ITKLISIIEUS' ASS0CTCEJ1E5T. THE UAILYJOURNAXilSpubUshea Dally except Monday M S5.00 par year: 12.60 ror tlx month.. Deliver Vo oity snMorlbers ttSOouHpn mouth. .. " . ' . . TBH WKEKLY JOUKMAU U anbllahsd vr? Thursdays mi asraat. , ..oticeror MfMgei6rDeUii not to si. r !taaiMlirUlUiM4ftn.j v ...osHmaUM-wlrt'biblwitwl let. per line, ..-...! , I-T1b- r or transient "Bayssilsemonta, nutM " ln"a4vanoe. Kef alar b4yH end ab sswlsu w j :.t Oom mnIoetloin oan Wising nesof saoy i -..t public Interest arsaollolte4. ' Wo oonv (UuBloattM aiul MUpMMIO M piMlft 4tti ntlif Bja8UottboPll. ' px vHoUpMs to Mia, ol b authos. . Art- ; e .longer , half aieunn saast M au tiQTVVOI)',reiJnt ncsnrrfKl at Bay al ayinou borhmuBloatlon tu obtain the 'name of the aotbor by application at thai afl!oenoV shoT-tai irheretB thegrlsTanoe exist. ...... iTEE JOURNAL. IB -8. MA.R - 0. T. HANCOCK C'T j -i i rnpntior Local Repartee-. ne t oatofflca at Haw Berne ja.aaaaoad matter. V;7 3l cJflRlCE UBEELEY ON DEBT :'Toifty;own part and I speak ffo&t (piriehotS-I would rath ej btj convioj! in a State prison, a glvl iaarlc i swamp, than pais throach life under the barrow of debtyLet no young man misjudge htmseH unfortunate or truly poor so long s be has the fall use of hie Jrmbijjiiiat" faculties and ia eat taJ&llj free from debt. I' Hanger, cold rags, bard work, ooiftpt,e-; suspicion, unjust reproach, are disagreeable; bat debt It infinitely worse than them all. .And, .if it had pleased God to stnre.fiither or all my sons to be the support and solace of my declin ing yearn, Uie lesson which I should heXl , most- earnestly sought to must share with the bad the odium that now attaches to the : pension business. Let us neve a complete revision of the entire pension sys- Tail iuat.i v-- ' tern Oh, WbataCtngh. Will yon heed the waraiac. Tk tgnai perbap of the aura approach at ma aaora tantbM Btsaaas uoncioa. Aak yoviaaiTM if yea aaa afford for lha Mkeof ssrrlac tOo., to rt MMtiak aad do nothijiK -to it, ,W kaow from axperisooa that 8bilo Oars will Oara your ooagbvJ iraararfaila. Thia az- piaina 'thy sjote toss MUlioa Bot llea war sold iha past rear, ftreliavaa oroopa and whooBtaa, aonih as one Mothers, do without tt. For Urn book, tidaor titae mm 8hilohto Porona plastw.-iSoU by Now Bono urns vo. - i We assume a toad with confident readiness, and up to a certain point tne growing i Bnouenees or pres. sore is tolerable; bat at last the aesire . ior reuei can no longer oe resisted. . -i'M ,J ' '.. Kleetrie Bitten. This remedy la beeomina o veil known and so popular as to need no special men. tion. All who hara used Electric Bitten sing the tame song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it ia jroarai teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitten will cure all diseases of the IWer and Kidneys, will remove pimples, boils. salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as Care all malarial fevers. For cure of neadacho. constipation and indigestion, try Electric Hitters. Entire satigiactloi, guaranteed or money refunded, race ouc. tnd Sl.UU per qottle at . B. uony e drug store. There are lots of scrub machines offered farmers. Dont bay any thing unless assured by a practic al user Tthat it will do what Claimed for it and be durable. Home .Foolish People Allow a cough to ran until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most oases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful mediolue I called Kemp's Balsam, which is .sold at ' a?DOitive maraatea to cure, thev would iiBurau aivun muni is, -xiovoi ruu takinir the nrst dose, frice GUc. and SI . ;? into debt! Avoid pecuniary obliea l T'1 8ize free- At u druggists, " . tioa as you pestilence or famine. ' . If you have but fiity cents, and " caSgeJtjM) more work for a week, ; t buy a.peck of corn, parch it, and :t live on it, rather than owe any man adollarl" , Of cause, I know that some men '" rnaet do business that involves r risks, and must often give notes : 'l and other obligations, and I do not eonsider him really in debt who carf'Iy'bis bands directly on the V manl o paying at some little sac rlfioe all Ue owes: I speak of real '; debt that Which involves risk or saorifloe on the one side, obligation and dependence on the other and I say from all such let every youth humbly, pray God to preserve him evermere f" ''' .v mar22deod weow A widow is one who has buried her husband: a grass widow (a one Who has simply mislaid him. Answer This QaesUea. Why do so aaany people wa see around us seem to prefer to euffsr and bo made miserable by Indigestion. Ooutipotioa, Dizziness, Horn tt Appetite, Coming- up or the Food, xeiiow tttut, wnaa for 7 jo. we will sell them Bbuobl ViUlisar, guars n taed to our thorn. Sold by Maw mrno Drug Co. There is one lucky thing about spoiled ohildren we never have them in onr own family. PENSION REFORM NEEDED. An Associated Press dispatch ' ; from Washington states, says the : ! Atsfnta ponstiCution, that there is sorrfi dismay among the members ' ' of tne Appropriations Committee because of an expected deficiency - of 136,000,000 in the pension ap- propriatioa for the fiscal year. The T expenses in four months by 10, 000j000and, commenting on this, . the dispatch says: ; "Iq plain Euglitih, that means (if ' . the astimates of the committee hold goo8) it deficiency on account of - pensions of 830,000,000, which will Tiftve to be met by Congress at the 1 next session, in addition to an ap ' prouyatioti for the next fiscal year ;; f certainly not less than 9 150,000, 000. $ptth6 total appropriation ' that Congress must make for pensidns next session will aggre gateSot less than $180,000,000." ' The Norfolk Virginan goes on farther to speak of the iniquitous V andjWideepreading evil. when our population f r was 30,000,000, the total expenses ;; " of the National Governmeut were , ' Jrom W2,OOO,OO0 to 8100,000,000 less than we now py annually for No one will that are paid to worthy veterans who were disabled in the war, but our pension System as it now exists is a disgrace to th8 Country and to the manhood of the American people. It?$poses tax eqoalto 3 per cent upon over $5,000,000,000, or nearly twice as much as onr 'national debt in I860, when it : reached Kits ' highest point. The War ended"28 "years ago, but there are Sow psutha rolla over 700,000 pensj eray iaadl the number is annuallyfncreaaing. The time baa oome to call a halt. Oar entire pension system mast le verhald. The deserving poldlor dependent upon his coun try's bounty must no longer be forced ' toiHb classed with the ousandsof camp followers and t!',,wiwH1t been able by , jui' and 'by the help of unscra oufl pension agents to secure a o f-n what ought to be a roll of d of being c roll of honor i 'on ltiMamoBt ' Mil f " ijdtfhd perjury are The Population of New Bene Is about nine thousand, and wo would say at least ODe-half are troubled with some affection on the Throat and Lanes. ss those complaints are, according to sta tistics, more numerous than others, we would advise all our readers not to ne glect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal satn for the Throat and Lungs. Trial Rite free. Large bottle 50o. and $1. bold by all druggists. i pensions alone. begrudge the pensions We are never as happy, nor as unhappy, as we fancy. REHARKABLK KB8CUB. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Flainfleld. Ill makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treat ed for a month by her family physician, dui grew worse, lie told ber sue was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druf fist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for iop.campuon; sue bougbt a bottle andlto her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well, now does her own. housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery t F 8. Duffy's wuoiesaie ana retail aruB store; large bot ties, 50o. and 11.00. ThA way to spoil the ohildren is to take no interest in their doings. The need of a perfectly safe and al ways reliable remedy for the peculiar diseases of summer ii oniversal. As a remedy for lbs household, office, on the farm, on shipboard and for travol era by land and sea, Winkslmann' Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy ba proved its Inestimable worth in the prompt relief and cure of all disorder originating in the stomach and diges tive system, such as holers, Cbolera Morbus. Diarrhoea, Cramp etc. Ser viceable under all conditions. alwav ready for use, and perfectly safe. . Prioe 85o. at all druggists. juoe4dlv James U. Blaine is Dead. Wc want 100 agents in North Carolina to handle a complete pictorial narrative of the personal and public career of the "Plumed Kniglit from Maine." 500 pages, 10 1-2x8 1-2 inches, being equal to 1000 pages ol ordinary book, for 2.00, worth $5.00. "Strike while the iron is hot." Agents can make $10 per day. Send for eompleto outfit and confidential terms. TnB Solthrrs PuBxisarno Co., j2fl lw Raleigh, N. C. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor,-. 15 SURGEON DENTIST. Offloa, Middle street, opposite Baptist onnron, doosdwtf NEWBERN. N. O. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, nW BKRHB, N. O. . Offloe on Graven street, between Pollock and Broad- P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOBNBT AT t, A W . Graven St., two doors South of Journal office. Will Maetles ra the Counties of Craven artaret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. United States Court at New Berne, and Sairems Oeurt of tbe stats. S. R. STREET, General FIRE AN D LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE. U. G. 2XOSE3 T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Builder. BmaU Jobaof ReDSlrinc solialtcd Hiidint- la'aetlon guaranteed. nay De rouna wnen wanted nrar the ioe Factory . Refers to past character at a oltlr.e-i and meohanlo Ianl2atf 7 ,( wfK V" X TIL . Valuable Panning lands " For Eale atl PUBLIC AUCTION. In obedlenea to a Judfment of tne Superior wi . vi vrav ma onDy, -mama id tne special prooediDK, wbareln James O. Harri son, Administrator de boons bob with Will annexed of Kdward H, H1U, - deeeased. Is ilalBtlff. and Martha Bill and otbers are de Sndanta, tbe undersigned as AdmlaleUator uavununiMMHier. wuion , Monday, February.13, 1893, (It belnf, the first day of Febrnary Term 1898 of Craven County Bapertor Court;, at tbe vonrt iionse ia tne eity or new Berne, eoanty of Craven. A. Cat Twelve o'olook noon, sell at Pnblle Aaetlen to the highest bidder all the lands belonging to the aatate of .aid Kdward H. Bill, ly ing and being In No. (Township, Oraven eoanty. on Moteley Creek about iyi miles north of Dover Bta tlon, on the pnblle road leading from Dover to fort Barnwell in aald county, adjoining the lands of Wa. White, Aaa Barnes, Em anuel Williams, Beth West and others, con taining B7DM aeeea mora or leas, with all the buildings and Improvements thereon, ex cepting the tana log pine timber aold to the Ooldiboro Lbaiber Company by dead bear, lnc date April sth.lSvl, recorded In Oraven oountyreoords, Boo No. 106, folios Ml, 38S The above lamas are described In tbefol lowln deeds reeorded In Graven county reoords. to-wlt: :.....)."''..'. One deed for MB acres, more or leas, from Joachim Grlffln to Kdward fl. Bill, dated Not. lsth. IBM, Book Do. W, folio fit; one deed for acres, mors or less, from Joa ohlm Orlffln to said BUI, dated Jan. Sd. UHS, Book No, 1, folio a ; one deed for 800 acres, more or leas, from said Orlffln 10 said Hill, dated February 4th, IMS, Book Ho, 67, folio 221 : one deed for two tracts (190 and 26 seres respectively) In all 315 aens, more or less, from Wm. A. Green aad wife and Joha L Oarmaok to said K. H, H1U, dated Fenruary Kith. 1874, Book No. 76, folios 101 and 102 - Ex cepting however, from the above lands tbe following tracts sold off by said Kdward B. Hill, to wit: One tract for 250 acres, mote or less, eolii to Kmannel Williams, January 1st, 1K81, an per deed reeorded 1 Book No. 80 folios 2C and 281. and two other small tracts of 16 and IB aores each respective! v (In all 35 acres), sold to Aea Barnes by said Hill, Jan. 13, 1871. as per deed recorded In Bo k No. 71, These lands are valuable for farming, as well as forttook raising, and conveniently located on I be publlo 'road, about hair way between Dover Station on the Atlantic N. u. Railroad and Fort Barnwell wlih a good dwelling aid other bnlldlnga on same. Ahont 1C0 acres are cleared for cultivation. IVrms of sale HASH. JAHttS O. HARRISON, Administrator and Commissioner. New Kerne, R. C, Dee. 28, 1891, td Special j Owing to preasura of Business, did not Issue guy postal Cards. TRADE Please remember that all free lOJper cent on Lorilkrd Snuff within the Limit, will be granted, by WHOLESALE OBOGEK, MIDDIiB STBXatl i traw BXBRB. M. O Bar. neighbor, what's the trouble with rou? Didn't too get the nomina- tioa? No. bnt I arot a nair nf dart Whiwla that don't suit me, and now J. 0. Whttty ft Go. have iust got in a suddIv of those Celebrated Tennessee Wheels. I am always doing; just what I ought not. Take my advioe and go at once to Whitty's and get a pair of the Ten neasoo Wheels and vou oan smile if I can't. 250,000 BRICK READY FOR SALE! Cheaper than any other Mar can Furnish Them. I've got am and want to sell 'em. Apply to W. P. BURRU8, New Berne, or M. PORTER, Rivordale. jne7 dtf Gn and After Monday Wc will be aWi BOTf Hand A Machine Wc will be able to fill all orders, BOTH FOR -AND- W ANTED TP PUECaASij Good Clean Rice. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN Ar PRODUCE PURCRA8EW ON COMMISSION. LSO COTTON SOLD ON COMMISSION. Give u, a call. V. P. Dnrrus & Go. MARKET DOCK, Opposite Old Stand, NEW BERNE, N. O. NOTICE. The nnderilmed liaa dulv nnaiinMt mmAA. mlntstrator or tbe estate ol fern met cntb berk deoeased. and herebv vlvea naLine that he requires all persona havlngrlalmsagalnat tbeeetate of the said KmmetCntbliert, to present tbem to tbe said Administrator, duly aulbemlM ted, for payment, on or be fore the Uth day of December, IHS1, or else tbts notice will bs pleaded In bar of reoov- Persons Indebted to the estate mnat nav wltbout delay. JAB. V. HARB1HON, PnbllA ArlmlntatrKtiv Hew Bern 1. O.. Dec Bih 1802 Istiw NOTICE. The undersigned, George Green, Jr., has dolyqnaliaedasiKxeeotor of tbe estate of George Green, and hereby gives notice that be reoulrea all neraona havi. .uim. against the estaM of the tald George Green w p.Dwvu.vuvu. m. vii o aaia ueorge ureen, Jr., duly authenticated for payment, on or before the 18th day of December, 1803, or else thle notice will be pleaded In bar of recov ery. Persons Indebted to tbe estate must Day without delay, GEOBGB GHKEN.Jb., d'88 Kxeontor. NOTICE. If you want the easiest Bhave you ever had, and your hair cut in the very latest style, be sure and call on Pblnck op Walks at the Gaston House Barber Shop. Everybody gays he is tbe best barber in the city, and he has no one employed except first clrsa barbers. T. H.H.;RICHARDSON, Proprietor. AD0LPH C0H1T, dealer rn- Pianos and Organs, The Mehlin High Grade and Newby ft Evans Piano. Crown, Queen and Needham Parlor Organs. NEW BERNE, -.NO CIRCULAR. The old and reliable firm of Cobn A Walaa was established in Newbern in 1852. The oldest bouae now in tbe eltv and tbe oalv surviving member of which In Adolpb Oohn, wuu u ueeu euKagca m tne music Dnsioees ior ine past ten years and In now located on Craven street, three doors below tbe Ulty Hall I would be pleaard to Inform my friends, patrons and I he publlo generally that 1 have secured the large nnd elegant uri'-K omitting lormerly occupied by John Patterson, doeaetd. where 1 have ample acooramonaiionB rot properly oODdnotluf my large and lncreasli g business, and wll oonsututly kepon baDd Upright and Square Pianos of the latest designs, lasting tone, superior work m hub hip and oi leading manufacturers ana ine oest material. Also a good supply Of SflKEf MU8I0 And 1 will ondeavor to make my business ai popui&r us me oju nrm UBea to ne, and one that will give satisfaction to my nume rous patrons The proprietor, Adolpb Cohn, would take this occasion of returning ble thanks to Uione who have taken an Interest In his welfare, and would respectfully solicit tbe continuance or tbe kindly reeling ol his friends. Kespeotfuily, A. COHN Furniiuro, Mattresses. GO TO W.P.Jones South Front St.,opp. Gaston House, For Furniture of All Finds. Mattresses made to order and reno vated. PRICES VERY LOW. jyl9 dwtf It. R. Jones Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise. Consignments of Cotton. Grain, and other Prodnoe solicited. Prompt attention guaran teed. Cotton Bagging and Tie now in stock. Lorillard and Gail & Ax 8nnffsold at Manufacturer's Prioes. E. R. JOKES, 9 14 d yew Berne, N. C Domestics, Hamburg Edging. Shoes, Hats. Trunks and Valises etc will sell VERY CHEAP for :Casii Only Come to see us and be convinced of our low Prices. THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, OPPOSITE STEEBT'S STABLK, MIDDLE STEEET. '-.V A Pretty surprise. A beautifully illustrated and charmingly bound edition of LonefelWs "Evangeline," the most popular Jong poem ever puuiiaucu. iiiuv.u author, and one of the most famous poems in the language, recently pub lished, is a pretty surprise for book lovers. It is in large type, numerous and excellent illustrations, very fine and heavy paper, gilt edges, remarka bly handsome cloth binding, combin ing, in delicate colors, blue and 'white and silver and gold. No illustrated edition has ever before been published at less than $1.50, and that is about what vou mieht " i?uess" the price of this t.n b. but it isn't witness our offer below. Every home in the land ought to have a copy of this Evangeline, so charmingly beautiful, as a poem, as a collection of artistic iUustrations, and as a product of the book making art. fl .. M f.rr as By special arrangements with the pub UUr UTlBl. lisher we are able to offer this book to the subscribers to this paper as f ollows : EVANGELINE and DAILY JOURNAL, one year, " " six months, " " three months, WEEKLY JOURNAL, one jcar, six months, C5.0O 2-75 1 .50 1.25 75 Under no circumstances docs tins proposition hold good except where payment it made in advance. TRY BIG IKE THE CLOTHIER. BIG IKE Bio THE CLOTniER. Ikk ' Bio This very bell J Ikr Bin Rings out the knell Ike Bio of prices high, now listen Ike Bio well, Good people who in Ikk Bio New Berne dwell, To its ding Ikk Bio dong, both loud and long. My Ike Bio country iriends, hark to its song, Ikr Bio And trade with m in numbers strong! Ike TRYjBIG IKE Come all, and TRY BIG IKE this Fall TRY 1110,1 Kb He has one price for each and all. Your notice to this fact I call. He rings out old, he rings in new, JHe rings out false, he rings in true, And tries his best by all to do. Come all, no time is to be lost, He is selling Shoes, Hats, Clothes at cost. All thick and strong, foes to Jack Frost. ! He'll treat you right, do no man wrong Ding Dong I I call you all day long. BIG BARGAINS at BIG IKE'S my song. DING DONG ! DING DONGI ALL COME ALONG. TRY i BIG IKE. BED CLOTIIinO. oy misiue, lour times as ataay uomiorcs as we ordered were shipped us. To svoid retrmtnc them we are making a slaughter of prices, uome quick ana get four plot, uotei men ana Housekeepers, loot 10 your interests. We can not be equalled on BLA.N KETS. We hare a Terr lane stock at remarkably lour prioes. Among taem are euperior 11 and 12 quarter 0 pound Iambs'-wool All other winter Good on laud and .fll) be sold t Great Eedoo- " i .; '' S-!j 1.1' KNCHn Rlle.M til loreneu of the atufnu. mcnbclneln caret CONOR R HU1A andCLHET In I to3 l.r. No twy lajuiiou. ftet aSects, Prlte, SoiA r'- " . ..... . BUIUU CSUS HI., PTS'S, SMlltt Bt. C. For sale "by J. V. JORDAN, DruggiBt,.New Beroe. N A SOLID MUSICAL SOUTH IN GRAND CHORUS. .: Tan. O'11 wnnoa. Hallelujah Metre. fryJlJ TT III i - i ill -i r -rr-m r iff svir r r ji-j--t Tf-prp r r'3 -F-a Bat af Js-kV Is. It aam,Taf raw f . M Is. b w.lm 7. luawd rt-tU Boa. CLCVCLAND KLKCTKD. CONFIDENCE SIEBTORKD. COTTON 4UMPINO UP. CORN CRIBS PULL. FORCI BILL DCaD. PROBPmiTV IN BIOHT. J PIANOS only $335. ORGANS only $27. V CateWmM this mat JabUsxTaavwIUi Mm Plain or Oraaa so lone wantofT MevnahMtrr A luna to bay. prioss m lower. Tanas nsver sasMr. New styka. New prices. New terou. SPECIAL JUBILCC HOLIDAY OFFER PIANO LAMP FREE. Frs tm llallaar Barer. Wlta every aew Plaoo ndena before Jan. IS, w, we give a tpien. am sis jrsa asaa. cwiBieie. eiena lorcircuiar. jaemuj uiu vovcr. uvaiouav: 1 T UDDEN & BATES.exTMusic House, Savannah, G A I The Ladla( Piano and Org-aa Manse of tbe Bouth. Established 1870. ' $1.00 Per Year. 60c. for 6 Months. -FUK THE- WEEKLY JOURNAL. MNE COLUMN KOLIO-LARGE AMOUNT OF READING, X Ty mi ,., ii." siir ?ni-tl ol iilavw RIVED THEY HAVE ML TuTm HATTlNIV'cib;'' Have just received SIXTY HEAD of the finest kind bfWESTERN HORSES and MDLEfl adapted to all purposes. i.-,". ' aniSENERAL ISFaM COMPETITION as to PRICE. QUALITY Also, a FuU and Complete Line of BUGGIES, HARNESS, ROAD CARTS, m fact anvthfno pertaining to the Hone ' i ; " : ! " ' . -.m' . 'aM, b,W have just made au addition to our already c6rnfflodi0M fiteWes, for the 'further ticcoirunoiiB. ''W.See twtefore buying olflewhereh ' :::M. HAHN & 00 " The tit " ' 5.00 Per Year. Daily Journal 50c. Per Month srculutuH in every direction fron. New Bomo, when-1 linn iV i C ''" j .v. - . Li-ily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertiBerR, Ltbtrsl Advertising Ratas. We nave Just received a lartre lot of HeW and : JJandsome: 3ooks, '. whicli -wa tjluV tiitb 5 bpthlhiaan trefiT tJieW,' and get one by paying one year Ir f mntT uavinar4l.25 . is? le'TTcsMy one year in? advance' will "c'-f entith ycuito a book.

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