, $3.00 per lilil. Chickens, !0ii55e pair, yoiiiifr, 80u40t- Turkeys 1 .50al.75. lleef, 4:i5e. l'Ycsli pork, 7n8c. 'lucks, Eng. 3Sa40e.; Muscovy 50a60c. 'lecse, 75c.aJ.OO. Efrpcs, 23c. Honey, 40a50c; beeswax 20a22 l-2c. Hides Dry flint, Sc.; dry salt 4c.; green, Z l-2c. Please Take Notice. On and after this date all work execu ted at my shops must be paid for before delivery. Respeatfully, 6. H. Waters. Proposals Wanted. Proposals to fumisli water to the city of New Berne, will .be received Bp to and iucluding'JiiDUnry 81st 1898. - -W. D. Wallac, City Clerk. Temporary Removal. " The Southern Express office- kail sben temporarrily moved to the B. ( V, line Office. wXOt iMCXDIBSOX. Act. ) SwrjiraTeter. fiould': ifrjt ASc.tt 0YM If! POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Hlehest of all in lo.ivenuiL' strength. Latkst Unitki) TATI3 OoVBKNMENT roill) KF.I'IIKT. HoYAI. B.YKINO ToW'DU! Co., 100 Wall St.N. Y. We IT ;V : Stock u.u I3! Cultivate Narrows ill Kinds of igricalicril Implements. At Bottom Prices. L. H. Cutler & Co. FLOSIDA o Just received, a IUti LOT of LARGE SIZE FLORIDA GRANGES, Which we are selling at a Sacrifice. A call at our store will convince yon that '.ve are almont giving them away. Don't fail to eat some of the delicious fruit while they are going cheap. Very respectfully, Churchiii & Parker, Broad St. Grocers. FOS SALE. One small ste:ini engine, one turpentine still, IS hirie st'-nin luiilcr, :unl ntlier val uable property. -M'i''.v '" j'J5 1w. K. i. HILL, Agt. .M Sunn's YcuiWil. Find A LARGE STOCK, will sclcvtnl Imught low, lind t'..r ft-ie at pliers to uit the hard times, t'.ui ;in! lie coin inced. To my Ktoek of OE0CEF I call the hou k,, ll is eonipii li viit will .sili -h y call here lie Inn ,1. Speei.ll uttelltio ousted (Vine. which is ilniw i.ie I am al-o ayni Celebrated Urn I Tens. lil'TTKR - Tin per lb. ARRIYINl A fresli supply of U.ii'fli, and a ,i,l jour wants d to my Fresli lent Uality ot A: Nuib, nit line.-t i ml HO cts1 EACH WEEK V in I). rvecriV. Holmes u:i - i , i l!eii( Cakes, v ..: :-Me. :i ; 1 ;:..mi;k and Holm. -.V ( '..! Crackers, W. (.;.. V BY I-.Vl di I am reei i'. i ; 1 , ; drape-, l;.ji.::i. Apples, Kiys, l!ii Citron, ( ui rants :i n Malaga Celery, Date'-, in? lll-, I'm le. JIN -I- V. ..I V. n.i French I. .-. i. lit m nip, i.l- Sardines, ('hec-n', Klam V in (ilass, I'lepurcd Macaroni, Fine ( n in CllCCSr, French chelae Asparagus, ib ckei 's l'uckwheat, Lemon Cling l'euehes, ding l'liim Olivi I'ud- A call will be appreciated and satisfac tion in variety and quality of stock and in prices is fjunrnnteed. My CONFECTIONERY department is complete. Prices and ((ualily of stock I am tare will please you. Removal ! Ea K. BISHOP'S Office and Warehouse has been moved into the; brick .building , at FARMERS Yards'- jt'-w! : ... ' . )anS lm ; :: y':' IMPORTANT TO Truckers. Gardeners and Farmers. karly carder PEAS. Hendenom's "Pint of All," leoognized by th laadliH Truckers to be Earliest, Beit and Moat Fn- Hendcrion'a EARLIEST RtiTiln. ue Beans. By oompatltlT teat mad la 1KK7. In 1b Heao wan awarded the premium for belh ten Hill diva onrll.r h. other. KUKD-HadUh, Celery, Melons, Squash and Hafsnlps. "h . .'jiiUnn and Prince Edward Iiland Barl Hum Potatoes, and other RbmiiH vari eties. lliuok. Mixed, Rd Rust Proof, and Whits O'TS for fall and spring planting Rice, live, Wheat, Grate and CloTerBeed. - OrUern taken for all bind! of Oik. DKN SEED, (guaranteed freab. and portE uHhis for Harrel Oovera. II aim oi all sl.oi made to order. ''oi-KlemueLltt of r mi m t rw . A large i stock of Hay, Grain and Iet4. II will betoyonr advantage to see tube. fore buying eleewhere. Bradham & Smith, Hay. Oram and Seed Dealers, Jan2'itf Cravnn street. New Berne, H. C. SORRY HORSES AND MULES, 0Ei,:r Load FKOM ST. LOUIS, The Best in the World For General Use, J L'ST IILCLIVED ATJ T T, Am Joiie& notice! ' Eii'iinuei 1 Kiier having withdrawn from 1t.e Kir. n of (ISllBR, JOHNSON 4 OO. iuow all men iy these presents that the liuului aB ill i)) carried on at the old stand under lire lirm name of FISHER A JOHN SON. All debts jus the old arm and all debts due by them will be seined by the new Brm. HollolMng a continuance of the patronage tir.-cto or. i i o-iviil by us, V. e it'liiuhi, yours trnly, JOHN a. FI8HEB, WM. H. JOHSSON. Jan i i. i.d Attention, Housekeepers I Look To Your Interest. liy cullini; at tho store of ALEX. .VILLLR, on Broad street. The entire stock will he sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Choice Groceries, Crockery, China, Glassware, &e. i tielos necessary in house-keep-O. II. ROBERTS, Agent ami all ill!,' notice:: MOKLYTO LOANat 4PerCntIITRBXT O.N KItiUT YEARS' TIME. (Vim' yourself and learn the partioo l.n s e loan ou Heal Estate security lie it in town or in the countrv -M'1'0 I" IJiAAC U 8MITHI1 Oeu'l Mk'r., New Berne, N. 0. Large Tracks of Timber IN C RAVEN COUNTY, N. C, , i sale on easy terms. For pai ticiilars addiesa c. E. A " New Berne, N. O.. Or P. C ALLINSON, Trenton. M.V. ilccol dim wit Ladhs In Every Tonn r-ui make a I , larKe salary handling oar sooda. (or i.adiis only, whlrhaVu? n only which evarv i;ii . wants and must have. These aooda mi roilnce ih'inselves. end meat readr su es lfynn want to make money, write na for com p.etelti formation. LAMBDA MEDICAL 0O Jin'.'ildwnn Box 3141. N. Y. Oil. J. A BRYAN, ?m. TDOS. DA.IIELS.TIm tm. C. II ROBERTS, CanliJer. The National Bank, OF NEW BEENE, N. 0. iNOOBPOBATin 1680. Capital, Surplus Profits, $100,000 98.16$ DIBECTORS. Jas. A. Bryan, Thos. Oimu, OHAB fi. i!BTA, J. H. Hackbdm. Jno Dunn, L. Habvet. a. H. Bobwrtc Thos. A. Orekh, Pres. M. Dunh, Vioe-l'res. C. K. Pot, Oaahlesv H. M. aKoras,Tilf CITIZENS' BANK NEW BERN, H. C. DO A GENERAL BANKING) "TTITITW. V The AooonnUof Banks, Bankers, nru mj ! tlons. Farmers, Merchants and Mtamn. oelved on ravorshle Urms. PmaaMuS ", arernl attention lTen to tha lntarsaiaf ' oustomers. ,-'J board ow DiaacToas. ' ITnrrllnAn 1 TTIv.nk w ,4 , . ' " " i . aiaeaovti- .1. A. Mearlnwa rn... Ohas- Irnr r. '; I "smuel w. I poo, Jamaa BMaamS.U Ches H Fowler, Otaaa. Ban w imam uobo, Maya Batan. b. w. email wood. Thiu An l ' J. H. BENTON, lstD..D.D.ar.; Praette. Hmtud M OpatlTs) and . .' taaatoal 1..ii.. - f 1 ana jMnlstf Muiaei ,, Teeth sslti.ii without Bala b t ' toi in IB una of !)" -a the beetetjla. Hn. ., , 'Offlcs, vomer of k -Alley, epeoelle Iwii.imi . ... c:.n j. , i r- r ! 1 r. .-v.":

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