1 .'4 1 v.?--- . x'i. " P I. 1 e, y" t it 1 .... ?,iy., ' What is l i - - --"--ir-i- ii ii Castoria is Dr. Samnol Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrinhness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'Cfitnr!a Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Motlirra havrt repeatedly told moot its good eCect upon their children.1 Dit. G. C. Ouoood, Lowell, nlaat. Castoria is the best remedy for children of fhU;h I am acquainted. I hope the l..y U i.ot far distant when mothers will consider the rwil intorrstof their ehlMrrn, mi l use Ci.Rtnri:v in-v.t-ud of tiievariousqunck uoritnims wlik-h arc K-Htroyint; their loved ones, by forcing c;uuni, imrphlne, soothing syrup and other hijrtrnl "Kent down their throats, thcrohy Binding thpru to premature graves." Dll. J. F. KtWCHKLOK, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TJ Murray Street, New York City. JOE K. WILLIS, proprietor of ! Eastern M Carolina larble Works NEW BERNE, N. C. JtaMm and Amerioan Harbl and QuaOtiu qf MattrimL Orders solioiterl and given proper at Ujntion, with sAtisfaciion iiuianteed. Terra Cotta Vaiea for limits and (low ers famished at the verv lowest, rates. "GEO. HENDKRSONT (Huooessor to Robe r In lU-r-dnraon), General Insurance Agent HepreseutlnK l:isurnt',o Company of North mnrlca. of PnlliulolpbiH. dome Insurance I'ompauy. of Niw York. Queeu luoarnpop, Oim;-wtuv of KuiclHiid. Ilartrorrl Ktro lusui-anct Company, of fartfrtrd. S .North i.'aioitn Home lusuranoo.'oinpaoy Itilelnh wreeuwltou li-nuranoe :orupauy, of JSew (fork, Phenlz Insumuce Coru.muy, of Itrooklyu. lJiil:.ed UndrtvwrUers lusurai.ee I'ouipany, Atlanla. Ilostou Murine lniurftuo Company, i;f oton luividwlf IT 18 A DUTY yon owe yonraolf and fam ily fa Bet tho bent alue for your inouey. Keeaeaiiae to yor fnolwear by pnrehaslnc W. li. Iloutrlnn Shorn, which represent the best Talue for prtoes asked, aa Ihoasauds will testify. 5.00 3.00 4.00 50 3.50 42.50 2.25 12.00 FOR UDIEl 2.00 1.75 ron BOYI 1.75 2. ton V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cek-Tu HE BEST SHOE IN T'lE WORLD FOR THE EN. THE MONET. 4tTH KR. fSPEClAIjTIEH In footwear aroof the Mme hiffh frTad,and rtpres'iit ft niouoy valno x beyond Uie pricecharl. see ttiat iuuiu ud BriMweMAmpetl on bottom of ouch ntuKi. V9 1m Pouffla. ilrtckioiit ftlasa Sold by -.BARRING TON & BAXTER HU1.PHREYS, tfr. Hao.phrv,BptiftilrarH;loftUfloultyanrl " mrefull iiniituil KomedUw, tiwU it-r juam lu liriTtt praouee &ud for ovr thirty yuan l y tho r-opim wtUi eutiru mtocom. ttvary singlo HpwlAo iitecial ouro for the dlsvau named. 'Sbtrf eon without d rural rw. Luirpifng or rodudng the tyWim and aro in (act auu dved tlie tiovrruUu Bamedlaa of the Woi l. Ajaror FSMAifAL wnk en.... ..ica 1Fevors. CoafaUooB,ljifliminfaioos.. .A . it Worm. Worm Kover, Worm llolto. . . . ' , 8 Teethtaai Collo, Oryuiit, Wakefuuieis . ASlarrboai of Children or adult : : t Oeosrhs, Colds, VronoklUs H-Neurnlgla, Toothnolas, raeeaahe. - - a-Headavhes. Hick Beauache, Vertigo.. V' s-Iyseia. DIUouukwi, CouMlirlon 1 1 HarDFcaeed or Painful I'erlods. .. ' l'J tVhltss, Too IM iM I'orlods ; - IS-CrsuD, Laryaeltl. Eoarsenejs " 14-Kalt Ubeara, Eryslpslas, Eruptlous.. -' I ft Eheassailsns. Rbeumatte Fahis . " 16-Malarla. OhUls, Fever and Ague V 19-Pllaa. BMad or Bloodlna 1 o-Ca tarrh. Infloensa, Cold In the Bead. Bw Wbaoalnsj Osath QT Kldnev DlMBsea gHNerraas Debility.' ........t.f -Uriaarr Waakaeas, Wsttiac Bed.. .34 Mi ay lratrMa at avarpaM aa laartat aff frtaa Itm Imam Mimii pn in n 1 ainrr rm mnpimrnaw.,uuii mtmm OPE CI Fl C S. li Wk "I" NOTICE. v The nndersinned Anita H. Manly bal doly qna'luadas Administratrix of the estate of Basil Manlr. and hereny girea notloe tnat ah require all persona having elalajs analnst Ibe estate of the said Haiti Manly to present them to the said Anita H, Manly duly aulhentlnatert, foi payment, on or l..-i..re the 16tb day of December, IHalL or else tms notloe wlUba pleaded la bar of reoov- 't rons IndebUd to tbt MtaU mmt pay wuuould.lajr. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me H. A. Aran, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart mont have spoken highly of their experi ence In their oulaide practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tits merits of Castoria h&3 won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispknsart, boston. Mass Aijjcn C. Smith, Pre.. mm mm & WASHINGTON DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. In order to make more convenient and economical una of the veeHela uow employed n iho Norlb Chrollaa service, and thua to atter Serv8 the Interests of Shippers, . Clyde Line auJ Old Dominion 8 loam o nnipany hwe concluded t merge it- ir rt'BjieoMve iniea Deiween rNewoern, w. '. mid Norfolk. Va. into one line, thus civ il pinkvnnrs and iriw ahlppra thieo 'rlia !-:-ti ween uBiwBBii rowtwru auu orioia via WaRhliiKton. NO ADVANCE IN RATES. H u,i attar HIINDAY, JAN. 1st. IM, int;i further notion, th "ttB8r NEWBERHE, Cipt. oanth?ate. SUamar DEFIAKCB, Cipt. Burgess, And Steamer ELKO, Capt. Short. W1M ehII from Norfolk, Vu., for New Kerui- .tlri'.-.t , every Monday, laurcuay um 'iiiil-iy musing: ronnrot on wit; m vll.inMt, uml Nurili ! 'itr.Otna Hullroiid - . !u. w.tlftr Hues ou npus. atid Treul rivoris. ll. iurulnij, will sail t K(1M NKWBKKN for mikmh.h, va., via Koan.iRe Island wharf, "very Tuesday, Wednesday arid Friday, ruukluK oonnectlon at Norfolk with 1 lie Old Kay Line, for Baltimore, The Clyde uine, lor rnuaaeipnia. The fjiu lHmlnlou -meaioshlp Co.. for New York. The Mer- r.iiaDiB'aud Mluers l.tne fr Brovldenee and HoKtoti, aud The water Llnes for Wasi.lne io:i, I). C.and Klehoioud, Va., thus Klvlng hii water route to all ortheru ml Pastern points. AIno oouneetlon made with the 0. A O K. K.. hihI N. A W. K K for the West. r-hsengers will find a good table, eomfort- niH rooms, and ererv courtesy and atten' you will be paid them by the officers. Order all goods, care of N N.A W. Dlreot Lln, Norfolk, Va. KALI'H UUAY. Acting AK.nt, E5- o, x: Eastern Carolina Disp&tcL ast Passenger and might Line between rxrza-CTT- BBB.HTX1, .mm North Carolina Points, and all con neotlors of the PF.SJNSVLVANIA RAILROAD. IROIATDIHO fork, Phlladslphla, Norfolk, Bal tlusoro sad Boston. I,. OHLY Trl-Weekly Line Oat aw Beraa. MM NSW AND HLbjUANTLY KQUIHPED Halla from New Kern 9 tlONUAVB, WEDNKIDAVN,; FRIDAYS. -A-T 4,80 F.Za.v pplnt; at KoaaoKe iilaud each way od loriniuft evuao ooaaeoiiou wun toe Virlolk -outbern Kail road. l'iio K4SUid UlapaUa Line oonntlnB of .no vkiiminKion . k uo, . worroia nnii.em lC. H.. hw York, Thlla. and Norfolk K. K. lud je'inylvantu K. It , form a reliable and f ou til ir line, oir mttc rlor fAolllttea for juifk i-ntHenKjr nd freighL 1 raunportaMon. No .nvn-fer oxoept nt l anovib Mty.at vh ch olut fremiti wlli io IihswIhiI on ora to 40 inrtdifth 10 oeai nation, rrt-et ail ;mxjii t tr' ti -. Kantern .Jurf-hra LMnnaih da Iv ut rillnwn: Kioin New Yorb, Uy IVnn K H.. Pier 27, Nt.rth lilvr Krt-rii I'h'lH'lt'hthla, iy t'htla.. w wnd Ttalto i 1;.. 1)'ck Si siution. Wr. ,jn (J(ttU;ii07f, hy lblU. Wll. and Hallo, '. .... H . riidr i.t hi tHlion !-.-:.' yiirfoU. it.- NofftiDcHoiithem it. K. t-'i. in . r;Lori hv M'trrhnnle A Minora TraDa porln loi. r.o.; Nw York and New Kotiland n il. ifKil'1 iow M-nd time nii'a:-.r;thu uy 'Y otl.i r I'ne K:; fcrltter lufonui.tl- ti hvw u V h. fo '! len'l Vrlla I'ntPf Agont, mm 1 : 1KB S'SOW. ow rtmefTy' CXTRKS ft WORST CASES. Thai jroa msf by b, without rpen, w will md jo One BotU free. All cAOfyW Wrc and Stat. JkASm J 1 ' N . li. v..'- i' . - .an , r,i;,. v:i Mi I ' ' ' ... i- . v. THE JOURNAL. THE WATER HILL. B. C. POTTB. "The mill will never a-rind again with water that is past." Why mourn the mirth that has sunk in the west. Why mourn the mirth thntis part of the past, Why mourn the music whose notes are now still. Why mourn the water that's gone past past tne millf The snn of tomorrow will arise in the east. The mirth of tomorrow will grace a new least, New music tomorrow will bring a new thrill, New water tomorrow will run through the mnl. The cool winds of Autumn mny scatter the leaves. The reaper will gather the bright shin- nino sheaves, The grist that is ground will its purpose lultill, It nesds not the water Hint's gone past the mill. What matter if Winter must come with its frost, There are joys without it would surely be lost: The ice and the snow cannot throttle the wi! Nor freeze up the water, that runs through the mill. A new year will open with heaven's new spring. New hopes will be borne on the zephyr's sott wing. New music will come with the robin's gay thrill, New wuter will grind a new grist at the mill. t.KMON tLlXIK. A ricitsftiit Lcinoii Tonic. For Billiousncss, Constipation, Malaria Colds and the Grip. For Indigestion, bick and JNorvoUB Ucadaclie. For sleeplessness, Nervousness aud Heart diseases. For FeA'er, Chills, Debility and Kidney Disease, take Lemon blixir. Ladies, lor natural nnu thorough or canic resrulation, tnke Lemon Elixir. IJr. Mosley s Ijemon hlixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and f 1. bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, At lanta, Oa. A Prominent Minister Whites. Alter ten years of great sufleringl from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Mozley s Lemon Klixir and uiu now a a well man. Hev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. Gratitide. Dr. II. Mozi.ey Dear Bin Since us- your Lemon Elixir. I have never had another attack ol those teartnl sick headaches, and thank Uod that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. M us. Etta W. Jones, l arkcrsburg, West Va Solitude is the chastisement of pride, the cousolation of modesty NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the county Commissioners on the 1st Monday in f eb. 189U, will receive sealed proposals and bids for furnishiug provisions for the county poor as per ration arid for niedi cines and medical supplies for county poor, and prisoners in jail. Commission ers reserve the right to reject any,and all bids. Uy order ol the Board of Comm a. Jan. 20 18i)o J. W. Biddle, Clerk, Sweet meroy is nobility's truest badge Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. duHWin of IS? I' t , :! I 1. -I ...u. ti Niter that I would not Uk ml hf p;l i',-t !, -f I p.i. 1 v, b..'.h lurtirlttid ktiil n-ouu igjiliTt-. 1 rmiitiuniul i.i:r ffnlrirri.t l.i ! lUIi-ftr. mur tmlly. ill aiw er all ininri If .lamp si toclubwd for rvply." PATIENTS TnCsTEO Br KAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. lUrmlae. n4 "'Hi ni lar'tur'. I -"iTimis net. Or bsvl IttvU. Ft phriiculon fttl-lr-M, wit i c nu tu tuunpt, m. o. w. r. s(Bta fKta the'.ter. tucsEi iu TYLER DESK CO., ' 8T.LOUI8.MO Our Mammoth Catalonia of Bank Commas, Dsbis, and other Ornoa FoamTuaa for isoa now ready. New Goods. New Styles In Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cabi nets, Ac. , Ac, antl at matchless prices, as above Indicated. Our goods are well' known and sold freely In every country that speaks EnKltah Catalogues f ree. Postage 12c 11. 3 Street II J ii riti irnd with a K LOT OF HORSES AND L1ULES. OE BELLS THE BEST B0 AD GABTS BVEE BOLD IN IBIS MAfiKEJ .Large Tracks of limber IN 0RA.VEN COUOTT, IT. C ' ror pariiouiari aaora a ,', "O. E. A.." New Bona. Jt . 0.. SIS JSeGt-jsn $2jl I Nice Florida ORANGES Just received from Suniterville. Can soil CHEAPER than any Firm in tlic city. Candies Raisins, Nuts, Apples and Bananas, etc. AT Rock Bottom Prises. Malaga and ! Concord Grapes. A 8MALL QUANTITY OK A. A. Vantine & Co.'s JAPANESE GOODS LEFT. WILL SEUj VERY CHEAP NUM. & icSOfiLEY. First Ciass Barber Shop; B1U0K BLOCK, MIDDLE ST., Noiuly 0i)(isito Baptist Cliuidi. Apartments neut and tiily, :inil nly coinpoteut assistiints cniplnyeil. II. 1. 1!..MS, decC PinMi'liir. m$i$vS. " ,f ri'i-ir (ir. :i 'i .1 i ! .,i 1 . inn- ll'- li-nl: liir.-. Il I, .r,n, n; : I , , lili., li i-"-i;.1 i. i.; i. .. Nil wri.ik, ' ri II iM.,1,. , . :. : .v. ii : . Klii.,-M',l l.i flit., ,.;e .1:1 i ., :. : HA f I EN TS IBEATtl) BY Ki't. (,n-i , ' :' llurnili'kH. .No ii ,. i. . - -i ihii' . , or. o v. r. umt. d icker s tnuiu uiusa HUMPH REYS This Prfxious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. ' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a itkativk and HEALING APPLICATION'. It has liccn used over 40 years, and always alTnrds relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal, i'mui-I or Bleeding; l'islula in Ann; Ikln'ne or Ulecding of the Rectum. Ilie relict n immediate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL DEL For Burns, Scalds ant Ulceration ami Contraction from Hums. The relief is instant thc healing wonderful and uueiualt d. For Boils, ITnt Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itcliing Eruptions, Cluliin or Scald Head. It is InfalliMc. For In flamed or Caked lircasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. e Price, 50 Cents. 1 n.il size, 25 ( rnt. Bold Ly DmBKlnU, or K-nl poaL-il. mi ici cli t i-l 1 1 : . Ul'IPUUKTS RID. COl, ti 1 A MS ITtlUu. SL, NEW KIIIK THE PILE OINTMENT THE WATCH TOWER Published Bemi-MontlUy. One Dollar a Year. Devoted to Apostolio Cbimtliuuty, IM ucation, Oeneral Intolllgeucr Send for Sample Copy. Office of publication, Greuuville, N. Editorial offlos, Waehlngton, N. C J. L. WINFIKLD. Editor W. D OAVIS, Asst. '.o T a W Anrirn 4-1 rr ham stock from the West, rTT " T9 YY f It will be to the 0 WiW -f Vlr r, IrMtetf-rZi - P.. Train. ffifr tu MV'i91- riWw.S 13 15 8 00 Nowbern 10 8 "IS " HtiCfcl ;J 4 61 4. '.6 Wildwood 8 00 imrr ")a o joi Aunu0 747 ?m civ WW M Vi ?s priueo ueiuiu yujuiiaaujg eisewmjre, aa 1 prupoae 10 give my cus tfilYlfirB t.hfi fl.fi van tn.fr f nf t.hfi rnilnotfnn in onat. WV VM wsmst www wsisa Q W (i! Now is the time THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BESNE, N, 0. Organized one rear aajo. CAPITAL STOCK' , $75,000.00 Dividend . . . 8,750.00 Surplus and fronts . 8,000.00 uoiuiiKS : L. II Cdtlkh. . . President. W. 8. CuaDvricK, Vice-President. T. W. Dkwbt, . Cashier. A. H. Powell . Teller. DIRE0TOK8 : "Wra. Oleve, P. H. Pelletier, J. W. Stowart, V. H. Cbadwiok. John Water. O. Mrks, L. U, Cutler, E. B. Hackburn. Headqusrtera for Nickel Saving Stumps Your business is respectfully solicited 8hould Bear in Mind That theBeason (orattacisof Oruuplsnow ou js. Be prepared for this InBldlous dls- ease ny always having a bottle of K. N. I Dully 's Oroop Syrnp In the house. 1're- pnred after the recipe of the late iJr. Waller Dully, aud for salo by ! R. N. DUFFY, J Over Nana 4 Mcforley s Htnro. P. N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, ! A Iiompftnd Elllcient Remedy for (JoutfhH, Goldfl, Cronp, Bronchitis, 1 8oro Tliroat, Diphtheria, Catarrh, &c Tli medlolno Is a gernilcldn and nnll-op-ticu: rare vnlne, and Is useful In most i tli.i infrrnous d.Hcases, PHpoclally in Dlph tlu'iiit. Hcarl.-i -ve?. Mi fti;!'9, dtc.end in NtoNiarli und bowel troubles due to rurmnn tHthin . io trial will convince y,u of lis 1I KKCTJONH TeaBpoonful as needed eeiy'2,;!or I hours. Mhnlte l)efore UR'n t-xiiiiilno wrapper nn boltlo eiirftfuliy. and Ift e iiHtne of K. N. Dully la not on lt.it Ih )m;I tne tenulno article. JEH. Li. Hall, BOOK STORK stationery. 'litnli Uiuikb, anil new lot Stumlr.ril '"i l,s uf K.'ii iwiieil Autbuis. I'myrr and Hymn Books, LadioB 1'nrs 'n, I'oii!), I'encils, etc. AIko, Lalo I'lijiers and I'eriodicals re- ; erivwld aily. lOtf ! ! Q. L- HARBISON, Tburman, N. C, ' Mauufacturor of and Dcalor in FIRST-CLASS BRICK. j 30l),(l(i() now ready for the market. Will j mdl as clu.-ai oh any other man. jcSOtf DVI1 V AND WIEKLY JOURNAL! EDQOED RATES. Weekly, per yei $1.0 , ' tor six mouths fi' Daily, per year 0 i " per six months 'J.'i I 'I er three mouths 1.5J News giveu from all sectioun and on all (UestiotiH. 1 The above ratejaro payable in iulvanre, 'and eim be safely forwarded titlur bj niouey older or registered letter. HisBDsV a9 rm Mn.1V. STTfOlB'"! HtL.. iTj ftt"".! B.H.,llli Ku. rot11 ',WhM v trntrntot I mo i I bagwi your m. aco I wrs an l HitMl by ftJIrrMDM thu I onuld Dot! Bf"T. AfWr. Lom. u. nv wort, id Mnmp40viDy ngi wfifni id iwinwm ciih w lhretu!t of 3 monUit' trfV Huit ir-In. 31 In. Ilia. r ta I n iw frel llkvmrfw blr.g. Illi Wl1... 4" In. W lo. II In. i.o.t rMi.i !-( ll (fn. My frliida avllli.... " In. 4 In. In. i, -i -nr.). Wll! clirarr.lly rt I? b lutrl wlOi iumy (nrlowd,1 (TJiENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Hrrnli, No Marti ag. Rxi 1 t rni In itunrit for psutmilar w ct. o. . r. imiL e menu i mmt cbickq. iu. --trili- v aw rr t-ii-r Vvl Art tt bought at first hands II li VI J I ! -mwrntmrn 111 W .ri ' aa , SJ Ul II MJ7T 'AIL'aijrK'r. r Ta IsWT . rl 1,1 IHW,& I interest of any one wanting stock to get my V w- W A. V. M VS AaVA VVUVI to get bargains,, v Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! 0k, Ash and Pine Supplied Iu Anv Quantity, From one quarter ol a cord to one liun ilred cords. Apply to JI. I'OUTEIt, Riverdale, N. 0., Or VM. COLLIQAN, New Borno, N. 0 A PRESCRIPTION V6 txaJLkTTk. feu QnUMblo TaM.i-- krjL tVtMi htlttLtlXt. 'I'IimI is vasy tu lalic, nitliin rcacli of tlic iiircit, ami u warninhd to cine the orl tase ol' worn-out pocket-hook in Mslence. Kiiial purls ol Stiectioii, riioriniLrli Invi stiyation, Hoiii'sl Di ulini;, I'air i'linsand Knterprise and you have tin' :;rvul trade elixir. We compound it nil keep our natrons supplied. In -lale-, in uliii h all tlioi: ate prominent 1 mail . Very respeel fully, Si uWm El Willafi. For Sals, 'in' wry laiw Iron Sal'--, mi.IiiI.1.- I liiinlvln liii-ini- iiriilai'Li ( .mini ion l.ii iii' : v.i i !il .i.r.ilil l: . M.iuulac- tllli'l l.y M,w).-r Sale .MM I I., i. iv I'HIIIMIIV il Citii-innali l . l'nl 1 !!.- Iniiidii'd ni' I r i t ilol! i. . ilrli i iv-l. I an Inr. or .AcliiiliiM' -in i ! in" - ill' '' '' all - m iin li a.lli ol talihiL; 'n lllii IKK, Ni a llrnie. -N. '. Aim, nnr SiiTr. iw ninclv iloll.irs at fit tin v ol' Mii.-diT, I'.oliniall A. t o., ol (.'ill cinn. Hi, (). Tlirsr sales have not been out ol Ike faetory only a very vhort time, ami look as well as when lirst made. CUMK A XI) tKK ME ! all J. H. BENTON, M.D..D.D.S Praoiice limited to Opciatlve and Me cbriioftI Denttei ry and 1 enta I Burery Teeth ex t racled without pain hy the u He ul Nllro Oxide U8. KverythlnK In the line of Denllitry done n tne ueti iy iv HaTiBiaetion niiariumi. omce. corner or Middle bireel aud Kedtra Alley, opposite Haptlt HUSVIPHREYS' YETERUARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle. Sheep. Coga. 2ogif AJTD POULTRY. 1 500 Page Book an Treatment ef AalmaU I and Chart tteut Free. crues FftTfri, ontritlom, Inflnmatlon ! A.A.J Spinal Mmlnyli In, Milk Ffir. i H. lt.-Htrn.lm, I.imrDrii, Rheamatlam r.C IMatPDiper, Nanal IHacharvea. u,u.itoiior itud, warns. F..K. Cougha. Ileavea. PaeaManla. F.F. Colic or (.ripe., Bellrarae. (J.fa..MIararrlagc. Ileiaurrbnirea. U.H. T rlDBrr mnd Kidney hUeu.ee. l.f ErnptWe Ilneanre. laa(e, J.H.. Dlaeaaee of Ulgeetlen. fcabln Cat, with PimtIiVv. Maoaal, Witch Hazel oil and 1:.utor, f Plica, Mnxl" IVtae(OTerOOdoil, .00 Soli by DruffgUti! or Snt Prtpald anrwhexe and in any quantity on EUoelpt ol Prloe. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. HOMEOPilHIO SPECIFIC No. 6h In ue 3) j ear, ThaoalT enoeaiBfal rtmadj far Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or othsr mowi. 01 per ial,or ft vlala and Iatrq vial powdar, for a& 80LOET DKUOOrBTS, or snt postpaid od rooetptol s 4- u 1.,1 It 25 per cent, lower than i Sale of Land. "1 1 fj. iu pursuance of an ordar and tsmsa ? ' the speolal proceeding entitled Thnsass) others, mad January 20th, Wi. IhtaiiAsi signed Commissioners appointed , Court will sell for the porpouof MrUtaaZ among the heirs at law of liaaoal IaoeTT V . the highest binder ror eash, a ttXvtm 'J' House door of Craven county, in tnaOir &wW New Berne, on ' Monday, February 13th, 1893' at Twelve o'olock, noon, all to tttata " "' right, title and interest ol Baehal Isok7ila!'Jj' ' oeased, and whleh desoended to harhatnaa , law in and to the follow lag draenbad laad' ' ' A tract containing one hruidrad and atUHA acre.. more or less. In Ibe fork of Utmui," Oreek, at the head of JaDMHMklaOhrvM?1" coonty, Borth Carolina, lolly deaortbad bvrt, r. ipooK to franklin Mall. Jr., rnrrrriart lia 1 1 pmce of Register of Daeds oV Ori'i?Sl.. in Book 7u, loiios sera to 18s, well kjwniT7 the Aqollla Pollard Patent : " .' " W. T. QAHO. (jommiionaw. Administrator Sale of Land caHU, at the Court Uoose In Newbarn'M.'o Monday, February 13th, 1893, at Twelve, M., oertaln land in ly... on lleaveV"r,Vm branorthT . M.ouy road, and Stewart's branoh beliX three tracts: One tract of twenfoar ilJSi " more or ltue; one ol eighty seven iS adjoining- tee Sav.nnTh ? "cin! ? nlueiy-aveacresmoreor lesi? a" fntlySS scribed lu a oerialn I, execnte,, by , 0 UriDma lu i imk Ul ou pagos ,V1 and65a. ""u'Tr f,nrw ,Vrj'? . eertalndewl deortl.euypr.Bs Sav.noah onapronaTr urn plug Ruu branob.on. tract mnUUirM . . . vs ices, lub oiair lrmBL cuiiuiinliiK suty-seveu acres mora or 1ms. hssorB. inioiaiosult pur. GEO. OEEKN, J, II. C. Whi i kiiukw, All y. ijVJi fl 4 TlrisBiJrfe WASHINGTON. D. C. Tw Nation i, Tniarrrn In now entering opon A KTIi yir of iMif.nonional niirfw. Nn oUtsir fanilly wwklv In the nonntry haa had Kiel fcirri.wf h. an ! liiuibilu It ao atwartlly. It Intu fvry County In the tftiltarj Stata,aa ba cl.i: oi itinTllx'p ni nAnrly avary PoatofBca. It li uiii-ii tills nu't position dolely on lia maftt u a i.LMUiy iiilTiwliiitf furully newspapar. Fortl)tlwri89). ft wtu ha mni much Mttar and mora attra -ttv iiftu river. V. nil retAinlnjr all of Ita praaant pooulai aaluroa, li will r-oiiNUnUy add aaw ouaa lis ppJR&; r AH I'KTl llM, by Tho. Naat. tha ItHHl. Alt IIIflTORr, hy mpn who (actually uihl loiitil In Ilia HtnipclH. OIIOII T MOIIICN of Ronianr. TraTal, fum an'1 A.Kfuliire, by leiidlna wrttara. w ajiiimjtom NEWS. Pull aoootraia ol v. iml h Uikinif tiltu'M Ht (ha aaat of Oonrninarili wrfil rr.irifl ol' all hnwrUint ruatln In Coofraaa uia tw;uuvi ipHriiuuiiia , guasip aooua HOI KUIom DI'.PARTNKNT, IttlM If u lui n. NHtluiiul raputAtlon. ( 1 . A. II.. W. 11. AM . OF T. HaTWaV I V ni-'Tu tiii uiiii 'iuipit tiuui pubUahad hy aaf Ul,.. .p.-r V4.ai4 1 in it ai. nrPARTHEiT, aaaa :,i .y s-il.it"! hy prhu-Utml men. j J LM114I, M HM, cavrvflilly oompUoA Tne ?tTi"Vi. Taini'fra la ritrli Tlj in n paiTlia inrl U'..r..ii,'hlv ahhtIi-hii. II hollrvaa In tha ftaalaal 1 1 t" ti" t -n'.t'wii iHinilK-r of our pnopla, and tba i1 in'si !-' pli-piii.'iit uf our liuLliuilou la INatkattsTj li H hi. ! i.i..It.i.l loyally. Payable in AdvftujCPf It rinii ." : u i, idn. ftnn httr m attar (br thaaaai pf tn -u'.t it.-k tiuui any otbar publUmiiaa Lcr v :i o i.-,. ,-, -u h in ii ts wrtttau for It, and hM II p 'utei' U- ie, . ,-. j,.,. .,r. It iims ho ajMtflsBMaf or bi U r-1' I ji : r iii:iiifr. Auilitjaut a THt NATIONAL TRIBUNE, I7?1 N.w c,u Jv., WASHINGTON, D. Umutc &. N. C. Kallroad TIXM TABLM Ha. S3, la Lfleot C J5A.1I.. Thursdar. 5. 1893. OoikoEabt. Sohiduli. Qowa W iio. ... rasMnaer Traftu. k oianonj. Ooldsboro La Qraaga Kinston Ntw Berna Morehead Cltj n 4a 10 11 1 1018 ttn a 47 m 0 7 IT uanr. bobbdplb Qoiaaytaa No. i. r. auad rt, a Statlona. Paw. TiaJa. r?aaln Mnnaali una bii. . tor. Trah, ond KorTi, iSSSm-ZSJ tin V,m-1 'u0 HlohmoBd a DMTlila vv.TOii win Kaonanoaa tiaa 111 . - ... i. Baaarii Ths nod.rslnl, j. 4, Thomaa aadW.! A.tS homu taaTalnljrqaalllladaa Hmtori af Thnm tb. MtaU of Via. A. Thomas), ua .1' faaTlh. .lAln. SMlna 1 ' ,w, ,u.j raqairv at. I lha talsls of I Vina A "Tbomas to DrMant tkam a ikl.i"- swtmlora, duly anlhsnlloalxd, rorBarauWL t. or im taia swuaa will ba plaadat lr at WllooutcUlay. T ...W, , Or D. 0. ALLDJ80W. Tronton. V.J, 1 (nlf : . ' j Admluitra(rlx,2 'Jal