JOURNAL. I n IUegHty:or, Trust rts of Qttn- State in the Lea the question pf the a of iaoh combinations t presented and, this baa if tlmea-rhave declared , te '-Illegal, - beaidea being public , policy. Trueta are ".a beoaiue, through the by aiany dlffednf and c corporation and by the . uala oom posing them, of the ,t;t to" manage : ana control cmatilves, and by delivering over oir corporate' powers to Iwme , her pereon, Mirell as by enga ges ffcironi'VSne:.tro8t in many of business pot authorized by '.iiir respective charters, they ive done prohibited things. The corporation so doing forfeits its right to exist to the people who bestowed it. and the trust existing eolelt Xhrih these violations of law Js .'itself null. The principles underlying'- these decisions of the courts are reoognizea dv tne iuna. amental law of nearly all the States, and most notably have they been enforced toy the jndioiary of State of Hew York in the "Sugar Trust" cases;" where by three tribunals, through three successive and de liberate opinions, the law has been announced with strength of reas on Ins -fortified by precedent and a courage and clearness worthy of the best days of Anglo-Saxon freedoms-Forum. , How to Remove Warts. ' person likes to have No his hands: disfigured by warts, and there are few who are not willing to resort to severe meats to re move the unsightly excrescences The writer, when a boy, was an noyed by a wart near the thumb One day he pricked it with a pin ' and BQoeezed the juice of several green grapes over it. What DOsaeBsedhim to do this he has ' never been able to explain, but the result was the wart dried up. Crumbled and vanished forever few days later, without leaving the slightest scar. - Naturally the youth reooumend ed his remedy to others, and many of his playmates tried it. Not one of them, however, received the least benefit, and the lad referred to Buffered considerable loss to his reputation for veracity, more than one voungster plainly intimating i his utter disbelief in the story. He set himself right by saying that probably the wart was just ready to vaoate anway, and the grapes had nothing to do with it. Be that as it may. the testimony or J. Johnson in the St. Louis Globe ' Democrat is valuable: I have always bad warts on my hands ever since I was a boy, and " have tried a thousand remedies for thenv inoluding all the charts known to the oldest darkey in the oonntrv. The only thing that " would suppress them even terripor arlly was a red-hot needle. Some body told me about it ten or fifteen ears ago, Put l never tnea it ior Ions time, dreading the pain. At . last I had a big wart on the knuckle of mv4eft forefinger, where I was always knocking it against some - thing and keeping it raw and sore '' ' I determined to try the hot needle." So 1 had a large needle fixed in an awl-handle, heated it red-hot In the flame oi a lamp and thrust it through the big art at one . punch. -.The pain was no greater than I had been enduring from L striking the wart against' everything I toucheil, and after the needle had cooled I took out. The wart began to dry up, : and in three or four days I picked ; it off with my thumbnail. Since ' then, whenever one makes its ' appearance, I take a needle to it, and the remedy never fails. A Household Remedy. AiLCOCK'S POROl'H PtAbTEKS are tilt only reliable plastem ever produced FracTant, clean, inexpensive, turn never kilinir: thev fully meet all the require menUet a honeehold remedy, and should always be kept on hand. Tor the relief and cure of 'weak back, weak muscles, lameness, stiff or enlarged joints, pains in the chert, amall of the back awl around the hipi, trains, notches, and all local paint, Aixsock'h Poroch Plasters are unequalled. ' Beware of imitations, and do not le de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for JALCOCX s, and let no solicitation or cx planatioa induce you to accept a substi nt. ., "A place tor every tiling And everything in its place." There should be a place for everything. There is a plaoe to boy yonr Clothing, Hats and Shoes 1 that place is at Howard's. Wheo yon neOdanyof these things call ton as. Our idea is to give you 'jant money's worth every time. We have Just received a new lot of Gloves, kid, mocha and cloth. Do yon need a salt. Ii we have any to suit yon, will name a close figure on all winter clothing. I'; At HOWARD'S. Wholesale Market Country Trod nee. Cotton 8 75 to 8 25. Com, from boat. 50c. , Field peaa, 80a85c. OaU,45c. Wheat, 70c. Ttic 55c'."- Itye, 70c,r" Peanuts, 60c. aSOc. Apple Mattamuakoet, $1.00. Onions, $3.00 per hbl. f IhickeDt, BOa38o pair, young, 30a40c Turkey! ;1.601.75. rxf. afte."" ;." . ' J'rc h pnrXyaBc ',!( kt, Eng. 8540&; Muacovy 50a60c ,.em, 73ctMC.".;'.':!-.. , . r 20c- -.''. -VV'-i ... y, i "i50 beeswax, SOaSJl-Bc j j flint; Cc.l dry mU 4c-; 2 1 Where Goes ; Beads are the Bole. Toanyone born and brought up la a country; blessed with good roads, it seems marvellous that any community would or could - get along without them, l remember when I came to this country eleven years ago (It happened to be rain- ing at tne time) i was simpiy amazed when I first set eyes on the roads and saw the poor horses and mules wading through the deep mad. I had never seen a dirt road In all my life before, and had not thought of finding such a thing in the great United States of Ameri ca. In Scotland the highways are ex oellent everywhere. Away np among the moors and mountains where nothing is grown but sheep and heather you will find macada mized rosds as smooth and bard as South Main Street. Glose by the great oitiea where the trafflo is heavy the same kind of roads pre vail and answer every purpose Across the great moras known as Airds Moss in Ayrshire there is a good road made, where, if you set foot off the highway, you would probably sink to the middle in black peat moss. The people there have realized that there is no plaoe where a good road canuot be made and no place where it does not pay to make it. I have told this tale, over and over again, to hundreds of people in North Oaroliu, but I do not think I ever met witti one person who placed implicit laiiu in it Even Gaptain Patton hiuiselt, who now so graphically dosoribes and enthusiastically praises the Scotch roaas, admitted, when be came back from sootland the first, that he did not quite take it all in un til he saw for himself, and then he fonnd that "the half had not been told him." Captain Pattern's plan of send log young men over to see Euro pen roads and be conviced, would be a good one if we could afford to send them all, bat you would have to send every man una woman and child before all would be lieve. It will require a large annunt of money to give ns good roads all over the country, but it cannot fail u oe a good invest meat. At pres ent, even when the roads are at their best, 2,000 pounds is a good load for two mnles, whereas in Sootland they never thought of loading a horse oart with less than 3,360 pounds, and I had a horse once which hauled a stone weighed 63 cwt., two miles over one of our oommon country roads. Scotia, in Ashevme (Jitizen. BROAD STREET FED IT STORE. as mere nas Deen a "scarcity in many article among the merchants, I take pleasure in announcing the arrival by ran ol a now lot ot Uranges and Lemons. ALSO I lmvcju8t received a fresh lot North em Cabbage, Rutabagas, TarnipB, North Carolina insn Potatoes, Armour s rack ing Co. Bologna Sausage, Cabbage 18 to 20 cent per head, IRutabagas, Turnips 20 cent pc peck, Irish potatoes 40 cent per pecK, urunees au to cent per dozen Lemons 20 cents per dozen. New White Potatoes at 40 cents per pecK. To my friends and patrons while pass ing Broad St. please call. Any article purchased of my stock net as represented, the money I will refund on return of any article. Thanking you kindly for past favors hoping to receive a continuance of your patronage. Broad Street Fruit Store. Second door above Middle, next door to Mr. Unas, bwcrt's beef stall. James D. Bahfield, tf Proprietor. la the past oentary it is estima tea tnat over iu,uuu,ooo persons nave been killed in the wars of civ ilized countries, and 1,200,000 oaring tne last tnircy years. UOKLBS iMIOl S4LVB The Best Salve In the world for Onte. Bruises, Sorei, Ulcere, gait Bheoa, Fever (Sores, Tetter, snapped Mud., Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or ao pay required . It Is guaranteed to give perfect eatlifastion or money refunded. Price So cents per box. for sale in rtewbera oj r. B. Daffy, wnoiesaie ana retail anurjrUH. The use of the salt cellar dates back to the remotest autiqnity. Tne introduction of knives at table, on tne contrary, is very moaeru. rnOnr P'ftj Years Mas. Win blow's SooTBOia Stbup has been used (or children teething. Il soothes the ohild, .often, the rami Ulays all pain, enres wind colio, end is the best remedy (or Diarrhoea. Twenty 'lve cents a bottle. Sold by all drag throughout the world. jaaOddtwlv Scissors are what they have been for centuries without marked im provements, They are fonnd among tne ruins or Pompeii. We have a speedy and positive oure for oeUrrh. diphtheria canker month and headache. In BHILOHB CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injeeton free with eaoh bottle. Use il if yon desire health and iweel breath. Prlee 50o, Sold by New Berne Drag Co. Solomon's temple was 107 fast long, 30 feet wide, 64 feet high, and had a veranda or portico 34 feet long and 18 feet wide. When Dabr tu alck, we safe bar Caaorla. When Hhe wu a Child, aha cried for Oanorla, Wh '- Timf Mlia. atn nhing tn fejiorle. WImb ihr had GhUdroa, die gave than Caaorla. Netiee of ApaUeaUoB for Charter. Notice is hereby triven that application will be made to the Oeneral Assembly of floru Uarolina for an act to laworporate the Supreme Lodge of the Knights ' of Harmony of North Caroline. ' ; -t Now Berne, M . O, Jan. 14, 1803, Application for Charter for abridge Across Trent ItiTer. Application will be made to the present General Assembly lor a Charter to con struct a Bridge across the Trent river from Borne point in the City ol jsew lierne to some point in James City. J. J. W OLFENDEN, James A. Bryan, Thomas Daniels, j22 80d. William Dunn. New Bcruc JN. u. Jan y Silst laaa. Application for Charter. Application will be made to the p res- ent Legislature for a chaitcr of a railroad to run iroin or near Kiveraaie ro nwans- boro via Stella; running through the counties of Craven, Carteret and Jones; and to be kac vrn as the Neuse and Swans boro railroad. Cvrds Fobcue, J. C. PlTTMAN, Jos. Babiston, J14dwlm J. J. Mines. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Bradham & Smith having dissolved copartnership by mutual con sent, W. J. Smith retiring, the business will be continued by C. t. Braham at the same stand. Thanking the public lor their past patronage, I of the same. again solicit a continuance Respectfully, C. D. Bradtiam. Tobacco Users Smile Sometimes when told that tobacco hurts them; their wives never do, because shattered nerves, weak eyes, chronic catarrli and lost man hood, tells the story. If your husband uses tobacco, you want him to quit, post yourself about No-to-bac the wonderful, harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure, Dy sending ior our nuie imiok nucu. 'Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away." mailed free. THE STER LING REMEDY CO., Indiana Mineral Springs, huliano. j 1 0 lni. CURED OF SICK HEADACHE. W. D. Edwards, Plmy r, w., wriie-i I beve keen at great urferer from CoaUv.aeeaa.Bd Sick Headache. u hare tried many medicine, bat Ms Pills I. k.i .nRINi nun. S rind that one pill acta better than three of any oh er kind, and does not weaken or srrlpe." Elegantly ancar Coated, weee email. rire-. HOLD EVERYWHERE. riftW 140 to 144 Washington St., K. . - - SORRY HORSES AND MULES, Octir Load FROM ST. LOUIS, The Best in the World For General Use, JUST UECEIVED AT T- A.. Jone& Tho. A. Ori. Pre., c. K Kov. Oahler. Wm. Uunh, Vioe-fre.. H M. UKovica, Teller) CITIZEN8' BANE or NEW BERN, 1J. C. DO A 0KSE8AL BANKINU BUSISK-8. The AooonuU or Ban... Banker., Corpora tion., Farmer., Meichant. and oioera re oelved on favorable terma mnt .nri oareful atlenllon given to Ihe lnlerentof oar ou.ionaer.. BOARD OF UIBRCTOBH, Ferdinand Ulrlch, J. A. Meedowa K. H Meodowa, Chaa. Duffy, Jr I Jamea Redmond, Chaa. Keiaeuateln ; Mayer liabn, Thoa. A. Green, O. K. Foy. Hamnel w. Ipook ChM. 11. Fowler, William Conn, B. W. Bmallwood, Geo N. lve. O, C-Green. IMPORTANT TO Truckers. Gardeners and Farmers. ABLY GARDEN PSAS. Hpoilenoa'a -iir.i or ah," recognized by Ihe leartmt Trnekeratobe Karlieat, Beat and Mo.l Pro line. Headanon'a KARLIEST Red Valen liae aeaai. By oompetlllve teat made In 1887. tola Bean waa awarded tbe premium for being ten (lit) day. earlier than any other. BID-Kadlah, Celery, Melon., Bqnaan and Paranlpa. Houllnn and Prince Kdward laland Barly Koee Potatsea, and other Htandard Varl etlea, Blaok, Mixed, Red Ruat Proof, and White vt'i'e ior laii ana spring plan tin. Rloe. Rye. Wheat. Gnu. and (llnver Reed Order, taken for all kind, of OA R- ujHn bkku, (guaranteed freeh and pnre). Hnrlapa for Barrel Oovera Baa;, ol all .I.e. made to order. Oon.1gnm.uU of Country Preaace eoUolted. Alargeatoek of Hay, OrAla and reed. It will be to yonr advantage lo aee n. be fore buying elaewhere. Bradham & Smith, Ha. Grain and Heed 1)mIab JanStr Craven Street. New lierne. N.C 3 rito'a Remedy for Catarrh la tbe h tetbe f :heapeat. I I acn by mall. I 1 n.Pe. U neat, Kaileat to Uie, and Cheapest. Bold by DromrUt. or sent EOc . t. HaaeiUoe, lino, Going toBuy A Dictionary? arr thi bbst.i y Fully Abreast of the Time.. A Choice) Gift. r The Standerd Authority. SoeMasor of the anthentle "Tmv brldfed." Ten year, .pent la revtalng, 104 editem employed, ever 9oo,04 SOU n A Mi BOOmLllES. re set'liny ivnrinia at olianleta eAKtant. eVodfoj lrr parnpnlel conlaunns ejenlawn aaaa aal VlJlXi'AUI'lcULAiui. . i . a HBSBllK 00-TnDUshen. pnagnera, auav, v- a. A. Butter, Butter, Butter, Buckwheat. Buckwheat, Buckwheat, Irish Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, Irish Potatoes. RECEIVED YESTERDAY BY STEAMER. Churchill & Parker. Broad St Grocers. E. W. Smallwood. Oeorge Slover. Smallwood & Slovei, DEALERS IN STOVES, GENERAL Hardware AND HARNESS, Bliixcls, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH Glass and Putty, Lime. Plaster, Hair and Cement. At Dunn's You Will Find A LARGE STOCK, well selected bought low, and for sale at prices to suit I I. : i nit1 nurd nines, iitu ami oe convinced To my stock of GROCERIES I call the housekeeper's attention. It is complete in every branch, and a visit will satisfy you that all your want can here be tilled. Special attention is called to my Fresli Roasted Coffees, the excellent quality of winch is drawing custom every day. I am also ngent for Chase & Sanliomc' Celebrated Roasted Coffees and Fine Teas. 15UTTER The vcry'linest only 30 cts per II). ARRIVING EACn WEEK A fresh supply of Van Derveer& Holmes and Holmes & Coutt s excellent Cakes. Crackers, Wafers, Maccaroons, etc. BY EVERY STEAMER I am receiving Florida Oranges, Malaga Urn pea, .Bananas, Cranberries, Celery Apples, Figs, Raisins, Nuts,Dates, citron, currants and frunes. JIN STOCKS Shafer's Meats 1 Vermont Maple Syrup,? French Peas, Jockey Club Sardines,? Macaroni, Fine Cream Cheese, Elam Cheese, French Vegetables in Glass, Asparagus, Hecker's Prepared Buckwheat, Lemons, Cling Peaches, Plum Pud ding, Olives. A call will be appreciated and satisfac tion in variety ana quality ot stock and in prices is guaranteed. My CONFECTIONERY department is complete, rnces and quality ol stock 1 am sure will please you. Wanted At Once. Bids for THREE HUNDRED POLES thirty feet long, not less than eight inohes at the top, heart cypress. Also, THREE THOUSAND CROSS TIES, heart pine or cypress, either sawed or hewed. Immediate delivery. New Briine Water, Electric Lioht and Railroad Co., H. P. WILLIAMS, nl8dwtf Manager. Ladies In Every Town can make a large salary handling onr good., wnicn are ror i.adics only, whi n every ladr want, and mn.t have. The.e aond. Introduce themslve.. nd meet ready .ait.. If you want to make money, writ. n. ior wnpikw information. LAMBDA klEUlOAL 0O j snaodwl m Box 1111, H. T. Oil. Oil Clothing is warranted the Best in the World I U more Waterpboop, y , , ; ; Is Stronqer, and " WUI WEAR LeONOF' thin tny other poodi manufacturei. -Juk lor the " Fieri BRAND!" take ae ether, i.C. ZlflCKO. 4 BR0. Sol Aftirti, Btltlmers, M4, 1 T f.-KfainLiiTAir IT I Ba Court BTropVTamsQood. Ca I I 1 In time. Bold by nraaTiwa, t I Atlantic " N. 0. Railroad. . Cheap Escursion Rates IV 1AI .... EAST. CAROLINA Fish, Oyster, Game, Industrial Association, At NeiYUerns, N.G., Feb. 20, 21,22,23, 24 &25,'93 rrom au atauon. weat or new Berne tioa ets will be .old over this road on the Mall Train from leb. SOtn to mh lnelaslve, good to return until Feb. 7tb Inclnalve Ail ela tion. Kast of New Bern will sell tlekets np to and lnoladlnv Feb. 35th by ttae Hall Train. 49- rHE SPECIAL FAIR TRAIN will run on Feb. Slat, 'OA, 23d and lUh, from Oold.boro and Intermediate stations to Mew Berne and return same dev. Fare for tbe Bound Trip, lnelndlns one admlnlon Into the Fair when tloket. are Porohaeed, by the Mall and the Bpeelal Fare Bound Trip by the Mail Train. Ooldaboro ... ....12 45 Clark'.......... 80 Rlverdale. ,7ft Oroatan . .86 Be.u.. . 2 1 La Grange 8 6U Falling Ureek .. 1 80 Havelock 1 00 Kin. ton.. . i au . 1 45 , 1 SO .1 10 Newport ....l S5 Wlldwood..-...J SO Atlentlo .1 86 klorehead City.. 1 .0 Oaawell Dover Core Orek. Tosearora .. .90, Fare Bound Trip by the Special Train. Gold.boro f 1.70 ) Caswell 1.80 Beat'. 1.50 1 Dover l.'4 La Grange 146 uoreureek ruu Falling Oieek 1 D I Tuaoarora Jt6 KUuton 1.86 j Clark'. .75 r- Note that Bpeolal Train doe. not rnn Eaat of New Berne. a- Schedule of Bneolal Train for Informa tion of the public, and not for train men, a. thl. train will run by telegraphic order, and will have nor ghta over regular trains un- leB. bo ordered uy tne xrain viapatoner. SCHEDULE. Leave Goldsboro 8:00 A.M. ' Beat's 8:30 " ' La Grange 8:45 " ' Falling Creek 9:00 " ' Kinstnn 9:30 " ' Caswell 9:85 ' 1 Dover 9:59 " ' Core Creek 10:14 " ' Tuscaroia 10:80 " ' Claik'a ...10:37 Arrive New Berne 10:55 " lteunninc. leave New Berne . 5:30 r.M TnlaOomnauv will trau.nort article, for eihthlt on Dre-Davment of frelaht to New Kerne, and npon production ol certificate from the moretaryof tbe Kalr Aaaociatlon that auch unic es have not been aold, for rrntffht eharse. will be refunded and arti oles returned Iree. Or upon prodnotlon of oerttfloate. from the Beoretaiy mat euoii artlole. are intended lor exhlnltlon (hey will be tranaported free rrom snipping point., aud returned free a. above provided for. Agent, of thl. Company will be ln.trnoted a. to Derlshable artlole. etc, to u.e tbelr dlaeretloo in giving them free trau.porta- tlOO without oeriinoaie iroin oeoreutry. Thew privilege, are not extended to artlole. Intended for advertising purpose.. The above doe. not apply to Race Heraea, they to be charged regular rates. S. L. DILL, Supt. FARMERS We Have a Full Stock OF Cultivators. Harrows AND ill Kinds of igricoltaril Implements. At Bottom Prices. L. H. Cutler & Co. ORDER OF UNITY, The Leading Fraternal Benevolent Accident, Sick aud Disability, Sevan Year Endowment Order. PAYS TU ITS MKMBEKS: $20 per week la case of sickness or accident, 1400 In case of total disability or death, $1,000 at the expiration of seven years. Bead tbe following Testimonial of one of its members: Nsw Bx, N.O., Nov. 4th, 1SW, Mb. Hehry J. Obekn, Dep'ty Supreme Organizer, Order of Unity Dear 81r and Bra I take thl. opportunity to acknowledge with thank, the receiptor Forty Dollar. ($10) In full and satisfactory Mttlement of my claim aaalnst yonr Order for two weeks' sick benefit. 1 wish to ez preas my high appreciation of the eonrteona manner In which I have been treated by you end the Supreme Oloer. In thla matter, and I aarore yon that I shall not hesitate to say a good word for the Order whenever an opportunity presents itself. wu Ishlng yon every snoceas, I am. Your, in f raternal Bond. ?3. Burros. Ladies and Gentlemen can join this Order on equal terms. Organisers Wanted Everywhere, To whom Liberal Terms are offered, Send Fob Litebattjee. HENRY J. GREEN, Dep. Supreme Organizer for N. 0., New Bern, N. O. i.k BBTAN, Fret. f BOS. DAJIIELS,Viu tne. fl. I ROBERT, Caahter. The National Bank, OF NEW BERNE, N. 0 IHOORPOSATSD 1885 Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Proflta, - 98.168 DIBEOTORS JAS. A. BBTA. ThOB DABtRLB Ohab. 8. Bbtas J. H. Haokbdu, Jho. Duhn, . L Habvet, O. H. Roiibtv . River Side House, South Front Street, near Whltty'a Hard -ware Store, NEW BERNE, N. a Permanent and Transient Board. Firat-Ulan Table ! Polite Borrants I New Clean Beds I When 70a come to the olty don't foil to call on ns. Btable. and shelters. Bpeolal ajranfrementa made for aooom modatlon of visitor to tbe Fair. Room, can be engaged In advaaoe, ' Meals served at all hours. Heals, 15 to 21a. Lodging, SCO. i i - o. o. Sadden, J10 dwtHarl itjl ' ' Proprietor , Tbe Brm heretofore existing aa Par sons t Baaden has been dissolved, B. Parsons retiring -and O. C Baadtfl re maining in Charge. aVH olalma held by the former manatrement are required to be anttled with the present Owner, O. (J. Iioadon. Kccby Inslifutd AT EOOKT MOOT, IT. 0. For the convenlonoe of the public, there will be opened In Rooky Mount, N. 0., January let, 1898, Branoh of the Keeley Institute -of GreenaDoro, N. 0 , for the treatment of the Liquor, Opium, Chloral, Cocaine, Tdbaooo habits and Nerve Ex haustion. ' These are the only regularly author bed Eeeley Inatitntes In the State. Al othera olaimioff to be auch are'franduleut ROOKY MOUNT is the most accessible point in tbe State On W. W. R. R , and terminus of tbe vt a. n , . . , at J , UI liUO A. U. I , and Spring Hope roads, 8 hours rr m imoii o from Petersburir: 81 from Riohmond; 81 irom Wilmineton: 4 from Raleigh; 1 from Goldsboro: 1 from Weldon; 8 from fayetteville, and 5 hour, from Edenton and E. City over the Norfolk & Carolina , R. B. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. The town is progressive, high, healthy, with good water and hospitable people. Dobsey Battle, Manager. Dr G A. Ramsaur, Physician. THE BEST THING UNITED STATES One Cent IS TUB PHILADELPHIA RECORD $4 per year, Daily. $3 per year, omitting Sundays THE FARMER nd rnn BUSINESS 'MAN, TBI RECORD HJB.I NO EQUAL. a.ddbb88 "the keoord," Pbtladilphia. m uon or Mn tswwa uom ml ' , : t -.f 1 400 Machines p Da j r jst tH'"Bi. v--i , , m Pure ! Brilliant I Perfect ! Ubd Evkrtwheeb, ahd Endorsed Whebeveb Used. The Most Popular Qlatses in the U. 8. ' Tbey are daily worn anl are warmly praised by the solid KEPRESENTA TIVB MEN of thla country, many of them being of Ntioial fumu. Tbe lint embraces Bunkers. Merchsiiis, Lawywre, Oovernors, Senators, Foreign Ministers, Meobanios, Preaohers. MEN EMINENT IN ALL PROFEB- 8ION8 AND TRADES. PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND THEM. BUT NONE BUT THE GENUINE. These perfect Glasses are accurately ad j08ted t0 11 e'es at tbe Drn 8tore ,,f F.8.D UFFV, NeTT Beme, 1T.C. jy24dw Cavesta, and Trade-Mark, obtained, and ill Pat ent bnaioan conducted for MooraT ftte. Our Omei is orposm U. 8. Patint Omei and we can ucur. patent In loaa time than taoae remote from Waahingion. Send model, drawing or photo., with deacrlp Hoj. We advile, If patentabls or not, free ef charge. Our lee not due till patent i securer). ; a Pawphlst, "How to Obtain Patenta," with coat of eime In the V. S. and forcgn countrle. saot free. Addreaa, C.A.SNOW&CO. 0. PTtnr Ornci, Washinhtom, O. C. J Cf"' FOR c0nsump- It baa Derm an Bntl von red mnrratima Of eaaea pronounced by doctor hope If yon have premonitory symp- tome, auoh aa.CoiiKh. Breath In PISO'8 tiiruouity or ireainins. an., tion't nniav. Ao.. don't dolav. but one PISO'B CUBE o CONSUMPTION tnuMdiately., By Crugglsw. Sfteantft ' Iba, m l(u ia Iki, n-flf III IbL. mU I rl m t" 3, ' . . : ""l W01 wmt 1 UfW U af to hwiM far tnir," PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL mm iimliiliii MniM, wmk . mou I. HMn . .. t ( ' iif.f.imti. rmenn tmrti. cutito. m " 7icCDrna VI'fc toabllw. per month by nmkilM . I. . An ..... . .. I I lore uie nnita or hitertire wltb Wi htwln. m m pluiire It bnllda up aud lmprovt tbo x'n-rtl hiaUb.nloanitbaHkinaiid leanti:iiliaciiniiii'iin .". n.i.itintwii toting llita lr.' r-M...'u OW l"ITKlctUlM hllrl ifl ni'nil TRMisa BY III! 4. I I Mayt'ft yon thinit tI.K l a m- tiiclniw, senlli:f. ,-t!' ..);.; :. -Mii.:. I: lu!. Itpij i doiv: h" : .ii '. i , ; I :-i --r I nv llliise rurtllBlK' . IM. l 'l I- ' 1'! tliU ono. K'. " . ..1 : ' '" I. I tUatV tu " '-' ' '" ' i 4IIII" Iw.'"1: :it "i '.ive . you but:i 11'..-! :'. ' r ft--? i k-. . . (:'. "! I'l" ' ' ' ' .nr nn pi;' 1 1 :1 .i'i. i " ' '".! . i' . i r is