i T " . ., T-jji..i.'J),liriBBgBBMBIllL i "'"' lllaa What is .is,-. re"-- f if, - d rf,M STamUei P,tCW8 lPon for Inflmt. and Children It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic 8b8tance: It W a harmleis Vabstltuto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. 2n?, ltS ffMwnto 19 tlfty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms andallays fcverishness. Castoria prerents vomiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhea aud Wind Colic. Castoria relierJ teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulate, tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea-tho Mother's Friend Castoria. "Ccstorfa Is an cicellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told Die of its (!uod effect upon their cbildren." Dil a. C. OsnooD, Lowell, lLass. " Castoria la the best remedy for children of chid. I nm acquainted. I hope the day Is not lar dUtant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Ctstorin in land of the variousquack nostrums which ore d -straying Uieir loved ones, by forcing o.iiu.i, morphine, ooothing syrup aud oiuit hurtful .-UT-nU down tlieir throats, thereby m-uiliu-'twin to premature graves." " Dr.. J. V KlNCHELOB, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperiortoany prescription known to me." n. A. Aacuss, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St. Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their export ence In their outside practice with Castoria and although we only hare among o,r medical supplies what Is known as regular priHiucte, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor Uxn it." United Hosprrii, and DlspwsiRT, THE JOURNAL. Boutin Mni Allen C. Smith, Pres.. Th. Centanr Company, TV Murray Street, New York Citv. MY SHIP. My ship, Great God, it is sinking Are the words frnm a iin. And the sea-brine I shall .wi. V. ,irit,: " WllPTl fhe n, a il t.A. I , ...... ,c lm,c wasueu me UOU1 WflTK. There are loved ones o'ei vnni.e waiting In old Eurone. the land in t i But no more. neTer mora ah.ii t . .'i iill I'm taken up home fax above. Oh moments are sweet at sun-set, For alas, ere Ion t. it la nSok. Tliough the darkness will soon hare been vanished And the sun freelv mm n. l.i.iii.. But an hour and the pride of my lifetime, Will be sunken and Inst fw. .n ' And the fact it will always ho hidden oure no man can evr construe. Death awaits me I know lor I I.: He s ugly, and meagre, and thin But I'll yield to his icy cold fingers For slowly vet surclv be'll hAh? d?" onesar8 waiting unconscious Uf the furv which arnnml i: Dear mother, dear father, dear sister, "uncii i ui gomg on nign. The moon-light will play on the waters i-uuiT wnicn i m buried so deep nd the tears of a mother and sister AVill trickle whilp nni.iiv I oi..... llie water is now clinibino-o'er me It beats so hoiatrnna ml mii.i ay len l will cast in the oceau These l.iu-s they shall drift in a viul. Sweet future could I but behold thee I would look although I'm downcast And behold old Enoch and Joseph While writing and living my last. My name it is Randal McDonald My enul o'er yonder'll be found I" the dawn of the lust curtlily morning When Gabriels great trumpet shall sound. 0. A. Caton. Wee Florida ORANGES Just received from CHEAPER than any Firm in tiie city.; Candies Raisins, Nuts, Apples and Bananas, etc. AT THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BEENE, N, C. Oriranized one year ns-o - .. . pmn huu irvuis nwmnvoa . vtJTLBRt . . President, -'w aDwick, Vioe-President. a n " Cashier. ""IU""JlH; Teller Wm. Oleve, p. H. paiieti. Stewart, y. s. Ohadwiok. J. W. jonn wuter. n. Mark. u. H. Cutler. E! u u li Headquarters for Niokel Saving Stamp , loopeotiuiiy sonoltea Rock Bottom Prises. Malaga and Concord Grapes. A SMALL QUANTITY OF A. A. Vantine & Co.'s JAPANESE 0Q00S LEFr. WILL SELL VKRV n-i-,,.' 8hould Bear in Mind I not Ilia m on : is. R. 'J, "ic?;. Croup Is now I'ully s Croup Ryrnp in the hnn.. i.,.' R. N. DUFFY Over Nunn 4 MoSorleys Htoio. R N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, A P.ompi. and Klllelent RemeJy for Coughs, Colds, Croop, Bronchitis, Assignee's Sale. The Stock of Gooda assigned to iuo nnaersigned by Alex. Miller wm oe sow for Cash at th Miiir Diore on Broad street, on and after uivxvAX, JAN. 9th inst., at WB-L-VKlVW in Iota to snit nnr chasers. GEO. H. EOBEETS, Jan. Oth, 1893. As8'gne Sale of land. Bowdeo and S&ntniT.r&tjl? 1 irna ii, , " ' Monday, February Utti, mi at Twelva olk ... .: , " " Juaua to ttlA . ' - s handnd anJ i Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! Oak, Ash and Pine Supplied In Any Quantity. rroni one (iimrter nt n . -" " "lie nun liixl cortla. Apply to M. I'OHTEK, Rivordale, N. 0., i W.M. COLLIOAN, New Berno, N. C. right title and lnteVestS'Baih.lTLIKlft ' ' law in i omceofRealst.ror iEJ. idii the Aqnllla Pollard Pant5 WW 17 & &&8!iS"-'r -. . v. v. laaiouaas. N r 1 t 1 1 . ,, . , . vaauuiHA-CtlTln GaUMS. I" the Buiwrlor Court. 11. fl. Ferrv. Piainttr . . fendant 1 "' Notice al summons and Warrant of Attach. ment. .T iue tierendant above namaH notice that an aotlSnsntUled ute commenced I., th. Catarrh. . tli-1 ".'A""'.?.? .lsa Rerral,,,' nd "ntlsep il,, li,;.",,.., . V; .U8"."' ot of ., "-uwr., r-Mnt'CiailV III li,h. s-. anu in r.npn- Mortgage Sale -Land. uue said Piir;f,"'.'" Dn mon7l.surjf,.aot.'0"L ? ". tb.ii.r-. attaa JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF mm NORFOLK. NEWRERS k Wk'.mavnv nea.hh, ' For sleeplessness, T TO -Cn'to rvf-. U en rt diseases. I.KMON ELIXIK. A I'lensant Lejnon Tonic. i- or Billiousness, Conslipul,,,,, Malaria Colds ami the (.5 rip. ' ror in.iiireslion. S.ek- ,,.! Nervousness anil WUNfl I gScSOSLEY. First Class Barber Shop IIliICK ULOUK, .MIDDLE ST., Noarly opposite Haptist Church A . ... 'r,!i. tscarl-t rcvr. fi',',"';" MI"1 lKwel lr"'hits due to ;0 Ono triu will convince lu.trits 1JIII KOriONH you oi its OMSDOOnfnl on i.i "V?7.r"'T ' ""rS MI,KkB ,",' . 'n " ,,, IMIIIlt Purafn I!.. ... K in line Krtlele in ( ll: lt.lt Marble Works Tri-Weekly Trips. i, M,o North oi.r,,iin .;r-. 7 "P" yea MVD, J1U , Q. ... NEW BERNE, N. C. (a(an and American MarbU and B Orders Holicited and given proir at- Jf, "MwacMou guaranteed. lerra.Ootta Vases for plants aud llow era furnished at the very lowest rates. GEO. HENDERSOnT (Bneeessor to ttoberts A H, Dderson). ueneral Insurance Agent &oV,,;?.!ad'hTt:omp"y of NorUi ni Inturanoe Company, of New York Hat??r.l2"l,;"t"",0om!,anj' of Knlnd. 'fanfard! Iwuranoe Company, of ' ttaleal,,h0lln Hom' lMo Company WreenwHoh tnsuranoe Company, of Raw I Atlanta. uompany, B.tn viarloe Insnranoe Company, -of ,lon lulvdwtf Htter Serve the Interests of Shippers UnB,an i "I" Dominion Si.,am' 1st, i(:i, spa n ,ase,,KwrBn,l truck shipper, tluee tri X'VXLSZr """' and .Norfoffe J NO ADVANCE IN RATES. .... "r SUNDAY. JN mill further notloe.tha itwnur NEWBEME. Ca.pt Sonthijate. MMiner DfiniHUB, Capt. IWess 5teimp.j ELKO, Capt. Short or r ever, Chills, Del.ilily and Kidnev ... , uiiiMiii .ii.Mr. Ladies, lor nalurnl mid thnroU"h ganic regulation, take Lemon Klixir Ur. Mosley's Lemnn Klixir is prepared ...... ...v ,i,,ji in i-enmns, combined with other ve-etaMe liver tonics, and will not tail you in any of the above 7'mu. "'senses, uue. ami i. bottles at UlUgglHIS. i-repurcd only by Dr. H. Moxley, At- A Prominent Minister Writes. Alter ten years ot great suffering from uu.gesuon. witn great nervous nrostra "on, tiiliousness. disordered kidneys and "7'ru"""- i nave oeen cured by Dr Mozleys Lemon Klixir and am- now a a well man. iikv. v. f. Davis, Eld. Ur. Church Sni.th No. 2H Talnall St., Atlanta, (ja, K. ua.1 1 inim Nr.rfAik w .. tue Atluti. rn7r-uT."r,11.. w'tb snathe water llTSSSTi mak7nTonY,dD"d"Vnd.. V. .... .. . ur, l lieMnr. Dr. naDis'and Miner.' Una f..r p .; to:"?;.';,'.:. " for WasTu ln uu citrn pollts. nn.M tham k.p it,. . ;u. noii- .11'! P"'." """ bVueTinner. Une, Norfo?sTV.Cttre f " -W. Direct KAI.PH ORA.Y. Acting Anut. al;, J("1!JIV hee, whlcli represent Ike WI leailfy. " 44.00 f 3.50rf2, ,1I2.09 2.23. m M,) 41.75 . 1 Wi JL. DOUGLAS m cunc for X ' ISi!I2,L?.U,y,rt0Ml"u''",d- 11, at name and ' f;'Moa bottom of cnoliiio,OTa ' . ! -' JAKE NO HIJIfHTITI'TK. ; BARPylNQTON" & BAXTER : 'HUMPHREYS' ... f.,'. D'.HnmDltreys' Bperlflea are ... : -w eeraraUj tmoaiwl .Heniedlus, uw ' - Pnete pracuoe and lor otbt thirl o. id: Eastern Carolina Dispatch. I'ast pMsenger and lrelght Una between V,rn North Carolina Polnu.andall eon- neotlorsor Ik PBB-aVl.VAIIIA BAILHOAD, ISOI.0DIHO. Vorh, Phlllelphla.rorrolli,liat timer and Boston. LV Tr.w7kir ,,. 0m ew Berne. Halls from New Bern, WKONK8DAVH,: VRIDAVS, 4.80 r.TVT ppini! at Koanoae Island each ni foruiin oloee oon .eotion wltb "e .,..u,a unu.ern Hal roeui Ulptan -Via eonsistlntj of !' Norfolk M ul hero ln.l Penn-ylvHiiii, K K ! for e..l ,r il'.e.oir, rl.,ttu,K.rl Oratitiue. II f,. ... i.i,.,.r., i7iur oir: Hmre no. "ig your Lemon Klixir. I have never iiuu anotner attack of those fearful Bick headaches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jones, Parkersburg, West Va. Inere is nothing- so awt an ty, and all the bent i)lasnra nt ie oome in the wake nfrlntlAa aonj. UCKLKHs aHIIIOA IILVI The Best Salve In th ,.m BruUee Bores, Uloers, Halt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Cl.anned Hands Chllhl-ir.. vornB, ana an BWn Eruptions, and post lively cures Files, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction . uiuuey reiunaea. rrloe S!0 oents Dr k T?.. - 1 I. XI I inn - r NOTICE. Notice is hcrebv A,,uu,iau,ra on tue 1st Monday in Feb, ions, will receive sealed proposals and hlrla r rnt.;..l.:n iS- f " .v.. .u. ,1101,1,11 uruvisions lor tne county poor as per ration and for medi cines anil medical suDDlies for cnimH, poor, and prisoners in jail. Commission ers reserve tlic right to reject any,and all .. ay i.racr oi tne UoarU of Comm's Jan. 20 183, J. W. Biddlk, Clerk. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castora. compote, nt ducC assihtiintH et,i,l, II. li. Notice. veil li.VNKS, I'l'oprn-t, Bj Virtue Of thn r,r,v. ,o ,..,.,. till. ...... rj man uittiu, U. C li IllB wifo aHIu York, by , ttd 23,1 day of April. 1-H: 1 I I, UK UtllMlmr. luT.. u. .. f. ." . 7 ." ." ".''" , in .7 ' nu ""'iiMllllI flhM (' ui t ' "f WasiiinKiou. u. ;., by M.tu,., v ,n. " .: ueed of t, Uht ,'Xcc:,. Kegistrerol Deeds o(Hee'lr Cri.vrn .,.," N. O., Book OS loMi't;7 ... lo sale al. hih,,. ' .. .. ' ilouse door In II, ttit.v .r .. - . m" t.hB,'",l',dl of "'"'afy. 1WW. at Twelve. M , ine ollowino Hnhii . . 2lfJ1H?.tr'r?m the n)esteuiuerof liun trith H!?Ale.u'"nd runnlg nortliwsrdli UeneBew.e"Ht,:fl,v?.!' !.',,n Vlc.tB.lJ"rr')5'.w.1,1;.''''! MoselVa Tin. t:'",l.lf?L,.l.," " .! u,.ai.,i . " nwiw.riny Willi ' " n'oety (") feet to , K reel . . ,iiubu, ns,H, casn. ANDREW WALL. JOHN K. SMITH, Trustees F. B. L. and I. Assoolatio-,. ii. J. Moors, Attorney. h HOOK STORK AMI .1 2 il i Oil CiX . counly, Hon. HeKH.er of needs of t'rsven k n, pagts 004 aud 5.;,, Iwlll, 6th Day of February, 1893. ""Court House door In the 01tvofN. Herno, at Twelve o'clock, if , aWl to tue K!''V. '"lO.er, for cash, .lie land" dUcrlb , , . '"""H ' a'-res adjoining tlm ll,, IS!).!. IVKK, Allorne'y. ntnabla coonty. tobe h.H.,r'"i!S.vWff fore tbe First Mr,.T ?'".0J Court House In New h.. "J"?' warrar?of?nadlTLVW'"'LO'i?0' 1 1, is .1 u , W. li. M, ,t sreured. A Ki i.niKK. ll 1,1 lilank Hooks, and new lot .standard Works of Kenowneil Authors. i rayor ami Ilymii Book; Pursi's, I'oiim, r.mcils, etc. Also, Tinto I'ajH'is ceiveild aily. Liadie and I'eriodicals ro-lOtf G. L HARBISON. Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of aud Dealer in FIRST-CLASS BRICK. w ready for the market. Will a PRECRIPTSON in ,f at.tah.... T-""V''U Huuerlor CourT nnr.Vu"" ''-?.'.'' hlir Korsvt." .aBd"e8UuV,'.Bv PL0.P.l'y MS&d before .ki,. above named fr.r..Jl."2 ! m.?edttaT:e. "IS MZ3Sa Tbls 3d January, 1,. W. M. WATSON. Ulerk of tli e Superior Oonrt. jl liw NOTICE. I oiu lopo I'ennell Hrook, Ufcaries We;tb'eVluton, 1" pursuanoe to a iudim.n. Couit or Uv.'""""" n v-tu lUUUIT. 30(1,1100 n sell as cheap as any other mau ie2(itf Pnni 1.1 hat-iiilnMs IkmI.i. " millAillAn that ..... ... I jinn tue neanu or lntcrfdn- will plearMin- rt tmildri Up and inn M'aiiii.cifarNtlie Kkm mid ln nntiii No wrinklcrt lir flahtiincNH (nllnv JwuiorM ii uy juiysltlailH uiid 1 f AIIENTS TREATED -in. Hu-wIh. No N(arvlnV. SimlI fi 01. 0 r. SNYDER, .UlC rlln 1,1 . I i, ' ,, , MAIL CUi.nM.'rMl'L. BY IMl.l VICKEfi S THEATER. CliiiU 'It DV1T.V AND I mat is easy to lake, win..,, rea. li ol the I'oonst, an,l is w.i irani,.,! t CUre t,P o,i i.is 01 wril., pocket-book in J'Mnlenee Jdjual p,s of Seleetios. Ihorouol, Invtstioalioii, Hon.-sl Dealin,' i .or i rices ami Km, n, rise and me i;reat tra.lr , ivir. and keep our p.,ir,,iis slaneen in wl.ii li all iIicm: uro many. Very respectfully, Hackbyirn rt II, n Kull entiiled action 'lWof said court intS;;; nowDern, at Twelve M "". Kebruir. Z Zte u.eus8ouV,r .?L?: ras west of Newbern and .rt,,,,'! llr....l, .. ... . . " 1 said W eau.erlngu.n n ow llV.s We aiujbui saie, cash uarr;J,:,M0(JR,- Commissioner. Administrator's Notioe.- you liavr e i-oinpound it "ipplied. In are prominent Willett. "oidlng Z?.;,',: L'? I"'1 P"ni underslioed .uiDer, laws bar of kar Please ,ae l,n.ed,. . 1 ibis 711, ,lav , ,k,,,. .""''I ceased tOHl.ii,it 11 m ... Tr"'80! aaidde- .ecovcrv. recovery. I persons Indebted to " "' "ecemoer. I6111. UtA K. H1CKHL Jas W. Watkhh, Attorney. Admlnistratoj des dim w5f .NOTICK. Til. UllriAnlDnn.,,... . mi,,,. ;."..""" u,"y 'luannedaa aj. 111. aud berebyKivV.'' notice ,7,k" quires all oersons l,v1!.D,"??. tha b sjh ."'ate of io said Hewsom ijSrS" - w asmssl ssl am u Ms JJ BR Oil Clothing is warranted the Best in the VVoilJ ! Is more Waterprooi-, Is Stronqrr. and will Wear Loncifr than jny other poods manufactured Ask lor the" FISH BRAND;" take no other L C. ZIRCKEL & BR0.. Sole Agent., Baltimore, 5M REDUCED RATES. Weekly, per yesi gl.O,; " lor six months Co '.my, por yuar $r, 00 " per six months .50 ' per threo months 1 5(1 News ei all questions ,n, to amer, Jll sectiona and on TI10 abovo ratosaro pyalilo in advance .mu can 00 saiely forwarded either money order or rojjistered loltor. by Boot and Shoe Maker. All Stylus of Boota and Shoes made to order on whort notice. Repairing a Specialty N. AKTEN, (Haven st.eet. opposlle Journal oOioe. the am, uay of Uerem b 18V o,' noil", will be pleaded It ' rersons liideni,i . r estate rsoOT, TS4E, J AM EH O. HABBI Hewhern v -1UD.' ? Admlnl ... v... WCt iotn. lHfn. NOTJOK. 1 ne undersigned. J. A Thomas and w. esutt. oVvin'f l1":'"-" a" "ecutori 'of estatsof lne A Thomas, and hereby '"y r"l" all person. MTIfNTS I'll the L'lVA !'-' '' the es'tale or ffSS . . """'as to prsseut them to the said executors, doly anlhutloated, for navnie.., reoovery. " Plea.de1 "ar .,( I'er.ous Indni.tcl to Hi. eni. Administrator Sale of Land r,MmTll,"''Jn,ra""l the 8o . Lourt, I will sell al fublln rI at U.e court llou'rg Monday, February 13th, 18W T .. I land In Cra..n to tbe aatata af CeanrlhA :r"f,, I be Sit The eastern nab ii. K.. Ne V, Iitanst... . .lie ell.nlntun """.'".n ... Tr-... ' . 1, unm m h ini.i u Jiora. ,n, (. Kni( An.,i.ih 11 u t a lellante and rlor Uollllles for n-l.iol. pol', e SClenHflnnlhr ... Used l.ir vMn ... ixnnl. wits .,., y." J " V1 ? a.peclal ouiT,, u,B dieWasauiT' WUl0 ' They pore without drugging. PUWHiorlm.lr. , . , . ,. men. ua an in uu. Auj m. u..r. . . esaealaa af ih. U,'..,. 4 ....-... : ." i tbmoui, u..; ... "-"u oars to 1 attarn B., Pier 71. and balto nd Hallo. "'PP"d via,, ;,!,"""? "iP", da ly ha follows: $I6i01 TO ;s- r $21 1 1 . aawrraiROt..i.sM. ''v. f V"siM.innmtnflonB.. .113 .'- 1 -Warais, Worm K'Ter, Worm own.,, .as '"- -Teellilairi Oollo, Orylns. Wakafuama . 4-IUrrfce of CMdrso or AduMs.t..,. .03 J -,-Coahs,Oolda,oueliltls... J. ' "V - -Narall, Toothache, Pocaaclia u.-, I f' ."-H"""., SIctHaadacho. Vertigo., .'li I ,, ;; w-D)rsepsla. DUIoiwneia.C'oasUpMloB. .via r i t-?ie or Palnfal Period , .a I JY-waitea, Too Profuse rwrtods..'..,,:, J Norf- HI K-OUl I'lm.ulBltibl.i, ,r Phila K II.. Dt.rl, HL t.,t,'n.. Kr'tiu tlltlino,-H, by 1'1,1'u. Wli H IU. rreSldHUL Ht pultun .. o, .u.a uy NnrroiiHouihei n K rt. 11 Huston h M r.,.. ' por,i ,... Ne v.;;. ani vL-rr;.::v ow ati. rin ...V ... .., v 1. .-1-1 ",.ili Ko former i,i. i, u ulT ,. ' JTV 'J"n'1 "r-Uht trumo A.eat, ,. . i - n 1 v ., J,. V,.ni ' ..is. i 'Aa'.rtii. at M. uoCs TfUER DESK CO., . ' 8T.LOUI8.MO Onr Mammoth CaUlogueof Bank Oociimas, Daeas, and other Omen Fuaa.Toaa for IH9 now ready. New Goods. New Styles In Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cabl nets, Ao., &o., and at matchless prices, as above Indicated. Onr goods are well known and aold freely In every oouotry that speaks English. Catalogues free. PoatsjreMc .U5 .HI a v. 1 . ... " ' . 1 ' iv.D.Mu.m, Knenmatie fains sia maiaiM. viiius, a prer ana ague .'JA V lT-PUee, HUnd or Bleodlng . M - Mm". Co' the Beaal, 9N.rr...lebllUy....T.i.X.:;;:i.i) wswauaaaa, wanatBw.. Tarn TW SIS. OS., Ill ant wisest, iuYa. iiFEci fi c s: NOTICE, f r ,.."2-'r,,,""a AbU' h Manirhssl da) qoailQedas aumlnlstralrlz af tl.a aai.,i and l.n.na .,BU . he reunlras all nemmia u, ine aaia nssu m .,t ManlT mi s- -.,..t the nt them to the aald Anita H. Uanlv tnentinated, for payment, on o ntyof Ileci-uiber. orelaa Hi pleaded In b of rae... d lo the en .ae bit'ftpay j V I ..' ' ..'!,. N,' .. ... K .,.,,. ,,, v ., . oiK '-' .. ' ;t ' I'M. .... . ;. v Has Jost returned wl LARGE LOT 54 aV 1 IT A WOttST CASES.- iL r w try it, without erprnite, w will jfce. All 1 ( . e and Slate. t r - t OF HORSES AND OULES. TREATrn HV rrvrinrnr... 1 -- l a a . - . .... 1. I ' eUUII I, (If IHV ne fl UI 1- crynra -uii-r... I W A TMi-iIUau , . HIC.CT.ltl Jnl;s, Kzecutor, v. . , - . - . - : jr 11. ( EflJ:-:': -.rSi1'MI,:i . in fiff.01 1 Wi mwmmssmmsm fS 1tMa I 06 4 00 U-ir tt&Sf5 J. oo 6w If " r: f SfO ii.wi,, . ixrfa - ;! ': 'AX? , 5o l(:J-l!fv.,.,, -SV '''"'Vt''fajlIJ;LlWsy louiiiy, .. Cii belonging iic.Kiali navls, deceased lylnsj on Heaver Dam K; aud Htewari's braich m,,r ... , v HtCULI.1011 moreoresrad 'o.T.ln, T.hSf .""2 meriy H cnarda,,,.-. ,.-7.- Ja s. ro- aiijolnlDg the Havannal. 7.IX. r Ql..ety.nv,.,re. more oiir??L" Tiv ."'"cerflu dd dale '""l VACCUIM I. VT VL.' l s.. J - M Hirbanlson. to H.":?"0".'. of re -Is, . red In ,., u..., i" . ok i ,, I"", .ii-"" eonnw. 'u:r"rri! tn,n da- l"l.aiid leglster.,1 iT . 2' ? three tracts: One tract of ,-. .r1!?' : one ol elghtv ..... ?5 A. Br van'. also another treat conialalnjr eas. Alirn.,H? dated Jann.a7 hrtnnyvn - - f red in the Kecor.l. or ' T''. 11 ynfKm wii 1 U'liaMfeiin t.. 1 :d. ouly 1,1 Hook No ei rT 0 .rdeT,.'?;p.7i;.vV7h -f..t.j nuifsj inorn nr . v. " font 1. in in if Blxiv-M.l. lu" om - J I.T-1 Cl III 1'iianera. iti iu a body or vcr mor ok J iu tun 10 gull p Adin.n.strsfof".'".. II M ill 1 Kll.JHST, Att'y vtIDtlo cV N TiJB TABLM If; .25 A.M 5. 1808. ThnrtdayJ Jm Rnrnrnm No. .1. wV"" "uu, Ar. Lve. bTT.. 'I" 1140 10 I, l h 1018 iM 847 tot HIS BELLS THK.. ; BEST EO AD CAItTS J EVER SOLD LV THIS MAEKEX e -Tracks of Timlier; ffoif Mi on iury tenm," Ivjn; Tor purilcnlm llrii ; -' . ''O. K. A." Kwr Prn. N. O.. Or D. O. A U.T- Trevor, -T . - . . , -iTy" ' 1 am constantly replenishing my stables with eood well selootd a from the. West, bought at first hands 25 pftit rsifv?0- ipterest of any one wanting fstock toilet mv prices;, before: purcnas nff e aewhfirA aa t wjigei my Ooiho East. No. 1.1 t'od Ft. ft Pe Trnin. 0 SO 7 06 7 .SO 7 IH H BO 55 Stations. Ooldsboro L Urani Kinstoa Nw Born Uorehestd City iJaiiy. Mai. Pass.Trai.. Stations. 1 16 10 OS 10 31 10 38 n oo u 05 11 17 11 41 IX 16 8 00 :8 67 848 408 487 '4 61 6 01 616 6 88 6 81 Ooldsboro Boet's La Grange Falling Crefc Kinsion Cm we 1 2 DoTor Oore Creak Tuaoarort OUrk'i Newber Bivardai OroaUa Baraloek w fit I Vorwh4 car Ti? i 840 8 60 418 4 43 466 6 01 SI SIS Ptm 'W M 14 1 2 . 64 f5. N IX IV (ft a tj ' IC4 Sffa 111 !Ji ! M 6t r W 16 ti IT'S Wilmington and w, "

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