1 AILY VOL. XL-NO. 264 NEW BERNE, N. G, WEDNESDAY, FEBKUARY 1, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTg. Wi l.-O. - .tt. OF- Ft- BUSINESS LOCALS. "DORK SAUSAGE 18 l-2cts, nice beef. dressed turkeys, Friday. N. Whittord. GO to WADSWORTH & CARMINE'S today for extra fiDe oysters large fat and luscious, also fine New river trout. n st. NOTICE : Six nice rooms on Middle Street iorrci't, all for $5. Apply to j818t. Walk in Office. AlOA TAKES my 1892 Columbia 51U. pneumatic Safety Bicycles, cen tury model. A genuine bargain for . Bome one. Used only since September and f.in perfect condition practically new. 1898 Columbia Art Catalogue free. W. T. Hill & Co., . Sole Ag( nts. WANTED First class traveling sales men and local agents in each section to handle our lubicnting oils and gn uac as a side line on commission. Columbia On. and Urease Co., Cleveland, Ohio. j262w WANTED traveling salesmen, we have good side line. Give reference. The Standard Cioau Factory. j26 lw Lynchburg, Va. 10 To Street's Horse Store for Livery. ' ffl HE Celebrated Saboroso Flor De I Habana Cigars. Six for Twenty-five cents at C. C. Green's Drug Store. Dot. 2-2m. JUNE roadster's! at Street's horse store. USE DUFFY'S COUGH KILLER cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, etc. Excellent in all affections of the Throat and Lungs, inducing healthy ac tion of the mucous membrane, soothing aDd healing the same. Is an antiseptic and gbbmicide. Prices, 10c, 25c. and 50c. per bottle. ELEGANT Saddlers nt Street's Horse Store. TiANDRUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin j Diseases cured by the use of Duffy's Itch Ointment. For sale by F. S. Di'ffv, Druggist. FOUR ROOMS in niv residence tor Rent. Also Good ORGAN lor sale; dec2tt Mrs. M. M. Hanff. BOARDERS Wanted Mis. W. I!. Smith will take a tew boarders or let rooms after Nov. 80. Apply at resi dence, Oaksmith building, East Front street. MISH, Sacramental, Fort and Scupper); nong Wines for sale by Jas. Redmond 7 CALVIN Schaffcr's Wild Cherry Rock and Rye, put up expressly for throat and lung diseases, tor sale by Jas. Redmond. T UFFY'S Malf-Vhixkcy for Medicinal use, for sale bv Jas. Redmond. HUNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the best Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Redmond. PURE Corn Whiskey for sale'bv " Jas. Redmond. D UFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for ale bv Jam. Redmond. ,T MPORTED Holland Gin, Burkes Hass A Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, for sale by Jas. Redmond. ((f CIGARS at very low figures I dUUV fr wholesale and retail trade for sa?o by J as. Redmond. jr ARRETT'S Cognac Rrandy used very much in the sick room For sale by Jas. Redmond. The Etruria and Fuewt Bis marck, two fast Trans-Atlanlio liners, are racing across the oc an from Europe. According to a calculation published in Justice, a London paper, the entire population of the world could stand on a oid ten miles eqnare. Thk Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University conuiders the matter of good roads of such importance that a professor has ; been engaged to teach exclusively ' the art of proper road oouBtmciion. OfHK first five Presidents of the United States ended their term of rvloa in the sixty-sixth year of their age. and had John Qumcy Adams been elected for a seoond term he also would have eidtd bis term in his sixty-sixth years. V The greatest price ever paid for ' horse was $150,000, given by Mr. -.'Malcolm Forbes of Boston, for Arion, which he bought from " Senator Stanford of California. ' Axtell, the trotter, brooght $105,. ' 400 when three years old, while in '1891 St. Blaise was sold for $100, 000.,. ' NSDDT Eellt ' a miserly old -farmer, living in Delaware having do faith in banks, baa always kept : ' bia money about the boose. A few . daya ago, haviog oooasion to examine his treasury, which he iept in newspapers in an old box, : be found that mice had entirely destroyed hU horde, about 97,000. ' 5ot a . pieoe big enough to be 'I identified was left, t 1 4 : .? ' JTbahklih wrote the; lollowiog ; letter to a man to whom be waa lending some tDODej: - ''! send yon herewith a bill for ten lonisd'ors; I 7 do not pretend to give anon a tom, I only lend it to you. When you shall return to your country, yon :..-sct fall of gottlnjp into some kind of business, tbat will in time enable yon to pay all your debts, la that case, when yon meet with unother honest man in similar distress, yon janst pay me by lend- ing this sum to htm, enjoining him to discharge thf debt by a like operation when be shall be able, and "ball meet with another oppor- tauitv. I hone it may then eol through raaiiv bande. before it meets with a knave to atop its proKreis. The New York papers tell that a fortune ff many thousand dollars has recently been extracted from the wooden floors and rubbish ot a business building in that cu.v. The New York representatives of the Waltham Watch company for many vpnrx curried on th manufacture v. ...... .l..,. fl- v, v,u..u.-B, .v.v.ufc . " 000 to 83.000 worfh of gold overy day. A few months ago they moved to another place, and on their denarture had the floors taken ud and carried to smelting and refining woiks. There were 6,000 eqnare feet of lamber that bad been undiaturbed for nineteen years. Special wagons to transport thej lumber were built ho that no parucio suouiu urop w iuo j;'""""- The wood was burned to ashes, which, were Milted, and the cold was then f'Xtrcted by a chemical ! .., rhrnlr rfmbzud bv t he LOCAL NEWS. SK W Al) VEIt TISKM E. TS. Howard. A .1. Finch- Insurance. N. Wliitford l'ork sausage. Churchill .V Parker Imtler, etc. M. llahn & Co They have arrived. Wadsworth & Carmine Fins oysters. Blaine's estate is worth IS'1,000. uiiieserveillv to left everything Mrs. lilaine. It begins to look as though Hawaii was to become a part of the United States in spite of Englands objection. The Revenue Cutter Winona was haul ed up on Meadows ninrine railways yes terclay to have a new wheel put on, a flange ol" the old one having been broken. Mr. A. S. Aldridge, of" Pamlico county informs us that during the cold spel wild ducks were more abundant, in the locality in which he lives Ihnn they have been before lor thirty years past. Remember the school entertainment of Misses Jones and Brown at the theatre to-night. Go and witness what good training will do, and enjoy the beauti ful scenic effect to bo displayed. The auction sale of Mr. Alex Hitler's stock of groceries, crockery, ornamental goods, etc., was begun last night and will be continued today at 10 a. in. and 3 p m., and tonight at seven o'clock. Mr. M. Blumgardt sold more goods y sterday than any one else in the city Me sold his entire stock. Mr. O. Marks waa the purchaser. Mr. Blumgardt states however that he can still be found nt the old stand. The Morehead City News of the 28th inst. says: "Rev. Mr. Rose, a Presby tcnan minister of Fayettcville, preached last week at Wddwood. His sermons were powerful and the community people braved the foul weather to hear him. Tho meeting closed Sunday." ti,- .;ii K. . ,A0tlnhl,l in n.lnitrb ijv v- " - .... b h on the 7th inst in regard to the insurance law and forms in North Carolina. There LntntuvH fnr rpfnrm otnnir this lino and especially has it been felt in New Berne. Now is a good time to look into the matter and see if there has not been discriminations practiced in this scctlos The work on the Express office is get ting on well and the place is expected to be ready for re-occupancy some time next week. The ordinary sized door at one ride of the front by which entrance has heretofore been gained has been changed to a window and a large door made near the centre. The interior is being finished in a manner tbat is ooth isat and con venlcnt. Messrs. JM. Hahn & Co. have received 00 more horses and mules and are adding to their stebles to aocomodatethem. The new part is about 100 feet deep by 50 feet wide, which makes their stables run now the full length of the lot on which they are situated about 800 feet. The way they are making improvement and push ins their business speaks well for these gentlemen. In a few weeks immense crowds of peo- tIe will be in New Bern in attendance on our WinterExnoslton. and we wonld suggest tome cleaning upon ,ths . streets. Ws would call special attention to some of our business ot bowel the; careless way of letting trot haocumulate in front of (heir doors, s It it toq 'union fo the city authorities to keep the city clevnly if the citizens do 'not exenise some oar in helping them. . v ' ;, t' TUTT SPILLS ; kindly on old,, and Coming and (Joing, Col. W. H. Lucas of Hyde county went up to Raleigh yesterday morning. Rev. J. A. Rouse and family who have been delayed in the city two weeks on nronnnt iri hlnpkinrr imvinrntinn left. t, on th)J 8teanier Albemarle for their llome in Kennekeet. Struck by a Falling Tree Mr. C. L. McClcese, of Fork Pamlico a falling county was struck Monday by tree which he and another man wtrc en gaged in felling. Though bndly huri lit was able to walk to his home near by where he took a doc of laudanum and ate a little dinner. lie soon became worse and about two hours utter the accident occurred, which is the latest information we have, he had become unconscious and could not be aroused. Dr. G. 8. Att- more, of Stonewall, eight miles distant had been sent for but had not arrived More Rock I mi. hciun nun o um mei 111 tuc an . . . of rock and whits perch of whicli we ke Testm)av wafl Mr. Robert Rose in stead ol his brother as first annousced. It will be remembered that they refused to sell here though offered $800 for the lot, and had Mr. Haywood Tookcr to ship the whola lot for them. The whole num ber (over 4000), were caught at one haul. Three more lots of rock come in Tues day. One lot caught the previous night by Geo. Moore, col. sold for $170, and the whole $170 worth did not weigh to ex- cced 800 pounds. It will thus be seen what remarkably eood price these fish arc commandiiv U5 - 000 Worth of Fish Fifty thousand pounds of fish, besides oysters and clams went on on mo steam er Albemarle Tuesday. Ther.i were 200 boxes of the fish of an average weight of S.TO pounds each. When we speak ol 2r0 pounds wc mean, not the gross weight of fish and box but the net weight of the fish alone. They were line varieties of fish too, that will command a good price. There were 1,100 packnges of the fish oysters and clams. 200 boxes of fish, 150 barrel ol oysters and 750 of claim. Taking it all in all. shell lish and other wise, tins is proiiainy tne largest single shipment in the fish line that ever left the citv. The total value would be in excess of $5,000 Good shipments as usual ot both fish and opened oysters went off by rail In addition to the products of th water the Albemnjle took out two three thousand dozen eggs and cotton, hides, etc. The Melllheney Family Coming. The remarkable McGibcney family of musicians will soon perform again 111 New Berne. They are so firmly entrench cd in the esteem of the public', that they command good audience in every part of the country. They gave one of their per fornianeca on Tuesday of last wesk in Columbia, S. C. and the next morning the State said of them: "Columbians had not forgotten their visit here last season, and were glad of the opportunity to hear them again. The McOibeney's have if anything improved since tlicir their tirst appearance in Columbia, and the whole programme last night was rendered so delightfully, that every one was sorry when the last number was finished Music sweeter or more touching is seldom heard, and the Me Gibeuevs can leel assured that their mus ic recital was enjoyed to the fullest ex tent. Whenever the McGibeney family visits Columbia they can always be sure of a genuinely hearty welcome. Antl-Bellmn Home Dramatic Compa- I nles. We have been shown by Mr. G. W. 1 Hunter, of Launnburg, two old hand hills advertising performances by New Berne auieUur theatrical companies ot former days. It may be interesting to note wbo were tue actors in the those times. The oldest performance was by the Shaksperian Dramatic Corps. It took place Monday evening July 23d 1880. The play was: "The Carpenter of Rome" or "The Massacre of St. Bartholomew." The other was by the New Berne Dra matic Company on March the 7th 1861 he play was: "Robert Einmett the Martyr of Irish Liberty." The surviving members of the compa nies, whose homos are still in New Berne, are: Mtssrs. N. Tisdale, J. C. Harrison J. T. Lewis. B. R. Ball and Sam'l Cook g0 rar u we D0W the ether surviving members were: Richard P. Dowdy, Dur- nam; q, yfm Hunter, LanrinbnrK; Chas pieidi. Texas; D. W. Haines, Flor- enoei p.; D. McCullom, N. Y. and J.E. Mathews. Texoa. - jt tuilt a vastly larger portion of tnose who were members of the clubs than is usual in lists so old are still liv ing, The other members are: J. L. Jones. J. R Trombro. T. L. Patrick, H. J. B, Clark, Eugene A. Williams,. H.Koooce E. UcLacklan, B M. Cook, Jr. and F. X Cherry. Pleae Take Kotlce. On and alter this date all work execu ted at my shops must be paid for before aeuvery, nespeeiiuny, Oix. : O. H. Watbm A Bow Children Cry for Pitcher Castorfa. GENERAL ASSEMBLY-201h DAY. SENATE. By Mr. Potter, from citizens of More- head City asking that the senate bill authorizing a vote on bonds do not pass. Hills were introduced as follows: Senator Pettigrew, a bill to incorporate the Virginia and North Carolina railroad company. Jr. McDowell asked that the bill com pelling insurance companies doing busi ness in this state to make a deposit w ith the treasurer bo printed. benator Jones, chairman ot the judici ary, said be had several other lulls on the subject and would like to consider all of them before any action was taken on any partioular bill; so the matter went over. A bill to amend the act ol" 1H91 in re lation to hunting wild fbwle on Core sound in Carteret county, passed and or dered to bo engrossed. A bill to incorporate the Atlantic and Ohio railroad company, passed second reading and placed on the calendar. A bill to amend chanter 41 ol'the code in relation to liens. It provides, among other things, that laborers' liens on build ings, etc., shall be filed within three mouths instead of twelve months, as at present. A bill to prevent the spread of conta gious diseases. Referred to the commit tee on public health. A bill to abolish the bureau of lalmr statistics. Made a special order for Tuesday at 12 o'clock. Mr. Lucas introduced a resolution relative to the World's Fair, urging the Representatives and Senators at Wrn-h-ington to uso their efforts in favor ol keeping the gates of the World's l'a;r closed on Sundays. At teu minutes to 1 o'clock the senate went into executive session to consider the appointment of Judge Menrcs tube judge of the criminal court of Wilming ton. The nomination was confirmed. The senate took up the bill allowing the railroads of the 6tate to grant free passes to orphans going to orphan asy lums. Several amendments were off red. and the committee on railroads and rail road commission offered as a siihsticiite a bill allowing the roads to give free parses to all persons travelling in the intere-! o, orphan asylums. Mr. Day moved to amend 1 1 1 i In al lowing them to give passes to ani o! else. After a long debate the amcndihin; was voted down. Mr. Posey then moved to amend the bill so as to prevent the road?. Iioni granting free passes to members of com mittees ol thu general assembly visinng the asylums at Morganten and (lohi boro. Mr. Pou demanded the previous ques tion on the substitute and Senator 1'usey's amendment, and the call was sustained. Senator Jones called for the aves :uul noes and the call was sustained. The bill as amended pas?cd its second reading. file bill passed its third reading and was ordered to he engrossed and sent to the House. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Williams, ot t iaven countv: pre sented a petition from the citizens of lietlianv. asking tor prohibition. Mr. Grimes offered a resolution in re lation to an appropriation to erect 11 monument to confederate boldier-. Cul- ndar. IJTllOM'CTION of 111 I.I Mr. McKcnzie. to protect landlords. Mr. King, of Bladen, to exempt private libraries from taxation. Mr. Norton, by reo;u ?.l, to amend sec tion 988 of Code, and to proyiue for an inspector of liquor. By same, to establish an Astrological observatory iu the state ol North Caioli- Messrs. Barlow and Parker, to pro hibit traveling over Tar and Trent rivers in Edgecombe and Jones county bridge faster than in a walk. House bill to amend tlic act con stituting the railroad commissions up praisers, was put on its readings. An amendment proposed the addition of canal and steamboat companies to the list of taxables. It also includes in one acrirreirate for taxation the railroad bid, rolling stock, franchises, etc. nits steamboat property at present valuation at 1390,000, on winch at present no tax is put. There is no exemption ot any railroad. I lie question ol the exemption of any particular road is not considered here. The bill passed its several readings and was ordered to be engrossed. House bill 844, to amend the charter of the Bank of Kinston yvas taken up. The amendment for the nddilinu of a sav ings department, stockholders not to be individually liable. Mr. Robertson said this was an old charter; its term had not expired. The bill passed its second reading. House bill 250, to amend the Code in regard to the requirement of railroad companies to make annual reports to the governor, amended by making the annual reports to tho railroad commissioners, now also required, sufficient, abrogating the necessity of making two reports. The bill passed its several readings nnd was ordered k be engrossed. By consent, Mr. Kitchen introduced bill to "ensure tho listing of solvent credits, and on his motion the bill was ordered to be printed and referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Mash's bill to amend chapter 820, laws of 1891. concerning the careless handling of baggage, came up. Mr. Bprulll made a sdort and pointed speech, that now the way to recover too circuitous, and sucn recovery ib not speedy enough; and the object of tho bill is to authorize tue Kailroau Commission ers to assess the damage and order the collection of the penalty. If there should be an anneal from their decision tue inn contemnlates that sucn appeal snail oc t . . . , , made directly to the Supreme Court. This is a very important bill. It passed its third reading. Honseabill 326, to fix the standard of weights and measures, was on its reading, tne substitute ot toe committee aaoptcu, and then tbe bill was passed ever infor mally. House bill 176, a bill to renew and ex tend the charter of the bank of Kinston, was announced but not considered, the required tax receipt not being attached to tbe bill. BenaU bill 183, bouse biU 428, requir ing clerk of the superior courU to keep record! of the name of the Justices of the peace, the dates of appointment, etc., vucancies and their occurrence, names also of talisman anil petit juror; clerk to be paid five per cent for each record, neglect to be a misdemeauor. The bill passed and was ordered to be enrolled. Morehead Items From the News. Capt. John E. Lewis and crew lately caught two hundred dollars worth of fish in three days. Messrs. Walter Davis and Elijah Wade caught 5,551) mullets at a single haul at Hogue Inlet last week and sold them here for $141.00. Some nice ducks arc brought into our market from time to time. The season is opening up finely. Mr. Daniel Bell has several thousand dollars worth of diamond back terrapins. Tin y arc fine fellows ar.d will command a big price in the northern markets, lie will ship them soon. Mr. H. T. Gaboon, a rident of Pamlico county now at work here, recently showed us a pocket-book which he says has been in use MH years. It has been in the hands of three generations. We suggest it as worthy of a place among the exhibits at the New Berne Fair. We likewise think it worthy to be on exhibition. Wc hope Mr. ( ahoon will send it up. (iK.VIN AND PROVISIONS. Wheat Corn and Oafs Lower- Pork Products Higher. Advices from Chicago Monday state that whent climbed down again, closing at abiio-t. exactly Saturday's final figures lor May and a cjuarler of a rent lower for July. Corn and oats did about the same thing, l'ork got well beyond the magic i0 mark f ir the first time, and unlike grain. showed substantial gain at the wind up, leaving off with an advance of'617 l-vtc over the closing fiigurcs of Saturday. Laid is up 12 I-, and ribs 15c. BKO.VI) STREET F1U IT STORE, As there has In en a 'scarcity in many articles among the merchants, I take phi -lire in announcing the arrival by r;iil ot a new lot of Oranges and Lemons. ALSO I Ici'.ejn-t ivciiied a fresh lot Xortli i -i ( iM. Ifut -ibagas. Turnips, Xorth t':irol:u;i Iri-!i I'ot itocs, Armour's Pack in:;!... ;t.!..gna Sausage, Cabbage IS to .'Hi- i:; p.-r he id, IKiil. ibagas. Turnips 211 e, nl per p"i k, Irish I'olatoes 111 cent per peck. I livngcs 20 to 25 cent per dozen, l.elnon- 20 cents per dozen. V-v V .iii- Pol dors al 40 cents per To my friends ;ind patrons while p:i-s-ing Itroad St. please cill. Any article pur -hased of my stock not as represented, the money I will refund on return ol any article. Thanking you kindly for past f. ivor- hoping to receive a continuance ol i i'ir p it loiuige. i: d Street Fruit Store. Second above .Middle, nct dour to Mr. Swi rl's beef stall. .Ia.mks I). Rauhi i n. Proprietor. ti ' A p'-iee lor every tiling -And everything in its place." Tlioio should bu :i place) lor i vory t hii'g. Tin H' is a id,u: to; buy your Clothing, LiatH und Shoos ! lb it pluei l.s ;if HowitrdV. Ybcli( y mi noi il any of tliiM thing-i call j on us. unr idea is to give jo.i ytir money's worth every time. Wei have just received a new lot of Gloves, kid, mocha and cloth. Do yon need a anit. II .ve have any to unit yon, will name a close figure on all winter clothing. At HOWARD'S. Whdlesnlc Market Country Produce. Cotton 8 ?) to !) 21. Corn, from boats fiOc.. l'ii l.l pens, fiOaOlc. (tats, 41c. Whent. 70c. Hicc 11c. Itvc, 70c. 1'ciinuts, fiOc. ii80c. Apples Mattainuskcct, f 1.00. Onions, $2.00 per bbl. Chickens, lOnllc pair, youni;, 30a40i Turkeys fl.50nl.71. Hccf, 4a5c. Krcsh )ork, 7a8c. ')iu:ks, Enir. SlalOc; Muscovv lOailO,- leese, 71c.a1.00. Eu'iis, 23c. Honey, 40n10c; beeswax, 20a22 1-2c. Hides Dry flint, Sc.; dry salt 4c ;rccn, 2 l-2c. Before InsuriDg Elsewhere Don't forget to look at And compare the NEW POLICY of THE MANHATTAN Life Insurance Csmp'y OF NEW YOBK, Which is SUPERIOR To All. Company is 43 years old HENRY Ti. STOKES, President. A. J. FINCH, Special Agent J. k llllTAN, Prei. TBOS. DANIELS, Vitt Prea G. n ROBERTS, Cashier. The National Bank, OF NEW BERNE, N. C lROOHPOK.nm 185. Capital, 8urplus Froflti. S100.000 98.168 DIBEOTORfl. Jas. A. Brtax, Tho. Dakrls. OHAB- 8. BBTaJT, J. H. Hackbub, JHO. DUMB, ' ' L.BABTIT, J POWDER i4''.&$Eute!y Pure. i cream of tartar baking powder Highest of ail in kvivening strength. Latkrt Unitkd States Goveknmhnt Food Kr.roitT. ItoVAI. ItAKINII TlHVDKIt Co., 100 Wail St.,N. Y. Butter, Butte atter, Buckwheat, Euckhcat, Leat, 1 U. ... . Iricli Potatoes, Irish Potato-2?, Irish Potatoes. HF.CF.I YF.D YESTERDAY BY STEAMER. ChurchHi S Fsrhr, Broad St. Grocers. &Coing to Buy Dictionary? 5, Fully .1 . -ao Times. A Choice Oft. -- A Crand Fair ly Educator. Tho Standard Authority. Successor or the autlientio "Una- bridged." Ten yoara spent m rrvising. 100 editors employed, over $300,000 i expended. A SOLD BY AM, 11O0KSELLEB8. A tin I.hi? n-1 I 1 ' ' It. T l.n,-. s mi. I I I I. f. MiH --r i-lnli-ln ,,i.til-'t .-..iI-.!i-l-i: Vlll II I I.AKS. p'llllonp. , lioti i Q. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, 4 Spriugiicld, Mass., U. S. A. A At!:. i. Lie & IT. C. Railroad Cheap r:vc-irsi:ii Rates in I : I i". EAST CAKOLINA Fish, 0yrer, Game, ', N I Tnrhmf rip ociation, JkA A IH. V s Gs) Feb. 20, 21 .22. no 24&25.,93 From all stullons W t i . r .i-w Kerne tick- otswlilhn sni'i uv.M- tir.s i"h(1 on tho Ma.l 1 tii Irmii teb. uh ti :'ith Inch. dive, good to return nntil Kmi. 'JTHi in hulve All ata rio(i Mivt o' Npw !tnrp, wit hell tlchntB p to ainl Inolinllnif F. I) .: n hv the Mall Train. 1'IIK SI'Kl'l l. I-Al H TH A 1 N win run on n-b. -:st, -U Hiid i" . v. (i dhh r-' ut'il intTmp'MHtaHiftllor, N- y Hrrnetind return hh:ho n y . Kare for th It'iuiiil Trip. inomitliiK one aiiiiiNlon Into ihe Kair wIimi twket ftre fiircliuHeta, by Hit .Mali ttuu mo epeoiai rum: Fare Hound Trip hy the Mail Train. (l-ihlshoro n i'i m rl 'h.. . .811 Boatn ' 1" i ' l,s (irange "J i-' i'r KaMiiK Creek I k 1 1 M- Kinston 1 i N I'anwi'll 1 irl i r-mio... . 1 till .1 25 ..I :m ..1 :i.i 1 4U - oil . Dover I -l I aiIuh.i.o Core rri.-k 1 1) I .Uor-ued Clly Tuionroi-u I'" i Fare Hound Trip by tlie Special Train (lolilnlioro SI.: swi-11 l.:lll llesl.'s 1 .'hi l"vnr 1.2.) I.ii UriiDK6 1 1 1 1 I'm" . ii KnlliDKUieek 1 ! i ' i Kinston 1.3 ....i .. :. .7i Note that Special Train does not run Kasl of New Kerne. if rthrtlule of Hnrrll Train for Informa tion ot Ihi public, and not lor train men.aa thli lialu will run by telegraphic orderaand will have no r ghla over regular iralni un lessaooidoied by the Train UnuatcUer. SCHEDULE. Leave Ooldsboro " Best's " La Grange " Falling Creok... " Kinstno .. 8 on A.M. ,.. 8:110 ' ... 8:45 " ... 9:00 " .. 9:20 " ... 9::i5 ' .. 9:59 " ..10:14 " ,..10:30 " ...10 37 " " Caswell " Dover " (loro Creek " Tuscarora " Claik's Arrive Now Berne ....10.W Returning, leave New Berne.. 6:30 P.M Tbla Company will transport artloln for xbtbtt on pre-paymenv of freight to Nw Heme, Dd npon production or certlftcata from the Secretary of tbe Fair AaHiciallon tbat auoh articles have not been sold, for freight charges will he refunded and arti cles returned free, O upon production of certlHoates from the decretal tbat ancb articles ate Intentlnd for ehl -Itlon thay will b transported free from ahlpplni points, and returned free aa above provided for, Agents or tnia company win n lnstrucwa as to perlsbabl articles, ate. to as their illaoretlon In living them free transporta t A GET THE BEST. r tion without oertlnaat from Recretarv. Theae privllegeaare not estendad to artlolas I r, Lmt, imA fnr advartlalna nnrnoaea. Tha above does not apply to MawBsrsM, may w m enariea raguiav 8, L.DlLL,Bupt, Auction Of Fancy Grooeriea, Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Tin War. Honse Fnrnishing Gooda. remain ing in stock of ALEX. MTT.Mcx ijioi.i: oireei, commencing Tuesday Evening, 7 o'clocL January 31st, 1893. Ladies are cordially invited t attend these sales. G. H. EOBEETS, Trust. F0RSALR One small steam engine, one turpentine still, ii large steam boilers, and other vd uable property. Apply to j25 lw. E. Q. HILL, Agt Sshocl Enferfainmtnta WEDNESDAY NIGHT, r rjDUUAit i 1ST. PROGRAM : Japanese Kaleidosoope. Infantry Drill, Tambourine Drill. INTERMISSION. "AMONG THE PINE8," A Christmas play, closing with "A WELCOME TO SANTA CLAUSE by the Children of All Nation. Reserved seats, 85c, Goneral admission, 25c. Gallery, reserved for children, 15c. Tickets ons le at Nunn & Mo8orlev. TUESDAY AT TEN O'CLOCK. notice:: MLYTO LOAN at 4 Per Dent IITERKT ON EIGHT YEARS' TIME. Come yourself and learn the particu lars. Wo loan on Real Estate seoUrity be it In towu or in the country. Apply to ISAAC H SMITH. Vi ly Oea'l Mgr., New Berne. N. C the Public! I have bonrht thu ENTIRE STOCK of T. COHEN, Tha M Star Clothier, AT 65 CENTS THE DOLLAR, AND ill Sell AT fibW York Cost The Stock is a LARGE and VARIED one, and consists of a complete assortment of CLOTHING, SHOES, Iiy Goods, Trun"kHy Gents' Furnith'g Goods Etc., Etc., Etc. Soliciting the patronage ol tho public, I remain, Very respectfully, SOL. COHEN. James R, Jones, Salesman. j20 Notice Extraordbrry I To All My Old Frierda and Customers. ; i' : I wish to say that I km tack at f ,''' ' Old Stand on Broad tr-tt One door east of J. J. ToUott'l MOiC v where I will tarnish them With tk BEST THE MARK1T ATTOBD0 'A In tb Um wf-i'v i a'" Green Groceries ,X'.:. Thanklnn them rsry mok fotalr " favors, and hoping I saw tUl oe' , to deeerr theu patrooar, , I wmaln, your ohxiientr-- i - EiUMUZXi l Ja2tt ...,. . . . V'" i.! f

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